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Från webbloggen under februari 2001:

Februari 2001

Svensk artikel LSIF Gym: Träningsskola:

"Länkarna nedan ger förslag på både basövningar och andra övningar som man kan slänga in som variation. Många av övningsförslagen är illustrerade med bilder.

Svensk artikel Laxå Kraftsport Klubb: Nybörjarprogram:

"Alltför många kastar sig entusiastiskt över hantlar och stänger; drar och sliter i hopp om att så fort som möjligt bräda Schwarzenegger eller de tjusiga strand primadonnorna i TV:s såpor.

Men ingen människas kropp tål att utsättas för en så koncentrerad belastning som felaktig styrketräning kan innebära. Följderna blir istället sträckningar, bristningar och att kroppen växer fel med ännu mer skador till följd.

Daily Express: Be your own personal trainer: 28 november 1999

"If you want to get fit with maximum style these days, you need a personal trainer. Madonna, Melanie Blatt, Rachel Hunter...

No right-minded celeb would be seen dead in her tracksuit without the hired help on hand to sweat in sympathy and pass the mineral water."

CNN: Walking is good and combining with strength training is better: 29 juni 1999

"Walking is great exercise. Enthusiasts reap many health benefits, both physically and emotionally.

However, to increase and maintain bone and muscle mass, strengthening exercises are the way to go. Little by little, fat replaces muscle and bone tissue as you age. While the bathroom scale may not change, your body composition does - unless you take action.

Mayohealth: Mind Your Muscles: 26 februari

"You don't have to be a bodybuilder or a professional athlete to reap benefits from a weight-training program. Weight training can improve your strength, increase muscle tone, help you lose fat and gain muscle mass, and improve bone density. But if done incorrectly, weight training will not give you these benefits and can lead to injury.

Bodytrends.com: There is No Best Way!:

"The title of this article represents my response to the vast majority of all training-related questions posed to me. Of course, athletes and coaches argue endlessly about the "best" way to train. In fact, people tend to divide themselves into opposing schools of thought on nearly every conceivable issue.

For example, one camp advocates slow contraction speeds while the other recommends ballistic, high velocity training. Some favor high repetitions while others espouse low reps. Other issues currently in contention are machines versus free weights, compound versus isolation movements, and single versus multiple sets.

Healthy.net: Motivation Key to Healthy Lifestyle And Heart:

"Getting motivated is a problem that many of us face.

The key to getting motivated relates to wanting to see improvements in your body and health. Most of all, a taste of desire is needed to realize how beneficial it is to make exercise a part of your daily life."

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: Challenge - ny träningsform:

"Challenge är S.A.T.S Sports Clubs nya träningsform för dig som gillar riktigt hård men enkel träning."

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: 10 tips för att inte ge upp:

"Du har börjat träna igen och upptäcker till din förvåning hur bra du mår. Självklart, du mår ju bra varje gång, så varför inte fortsätta? Här kommer några tips för dig som vill hoppa av periodkarusellen och satsa långsiktigt."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Konkurrèr med seg selv!:

"Har du noen gang opplevd at treningen er i ferd med å bli ren rutine? At du bare stiller i treningstøy av gammel vane? Da kan det være på tide å sette seg et utfordrende mål med treningen. Et mål som krever litt ekstra av deg. Et mål som får deg til å lure: "Klarer jeg det?"

CNN: Fastest weight workout pumps up people in a hurry: 20 maj 2000

"On the advice of a trainer, Lehr recently began an unconventional strength program: He does only one set of each exercise (albeit a grueling single set), a routine that takes him just 20 minutes three days a week.

"I spend less time at the gym than some guys spend looking at themselves in the locker room mirror," says Lehr, who also jogs three mornings a week. "But my body is starting to firm up - you can ask my girlfriend."

FitnessLink: No Bars Held! Using Cables To Build Perfect Pecs:

"Here's a great way to work the chest without ever lifting a barbell. This may seem unusual since the bench press is considered the king of chest movements. But bench pressing isn't always necessary, or even preferable."

Efit.com: 5 Beginners’ Fitness Mistakes to Avoid:

"How to make sure you keep your workout plan on track."

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Nytt år, ny kropp:

"Du höjde champagneglaset och lovade dyrt och heligt att äta bättre och träna hårt för att komma i form år 2001. Sedan blev det vardag igen och nyårslöftena känns plötsligt som en utopi. Men det behöver de inte vara: med mitt-liv.nu’s nyårslöftesguide till hjälp kommer du att kunna skåla för dina framgångar nästa nyårsafton!"

Yahoo! Health: Fitness Fix: Breaking Past Plateaus:

"When you run through the same routine every time, your body reaches a plateau—it becomes very good at that routine, so it doesn’t have to work as hard as it did the first time. Bottom line: You don’t gain any more fitness.

However, there are many things you can do to change your cardio routine. You will not only see results but also notice how much more quickly the time goes by."

Yahoo! Health: The Ab-Solute Truth:

"I've been getting a lot of questions lately about the correct way to work your abs. Since this subject seems to be on everyone's mind, I think it is a good time to do a detailed review of abdominal training fundamentals."

Reno-Gazette Journal: Getting fit doesn’t have to slim-down the pocketbook: 17 februari

"Gayle DeFrutos said she frequents the city-owned Northeast Community Center on Valley Road for its low-key atmosphere and reasonable fees. She said she prefers swimming at the Valley Road pool to other high-profile health clubs."

Svensk artikel Nautilus: Nautilusmetoden:

"Nautilus är inte bara en träningsmaskin, utan också en träningsmetod, som står för fasta principer och garanterat resultat.

Svensk artikel Avida: Kom i form med AVIDA Motion:

"Med AVIDA Motion får du ett komplett träningsprogram som är skräddarsytt för dig och som dag för dag kommer att hjälpa dig att komma i bättre form - helt gratis."

Svensk artikel Avida: Övningar för hela kroppen:

  • Rygg och nacke
  • Armar och axlar
  • Bröst
  • Mage
  • Bäckenbotten
  • Rumpa
  • Lår, vader och vrister

Svensk artikel Wellido: Blossom Tainton: Du tränar bäst med glimten i ögat:

"Tro på dig själv, uppmanar personliga tränaren och artisten Blossom Tainton dig som vill komma i gång. - Använd ditt sunda förnuft. Att träna är ett långsiktigt projekt, som ska göras med glimten i ögat."

FitnessLink: Working Out At Home? Unleash Your Inner Athlete!:

"If your home workouts are getting stale, try changing your mind before changing your workout. Using positive thinking, mental imagery, and self-evaluation, you can train, psych-up, and test yourself just like professional athletes do."

Gold's Gym: Fitness Fact:

"If you lose more than two pounds in a week, you may actually start losing hard earned muscle. All the hype regarding fast weight loss is just that-hype. An average sized person requires a calorie deficit of 1000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds of fat per week. It is mathematically impossible for an average sized person to burn more than 2 pounds of fat in one week. However, it is possible to burn more weight in the form of muscle loss or dehydration-both of which slow the metabolic rate and future fat burning ability.

The simple truth is…only slow, gradual weight loss is effective. So why not give a new fitness program a try? Embody Workout offers the perfect solution-with routines from weight loss and bulking up to high school soccer and pro football… Click this link to sign up for one of our free workout programs now!"

Men's Fitness: Get Back to Where You Once Belonged: Februari

"Whether you’ve been away from the weight room for three weeks or three months, this plan will get you gym-ready in only 14 days."


"Free Personal Training Online - We will design and manange your exercise and nutritional programs online!"

National Post Online: People who exercise are more highly regarded: study: 10 februari

"Based on written descriptions alone, Canadian university students rate those who did not exercise as lazy, mean, sloppy, unfriendly and, generally, more unpleasant in all ways than those described as exercisers." (Via MetaMuscle)

Svensk artikel DN: Fitness. Träningsråd uppifrån och ned: 7 oktober 2000

Okej, så vad är Effektiv Bodybuilding, Avancerad Bodybuilding och Personal Training då?

"Tjugo års forskning och erfarenhet inom träningsområdet, med allt fler gym som får allt fler medlemmar, har tydligen inte fått det att klia i skrivfingrarna. Träningsböckerna är få. "Fitnessguiden" av Oliver Barteck är den första stora och riktigt glassiga bok om träning som givits ut i Sverige. En snygg och lättillgänglig bok om styrketräning som ger värdefulla tips åt nybörjare och erfarna motionärer."

peakhealth.net: So you want to start a weight training program? 15 maj 2000

"Are you planning to start a strength training program, but are unsure of where to start? Click here to learn some tips on how to get started and maintain an effective strength training program."

peakhealth.net: Starting a strength training program - part 2: 21 juni 2000

"Click here to learn the insiders information on sets, reps, rest periods, and speed of movement..."

peakhealth.net: First things first - how to prioritize your training: 23 maj 2000

"Click here to learn how to prioritize your training for maximum results."

peakhealth.net: Descend to beef up? 29 maj 2000

"Click here to learn how descending sets can benefit your training routine..."

peakhealth.net: Research review: Squats are safe: 5 juni 2000

"Sports science research was recently performed to determine the safety of the barbell squat. Results from this research indicate that..."

HealthGate: Strength training: essential for total fitness: 8 februari 2000

"Can you knock off eight miles on the track or an hour on the bike, but struggle through a few pull-ups? Despite your commitment to fitness, your workout is likely missing something. You know what I'm talking about. We spindly-armed runners, cyclists, and treadmill hounds are so smitten with our lung capacity that we tend to neglect an essential part of total fitness—strength training."

HealthGate: Free weights or machines? Which are better?: 29 februari 2000

"You are ready to start lifting weights but don't know whether you should opt for Nautilus (machine weights) or the free weights (dumb bells and barbells.) Perhaps you are in good shape, but have sustained an injury and don't want to lose your conditioning while you recuperate. Or, maybe you have always wondered which is better, free weights or machine weights. Here's your answer."

peakhealth.net: Strength training Q&A: 30 augusti 1999

"peakhealth.net contributing writers Mike Mejia and Ben Velasquez answer visitor's questions about strength training. In this month's column, Smith Machine squats versus barbell squats, recovery time between workouts, prioritizing your abdominal training."

HealthGate: Can you really overtrain?: 27 april 1999

"Absolutely! But sore muscles from a long bike ride or aches and pains from a touch football game do not constitute overtraining. So how do you know if you need to cut back? It’s hard to tell if your exercise regimen is doing you more harm than good."

peakhealth.net: Sore loser: 8 maj 2000

"Author Michael Mejia discusses DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness, why it occurs after exercise, and hot to minimize or prevent it from slowing your progress in the gym."

HealthCentral: Healthiest Activities Are Ones You Want To Do: 13 september 2000

"Now I see where Washington University School of Medicine researcher Kelly Everard in St. Louis is challenging the generally-held belief that simply keeping busy is the key to healthy and happy aging.

It’s not merely being involved in activities, but it’s how much you enjoy those activities that give the most benefits to your health and longevity, according to a study Everard published in The Journal of Applied Gerontology."

CookingLight Online: Make exercise your passion:

"There is a certain type of individual who thrives on exercise," says Susan Bartlett, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore.

"But it's not common, encompassing only about 10 percent of the population. These are people who really love to exercise. They tend to be structured, focused, goal-oriented, and good at follow-through."

Ripped Abs:

"I know why you're here. Ripped abs are everywhere. You see them on billboards, advertisements, television and videos and on the beach. Washboard abs are the holy grail of the fitness industry. Everyone wants them. They symbolize health, vitality and pure sex appeal.

The bottom line is that you only need 3 things in order to have lean, healthy looking abs:

  1. Strong Desire
  2. Will Power
  3. Knowledge"

Seattle Times: Exercising resolve: 30 januari

"At the beginning of the year, there are always a lot of new members," said trainer Kirstin Piquette at Seattle Fitness Club in Pioneer Square. "But by February, it's starting to get back to the regular crowd."

Kari Anderson, who, with her husband, owns three Pro-Robics clubs and recently acquired the Gold's Gym on Aurora Avenue North, has seen many resolution-inspired members stay through January but disappear by mid-February. "Some of them even have one-year memberships, but they lose the fire."

PioneerPlanet.com: Barbell Blues: 29 januari

"Resolutions to get in shape are great, and follow-through is essential. But the throngs that descend on fitness centers in January drive the regulars nuts."

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Från webbloggen under januari 2001:

Januari 2001

Matt Furey: Superior Fitness with Bodyweight Exercises

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Frivilligt svett vid maskiner: 2 februari 1999

"Många räds kanske att börja träna när gymet ser ut som en stor industrilokal med alla maskiner. På Nautilus på Maserhallen får alla nybörjare en grundlig genomgång. Dessutom lägger instruktören Jonas Björkman upp ett personligt träningsprogram."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Våga misslyckas för att lyckas: 18 mars 1998

"Man måste våga vara dålig för att kunna lyckas. Den norske företags- och idrottspsykologen Willi Railos föreläsning på Teknikdalen under tisdagen var både fängslande och underhållande."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Ont om tid för träning?: 

"17 enkla övningar att göra hemma. "Det är sunt att träna för att leva, men det är osunt att leva för att träna."

Dave Draper:

The secret is there is no secret:
"To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's a secret, it's consistency."

Why not superset?:
This style of training is called supersetting, where two or more exercises that complement each other are performed one after another to enhance our output. This multi-set training not only condenses our workout time, but increases our productivity considerably.

nzoom.com: Know your gym etiquette:

"Just joined a gym for the new year? Most gyms have rules posted in the workout floor. But there is a list of unspoken etiquette guidelines you'll never see on a wall."

AllOutTraining: Fitness Site Streams Video Training to Internet Users - Free: 18 juli

"Americans are hitting the gyms like never before - before work, after work, and wherever they can squeeze a minute. The problem? Learning those workouts. Without splurging on expensive trainers or spending hours reading books, it's hard to avoid getting frustrated.

Newly-launched site allouttraining.com (AOT) may have the answer. They call it the Body Map."

Yahoo! News: 5 Beginners’ Fitness Mistakes to Avoid: 4 januari

"Whether you’re starting from scratch or getting back on track, if you’re like many Americans you’re embarking on new workout program right about now.

While undoubtedly you have high hopes that your fitness regimen will succeed, you could fall prey to one of a handful of classic mistakes that could nip even the most well-intentioned plan in the bud. Here’s how to avoid the top five beginners ’ blunders:"

WaddleOn.com - The Internet Guide to Becoming an Athlete:

"Penguins inform, inspire, motivate and laugh together on the road to fitness and self-discovery. The miracle isn't that we finished. The miracle is that we had the courage to start."

AskMen.com: Leg Workout: Part I Glutes and Quadriceps: 25 januari

"Have you ever felt drained, dizzy or even nauseous after an intense weight training session? Well guess what? You should experience one of these symptoms each and every time you properly work out your legs."

Life Fitness Academy: Article Database:

The articles are about exercise and fitness-related topics, such as exercise feedback & calorie expenditures, strength modalities and heart rate zone training.

  • The Importance of Functional Strength Training
  • Strength Training for Women
  • Overcoming Exercise Autopilot

Weight Training & Bodybuilding Guide:

"Welcome to my attempt at a comprehensive weight training course. You should find everything you need to know about slimming, healthy eating, weight training, bodybuilding, general exercise, diet, training routines and more in the following pages."

The Hindu: The science of shaping up: 22 januari

"Bad news and good news. The bad news: Fitness is not freak anymore. The good news: It's bigger, better, faster, more. Fitness has grown bigger as a concept, with increasingly better facilities that help you tune your body faster and leave you with that fetish for perfection: more."

Post Gazette: Learning good habits: 23 januari

"There's more than one way to keep a student body healthy.

That's the point, exactly, of a new course, "The Student Body," at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murrysville, in which teen-agers are creating individual plans for lifelong healthy lifestyles."

Just Move: Young people can jump their way to strong bones: 19 januari

"High-impact exercises like running and aerobics may be among the best ways for young people to build bone mass and cut their risk of hip fracture later in life, research suggests."

Dave Draper: Do you need to gain weight? Then read this:

  • Weight Gain Plan
  • Henrik's Big Gainer
  • Power Training For Bulk
  • How Do I Gain Muscle Fast?

Evansville Courier & Press: Finding Fitness: 8 januari

"The first of the year is always exciting and crazy. But there has to be some fun and excitement all year or people will start up in January and by March 1 they’re done."

Meier said fun is the key to continuing a fitness program, and Buchta is one of many instructors across the area who focuses on making fitness enjoyable."

The Star: Don't just sit there - get fit on the Web: 13 januari

While the Internet will never replace the advice and expertise of personal trainers, nutritionists or doctors, for those who feel turning to professionals is a daunting task - or just want some suggestions on getting started - there are plenty of sites available.

Cleveland: Knowledge isn’t power in fitness, study says: 13 januari

"People tend to say they are in better shape than they really are, smoke less than they actually do and know how to stay fit and eat healthy, even though they don’t really do either.

"People fail because they have no skills and no plan," said Richard Harte, a behavioral therapist in New York City. "People have to learn to become persistent and hang in there long enough to imagine themselves as being successful."

firstpath: Fight Fatigue With Fitness:

"During the winter months, most of us feel as if our "get up and go has got up and went." One of the best ways to fight fatigue is with fitness."

Mens Fitness: 10 things you need to know to get lean and gain muscle quickly during your "2001: A Body Odyssey": Januari

"Don't be surprised if you feel more like Mr. Magoo than Mr. Universe the first time you pick up a dumbbell. Learning proper technique can be somewhat involved, considering that each exercise movement has its own set of quirks."

FitTeen! Fitness for Teens of all ages!

Los Angeles Times: Study Says Men Help Men Exercise: 7 januari

"For college men, exercise works on the buddy system: If their friends exercise, they do, a study says. This was not true for women, who relied more on support from their families. And a researcher thinks college women do less exercise than men do because the female buddy system isn't as strong as the men's."

Nando Times: College men exercise more because of peer support, study says: 7 januari

"Exercise works on the buddy system for many college men: If their friends exercise, they do, a study says.

This was not true for women, who relied more on support from their families. And a researcher thinks college women exercise less than men do because the female buddy system isn't as strong as the men's."

HealthScout: Male Bonding at the Gym:

"Men with fit friends more likely to work out."

Nutricise: Exercise in Half the Time: 10 januari

"What can you do when you have no time to exercise? Everything! Cut your routine in half with these four time-sparing, muscle-toning moves."

The Orange Country Register: It's 'January bulge' time at the gym: 8 januari

"To tell you the truth, I'm most annoyed by the parking lot in January and February," she said Sunday as she worked her upper body on a Body Track machine.

"It really becomes a lot tougher to find a spot. But," she said with a laugh, "it gets easier again in March." (Via Fark)

The Fitness Site: Body types and training:

"Below are the 5 body types that people come in. Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph are the foundation to each body type. However, since we all have varying degrees of each, you simply select the body type which most closely represents yours. Each body type has it's own characteristic traits which respond better to the right training and eating program."

Nutricise: The Power of Positive Thinking:

"No matter how ripped your body is, the strength of your mind is your most powerful tool when it comes to athletic success. If your head's not in the game, the chances that you'll achieve your fitness goals are slim to none."

Nutricise: Maximize your gym time by figuring out how you're wasting it:

"If you often complain that you don't have enough time to go to the gym, it's a good indication that you're wasting time when you're there. It's easy to become a more efficient gymgoer if you can pinpoint how you dillydally and learn to change your ways. Nutricise asked some top trainers how they've seen us squander precious seconds at the gym."

Healthsurfing: Fun and easy access top the list, say personal trainers: 4 juli

"The right gear, the right attitude, and a little variety are most essential for exercising, according to a survey of 36,000 certified fitness professionals by the American Council on Exercise. Most of the top picks are inexpensive, even free."

Healthsurfing: A brief session may be enough: 16 oktober

"A new report on stretching indicates most sports and fitness participants can increase range of motion with just one 30 second stretch for each muscle group. A physical therapist, commenting on the report, says slow and steady movement is the key to maximizing stretch and minimizing injury."

Healthsurfing: Study suggests harder exercise saves time: 21 augusti

"The US Centers for Disease Control reports that 60 percent of adults don’t exercise enough. Time limitations due to other demands are mostly to blame, report the inactive. But a group representing fitness professionals reports that disciplined scheduling and a concentrated workout can help time-strapped people get in shape."

Healthsurfing: Fitness enhances sexual health, studies show: 27 juli

"Exercise is well documented as a means of losing weight and maintaining muscle mass. New research suggests that physical fitness can also benefit one’s sexual health."

ascribe: Social Support Key to Encouraging College Students to Exercise: 3 januari

"College students are more likely to exercise if they have social support for being active, but the best kind of social support differs between men and women."

Press & Sun-Bulletin: Exercise your options by joining a gym: 1 januari

"But remember: Choosing a gym carefully may be the difference between you getting in shape or returning to your couch to hibernate."

The Washington Post: Finding the Health Club That's Fit for You: 28 december

"One way people choose to help themselves reach their fitness goals is to join a health club - or switch to a new health club that might better suit their needs, or make a pledge to start working out regularly again at the gym they have been paying dues to for months, even years."

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Träna dig lycklig - en bluff?

"Känner du dig trött, håglös eller till och med deprimerad? Börja träna, svarar den kärnfriska, hurtiga kompisen - och du blir än mer nedtryckt i skorna. Dessvärre är det ett gott råd denne ger dig, forskning visar att träning kan bota depression."

CNN: Cellulite-busting workout relies on weightlifting: 3 januari

"Frustrated with fat and sick of cellulite? A new weightlifting program aims to bust those bulges by targeting problem areas and allowing women to get rid of cellulite buildup."

Yahoo! News: Saying You Exercise Creates Good First Impression: 4 januari

"If you want to impress someone, it might help to let it slip that you exercise regularly, Canadian researchers suggest. They found that information about your exercise habits bears significant weight when someone is forming an impression of what type of person you are."

AST: The AST Sports Science Daily Q&A:

"Each day Paul Delia answers a new question in detail about the "How Tos" of training, nutrition, supplementation, research, what works, and what doesn't work.

The AST Sports Science Daily Q&A is known around the world as the "Tell it like is" source for accurate information. Viewed by hundreds of thousands of athletes around the globe!"

phys.com: Buying Guide: Athletic Shoes:

Finding the right pair of shoes requires a little homework, but Brunick's tips will help you find an athletic shoe that will work for you, not against you.

WaddleOn.com - The Internet Guide to Becoming an Athlete:

"Penguins inform, inspire, motivate and laugh together on the road to fitness and self-discovery. The miracle isn't that we finished. The miracle is that we had the courage to start."

Cybex Institute:

"Dedicated to the delivery of functional information on human performance sciences to the commercial, consumer and athletic arenas."

Ready? Set your Goals!:
Want to succeed? Setting goals is the key.

EAS: 2001 New Year's resolutions show commitment to better overall health at top of list: 22 december

"You get out what you put in. The relevance of this saying directly correlates to the success or failure of a New Year’s resolution, especially when it involves fitness. EAS offers tips to help accomplish new year’s fitness goals."

EAS launches the premier training web site: 14 juli

"EAS is introducing Goal-Specific and Sport-Specific training programs on EAS.com. These personalized, interactive training programs provide a customized combination of muscle activation techniques, strength training, stretching, nutrition, and supplementation, specifically designed for the individual athlete or fitness enthusiast."

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 27 mars 2001 av