IFHO - International Fitness & Health Organisation:
En utvecklingsmöjlighet för er friskvårdsanläggning är att ni kan bli auktoriserad av IFHO att medverka till friskvårdscertifiering av företag och organisationer i Ert närområde.
Friskvårdscertifiering kan jämföras med miljö- och kvalitetscertifieringar, den syftar till att företagen skall få en välmående personal. Mindre stress, mindre sjukfrånvaro, ökad prestationsförmåga, ökad arbetsglädje och bättre hälsa.
De första auktorisationsutbildningarna för att bli auktoriserad av IFHO har genomförts i Helsingborg. Bland de nu auktoriserade anläggningarna finns Träningsakademin och Aktiverum i Helsingborg, Onyx i Borås, Studio T i Ängelholm, Lunds Friskvård, Aktiv Eslöv.
Nästa utbildningar är i Jönköping 26/27 april och Norrköping 10/11 maj. Anmälda hitintills är Atlantis Jönköping, Studio Aktive Kungsbacka, Comax Rättvik, Fysica i Linköping, Norrköping och Motala.
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Vending machines that dispense colorful bottles of chocolate, strawberry and coffee-flavored milk, have been installed at middle and high schools in Los Angeles; Austin, Texas; Boston; Omaha, Neb., and Miami. After the test ends this spring, the dairy industry hopes the results will persuade bottlers and schools nationwide to put in similar machines. |
Nerikes Allehanda: Europarekordet gled Ljungberg ur händerna - men Örebro KK bästa SM-klubb: 9 april
Han siktade på nytt Europarekord. Men det gled honom, bokstavligen, ur händerna. Istället fick Jörgen Ljungberg nöja sig med ännu ett SM-guld i styrkelyft. Vilket i ordningen vet han knappt själv. - Med lite flyt hade Jörgen slagit Europarekordet med säkert tio kilo, säger Bjarne Carlsson, ordförande i Örebro Kraftsportklubb.
Craig Productions - Emerald Cup and Ironman Bodybuilding and Fitness Contests:
Producers of the Emerald Cup Championships and Washington Ironman Naturally events, also the home of the official Washington State NPC Bodybuilding Contest Schedule.
Sunday Times: Do workouts make you fat?: 8 april
According to a report in the science journal Nature, those who do regular high-intensity sessions at the gym tend to reward themselves in between sessions by eating more food and lying on the sofa watching television.
So they end up burning fewer calories in total than those who don't go to the gym regularly, but who lead a moderately active life, by walking or cycling regularly.
Politiken: Intet bevis i historisk dopingsag: 9 april
Siden har sagen stået som verdens første dokumenterede dopingdødsfald.
Men i dag indrømmer den pensionerede professor fra universitet i Wien, at han aldrig har set dokumentation for, at Knud Enemark var dopet.
Arbetsliv direkt: Tre mönster förklarar psykisk ohälsa i arbetslivet: 9 april
Varför drabbas en del av psykisk ohälsa när arbetslivet snabbt förändras? Det går att urskilja tre framträdande mönster, konstaterar Per Wiklund, psykolog vid Yrkesmedicinska enheten, Stockholms läns landsting och ansvarig för en färsk studie.
Hallands Nyheter: En stor stark i Derome: 9 april
Det började i morsans tvättstuga. Det var julaftons kväll och Magnus Samuelsson och hans bror Torbjörn fick var sin skivstång i julklapp av föräldrarna. Magnus var 16 år.
I dag är Magnus Samuelsson 31 år och Världens starkaste man.
Buffalo Business First: Run down? Then run over to a health club: 9 april
Whatever your motivation, joining a health club is a good place to start.
According to the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, people join sports clubs for a variety of benefits, including: a supportive environment; a variety of cardiovascular and resistance machines; personal guidance from fitness professionals; an environment unaffected by extreme temperatures or weather, and activities for children.
Yahoo! Nyheter: Aerobic mot depressioner: 9 april
Motion hjälper mot många sjukdomar. Nu visar en undersökning gjord i Tyskland att ett enkelt aerobic-pass om dagen kan hjälpa mot depressioner.
Nando Times: Kids eating more snacks, study finds: 9 april
"The average size of snacks and energy per snack remained relatively constant, but since the number of times kids eat between meals increased, the average daily energy intake from snacks grew, and that's not good," said Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the University of North Carolina's schools of public health and medicine.
MSNBC: Third of some cancers tied to weight: 5 april
Up to one-third of cancers of the colon, breast, kidney and digestive tract are attributable to too much weight gain and too little exercise, says the World Health Organization’s cancer agency.
Borås Tidning: Jag erbjöds dopa mig: 9 april
Vid middagen råkade jag få sitta bredvid Gösta Fåglums egen mekaniker i det italienska stallet. Han var förstås italienare och det första han frågade mig var om jag ”tog några piller” före loppet.
GP: Dopningsavslöjanden i amerikansk idrott: 9 april
Idrottare från USA har rutinmässigt varit dopade under olympiska spel. Det hävdar en tjänsteman i USA:s olympiska kommitté i programmet "60 Minutes II" i den stora tv-kanalen CBS.
Strength Online: Articles by Mavrocat about Strongman Training
Aftonbladet: Överviktiga i protest mot Xenical-stopp: 9 april
I dag demonstrerar överviktiga mot socialministerns beslut att upphäva subventioneringen av bantningsmedlet Xenical. - Det är diskriminerande, säger Lars Åhman, ordförande för Överviktigas riksförbund.
Överviktigas Riksförbund: Läkemedelssubventionen slopas på läkemedel mot bl a fetma!: 3 april
Regeringen och Landstingsförbundet har idag beslutat att receptbelagda läkemedel mot fetma och impotens ska tas bort ur läkemedelssubventionen.
Detta är första gången man utesluter en hel grupp människor från det allmänna trygghetssystemet på grund av deras genetiska anlag, och därmed troligtvis det mest diskriminerande beslut som en svensk regering tagit i modern tid.
Play It Again Sports - buys, sells, trades and consigns used and new sporting goods
Fitness Factory Outlet - America's #1 Source for Aerobics and Strength Training Equipment
Weightlifter's Warehouse:
Since 1977, Weightlifter's Warehouse has been a favorite source for strength and fitness products. Weightlifter's Warehouse offers a complete line of bodybuilding, weightlifting, cardio, boxing, and exercise equipment for home, school, and organizational use.
The New Zealand Herald: Musclemen do battle at the Royal Easter Show: 9 april
Despite the pain, Former New Zealand strongman and powerlifting champion Matt Rossiter believes strongman contests are becoming increasingly popular. "A lot of people who train in the gym don't actually play a specific sport. This is now becoming an outlet for them."
Skip La Cour: Cardiovascular Training For Effective Fat Loss: How Do You Know When You Are Working Hard Enough?: 9 april
Efficient cardiovascular training is an excellent way to help your body burn excess body fat. But what should your heart rate be at when doing your cardio sessions?
Yahoo! News: CBS Report Says U.S. Athletes Took Drugs: 9 april
CBS News on Sunday quoted a former U.S. Olympics Committee doping control official as saying the United States routinely sent drug-using athletes to the Olympics -- including last year's games in Sydney.
Barometern: Efedrin ny tablett som intas på krogen: 9 april
Efedrinpiller är en ny drog som används i Kalmar och som intas med drinkar på krogarna. Och brunt heroin är billigast i Kalmar län.
Aftonbladet: "Gladiatorerna" går inte att stoppa: 7 april
Final för ”Gladiatorerna” i går. Ett våldsförhärligande barnprogram som nog tyvärr har kommit för att stanna.
Aftonbladet: Årets gladiatorer firade med champagne: 7 april
Glöm Hero, Elektra, Zeke och Amber. Nu är det bara Louise Svaton och Fredrik Edlund som gäller i ”Gladiatorerna”. I går kväll firade de sina segrar med champagne.
Jönköpings SK: Styrkelyfts-SM resultat 2001: 9 april
Här kommer SM-resultaten från SM i Löthallen, Sundbyberg. Tack till alla aktiva och ledare som gjorde detta till ett SM med goda resultat och mycket god stämning.
Folket: Lättlagad påskmat: 9 april
Ägg är påskhelgens mest självklara livsmedel. Ett fantastiskt livsmedel som levereras inslaget och klart.
Jyllands-Posten: Fødevareregion til kamp mod ulovlige vitaminer: 9 april
Kosttilskud og energidrikke tilsat ulovlige vitaminer er blevet et stigende problem i Københavns-området. Fødevareregionen beslaglægger gang på gang ulovlige varer - først og fremmest i fitnesscentre, små butikker og diskoteker.
HealthScout: Creatine and Teens: 8 april
Some experts warn of high school athletes' use of muscle-building supplement.
HealthScout: Eat Your Greens … and Your Reds: 6 april
Parents have long admonished kids to eat their greens, but nutritionists are discovering significant health benefits from red vegetables and fruits.
HealthWatch: Diet Failure: What You Eat? Or What's Eating You?: Maj 2000
It's that time again. Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. Yet, if you're like most of us, those unwanted pounds still stubbornly remain. Being overweight not only affects your health but also your self-esteem. The problem is: You want to lose weight but something is preventing you.
Don't despair, you're not alone.
Hier können Sie für das Training geeignete Musik vorhören, aufgrund der derzeitigen Gesetzeslage können die Stücke nur in einem qualitativ schlechten RealAudio oder MP3-Format zum Anhören angeboten werden.
Helfen Sie bei der Sammlung der besten Trainingslieder! Submitten Sie Ihre Lieblingslieder. Ausgefüllt werden muss nur der Songtitel, der Rest ist optional.
BBC News: Strongman milks another record: 6 april
A strongman has broken the world record for balancing milk crates on his head. John Evans, 54, from Derbyshire, surpassed his own record set in 1996 by lifting 96 empty milk crates, weighing 23 stones.
Himalaya USA, Herbal Healthcare Worldwide Since 1930
Träningshjälpen - Interaktivt Styrketräningsprogram:
En cd-rom fullpackad med övningar för hela kroppen för dig som vill träna effektivt hemma. Tydliga bilder med text samt video och utskriftsmöjligheter. Massor med information och träningstips om styrketräning och stretching.
SiliconValley.com: Scientists coax liver cells into growing on silicon chip: 4 april
Scientists have coaxed liver cells into thriving on a specially machined silicon chip, a melding of biology and technology that could lead to the creation of artificial liver device that would eliminate the need for transplants.
WebMDHealth: Is it OK to drink water with meals?: 4 december 2000
I'm frequently asked about abstaining from liquids when eating solid foods, and I'm not sure where this all got started. But let me set the record straight: Drinking fluids at meals causes no harm to your digestive tract or to the digestion process as a whole. In fact, liquids are crucial in digestion.
Yahoo! Finance: New, Low Carb Tortilla Chips Ideal for Diabetics and Weight Watchers, Says Life Services: 6 april
Press Release: To meet growing consumer demand for low carbohydrate foods that will not trigger excess blood sugar, Life Services Supplements has developed the world's first low carbohydrate Tortilla Chips, which are marketed under their Keto brand. The company is at the forefront of marketing a new generation of low carbohydrate/high protein foods.
Ananova: Researchers discover gene related to anorexia: 5 april
Researchers have found that one form of a gene involved in controlling appetite is more frequent among anorexics.
Ananova: Brainier people live longer - research: 6 april
Children with higher than average IQs at the age of 11 are more likely to live into their seventies, according to research published in the British Medical Journal.
Aftonbladet: Kändisars arbetsskador: 6 april
Det snackas om musarm, ryggskott och asbest-lunga. Men har du hört talas om gitarr-arm, scendrag och dj-nacke? Puls har koll på skadorna som drabbar våra idoler.
Dagens Medicin: IQ var länkat till livslängd: 6 mars
Sannolikheten att bli äldre än 76 år var högre för dem som hade ett högt IQ sent i barndomen, än för de som låg under genomsnittet. Det visar en studie som presenteras i det kommande numret av British Medical Journal.
Yahoo! News: Scientists Discover Secrets Behind Aging Process: 5 april
A common hormone-based mechanism seems to regulate the aging process in a variety of organisms, scientists said on Thursday in a finding that raises the possibility that hormonal therapy could add decades to the human life span.
Yahoo! News: Study: Bathrooms Comfort Some, Isolate Others: 5 mars
The average American spends about an hour in the bathroom every day, or two weeks a year, and although much of that time is spent reading, thinking and often a little more, it is not all pleasure for everybody, according to a recent survey.
Ananova: Sensible shoes 'do more damage to feet': 6 april
Wide-heeled shoes with plenty of toe space may actually put women more at risk from the bone disease osteoporosis than spindly, spiked stilettos, a study in The Lancet found.
The O'Keefe Group - Personal Coaching and Seminars: How To Be Mentally Tougher, More Persistent, Confident, and have an Winning Attitude that Scares Your Competition! Immediately!:
From personally consulting with Olympic and Professional athletes, from golf, baseball, swimming, basketball, etc., and taking many athletes to a level they didn't think possible, as well as teaching youth athletes the same Powerful Secrets. One thing I know is that you will improve immediately once you use these strategies!
A training program in mental conditioning for athletes, based on modelling excellence: identifying the mental and emotional strategies of champions and teaching these skill to others.
Myo Dynamics: Slow Versus Explosive Lifting: The Controversy Continues: 15 oktober 1997
For years, the most vocal faction of coaches and athletes in opposition to explosive lifting techniques has been known as "HIT" an acronym meaning "High Intensity Training." The HIT FAQ says: "Anytime, anyone, be they Mr. Universe, or whomever, tells you to move a weight fast, in an 'explosive' style, just walk away. That person is a fool."
(I always thought that anyone who took comfort in applying blanket statements to a wide range of circumstances was a fool, but maybe I've got it wrong!)
House of Speed, Inc.:
House of Speed Inc. is a corporation designed to help athletes enhance the one quality an athlete needs most...speed.
Yahoo! Sports: Report: Doping lasted several years among small group: 5 april
A government report that followed the biggest doping scandal in Finnish history found that cross-country skiers had used performance-enhancing drugs for at least two years.
Roman Gladiatorial Games
GMA: Federal Advice On Sugar Intake "Undermines" Dietary Guidelines Report: 10 mars 2000
Recommendations to limit the intake of sugar have "no basis in law or fact" and would significantly undermine proposed revisions in federal Dietary Guidelines, the Grocery Manufacturers of America said today.
GMA: Nutrition Summit Should Have Specific Focus On "Science-Based Solutions" To Combat Obesity: 9 december 1999
A proposed national summit on nutrition should have a "narrow, specific, and precise" focus on science-based solutions to combat increasing rates of obesity across the United States, according to the Grocery Manufacturers of America.
just-food.com: German scientist: 'I covered up BSE cases in the 1990s': 5 april
Despite fierce denials, Germany had its own BSE cases as early as during the mid-1990s, claims food chemist Udo Pollmer. The cases, however, were hushed up until Germany had its first confirmed domestic case in November last year.
bodytrends.com: Flexibility: Freedom of Movement:
Range of motion (ROM) is defined as the movement around a joint or set of joints and the connecting muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Often called flexibility, this is an important fitness factor.
bodytrends.com: Top ten back-to-basics, get-well confidence tips:
The next time you pick up a newspaper, magazine, book, or whatever and you get thrown into more health information overload, refer to this back-to-basics list. These tips will add years to your life, keep you fit, strong, and energized, plus a boost in get-well confidence.
bodytrends.com: Body Composition: Healthy Under The Skin:
The cover of a book is not always accurate, and just looking at the scale does not always tell you what is in those pounds. While weight is important to many people, a better measure of how healthy and fit you are is body composition, or the basic ratio of muscle to fat.
bodytrends.com: Public Attitudes Toward Physical Education: Are Schools Providing What the Public Wants?
bodytrends.com: Buying A Treadmill On-line:
Treadmills continue to be the most popular and arguably most valuable pieces of aerobic equipment you can purchase. They are simple and intuitive to use, burn calories very effectively and offer a wide range of exercise options from walking to hill climbing and jogging.
For better or worse it is also one of the most saturated categories in the fitness equipment industry - making choosing the right product a daunting task without the right advice.
STATpub.com: Vitamin Rich Egg Developed: 4 april
Vitamin enhanced eggs are now being marketed. The new egg is rich in vitamins E, B6 and B12 and are the result of the choice of vitamins fed to hens.
The company's first foray into enriched eggs came when it started feeding flaxseed to hens to produce an egg high in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is now working on eggs rich in folic acid.
STATpub.com: Nuts Join Cancer Fighting Foods: 26 februari
Edible nuts have joined the list of foods researchers believe help human beings fight diseases such as colon cancer; slowly expanding the list of disease fighting foods to encompass all foods consumed by people.
ABC News: Scientists Say the Body’s Hormones Detect Divorce First:
Researchers at the Ohio State University Medical Center have come up with what seems to be a very reliable predictor of divorce. It's not the kind of thing that's likely to be turned into a prenuptial divorce meter anytime soon, but it speaks volumes about why some marriages fail and others succeed.
It turns out that it's all in the hormones.
VG: Stray-Gundersen ønsker WADA-støtte: 5 april
Jim Stray-Gundersen har søkt om økonomisk støtte fra WADA til å videreutvikle Advia-dopingtesten. Han får svar i august.
Newswise: Fruits, Vegetables Require Kitchen Care to Prevent Food Illnesses: 4 april
Ask Purdue University food microbiologist what foods he won't eat, and the answer might surprise you. The food that frightens this associate professor of food science is raw vegetables
Newswise: Consuming More Protein, Fewer Carbohydrates May be Healthier: 3 april
New research suggests a diet higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than currently recommended may help people maintain desirable body weight and overall health.
STATpub.com: U.S. Fruit Consumption Declines for Second Year: 18 oktober 2000
The amount of fruit being consumed by each individual in the United States declined for the second year in a row in 1999, falling another 3% to 287 pounds per person, according to data compiled by the USDA's Economic Research Service in its Fruit and Tree Nuts Situation and Outlook Yearbook.
www.PaleoDiet.com - The Paleolithic Diet Page:
A page of annotated links to sites for the Paleolithic Diet, also called a hunter/gatherer diet.
Ancient Athletics - Scottish Heavy Events
It's all about... Strength.
Secrets To Back Pain Relief That Your Doctor, Chiropractor or Physical Therapist Doesn't Want You To Know!
The Professional Wrestling Online Museum - The Professional Wrestling Portal
The Meat, Leaves and Berries Page:
Welcome to the "Meat, Leaves and Berries" Diet Page. I hope you consult your physician before considering this way of life. Remember, I am not a doctor nor a dietician, but I have compiled this information to help others see some of the success I have had with this way of eating.
Perform Better:
Perform Better is your one stop shopping for a complete line of functional training and rehabilitation products.
Yahoo! News: Supplement Does Not Slow Bone Loss, Study Shows: 20 mars
An over-the-counter supplement marketed as a natural way to prevent bone thinning appears ineffective, according to results of a 3-year study in Denmark. In fact, researchers found, some women who took the supplement experienced a drop in their white blood cell counts, a condition that can impair the immune system.
FindLaw: Attorney General releases Olympic scandal files: 24 mars
Olympic scandal files released Thursday by the Utah attorney general's office appear at once to support and also to undercut the defense being mounted by indicted bid leaders who won the 2002 Winter Games.
The Hacker's Diet
ExRx Online: Common Biomechanical and Postural Deficiencies:
It is too easy to denounce an exercise if an injury occurred during its execution. Biomechanical deficiencies are one of several causes of injury during exercise or activity. The information below if for precautionary measures only so mechanical deficiencies can be identified and corrected in attempt to prevent athletic injuries during exercise or physical activity.
The Walker's Warehouse - Walking and Fitness Information and Products!:
Designed to provide the ability to log walks, chat with walkers, research walking events and travel, and purchase walking products.
The Original Tune Belt:
Tune Belt manufactures four neoprene carrier belts for cassette and CD players, a Cassette/Water Bottle Combo belt, a Mike Belt for instructors' wireless microphone transmitters, several belts for two-way radios and a family of neoprene cases for cellular/PCS phones and family radios.
Harbinger SportStretch:
Stretching and Flexibility - Harbinger SportSretch is the new stretching aid that helps you improve flexibility by practicing Active Isolated Stretching.
Leading manufacturer of accessories for the fitness, skate and industrial industries
Tanita Body Fat Monitors:
Features our revolutionary body fat monitors and scales, plus resources for body fat management.
GymMate - Digital Fitness Is Here!:
The GymMate personal exercise system combines the power of computer technology with the latest advances in personal training to give YOU the body you've always wanted with less time in the gym.
The Columbus Dispatch: Walk the rock: 21 februari
On most Saturdays, Osborne, a 31-year-old personal trainer, leads his troops into the winter chill outside Fitness Central in Grandview Heights to lift bricks, lug rocks, flip tires and drag sleds.
Sometimes, Osborne and his followers flip over old cars. Inside the gym, they grapple like sumo wrestlers with sandbags and press homemade steel logs overhead.
Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases:
From the University of Maryland, James A. Duke has put together a set of on-line phytochemical and ethnobotanical data base. This enables you to query the composition relative to a large number of constituent compounds for any of some 2,000 species, "including most of the more important foods, spices, herbs and medicinal plants".
Orthomolecular Medicine Online:
Orthomolecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. The term "orthomolecular" was first used by Linus Pauling in a paper he wrote in the journal Science in 1968.
NCCAM - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine:
Dedicated to exploring complementary and alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science; training CAM researchers; and disseminating authoritative information.
Life Extension Foundation: Hormone Discovery May Help Weight Control: 28 mars
Animal studies at the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in Denver, in the US, suggest that the hormone MSH plays a role in the control of fat levels in the body. Researchers say the finding could mean the development of novel ways to trigger fat cells in humans to release their stored energy and prompt weight loss.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI):
A nonprofit education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety and nutritional quality of our food supply.
CSPI: Liquid Candy - How Soft Drinks are Harming Americans' Health
CSPI: New Guide Reveals Calories and Fat in Restaurant Food: 20 februari
Which sandwich is worse for your waistline: roast beef with mustard or a turkey club? Most restaurant-goers don’t have a clue. Why? Because restaurants aren’t in the habit of telling diners the calorie or fat content of their food.
The National Council Against Health Fraud:
NCAHF is a private nonprofit, voluntary health agency that focuses upon health misinformation, fraud, and quackery as public health problems.
The National Council Against Health Fraud: Coaches' Corner: Goal Setting for Self Improvement in Athletics:
Goal setting can help athletes improve both their self confidence and athletic skills. It can also force athletes to confront certain realities about their ability and potential for improvement.
WorldOnline: Powerwalking - kick och totalupplevelse:
Powerwalking är ett smidigt och effektivt sätt att komma i form. Det ökar förbränningen och konditionen märkbart, samtidigt är det skonsamt mot kroppen.
Council for Responsible Nutrition - Science-Based Information on Dietary Supplements:
Dedicated to helping to reduce health care costs and enhancing the public's health through good nutrition, including the appropriate use of dietary supplements.
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