B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 15 2001
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Födelsedagar vecka 15

10/4 Dale Tomita
10/4 Ahmad Haidar
12/4 Paul Dillett
12/4 Johan "Plexus" Oldenmark

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Lördag/söndag 14/15 april

glassdog.HOME: 12 april

I know a lot (most? all?) of you are creating your own things out there, now. The Web has changed in one important aspect above all, in a way that opens the bud of its flower to full bloom. The barrier to entry is very low, so low that literally anyone can join. So what I'm going to ask of you is something so easy and simple and frightening and horrible that you can't resist. You won't.

I want you to be great.

Dennis James: 2001 Arnold Classic Competition Gallery: 13 april

Here are the photos from the 2001 Arnold Classic, where I placed 3rd.

The Washington Post: 'New PE' Aims to Inspire All Kids: 3 april

Savvy teachers offer a variety of activities - rollerblading, rock climbing, skiing, white water rafting, to name a few - and emphasize developing self-confidence and personal growth. A child who runs a 12-minute mile can get the same grade as one who runs it in half the time. The key is making it fun and doable.

So what if a student can't serve a volleyball from the baseline?

Shawn Ray: Strength and Honor: 14 april

There are few people on this planet that can eat 6 to 7 times a day, train for up to 4 hrs a day, as well as diet and compete at the highest level in the fitness industry. However, the few that can are described as nothing less than GLADIATORS!

Svensk artikel SVD: Blir man dum i huvudet av reklam?: 14 april

Nöje Reklamen är livsfarlig hette en bok av Sven Lindqvist som kom ut 1957. Författaren blev häcklad, den materialistiska samtiden var inte mogen för en kritik av konsumtionssamhället. Nu finns Adbusters, Naomi Kleins bok No logo - och plötsligt är det mycket aktuellt att ställa frågan: Blir man dum i huvudet av reklam?

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Tråkigt men effektivt: 14 april

Hur lätta och näringsrika är egentligen Viktväktarnas frysta luncher? Och är de goda? Hälsa testade Weight Watchers i en månad för att se om det blev någon skillnad på vågen. Resultatet blev: smaklöst och trist - men billigt och ganska effektivt.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Får det lov att vara lite svinsvål?: 14 april

Vi svenskar äter mest lösgodis i hela världen. Påsken är snaskhelgen nummer ett: 7 000 ton lösgodis går åt i veckoslutet. Men vad är det egentligen vi sätter i oss?

Arnold Schwarzenegger Sound Board

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Bokser for EM-gull: 13 april

Verdensmester i kickboksing Henriette Birkeland har gode sjanser til å bli europamester i boksing. Torsdag bokset hun seg frem til en plass i finalen.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Heltene har lagt opp: 6 april

"Hvor er alle heltene?" spør Jan Eggum. Svaret er at de har lagt opp. Og det reiser et nytt spørsmål: Hvem skal vi heie på nå?

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: Toppidretten fremmer nasjonalisme: 11 april

Toppidretten fremmer ikke de verdier den er ment å skulle fremme. Tvert om. Toppidretten fremmer nasjonalisme og sjåvinisme. Det viser undersøkelser gjort ved NTNU i Trondheim.

CBS HealthWatch: Eagle-Eyed Humans: Super Vision on the Horizon: 12 april

A new kind of eye surgery based on Cold War spy technology may soon make "super vision" a reality.

Johns Hopkins Division of Infectious Diseases Antibiotic Guide:

Physicians/Clinicians: search by bug/drug/diagnosis; find current, concise information on antibiotics for treating infectious diseases; ask questions of Hopkins' experts at Johns Hopkins Infectious Diseases Antibiotics Guide.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Nya Uppsalarön om orienterardöden: 13 april

Tio år efter larmen om dödsfall bland elitorienterare, tror några Uppsalaforskare att de har hittat en bakterie som ligger bakom dödsfallen. Men det är inte twar, som tidigare misstänkts. Nu planeras en registrering av landets alla orienterare för att följa om fler dör av samma orsak.

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Fettrik kost förbättrar idrottsprestationer: 11 april

Fettrik kost kan rekommenderas till elitidrottsmän för att höja deras prestationer enligt en studie gjord vid universitetet i Aberdeen i Skottland. I studien fick försökspersonerna äta en måltid med mycket fett fyra timmar innan de sprang ett långdistanslopp. De visade sig kunna höja sin prestationsförmågan med i genomsnitt åtta procent.

Shapedown - Weight Management Program for Children and Adolesents:

SHAPEDOWN was developed by faculty members of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine and includes contributions from nutrition, exercise physiology, endocrinology , psychology, family therapy, adolescent medicine, family medicine and behavioral and developmental pediatrics.

MSNBC: Kids and dieting - What’s the best approach?: 12 april

Weight control in children can be tricky. They must watch calories, maintain good nutrition and combat a culture telling them that thin is in. Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D., weighs in on kids and dieting.

Yahoo! News: Swedish chef remembers heady Muppet show days: 13 april

The man who says he was the model for the mumbling Swedish Chef puppet of the cult "Muppet Show" is still cooking and singing in Sweden.

"Yes, it's me, the Swedish Chef," chuckles Lars Kuprik in an interview with Reuters in the pantry of a food store in the snow-covered sleepy town of Smedjebacken in central Sweden.

alt.gossip.celebrities: Schwarzenegger's political future fading to black?: 11 april

"We'll be ready if he comes at us," South said. "We don't roll over and play dead for anybody, regardless of the size of his bankroll or biceps."

But the bravado in Davis' camp may hide a deep fear of Schwarzenegger's viability. With the energy crisis escalating, California Democrats could be having nightmares about Schwarzenegger's growing fan base - which champions the slogan, "Hasta la vista, Davis."

alt.gossip.celebrities: The Schwarzenegger spin control continues: 10 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn't done much to dignify a recent story in Premiere magazine alleging that he cheated on his wife, Maria Shriver, and was sexually forward with some of his female colleagues, including his "Terminator 2" co-star, Linda Hamilton.

But Schwarzenegger's friends, including Hamilton herself, are sure stepping up to complain on his behalf.

Council for Responsible Nutrition: The Truth Must Be Told About Dietary Supplement Regulation: 11 april

"A lot of nonsense is being spread about dietary supplements and how they are regulated. These irresponsible and false statements mislead and confuse consumers and these tactics must stop immediately," said John Cordaro, President and CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter Online: På Scania är friskvård en del av företagskulturen: 12 april

På Scania i Södertälje är friskvård en del av företagskulturen där idrottsföreningen har traditioner ända sedan 1946. "Det är en tradition på Scania att röra på sig", säger chefen för Scanias förebyggande hälsovård, Gunnar Hedlund till Dagens Industri. Varannan anställd är med i idrottsföreningen.

Geoffrey Dolan - Canadian Strength Athlete

Ananova: African cactus plant could tackle obesity: 12 april

An African cactus used by hunters to stave off hunger, could be used to tackle obesity thanks to a British company. The Hoodia plant contains an ingredient which suppresses appetite.

Jessen Paulin - Canadian Strongman:

I decided to move in Gatineau in January 2000 and train with Hugo Girard and a group of strongman in the Gatineau area. I finished first in the western Quebec qualifier about 17 points ahead. First in l’ Homme fort Molson which is now Labatt 7 points ahead. And then 2nd behind Hugo Girard at Canada’s Strongest Man 2000 and 4th at the Gatineau north american invitational.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Ekokycklingar ger större risk för magsjuka: 12 april

Ekologiskt uppfödda kycklingar är smittbärare av magsjukebakterien campylobacter. Risken att bli magsjuk av en KRAV-märkt ekokyckling är därför mycket större än med andra kycklingar.

EurekAlert: Digital hormones for robots: 11 april

As in a growing child, a flood of hormones will make robots bigger, stronger and more independent. By including hormone-like messaging in a robotic control system, a team at the University of Southern California's Information Science Institute in Marina del Rey has managed to overcome a problem that has been dogging robotics.

Svensk artikel ATL: Livsmedelsverket vill stoppa ekokycklingar: 12 april

Livsmedelsverket vill stoppa ekologiskt uppfödda kycklingar eftersom de är smittbärare av magsjukebakterien campylobacter.

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter Online: Män får oftare friskvård och hälsokontroll som jobbförmån: 12 april

Friskvård är en jobbförmån som är betydligt vanligare för män och subventionerad lunch och tillgång till vilorum är vanligare bland kvinnor, berättar en undersökning som gjorts på Växjö universitet på uppdrag av Växjö kommuns jämställdhetskommitté.

azcentral.com: McClintock students bullish about PE class: 11 april

Physical education teachers across the country are dropping the drill sergeant approach to fitness. Gone are the sit-ups and one-mile runs that made students feel like they were in boot camp. Gone are the basketball or volleyball lessons that dragged on for months.

In their place are sports ranging from juggling to yoga, Frisbee to golf. More adventuresome teachers even give students a taste of rugby or let them ride a unicycle.

The Washington Post: To Exercise Your Mind, Start With Your Body: 10 april

Aerobic exercise seems to be the closest there is to an overall brain-booster, improving memory and concentration in both people and animals. Strength training and stretching still have their place, of course, but neither seems to benefit the brain as powerfully.

The Washington Post: Lunchtime Menu: Low-Fat Yoga: 10 april

Were tai chi not offered at work, Malinowski says, he would never have tried it. Now, after taking classes with Ward for three years, he and his colleagues say they're hooked on tai chi's benefits. "I do it to relieve stress," says Malinowski. "I found it to be quite relaxing. It carries over after I leave the class."

Pure Power Magazine:

Pure Power's objective is to give powerlifters, strength athletes and any other weight lifting enthusiast what they've always wanted from a magazine—substance.

At the foundation lies information about the science behind developing physical strength, power, and speed. Our mission is to take scientific discoveries in the areas of exercise physiology, sport psychology, nutrition science and related fields and to present this information in an easy to understand language.

Yahoo! News: Lack of Sleep May Raise Ulcer Risk: 12 april

Working shifts, partying all night, long-haul travel and just a general lack of sleep may lead to an increase risk of ulcers, British doctors said Thursday.

Chemicals in the stomach and small intestine that repair tissue damage are produced mostly at night, so missing sleep could lead to a decrease in the molecules and a higher chance of developing ulcers.

Yahoo! News: Weight Training Helps Control Diabetes in Elderly: 11 april

Older diabetics may benefit from a trip to the gym in addition to a walk around the local mall, a report suggests.

New Scientist: Does a lifetime of fighting off infections trigger heart disease?: 31 mars

Hardened arteries and heart attacks may be the price we pay for fighting infection. Researchers in Austria have shown that a wide variety of microbes can trigger an autoimmune reaction against the cells lining our arteries.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Viktminskning och Träning á la Stefan

Fredag 13 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger drives a Hummer H2 sport utility truck:

AP Photo/Richard Drew AP Photo/Richard Drew AP Photo/Richard Drew

Reel.com: In Arnold's Defense: 10 april

If you are wondering why Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn't bothered to defend the antics that Premiere magazine reported, the answer is he doesn't have to.

The Record Online: Make a muscle: Fortysomethings urged to pump iron: 4 april

The closer you get to 50, experts say, the more you need strength training.

"You might not think it's as important when you're in your 40s, because you can still do things like pick up the kids," said Gwen Hyatt of the American Council on Exercise. "But when you get to be 55 or 60, it will become a real issue if you don't work on your strength now."

Technology Review: The Programmable Pill: Maj

"Smart" methods of delivering drugs to the body—based on micro- and nanotechnology—could reduce side effects, make better use of existing drugs and open the door to entire classes of new treatments.

Strength Online: Sports Medicine With The Power Doc:

Occasionally I receive letters from powerlifters and see questions/comments on the Internet regarding elbow pain. The squat and the bench press, to name two exercises, seem to be the most common exercises that increase the elbow pain.

The Scientist: A Science Publishing Revolution: 16 april

Grassroots initiative demands free, searchable content from publishers.

CNN: Report: Dietary supplement warning system lacking: 12 april

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not have enough information to adequately protect people who use dietary supplements, a new draft report from the Office of the Inspector General contends.

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Plexus: Hinderbanan är roligare i verkligheten:

Tv4.se satte gladiatorn Plexus framför datorskärmen för att utmana Magdalena Forsberg och Ingemar Stenmark på hinderbanan. - Det här är första gången jag spelar dataspel i hela mitt liv. Hur gick det? Läs så får du se! (Tack för tipset, Sofia!)

NetDoctor: Oily fish boosts intelligence: 13 april

Mothers who eat oily fish during pregnancy have babies with greater intelligence and better eyesight, according to new research published today. Special fats contained in sardines, salmon and mackerel can boost babies’ brainpower and vision while they are in the womb.

ABC News: Battling Fat in the Lab: 10 april

With all the obesity treatments on the market these days, many of the estimated 97 million Americans who deal with obesity are anxious for a pill that can zap fat for good.


La Dolce Vita Diet:

Mediterranean cuisine beats American Heart Association diet in controversial study.

Too Much Exercise Can Make You Sick:

High volume training requires adequate amounts of rest.

Flex Magazine: Flex Weekly News: 10 april

  • Titus to Kamali: You're still a punk
  • Big names for a big "night"
  • Is Wheeler spinning his wheels?

The New York Times: Of Men, Anorexia and Silent Suffering: 10 april

Men don't talk about their eating disorders, it seems.

But they still have them, a new study reports. Men are just much less likely to seek treatment for them. The findings are contained in a report in the current American Journal of Psychiatry.

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Träning lindrar muskelvärk: 12 april

Kvinnor som deltagit i styrke-, uthållighets- eller koordinationsträning tre gånger i veckan under en tioveckorsperiod upplevde successivt allt mindre smärta, jämfört med en grupp som inte tränar.

Det visar Christina Ahlgren, Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk yrkesmedicin vid Umeå universitet i sin avhandling ”Aspekter på rehabilitering – med fokus på kvinnor med värk i nacke/skuldror”.

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Havregryn lika bra som viagra: 11 april

Nu får viagra konkurrens från växtriket. I en ny amerikansk studie, utförd av forskare vid John Hopkins universitet i Baltimore, sägs det nämligen att havre och nässla fungerar lika bra som potensmedlet viagra.

Både havren och brännässlan sätter fart på blodgenomströmningen i hela kroppen och påverkar även produktionen av det manliga könshormonet testosteron.

Health World Online: How to Cure Insomnia? Get Up, of Course:

In a breakthrough for sleep-deprived people across the country, researchers are reporting that millions of Americans can beat insomnia without sleeping pills by following a few simple rules, such as leaving bed if sleep doesn't come.

The Telegraph: Dark secrets of the pleasure zone: 10 april

With the chocolate frenzy of Easter almost upon us, Ian Marber weighs up the dietary pros and cons of this tempting treat

LA Times: The Newest Craze - Bar None: 10 april

Now there are health bars for all your needs: power, energy, intelligence, etc.

HealthScout: Celebrate Your 40th By Taking Up Weight Training: 11 april

So you're 40 years old and you still like what you see in the mirror. Well, take a good look, experts say. Because if you don't do something to maintain that bod, all that lean muscle mass will soon be replaced by fat.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: Forum: Rapport från Styrkelyfts-SM 2001

Svensk artikel DN: Ny förklaring till orienterardöd: 12 april

Tio år efter larmen om dödsfall bland elitorienterare, tror forskare att de har hittat en bakterie som ligger bakom dödsfallen. Nu planeras en registrering av landets alla orienterare för att följa om fler dör av samma orsak.

Just Move: Emulating mom boosts self-esteem and body image: 11 april

Little girls who emulate their mothers are less likely to suffer from low self-esteem and eating disorders, regardless of the mother's own body image, psychologists reported.

ABC News: Study Says Insomnia is Curable Without Medicine: 10 april

A new study says that when people with sleep maintenance insomnia (or people who wake up during the night) are given more knowledge about effective sleep habits they are able to sleep more.

People News: Tennis Anna joins fitness video craze:

Tennis beauty Anna Kournikova is joining the growing throng of celebrities cashing in on their svelte figures by releasing her first fitness video.

MSNBC: Unsafe supplements?: 10 april

The government doesn’t hear about the vast majority of health problems associated with dietary supplements, according to an unpublished report from the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services that was obtained by NBC News.

The lack of industry oversight puts consumers at risk, the report says, and increased regulation is needed to safeguard public health.

ConsumerLab.com: Quality of popular herbal anti-depressant found to vary: 11 april

ConsumerLab.com, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, today released results of its Product Review of St. John's wort supplements.

Tod Cooperman, M.D., ConsumerLab.com's President, commented, "Because the St. John's wort user is typically battling depression, it is particularly important that these products deliver what they claim. A switch to a lower quality product could result in lower efficacy, although the user might not suspect the product as the cause."

New Scientist: Comfort Feeding: 11 april

The shape of women's breasts may have evolved to reduce the risk of mothers smothering their infants while they are feeding, suggests a British researcher.

Svensk artikel SH Sport & Fitness:

Försäljning av gym- och träningsutrustning inom begagnat och nytt.

Excite News: Research shows voice says little about body size: 10 april

Dr. Sarah Collins, of the University of Nottingham, has shown that human females presented with recordings of male voices consistently guessed that the men behind the deeper voices were more attractive. They also thought the deep-voiced men were older, more muscular and had hairier chests than men with higher voices.

"But they were wrong!" Collins said.

Excite News: Popularity of herbal medicine increasing, students skeptical: 11 april

Mention the phrase "herbal remedies" to most University of Southern California students and you'll typically be met with suppressed laughter or a knowing wink.

But today, an increasing number of Americans are turning to alternative forms of medicine to combat their ailments.

Detroit News: In fitness, little things can mean a lot: 11 april

Which type of exercise is best? The one that you enjoy and holds your interest over time.

Don't worry about how hard you exercise. This is a difficult concept for many to grasp in a nation where more is usually considered better. Your first goal should be to find activities you enjoy and emphasize time of participation rather than pace or intensity. You can introduce more speed as your stamina improves.

Detroit News: Toning tummy takes more than sit-ups: 11 april

Sit-ups alone will not trim excess fat. To lose excess weight around your midsection, you must engage in fat-burning aerobic exercise several times a week. Try a mix of brisk walking, jogging, dance exercise, cycling, rowing or swimming, while working toward a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to five times a week.

The Washington Post: How to Improve Your Brain: 10 april

You can't help wondering: Maybe your life would get better if your brain got better?

A slew of books is exploiting this hope. "Brain Fitness." "Building Mental Muscle." "Total Memory Workout." You'd think they were talking about physical fitness. The metaphor is no accident. The language is meant to suggest you can beef up your brain, much like your pecs, to gain power upstairs. Not just slow down the decline, but actually muscle up your mind.

Excite News: Column: Societal norms want to pump ... you up: 10 april

One night, while working out, thoughts like, "Why am I here?" and, "I really don't enjoy this," began creeping their way through my brain. Still, I pushed on and finished my workout.

Then it hit me: this is society's fault. Yes, the society we live in teaches us from the time we are babies that, unless we have perfectly trim and fit bodies with big muscles, no one will ever love us. We are taught to feel self-conscious, inferior, downright ashamed about our bodies if they cannot match up to the latest guy or girl in the Tommy Hilfiger ad.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Robert Rieff - Magiclight Productions

Torsdag 12 april

SF Gate: Still Poised on the Starting Block: 9 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who's gone to and fro on a possible run for governor of California, told Die Krone newspaper in his native Austria that "it is now almost certain that I will enter politics. I want to do it because I love this country.

"I have stood at such a crossroads before. Then, I had to decide whether to continue with bodybuilding or whether I should take up a film career. Now the situation is similar, film or politics."

Detroit News: Market won't hurt NY Auto Show's luxury offerings: 10 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger will drive the Hummer H2 SUT concept car into Times Square today for a preview of its New York International Auto Show debut.

IFBB: 2001 IFBB Constitution: 10 april

The 2001 IFBB Constitution - approved by the IFBB Executive Council and ratified by the IFBB Congress, Malacca, Malaysia, November 19, 2000.

Svensk artikel Ny Teknik: Påskchokladen bra som kosttillägg: 11 april

Glad Påsk! Ta en tugga av ditt chokladägg och tänk på flavonoiderna. Ägna också en glad tanke åt fetterna, både de omättade och mättade. Består ditt påskgodis av mörk choklad med hög kakaohalt (helst över 50 procent) kan du gott ta en bit utan tanke på riskerna.

Svensk artikel Piteå-Tidningen: Gladiator gästar inlandet i påsk: 12 april

Johan ”Plexus” Oldenmark, känd från vinterns succéprogram i TV, ”Gladiatorena”, gästar i Påskhelgen inlandet och Arvidsjaur. Under sitt besök kommer ”Plexus” bland annat att föreläsa om kost och träning, samt låta sig utmanas i ett påskjippo uppe på Vittjåkk.

Svensk artikel Norrköpings Tidningar: Dopningsbrotten har låg prioritet: 12 april

Rikskriminalens dopningsexpert Gunnar Hermansson kritiserar Norrköpingspolisen för att den inte prioriterar bekämpningen av dopningsbrott.

Svensk artikel Norrköpings Tidningar: Norrköpingsgym utesluter misstänkta missbrukare: 12 april

Gymen tar dopingproblemen på allvar. Det visar en rundringning till gym i Norrköping. Ett par av gymen har uteslutit personer som misstänkts missbruka dopingpreparat.

Gymguiden Norrköping:

  • Centralbadet
  • Fysica Motion & Rehab
  • gulasidorna.se
  • Hälsostudion
  • S.A.T.S. Sportsclub
  • World Class

Ananova: Anna Kournikova set to release her own fitness video: 11 april

Well, jag kommer att köpa ett ex... ;-)

Anna Kournikova will release her first fitness video on June 4. It will be called Basic Elements with Anna Kournikova and will be available on video and DVD.

CNN: 'Ginger' inventor inspires teens to design and dream: 6 april

"Pick something you love and make it your life's work."

Entrepreneur and inventor Dean Kamen says his father, an artist, gave him that advice and he hasn't veered from it yet.

"He also taught me you have to do what's important and sometimes it's not always easy," he says.

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: Ny maskin kan öka muskelstyrkan med 50 procent: 11 april

En vibrator som kan förbättra muskelstyrkan med 50 procent. Ett försenat aprilskämt? Nej, fullt allvar för Öbo Örebros innebandylag som just nu testar denna dundermaskin - först av alla damlag i Sverige. - Vi ska springa ifrån de andra lagen i höst, flinar landslagsspelaren Sandra Persson.

Svensk artikel Södermanlands Nyheter: Golfen satsar på starka spelare: 11 april

Ärila Golfklubbs framtidshopp kör riktigt tuff styrketräning med fria vikter. Det rör sig för dem som hållit på ett tag om mycket skrot på skivstängerna och hantlarna – allt för att få explosiva golfmuskler.

Svensk artikel Dagen: – Sport är en gåva från Gud: 11 april

Sportfåne! Så brukar det heta så fort någon försöker göra en svensk klassiker eller tränar på gym. För Åsa och Thomas Björk är idrott ett stort intresse men de har ett annat perspektiv på sitt idrottande än många andra. – För oss är sport framför allt en gåva från Gud, säger Thomas.

Svensk artikel Corren: Fullt ös och vilsamt djup i Åtvid: 11 april

Fullt ös och ordentligt tryck var det i Åtvidaberg i går. Men också lugnt och stilla, vilsamt djupt för kropp och själ. Allt ingående i en friskvårdsdag anordnad av gymnasieelever i kursen Idrott och hälsa.

Instruktörerna kom utifrån. Som Roger Zapfe från Motala, mer känd som Atlas i tv-programmet Gladiatorerna. Han körde styrketräning med intresserade.

Svensk artikel Ny Teknik: Spring snabbt med extraskelett: 11 april

Det snackas mycket om doping, men vad sägs om en springmaskin? Springwalker från Applied Motion i USA är konstruerad som ett extraskelett för att få bättre utväxling på muskelkraften när man springer.

CBS News: Dope And Glory:

Were American Athletes Given Performance-Enhancing Drugs Without Their Knowledge?

Berlingske Tidene: Saltin i spidsen for EPO-topmøde: 10 april

Formanden for Anti Doping Danmark, professor Bengt Saltin, skal på det internationale dopingagentur WADAs vegne forhandle med de internationale idrætsforbund om en koordineret indsats mod EPO. Parterne mødes i Lausanne i dag.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Glukosamin förbjuds kring månadsskiftet: 11 april

Snart blir det förbjudet för hälsokostaffärer att sälja preparat som innehåller glukosamin. Läkemedelsverket tycks redan ha bestämt sig för att förbjuda försäljningen vid månadskiftet april-maj.

Yahoo! Finance: Adirondack Pure Springs to Sponsor I.F.B.B. Events as Official Bottled Waters: 11 april

Press Release: Adirondack Pure Springs Mt. Water Co., Inc., a Company involved in the bottled water and beverage industry, announced today its Water will continue as the Official Bottled Waters of the International Federation of Bodybuilders (I.F.B.B.) Professional Division through 2001, with its sponsorship of the preeminent I.F.B.B. events, including the Bodyonics/Pinnacle Night of the Champions XXIII and the General Nutrition Centers Olympia Weekend 2001.

Svensk artikel Mjölkfrämjandet: Caffe Latte - svenskarnas nya dryckeskultur: 9 april

Sverige ligger sedan länge i toppskikt när det gäller att dricka mycket kaffe och mjölk. Detta är en utveckling som vi gärna kombinerar med innedrycken Caffe Latte.

health.iafrica.com: Skin damaged by sunlight can be repaired:

The South African Press Association reports that a molecule has been created that may prevent skin cancer by repairing the DNA damage caused by sunlight, even years after the dangerous exposure.

health.iafrica.com: Nutrition and depression: Is there a link?: 

While many people understand the connection between nutrition and a physical disease state, fewer people are aware of the connection between nutrition and depression. Depression is more typically thought of as strictly emotional or biochemical.

Nutrition, however, can play a key role, both in the onset, severity, and duration of depression. Many of the same food patterns that precede depression are the same food patterns that occur during depression. These patterns may include skipping meals, poor appetite, and a desire for sweet foods.

Yahoo! News: Show Has Special Hummer Promoters: 11 april

An orange Hummer with two bicycles strapped to the roof roared down Broadway, hung a sharp left at 44th Street and motored its way into ABC's "Good Morning America" studios.

Out stepped "Terminator" star Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. It was enough to make even New Yorkers gawk.

Newswise: Synergistic Effect of Grape Seed and Grape Skin Extracts Points Toward Effectiveness of Whole Juice, According to Researcher: 31 mars

"Often, functional foods are broken down into their constituent parts in hopes of finding a so-called "more active" ingredient," explains Dr. Folts, director of the Coronary Thrombosis Research and Prevention Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine.

New Scientist: Mind game: 30 mars

Psychological superiority alone could explain why the Australian rugby league team has won every World Cup since 1975, and why teams from the northern hemisphere lag so far behind, say British psychologists.

Sheard thinks that self confidence alone could explain Australia's continuing domination of the sport. "I think the Australian team takes to the field convinced they're going to win."

Yahoo! News: Rookie Cops Failing: 28 mars

Nearly 23% of the Police Academy class is failing to make the grade in academics or gym — forcing the Police Department to hold them out of crucial field training, the Daily News has learned.

Health.iafrica.com: Patch up your libido!:

Regelson says doctors, and probably some patients too, have groundless fears that testosterone will somehow masculinise women, causing them to grow facial hair, become overly aggressive, and in some, look and behave too much like the stereotypical male.

UniSci: Fiber Supplements May Be Harmful, Researcher Warns: 12 april

Not all dietary fiber is as good for us as we have been led to believe, says an editorial in Gut, a British Medical Association journal.

Yahoo! News: Boys Suffer Body Image Problems, Too: 11 april

Negative body images among boys are common, and current methods used to evaluate these self-images scientifically are likely to underestimate the problem, according to a report.

MSNBC: Viagra v. Niagara: 11 april

Pfizer, which makes Viagra, wants Lari Williams, shown in her Little Rock, Ark., coffee shop, barred from using the name Niagara for the carbonated energy drink she sells that supposedly puts people who drink it in the mood for love.

MSNBC: Computers could slash medication errors, government report finds: 11 april

Medication errors in the nation’s hospitals can be cut by more than two-thirds if doctors enter the prescriptions into a computer rather than scribbling them on paper, the government says.

Men's Fitness: Are You Obsessed With Your Body?: April

When out-of-control diets turn into eating disorders, it can wreck your health, your metabolism and your physique. Here are the danger signs.

Svensk artikel Regeringskansliet: Två EU-idrottsmöten i Stockholm 18 – 20 april: 12 april

Ett expertmöte om dopning - vid mötet deltar även experter från EU:s medlemsstater, kandidatländerna m.fl. Expertmötet behandlar antidopningsarbetet inom idrotten med tyngdpunkt i regeringarnas ansvar för att ge en plattform för en bra nationell antidopningspolitik.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Robert Rieff - Magiclight Productions

Onsdag 11 april

Svensk artikel SVD: Ali fascinerar mest av alla inom idrotten: 10 april

Schwarzenegger såklart, di andra är ju lättviktare...

Tiger Woods fascinerar mer än de flesta i världsidrotten. Men var finns han på tidernas lista? SvD:s sportkrönikör Sune Sylvén placerar Tiger på sjätte plats efter bland andra Muhammad Ali och Diego Maradona. Vilka idrottspersonligheter blir du mest fascinerad av?

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Gävlelyftare tog SM-guld: 10 april

Gävle KK deltog med två lyftare vid SM i Sundbyberg i helgen och det blev guld för bägge.

CNN: Teaching ginseng in javascript: 10 april

An online education program in the healing arts could better standardize Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The National Inner City Games Foundation

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Chairman of the Board:

America is the land of opportunity. I know having experienced it first hand that if you work hard and are given a chance, you can reach your dreams here. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us who have achieved success to help those less fortunate.

Opportunities need to be created for young people, especially those in inner cities who are more susceptible to fall under negative influences. This is exactly why I am involved with the Inner City-Games Foundation - to give kids opportunities and a chance at a better future.

ABC News: Researchers Report Turning Fat Cells Into Muscle: 10 april

You may have a little excess poundage in your middle section today. But someday that extra blubber could be your salvation.

Schwarzenegger.com: Hummer takes Manhattan: 10 april

Kicking off the New York Auto Show, the sunset orange HUMMER H2 SUT turned the heads of New Yorkers as it drove down Broadway flanked by two jet black HUMMER H1s.

In a dramatic entrance, the H2 SUT turned off Broadway and drove into the window of ABC Studio amid crowds of onlookers to deliver both the truck and its celebrity passengers, Schwarzenegger and Giuliani, to the event.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Australiska simmare ska dopingtestas: 10 april

Dopingsanklagelserna mot den ryskaustraliske simtränaren Gennadi Touretski fick Australiens simförbund att reagera snabbt. Landets alla elitsimmare ska genast dopingstestas.

Svensk artikel SVD: Tennisen riskerar sin OS-status: 10 april

Tennisen löper risk att kastas ut från OS. Orsaken är att sporten ännu en gång nonchalerar Internationella Olympiska Kommitténs (IOK:s) dopingregler. Argentinaren Juan Ignacio Chela dömdes i går till blott tre månaders avstängning för ett dopingbrott som enligt IOK:s regler ska ge två år.

Svensk artikel SVD: Grönt ljus för reklam för smart mat: 11 april

Från och med i sommar är det möjligt att påstå att en produkt verkligen ger en hälsoförbättring. Ett frivilligt regelverk kring märkning och marknadsföring av functional foods ska då vara klart.

Yahoo! News: Diet Equal to Drug in Lowering Cholesterol: Study: 10 april

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and nuts may reduce cholesterol levels and consequently lower the risk of heart disease as effectively as state-of-the-art drug therapy, results of a recent study reveal.

Pharmalexicon - A Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Medicine:

A pharmaceutical dictionary which explains the meanings of all pharmaceutical acronyms. Contains thousand and thousand of acronyms and pharmaceutical links.

The Fitness Lounge - Erotic photos of women of fitness with muscle

KK67 - KraftsportsKlubben av 1967

Norsk artikel Gymsokkeklubben

Alex's American Weightlifting Site - a site for the Olympic Weightlifter

Charles Poliquin: Q and A responses:

Charles and other experts answers your training and diet questions.

Charles Poliquin: Articles:

Indulge in the expertise of strength coach Charles Poliquin and many other greats, as their share their knowledge and experience in the following articles:

The Toronto Star: Jogging unveils crouching tiger, hidden dragons: 10 april

It occurs to me that this opens a window of opportunity. Do men really want to go around looking like the anatomically ambiguous lower torsos in The Bay's windows? Is this thunderingly obvious gender neutrality the goal of all their vigorous exercising? That seems unnatural in the extreme.

Sun Online: Gym bans Paul for Grunting: 10 april

Muscleman Paul Hayman has been banned from his local gym for GRUNTING too loudly while pumping iron. Paul, 30, was told his exertions were putting off other weightlifters.

Svensk artikel Hemsol Försäljnings AB:

Din kompletta friskvårdsleverantör. Här hittar du Europas modernaste friskvårdsutrustning.

Svensk artikel Hälsovakten lär Dig att äta rätt - nå din önskevikt med datorn:

HÄLSOVAKTEN-Plus och Hälsovakten-PRO med flera nya möjligheter har kommit (april 2001) och kan beställas nu! Programmet utgår från dina personliga data, räknar ut dina energi- och näringsbehov och ger dig måltidsförslag. Det är baserat på näringslära och mycket lätt att använda, även för nybörjare.

Svensk artikel Hälsovakten Diskussionsforum - Tips och stöd för Hälsovaktens användare

Svensk artikel City Hälsokost Strömstad

Svensk artikel Kalorier.nu: Näringsvärden:

Här hittar du tabeller som talar om hur mycket kalorier olika produkter innehåller.

Svensk artikel Sportenter:

Morgondagens träningsprogram är här. Det heter SPORTENTER och är ett unikt redskap för tränare och idrottare på elitnivå. SPORTENTER är ett träningsprogram för elitidrottsmän, skapat av elitidrottsmän.

Svensk artikel Corren.se: Kost: Hjärne kritiserar experttips i Corren: 10 april

Lisa Hjärne, konsulent på Idrotts- och Folkhälsoenheten i Östergötlands Idrottsförbund, har sin åsikt klar om proteinpulver:

- Värdelöst kissproducerande pulver. Vid förbränningen av proteiner bildas kvävehaltiga ämnen som drar vätska ur kroppen, och det i sin tur kan ge vätskebrist, säger Lisa Hjärne.

Chicago Tribune: What does 'fit' look like? Your concept may require a stretch: 25 mars

Fitness, experts say, can look like a variety of body types, and though defined many ways, it all comes down to a balanced diet and exercise. Doctors agree that constant exercise of 30 to 45 minutes five times a week, which could include anything from walking to completing household chores, will improve one's mental self and longevity, while diminishing the risk of developing certain diseases.

Svensk artikel Tidningen Svensk Idrott: April

Kosttillskott minskade - framgångarna ökade:
Användandet av kosttillskott minskar i den svenska idrottseliten. Det framgår av siffror från OS i Sydney, framtagna av överläkare Bo Berglund.

Det finns i dag inget dokumenterat behov av kosttillskott för hårt tränande idrottare. Detta slås fast i Sveriges Olympiska Kommittés och Riksidrottsförbundets kostpolicy. I expertgruppen har bland andra professorerna Bengt Saltin och Leif Hambraeus medverkat.

Vi som vill in:
Vid RF-stämman i Gävle ansöker fem specialförbund om att få bli medlem i idrottsfamiljen Riksidrottsförbundet. Ett av dem är starkt förknippat med dopingproblem: Svenska Kroppskulturförbundet. - Men vi har nu en styrelse som är helt enig på två huvudpunkter. Förbundet ska vara drogfritt och vi vill in i RF, säger ordförande Kenneth Wiklund.

Korrekte Arne går vidare:
Efter tolv år som ordförande i Riksidrottsförbundet tackar Arne Ljungqvist för sig vid Riksidrottsmötet i Gävle. – Bättre att gå med saknad än att vänta tills man är mätt, för då har man suttit för länge, säger han. För Svensk Idrott berättar han om framgångar, besvikelser, framtiden och vad han tycker om Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté – egentligen.

Ledaren: Höghöjdshus ett etiskt dilemma:
Var går gränsen för fusk i idrottssammanhang? Går den vid användande av kreatin? Vid användande av kosttillskott? Eller vid vistelse i höghöjdshus? Frågan har inget givet svar, långt därifrån.

Robert Rieff - Magiclight Productions: Fitness Women

WADA: Question of the Month:

Should pharmaceutical companies producing doping substances create a fund to keep drugs out of sport? (10 april - 83 % ja)

WADA: WADA Statement; Nutritional Substances:

RF: I ett meddelande från WADA:s "Health, Medical & Research Committee påtalar man att idrottsutövare som använder kosttillskott måste vara medvetna om riskerna att de innehåller dopingklassade substanser. Ansvaret ligger hos idrottsutövaren om man testar positivt på grund av bruk av kosttillskott.

Svensk artikel Riksidrottsförbundet: Om du måste söka dispens:

Du som tävlingsidrottar och måste medicinera av olika skäl har möjlighet att söka dispens från förbudet att använda dopingklassade läkemedel. Se först efter på listan över dopingklassade läkemedel som finns att få på alla apotek och även ligger ute på vår hemsida. Om du finner att din medicin är dopingklassad kan du hämta information och ansökningshandlingar om dispens på RF:s hemsida.

Netrition: Enzyme Might Fix Sunburned DNA: 6 april

Scientists have developed an artificial enzyme that fixes sun-damaged DNA and could eventually be built into creams to avert skin cancer, researchers said Thursday.

Svensk artikel Umeå Universitet: Att mäta "det sjätte sinnet": 22 januari

Det är välkänt att vi är utrustade med fem sinnen (t.ex. syn och hörsel) som ger oss upplevelser av vår omvärld. Uttrycket "det sjätte sinnet" används ofta för att beteckna någonting utöver de vanliga sinnena, t.ex. en övernaturlig förmåga. Icke desto mindre är alla människor utrustade med ett sinne som faktiskt skulle förtjäna att klassas som det sjätte.

Till skillnad från de fem vanliga sinnena ger dock detta sinne information om den egna kroppen snarare än omvärlden. Rörelse- och positionssinnet, eller proprioceptionen som detta sinne även kallas, säger oss hur våra kroppsdelar (t.ex. armar och ben) är belägna och rör sig i förhållande till varandra utan att vi behöver se dem.

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Vett & etikett på gymmet:

Det blir roligare att träna om alla respekterar gymmets vett & etikettsregler. Mitt-liv.nu listar träningens budord.

BBC Sport: Olympians flex their muscles: 9 april

BBC Sport Online's Mike Burnett meets Olympic stars Audley Harrison and Dean Macey as they prepare to pit themselves against fitness fanatics across the country.

HealthWorld Online: Tips for Taking Supplements: 9 april

Herbalists and pharmacists offer the following tips for consumers taking supplements:

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Träning i sol har god effekt: 10 april

Att som reumatiker få träna i sol och värme är en bra form av rehabilitering. Det konstaterar Ingiäld Hafström, verksamhetschef för reumatologiska kliniken vid Huddinge universitetssjukhus.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Hårt slag när fetmakirurgi bantas: 10 april

De överviktiga drabbas inte bara av att subventionen av viktminskningsmedlet Xenical försvinner. Möjligheten att få göra ett kirurgiskt ingrepp för att behandla fetma har också minskat drastiskt. Det kan göra att läkemedelskostnaderna ökar ytterligare, visar en ännu opublicerad studie.

Just Move: Athletic achievement isn't in the genes: 9 april

Citing personal experience and recent discoveries in the mapping of the human genome, a black Olympic medalist from Kenya and a white American science writer joined forces to strike a blow against so-called "scientific racism."

EurekAlert: Vitamin treatment brings dramatic improvements: 9 april

Researchers have discovered a new treatment for one form of the rare disorder hereditary ataxia that has resulted in remarkable improvements, according to a study in the April 10 issue of Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

The researchers discovered that some patients with hereditary ataxia have a decreased level of coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, in their muscles. CoQ10, also called ubiquinone, is a vitamin-like substance that plays a key role in the production of energy within cells. It is naturally present in small amounts in various foods.

MSNBC: Working out senior-style: 9 april

At age 75, Eve fell and broke her hip and shoulder. After recuperating, she spent most days sitting in a chair, watching television. Then her brother insisted she begin an activity program. He hired a personal trainer who specializes in workouts for older adults.

Time: Snack Attack!: 16 april

Kids are eating a lot more calories between meals--and they have the bellies to prove it.

Norsk artikel PULS Fitness Wear - Livsstils-butiken med personlig service

Svensk artikel GP: Utbrett matfusk bland butiker: 9 april

Var tredje matförpackning innehåller mindre än vad som står på etiketten. Nu avslöjar Miljöförvaltningen fusket bland matbutikerna.

Svensk artikel GP: Australisk simtränare ertappad med dopningsmedel: 10 april

Den välkände simtränaren Gennadij Touretski har ertappats med anabola steroider. Han tränar bland annat superstjärnorna Alexander Popov och Michael Klim. - Det är chockerande och för jävligt, säger en besviken Hans Chrunak, före detta simförbundskapten.

Australian Sports Commision: For Immediate Release: Testing program for swimmers unmatched, says ASDA: 10 april

The drug testing protocol for Australia’s elite athletes was the most comprehensive and rigorous in the world, the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Sports Drug Agency (ASDA), Mr John Mendoza.

At this stage, there is absolutely no evidence to prove any association between the alleged find and the AIS swim squad itself.

Svensk artikel Fredrik Paulún: I maj släpps Fredrik Paulúns nya bok 'Ät, träna, prestera!': 9 april

Detta är egentligen den första boken jag skriver speciellt för dig som tränar och innehåller bland annat:

  • Matspjälkningen
  • Energiförbrukning
  • Energidepåer
  • Var kommer energin från?
  • Protein och träning
  • Fett och prestation
  • Kolhydrater
  • Glykemiskt index och träning
  • Alkohol
  • Vatten
  • Vitaminer för tränande
  • Mineraler för den aktive
  • Kost och uthållighet
  • Kost och styrka/explosivitet
  • ABCDE-dieten
  • Kosttillskott:
    • Karnitin (ALC)
    • Antioxidanter
    • Koffein
    • Sportdryck
    • Omega-3 (fiskolja)
    • Proteintillskott
    • Pyruvat
    • CLA
    • Kreatin
    • Zink

Yahoo! News: Venezuela Trades Oil for Athletics: 10 april

President Hugo Chavez gave a hearty welcome to hundreds of Cuban sports trainers who plan to whip Venezuelan athletes into shape in exchange for cheap Venezuelan oil.

National Post Online: Ayn Rant as boring as airline food: 7 april

The book's value resides in its uniqueness. No other book I've read boasts such a strange mixture of self-promotion and rancour. Every few pages, Ayn Rand urges her victims - excuse me, her friends and associates - to seek further enlightenment in her own published non-fiction. She rarely refers to writers other than herself, but when she does she almost always slags them off.

NetDoctor: High flying 'good for health': 10 april

High-flying and achievement at work could be good for your health, new research has found. Doctors believe the answer could lie with the fact that people in high positions feel more in control of their lives. ‘Feeling like you are in control is important for mental, and it would appear, physical wellbeing,’ a spokesman said.

Svensk artikel Motala & Vadstena Tidning: Får tuff utmaning: 10 april

Motalatjejen Riitta Liimatainen tillhör världens allra bästa styrkelyftstjejer. I augusti väntar karriärens största utmaning då hon nominerats till World Games i Japan.

Norsk artikel Ekstra Bladet: Jeg blev slagtet: 10 april

For første gang taler Bjarne Riis ud om tre år i gabestokken: - Jeg alene stod til ansvar for hele svineriet, og det er stadig svært at være mig, siger han i dette interview om smerte, glæde, sejre og ikke mindst nedture

Physical Culture Page:

Thanks for stopping by my site dedicated to the Physical Culture style strongmen of yesterday and today. I want to let you know that, first and foremost, I am an Atlas Man®. I use the Liederman course along with weights and a few other exercise programs as a supplement/enhancement to my original Charles Atlas® training.

Yahoo! News: Prosperous Ireland Enters Bulge Bracket: 4 april

New research into lifestyle habits in Northern Ireland and the Irish republic has revealed that the average man on the island now weighs 82.9 kilos compared with 78.1 kilos in 1990 -- an increase of six percent.

Irish women have seen their average weight rise by a similar margin from 64.8 kilos a decade ago to 67.5 kilos in 2000 as obesity levels in the divided island have jumped by a button-popping average of 67 percent for both sexes.

Armblaster.com - Official home of the arm blaster:

ArmBlaster.com carries the best arm blaster on the web that improves bicep and tricep development. Free arm blaster bicep arm tips and ask our trainer

The Times: You don't have to die: 4 april

The ability to extend life indefinitely is now within our grasp, argues generontologist Tom Kirkwood in the first of this year's BBC Reith lectures.

Svensk artikel Patient-FASS:

Allmänhetens enda kompletta uppslagsverk om läkemedel som säljs i Sverige.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare


Tisdag 10 april

Svensk artikel IFHO - International Fitness & Health Organisation:

En utvecklingsmöjlighet för er friskvårdsanläggning är att ni kan bli auktoriserad av IFHO att medverka till friskvårdscertifiering av företag och organisationer i Ert närområde.

Friskvårdscertifiering kan jämföras med miljö- och kvalitetscertifieringar, den syftar till att företagen skall få en välmående personal. Mindre stress, mindre sjukfrånvaro, ökad prestationsförmåga, ökad arbetsglädje och bättre hälsa.

De första auktorisationsutbildningarna för att bli auktoriserad av IFHO har genomförts i Helsingborg. Bland de nu auktoriserade anläggningarna finns Träningsakademin och Aktiverum i Helsingborg, Onyx i Borås, Studio T i Ängelholm, Lunds Friskvård, Aktiv Eslöv.

Nästa utbildningar är i Jönköping 26/27 april och Norrköping 10/11 maj. Anmälda hitintills är Atlantis Jönköping, Studio Aktive Kungsbacka, Comax Rättvik, Fysica i Linköping, Norrköping och Motala.

AP Photo/Rene Macura Vending machines that dispense colorful bottles of chocolate, strawberry and coffee-flavored milk, have been installed at middle and high schools in Los Angeles; Austin, Texas; Boston; Omaha, Neb., and Miami. After the test ends this spring, the dairy industry hopes the results will persuade bottlers and schools nationwide to put in similar machines.

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: Europarekordet gled Ljungberg ur händerna - men Örebro KK bästa SM-klubb: 9 april

Han siktade på nytt Europarekord. Men det gled honom, bokstavligen, ur händerna. Istället fick Jörgen Ljungberg nöja sig med ännu ett SM-guld i styrkelyft. Vilket i ordningen vet han knappt själv. - Med lite flyt hade Jörgen slagit Europarekordet med säkert tio kilo, säger Bjarne Carlsson, ordförande i Örebro Kraftsportklubb.

Craig Productions - Emerald Cup and Ironman Bodybuilding and Fitness Contests:

Producers of the Emerald Cup Championships and Washington Ironman Naturally events, also the home of the official Washington State NPC Bodybuilding Contest Schedule.

Sunday Times: Do workouts make you fat?: 8 april

According to a report in the science journal Nature, those who do regular high-intensity sessions at the gym tend to reward themselves in between sessions by eating more food and lying on the sofa watching television.

So they end up burning fewer calories in total than those who don't go to the gym regularly, but who lead a moderately active life, by walking or cycling regularly.

Politiken: Intet bevis i historisk dopingsag: 9 april

Siden har sagen stået som verdens første dokumenterede dopingdødsfald.

Men i dag indrømmer den pensionerede professor fra universitet i Wien, at han aldrig har set dokumentation for, at Knud Enemark var dopet.

Svensk artikel Arbetsliv direkt: Tre mönster förklarar psykisk ohälsa i arbetslivet: 9 april

Varför drabbas en del av psykisk ohälsa när arbetslivet snabbt förändras? Det går att urskilja tre framträdande mönster, konstaterar Per Wiklund, psykolog vid Yrkesmedicinska enheten, Stockholms läns landsting och ansvarig för en färsk studie.

Svensk artikel Hallands Nyheter: En stor stark i Derome: 9 april

Det började i morsans tvättstuga. Det var julaftons kväll och Magnus Samuelsson och hans bror Torbjörn fick var sin skivstång i julklapp av föräldrarna. Magnus var 16 år.

I dag är Magnus Samuelsson 31 år och Världens starkaste man.

Buffalo Business First: Run down? Then run over to a health club: 9 april

Whatever your motivation, joining a health club is a good place to start.

According to the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, people join sports clubs for a variety of benefits, including: a supportive environment; a variety of cardiovascular and resistance machines; personal guidance from fitness professionals; an environment unaffected by extreme temperatures or weather, and activities for children.

Svensk artikel Yahoo! Nyheter: Aerobic mot depressioner: 9 april

Motion hjälper mot många sjukdomar. Nu visar en undersökning gjord i Tyskland att ett enkelt aerobic-pass om dagen kan hjälpa mot depressioner.

Nando Times: Kids eating more snacks, study finds: 9 april

"The average size of snacks and energy per snack remained relatively constant, but since the number of times kids eat between meals increased, the average daily energy intake from snacks grew, and that's not good," said Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the University of North Carolina's schools of public health and medicine.

MSNBC: Third of some cancers tied to weight: 5 april

Up to one-third of cancers of the colon, breast, kidney and digestive tract are attributable to too much weight gain and too little exercise, says the World Health Organization’s cancer agency.

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: Jag erbjöds dopa mig: 9 april

Vid middagen råkade jag få sitta bredvid Gösta Fåglums egen mekaniker i det italienska stallet. Han var förstås italienare och det första han frågade mig var om jag ”tog några piller” före loppet.

Svensk artikel GP: Dopningsavslöjanden i amerikansk idrott: 9 april

Idrottare från USA har rutinmässigt varit dopade under olympiska spel. Det hävdar en tjänsteman i USA:s olympiska kommitté i programmet "60 Minutes II" i den stora tv-kanalen CBS.

Strength Online: Articles by Mavrocat about Strongman Training

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Överviktiga i protest mot Xenical-stopp: 9 april

I dag demonstrerar överviktiga mot socialministerns beslut att upphäva subventioneringen av bantningsmedlet Xenical. - Det är diskriminerande, säger Lars Åhman, ordförande för Överviktigas riksförbund.

Svensk artikel Överviktigas Riksförbund: Läkemedelssubventionen slopas på läkemedel mot bl a fetma!: 3 april

Regeringen och Landstingsförbundet har idag beslutat att receptbelagda läkemedel mot fetma och impotens ska tas bort ur läkemedelssubventionen.

Detta är första gången man utesluter en hel grupp människor från det allmänna trygghetssystemet på grund av deras genetiska anlag, och därmed troligtvis det mest diskriminerande beslut som en svensk regering tagit i modern tid.

Play It Again Sports - buys, sells, trades and consigns used and new sporting goods

Fitness Factory Outlet - America's #1 Source for Aerobics and Strength Training Equipment

Weightlifter's Warehouse:

Since 1977, Weightlifter's Warehouse has been a favorite source for strength and fitness products. Weightlifter's Warehouse offers a complete line of bodybuilding, weightlifting, cardio, boxing, and exercise equipment for home, school, and organizational use.

The New Zealand Herald: Musclemen do battle at the Royal Easter Show: 9 april

Despite the pain, Former New Zealand strongman and powerlifting champion Matt Rossiter believes strongman contests are becoming increasingly popular. "A lot of people who train in the gym don't actually play a specific sport. This is now becoming an outlet for them."

Skip La Cour: Cardiovascular Training For Effective Fat Loss: How Do You Know When You Are Working Hard Enough?: 9 april

Efficient cardiovascular training is an excellent way to help your body burn excess body fat. But what should your heart rate be at when doing your cardio sessions?

Yahoo! News: CBS Report Says U.S. Athletes Took Drugs: 9 april

CBS News on Sunday quoted a former U.S. Olympics Committee doping control official as saying the United States routinely sent drug-using athletes to the Olympics -- including last year's games in Sydney.

Svensk artikel Barometern: Efedrin ny tablett som intas på krogen: 9 april

Efedrinpiller är en ny drog som används i Kalmar och som intas med drinkar på krogarna. Och brunt heroin är billigast i Kalmar län.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: "Gladiatorerna" går inte att stoppa: 7 april

Final för ”Gladiatorerna” i går. Ett våldsförhärligande barnprogram som nog tyvärr har kommit för att stanna.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Årets gladiatorer firade med champagne: 7 april

Glöm Hero, Elektra, Zeke och Amber. Nu är det bara Louise Svaton och Fredrik Edlund som gäller i ”Gladiatorerna”. I går kväll firade de sina segrar med champagne.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: Styrkelyfts-SM resultat 2001: 9 april

Här kommer SM-resultaten från SM i Löthallen, Sundbyberg. Tack till alla aktiva och ledare som gjorde detta till ett SM med goda resultat och mycket god stämning.

Svensk artikel Folket: Lättlagad påskmat: 9 april

Ägg är påskhelgens mest självklara livsmedel. Ett fantastiskt livsmedel som levereras inslaget och klart.

Jyllands-Posten: Fødevareregion til kamp mod ulovlige vitaminer: 9 april

Kosttilskud og energidrikke tilsat ulovlige vitaminer er blevet et stigende problem i Københavns-området. Fødevareregionen beslaglægger gang på gang ulovlige varer - først og fremmest i fitnesscentre, små butikker og diskoteker.

HealthScout: Creatine and Teens: 8 april

Some experts warn of high school athletes' use of muscle-building supplement.

HealthScout: Eat Your Greens … and Your Reds: 6 april

Parents have long admonished kids to eat their greens, but nutritionists are discovering significant health benefits from red vegetables and fruits.

HealthWatch: Diet Failure: What You Eat? Or What's Eating You?: Maj 2000

It's that time again. Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. Yet, if you're like most of us, those unwanted pounds still stubbornly remain. Being overweight not only affects your health but also your self-esteem. The problem is: You want to lose weight but something is preventing you.

Don't despair, you're not alone.


Hier können Sie für das Training geeignete Musik vorhören, aufgrund der derzeitigen Gesetzeslage können die Stücke nur in einem qualitativ schlechten RealAudio oder MP3-Format zum Anhören angeboten werden.

Helfen Sie bei der Sammlung der besten Trainingslieder! Submitten Sie Ihre Lieblingslieder. Ausgefüllt werden muss nur der Songtitel, der Rest ist optional.

BBC News: Strongman milks another record: 6 april

A strongman has broken the world record for balancing milk crates on his head. John Evans, 54, from Derbyshire, surpassed his own record set in 1996 by lifting 96 empty milk crates, weighing 23 stones.

Himalaya USA, Herbal Healthcare Worldwide Since 1930

Svensk artikel Träningshjälpen - Interaktivt Styrketräningsprogram:

En cd-rom fullpackad med övningar för hela kroppen för dig som vill träna effektivt hemma. Tydliga bilder med text samt video och utskriftsmöjligheter. Massor med information och träningstips om styrketräning och stretching.

SiliconValley.com: Scientists coax liver cells into growing on silicon chip: 4 april

Scientists have coaxed liver cells into thriving on a specially machined silicon chip, a melding of biology and technology that could lead to the creation of artificial liver device that would eliminate the need for transplants.

WebMDHealth: Is it OK to drink water with meals?: 4 december 2000

I'm frequently asked about abstaining from liquids when eating solid foods, and I'm not sure where this all got started. But let me set the record straight: Drinking fluids at meals causes no harm to your digestive tract or to the digestion process as a whole. In fact, liquids are crucial in digestion.

Yahoo! Finance: New, Low Carb Tortilla Chips Ideal for Diabetics and Weight Watchers, Says Life Services: 6 april

Press Release: To meet growing consumer demand for low carbohydrate foods that will not trigger excess blood sugar, Life Services Supplements has developed the world's first low carbohydrate Tortilla Chips, which are marketed under their Keto brand. The company is at the forefront of marketing a new generation of low carbohydrate/high protein foods.

Ananova: Researchers discover gene related to anorexia: 5 april

Researchers have found that one form of a gene involved in controlling appetite is more frequent among anorexics.

Ananova: Brainier people live longer - research: 6 april

Children with higher than average IQs at the age of 11 are more likely to live into their seventies, according to research published in the British Medical Journal.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Kändisars arbetsskador: 6 april

Det snackas om musarm, ryggskott och asbest-lunga. Men har du hört talas om gitarr-arm, scendrag och dj-nacke? Puls har koll på skadorna som drabbar våra idoler.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: IQ var länkat till livslängd: 6 mars

Sannolikheten att bli äldre än 76 år var högre för dem som hade ett högt IQ sent i barndomen, än för de som låg under genomsnittet. Det visar en studie som presenteras i det kommande numret av British Medical Journal.

Yahoo! News: Scientists Discover Secrets Behind Aging Process: 5 april

A common hormone-based mechanism seems to regulate the aging process in a variety of organisms, scientists said on Thursday in a finding that raises the possibility that hormonal therapy could add decades to the human life span.

Yahoo! News: Study: Bathrooms Comfort Some, Isolate Others: 5 mars

The average American spends about an hour in the bathroom every day, or two weeks a year, and although much of that time is spent reading, thinking and often a little more, it is not all pleasure for everybody, according to a recent survey.

Ananova: Sensible shoes 'do more damage to feet': 6 april

Wide-heeled shoes with plenty of toe space may actually put women more at risk from the bone disease osteoporosis than spindly, spiked stilettos, a study in The Lancet found.

The O'Keefe Group - Personal Coaching and Seminars: How To Be Mentally Tougher, More Persistent, Confident, and have an Winning Attitude that Scares Your Competition! Immediately!:

From personally consulting with Olympic and Professional athletes, from golf, baseball, swimming, basketball, etc., and taking many athletes to a level they didn't think possible, as well as teaching youth athletes the same Powerful Secrets. One thing I know is that you will improve immediately once you use these strategies!


A training program in mental conditioning for athletes, based on modelling excellence: identifying the mental and emotional strategies of champions and teaching these skill to others.

Myo Dynamics: Slow Versus Explosive Lifting: The Controversy Continues: 15 oktober 1997

For years, the most vocal faction of coaches and athletes in opposition to explosive lifting techniques has been known as "HIT" an acronym meaning "High Intensity Training." The HIT FAQ says: "Anytime, anyone, be they Mr. Universe, or whomever, tells you to move a weight fast, in an 'explosive' style, just walk away. That person is a fool."

(I always thought that anyone who took comfort in applying blanket statements to a wide range of circumstances was a fool, but maybe I've got it wrong!)

House of Speed, Inc.:

House of Speed Inc. is a corporation designed to help athletes enhance the one quality an athlete needs most...speed.

Yahoo! Sports: Report: Doping lasted several years among small group: 5 april

A government report that followed the biggest doping scandal in Finnish history found that cross-country skiers had used performance-enhancing drugs for at least two years.

Roman Gladiatorial Games

GMA: Federal Advice On Sugar Intake "Undermines" Dietary Guidelines Report: 10 mars 2000

Recommendations to limit the intake of sugar have "no basis in law or fact" and would significantly undermine proposed revisions in federal Dietary Guidelines, the Grocery Manufacturers of America said today.

GMA: Nutrition Summit Should Have Specific Focus On "Science-Based Solutions" To Combat Obesity: 9 december 1999

A proposed national summit on nutrition should have a "narrow, specific, and precise" focus on science-based solutions to combat increasing rates of obesity across the United States, according to the Grocery Manufacturers of America.

just-food.com: German scientist: 'I covered up BSE cases in the 1990s': 5 april

Despite fierce denials, Germany had its own BSE cases as early as during the mid-1990s, claims food chemist Udo Pollmer. The cases, however, were hushed up until Germany had its first confirmed domestic case in November last year.

bodytrends.com: Flexibility: Freedom of Movement:

Range of motion (ROM) is defined as the movement around a joint or set of joints and the connecting muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Often called flexibility, this is an important fitness factor.

bodytrends.com: Top ten back-to-basics, get-well confidence tips:

The next time you pick up a newspaper, magazine, book, or whatever and you get thrown into more health information overload, refer to this back-to-basics list. These tips will add years to your life, keep you fit, strong, and energized, plus a boost in get-well confidence.

bodytrends.com: Body Composition: Healthy Under The Skin:

The cover of a book is not always accurate, and just looking at the scale does not always tell you what is in those pounds. While weight is important to many people, a better measure of how healthy and fit you are is body composition, or the basic ratio of muscle to fat.

bodytrends.com: Public Attitudes Toward Physical Education: Are Schools Providing What the Public Wants?

bodytrends.com: Buying A Treadmill On-line:

Treadmills continue to be the most popular and arguably most valuable pieces of aerobic equipment you can purchase. They are simple and intuitive to use, burn calories very effectively and offer a wide range of exercise options from walking to hill climbing and jogging.

For better or worse it is also one of the most saturated categories in the fitness equipment industry - making choosing the right product a daunting task without the right advice.

STATpub.com: Vitamin Rich Egg Developed: 4 april

Vitamin enhanced eggs are now being marketed. The new egg is rich in vitamins E, B6 and B12 and are the result of the choice of vitamins fed to hens.

The company's first foray into enriched eggs came when it started feeding flaxseed to hens to produce an egg high in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is now working on eggs rich in folic acid.

STATpub.com: Nuts Join Cancer Fighting Foods: 26 februari

Edible nuts have joined the list of foods researchers believe help human beings fight diseases such as colon cancer; slowly expanding the list of disease fighting foods to encompass all foods consumed by people.

ABC News: Scientists Say the Body’s Hormones Detect Divorce First:

Researchers at the Ohio State University Medical Center have come up with what seems to be a very reliable predictor of divorce. It's not the kind of thing that's likely to be turned into a prenuptial divorce meter anytime soon, but it speaks volumes about why some marriages fail and others succeed.

It turns out that it's all in the hormones.

Norsk artikel VG: Stray-Gundersen ønsker WADA-støtte: 5 april

Jim Stray-Gundersen har søkt om økonomisk støtte fra WADA til å videreutvikle Advia-dopingtesten. Han får svar i august.

Newswise: Fruits, Vegetables Require Kitchen Care to Prevent Food Illnesses: 4 april

Ask Purdue University food microbiologist what foods he won't eat, and the answer might surprise you. The food that frightens this associate professor of food science is raw vegetables

Newswise: Consuming More Protein, Fewer Carbohydrates May be Healthier: 3 april

New research suggests a diet higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than currently recommended may help people maintain desirable body weight and overall health.

STATpub.com: U.S. Fruit Consumption Declines for Second Year: 18 oktober 2000

The amount of fruit being consumed by each individual in the United States declined for the second year in a row in 1999, falling another 3% to 287 pounds per person, according to data compiled by the USDA's Economic Research Service in its Fruit and Tree Nuts Situation and Outlook Yearbook.

www.PaleoDiet.com - The Paleolithic Diet Page:

A page of annotated links to sites for the Paleolithic Diet, also called a hunter/gatherer diet.

Ancient Athletics - Scottish Heavy Events

It's all about... Strength.

Secrets To Back Pain Relief That Your Doctor, Chiropractor or Physical Therapist Doesn't Want You To Know!

The Professional Wrestling Online Museum - The Professional Wrestling Portal

The Meat, Leaves and Berries Page:

Welcome to the "Meat, Leaves and Berries" Diet Page. I hope you consult your physician before considering this way of life. Remember, I am not a doctor nor a dietician, but I have compiled this information to help others see some of the success I have had with this way of eating.

Perform Better:

Perform Better is your one stop shopping for a complete line of functional training and rehabilitation products.

Yahoo! News: Supplement Does Not Slow Bone Loss, Study Shows: 20 mars

An over-the-counter supplement marketed as a natural way to prevent bone thinning appears ineffective, according to results of a 3-year study in Denmark. In fact, researchers found, some women who took the supplement experienced a drop in their white blood cell counts, a condition that can impair the immune system.

FindLaw: Attorney General releases Olympic scandal files: 24 mars

Olympic scandal files released Thursday by the Utah attorney general's office appear at once to support and also to undercut the defense being mounted by indicted bid leaders who won the 2002 Winter Games.

The Hacker's Diet

ExRx Online: Common Biomechanical and Postural Deficiencies:

It is too easy to denounce an exercise if an injury occurred during its execution. Biomechanical deficiencies are one of several causes of injury during exercise or activity. The information below if for precautionary measures only so mechanical deficiencies can be identified and corrected in attempt to prevent athletic injuries during exercise or physical activity.

The Walker's Warehouse - Walking and Fitness Information and Products!:

Designed to provide the ability to log walks, chat with walkers, research walking events and travel, and purchase walking products.

The Original Tune Belt:

Tune Belt manufactures four neoprene carrier belts for cassette and CD players, a Cassette/Water Bottle Combo belt, a Mike Belt for instructors' wireless microphone transmitters, several belts for two-way radios and a family of neoprene cases for cellular/PCS phones and family radios.

Harbinger SportStretch:

Stretching and Flexibility - Harbinger SportSretch is the new stretching aid that helps you improve flexibility by practicing Active Isolated Stretching.


Leading manufacturer of accessories for the fitness, skate and industrial industries

Tanita Body Fat Monitors:

Features our revolutionary body fat monitors and scales, plus resources for body fat management.

GymMate - Digital Fitness Is Here!:

The GymMate personal exercise system combines the power of computer technology with the latest advances in personal training to give YOU the body you've always wanted with less time in the gym.

The Columbus Dispatch: Walk the rock: 21 februari

On most Saturdays, Osborne, a 31-year-old personal trainer, leads his troops into the winter chill outside Fitness Central in Grandview Heights to lift bricks, lug rocks, flip tires and drag sleds.

Sometimes, Osborne and his followers flip over old cars. Inside the gym, they grapple like sumo wrestlers with sandbags and press homemade steel logs overhead.

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases:

From the University of Maryland, James A. Duke has put together a set of on-line phytochemical and ethnobotanical data base. This enables you to query the composition relative to a large number of constituent compounds for any of some 2,000 species, "including most of the more important foods, spices, herbs and medicinal plants".

Orthomolecular Medicine Online:

Orthomolecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. The term "orthomolecular" was first used by Linus Pauling in a paper he wrote in the journal Science in 1968.

NCCAM - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine:

Dedicated to exploring complementary and alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science; training CAM researchers; and disseminating authoritative information.

Life Extension Foundation: Hormone Discovery May Help Weight Control: 28 mars

Animal studies at the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in Denver, in the US, suggest that the hormone MSH plays a role in the control of fat levels in the body. Researchers say the finding could mean the development of novel ways to trigger fat cells in humans to release their stored energy and prompt weight loss.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI):

A nonprofit education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety and nutritional quality of our food supply.

CSPI: Liquid Candy - How Soft Drinks are Harming Americans' Health

CSPI: New Guide Reveals Calories and Fat in Restaurant Food: 20 februari

Which sandwich is worse for your waistline: roast beef with mustard or a turkey club? Most restaurant-goers don’t have a clue. Why? Because restaurants aren’t in the habit of telling diners the calorie or fat content of their food.

The National Council Against Health Fraud:

NCAHF is a private nonprofit, voluntary health agency that focuses upon health misinformation, fraud, and quackery as public health problems.

The National Council Against Health Fraud: Coaches' Corner: Goal Setting for Self Improvement in Athletics:

Goal setting can help athletes improve both their self confidence and athletic skills. It can also force athletes to confront certain realities about their ability and potential for improvement.

WorldOnline: Powerwalking - kick och totalupplevelse:

Powerwalking är ett smidigt och effektivt sätt att komma i form. Det ökar förbränningen och konditionen märkbart, samtidigt är det skonsamt mot kroppen.

Council for Responsible Nutrition - Science-Based Information on Dietary Supplements:

Dedicated to helping to reduce health care costs and enhancing the public's health through good nutrition, including the appropriate use of dietary supplements.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare


Måndag 9 april

Marikas Vikingworld:

Marika Johansson med Bill och Hillary Clinton.

Welcome to the Vikingworld of Marika Johansson, sail on in!

Last year I had the opportunity to meet with the former president of USA Mr Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary on a charity party in Washington DC.

Yahoo! News: Jury Awards $56 Million in Fen-Phen Case: 6 april

American Home Products Corp. said on Friday a Texas jury has awarded a woman $56.5 million for heart damage she claimed was caused by two company diet drugs once used in the "fen-phen" weight-loss cocktail.

Yahoo! News: Drug Maker To Appeal Jury Award: 6 april

American Home Products Corp. announced Friday it will seek to overturn the $56.55 million awarded to a Texas woman who claimed she suffered a heart valve problem after taking a diet drug.

American Body Building: Dreadnought Movie: Roland Kickinger:

Roland Kickinger will be in a powerful feature film, slated for production starting April 12th. Titled 'Dreadnought', it is his first major role action film.

The New York Times: It's Easier to Be Green: 8 april

For too long, vegetarians were regarded as kooks, cranks and moralists by a nation that found self-definition in hot dogs and hamburgers rather than carrots and tofu.

But now the worm — or rather, the sprout — has turned. Meat eaters are in a panic over the specter of incurable mad cow disease.

Mercola: The Best Health Sites On the Net: 7 april

The Internet is a wonderful tool to both find and distribute information. I use it every day to compile information to share with you. In addition, many of the stories I receive come from readers of the newsletter.

My goal is to have this site grow into the number one health site on the Net. Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, there is currently no central registry of health sites.

The New England Journal of Medicine: Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra Alkaloids: 5 april

We wish to report on a previously healthy, 19-year-old male bodybuilder who had a myocardial infarction after using ephedra.

Seattle Times: Energy claims: The search begins not in bars and pills, but at home: 8 april

Do I want to artificially increase energy, with the caffeine in a guarana supplement, perhaps? Or, if I'm feeling daring, ma huang?

Would I rather consume some energy - in other words, calories? If so, do I want to go for a quick hit, a candy bar or a bagel, and risk a later urge to nap? Should I choose more complex carbohydrates, perhaps some fat and protein, for longer-lasting fuel?

Come to think of it, maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night. I really shouldn't have had those cookies midafternoon. And I must make a point of getting on the treadmill tomorrow morning.

SF Gate: The Gym-O-Watt Solution: 8 april

Pleasanton physician Larry Hall has found a way to harness yuppie power.

A few rolling blackouts ago I suggested that fitness clubs get rid of electrically powered treadmills and install ones that generate electricity. Hall wrote to say he invented such a device during the energy crunch of the late '70s and he still has the prototype.

Detroit News: Get in the swing for summer: 4 april

After a winter on the couch, it's important to get lazy muscles in shape now, before starting a favorite sport.

Montreal Gazette: Healthy employees are more productive: 2 april

Health Canada has teamed up with the Canadian Council for Health and Active Living to launch a web site outlining ways employers can encourage their workers to become more active, and why it makes business sense to do so. (www.activelivingatwork.com)

The Hindu: A champion's nursery lies neglected: 6 april

This shed, a temporary arrangement since its inception in 1969, still presents a pathetic picture of the total ignorance of the authorities who govern the sport in the State.

This is strange considering the fact that it was here that ace weightlifter and Sydney Olympics bronze medallist Karnam Malleswari grappled with the basics of weightlifting for four years from the age of 12.

MSNBC: Credit card nation: 5 april

Like an athlete who uses steroids to temporarily exaggerate muscle mass and to boost physical strength, the U.S. economy has been perilously inflated through the enormous increase of debt over the last two decades.

And, like the myriad of medical maladies that eventually afflict the steroid abusers, the negative long-term impact of societal debt has been neglected during this period of economic growth.

ENN: Science Matters: No quick fix to the diet dilemma: 7 april

If dietary fat were a cartoon villain, it would probably be portrayed as a towering, virtually unstoppable monster. But is it a villain of our own creation?

Why aren't we getting thinner? Obesity rates in the United States remained relatively constant between 1960 and 1980. But since then, as dietary fat consumption has decreased, obesity rates have jumped from 14 percent to more than 22 percent.

Detroit News: Obsessive workouts lead to problems: 4 april

Overtraining is an important topic for athletes and sports competitors, especially those who play two sports at the same time, go right from one sport season to the next without taking a break or train hard year-round for a single sport.

AlterNet.org: Intersexuals Fight Back: 3 april

Doctors regularly use surgery and hormones to make a child look male or female when nature will not make up its mind-which happens in an estimated 1 of every 2,000 births. Like Carl, many become angry as teenagers and adults when they learn what their doctors and parents did.

Now the intersexed are fighting back. They have enlisted the help of doctors who have had second thoughts about the practice they took for granted and of intellectuals who believe the system should be changed.

The Mercury News: Health guru proposes tax breaks for keeping fit: 8 april

"We need a financial incentive to encourage Americans to take care of themselves," Dr. Kenneth Cooper said of the proposed tax deductions. Cooper, friend of President Bush and the man who coined the term "aerobics" more than 30 ago, spoke to a conference of health officials in Columbia on Friday.

Excite News: Health controversy surrounds diet pills: 5 april

Picture this: Perfect abs, slender legs, great arms and a butt that makes Sir-Mix-a-Lot cry. Now picture that all of this can be yours for a mere $49.99 -- that is, the cost of a month's supply of diet pills. Before you run out to the nearest mall and pick up a 10-year supply, you might want to read up on both sides of this controversial topic.

The Hindu: Bodybuilders should be honest to themselves: 7 april

The body beautiful has been man's eternal obsession, but in their quest for quick fame and riches, many of the country's top stars have crossed the natural terrain and stepped into the dangerous world of doping.

"Sadly, we are aware that a good majority of our bodybuilders are into banned drugs," said Mr. Madhav Pujari, the president of the Indian Bodybuilding Federation (IBBF).

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: JSK fick ett stort positivt reportage i Jönköpings-Posten onsd 28 mars...

Kelly Tekin:

I am a competitive Bodybuilder and fitness model. I am preparing for Nationals in Philladelphia for November 10, 2001.

Freya: Denise Rutowski: The comeback of a legend: Mars

Denise Rutkowski was one of the most successful female bodybuilders in the early nineties. After many major placings and wins in major professional events, Denise has taken a long break in her career. Now she is back. She tells us more about this in an interview with Andy in February 2001.

Christine Envall - Australias Most Muscular Woman:

I'm a pro! After returning to the NPFC-A/IFBB by competing the 2001 Southern States Championships, Paul & Carole Graham and Tony Doherty announced they would officially nominate me for my IFBB Pro Card. A big thank-you to all those people who helped make this happen.

Anna-Marie Onesti, Rio Storm, Marischa Sjauw


Dedicated to showcasing the web sites of the world's most powerful and beautiful women.

ProMuscle 2001 - 17 March, Melbourne, Australia:

  1. Chris Cormier
  2. Dennis James
  3. Dexter Jackson

Hundreds of pictures are now online: Pictures at the Show, The Days Before The Show, Pre Judging and Backstage.

New York Post: Andro's a 'roid that hasn't been destroyed: 8 april

Since Mark McGwire declared two seasons ago that he no longer uses androstenedione, that was that. On blind faith, alone, the media-driven issue began to fade. But andro has not gone away. In fact, according to Larry Rawson's research and experts in the field, andro is bigger than ever and growing. And its primary consumers are teenage males.

DenverPost: Cyclist sues former U.S. team coach: 8 april

A former coach of the U.S. junior national cycling team denies accusations he injected a former team member with prohibited performance-enhancing drugs, according to papers filed in U.S. District Court in Denver.

Norsk artikel Slankeguiden.no

Svensk artikel Soffan's Sida - Styrkelyft i mitt hjärta:

Jag började tävla i styrkelyft oktober 1995, sedan dess har jag kämpat och kämpat mot allt som inte gått min väg.

Nutrition Science News: Debunking the Placebo Effect: Mars

The term "placebo effect" is often mistakenly attributed to what is called statistical regression. In simple language, the body tends to heal itself over time.

Svensk artikel DN: Heta kryddor håller baciller borta: 7 april

Växter utvecklar speciella molekyler som försvar mot fiender. Vi människor utnyttjar detta kemiska försvar när vi kryddar maten.

AskMen.com: Men's Body Image - The Brad Pitt Syndrome:

There's no denying the buff male physique is in vogue, from advertising to movies, in the plethora of fitness magazines and rising memberships in gyms across the nation. But is the hard body trend the same for men as women?

Jyllands-Posten: Nej til øl og piller på TV: 7 april

Der skal ikke spises piller eller knappes øl op i reklamer i dansk fjernsyn, hvis det står til de statslige sundhedsmyndigheder og centrale sundhedspolitikere.

eye: I'm a heroine addict: 5 april

Being a hopeless heroine addict, I love scanning movies and television for evidence of a female hero who might signify an evolution in feminist concsciousness.

The kick-ass female action hero has managed to fight her way into mainstream consciousness lately, and she's popular. Mostly, she still exists in the realm of fantasy, as evidenced by the female warriors in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. She also hit the big time in Charlie's Angels.

Lingua Franca: The Wisdom Trap: April

A little self-knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Nutrition Science News: Stress: The Hidden Factor For Weight Gain: April

Stress is woven into the fabric of our lives. The stress response was hardwired so we could fight or flee in threatening situations. Today, traffic, falling stock prices, and any number of everyday situations trigger the stress response. Chronic stress, like a tear in the fabric of our homeostasis, can cause health risks.

Outside Magazine: The Mental Edge: April

Your diet's dialed, your body's buff. Now plug in to the frontier of athletic performance—brain-wave biofeedback. It could revolutionize your game.

Svensk artikel Multisport.nu:

  • Multisport är en kombination av fysisk och psykisk styrka.
  • Multisport är lagmoral, taktik och noggranna förberedelser där miljö- och naturaspekter har en central roll.
  • Multisport.nu sprider information och ger inspiration till Dig som är intresserad av multisport.

Svensk artikel Utsidan: Multisport på Utsidan:

Utsidans nyaste avdelning, om och med tävlingar, utrustning, träning och mycket annat kring multisport.

Svensk artikel Corren: Ingen kunde slå Louise Svaton: 7 april

"29-åriga Louise Svaton, uppvuxen i Västra Harg, vann i går finalen i TV4:s Gladiatorerna. Louise, som har hinderbanan som favoritgren, kände sig aldrig riktigt hotad av sin motståndare."

Svensk artikel Nya Ludvika Tidning: Annica bjöd spinnarna på en fläkt av Finnmarksturen...: 7 april

Annica Jonsson, dubbel vinnare av Finnmarksturen på cykel, gästade på torsdagskvällen Ludvika och Schwinn spinning.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Brandmannen Fredrik, 31, blev årets "Gladiator": 7 april

Fredrik Edlund, 31, från Timrå, blev mästare i ”Gladiatorerna” i går. Och efter sin dramatiska finalseger konstaterar han kaxigt: - Det finns ingen gladiator som skulle ha en chans mot mig om det ställde upp som tävlande.

Svensk artikel Corren: Gymnastikens moder ger aldrig upp: 7 april

Hela förra året hindrade cancern henne från att leda gymnastikgrupper. Men nu är snart 70-åriga Elsie Bogren tillbaka i gymnastiksalarna med ett stort leende på läpparna.

Svensk artikel SKR - Svenska Kroppsterapeuters Riksförbund:

Sveriges största yrkesförbund för kroppsterapeuter.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Karate stärker självförtroendet: 6 april

Till kampsport söker sig utövare för att lära sig slåss. Myt eller verklighet? Kampsportföreningarna bidrar till integrationen i samhället. Överdrift eller precis så det är? Påståenden och frågor som kulturutskottet föreslår riksdag och regering att bena ut.

New York Post: Crowe's dandy gym: 7 april

Can't get to the gym? When you're Oscar winner Russell Crowe, you have it come to you. A gym on wheels called the Muscle Truck was driven in from Los Angeles especially so the beefcake bad boy could keep buff as he films in New York on the set of Ron Howard's "A Beautiful Mind."

Svensk artikel Blekinge Läns Tidning: Priset på drogen GHB i länet är lägst i landet: 7 april

Priset på drogen GHB i länet är lägst i landet. Det tillfälliga bruket av narkotika ökar i Karlskrona. Tillgången på hasch och ecstasy likaså. Färska uppgifter visar på en alarmerande utveckling.

Dailyradar: Videogame Fitness?: 6 april

Konami Japan just announced Marshall Beats, a new PlayStation music fitness game. Players wear remote-type controllers on their hands and feet, and move their body according to the music videos on screen.

The moves, involving both fitness and martial arts moves, are designed by gyms, so theoretically, players could get a real workout if they perform the moves correctly.

About Sports Medicine: Red Flags of Junk Science - How To Evaluate Health Claims:

In order to quickly see through the smoke and mirrors, there are ten red flags you should recognize immediately. When you see a health claim that falls under one of these categories, you'd be wise to keep your hand on your wallet. Remember, if there was a 'quick fix' it wouldn't be such a big secret.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: 263 föreningar – alla står i skuld: 6 juni 2000

Riksskatteverket: Det är olyckligt eftersom idrottsklubbarna ska fostra unga människor 26 miljoner kronor. Så mycket är svenska idrottsföreningar skyldiga staten. – Det är olyckligt eftersom de ska fostra unga människor, säger Riksskatteverkets generaldirektör Mats Sjöstrand.

About Sports Medicine: Injury Index - From Head to Toe:

Have a pain and don't know why? Check out the Head to Toe Index of Injuries. Injuries are listed by body part, and are being updated constantly so check back often and learn how to treat your lastest sports injury.

About Sports Medicine: Too Much of a Good Thing?:

Being compelled to exercise sounds like a healthy addiction, yet for those with Compulsive Exercise addiction, it is anything but healthy. Could you spot the warning signs in someone you know?

About Sports Medicine: Are You A Weekend Warrior?:

If you only have time to play sports on weekends you have probably experienced Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness on occassion. The annoying pain that arrives a day or two after you exercise is all too common, and you don't have to put up with it. Find out how.

Yahoo! News: Schwarzenegger To Drive Hummer: 7 april

You see a lot of strange sights in Times Square, perhaps none stranger than Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rudolph Giuliani slogging through the streets in a bright orange Hummer.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Ikke høydehotell for utøverne: 6 april

Plutselig har Olympia-toppen funnet ut at effekten av høydehus ikke er så stor likevel. Høydehuset nordmennene skulle benytte under OL neste år, blir sannsynligvis ikke brukt.

HealthScout: Food for Thought: 6 april

Nutraceuticals serve herbal additives with your snack, but are they safe?

Healthsurfing: Stressed Labor: On-edge blue collar workers face heart disease risks:

It was once thought that workers tied to desks desperately need the gym, while heavy-lifters can head for the couch.

Not necessarily, research shows.

All workers, from the CEO and accountant to the delivery person and stock clerk, need to work off their stress with some kind of physical activity or suffer increased risk for heart disease.

New Statesman: Why black will beat white at the Olympics: 18 september 2000

Yes, nature does help to explain African sporting success. If you think that's racist, your idea of race is wrong.

Strength Athletes:

My name is Tom Jones, I have long wanted to compete in a strength competition but for many years my circumstances have not permitted it However in 2002 I want to reach this goal and compete in my first competition.

This site will document the build up, training and experiences relating to that goal. With that in mind remember this site will be an ongoing event with regular updates and additions.

Global Power:

I specifically created Global Power to provide strength athletes with current information on competitions, news, results, statistics in strongman. Come on in and check Global Power out!

The Examiner: WCW receives a RAW deal:

Napolean wanted to take over Europe, then the world by eliminating his competitors. And so it goes with WWF Chairman Vince McMahon, who finally achieved his own monopolistic headlock on pro-wrestling by purchasing competing World Championship Wrestling, its marketing rights and extensive video library from AOL/Time-Warner at the eleventh hour.

"If you can't completely beat 'em, buy 'em" said wrestlers behind the scenes.

Chemical Industry Archives:

The documents America's chemical companies thought you'd never read. Find out how the chemical industry spins, distorts, and twists the facts to suit its purposes - and to prevent the public from finding out how dangerous their products really are.

Svensk artikel Träningshjälpen - Friskvård, Träning, Utbildning, IT:

Här kan du beställa styrketräningsprogram, träningsredskap och kostuträkningsprogram.

The Journal of Nutrition: Weight Loss is Greater with Consumption of Large Morning Meals and Fat-Free Mass Is Preserved with Large Evening Meals in Women on a Controlled Weight Reduction Regimen: 1 januari 1997

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Jessica har gått ner i vikt med hjälp av Xenical: 6 april

Jessika Gustafsson har gått ner 20 kilo med hjälp av Xenical. Efter regeringens beslut att lyfta bort preparatet ur läkemedelsförmånen får hon betala 646 kronor i månaden. - Det blir tufft men måste gå på något sätt, säger Jessika som har 10-15 kilo kvar till sin målvikt.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: ”Män har blivit pinuppor för kvinnor”: 6 april

I spegelbilden möter de sina nya jag: Pigga och fräscha unga män. Borta är finnar och mörka skuggor under ögonen. De fem tonårsgrabbarna hakar alla på den nya trenden bland killar: Att bry sig om sitt utseende.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Ny medicin gör dig smal och glad: 6 april

Nu kommer ett nytt bantningspiller som gör dig både smal - och glad! Pillret, Reductil, godkändes av läkemedelsverket i går och kommer förmodligen att säljas på svenska apotek redan i nästa vecka.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Corn Flakes-dom får ingen konsekvenser: 5 april

Sosial- og helsedepartementet ser ingen grunn til å tillate salg av jern- og vitaminberiket Corn Flakes, etter at EFTA-domstolen torsdag avsa dom.

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