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Från webbloggen under februari 2001:

Februari 2001

Svensk artikel Hälsa För Alla:

"Hälsa För Alla har funnits på Nätet sedan starten hösten 1999. Intentionerna har hela tiden varit goda, att vidareutveckla siten och göra den läsvärd.

Svensk artikel Corpus Fitness: Friskvårdssatsning inom Perstorp Specialty Chemicals:

"Betald träning på betald arbetstid? Det låter helt otroligt men är faktiskt sant för de anställda på Polyolerna och Perstorp Formbox. I dagarna har friskvårdssatsningen dragit igång och förhoppningen är att locka både vana, men främst ovana motionärer.

The New Republic Online: How Political Correctness Is Corrupting Medicine: 19 januari

"The bandwagon that Satel would like to stop in its tracks is bumping along toward an ill-defined destination called "social justice," and carrying a variegated group of vociferous critics of "the health profession's failure to make the connection between oppression--by society at large or by the medical establishment itself--and illness."

Satel believes that this perception by medicine's critics is ignorant at best and mischievous at worst; that it is also, in the hands of many of them, dangerously self-serving.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: "Ungdomar kommer inte orka jobba": 28 februari

"Svenska barn rör sig allt mindre och blir allt klenare fysiskt. Nu varnar forskare för att ungdomar inte kommer att orka jobba."

WebMD: Beware Some Tanning Salons: 23 februari

"If you're not careful when choosing a tanning salon, the service you get might burn you in more ways than one. According to the authors of a recent survey in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, indoor tanning facilities, in at least one part of the U.S., may be placing consumers at risk for skin and eye damage by playing fast and loose with safety regulations."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Kropp och själ behöver vård: 3 februari 2000

"Catrine Kostenius-Foster är friskvårdskonsult. Hennes dagliga gärning rör andra människors hälsa och välbefinnande. Men när hennes pappa dog 1995 hade hon inte mycket hjälp av sin kunskap. Livskrisen tvingade henne att se andra aspekter av tillvaron.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Nya råd mot benskörhet: 10 maj 1999

"Kalcium och D-vitamin, ofta i kombination med östrogen, är de preparat som i första hand bör användas både för att förebygga urkalkningen av skelettet och för att behandla redan uppkommen benskörhet hos kvinnor efter klimakteriet. De bör alltid kombineras med motion och rökstopp.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Dårlig livsstil tar knekken på beina: 19 oktober 1999

"Norske menn og kvinner er de mest benskjøre i Europa. Noe av årsaken finnes i våre matvaner, mener forskerne.

Healthy.net: Motivation Key to Healthy Lifestyle And Heart:

"Getting motivated is a problem that many of us face.

The key to getting motivated relates to wanting to see improvements in your body and health. Most of all, a taste of desire is needed to realize how beneficial it is to make exercise a part of your daily life."

PioneerPlanet: Fitness regimen helped Oakdale couple learn to appreciate wellness, relationships: 12 februari

"Even when Marcus Tupy of Oakdale was on kidney dialysis, he continued to be active. He and his wife, Heide, joined the Maplewood Community Center. In May 1996, Tupy underwent a kidney transplant.

Eventually, he resumed his exercise routine - and more. Last year, he, Heide and a friend ran Grandma's Marathon. They attribute Tupy's recovery to a strong faith, good care and a supportive network of friends. He relishes the freedom his life now has."

MSNBC: Can exercise be unhealthy?: 

"The runny nose, stuffy head, and hacking cough: Those telltale signs of a cold or flu can be hard to ignore. Yet many exercise devotees find it tempting to do so (and they know who they are). But working out through an illness can backfire, depending upon what type of bug you’ve got and on how intensely you exercise."

The Washington Post: Philadelphia Tries To Dump Pounds: 16 februari

"The City of Brotherly Love, which two years ago earned the distinction of being America's fattest city, is trying to shed the lard.

Led by Mayor John F. Street, a fitness fanatic, and Pat Croce, owner of the NBA's 76ers and a former fitness trainer, the city is trying to get residents to lose a combined 76 tons in 76 days."

Chicago Sun-Times: Hormone patch could aid women's sex lives: 12 februari

"While often considered a male hormone, testosterone also is present in women. Studies have found testosterone can boost sexual desire and pleasure, increase bone density, boost energy and improve mood."

Virtual New York: Super mice resist muscle wasting: 31 januari

"Geneticists have created mighty mice resistant to age-related muscle wasting, a first step toward one day devising a way to prevent debilitating decay of tissue brought on by the progression of time or disease, scientists said."

Chembytes E-zine: Nature's bounty: Januari

"Gordon Cragg and David Newman guide us around the seemingly inexhaustible profusion of bioactive agents available from nature."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Sykenærværet koster mest!:

"Hittil har politikerne vært mest opptatt av sykefraværet som koster samfunnet milliarder av kroner. Nå viser undersøkelser fra den SATS-eide bedriftshelsetjenesten AktiMed, at såkalt sykenærvær koster enda mer. Sykenærvær innebærer at ansatte presser seg selv til å gå på jobb, til tross for at de er syke. Det taper arbeidsgiveren store penger på."

Norsk artikel VG: Norge bruker mest på helse i Norden: 8 februari

"Norge bruker en større andel av bruttonasjonalproduktet (BNP) på helse enn de andre nordiske landene."

Norsk artikel VG: Politikere gjør nordmenn feite: 8 februari

"Politikerne gjør oss feite, mener professor dr. med. Roald Bahr i Statens råd for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet. Han mener norske politikere gjør en slett innsats for å få det norske folk mer fysisk aktive."

BBC News: India predicts diabetes explosion: 6 februari

"The world's largest diabetes epidemic is threatening India, which is ill-equipped to cope, say experts."

CareGroup: Fat Cell Defect May Trigger Insulin Resistance in Muscle And Liver: 7 februari

"Fat cells that can't take up blood sugar normally appear to trigger the same problem in muscle and a related problem in liver, say researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston."

Todays Chemist at Work: Hormone Replacement Therapy: Januari

"Part I: Postmenopausal women are asked to weigh the risks and benefits."

Yahoo! Finance: CVT Announces Completion of Its Cold-FX(R) Study In High Performance Athletes: 22 februari

"Dr. Grant Pierce, Director of the National Centre and Professor of Physiology at the University of Manitoba, says, "This is a significant study, not only for CV Technologies Inc., but also because it represents important information for all athletes who want to use nutraceutical products to maintain their health in order to perform at peak athletic performance.

It is critical that these athletes have confidence that the product they ingest is safe and does not contain or simulate IOC banned substances within their bodies. It is only from data generated by studies like this one that athletes will receive this assurance."

Yahoo! Finance: DietWatch.com = Stickiest Site On The Web For Health, Fitness And Nutrition Categories!:

"DietWatch.com, a virtual weight management and wellness center with over 500,000 unique visitors, was ranked as the #1 site for the average time spent per user (also known as "stickiness") for the categories of Fitness and Nutrition, Health and Family, and Health Care according to PC Data's Online Reports for January 2001.

The data shows that in all three categories, DietWatch.com ranked #1 with an average of over 5 1/2 hours spent per user. User retention was about 70%, with one third of the population visiting the site more than 10 days in a month."

Svensk artikel Bringwell: Bringwell öppnar upp en butik med ett nytt koncept:

"En stor nyhet är att vi i slutet av april kommer att öppna upp en butik i centrala Stockholm - Stureplan. Butiksetableringen bygger på ett helt nytt koncept inom hälsa och egenvård - "drugstore".

Dessutom har vi tagit in ca 40 nya produkter från EAS och Hela Pharma (ex. Mivitotal). EAS Sportprodukter kan inte köpas på någon annan svensk site än Bringwell, vilket vi är mycket stolta över."

Yahoo! News: Lessons in Muscle Fitness From Hibernating Bears: 21 februari

"Bears and bedtime conjure up cozy images of cuddling and nursery rhymes. But for those confined to bed following illness or injury, real-life hibernating "Teddies'' could provide clues as to how to prevent muscle loss due to prolonged immobility."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Reportage från "Allt om Hälsan" på Stockholmsmässan:

"På fredagen slog portarna upp för den första upplagan av nya mässan "Allt för Hälsan". Budo & Fitness News var som vanligt på plats för att rapportera till Er. det var en mycket bra arrangerad mässa fullpackad med besökare. Det verkligen kändes hälsosamt att promenera runt bland allt från hälsprodukter, mat, tester, vitaminer, föreläsningar, uppvisningar och annat i hälsoväg."

Svensk artikel corren.se: Hälsotester populärast: 20 februari

"En av 'Allt om hälsa'-mässans populäraste delar var hälsotesterna. De långa köerna tog aldrig slut."

ABC News: Predicting Obesity: 20 februari

"A simple blood test may soon be able to predict which youngsters are likely to grow up to have weight problems, researchers reported Monday."

Svensk artikel AB Eksjö Företagshälsovård:

"Genom vår samlade kunskap och erfarenhet inom arbetsmiljöområdet vill vi hjälpa våra uppdragsgivare att se till att deras värdefullaste resurs, personalen, mår bra fysiskt och psykiskt."

Yahoo! Finance: Merrill Lynch Chooses Plus One to Power Employee Health Through Fitness: 20 februari

"Merrill Lynch, one of the world's leading financial services firms, has chosen Plus One Fitness to design, manage, and operate the on-site fitness center at their New York headquarters and administer the center's fitness, physical therapy, spa, and wellness programs."

CourierPress: Workouts, dieting: a perfect match: 19 februari

"Combining a nutritious diet with exercise is the closest thing we have to a Fountain of Youth, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health National Institute on Aging. Studies conducted in 1990 found poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle as the second leading underlying causes of death in the United States."

BBC News: Apple juice 'protects the heart': 21 februari

"An apple juice a day could keep a trip to the heart doctor away, says new research. A team of researchers at UC Davis School of Medicine in the US have found that drinking apple juice appears to slow down a process that can lead to heart disease."

Healthcentral: Exercise may also weaken immunity:

"Sometimes, exercise can weaken an athlete's ability to fight off a cold. Other times, researchers say, exercise won't make a difference - or might strengthen the ability. The difference seems to depend on how much exercise the athlete does."

Harward Gazette: Exercise reduces cancer risk: 11 maj 2000

"Being an athlete in college can win women a competitive edge against breast cancer, according to a new Harvard study."

Words That Heal - State-of-the-Art Health Guide Created: 16 december 1999

"Did you ever look up a medical or first-aid question only to find that the medical reference book you bought only a few years ago is hopelessly out of date? Harvard Medical School believes it has a cure for these information maladies: a comprehensive (1,288 pages), $40 medical guide tied to a Website that will update the book weekly."

No Free Lunch:

"We are health care providers - physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, among others - who believe that pharmaceutical promotion should not guide clinical practice, and that over-zealous promotional practices can lead to bad patient care.

It is our goal to encourage health care practitioners to provide high quality care based on unbiased evidence rather than on biased pharmaceutical promotion."

Svensk artikel Dagens Media: Danska Bonnier lanserar hälsosajt i Sverige: 19 februari

"Idag lanseras danska Bonnier Web Publications sin hälsosajt Avida i Sverige. Sajten grundar sig i tidningarna Mens Health och I form. Målet är att till sommaren ha tre miljoner sidnedladdningar per månad."

Your Health Daily: Researchers Link Brain Function to Breathlessness: 16 februari

"That breathless feeling in your heart and lungs is really all in your head."

Guardian Unlimited: Our genes are doomed: 5 februari

"Unless we embrace genetic engineering, we will become a sickly and frail species."

Healthy.net: Parents Can Help Set Healthy Eating Habits for Their Kids: 15 februari

"According to Donna Vandergraff, extension specialist in the Department of Food and Nutrition at Purdue University, parents set the tone when it comes to children’s nutrition. “Parents can encourage healthy eating habits by exhibiting good habits themselves and showing kids how to make healthful snacks, like cheese and crackers and celery with peanut butter."

Netrition: Alternative Approach; Fish Oil Holds the Key to Improved Health: 14 februari

"Our prehistoric ancestors (contrary to statements by "prehistoric diet" proponents) did not eat a lot of meat - they ate a lot of vegetables, grains and fish. Red meat was pretty hard to come by and thus a higher percent of their diets was omega-3 fats. Now this has changed. Our per-person consumption of red meat has increased significantly."

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Vikten av vila:

"Det är viktigt att vila. Ändå blir många av oss frustrerade av oväntade avbrott och skulle behöva limmas fast på stället för att stanna upp och ta en paus. Det gäller både i vardagen och i träningen."

Montreal Gazette: Get off the couch: Coderre: 18 februari

"Winning Olympic medals is less important than getting more Canadians off the couch and onto the playing fields, the secretary of state for amateur sport said yesterday."

Just Move: Obesity said to cause 6% of all deaths in England: 14 februari

"More government action on obesity was urged in a report released Wednesday that warns that over 30,000 deaths a year in England, or 6% of all deaths, can be attributed to excess body weight."

American Council on Science and Health:

"(ACSH) is a consumer education consortium concerned with issues related to food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment and health. ACSH is an independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization."

Svensk artikel Svenska Gymnastikförbundet: Vi sätter våra barn i centrum – och i rörelse:

"Under år 2000 – 2002 genomför Svenska Gymnastikförbundet den riksomfattande kampanjen ”Jag vägrar sitta still”, i samarbete med KF och Folksam.

Svensk artikel Puls fitness: Det är lönsamt att satsa på friskvård...:

"Stefan Lundström har under ett antal år tagit fram en kalkyl som generellt skall kunna användas av mellanstora och större företag av friskvårdare och ekonomer tillsammans.

Kalkylen är fullt möjlig att använda på små företag om personalen är någorlunda representativ för arbetskraften. Han menar att det med hjälp av - elementär men otraditionell företagsekonomi - går att räkna ut hur mycket ett företag tjänar på friskvård.

Svensk artikel Hallandsposten: Fiskolja förebygger hjärtbesvär: 22 februari

"Varje år dör 25 000 svenskar i akut hjärtdöd.

En tesked fiskolja om dagen skulle minska siffran avsevärt, enligt professor Tom Saldeen vid Rättsmedicinska institutionen i Uppsala. Han har i tio år forskat kring fiskoljor och de omega-3-fettsyror som finns i fisken."

Nutrition Action Healthletter: Antioxidants Cull Mad Cow Disease: Februari

"Europeans, particularly the French, are mad about mad cow disease and its human variant, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Yet research dating back to 1996 suggests that antioxidants may prevent or slow the progression of aberrant proteins such as prions that cause such brain-destroying diseases.

Svensk artikel DN: Debatt: "Reklam för läkemedel en hälsofara": 18 februari

"Förbjud i lag reklam för receptbelagda läkemedel riktad direkt till allmänheten, kräver åtta läkare och forskare. En ny undersökning visar att reklam till allmänheten kan svara för 10-25 procent av kostnadsökningen för receptbelagda mediciner."

HealthWatch: Bone Builders Support Your Bones with Healthy Habits

"Growing bone is especially sensitive to the impact of weight and pull of muscle during exercise, and responds by building stronger, denser bones. That's why it's especially important when you're growing a lot to be physically active on a regular basis."

Svensk artikel Avida: Ät dig i toppform för att kunna motstå sjukdomar:

"Utan föda och dryck fungerar inte ditt försvar. Men det är inte oviktigt vad du fyller kroppens lager med. Variation och mycket grönsaker är rätt strategi för att göra kroppens soldater stridsberedda mot sjukdomar. Och ditt bästa vapen är de starka antioxidanterna."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Vad händer när all kunskap blir allas kunskap: 20 februari

"OPINION. Dagens förändringsarbete av sjukvården måste i större utsträckning än hittills väva in de möjligheter som finns inom räckhåll. Det krävs en öppen och förutsättningslös diskussion mellan olika aktörer och en vilja och förmåga att ompröva sin egen position och förhållningssätt, skriver BENGT ARNETZ, professor i socialmedicin, Uppsala universitet, SIWERT GÅRDESTIG, vd för Infomedica och ANNELIE ÖBERG-REINOLF, personaldirektör, Apoteket AB."

NewsRounds: E-Healthcare for Your Patients: When What They Find Is Bad for Them: 23 februari

"People today are using computer technology, especially the Internet, to become better educated as consumers. That's a good thing, especially when it comes to the medical profession - an educated patient is, in many respects, an easier patient to care for. The bad thing is that, unassisted, patients can pick up poor information, which can make the physician's job very difficult."

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Fet fisk bra för hjärtat:

"Ät mycket fet fisk. Det innehåller omega-3 fettsyror, som skyddar hjärtat."

Nature: Why life is sweeter for some: 19 februari

"Differences in our sense of taste may have major public health implications. So believes Linda Bartoshuk of Yale University School of Medicine, who has discovered that some people's hereditary sensitivity to bitter taste leads them to avoid cancer-protective fruit and vegetables such as brussel sprouts and spinach."

EurekAlert: Nurses health study links dietary glycemic load with cardiovascular risk factors: 22 februari

"A study by Liu et al. strengthens the evidence that glycemic load, a measure of carbohydrate intake, can predict cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, especially in those who are insulin resistant.

BBC Sport: Boxing chiefs advise change: 15 februari

"British boxing chiefs have set out a two-pronged system to enforce a stricter monitoring of fighters' preparation before bouts.

In all they cover seven main areas designed to counter dehydration, with another catering for a further review of the safety points."

ACE: Research Wrap-up: Exercise and Distress:

"A large-scale survey of nearly 13,000 Canadians found that physical activity has a positive effect on the mental health of the general population."

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Träningsprogram för praktisk stresshantering (3): 5 februari

"Autonomi, perspektivförmåga och samhörighet/stöd."

ABC News: A New Stance for Humanity: 9 februari

"If the human body were designed to last, we would look like short and chubby elves."

PsycPort: Frequent Religious Attendance May Encourage Better Health Behaviors, Says Study: 14 februari

"Individuals who attend weekly religious services may be more likely than less-frequent attenders to improve their health behaviors and to maintain already established good health habits, according to a three-decade-long study."

Business 2.0: Diet, Exercise, Internet: 20 februari

"More Americans are going online for medical information."

ABC News: Can't Buy Happiness: 11 februari

"Study Finds Money Last Among Psychological Needs; Self-Esteem In Top Four."

HealthCentral: Competence, self-esteem keys to happiness: 13 februari

"Fame and fortune might be appealing, but new study findings suggest that they do little to fulfill one's psychological needs. Competence and autonomy, on the other hand, are essential in the pursuit of happiness, researchers say."

EurekAlert: What makes people the happiest? Researchers say it's not money or popularity: 11 februari

"Study finds autonomy, competence, relatedness and self-esteem at top of list of psychological needs."

HealthCentral: Genes, not work, cause men to die young: 13 februari

"The idea that men tend to die younger because of the stresses of going out to work was laid to rest recently by a US researcher. In an exhaustive look at the reasons behind why men are the real "weaker sex," she found that a combination of differences in chromosomes and hormones, and behavioral factors, play the biggest role."

NetDoktor: Flu drug 'has little effect': 15 februari

"Relenza, the first prescription drug to claim to cure the symptoms of influenza, has no significant effect on patients and should not be handed out by the NHS according to a report published today."

Svensk artikel fri Köpenskap: Varnar för bananskal: 12 februari

"I Landskrona har miljöförvaltningen startat en kampanj som varnar barn för att hålla i bananer. Skälet är att skalen kan innehålla rester av bekämpningsmedel."

BioMedNet: Drugs to treat human BSE?: 9 februari

"Researchers are trying to find a drug to treat variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of "mad cow" disease. The hope is that, given soon enough after infection, a drug could slow the characteristic process of brain degeneration or perhaps even halt it altogether."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Forbudt å bite negler: 11 februari

"Norges VM-deltagere advares mot å bite negler. Da kan de få i seg smitte, som igjen kan føre til at de blir syke."

Svensk artikel Jordbruksdepartementets webbplats om BSE - "Galna ko-sjukan"

"Här hittar du information om BSE som Jordbruksdepartementet har sammanställt. Du hittar även länkar till andra webbplatser som handlar om BSE."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Sundhedsmøde: 9 februari

"Sundhedssektoren herhjemme er generelt for passiv, og vi er for svage i vores politik. Mødet i dag skal få indflydelse på, hvordan vi fremover tackler problemet her i landet", sagde professor Thorkild I. A. Sørensen, der ledede mødet."

Seven Days VT: Weight Watching: 7 februari

"No wonder the economy has been so strong. Think of the billions generated each year just through this orchestrated see-saw of bingeing and abstinence. What I find more interesting, though, are the subtle ways in which our increasingly porky culture has recalibrated feelings about fat, and how those shifts have come to be exploited in the pursuit and maintenance of celebrity."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Influensan tar fart runt om i Sverige: 12 februari

"Influensan ökar nu runt om i Sverige. Lokal aktivitet ses i storstäderna Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö med både influensa A/H1 Nya Kaledonien och influensa B. Enligt Smittskyddsinstitutet tyder utvecklingsmönstret på att årets influensa kan ha nått sin kulmen i slutet av februari."

National Post Online: People who exercise are more highly regarded: study: 10 februari

"Based on written descriptions alone, Canadian university students rate those who did not exercise as lazy, mean, sloppy, unfriendly and, generally, more unpleasant in all ways than those described as exercisers." (Via MetaMuscle)

Just Move: Mighty mouse yields clues for muscle wasting: 8 februari

"Genetically altered mice were able to bulk up their muscles and in the process have shed light on possible therapies for those with muscle-wasting disorders, such as muscular dystrophy, researchers report."

Guardian Unlimited: Action urged to cut the fat of the land: 15 februari

"More than 31,000 people a year are dying prematurely - 6% of all deaths - because of a lifestyle of fatty diets, over-reliance on the car and energy-saving devices such as lifts and escalators."

Svensk artikel Allt för hälsan - mässa 16-18 februari:

"Under den mörkaste årstiden tror vi att människor behöver en extra kick för att må bra. Allt för Hälsan är tänkt att vara en sådan hälsokick som går av stapeln vecka 7 i februari varje år. Välkommen!"

Svensk artikel KF Hälsa

Svensk artikel Apoteket

HealthCentral: Adult muscle, weight and bones programmed before birth: 30 januari

Studien/teorin inriktar sig främst på bendensiteten - hur stor risk man har att drabbas av benskörhet senare i livet. För alla kan ju förbättra sin styrka och få större muskler av träning. Eller...?

"You can give a child bushels of spinach and gallons of milk in the hopes that he grows up big and strong but according to recent study findings, the fate of his muscles and bones may be sealed long before his first bite."

Telegraph: The body's first line of defence: 30 januari

The saying 'What does not kill me, makes me stronger' apparently is correct:

"According to a new book, Get Well, Stay Well, by Dr Paul Sherwood, too many warm clothes, central heating and the overuse of antibiotics are compromising our children's lymphatic systems - the key to their immunity - making them prey to the very bugs that we try to repel.

"Human beings were perfectly designed to fight off infection but many of these 'advances' in our way of life are weakening our immune systems, which can no longer cope with the simplest of bugs," he says."

Newswise: A Hard Body and Sleek Looks Doesn't Correlate to a Healthy Body: 1 februari

"Rigorous dieting and exercising alone don't improve a person's health as effectively as moderate diet and exercise along with a consistent stress-management regimen. In fact, some research suggests dieting and over-exercising can create more harm than good."

Newswise: Testosterone in Women?: 1 februari

"Although testosterone is usually thought of as a male hormone, women also need it in small doses, according to the February issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource."

Newswise: When Kidneys Fail: 1 februari

"When was the last time you considered your kidney health? How about never? You're not alone. Most people take their kidneys for granted. Yet more than a quarter of a million people in this country need dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive. In addition, more than 50,000 people die from kidney failure each year."

New Scientist: Baste with oil: 13 maj 2000

"Applying virgin olive oil to your skin after sunbathing protects you against skin cancer, claim Japanese scientists. They have found that using it as an after-sun lotion slows tumour growth in mice."

New Scientist: GlucoWatch could give diabetics frequent updates on their health: 27 maj 2000

"Many diabetics have to endure frequent, painful finger pricks to monitor their blood sugar levels. But soon just a single prick of the finger will be enough to calibrate a watch-like monitor that can measure blood sugar levels non-invasively throughout the day."

BBC News: Health fears over hidden salt: 30 januari

"Medical specialists, backed by the Food Standards Agency, are calling on manufacturers to cut down on the amount of salt they add to ready meals and other processed foods."

FOX Sports: Champ's painful retirement highlights worries about the health of sumo wrestlers: 29 januari

"Because of sumo's emphasis on size — and heft — its practitioners tend to be notoriously unhealthy. And the problem goes far beyond muscle pulls and bruised backs.

Knees, ankles and hips are often left permanently damaged under the weight of bodies weighing 400 pounds (180 kilograms) or more. Worse yet, years of deliberately cultivated obesity can mean a slew of chronic health problems after retirement — high blood pressure, hardened arteries and diabetes, according to Kimio Yamada, director of the Sumo Association's health clinic."

latimes.com: A Study in Exercise: 30 januari

"Everyone at St. Genevieve High School Gets Suited Up for Fitness Program. The school's 300 students are getting in shape along with their teachers by participating in a fitness program implemented by Principal Dan Horn to fight child and adult obesity. "Now my whole body is toned, especially my arms," said Ronalyn Rullamas, a junior who takes the weight training class."

British Medical Journal: The obsessive pursuit of health and happiness: 23 december

"Health and happiness are then held out as a promotional package to which all good citizens are expected to aspire, but the paradox is that it can lead to an addictive disorder that acts like a distorting mirror, affecting every aspect of our lives."

CNN: Nutrition, obesity and perception - Focusing on America's children: 9 januari

"A spate of recent medical studies points to Americans' fears and concerns regarding obesity and diet - both real and imagined."

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Därför är vi mer friska än sjuka: 31 januari

"Vi är friskare än vad vi är sjuka. Trots allt. Ändå är det sjukdomarna och hur de skall botas som vi av tradition har forskat kring."

PsycPort: Personality's Role in High Blood Pressure May Not Be So Prominent, Says Study: 1 februari

"Many researchers have proposed that certain personality types are more likely to develop high blood pressure. But in fact, the relationship between personality and high blood pressure may be less clear-cut than previously understood, suggest the results of a new study."

Harvard Health Online:

"Find out what you need to stay healthy from a trusted source, the doctors of Harvard Medical School."

HealthWorld Online: Moderate Exercise Has Little Effect on Blood Pressure: 

"Although regular, medium-intensity aerobic exercise is often recommended as a treatment for hypertension, such a regimen actually has very little beneficial effect, health scientists writing in the British Journal of General Practice argue."

HealthCentral: Low Testosterone: Not As Common As You Think: 1 februari

"You've probably heard of recent studies linking low testosterone levels with fatigue and lackluster libido. And while many middle-aged men can identify with those symptoms, low testosterone is still rare."

Netrition: Gov't Concerned About School Snacks: 6 februari

"To cut down on the soda, snacks and sweets children are eating, the government wants to require that all food sold in schools meets nutrition standards. That could mean an end to soda machines in the hall and candy and cookie sales to buy band uniforms."

Brain.com: Aggression Helps Men Fight Off Illness:

"The big bullies of the world may have more than a muscle advantage over the 90-pound weaklings. Research now suggests they have stronger immune systems, too.

The reason may have to do with an evolutionary process in which hunters and warriors needed greater protection from disease, researchers report in the August issue of Psychosomatic Medicine."

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Vårdpersonalen blir sjuk av stress: 19 april 2000

Arbetsgivaren bestämmer att det ska effektiviseras i scheman så att man inte riskerar att personalen går sysslolös i fem minuter", skriver Anna Rosén, Kommunal.

Svensk artikel Folkbladet: Företagshälsan i nya och moderna lokaler: 16 januari 1998

Nu har flyttlasset gått för Företagshälsan i Finspång från Ekmanska skolan till större, moderna och högst ändamålsenliga lokaler i kommunhuset. - Centralt så det förslår, säger vd Anders Pernes, när han tar emot Folkbladets utsände till de 500 väldisponerade kvadratmetrarna.

New Scientist: Something else for women to worry about: 15 juli 2000

"For some youngsters, a longing look at skinny models such as Kate Moss can literally make them go weak at the knees.

A bad diet or eating disorders are already known to weaken girls' bones. Now it seems that simply worrying about weight can release hormones that lead to weaker bones."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Folkesundhedsråd: 7 februari

"For at styrke Sundhedsministeriets forebyggende indsats bliver der oprettet et nationalt, uafhængigt råd for folkesundhed."

HealthCentral: Healthiest Activities Are Ones You Want To Do: 13 september 2000

"Now I see where Washington University School of Medicine researcher Kelly Everard in St. Louis is challenging the generally-held belief that simply keeping busy is the key to healthy and happy aging.

It’s not merely being involved in activities, but it’s how much you enjoy those activities that give the most benefits to your health and longevity, according to a study Everard published in The Journal of Applied Gerontology."

Independent Online: Coffee agitation: bean there, drunk that: 5 februari

"While there is no hard evidence that caffeine is bad for health - it doesn't cause heart disease or increase blood pressure - too many doses of caffeine can make you so agitated you can't concentrate on work."

The Age: Pessimists' brains different from optimists: 5 februari

"A "glass half empty" person's brain works differently from one belonging to someone brimming with positive attitude, scientists have found."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Återhämtning - viktigare än vi tror: 29 januari

"Det talas mycket om utbrändhet idag. Kan den som varit utbränd någonsin komma igen? I dag är många personer sjukskrivna för att de är utarbetade. - Förvandla tidsförluster till vilopauser och vinn någon minuts avkoppling, föreslår Martin Modéus präst, författare och forskare kring riter och ritualer."

Justmove: Scientists identify gene that helps body absorb iron: 2 februari

"British researchers have discovered a gene that plays a role in how mammals absorb iron from food. The finding could have implications for the study of iron-related problems in humans, such as anemia - a condition that results in fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness and headache."

Svensk artikel RF: Svenskarna vill att samhället satsar mer på idrott: 6 februari

"Pressrelease: Samhället bör satsa mer resurser på idrotten. Det anser 60 procent av de tillfrågade i årets undersökning av svenska folkets tävlings- och motionsvanor. I den rikstäckande undersökningen, som är genomförd av Riksidrottsförbundet (RF) i samarbete med Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB), ingår 4 000 personer i åldrarna 7 till 70 år. Bara fyra procent tyckte att idrotten borde få mindre samhällsresurser än idag.

- Svaren visar tydligt att svenskarna tycker att idrotten är viktig att satsa på och det ger oss goda argument i den landsomfattande satsningen Sätt Sverige i rörelse. Vår målsättning är att människor i allt högre grad ska bli medvetna om vikten av fysisk aktivitet. Idrotten är en viktig aktör i folkhälsoarbetet med våra specialidrottsförbund och 22 000 föreningar, säger Britt Källström, vice ordförande i Riksidrottsförbundet."

Svensk artikel corren.se: Hon lyfter 2,7 ton varje dag: 6 februari

"Monotona rörelser och tunga lyft. Tekniken ska underlätta för kassörskor och affärsbiträden men så är det bara i teorin."

Slate: D'You Want Fries With That?: 5 februari

"This week, Katha Pollitt and Marjorie Williams investigate Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser's stomach-turning indictment of McDonald's, Burger King, and their ilk.

Every month about 90 percent of American children between the ages of 3 and 9 visit a McDonald's. We spend $110 billion a year on fast food. The typical American now consumes approximately three hamburgers and four orders of French fries every week."

Svensk artikel Hälsa för alla

BBC News: Children's diet better in 1950s: 30 november 1999

"Child nutrition in the 1950s was superior to the 1990s, according to researchers - despite the food shortages of the post-war period.

Modern children fare worse for intake of several key nutrients, including fibre, calcium, vitamins and iron."

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Från webbloggen under januari 2001:

Januari 2001

Newswise: Even Low-Level Office Noise Can Increase Health Risks: 25 januari

"Low-level noise in offices can result in more stress and lower task motivation, which may contribute to heart and musculoskeletal problems, according to a study by a Cornell environmental psychologist."

Time: Repairing The Damage: 5 februari

"Ready to turn your life around? It's simple. Eat right. Quit smoking. Get fit. Watch your weight. Drink less. And take it easy. Think it's too late to reverse a lifetime of bad habits? The latest research will surprise you."

Healthcentral: Dieting may harm girls' IQs: 1 augusti 2000

"A British study has found that one in four schoolgirls studied are damaging their IQs by dieting and depriving themselves of iron.

"We were surprised that a very small drop in iron levels caused a fall in IQ," explained Dr. Michael Nelson, study author and senior lecturer in nutrition at King's College, London, UK."

HealthCentral: Stress weakens skin's ability to fight disease: 29 januari

"Are anxiety, dejection and confusion "written all over your face"? Researchers now say that this figure of speech may prove to be true. A new study has found that stress appears to decrease the skin's ability to function properly, heal wounds and fight disease."

PsycPort: Laughter Every Day May Keep the Doctor Away, Therapist Says: 29 januari

"Did you know that 100 laughs a day are the physiological equivalent of 10 minutes on a cardiovascular rowing machine; or that three to four minutes of genuine belly laughter is comparable to ascending two flights of stairs?"

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Träningsprogram för praktisk stresshantering (2): 29 januari

"Om man känner sig trött och sliten behöver det inte bero på att man har arbetat för hårt. Det kan lika gärna bero på att man har vilat för lite eller för dåligt på sistone. En riktigt god vila infinner sig inte automatiskt bara för att man inte anstränger sig. I själva verket behöver vi flera olika sorters vila."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Mer gympa ger färre sjukdagar: 30 januari

"Fysisk aktivitet bland barn och ungdomar ger färre sjukdagar i skolan. Skillnaden mellan 16-20 och 31-35 timmars aktivitet är 2,5 färre dagars sjukfrånvaro per år."

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: Bättre kondition med It: 30 januari

"Idrott och hälsa får allt mindre utrymme i skolan. De ungas kondition minskar och vikten ökar. Larmrapporterna strömmar in och visar på en skrämmande framtidsvision med ökad sjuklighet och enorma sjukvårdskostnader."

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: ”Satsa mer på idrott i skolan”: 30 januari

"Alla borde göra som vi, utbrister ett gäng nöjda Björkängsgymnasister. Ungdomar, som i våras fick ett chockande besked. Kondisen var under all kritik, vissa av dem hade ork som en femtioåring. Ett faktum som skakar om och berör en 17-åring mer än siffror och tabeller om konditionsvärde."

Danska artikel Politiken: Minister: Vi skal motionere mere: 30 januari

"Mangel på motion er i sig selv lige så farligt som rygning. Og det er ikke kun de overvægtige, der er i farezonen. Også normalvægtige og slanke mennesker har en betydeligt forhøjet risiko for at dø for tidligt - typisk af hjertesygdomme - hvis de ikke er fysisk aktive nok."

Healthscout: Fitter Kids Do Better in Class:

"A recent study from England now suggests that sedentary kids not only risk getting fat, but their grades may suffer, too."

EurekAlert: Family factor is foremost in foretelling heart disease risk: 29 januari

"As many as half of the children and siblings of individuals with diseased coronary arteries may have signs of atherosclerosis, even though they have no symptoms of heart or vessel disease, according to a study in today’s Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association."

MSNBC: Evading germs at the gym: 9 januari

"How can you guard against infections at the gym? Should you exercise when you’re sick? Smart Fitness answers your queries." (Via GymTrack News)

Norsk artikel Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad: -Vil spare millioner på mer trening: 4 januari

"Sarpsborg Idrettsråd mener kommunen og staten vil spare store penger dersom folk blir mer fysisk aktive. - Dersom alle går en rask tur hver dag vil de spare flere ti-talls millioner, hevder Kjell Einar Andersen."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Michael ska lära oss leva längre: 15 januari

"Vill du leva längre? Lyssna då till Michael Sjöström. Han har fått EU:s uppdrag att få dig att leva längre. Knepen lyder: Ät mer frukt och grönt, motionera mera och ät mindre kött."

NetDoktor: Night workers' health: 23 januari

"Researchers in France have found that night workers face greater health risks than day staff because they burn fewer calories at night. The danger is worse for women because of differences in the body’s metabolism."

NetDoktor: Exercise has positive effects on brain: 16 januari

"Walking, jogging and cycling can prevent memory and mental skills declining with age, according to new research. Scientists at Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina have reported that middle-aged and elderly people who do thirty minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week show improvements in memory and the ability to cope with several intellectual tasks simultaneously."

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Fysisk aktivitet bra för inlärningen: 22 augusti

"Vill du ha klokare ungar skall du skicka dem till idrottsplatsen. Hur paradoxalt det än må låta, är det en väl dokumenterad sanning att fysisk aktivitet underlättar inlärningen hos både barn och vuxna. Därför kan nedskärningarna i skolidrotten få allvarliga konsekvenser för dagens unga."

Newswise: Accuracy of Method of Measuring Physical Activity: 22 augusti 2000

"Young girls may not be getting the exercise they need to remain healthy because a time-honored standard for measuring their physical activity levels may not be as accurate as originally thought, research at Michigan State University has shown (Pediatric Exercise Science, 8-00)."

BBC News: Olympic athletes suffered clots from flying: 11 januari

"Three members of the British Olympic team suffered potentially fatal blood clots when flying to Australia for the Sydney Olympics last year, a surgeon has revealed.

Dr David Grosser said he treated the three, whom he refused to identify, for deep vein thrombosis - also known as "economy class syndrome" - when they arrived in Australia to train for the games."

The Beacon Journal: Minister promotes exercising of spirits: 10 januari

"Memo to all newly resolved January exercisers offering prayers to the workout gods as you grunt through the latest abs-of-stone routine: A sit-up will not get you into heaven.

However, in the class of a local minister, the exercise just might help you become physically as well as spiritually fit."

BBC News: Sprinters' protein 'treats heart failure': 10 januari

"A protein that helps athletes run faster may also help to treat a common type of progressive heart failure, say researchers. The protein, called parvalbumin, helps skeletal muscle fibres in the arms and legs contract and relax rapidly and efficiently."

HealthCentral: Patients keen, docs leery of online medical access: 8 januari

"Results of an industry-sponsored survey reveal that a majority of consumers already using the Internet would like the ability to access their doctors online to make basic medical services including nurse consultation and lab test results more convenient.

But doctors in a companion focus group remained skeptical that online interactions with patients could be effective without cutting into already-short office time with patients."

Manila Bulletin: 'Leg Cramps': 10 januari

"Low levels of certain minerals known as electrolytes - magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium - have long been linked to leg cramps. Certain drugs, such as diuretics (water pills) for high blood pressure, have also been cited as a cause of leg cramps."

New York Times: Letters: Tax Junk Food to Fight Obesity: 2 januari

"Alcohol is judged sinful so we created a "sin tax." Cigarettes are deemed unhealthy so we created a tobacco tax. Isn't it sensible then to pass a "fat tax"?

The fat tax would be for foods containing more than a prescribed percentage of the daily minimal fat intake and would be progressive: the more calories from fat, the higher the tax." (Fri registration krävs för att komma åt New York Times artiklar.)

BBC News: US doctors offer full body scan: 2 januari

"A controversial new health check that involves a full body scan has been developed in the United States.

Dr Eisenberg said: "People regularly walk in here on a daily basis, who are physically fit, eat a reasonable diet, have just had a recent stress test and are at the stage of advanced cardiovascular disease and high risk for sudden death from heart attacks."

PsycPort: New research studies effects of tobacco on body, behavior: 18 januari

"Ethnobotanists call tobacco the "filthy weed" and estimate that humans have been addicted to it for 8,000 years - but research today is looking to prevent addiction."

AlphaGalileo: Moving away from dyslexia: 24 januari

"People suffering from dyslexia can be helped by changing the way they move and exercise."

PsycPort: Aerobic Exercises May Help Fight Depression in the Long Run: 15 januari

"Aerobic exercise may be just as effective as medication at relieving depression and prove easier to stick with, suggests a new study. The findings add to growing evidence that exercise can significantly improve mental health at modest or no cost."

StrengthTek: The Financial Rewards of Employee Fitness:

"One very interesting comment that we at Strength Tek receive during our conversations with prospective clients, about fitness and wellness programs is the cost. "It sounds like a great program, but we cannot afford it at this time." In this time of competitive recruiting between companies for talented employees, our response is "You cannot afford not to invest in your employees wellness"."

Ascribe: Web-Based Program to Promote Physical Activity in California's Workforce: 8 januari

"The California Health Promotion Collaborative, representing health and human resource professionals throughout California, has launched a new website. The site, located at www.ca-takeaction.com, aims to promote physical activity among California's workforce."

Svensk artikel Smelink: Hela hälsosverige på Allt för hälsan: 11 januari

Andedräktsprover, bentäthetsmätningar, skrattseminarier, framtidens mat, cykelsimulatorer, egenvårdsläkemedel och hälsosamma datorprogram är bara några av aktiviteterna på Allt för hälsan i vinter.

Den 16-18 februari samlas för första gången Sveriges hälsoaktörer för att göra gemensam sak för människors hälsa.

Svensk artikel Smittskyddsinstitutet: Influensarapport v 1: 

"Begynnande influensa aktivitet i Sverige. Spridda lokala utbrott i Europa. Influensa A dominerar och flertalet isolat liknar A/New Caledonia/H1N1 som ingår i det rekommenderade vaccinet.

Läs mer om influensa samt allmänt förebyggande åtgärder."

Danska artikel Run4Fun: Aktive bader sig syge: 11 januari

"For mange bade og forkert anvendelse af sæbe er skyld i at mange aktive idrætsudøvere plages af hudgener. Og det er et helseproblem, der bør tages alvorligt."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Solariestrålning granskas i Göteborg: 10 januari

"I den första kommuntäckande undersökningen av strålningen på solarier har Miljöförvaltningen i Göteborg fått i uppdrag av Statens Strålskyddsinstitut (SSI) att undersöka kommunens solinrättningar. Undersökningen ska ligga till grund för en rapport om vilka stråldoser besökarna utsätter sig för."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: ”Folkhälsan måste gå före jordbruket”: 8 januari

"Michael Sjöström, hälsoforskare vid Karolinska institutet i Solna, gläds åt statsministerns uttalande om köttätande. - Folkhälsan måste få gå före vissa gruppers ekonomiska intressen, säger han."

Svensk artikel Computer Sweden: IT-branschen är en tickande hälsobomb: 8 januari

"Stillasittande jobb, dålig kost och långa arbetstider kommer att slå tillbaka mot folk i IT-branschen. - De riskerar att få hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, fetma, stressymptom och sämre livskvalitet, säger Per Gärdsell, chefsöverläkare i Malmö."

Norsk artikel Norges idrottsförbund: Jagland ønsker trening i arbeidstiden: 3 januari

"Jagland ønsker en ordning hvor arbeidstakere får trene gratis i arbeidstiden. - En slik ordning kan gi miljøforbedringer og reduksjon i sykefravær på arbeidsplassene, sier Ap-leder Thorbjørn Jagland til NRK."

Danska artikel Helse:

"Aktuel orientering om sundhed og helbred"

Norsk artikel Helse og Rehabilitering:

"Helse og Rehabilitering er en stiftelse bestående av 21 landsomfattende helse- og rehabiliteringsorganisasjoner, som har konsesjon til å drive tv-spillet Extra."

OptiMale - Achieving Optimum Health:

"Optimale is a medical program, dedicated exclusively to the assessment and treatment of male hormone health."

HowStuffWorks: How Your Kidneys Work:

"Your kidneys are two of the most important organs in your body. But have you even wondered what exactly they are doing for you? Learn how your kidneys work and how they affect your whole body on a daily basis!"

BBC News: Personality 'influences immune system': 20 januari

"An individual's personality type may play a crucial role in how well they can combat disease and infection, say researchers. A study has found that personality type may influence the response of the immune system."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Man behöver inte vara sjuk för att man är ofrisk: 12 januari

"Vårt sätt att tänka och tala om hälsa i Sverige bygger på axiomet att frisk är man så länge man inte är sjuk. Och blir man sjuk ska det sjuka behandlas bort, så att man blir frisk igen. Detta synsätt är föråldrat och otillräckligt i dagens hälso- och sjukvård. Sjukvård gör ingen människa frisk."

firstpath.com: Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of Catching a Cold?: 8 januari

"Can regular exercise help keep your immune system in good shape? Researchers are just now supplying some answers to this new and exciting question. Fitness enthusiasts have frequently reported that they experience less sickness than their sedentary peers."

HowStuffWorks: How Nicotine Works:

"Nicotine, like caffeine, is a drug used by millions of people. Learn how nicotine affects the human body and why it is so addictive!"

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Nu finns hjälp att få när influensan redan brutit ut: 25 januari

"På många håll i landet är influensavaccinet slut. Men för de som drabbas av influensan finns det ändå hjälp att få. Läkemedlet Relenza, som godkändes av Läkemedelsverket för två år sedan förkortar sjukdomstiden, lindrar de typiska influensasymptomen och minskar risken för följdsjukdomar."

HealthCentral: Setting and meeting goals may be key to happiness: 24 januari

"Setting goals that fit with your personality - self-concordant goals - and resisting the temptation to do something you feel you ought to, is key in the pursuit of happiness, the authors report."

Time: Beyond Needles and Pills: 13 januari

"Drug reactions kill tens of thousands of patients each year. Part of the problem is how the medicine is being delivered."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Sundhed ved frugt overdrevet: 20 januari

"Spis 600 gram frugt og grønt hver dag", lyder anbefalingen i Fødevaredirektoratets seneste kampagne for få danskere til at spise sundere.

Det har været fremme, at de antioxidanter, som findes i frugt og grønt, kan forebygge kræft og hjerte-karsygdomme. Men forskere bag kampagnen tvivler på, om den teori holder. Og måske er for store doser af antioxidanter endda skadelige."

Health Surfing: Millennial Food Trends: Healthier, faster, more flavorful meals: 26 januari

"Each year, the food industry develops and releases new foods and ingredients. Some of them are big hits; some of them die on the vine. Organic produce, herbs, and a product popular in Europe called Quorn represent some of this year's food trends. Ethnic cuisine from Latin America and Asia is also increasingly capturing space on North American store shelves - and stomachs."

BBC News: Skipped meals health risk: 3 januari

"Many people skip meals because the frantic pace of modern life means they are too busy to eat, a survey has found. Experts warn that this could put people's health at risk."

The Straight Dope: Traditionally Eskimos ate only meat and fish. Why didn't they get scurvy?: 19 januari

US News: How McNuggets changed the world: 22 januari

"Fed up with carhops, broken glassware, and rowdy teenage customers, Richard and Maurice McDonald opened McDonald's restaurant in 1948 at the site of their former San Bernardino drive-in."

EurekAlert: A little chocolate for a healthy heart: 26 januari

"Good news for chocolate lovers - these flavonoids may help protect arteries and prevent heart disease. And if you like dark chocolate, the news is even better. The darker the chocolate, the higher it’s likely to be in flavonoids."

BBC News: Yellow rice gives dietary boost: 14 januari

"Researchers have genetically engineered a more nutritious type of rice which could help alleviate the serious problem of vitamin A deficiency."

WebMD: People Are Eating More Fruits and Veggies - Just the Wrong Kind: 17 januari

"Many of you are eating more than the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, according to a new report. However, you're probably still not eating the ones that provide the most protection from many forms of cancer and heart disease."

CyberParent: Hydrogenated Fats: The Trojan Horse of the Food Industry:

"Hydrogenated fats are found in almost every processed food in the supermarket. Hydrogenated oils are fats with trans fatty acids that have the same capacity to do harm as saturated fats. Research has shown trans fatty acids increase the LDL cholesterol, decrease the HDL cholesterol and thus, increase the risk of coronary heart disease."

Dr Mirkin: How to Avoid Partially Hydrogenated Fats: 2 december 2000

"The only way to cut back or eliminate partially hydrogenated fats (the source of trans fats) from your diet is to read the label of virtually every processed food you buy. The list below is a guide to choices in your supermarket. Scan through the list of ingredients and if it contains the words "partially hydrogenated", put it back on the shelf."

Nutrition Action Health Letter: Trans: The Phantom Fat: September 1996

"What's worse for your heart and your waistline:

  • A McDonald's Quarter Pounder or a large order of McDonald's Fries?
  • Six Van de Kamp's Breaded Fish Sticks or an Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich?
  • A Dunkin' Donuts Old Fashioned Cake Donut or a half cup of Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Ice Cream?

It doesn't matter. The calories, total fat, and artery-clogging fat in each pair are about the same."

Spokane.net: Hydrogenated fat found in many foods: 22 september 1999

"The oil used to cook most french fries is hydrogenated vegetable oil. It can be heated or kept on a shelf much longer than nonhydrogenated oil before it becomes rancid. And for fast-food restaurants, fewer oil changes means bigger profits.

Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are being used in massive quantities in our food supply, yet we know little about their long-term effects on our health."

Solgar: Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans Fats: An interview with Mary Enig, Ph.D:

"In part I of my interview with Dr. Enig, we will discuss the harm caused by partially-hydrogenated fats that are present in processed foods. In Part II, we will discuss how partially-hydrogenated fats increase heart disease and cancer risks, and how the processed food industry tries to suppress this information."

Funtrivia.com: mcdonalds trivia and facts:

"Everyday 0.5 percent of the worlds population visits a McDonalds."

Atlantic Unbound: Unhappy Meals: 14 december 2000

"Eric Schlosser, an award-winning investigative journalist, uncovers the "dark side of the all-American meal."

International Health News: Dowload free e-book - IHN Yearbook 2000:

"A 200 page compilation of abstracts and research reports published in International Health News (International Health News provides subscribers with useful, authoritative on-line information about the latest research in health, nutrition and medicine.) over the past year. With detailed subject index. A "must have" health publication."

Svensk artikel SVD: Plåtmagen vet vad vi mår bra av: 14 januari

"Den konstgjorda magen Tim kan tala om vad som händer i magen när vi äter olika livsmedel. Den används för att studera vilka livsmedel vi bäst kan tillgodogöra oss och hur olika mediciner tas upp av kroppen."

Lets Live Online:

"As America's oldest natural health consumer magazine, Let's Live has been sharing the latest on nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs, nutritional supplements, alternative/complementary therapies, homeopathy, fitness and health products since 1933."

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Ny Sifo-undersökning visar att svensken äter allt mindre fisk: 11 januari

"En färsk Sifo-undersökning visar att endast fem procent av svenskarna äter fisk så pass regelbundet att de får i sig tillräckliga mängder av de livsnödvändiga omega-3 fettsyrorna som finns i fisken. Detta är sannolikt en bidragande orsak till den höga förekomsten av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar."

AskMen.com: Are Canned Foods Good For You?: 4 januari

"Many households nowadays depend on quick meals to get through the day, especially bachelors and families in which both parents work. A great alternative (that's right, "great") is eating foods that come in a can.

The canning process itself preserves the food, sealing in the freshness, flavor, as well as the nutrients. No preservatives are needed."

SF Gate: Freshness labels are a manufacturers' free-for-all: 10 januari

Svenska 'Bäst före'-datum betyder i alla fall bäst före... Eller?

"With just a couple of exceptions, no laws regulate package dates - variously referred to as sell-by dates, pull dates, expiration dates or quality dates. That most dates appear at all is entirely up to the manufacturer or the grocer. The federal government only requires expiration dates on infant formula and some baby food."

Priorities for Health: Does Eating High-Glycemic-Index Foods Lead to Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease?

Zone Home Optimum Health Online Community:

"Unlike other sites where some self-appointed "expert" is trying to shove their idea of The Truth right down your throat, here you are on your own, but never alone. You can discuss any diet or exercise plan and even personal or medical issues and get feedback from real people who have actually "been there, done that."

You can agree or disagree with anyone without worrying about stepping on official toes. You will be amazed at how much great information, inspiration, humor, and insight is available in the archives of our candid and open discussions. We've kept everything online since August 1996!"

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Nyttiga drinkar kan smaka gott: 4 mars 1999

"Nyttigt, gott och lättblandat. Vitamindrinkarna är på snabb frammarsch. Numera säljs de på kaføer och lite varstans. För dagen åker till Kydingeholm, några mil utanför Alunda, till kursgården med hälsa på schemat."

The Body Gourmet: Jim Shiebler:

"Official site of the world's leading expert in healthy, delicious gourmet cooking. Info on gourmet cooking, natural bodybuilding, nutrition, total fitness, and martial arts. Jim is a classically trained gourmet chef, certified nutritionist and committed lifetime natural bodybuilder who has appeared in numerous TV programs."

MSNBC: New dietary guidelines issued: 9 januari

"Carotene-rich fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli provide the body with only half as much vitamin A as previously thought, but are still excellent sources of the nutrient, according to new government dietary guidelines released Tuesday."

Fish and Fish Oil:

"Summaries of the latest research concerning the health benefits of fish and fish oil."

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Svensken är dålig på att äta fisk: 8 januari

"En färsk Sifo-undersökning visar att endast fem procent av befolkningen äter tillräckligt mycket fisk för att få i sig tillräckliga mängder av de livsnödvändiga omega-3 fettsyrorna som finns i fisken.

Fisk har alltid utgjort en betydande del i människans kost, men vår moderna kosthållning innehåller en allt mindre andel av dessa viktiga ämnen. Det är inte omöjligt att detta är en bidragande orsak till den höga förekomsten av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar i dagens samhälle."

New York Times: Personal Health: Eat Your Vegetables! But Choose Wisely: 2 januari

"Could the reason Americans eat so few health-protective fruits and vegetables be that the very same plant chemicals that are deemed healthful do not taste very good?" (Fri registration krävs för att komma åt New York Times artiklar.)

Scientific American: Lend Me Your Ear: Mars 1999

"In May 1747, on the good ship Salisbury, Lind carried out probably the first proper controlled trial in the history of clinical nutrition. For 14 days, he kept six pairs of scurvy patients on the same diet but gave each pair different medicine: cider, elixir vitriol, vinegar, seawater, a "medicinal paste" and oranges with lemons.

The citrus fruit did the trick. In 1753 Lind published "A Treatise of the Scurvy," as a result of which, years later, the Royal Navy started issuing lime-juice rations to sailors. Who then never got scurvy but had to put up with being called "limeys."

BBC News: Skipped meals health risk: 3 januari

"Many people skip meals because the frantic pace of modern life means they are too busy to eat, a survey has found. Experts warn that this could put people's health at risk."

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 26 mars 2001 av