Beställ videofilmen i B&K:s
82 minuter. Released: July 03, 2001
Taped on five and half weeks to prior 2000 Olympia. Covers all his four different training sessions: deltoid/traps, back, chest/triceps and legs:
- 345 kg deadlift for 4 reps followed by 365 kg deadlift for 2 reps!
- Dumbell bench presses with 90 kg for 12 reps!
- Dumbell incline presses with 90 kg lbs for 5 reps!
- Seated front press with 140 kg for 12 reps!
- Front squats with 265 kg for 4 reps!
- Hack squats with 8 plates on each side!
John Hansen: "Ronnie Coleman - The Unbelievable" Video Review:
"The second workout on the tape is an incredible back training session. Beginning with Deadlifts, Ronnie warms up with several sets before displaying world-class powerlifting strength as he pulls a gargantuan 805 pounds off the floor for 2 reps! Has this ever been done by a bodybuilder before, let alone 5 weeks out from a contest??
Barbell Rows with 495 pounds are performed next with relative ease considering they are done after the Deadlifts. Wait, he's not finished yet! Rows with the end of the barbell in the corner finish the workout. We watch in amazement as he rams up 12 plates (540 pounds)for an amazing 9 reps! Ronnie delivers the most quotable line in the video as he states, "Everybody want to be a bodybuilder but don't nobody want to lift no heavy ass weights!" Video Review of The Unbelievable:
"Let me try to put all my feelings about the tape into some words: - totally awesome - mindblowing - super freaky hardcore - untouchable - absolutely mindboggling - simply UNBELIEVABLE!
But all that doesn't describe what I really feel after seeing this video! There is only one way to find out what I mean! Order a copy of the video NOW! Your workouts won't ever be the same again after watching the tape!"