Februari 2001
T-Mag: TC Louma tore his pectoral muscle (with images):
"If you bodybuilders or other athletes need a reminder of why doing 1RMs isn't all that important — something to temporarily tether your ego to Terra Firma — take one of your girlfriend's pictures out of your wallet and replace it with the picture of my MRI scan.
Then look at it before you decide to go to the gym. Maybe it'll remind you of what your goals are, and how doing 1RM lifts doesn't necessarily fit into the picture."
DN: Studenter skadade av test: 17 februari
"Studenter på Idrottshögskolan kan ha fått bestående skador efter att ha varit försökspersoner i ett forskningsprojekt om hälsenor."
Svenska Naprapatförbundet
Dagens Medicin: Ungas ryggbesvär kvar efter 20 år: 26 februari
"Män som redan i ungdomen hade ryggbesvär som i stor utsträckning påverkade deras vardagsliv, löpte en åtta gånger högre risk för att ha frekventa ryggbesvär tjugo år senare. Det visar en avhandling av sjukgymnasten Anna-Lisa Hellsing.
Fysiken: Träning - en praktisk vetenskap:
"Efter succén hösten 1999 kommer här uppföljningen av vår utbildningsdag inom idrottsmedicin. Fysiken och idrottsmedicin Väst, i samarbete, inbjuder till "Träning - en praktisk vetenskap".
Dagen vänder sig främst till instruktörer, idrottslärare, sjukgymnaster, sjuksköterskor, läkare och andra som vill inspireras och utvecklas inom idrottsmedicin. Det handlar om att vägleda, omhänderta, motivera, inspirera och behandla motionärer.
NetDoktor: Knee joint repairs: 28 februari
"Scientists hope to repair knee joints using cartilage created in the laboratory from fat cells. Cartilage covers the inner surfaces of many of the body’s joints and is often damaged in the knee by sporting injuries."
Yahoo! News: Sports Numb Pain Differently in Men And Women: 21 februari
"The stress of competitive sports is believed to have a temporary pain-numbing effect, with the adrenaline produced by the game basically overriding athletes' pain perception. But there may be distinct differences in how such "stress-induced analgesia'' operates in men and women, new research shows."
Healthy.net: Obesity and How It Contributes to Back Pain:
"Does Donald's back hurt because he is overweight, or does it hurt because he is so deconditioned that he cannot perform the exercises and body-mechanics positions that would protect his back and reduce the stress?
Does obesity by itself cause back pain? The experts say no. However, they have concluded that a person who is overweight is unable to recover from a bout of back pain as quickly as someone who is in fairly good physical condition."
Medscape: The Expert Opinion - Pectoralis Major Rupture: 15 februari
"Mark trains with weights regularly (3-4 times each week) and has done this for 10 years. Six months ago, while doing the bench press, he sustained a painful injury in his left shoulder that prevented him from completing the training session."
Physical Therapy:
"The world's leading peer-reviewed physical therapy journal and the official journal of the American Physical Therapy Association since 1921. Physical Therapy contributes to and documents the evolution and expansion of the scientific and professional body of knowledge related to physical therapy."
Will Brink: Joint Troubles?:
"One of the most common problems faced by strength training athletes is joint pain. "Oh my shoulder is killing me" or "my knee has been bothering me for months" or "I have been living on pain killers to get rid of this ache in my elbow" are common complaints that can be heard in any gym at any time. Oddly enough however, this topic is not covered very often in most bodybuilding/fitness magazines.
Legitimerade Sjukgymnasters Riksförbund
HealthWorld Online: Best Cure for A Bad Back Is to Ignore It: 2 februari
"The best remedy was to stay active and continue ordinary daily life, taking a couple of ibuprofen or paracetamol when needed for the pain. Sufferers who followed that strategy recovered faster, were less likely to develop chronic pain and returned to work sooner."
SunTimes.com: Major gain, major pain: 29 januari
"Everybody knows going into the game that this is not something you're going to come out of 10 years later and say, `Oh, my gosh, I'm sore. What a surprise.'
"I mean, that's what you did for a living. You abused your body and did heavy weightlifting. So sure, all of our bodies are beat up. But my dad worked for ComEd and had 43 years of repetition of climbing poles. Now he has arthritis. Anybody's longterm pursuit is going to beat your body up."
Journal Sentinel: Most injuries are no accident: 28 januari
"People too often view injuries as accidents - bad luck, fate, random events over which humans have no control. Public health experts, however, want the public to realize that most accidents don't just happen. Listen to U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher:
"The science of injury shows that the causes of drowning, fires, motor vehicle crashes, falls, poisoning and violence are often predictable and preventable. Overcoming fatalism and believing that we live in a cause-and-effect-world are vital for injury prevention."
A Patient's Guide to Low Back Pain
Dalademokraten: Bergkvist slet av bröstmuskeln: 26 maj 1999
"Leksands backbjässe Stefan Bergkvist slet av bröstmuskeln och blir borta från all träning i minst sex veckor, kanske det dubbla, när han gjorde ett styrketest i bänkpress på tisdagens träning.
HealthCentral.com: Knee brace may not protect joint after surgery: 19 juni 2000
"The leg braces that are sometimes given to people to wear after reconstructive knee surgery appear not to help avoid more knee injuries, US military researchers reported at a medical meeting Sunday."
Arbetarbladet: Forskarna förklarar fenomenet: 12 februari 2000
Hur är det möjligt att en vanlig krydda kan bota eller i varje fall lindra svåra ledsmärtor?
HealthCentral.com: Fatty acids, antioxidants may help 'tennis elbow': 26 april 2000
"A combination of essential fatty acids and antioxidants appears to be an effective treatment for the inflammatory injuries commonly known as 'tennis elbow' and 'golf elbow'.
Soren Mavrogenis, a physiotherapist with Denmark's Olympic Committee, tells Reuters Health that he has effectively treated several hundred cases of recurrent inflammatory injuries."
Discovery.ca: New stroke study fuels debate between doctors and chiropractors: 12 november 1999
"Every year, chiropractors help millions of Canadians with back and neck problems. But now, a new study suggests chiropractic techniques may be causing strokes in some patients - and this news is heating up the debate between doctors and chiropractors over the validity of one form of chiropractic treatment."
The Washington Post: Running Into Trouble: 6 februari
"Edward Laskowski calls it "the terrible toos." But this Mayo Clinic doctor isn't talking about frenzied toddlers. He's referring to the over-exertion - "too much, too soon, too often" - that often gives weekend warriors a case of Achilles tendinitis."
HealthGate: Cortisone injection: will it help or hurt you?: 25 januari 2000
"To injured athletes this drug can be mistaken for a miracle cure for their pain. It is true that cortisone injections are effective at reducing pain, but cortisone does not assist in the healing process. In fact, it has been shown to slow the healing process."
peakhealth.net: Why are women tearing their ACLs? 16 augusti 1999
"Women are playing professional basketball, winning soccer World Cups, and participating in more physical activities than ever before. Along with an increase in participation, there is also an increase in the number of injuries to women."
corren.se: Hon lyfter 2,7 ton varje dag: 6 februari
"Monotona rörelser och tunga lyft. Tekniken ska underlätta för kassörskor och affärsbiträden men så är det bara i teorin."