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Videofilm med Kevin Levrone:
Maryland Muscle Machine

Videofilm med Kevin Levrone:

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Kevin Levrone vann de två sista ronderna i Mr Olympia 2002 och har idag köbrickan nummer ett att ta över tronen efter Ronnie Coleman. Vi har nu fått hem hans uppmärksammade video.
Nyhet: Den helt nyproducerade Maryland Muscle Machine
Se den nu sensationellt bra Kevin Levrone träna med fullvuxna vikter (bl a med cirka 200 kg i axelpress och över 600 kg i benpress). Han är i overklig form i denna video, som är inspelad under formtoppning. Hardcore!

Från MuscleTime.com - Video review by Matt Nill:

"The new Kevin Levrone workout video is out now! It shows 4-time Olympia runner-up Levrone preparing for the 2000 Olympia (where he also placed second to Ronnie Coleman - and many thought he should have won).
The video starts of with Kevins delt workout! 315 lbs behind the next press for 8 reps, 405 lbs behind the next press for 5 reps (spotted) are just a few of the amazing scenes!
Then you'll get a look at how Kevins meals in his pre-contest prep look like. Awesome footage! Next is his quad workout: 7 plates hack squats plus 1500 lbs easy leg press.
Then Kevin's business partner and her husband explain to us what it takes to get Kevin ready for the Olympia. You got to see this!!!
Hamstring workout is next! Followed by back! Kevin is so full and pumped that it is hard to describe it! He is very very strong too! You'll see! After back its biceps time: 100 lbs dumbell curls!!! Plus footage of Kevin doing machine curls. You need to see his delts while doing this exercise. I have never seen anything like it before!
Chest workout: 495 lbs bench press for 3 reps (alone) and 405 lbs incline press for 6 reps (alone). Last workout is triceps. Plus you will watch a tour through Kevins beautiful house and see him play with his band. (All the music on the tape is from Kevins band Fulblown!)
Mits did a great job again. Kevin looks unbelievable on the tape! Make sure to order your copy now!"

Sidan skapad 2002-10-29 | Senast uppdaterad 2003-09-15 av