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PT (Personlig Tränare)
• Fredrik Olenborg
• Lars Thörnholm
• Stefan Croona
• Magnus Ågren
• Emma Melin
• Eva Lundquist

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Från webbloggen under februari 2001:

Februari 2001

Purple Lips: Shaping Up Part I: Do I need a personal trainer?: 13 oktober 2000

"There's still hope when the mind is willing and the flesh is weak. But what happens when both mind and body are weak? Here's where your personal trainer comes to the rescue.

Daily Express: Be your own personal trainer: 28 november 1999

"If you want to get fit with maximum style these days, you need a personal trainer. Madonna, Melanie Blatt, Rachel Hunter...

No right-minded celeb would be seen dead in her tracksuit without the hired help on hand to sweat in sympathy and pass the mineral water."

Svensk artikel Fitness & Sport Education:

"Välkommen till Fitness & Sports Education och GolfEducation – utbildningsföretaget inom idrott, fitness/ friskvård och golf. Inom de olika områdena kan Du välja mellan conventions, licensutbildningar, kurser, workshops, seminarier och inspirationsdagar, allt för Din optimala utbildning, utveckling och inspiration.

IFHO - International Fitness and Health Organisation

Nando Times: Personal training gains popularity: 18 februari

"Personal trainers, once hired only by sports professionals and the rich, are becoming a common resource for weekend athletes."

Yahoo! News: Coaching Catches On at Health Clubs: 18 februari

"Weekend athletes increasingly are paying experts to give them answers to questions like that. Personal trainers, once hired only by sports professionals and the rich, are becoming more common at health clubs."

Svensk artikel Fredrik Olenborg:

"Mitt namn är Fredrik Olenborg och jag jobbar som Personlig Tränare, Spinning instruktör, Box instruktör (då min idrottsliga bakgrund grundar sig i kampsporter) och även som modell.

Mest ägnar jag mig åt det den här hemsidan handlar om; personligt anpassad, vetenskapligt baserad fysisk träning för motionärer och professionella."

Excite: Marquette U. students use their muscles to start businesses: 13 februari

"Two Marquette University students are working hard to help others work out. Brad Hartmann, 21, and Andrew Thoresen, 20, started Thor Powered Fitness and Nutrition in May of 2000 to help people design their own personal fitness program."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Prøvde personlig trener - fikk super fremgang!:

"Da TV2s programvert Eli Strand begynte å trene for tre måneder siden hadde hun to mål: 1) Bli i bedre form, og 2) ta av noen kilo. Ved hjelp av Jørn Stian Dahl nådde hun begge målene - med glans."

Norsk artikel VG: Hollywood-stuntmann var leiemorder?: 1 november 1999

"Sørafrikanske Neville van der Merwe (28) lever godt som stuntmann og personlig trener i Hollywood. Nå må han stille i retten i England, anklaget for å ha vært leiemorder."

Svensk artikel Lillsved, Gymnastik och idrottsfolkhögskolan

Svensk artikel Per Andersson - Personlig Träning

eFit.com: The Bod Squad Part I: 11 augusti 2000

"Personal trainers to the stars are becoming celebrities themselves, and it's easy to understand why: Their unique programs have resulted in some of the buffest bodies in Hollywood. Training is a sweaty job and not just anybody could do it, so we asked some of the most sought-after superstar fitness pros to share their trade secrets. Today's trainer is William "Will Power" Thompson."

ISBS Coaches Information Service:

"Research, Technique, Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, Opinions, Experiences, Training, ... Share your knowledge and help sports people get more enjoyment from their sport ..."

ISBS Strength and Conditioning

Sixth IOC World Congress On Sports Sciences:

"Sport scientists and physicians are invited from the biological, physical, behavioral, and medical disciplines to share their knowledge with an international audience of physicians, therapists, scientists, and coaches in the host city of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games"


"The online job board and career center for exercise and fitness professionals. New jobs posted daily."


"Free Personal Training Online - We will design and manange your exercise and nutritional programs online!"

LA Times: Certification Programs Give Trainers More Tools to Help Clients: 6 november 2000

"To distinguish the emerging breed of well-educated exercise specialists from unqualified "gym rats," top professional organizations have begun offering new certification programs designed to teach trainers how to work with clients who have chronic health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, pregnancy, osteoporosis and lower back pain."

International Fitness Association (IFA):

"FREE Fitness Manual and Cyber Trainer. Online certification for Kickboxing Aerobics Instructor and Fitness Trainer. International Recognition."

NFPT: Personal Fitness Trainer Consultation Software:

"NFPT Personal Fitness Trainer Software assists personal trainers in setting up resistance, aerobics, and dietary programs for clients. Can be used by consumers as well."

International Fitness Association (IFA):

"FREE Fitness Manual and Cyber Trainer. Online certification for Kickboxing Aerobics Instructor and Fitness Trainer. International Recognition."

ACE: Reap The Rewards of Personal Training:

"All the rich and famous celebrities have one. In fact, some are rich and famous themselves. But you don't have to be either one to reap the benefits of hiring a personal trainer.

More and more people, novice and veteran exercisers alike, are working with personal trainers because they offer a practical and affordable means of getting and staying healthy."

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Från webbloggen under januari 2001:

Januari 2001

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Instruktörer på plats när gymmet har öppet hus: 5 december 1998

"Många har väl någon gång tänkt tanken att gå och träna på gym. Men tanken på att inte förstå träningsredskapen har kanske satt stopp för planerna. Men nu finns chansen för den som vill börja träna att få hjälp av en personlig instruktör. Dessa kommer att finnas på plats när Shadow gym har öppet hus på lördag."

Lubbock Online: Get in shape with help from a personal trainer: 4 januari

"Rippel, 24, and Young, 22, agree that another role of the personal trainer is to provide their clients with motivation.

''It depends on the person,'' Young said. ''I cater to my clients' needs, depending on if I think they need to be pushed a little harder or eased up on. I'm not as hard core as a drill sergeant, but I'm not a softy either.''

Personal Training on the Net:

"The Best Education Resource for Personal Trainers on the Internet."

Netsweat: The fitness instructor FAQ:

"The purpose of this FAQ is assist and inform all fitness instructors (aerobics instructors, personal trainers, coaches, etc.) of resources available to them as well as offer advice to help them be more successful and to better the profession as a whole."

SportsSpecific.com - The Online Community for Sports Training and Athletic Conditioning:

"If you are a coach, athlete, or trainer: you have come to the right place. Unlike other websites, we are not computers and there are no memberships to join! Each training area is maintained by real live professional trainers!"

Danska artikel Fitness Danmark:

"Alt om Instruktørskolens fitness og aerobicinstruktør uddannelse."

The Sport Journal: Volume 4 number 1: 12 januari

"The United States Sports Academy provides traditional and innovative professional growth opportunities in higher education that are sports-specific for students with diverse needs through a variety of programs dedicated to the betterment of sport throughout the world."

GymMate - Digital Fitness Is Here!

"The GymMate personal exercise system combines the power of computer technology with the latest advances in personal training to give YOU the body you've always wanted with less time in the gym."

Healthsurfing: Fun and easy access top the list, say personal trainers: 4 juli

"The right gear, the right attitude, and a little variety are most essential for exercising, according to a survey of 36,000 certified fitness professionals by the American Council on Exercise. Most of the top picks are inexpensive, even free."

MrTrainer - Your Own Personal Trainer on Video:

"MrTrainer - The World's First Videos for Anyone Wanting a Personal Trainer! Available on CD-ROM and VHS, Customized workouts, Exercise tips"

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Johan vägde över 160 kilo: 27 december 1999

"På knappa två år har han gått ner nära 70 kilo. Nu är Johan normalstor för sin längd och tackar sin kompis Andreas Stenberg för förändringen. - Han har varit min coach. Utan Andreas stöd hade jag inte kommit dit jag är nu. Andreas lade upp dieten och motionsprogrammet. Som bodybuildare hade han både kunskap och erfarenhet av kosthållning. Målsättningen för Johan var långsiktig, förklarar han."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Agneta satsar på både kropp och själ: 15 januari

"Agneta Bengtsson, 31, är styrkeinstruktör. I går prästvigdes hon. – För mig är kropp och själ lika viktiga. Gud skapade båda."

Svensk artikel Fredrik Olenborg:

"Mitt namn är Fredrik Olenborg och jag jobbar som Personlig Tränare, Spinning instruktör, Box instruktör (då min idrottsliga bakgrund grundar sig i kampsporter) och även som modell.

Mest ägnar jag mig åt det den här hemsidan handlar om; personligt anpassad, vetenskapligt baserad fysisk träning för motionärer och professionella."

Danska artikel Team Danmark: Træneren skal forstå, hvad jeg vil - trænerrollen i forhold til børn og eliteidræt: Juni 1999

"Det gælder om at være god til noget og om at skabe sit liv: Det moderne menneske er i stor udstrækning selv i stand at skulle skabe og vælge sin tilværelse. Det gælder også for børn og især for idrætsbørn. Børnene er kompetente væsener, der er bevidste om, hvad der skal til for, at de kan blive dygtige i idrætten og herigennem skabe deres fremtidige livsprojekt. Og her er ikke mindst træneren vigtig."

peoplenews: Kate Winslet recruits celebrity trainer: 12 januari

"Matt Roberts, who trains a host of stars, including Sting and Spice Girl Mel C, is offering Winslet his specialist advice. He said: 'Her regime would have to include a variety of resistance-training exercises, with some sessions using heavy weights and some using light weights. She should do one session a week that's heavy-weighted, two that are lightweight and then in the aerobic training, if she wants to lose body fat, she needs some good interval training."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Kalle har styrketränat sen han var 15: 14 januari

"Kalle Lundgren, 20, jobbar som personlig tränare på nJoy i centrala Stockholm. När han var 15 år gammal började han styrketräna på allvar: – Jag tränar för att bli snygg."

Rob Wood's Guide to Fitness Testing:

"A comprehensive site on all things to do with fitness testing, including discussions and descriptions of over 30 tests."

Sports Coach:

"The aim with Sports Coach is to provide information on a number of coaching and training topics, which I hope, will help athletes and coaches achieve their athletic goals and assist students studying sport related qualifications."

New York Post Online: Fitness Guru's Writing Exercise: 14 januari

"Fitness guru to the stars Pat Manocchia is working on a book.

Manocchia, who roomed with John F. Kennedy Jr. at Brown University and once dated Julia Roberts, is the man who runs the upscale West Side gym La Palestra - where celebrities and media moguls alike love to work on their crunches and curls."


"Your comprehensive free online fitness reource in an easy browse format written by an ex UK Royal marines PT Instructor with a wealth of practical real-world experiece."

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 08 maj 2001 av