Februari 2001
NetDoctor: Olive oil is not healthier: 25 februari
"Olive oil is not the healthy alternative it is claimed to be, according to a new report. Professor Arne Astrup, who co-authored the report, said: ‘Olive oil has higher saturated fat than most other vegetable oils and so, from the point of view of preventing cardiovascular disease, it is not the best.’
Kungsörnen: Uppladdningen:
"Här kan du som motionerar eller tävlingsidrottar läsa vad du bör äta för att orka mer. Du hittar praktiska tips, specialanpassade kostråd samt recept. Och allt bygger på en näringslära som är direkt kopplad till idrottsprestation.
Athletic Center: Kalorisidan:
"Vet du hur mycket kalorier eller näring du stoppar i dig? På Kalorisidan kan du se hur mycket protein, kolhydrater, fett och kalorier du intar.
Holje Gym Center: Diet - nyckeln till din drömfysik
"Alla som tränar har väl utvecklade muskler, men detaljer som tvärribbor på triceps och blodådror på magmusklerna. Alla har ett väl synligt inre huvud på biceps, om det inte var för kroppsfettet…
Det sitter som ett draperi över dina muskler och döljer de resultat du tränat så hårt för. Om du bara kunde få bort fettet, skulle du antagligen själv förundras över hur bra dina muskler ser ut. Läs vidare, och lär dig hur detta går till!
Holje Gym Center: Komponera din måltid:
"Sätt ihop dina måltider interaktivt! Här får du svar på vad dina favoriträtter egentligen innehåller för fett- och proteinmängder. Du kan också på ett enkelt sätt experimentera dig fram till ett näringsinnehåll som passar din diet.
Yahoo! Nyheter: Snabbnudlar en hälsofara: 26 februari
"Ingen protein, massor med fett, kemikalier, kolhydrater och salt. Det är, enligt Australiensiska konsumentföreningen, innehållet i snabbnudlar. Därmed är nudlarna skadliga för hjärtat.
Northern Light: Special Edition Genetically Modified Food
dinkost.no - alt om aernaring:
"DinKost.no er et faglig uavhengig nettsted for ernæringsinformasjon og personlige råd og oppfølging om kosthold. DinKosts utgangspunkt er at ernæringsinformasjon og kostrådgivning skal være forankret i etablert viten og at den enkelte forbruker, så vel som fagfolk innen for ulike sektorer, skal sikres råd og oppfølging i tråd med dette.
Stavanger Aftenblad: Professor: Drabelig nysgjerrig på fett: 18 april 2000
"Ei celle er et unikt univers. Det er helt enormt! Barndommens landskap på Finnøy er ikke verst, det heller, mener en sliten professor som nettopp har gjennomlevd en mediestorm.
Stavanger Aftenblad: Meir brus enn mjølk: 27 januari 2000
"Nordmenn drikk nå meir brus og kolsyrevatn enn mjølk. For første gong i historia blei forbruket av brus og kolsyrehaldig vatn i fjor høgare enn mjølkekonsumet.
Dagbladet: Frokost-krig mot Norge: 2 mars 1998
"Etter at norske myndigheter har nektet Kellogg's å selge vitamin- og mineralberiket corn flakes i Norge, vil det amerikanske konsernet bringe saken inn for EFTAs overvåkningsorgan, ESA. Norge er det eneste landet i Europa som ikke tillater salg av produktet.
Excite: Thirsty? Just drink water: 16 februari
"Thirst is an immediate sign of dehydration, but most people may not know that muscle cramps, fatigue, headaches and weakness are also indicators of needing more water in their daily lives."
ENN: Crusading for chocolate: 14 februari
"Talk about a sweet job. John Bower, a plant pathologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is on a mission to protect the world's supply of chocolate."
University of Florida: UF Researchers say munch more mangoes to fight cancer: 2 februari
"We think mangoes have some unique antioxidants as well as quantities of antioxidants that might not be found in other fruits and vegetables," said Percival, an associate professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences who conducted the study."
VG: Fete vil saksøke søtsak-produsenter: 3 november 2000
"Landsforeningen for overvektige (LFO) forbereder søksmål mot produsenter og importører av sukkerholdige varer."
Agricultural Research Magazine: Finessing the Flavonoids: Februari
"Scientists are keenly interested in learning which substances make fruits and vegetables so healthful. During the last decade, their curiosity has introduced us to a whole new language of phytonutrients, the beneficial compounds in plant foods."
University of North Carolina: Like Grapefruit, Sour Oranges Boost Drug Effectiveness, Scientists Find, and Also Why: 7 februari
"Certain drugs become much more effective when people who take them also drink a glass of grapefruit juice at the same time. Now, a new study shows Seville oranges can do the same thing."
just-food.com: Book Review - Functional Foods:
- Up-to-date research on health-enhancing potential of foods and food components
- In-depth studies of physiological effects of biologically-active food components
- First reference book to discuss processing and engineering of functional food products
- Unique source of information on how processing may impact health benefits of functional products
- Over 1800 literature references
- Invaluable resource for designers, manufacturers and marketers of functional food products
Chalmers: Fett i maten påverkar konsistensen mer än smaken:
"Med smör och grädde i maten blir den godare, det vet alla matglada. Nu får vi ytterligare belägg för att det är så. Fettet i livsmedel bidrar till den konsistens, krämighet och smak som tilltalar oss konsumenter. Men det finns sätt att sänka fetthalten med bibehållen upplevelse av smaken."
corren.se: Unga män äter sämst: 20 februari
"Ett halvt kilo frukt och grönt per dag bör vi äta enligt Livsmedelverkets rekommendationer. De flesta av oss gör inte det. Medelsvensson äter mellan 300 och 350 gram. Främst är det grönsakerna vi slarvar med."
PsycPort: Carb Your Appetite: The Right Food Can Improve Your Mood and Drive Away Those Winter Blues: 21 augusti
"Most assuredly there are (foods that can improve your mood),'' says Judith Wurtman, director of Triad Weight Management at McLean Hospital and author of "Managing Your Mind and Mood Through Food'' (Perennial, 1986). "They all fall into the category of carbohydrates... What really lifts mood is a chemical called serotonin. When it's made in sufficient quantities, you change from grumpy to gracious, from irritable to patient, from negative to OK, if not euphoric."
Health 24 News Wire: Protein Diet May Impair Memory: 20 februari
"People on high-fat diets may not only be increasing their risk of heart disease - but they may be damaging their brain function according to new research from the University of Toronto."
TopShape: Proteinkällor:
"Tillverkarna har ett antal olika källor att använda för att öka proteinhalten i sin produkt. Olika proteiner har olika egenskaper och jag kommer här att gå igenom de vanligaste proteinkällorna och deras respektive egenskaper."
Healthy.net: Parents Can Help Set Healthy Eating Habits for Their Kids: 15 februari
"According to Donna Vandergraff, extension specialist in the Department of Food and Nutrition at Purdue University, parents set the tone when it comes to children’s nutrition. “Parents can encourage healthy eating habits by exhibiting good habits themselves and showing kids how to make healthful snacks, like cheese and crackers and celery with peanut butter."
Just-food.com: A chocolate a day may keep the doctor away: 19 februari
"A new book claims that eating chocolate on a daily basis may actually be good for your health. According to the Australian scientists, Dr John Ashton and Suzi Ashton, a piece of chocolate a day is even better than a glass of red wine a day."
LA Times: Whole-Grain Foods Supply Important Fiber and Minerals: 12 februari
"No matter which food pyramid you try to follow - USDA, Mediterranean, Asian, Latin American or vegetarian - one thing remains the same: At the base of each are the foods that constitute the foundation of a healthful diet. In every case, these include whole-grain products (breads, cereals, pasta and rice) high in complex carbohydrates."
Netrition: Alternative Approach; Fish Oil Holds the Key to Improved Health: 14 februari
"Our prehistoric ancestors (contrary to statements by "prehistoric diet" proponents) did not eat a lot of meat - they ate a lot of vegetables, grains and fish. Red meat was pretty hard to come by and thus a higher percent of their diets was omega-3 fats. Now this has changed. Our per-person consumption of red meat has increased significantly."
American Bodybuilding: High Carbs for Everyone? Part I: Carb Nightmare?: 12 februari
"Lonnie Lowery article on carbohydrates."
AST Sports Science Research Reviews: Low Protein Intake Can Reduce Testosterone Levels:
"An interesting cross sectional study by researchers at University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester demonstrated that protein intake is a significant contributor to serum testosterone concentrations in men."
food ingredients online: National Soft Drink Association Says Study Published in The Lancet is Wrong - Soft Drinks Do Not Cause Pediatric Obesity: 15 februari
Sport Supplements: An Interview with Paul R. Borreson:
"Making a sports supplement company unique is not the easiest of tasks, especially in an ever growing, ever expanding market. Biohazard describe themselves as "The most feared supplement company in the country", which is quite a statement!
Recently featured in a BBC documentary, Biohazard have had an interesting time over the last few months. We talk to the man behind Biohazard, about where he started, where he is now, and where he intends to be in the future. We welcome, Paul Borreson."
Health World Online: Parents Can Help Set Healthy Eating Habits for Their Kids: 15 februari
"According to Donna Vandergraff, extension specialist in the Department of Food and Nutrition at Purdue University, parents set the tone when it comes to children’s nutrition. “Parents can encourage healthy eating habits by exhibiting good habits themselves and showing kids how to make healthful snacks, like cheese and crackers and celery with peanut butter.”
Just-food.com: Functional Foods Innovation Prospers in the Nordic Region: 19 februari
"Sweden and Finland are spearheading the development of the European functional foods market. Groundbreaking research, government support and flexible marketing laws have given the region a head start, and other countries could learn a great deal from Nordic innovation, argues just-food.com."
Fitnessförlaget: Kommande böcker från Fitnessförlaget hösten 2001:
Functional foods - mat med en mening
Av Monika Wieckowski
Boken ger sanningen som functional foods, det hetaste ämnet inom livsmedel idag. Lär dig vilka som finns, och vad de egentligen gör.
Cornell University: Tax on eaters at top of food chain would aid environmental sustainability, Cornell ecologist proposes in new book: 8 januari
"Applying the "polluter pays" principle, a Cornell University ecologist and author suggests a way to improve the environmental sustainability of agriculture: Levy taxes according to food-chain ranking so that products with the worst environmental impact cost the most."
The Daily Review: Founder of Clif Bar makes fit food: 18 februari
"Famished from the exertion of a 175-mile bike ride through the Bay Area, Erickson just couldn't bear eating another of the tasteless energy bars he had packed for the ride.
"That was really a profound moment. Here I am starving, and I had this food with me and I couldn't eat it," said Erickson. "I had already eaten five, and I couldn't eat the sixth one. I thought this is not right. If there's going to be food on the market that is for energy and is nutritious, it's gotta also be palatable and taste good."
Just Move: TV ads can shape toddlers' food choices: 12 februari
"Children as young as 2 years of age may be influenced in their food choices by a 30-second advertisement they see on television, researchers report."
EurekAlert: Rat study shows high-fat diet impairs concentration and memory: 19 februari
"People on high-fat diets may not only be increasing their risk of heart disease - but they may be damaging their brain function!"
Newswise: Purple Grape Juice, Antioxidant Protection: 19 februari
"Purple grape juice has been shown to provide far greater antioxidant effect than orange juice."
food ingredients online: Fight Off Disease With a Healthy Diet, Nutritionist Says, Then Add Vitamins C and E: 16 februari
"A healthy diet boosted by antioxidant vitamin supplements is the best way to fight off free radicals, which are molecules that deplete oxygen and damage the body's cells, a leading nutritionist says."
Frukt- och gröntfrämjandet: Näringstabeller:
"Här hittar du tabeller med näringsvärden för frukter och grönsaker.
Frukt- och gröntfrämjandet: Fria radikaler på gott och ont - betydelsen av antioxidanter:
"Senare års näringsforskning har visat att fria radikaler legat bakom ett flertal sjukdomar. Forskning har också visat att frukt och grönsaker ger bra skydd. Ät mer frukt och grönt är det enkla budskapet, men skeendena bakom är komplicerade.
Bodybuilding & Fitness: Glykemiskt Index
GymmixSportsClub: En Introduktion i näringslära
HealthSurfing: New research points to stimulants in chocolate: 12 februari
"Researchers in Spain now believe newly discovered chemicals inside chocolate stimulate pleasure centers in the brain.
The compounds, called “neuroactive alkaloids,” may contribute to the euphoric feelings associated with eating chocolate, explains psychologist Tom Horvath, PhD."
DN: Veganer behöver kosttillskott: 14 februari
"Unga veganer kan mycket väl täcka sitt behov av näringsämnen. Men då krävs engagemang, kunskap och tillskott av vitamin B12 och selen. Det visar en studie som gjorts vid institutionen för kostvetenskap vid Umeå universitet."
Nutrition Action Healthletter: Less-Than-Perfect Foods: Mars
"Why do you write about processed foods and supplements all the time?”
We could restrict ourselves to writing about only the foods that are the foundation of a healthy diet: whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken breast, fat-free dairy foods, etc. But 99 percent of our readers already know about them (at least I hope they do).
While we’re not endorsing those foods and pills, evaluating supplements and not-so-good foods may be one of the most important things we do. After all, you can do far more damage by choosing the wrong medicinal herb, restaurant entree, or processed food than by choosing the wrong vegetable.
Nutrition Action Healthletter: Don't Say Cheese: 6 februari
"As a nation, we get more bone-building calcium from cheese than from any other food except milk. But cheese also gives us more (artery-clogging) saturated fat than any other food, even beef or milk. And it’s a major source of cholesterol and sodium.
Nutrition Action Healthletter: 30 Years...and Counting: Februari
"Over the past three decades, CSPI has—in articles, on television and our Web site, and in books and pamphlets, school videos, and every other means we could think of—nudged people to eat their fruits and vegetables and exposed problems with tropical oils (coconut and palm kernel), saturated and trans fats, refined sugars, salt, meat, cheese, and restaurant meals.
Salon: Would you like ground spinal cord with that?: 8 februari
"Author Eric Schlosser says you don't want to know what the burger giants are serving.
Nutritional Advice and Recommendations From Dr. Rodney T. Hard:
"Mission: Providing the Internet community with a no-nonsense, comprehensive source for information and recommendations on nutrition and its positive correlation with disease prevention and the individual's present and long-term health."
Avida: Hur många kalorier behöver jag:
"Det är faktiskt väldigt olika hur många kalorier vi behöver varje dag, för att hålla en jämn vikt och hålla i gång kroppen. Se här hur många kalorier just du behöver dagligen för att varken gå ner eller upp i vikt."
Avida: Hur mycket fett är det?:
"Är du osäker på hur onyttiga de olika livsmedlen är? Här kan du se fettenergiprocent och kaloriinnehåll i massor med livsmedel - och se hur mycket de påverkar din vikt - jämfört med en Big Mac och ett Mars."
Avida: Ät dig i toppform för att kunna motstå sjukdomar:
"Utan föda och dryck fungerar inte ditt försvar. Men det är inte oviktigt vad du fyller kroppens lager med. Variation och mycket grönsaker är rätt strategi för att göra kroppens soldater stridsberedda mot sjukdomar. Och ditt bästa vapen är de starka antioxidanterna."
Dallas News: New vitamin data not ready for most consumers to digest: 16 januari
"About 40 percent of Americans pop vitamin pills. But just how much of each vitamin does your body need? When does food provide enough? And how much is too much?"
Healthscout: A Day's Calories in One Meal:
"Waistlines expand as restaurant portions grow."
HealthWatch: The American Diet--Then and Now:
"Are Americans healthier eaters now than they were 25 years ago? Well, yes and no. Leaner meats and low-fat milk are in; but so are oils, high-calorie sweeteners, and fast food. Click here to break it down to the essentials."
Dagens Medicin: Läkare borde öka sin kunskap om hur mat förebygger sjukdom: 23 februari
"OPINION: Kost och fysisk aktivitet har en plats i förebyggande och behandling av sjukdom och kan i flera fall också ersätta läkemedel. Det förutsätter en viss omprioritering av vår verksamhet och en aktiv, engagerad läkarkår, skriver MICHAEL SJÖSTRÖM, läkare och docent vid enheten för preventiv näringslära vid Novum, Karolinska institutet."
Kroppsjournalen: Fet fisk bra för hjärtat:
"Ät mycket fet fisk. Det innehåller omega-3 fettsyror, som skyddar hjärtat."
Discover: The Chemistry of Fat Substitutes: Can You Stomach It?: Mars
"The Next Generation of fake fats has arrived, but does anyone want them?"
Newswise: Added Sugars Have Small Impact on Diet Quality: 23 februari
"An emotional debate about the effect of added sugars on diet quality rages without much real data. A new analysis finds that there is an association of sugar intake with other food or nutrient classes but it is very small and may be positive or negative."
Dagens Handel: Quorn sålde för 31 miljoner: 23 februari
"Det svampbaserade livsmedlet Quorn har blivit en försäljningssuccé. KF:s försäljning av Quorn uppgick till 31 miljoner under 2000. Den 1 april går KF:s ensamrätt för Quorn ut. Men KF är inte oroliga."
CNN: Nutraceuticals lead wave of new food research: 20 oktober 1999
"When Scott Adams, the creator of the cartoon strip Dilbert, couldn't find nutritious fast food, he went back to the drawing board. He came up with the Dilberito, a burrito sprayed with 100 percent of all the vitamins and minerals a person needs in a day.
"It's just three minutes in the microwave, it's hand held, it works with a busy lifestyle," Adams said.
Netrition: Health Promoter Says Be Wary of Internet Nutrition Information: 20 februari
"People acting on health and nutrition information off the internet should first get advice from someone in the medical profession they trust, Crown Public Health health promoter Liz Cutler said yesterday.
Mercola.com: The Paleolithic Diet and Its Modern Implications:
"Can fifty thousand years of human evolution be wrong? What are we really "designed" to eat? Are high carbohydrate "Food Pyramid" diet standards a health disaster? What do paleolithic fossil records and ethnographic studies of 180 hunter/gatherer groups around the world suggest as the ideal human diet?
Find out in nationally acclaimed author and nutritionist Robert Crayhon's interview with paleolithic diet expert, Professor Loren Cordain, Ph.D."
Chet Day's Health & Beyond: Hunter Gatherer Paradigm Examined in New Light:
"Here at the Rea Centre, the article by Robert Crayhon (Interview with Loren Cordain) on the paleo diet and modern implications left us more than a little dismayed, because it is plausible, intelligent, coherent, and riven with error - which is not so hot if the field is unfamiliar to readers and they actually embark on a try-out.
We work, and have worked, practically in this field of paleo nutrition for over 15 years, and over 20,000 successful users of a slightly different practical perspective."
Star Bulletin: Too much tofu induces ‘brain aging,’ study shows: 19 november 1999
"Tofu is touted for its health benefits, but also may pose health risks, says a Hawaii scientist.
A Hawaii study shows a significant statistical relationship between two or more servings of tofu a week and "accelerated brain aging" and even an association with Alzheimer's disease, says Dr. Lon White."
Yahoo! News: High-Fat Diets Linked to Poorer Brain Function: 22 februari
"New animal research suggests that fat-laden meal plans can take a toll on the brain by effectively starving it of its energy supply."
Will Brink: Nutritional Myths that Just Won't Die!:
"The conservative nutritional/medical community thinks it is the bodybuilders who perpetuate the myth that athletes need more protein and we of the bodybuilding community think it is them (the mainstream nutritional community) that is perpetuating the myth that athletes don't need additional protein! Who is right?"
BioPharmaWeb: German baker gets slice of Scandinavian cholesterol lowering bread: 7 februari
"Nutri Pharma has signed a product development agreement with a German-based company, to develop a bread-based product containing its proprietary cholesterol-lowering product, Abacor."
National Academy Press: Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc
The Glycemic Index By Rick Mendosa:
"The glycemic index ranks foods on how they affect our blood sugar levels. This index measures how much your blood sugar increases in the two or three hours after eating."
PsycPort: Can Potatoes Prime Your Memory?: 13 februari
"A helping of creamy mashed potatoes might do more than satisfy your appetite. This carbohydrate-rich food, researchers say, also could prime your brain for new memories."
ATL: Svenskarna alltmer tveksamma till kött: 8 februari
"Svenskarna äter mindre kött. På sikt kan de senaste månadernas negativa publicitet kring kött slå hårt mot landets köttproducenter. En Sifo-undersökning visar att fyra av tio svenskar är tveksamma till att äta kött."
Dagens Medicin: Kolesterolsänkare i korv på väg: 13 december
"De kolesterolsänkande margarinerna är på väg att få uppföljare. Två finländska livsmedelstillverkare ansöker nu hos EU-kommissionen om att få börja saluföra korvar, ost och yoghurt med tillsats av kolesterolsänkande ämnen, så kallade växtsteroler. Detta trots att det ännu är osäkert hur människan påverkas på längre sikt av en hög konsumtion av växtsterolerna."
Frukt & Grönt Främjandet: Smält maten långsamt - betydelsen av glykemiskt index: 9 februari
"Intresset för glykemiskt index, GI, är stort inte minst när det gäller behandling av åldersdiabetes. Mat med lågt GI gör att man känner sig mättare längre och även mår bättre. Frukt och grönsaker är viktiga livsmedel när man vill äta en kost med lågt GI."
ATL: Husmanskosten på väg utför: 13 februari
"Det går utför för falukorven, köttfärssåsen och pizzan, medan pastan, bönsalladen, rotfrukterna, algerna och sjögräset slår sig in på allvar i de svenska köken. Det tror Christina Möller, som är chef för KF Provkök, om våra matvanor år 2020."
Sydsvenskan: Spaghetti med köttfärssås alltid högt på topplistan: 13 februari
"Eivor Lindskog har sett mycket förändras under sina 23 yrkesår som kostchef vid Malmös skolor, men barnens älsklingsrätt består."
Hardgainer: HARDGAINER Nutrition 117 - The Wrap Up: 13 februari
"Before I get started with this column, I want to extend my thanks to Stuart for providing me space to give what I hope has been good, common-sense nutritional information. With as much hype-filled garbage as there is out there, just as with training, the opportunity to write this column was appreciated. I hope readers derived benefit from it."
NutriBase: NutriBase News for February 2001:
"New (free) edition of our award-winning software is avaliable. The Fatty Acids Edition of the NutriBase SR13 Navigator Series is available for free download as of now. Five of the six editions are now available."
NutriBase: Nutrition Software: 101 Questions to Ask Before you Buy:
"This article, reprinted from Today's Dietitian Magazine, provides a list of - you guessed it! - 101 answers you should have before investing in a nutrition software package. This is a "must read" for anyone interested in investing in their health, nutrition, or fitness-related business. If you can answer all these questions, you'll have no difficulty deciding which software package will best suit your needs."
NutriBase: How Nutrition Software and the Internet will Impact You:
"This article, reprinted from the February 2001 issue of Today's Dietitian Magazine, discusses how nutrition software is changing to meet the needs of health professionals engaged in working the Web. If you're involved in a health, nutrition, or fitness-related business, many of the trends discussed in this article will affect you."
Arbetarbladet: De röda godsakerna är viktiga för hälsan:
"Tomater är mycket viktigare för hälsan och ditt välbefinnande än vad forskare och näringsexperter hittills trott. Tidigare har de bara konstaterat att tomaten är en fiberfattig men vacker vattenförpackning. Men nu visar forskningsresultat att ämnet som färgar tomaten röd indirekt skyddar mot bland annat prostatacancer."
Far Eastern Economic Review: Look Who's Going Native: 1 februari
"'Fusion' cuisine is gaining ground in Asia, thanks to the fast-food influence of Colonel Sanders and the Golden Arches."
Healthscout: The Training Table - It's supposed to be an advantage for women:
"The researchers reported in the September 2000 issue of the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports that women utilize protein more efficiently than men.
As a result, top male athletes may need as much as a 100 percent increase in their protein intake to compensate for increased activity, while women doing exactly the same events may only need a 50 percent increase in protein intake."
Skånemejerier: Skånemejerier lanserar ny, fettsnål fruktyoghurt: 18 januari
"Vecka 3 lanserar Skånemejerier en ny, nästintill fettfri fruktyoghurt. Fetthalten är endast 0,1% och yoghurten finns i smakerna jordgubb, björnbär/hallon och banan."
Skånemejerier: Ny banbrytande svensk forskning bakom ProViva Active: 30 augusti 2000
"Denna veckan lanseras en ny probiotisk återhämtningsdryck, ProViva Active, av Skånemejerier. Bakom drycken finns det lundabaserade forskningsföretaget Probi, som åter bryter ny mark."
HealthCentral.com: Total daily nutrients cost less than $2 a day: 18 april 2000
"While it might not be very tasty or contain chocolate eclairs, an average man or woman can achieve all the recommended nutrients for less than $2 per day, according to a new report."
HealthCentral.com: Fruits and vegetables: Quality matters: 25 april 2000
"Although more people in the US are eating the recommended five servings per day of fruits and vegetables, research shows that most people are choosing foods that are low in folate and vitamin C. This may result in a deficiency in these essential nutrients, according to nutrition researcher Christopher A. Taylor, of Arizona State University in Tempe."
Netrition: Packed with Nutrition, And Only for Women: 5 februari
"What's going on here? When did food get linked to the second X chromosome? When did the Big G start standing for Gender?
Sometime in 1999 is the best answer, but the trend is only growing.
The Mintel global new product database lists "women's nutritionally designed foods" as a top trend for 2001."
Agricultural Research Services: Back to the Old Grind-er:
"Americans consume five loaves of white bread for every loaf of whole wheat. And that's not desirable, say ARS nutritionists Kay Behall and Judy Hallfrisch at the Beltsville (Maryland) Human Nutrition Research Center.
White bread is low in fiber. Switching to whole wheat bread is an easy way for most people to increase fiber intake because two-thirds of the U.S. population consumes bread or rolls on any given day."
Cornell University: Anti-cancer apples: 21 juni 2000
"Time to adjust an old adage: It's the phytochemicals in the apple each day that keep the doctor away.
A combination of plant chemicals, such as flavanoids and polyphenols - collectively known as phytochemicals -- found both within the flesh of apple and particularly in the skin - provide the fruit's anti-oxidant and anti-cancer benefits, say Cornell food scientists."
Arbetarbladet: Glass med hälsoprofil: 10 juli 2000
Att vara en liten lokal glasstillverkare och slåss mot de stora jättarna i branschen är inte lätt. - Det är som Davids kamp mot Goliat, säger Hans Hillgren på PR-Ice International i Hagaström.
Healthcentral: Variety is the spice of life, and key to a healthy diet: 2 augusti 2000
"According to recent study findings, eating a variety of vegetables may lower the risk of developing colorectal cancer. A diverse diet overall also appeared to lower cancer risk, researchers report."
HealthCentral.com: Amino acid aids muscle recovery after exercise: 12 juli 1999
"Leucine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods, can speed muscle recovery after exercise, U.S. researchers report.
The consumption of protein-rich foods "as soon as possible after exercise" may speed muscle recovery, concludes study co-author Dr. Donald Layman of the University of Illinois in Urbana. The findings are published in the June issue of the Journal of Nutrition."
Chicago Tribune: Smart choices mean you can sandwich bread into your diet: 4 februari
"Nutritionists are unconvinced about such bread bans. They might suggest different ways to eat bread--most especially not emptying the bread basket before the first food order even arrives at a restaurant table. These food counselors are not about to pull a food item off the menu that reaches back some 9,000 years."
HealthGate: Athletes need to eat fat!: 6 juni 2000
ATL: Mögelgift vanligt i russin: 7 februari
"En kartläggning som Livsmedelsverket gjort, visar att russin och korinter ofta innehåller mögelgiftet ochratoxin A. För normalkonsumenten finns ingen anledning till oro, säger Livsmedelsverket."
ATL: Nyttig mat innehåller också gifter: 7 februari
"Misstänksamheten mot kött blir större och större. Men även nyttig mat som fisk, potatis, grönsaker och bröd innehåller gifter."
United Soybean Board:
"Run by volunteer farmers from across the United States, the United Soybean Board (USB) is today's leading source for soybean data and marketing expertise, soy-related health news, and support for soy product research and development."
Comedy Club: Nation's favourite potato snack rooaarrs with oil and chemicals:
"Noting a growing fashionable cynicism and a trendy respect for more open and honest advertising in debutante consumers, Simba have decided that as of next month, their new slogan for their potato snacks will be: 'Simba Chips Rooaarrs With Potatoes, Vegetable Oil, Permitted Colouring And Flavourants'."
Slate: D'You Want Fries With That?: 5 februari
"This week, Katha Pollitt and Marjorie Williams investigate Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser's stomach-turning indictment of McDonald's, Burger King, and their ilk.
Every month about 90 percent of American children between the ages of 3 and 9 visit a McDonald's. We spend $110 billion a year on fast food. The typical American now consumes approximately three hamburgers and four orders of French fries every week."
American Fitness Professional & Associates: Health Facts Articles Index:
Search Our Index for over 630 articles (and counting!)
The Atkins Diet Dilemma: These diets really make you loose weight, at what cost to our health?
The Glycemic Index:
Determination of how the body metabolizes foods allow scientists to gain insights to the varying effects different foods have on an individual. Insulin elevated by a food is calculated by a clinical rating system called the Glycemic Index.
BBC News: Children's diet better in 1950s: 30 november 1999
"Child nutrition in the 1950s was superior to the 1990s, according to researchers - despite the food shortages of the post-war period.
Modern children fare worse for intake of several key nutrients, including fibre, calcium, vitamins and iron."
Yahoo! Health: 18 Reasons to Eat Yogurt:
- rich in protein (8 grams per cup)
- good source of calcium (plain yogurt has 400 mg per cup -- more than one cup of skim milk)
- contains as much potassium as a banana
- excellent source of the B vitamin riboflavin
EurekAlert: Legumes found to contain starch carrying a fiber-like punch: 2 februari
"Legumes often fall far below popular grains and moisture-laden fruits and vegetables on the list of foods Americans eat to try to meet the American Dietetic Association-recommended 25 to 35 grams of dietary fiber per day. University of Illinois researchers, however, say many legumes (beans, lentils and peas) should be on more plates."
HealthWorld Online: With Planned Diet, Vegetarian Athletes Can Be Competitive:
As long as a vegetarian athlete consumes enough of the right foods, the athlete can perform as well as anyone. Moreover, the benefits of a vegetarian diet on overall health, if not performance, are well documented. Like all diets, however, vegetarian diets need to be properly planned to be nutritionally adequate.
Pasta Recipes:
"Recipes for pasta sauces, appetizers, soups, pasta salads, gnocchi, risottos, main courses, desserts."
Healthscout: The History of Hunger - Why nobody noticed malnutrition before:
"Hunger and famine have been part of the human condition throughout history. And that's why it took until 1865 to recognize protein-calorie malnutrition as a disease. Until that time, hunger had been so universal that nobody thought it was abnormal or a health problem, according to the July-August 1999 issue of Salud Publica De Mexico."
themestream: What is Ketosis, and is it Safe? 30 augusti 2000
"Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body will burn fat for fuel and is producing "ketones" (also called ketone bodies) as a byproduct. This change in metabolism occurs when the body no longer has a supply of carbohydrates to produce glycogen and after the liver has been depleted of stored glycogen. When either stored body fat or incoming dietary fat is used as fuel it breaks down into ketones."
Muscle Monthly: Muscle Monthly Newsletter Volume 2, Number 3: 1 februari
- The Kent State Human Nutrition Lab: A Different Approach to Bodybuilding Supplements