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Från webbloggen under februari 2001:

Februari 2001

USA Today: Six-pack abs not for every body: 23 februari

"Male models with six-pack abdominals and women with stomachs of steel have been splashed across the covers of fitness magazines for years.

But exercise expert Peg Jordan, author of The Fitness Instinct, tells people that achieving washboard abs isn't easy. It's a matter of having the right genetics, maintaining a very low percentage of body fat, restricting calories and being dedicated to daily exercise. That exercise regimen includes aerobics, strength training and intense isolated abdominal training.

The Facts About Fitness: Why low calorie diets slow your metabolic rate - and the easy way to stop it happening: 26 februari

"Diets containing more protein can reduce the drop in metabolic rate seen with low calorie diets.

Researchers from Boston compared two diets over nine days, both providing an average of 1,492 calories. However, the diet deriving one-third of its energy from protein led to a 5% reduction in metabolic rate - which was half that seen in the high carbohydrate group.

Inquirer: Weighty matters: 25 februari

"In August 1999, the former Wilson Phillips pop vocalist underwent a 90-minute operation in which her digestive system was essentially rerouted. Her stomach, an organ normally a bit bigger than a softball, was fashioned into a bag the size of her thumb, then connected directly to her small intestine. The surgery was shown live on the Internet.

Danska artikel Information: Æd dig tynd: 28 februari

"I dag er det askeonsdag – i katolsk tid fastens første dag. I dag svinger vi mellem fråds og spægelse hele året og frygter mad som var det usikker sex."

International Association for the Study of Obesity:

"IASO represents scientists, medical and health professionals working to advance knowledge and understanding of the relationship between bodyweight and health through research and dialogue all over the world.

Businessweek Online: Getting the Skinny on the Juvenile Weight-Loss Market: 27 februari

"An aspiring entrepreneur who wants to help overweight kids slim down needs assistance sifting though the cornucopia of info on the subject."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Fler unga är överviktiga: 16 augusti 1999

"Övervikten bland skoleleverna i Västmanlands län ökar och var tredje elev äter godis varje dag. Det framgår av en undersökning som gjorts bland nära 7 000 elever i årskurs 6, 9 samt de som går tredje året i gymnasiet.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: For lite mosjon gjør oss stadig tyngre: 12 januari 2000

"Norske menn i alderen 40-42 år veier i dag gjennomsnittlig 9,1 kilo mer enn de gjorde i 1960-årene, og kvinnene har økt vekten med 3,7 kilo.

The Washington Post: Philadelphia Tries To Dump Pounds: 16 februari

"The City of Brotherly Love, which two years ago earned the distinction of being America's fattest city, is trying to shed the lard.

Led by Mayor John F. Street, a fitness fanatic, and Pat Croce, owner of the NBA's 76ers and a former fitness trainer, the city is trying to get residents to lose a combined 76 tons in 76 days."

The Telegraph: Revealed: why so many Americans are fat (it's not the food): 11 februari

"The mystery as to why Americans have become the fattest people on the planet has been uncovered by public health experts, who say that decades of uncontrolled suburban sprawl conceived around the motor car have left them unable to walk even if they wish to."

Danska artikel Aktuelt: Fedtfattigt er blevet en fed forretning: 15 februari

"Slankeguruen Anne Larsen får på pukkelen over, at der ikke er nok fromage frais, når hun viser sig i et supermarked. Danskernes nye fedtfattige vaner vækker glæde hos mejerierne."

Danska artikel Aktuelt: Vi er blevet tykke af at sidde: 16 februari

"Fedmen er eksploderet blandt danskerne, fordi vores spisevaner ikke har ændret sig i takt med, at vi er kommet til at sidde mere stille på jobbet, viser undersøgelse."

Norsk artikel VG: Fete vil saksøke søtsak-produsenter: 3 november 2000

"Landsforeningen for overvektige (LFO) forbereder søksmål mot produsenter og importører av sukkerholdige varer."

Norsk artikel VG: Politikere gjør nordmenn feite: 8 februari

"Politikerne gjør oss feite, mener professor dr. med. Roald Bahr i Statens råd for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet. Han mener norske politikere gjør en slett innsats for å få det norske folk mer fysisk aktive."

Dr Squat: The Zigzag Diet Plan:

"Okay. Let me hit you right between the eyes up front. The answer is so simple, yet I’ve NEVER in all my years of being in this business, hearn ANYONE utter it. I claim it. Here it is:

  • You can’t lose fat unless you’re on a negative calorie balance diet
  • You can’t gain muscle tissue unless you’re on a positive calorie balance diet
  • You can’t lose fat and gain muscle unless you alternate periods of negative calorie balance with periods of positive calorie balance.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to lose total body weight, stay at the same total body weight or gain total body weight. The zigzag rule applies to everyone. All the time."

Yahoo! Finance: DietWatch.com = Stickiest Site On The Web For Health, Fitness And Nutrition Categories!:

"DietWatch.com, a virtual weight management and wellness center with over 500,000 unique visitors, was ranked as the #1 site for the average time spent per user (also known as "stickiness") for the categories of Fitness and Nutrition, Health and Family, and Health Care according to PC Data's Online Reports for January 2001.

The data shows that in all three categories, DietWatch.com ranked #1 with an average of over 5 1/2 hours spent per user. User retention was about 70%, with one third of the population visiting the site more than 10 days in a month."

ABC News: Predicting Obesity: 20 februari

"A simple blood test may soon be able to predict which youngsters are likely to grow up to have weight problems, researchers reported Monday."

PsycPort: Estrogen May Be a Cause of Obesity, Study Suggests: 20 februari

"A shortage of the hormone estrogen could be a cause of obesity, even in men, a study by Midwestern researchers suggests."

Healthcentral: Why some people get fat and others don't: 7 februari 2000

"The main reason some people get fat isn't because of genetics or how much they eat, says a Cornell University obesity researcher. It's because compared with thinner people they snack more often during the day and move about a lot less."

MSNBC: Desperately seeking definition: 

"Whether slender, round or hourglass-shaped, body types can be frustrating and difficult to change. Some bodies just aren’t meant to be “cut,” says Liz Applegate, Ph.D."

Ananova: Mandy wins diet title after holiday nightmare: 4 februari

"A woman who shed 14-stone after the humiliation of being too fat to fit properly into an aeroplane seat has been named Slimmer Of The Year."

Reuters Health: Survey: Many normal-weight adults use diet drugs: 19 februari

"As many as one quarter of Americans who took prescription weight loss drugs in recent years were not substantially overweight, a new study shows. The findings, according to researchers, suggest that doctors need to emphasize long-term lifestyle changes for weight control and use more care in dispensing drug remedies."

Financial Times: Safe slimming pill unlikely: 20 februari

"The biological systems that control eating and body weight are so complex that there is little prospect of developing a safe slimming pill, according to new research findings presented on Tuesday to the American Association for the Advancement of Science."

Healthy.net: Obesity and How It Contributes to Back Pain:

"Does Donald's back hurt because he is overweight, or does it hurt because he is so deconditioned that he cannot perform the exercises and body-mechanics positions that would protect his back and reduce the stress?

Does obesity by itself cause back pain? The experts say no. However, they have concluded that a person who is overweight is unable to recover from a bout of back pain as quickly as someone who is in fairly good physical condition."

AST Sports Science Research Reviews: More on the Latest Research in Fat Loss

Efit.com: Weighty Issues: Personal Psychology and Weight Loss:

"Figuring out the benefits of being overweight may hold the key to helping you lose weight once and for all."

Washington Post: Time to Lose the Holiday Roll: 13 februari

"Consider this a friendly reminder from your local Health section: Get rid of that holiday belt baggage right now. Research shows that if the weight you gained during the winter holidays is still hanging around by March, it may be here to stay."

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Nytt år, ny kropp:

"Du höjde champagneglaset och lovade dyrt och heligt att äta bättre och träna hårt för att komma i form år 2001. Sedan blev det vardag igen och nyårslöftena känns plötsligt som en utopi. Men det behöver de inte vara: med mitt-liv.nu’s nyårslöftesguide till hjälp kommer du att kunna skåla för dina framgångar nästa nyårsafton!"

BBC News: Obesity rate triples: 15 februari

"The number of people who are obese has tripled over the last 20 years, and is still rising say experts."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Vi blir fetare: 10 februari

"Det finns lika många feta människor som det finns svältande i dagens värld. Politikerna är ansvariga för mycket i samhället, liksom var och en av oss. När det gäller vår hälsa är frågan oklar om vem som har ansvaret."

Pioneer Planet: Woman bolstered self-esteem as she discovered the fun in fitness: 19 februari

"Penny Thompson-Burke's story is for everyone who was picked second-to-last (or last) for teams in gym class. Thompson-Burke, now 27, was the quintessential chubby kid. Athletics were not her forte. Academics, music, theater and choir were.

In college, she took tae kwon do to fulfill a PE requirement (ballroom dancing was full). That was the beginning of a more active life and, most importantly, a change in how she viewed herself."

Just Move: TV ads can shape toddlers' food choices: 12 februari

"Children as young as 2 years of age may be influenced in their food choices by a 30-second advertisement they see on television, researchers report."

Just Move: Obesity said to cause 6% of all deaths in England: 14 februari

"More government action on obesity was urged in a report released Wednesday that warns that over 30,000 deaths a year in England, or 6% of all deaths, can be attributed to excess body weight."

The Scientist: The Cutting Edge of Cutting Calories: 19 februari

"Why would federal health regulators unnecessarily restrict such a desirable and popular product? They seem to have responded to the opposition of a single radical group, the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Science in the Public Interest. For more than a decade, CSPI has forsworn both common sense and overwhelming scientific evidence in attacking olestra."

ABC News: Study: Increased Soft Drink Intake May Boost Childhood Obesity: 16 februari

"An extra soft drink a day gives a child a 60 percent greater chance of becoming obese, new research suggests."

Newswise: Soft Drink Industry Challenges Study on Obesity: 16 februari

"Obesity is a multi-faceted problem. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. The most important things individuals can do to manage their weight are to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly," said NSDA Vice President of Scientific and Technical Affairs."

Prevention: Burn More Calories While You Sleep: 25 januari

"Prevention's new metabolism-revving program can help put your body's fat-burning engines on autopilot, so your body works around the clock to slim you. With the right kind of workout, you could burn up to 200 extra calories a day, many of them while doing nothing more challenging than watching your favorite movie, eating dinner or, yes, sleeping. The result: You could lose up to 20 pounds in a year - without eating less."

EurekAlert: Weight regain after dieting can be avoided with low-intensity exercise: 22 februari

"Weight regain associated with metabolic changes that occur after dieting can be avoided through a program of low-intensity exercise, according to a study by van Aggel-Leijssen et al., published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."

Men's Fitness: Can You Survive a Fad Diet?: Januari

"Everywhere you turn, there's a hot new diet that promises miracles. Are any of them right for you?

Svensk artikel Wellido: Kalla fakta eller himlajorden om du vill:

"Om det blir riktigt kallt i sommar kan du äta så mycket du vill – om du sedan går ut och fryser en stund. Det visar en svensk doktorsavhandling av Pertti Kuusela, läkare och cellbiolog vid Wennergreninstitutet i Stockholm."

Discover: The Chemistry of Fat Substitutes: Can You Stomach It?: Mars

"The Next Generation of fake fats has arrived, but does anyone want them?"

The Nando Times: Fad diets, fading results: 22 februari

"Unfortunately there is really no quick, simple way to take off weight," said Melanie Polk, director of nutrition education for the American Institute for Cancer Research. "It took a long time to gain weight, and it can take a long time to lose weight. The major focus should not be what the scale says but your overall health."

NetDoktor: Teenager dies taking drug to slim: 23 februari

"A young woman has died following an addiction to a prescription painkiller called Nubain, thinking it helped her to lose weight."

Rusty Iron Bodybuilding Page: Bodyfat Calculators:

"The most convenient method for measuring bodyfat is the use of skinfold calipers. This method is subject to error, particularly in light of the fact that everyone differs as to the locations on their body where fat is distributed; however, numerous scientific studies have shown the skinfold method to be reasonably accurate, and it is far simpler and much less expensive than the other methods used.

ACE: Some Might Call it Sabotage:

"Even as they tout the benefits of the latest workout trend, or offer rapid weight-loss plans, women’s magazines frequently publish ads for fats, oils, sweets and beverages."

Guardian Unlimited: Action urged to cut the fat of the land: 15 februari

"More than 31,000 people a year are dying prematurely - 6% of all deaths - because of a lifestyle of fatty diets, over-reliance on the car and energy-saving devices such as lifts and escalators."

British Medical Journal: The obesity epidemic in young children: 10 februari

"A rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity in children has been seen in England, the United States, and around the world. The surprising finding in this study is that the increases in the prevalence of obesity are occurring among such young children."

NetDoktor: Problem of obesity grows: 15 februari

"Obesity is costing the UK £2.5 billion a year according to a report that warns the problem has reached epidemic proportions. Figures form the National Audit Office show that one in five adults is dangerously overweight."

Learn Fitness:

Sixteen hours AFTER they finished training, these people were still burning 62% more fat!:
"How just one workout can boost your metabolic rate 16 hours after you finish..."

A simple technique to accelerate fat loss: 22 januari
"A team of Swedish experts have shown that an increase in protein intake can accelerate fat loss."

Aerobic exercise: Does it really speed up fat loss?: 1 januari
Despite the popularity of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, the majority of research shows that it has a minor effect on the rate of weekly fat loss.

Gold's Gym: Fitness Fact:

"If you lose more than two pounds in a week, you may actually start losing hard earned muscle. All the hype regarding fast weight loss is just that-hype. An average sized person requires a calorie deficit of 1000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds of fat per week. It is mathematically impossible for an average sized person to burn more than 2 pounds of fat in one week. However, it is possible to burn more weight in the form of muscle loss or dehydration-both of which slow the metabolic rate and future fat burning ability.

The simple truth is…only slow, gradual weight loss is effective. So why not give a new fitness program a try? Embody Workout offers the perfect solution-with routines from weight loss and bulking up to high school soccer and pro football… Click this link to sign up for one of our free workout programs now!"

Seven Days VT: Weight Watching: 7 februari

"No wonder the economy has been so strong. Think of the billions generated each year just through this orchestrated see-saw of bingeing and abstinence. What I find more interesting, though, are the subtle ways in which our increasingly porky culture has recalibrated feelings about fat, and how those shifts have come to be exploited in the pursuit and maintenance of celebrity."

The Washington Post: Meridia: No Magic Pill: 30 januari

"The prime-time TV commercials feature attractive overweight women who virtuously brag about their newfound control over eating. Their secret? The diet drug Meridia. But if you're thinking of following their lead, here's an important caveat: Don't expect to trim much weight with Meridia unless you're also willing to sweat through regular workouts and cut back on calories."

Svensk artikel Folkbladet: Nu börjar kampen att bli av med överflödskilon: 8 januari 1999

För mycket mat och för lite motion. Det är samma gamla visa efter varje jul. Marie Kind har beslutat sig för att göra något åt sitt dåliga flås så hon ska börja att träna. Men Mikael Johansson som är badmästare på Centralbadet tror att folks intresse för motion snart svalnar.

New Scientist: Something else for women to worry about: 15 juli 2000

"For some youngsters, a longing look at skinny models such as Kate Moss can literally make them go weak at the knees.

A bad diet or eating disorders are already known to weaken girls' bones. Now it seems that simply worrying about weight can release hormones that lead to weaker bones."

Telegraph: It's a thin thing: 27 september 1997

"Some people just don't put on weight. Now scientists are finding out why.

'People think that if they are thin they have a fast metabolism and if they are overweight they have a slow metabolic rate, but our research here has turned that on its head. We measured metabolic rates, and in fact the larger you are, the faster your metabolism burns energy, so it has nothing to do with weight,' says Dr Jebb.

So if it is not a fast metabolic rate that keeps people thin and underweight, what is it?"

BBC News: Gene theory on eating disorders: 14 april 2000

"A particular gene might make someone more vulnerable to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, experts suggest. 

The new research, presented at the British Psychological Society's annual conference, suggests the gene might make the brain more sensitive to chemicals which regulate appetite and mood."

Managed Care: Smoking's Out, Drugs Passé, So Why Are We Overweight? Mars 2000

NewsWatch.org: Getting the Skinny on Leptin:

"Depending on which major newspaper they read last Wednesday, overweight Americans could be doing anything from cheering with joy or sighing with disappointment at the results of human trials to test the hormone leptin, which in previous studies has appeared to make fat mice thin."

Learn Fitness - No hype. No half-truths. Just the facts.:

"Learn the fastest ways to lose fat, build muscle and boost your aerobic fitness."

Whitehead Institute: Researchers Discover Weight-Loss Compound that Doesn’t Affect Food Intake:

"Researchers from the Whitehead Institute and Genset Corporation have found a new compound that controls weight gain in obese mice without affecting their food intake. The compound, called gAcrp30 and administered in daily low doses, caused profound and sustained weight loss in chubby mice eating a cafeteria diet—meals high in fat and sugar and available in unlimited quantities."

The Electronic Telegraph: Protein jabs allow weight loss despite fatty diet: 6 februari

"An injection that may allow people to gorge themselves on a high fat diet yet still lose weight has been successfully tested on animals.

Daily doses of a protein called gAcrp30 have been shown to control weight gain in obese mice without affecting their food intake in studies published today by American researchers. The protein is made by fat cells and circulates in the body. When injected, it caused profound and sustained weight loss in chubby mice eating a "cafeteria diet" - meals high in fat and sugar and available in unlimited quantities."

BBC News: Girls 'eating less but more getting fat': 5 februari

"Teenage girls eat half as much as boys but increasing numbers are becoming overweight because they do too little exercise, say researchers."

News Journal Online: Subway's 'Diet Guy' makes stop in Holly Hill: 1 februari

"It's very surreal," said Fogel, 23, of the attention he's been receiving since he lost 245 pounds and became the focus of the chain's national advertising campaign.

"I'm not a professional athlete. I'm not a rock star. I'm not a movie star," said the unassuming, easy-going recent graduate of Indiana University, where he was a big man on campus in a very literal sense. "I'm just Jared."

Yahoo! News: 'Obesity Hormone' Drops with Diet, Exercise: 2 februari

"It is no mystery that eating a healthy diet and exercising can make extra pounds disappear. But the results of a new study suggest that lifestyle changes may also lower levels of leptin, the "obesity hormone" thought to be involved in appetite regulation."

Just Move: Obese people produce more fat after meal: 5 februari

"Overweight men respond to a carbohydrate-rich meal differently than lean men, researchers report. When given the same meal, heavier men tend to have higher fat production in their livers, increased rates of certain blood fats and lower oxidation of fats."

Netrition: Gov't Concerned About School Snacks: 6 februari

"To cut down on the soda, snacks and sweets children are eating, the government wants to require that all food sold in schools meets nutrition standards. That could mean an end to soda machines in the hall and candy and cookie sales to buy band uniforms."

Netrition: Testing Testosterone: 2 februari

"Elaine Tsai, MD, MPH, is studying the role of testosterone in obesity. Her goal is to see whether relatively low levels of testosterone in middle-aged men can contribute to fat distribution around the abdomen, otherwise known as the "apple" shape."

themestream: What is Ketosis, and is it Safe? 30 augusti 2000

"Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body will burn fat for fuel and is producing "ketones" (also called ketone bodies) as a byproduct. This change in metabolism occurs when the body no longer has a supply of carbohydrates to produce glycogen and after the liver has been depleted of stored glycogen. When either stored body fat or incoming dietary fat is used as fuel it breaks down into ketones."

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: Slank med et klikk: 10 januari 2000

"Det tar ikke mer enn et museklikk å gå ned i vekt når slankebransjen på Internett avmagrer deg. Men Norges slankeekspert Grete Roede er skeptisk."

Healthscout: Let Them Eat Cake ... Occasionally:

"Studies of girls' eating behaviors show they're more likely to eat forbidden foods. A Reuters news service report appearing in The Times of India advises that even fatty snacks and desserts should be allowed in moderation in a healthful diet."

Netrition: Fat-Burning Protein Holds Promise: 6 februari

"They're obese, and they constantly gorge themselves on fatty, sweet food, a seemingly lethal combination. Yet lab mice at the Whitehead Institute in Cambridge, Mass., are losing weight thanks to a recently identified protein that helps their bodies burn up junk food."

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Från webbloggen under januari 2001:

Januari 2001

Healthcentral: Dieting may harm girls' IQs: 1 augusti 2000

"A British study has found that one in four schoolgirls studied are damaging their IQs by dieting and depriving themselves of iron.

"We were surprised that a very small drop in iron levels caused a fall in IQ," explained Dr. Michael Nelson, study author and senior lecturer in nutrition at King's College, London, UK."

HealthCentral: Experts say we're getting fat: 29 januari

"In an epochal triumph of plentiful food and easy-living technology, the human race is rapidly growing fat and out of shape, experts say. The world already has about as many people who eat too much and get too little activity as it does people who remain hungry no matter how hard they scramble for meals, researchers say."

The San Diego Union-Tribune: 50 Billion Served:

"What' s good for McDonald's is good for America. Or not. Fast food tastes good, but it' s bad for you. Packed with sugar, salt and fat, fast food is contributing to our "supersize" nation. More than half of all adults in the United States are clinically obese, twice the number of 1960.

There is a strong correlation between the spread of fast food and obesity. When the number of fast-food restaurants doubled in Great Britain between 1984-1993, so did the country' s rate of obesity."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Forskare varnar för fetmaepidemi: 3o januari

"Hjärt- och kärlsjukdomarna kommer att öka kraftigt till följd av den epidemi av fetma som drar fram över världen. Det varnade den kände amerikanske hjärt-kärlforskaren, professor Peter Libby, för vid en konferens för kärlkirurger i Stockholm i fredags, den 26 januari."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Var tredje för rabatt på överviktsmedicin: 30 januari

Subventionera gymträning istället!

"Omkring 30 procent av svenska folket tycker att staten ska subventionera läkemedel mot nedstämdhet och övervikt, enligt en Sifo-undersökning. Bland deltagarna på Apoterkarsocietetens debattdag, Läkemedelsriksdagen, var deltagarna mer positiva till subventioner."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Mer gympa ger färre sjukdagar: 30 januari

"Fysisk aktivitet bland barn och ungdomar ger färre sjukdagar i skolan. Skillnaden mellan 16-20 och 31-35 timmars aktivitet är 2,5 färre dagars sjukfrånvaro per år."

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: Bättre kondition med It: 30 januari

"Idrott och hälsa får allt mindre utrymme i skolan. De ungas kondition minskar och vikten ökar. Larmrapporterna strömmar in och visar på en skrämmande framtidsvision med ökad sjuklighet och enorma sjukvårdskostnader."

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: ”Satsa mer på idrott i skolan”: 30 januari

"Alla borde göra som vi, utbrister ett gäng nöjda Björkängsgymnasister. Ungdomar, som i våras fick ett chockande besked. Kondisen var under all kritik, vissa av dem hade ork som en femtioåring. Ett faktum som skakar om och berör en 17-åring mer än siffror och tabeller om konditionsvärde."

Danska artikel Politiken: Minister: Vi skal motionere mere: 30 januari

"Mangel på motion er i sig selv lige så farligt som rygning. Og det er ikke kun de overvægtige, der er i farezonen. Også normalvægtige og slanke mennesker har en betydeligt forhøjet risiko for at dø for tidligt - typisk af hjertesygdomme - hvis de ikke er fysisk aktive nok."

Yahoo! News: Winslet's Diet Shows Waifs Still Win: 29 januari

"She says she despises herself for doing it, she thinks it is boring and insane. Psychologists say her fans will be disappointed, that she is undermining what she has always stood for."

University of Michigan: Scientists find molecular switch that inhibits fat cell development: 9 augusti 2000

"Scientists at the University of Michigan Medical School have discovered a molecular switch that controls the formation of fat cells in mice. If the switch is on, fat cells will not develop. Switch it off, and even would-be muscle cells turn to fat." (Via Jaffo.com)

Healthsurfing: Study shows people don’t know how much they eat: 16 augusti

"New research by the American Institute for Cancer Research shows that consumers are unaware that restaurant portions are growing. As “super-sized” marketing pitches - more food at an alluring price - increasingly become part of fast food and conventional restaurant sales efforts, eaters are also become super-sized."

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Inga feta danska soldater på internationella uppdrag: 11 januari

Ondskefulla? Lustig översättning från den danska orginalartikeln...

"Danska soldater ska i framtiden förbjudas att åka ut på internationella uppdrag om deras vikt överstiger en bestämd gräns, skriver morgontidningen Jyllands-Posten.

-Vi gör det för personens eget bästa och inte för att vara ondskefulla, säger stabsläkaren Erik Darré vid Försvarets Sundhetstjänst."

Entertaindom: Waisting away: 27 december

"Former "Roseanne" star John Goodman has called in a nutritionist to help him shed some weight. The roly-poly actor, who currently weighs in at 400 lbs., has always made jokes about his girth -- but close friends and family have persuaded him to seek health by reminding him his dad Leslie died from a heart attack at the age of 36.

The 48-year-old's agent, Stan Rosenfield, says, "He's working with a nutritionist and he's losing weight, not gaining it. He's on the Zone diet and eating protein and vegetables."

The Times: Tongans inspired to shed pounds by keep-fit king: 26 augusti

"The world's largest monarch slimmed down to 23 stone and started a nation running."

Netrition: Dietary Stress May Compromise Bones: 26 januari

"People who mentally wrestle about what and how much to eat produce elevated amounts of the hormone cortisol, a biomarker of stress, a new study finds."

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Svenskarna är ett av Europas mest stillasittande folk: 18 januari

"Problemet bokstavligen växer – människorna i västvärlden blir allt fetare. Det är också väl känt att alltför många människor lider av olika sjukdomar i onödan – bara för att de rör på sig för lite!"

Svensk artikel Sätt Sverige i rörelse 2001: Otränad ineffektiv i jobbet: 16 januari

"Den som är otränad är bara hälften så effektiv i jobbet som den som motionerar. Den otränade använder bara 25 procent av sin arbetskapacitet. Skillnaden i arbets- förmåga gäller också dem som jobbar på kontor, för syreupptagningsförmågan påverkar hjärnans kapacitet.

Ut och motionera, manar därför socialminister Lars Engqvist och Folkhälsoinstitutets chef Gunnar Ågren. Fyra av fem svenskar över 30 år motionerar för litet. Det riskerar att leda till ökande ohälsa, högre sjukvårdskostnader och lägre produktivitet i arbetslivet."

The New York Times: The State of Weight: Many Are Too Fat for the Calipers: 9 januari

"Forging ahead on a path of seemingly endless weight gain, Americans have passed a singular milestone: nearly 25% of women in their 50's have so much body fat that it cannot be measured, at least not in the traditional way, which employs a device called a skinfold caliper to measure the layer of fat just beneath the skin."

Salon: Fatlash: 16 januari 1997

"The anti-diet revolution is poised to sweep the nation, but are we really ready for a brave, plump new world?"

CNN: Programs hope to battle military obesity, retain troops: 5 januari

"America's armed forces are supposed to be a fit crowd.

So fit, in fact, that the military kicks out its members who become obese. Every year, some three to five thousand service members are fired because they're overweight."

Newswise: Energy Density: A New Way to Look at Food: 18 januari

"A new book from Mayo Clinic is available to help potential dieters stay on track. The book, Mayo Clinic on Healthy Weight, recommends paying close attention to the "energy density" of foods in order to maintain a healthy diet."

NetDoktor: Diet drug compensation: 26 januari

"The US pharmaceutical group, American Home Products (AHP), has reserved a further $7.5 bilion (£5.14 billion) for expected compensation claims from Americans who took one of their diet drug cocktails."

Fortune.com: The Mayo Clinic Doctor: Waist Not, Want Not: 5 februari

"Rather than thinking, "I'm going to lose 75 pounds," think, "I'm going to walk 20 minutes per day, three times per week."

Yahoo! News: Children Burn More Calories After Low-Fat Meal: 26 januari

"As health experts continue to debate the best way to lose weight, a new study weighs in on the side of a low-fat diet."

Nando Times: Across the world, more and more people out of shape, experts say: 28 januari

"Plentiful food and easy-living technology are rapidly leaving the human race fat and out of shape, experts say."

Fitnesslink: Is Aerobic Training Really Necessary For Fat Loss?:

Weight training builds muscle. Aerobic activity burns fat. Most authorities agree. Much of the research concurs. I believed it too. There's just one little problem - I haven't seen reality coincide with the research. In my experience, aerobic activity is not an effective way to burn fat. In fact, I would say aerobics aren't good for much of anything.

ReutersHealth: Fast and steady walking wins the calorie-burning race: 24 januari

Everyone agrees with the public health messages that call for regular, moderate exercise. However, the best way for the average couch potato to exercise is as clear as mud. Now results from a small study suggest that ideally, daily exercise should come in one steady dose, instead of 10 minutes here and there.

Yahoo! News: High Calcium Intake Can Lead to Weight Loss in Women: 25 januari

"Young women who are trying to lose weight often eschew dairy products because they tend to be high in fat. But a recent study reports that women with the highest intake of calcium from dairy foods - relative to the number of calories they consumed each day - lost the most weight and body fat over 2 years, regardless of exercise."

Yahoo! News: Members of the Military Need More Exercise: 1 januari

"If you think people in the armed services are healthier and fitter than the rest of us, think again. Newly-released survey results suggest that the majority of service members are above national standards for weight in proportion to height, and more than half of service members exercise less than three times a week, or not at all."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Mumsa på sega råttor eller knapra på bananchips?: 18 januari

Ta reda på vad som finns i godiset genom att läsa ingrediensförteckningen. Ät också med måtta. Godis är koncentrerad näring som innehåller gott om kalorier.

EurekAlert: Diet aid works best with other life changes: 21 januari

"Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center report today in the Archives of Internal Medicine that obese women lost an average 24.4 pounds (10.8 percent of their body weight) in one year, when they used the weight loss medication MERIDIA in combination with a comprehensive lifestyle modification program that included diet and exercise - compared to a loss of only 8.4 pounds (4.1%) for women treated by medication alone."

The Globe and Mail: A shortcut to a longer life?: 23 januari

"Cutting your calorie intake by a third could be the magic secret to longevity, some researchers believe. The bad news? It's not nearly as easy as it sounds."

Food Ingredients Online: Food-policing may have reverse effect on kids: 23 januari

"Parents who tightly control what their children eat actually might be promoting a preference for off-limit foods and a less-than-healthy relationship with food."

Netrition: Diet And Exercise: Try to Keep It Real: 22 januari

"It's no big news flash that what people say often differs from what they do. Our appetites and emotions can easily overwhelm our better judgment, sometimes without our even realizing it."

The Kitchen Counter: Your own calorie and nutrition calculator:

"Welcome to the HomeArts Kitchen Counter, where you can get the nutritional lowdown on what you're eating. There are two ways to search our database — by category or by keyword."

Nutrient Data Laboratory Food Composition Data

netrition.com: Kids Must Avoid `Triangle' Of Television, Fridge And Computer: 18 augusti 2000

"Foods are only part of a bigger problem, the experts say. TV, computers and crime are partly to blame, according to doctors who are watching the next generation develop health problems related to weight at frighteningly early ages."

MSNBC: Do diets slow your metabolism?: 19 januari

"If you are trying to lose weight, you may be concerned by reports that diets can slow your metabolism, making it more of a challenge to keep off any weight you lose. Several studies on metabolic rate after weight loss, however, suggest this may not be inevitable."

Aftenposten: Fedmebølge blant barn: 19 januari

"De er barn. De veier dobbelt så mye som sine jevnaldrende og vil koste helsevesenet milliarder. En fersk undersøkelse viser at hver fjerde tiåring i en svensk kommune er overvektig. På Huddinge Sjukhus får noen av dem operert inn et bånd rundt mavesekken."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Förklaringen till sambandet mellan övervikt och diabetes kanske funnen:

"Den bakomliggande mekanismen till varför övervikt ökar risken för diabetes är oklar. I 18:e januari-numret av tidskriften Nature publiceras en mycket intressant artikel (Steppan et al 2001), där man framlägger starka bevis för att nyupptäckt protein, resistin, kan vara en mycket viktig faktor bakom sambandet övervikt och diabetes. Det är åtminstone en del av den saknade länken tror forskarna.

Resistin produceras endast av fettceller och har fått sitt namn från resitance (insulin resistance; insulinmotstånd)."

The Rusty Iron Bodyfat Calculator:

"The most convenient method for measuring bodyfat is the use of skinfold calipers. This method is subject to error, particularly in light of the fact that everyone differs as to the locations on their body where fat is distributed; however, numerous scientific studies have shown the skinfold method to be reasonably accurate, and it is far simpler and much less expensive than the other methods used."

The Inquirer: A losing attitude on a weighty issue: 9 januari

"About 68 percent of all Americans who step on the scales any Jan. 1 can expect to see higher numbers, a recent survey indicates. Not to mention that we're pudgy at best to begin with. In an age of escalators, riding mowers and remote controls, 61 percent of America's adults are overweight or obese.

So, come Jan. 2, where do many people go? To the local gym. It's the busiest day of the year for the weight rooms, on the treadmills, and in the aerobics classes. The Eagle Fitness Center is no exception. It's not the region's biggest gym, not the smallest. It's simply typical. "You have a two-week period when it's nonstop," manager Chris Shoemaker said."

FOX News: Study Cites Parents, Media, for Kids' Extreme Weight Concerns: 9 januari

"Influenced by their parents and the media, a disturbing number of children and teen-agers are worrying about their weight in hopes of looking model-thin or bodybuilder buff, a study says."

smh.com.au: Winslet gives weight to the power of charlies' angles: 11 januari

"Kate Winslet's sudden desire to be thin is bad news for girls, writes Stephanie Peatling."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Så här beräknar man energiprocent: 11 januari

"Vi har alla hört att det är önskvärt med ett lägre fettintag för många av oss. Detta för att öka hälsan och minska kroppsvikten. Men vad betyder alla dessa siffror?"

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Farligt att gå ned i vikt?: 8 januari

"Under läkarstämman som hölls i Göteborg presenterades en studie gjord av Peter Nilsson, docent vid Universitetssjukhuset MAS i Malmö. Resultaten visade att viktnedgång, hos medelålders män, är farlig. Genomslagskraften var enorm i massmedia och slutsatsen basunerades ut i radio- och tv-nyheterna."

Nutricise: Mind Your Food: What is the Best Appetite Suppressant?:

"Diet aids come in pills, herbs, teas and supplements, but the best antidote for hunger is none of these."

Upside Today: Weight loss big on the Web: 11 januari

"With thousands of Americans looking to make good on their New Year's resolutions to trim the fat (a common resolution for New Economy business too), eDiets.com should expect a healthy first quarter to follow."

HealthScout: Protein may prevent fat formation, says study: 10 augusti 2000

"A protein called Wnt controls fat formation by reining in two factors found in the nucleus of immature fat cells, say researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Researchers believe that the findings, in today's issue of the journal Science, could in the future lead to ways to control weight."

Ananova: Only traditional diets seem to work says US government: 10 januari

"This basically tells you that you can lose weight on any of the diets, if you keep your calories down," Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman told the Washington Post. "The trick is how you maintain that weight loss." (Via GymTrack News)

The Nando Times: Fad diets flawed, upcoming USDA report says: 10 januari

"Most popular diets help people drop pounds initially, but only traditional moderate-fat, high-carbohydrate regimens seem to keep dieters slim, the first major review of popular diets by the federal government says."

abcnews.com: Study finds some places just make it asy to be obese: 10 januari

"According to a study released today, there are some cities where it’s easier to be thin and some where everything — from climate and geography to local laws and restaurant fare — just conspires to make you overweight."

Nutrition Action Healthletter: Ten Tips for Staying Lean: Juli 1999

"What’s the best way to stay lean? There are no magic bullets, despite the bold (or merely sneaky) claims on weight-loss supplements. But there are some fascinating possibilities on the horizon.

Tips for losing and gaining weight by modifying your diet. Includes table of calorie densities for various foods."

HealthCentral: Americans in denial about weight and risks of obesity: 10 januari

"The number of overweight Americans has ballooned to epidemic proportions, health experts agree, yet most adults do not see their weight as a health problem, results of a recent survey reveal."

Priorities for Health: The Road to Dietary Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions:

"Over and over, virtually inescapably, the "food police" exhort us to keep so-called junk food away from children in order to steer them toward healthy dietary habits. Recent research findings, however, suggest that attempts at policing youngsters' food choices may boomerang."

Yahoo! News: Hormone May Shed Light on Eating Disorders: 10 januari

"Japanese scientists are a step closer to understanding how a hormone tells the brain when to eat. Their findings may help researchers understand eating disorders."

CNN: Federal study of diets concludes: Eat less: 10 januari

"The main thing in weight loss is calories in versus calories out," said Judith Stern, professor of nutrition and internal medicine at the University of California-Davis, who reviewed the report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. "People go on fad diets and think, 'This one will be different,' but it never is and their weight rebounds and they move on to the next fad diet."

ScienceDaily: Cattle Genes May Throw Light On Human Obesity: 8 januari

"Australian scientists have located four genes involved in fat deposition in cattle that may offer new understanding of the problem of human obesity due to diet. Researchers at Australia's CSIRO Livestock Industries think that how cattle deposit fat may help understand the process of fat buildup in individual humans."

cbcnews.com: Couch Potato Kids Eat More Junk: 8 januari

"Children in families that habitually watch television during meals eat fewer fruits and vegetables than those that don't, and consume more pizza, snack food and caffeine-laced soft drinks, U.S. researchers reported Monday."

American Council on Exercise: 

Workout Watchdog: Diet Peddles Seven-Day ‘Vacation’ from Lifestyle Habits:
"It is discouraging that there is one more product on the market that has the potential to raise someone’s hopes only to have them dashed when the water weight returns and normal eating patterns resume."

The 9 Truths about Weight Loss The No-tricks, No-nonsense Plan for Lifelong Weight Control:

When the American Council on Exercise endorses something, you know it is scientifically sound and top of the line.

"The 9 Truths about Weight Loss (endorsed by the American Council on Exercise) provides a complete weight-loss program rather than the more simplistic approach of just zeroing in on very low-fat eating. The 9 Truths about Weight Loss is the first book to set forth, with unassailable authority, all of the truths about successful weight control."

Yahoo! Finance: Warning: Sitting Can Be a Health Hazard: 12 december

"Are you one of the millions of Americans who resolved to start a fitness program this year? If you think the reason to exercise is to tighten your abs and streamline your waistline, you're missing the main point."

HealthCentral: In New Orleans, Tuesday's Not The Only Thing That's Fat: 8 januari

"According to Men's Fitness magazine's February issue, the fittest city in America is San Diego, with San Francisco and Honolulu in a tie for second place, followed by Seattle - all West Coast cities.

The fattest cities are Houston, Detroit, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Columbus, Ohio."

New Jersey Online: USDA study: Most popular diets fail to help people keep weight off: 10 januari

"Most popular diets help people drop pounds initially, but only traditional moderate-fat, high-carbohydrate regimens seem to keep dieters slim, according to the first major review of popular diets by the federal government."

Diet Riot:

"Diet Riot weight loss is the final link to diet freedom. A humorous non diet approach to permanent weight loss."


"Intelligent, healthy weight loss from DietSmart, the leading provider of custom diet and fitness programs online. The Dietsmart team has trained celebrities from Meg Ryan to Denzel Washington. We'll put them to work for you."

weightlossresources.co.uk - 3 day free trial:

"At last an online nutrition database for UK users. You can keep a food diary tracking calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre, keep an exercise diary and set a goal to lose or maintain weight. Reports on weight, body fat percentage and nutrition."

TIME: The Low-Carb Diet Craze: 1 november 1999

"Fad diets come and go, but this one is exploding. Can you really lose weight by feasting on beef, eggs and bacon? And should you?"

NAASO: The North American Association for the Study of Obesity:

"The North American Association for the Study of Obesity is an interdisciplinary society whose purpose is to develop, extend and disseminate knowledge in the field of obesity."

People Continue to Set Unrealistic Expectations For Weight Loss, Study Finds: 1 november
A study suggests that patients continue to set weight loss goals that are unattainable, even when counseled, resulting in disappointment and perceptions of failure. The finding demonstrates the need for increased education among patients and physicians about how to redefine success by setting expectations focused on health benefits rather than appearance.

New research examines effectiveness and weight loss maintenance of the low carbohydrate diet: 30 oktober
Clinical studies show that most obese people who are able to achieve successful long-term weight loss eat a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet. However, a low-carbohydrate, high-protein/fat diet can also help people lose weight.

LE Magazine: Calorie Restriction - Eat Less, Eat Better, Live Longer: Februari 1998

"Scientists have discovered an almost certain method to achieve a very substantial retardation of the aging process, to delay aging of the brain, skin and muscle, and to live longer, healthier and younger.

It involves calorie restriction, the so-called CR diet, one of the most extensively studied of all gerontologic phenomena, and we now have good clues as to how it works."

LE Magazine: Can Calorie Restriction Work in Humans?: Juni 1998

"Ben Best is betting that eating a low-calorie, nutrient-rich diet will slow his rate of aging and enable him to live longer. Here, he tells why and how he is conducting this experiment on himself."

Imposing Self-Restraint:
"I am not afraid to experience hunger," he notes. "If a person wants to seriously restrict calories, then will power and a willingness to experience feelings of hunger must eventually enter the picture. It is remarkable to me how absolutely unwilling people can be to allow themselves to feel even the slightest amount of hunger.

I think it is a discomfort that a person can learn to live with, like the necessity of getting up in the morning to go to work, or engaging in exertions required for exercise. Learning to accept various levels of hunger is like building a muscle. It takes practice."

LE Magazine: Calorie Restriction In Monkeys: Juli 1998

"Here, we explore first-ever calorie-restriction experimentation on some of the closest relatives to humans, and what leading scientists in the field-the authors of this report-are finding, and hope to find, about calorie restriction's impact on mankind."

This is London: Winslet: I must diet to get work: 8 januari

"Kate Winslet has put herself on the first diet of her life saying that unless she sheds weight, she will not get another acting job."

Just Move: Lower prices make healthy snacks more tempting: 3 januari

"When it comes to food, taste is a powerful motivator. But according to researchers, money may be sweeter than candy."

BBC News: Childhood obesity soars in UK: 5 januari

"The proportion of children classed as overweight or obese rocketed between the mid-80s and mid-90s, a study has found."

YourHealthDaily: Study: Too Little Cholesterol Also a Risk:

"Most people are aware of the dangers of excess cholesterol, but recent research has found that those whose cholesterol levels are too low are also at risk. A healthy human body must have between 180 and 240 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 milliliters of blood, according to the findings."

Nutribase: Consumer Nutrition Software:

"NutriBase News announces the free availability of NutriBase SR13 Navigator, the nutrient data software that contains the entire USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 13 (the latest release).

NutriBase SR13 Navigator is slick. It's easy-to-use. It's fast. It's fun. It's highly respected. And best of all... it's free!

NutriBase SR13 Navigator lets you View, Rank, Query (Boolean AND) and perform food name searches across 18,589 foods. Access the basic nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and additional nutrients (caffeine, alcohol, etc.) for these foods."

NutriBase: Art Olsen lost 375 pounds:

"Do you think that shedding those 10, 20, 30 or more pounds will be the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Meet Art Olsen. Art lost 375 pounds in 70 weeks by tracking everything he ate, recording every exercise he performed, and logging in his body weight every day. Determnation, dedication, and NutriBase made the difference for Art."

30 good reasons for choosing NutriBase 2001:
4. No nutrition software product today compares - even remotely - to NutriBase. Our technology is unmatched at any price. Please look at the Software Comparison Chart to see how our low-end products outperform some of the most expensive products on the market today.

Exercise Calorie Expenditures - Sorted by Activity:
This table is provided to give you an idea of how many calories you may be expending while performing a range of activities for 30 minutes. Each column shows the estimated calories for the specified body weight.

IronOnline: Henrik's Diet Calculator: 2 januari

Det är samma Henrik som skrev om sin resa i musklernas Kalifornien för ett tag sedan: My California Bodybuilding Adventure.

"I have enclosed an Excel worksheet that very easily calculates a person's menu plan in terms of total calories, protein, fat and carbs. It's a worksheet I made for myself some years ago.

The smart thing is you can easily calculate what happens if you try to increase or decrease some of the foods. You do this by typing in the yellow column named "Gram this meal" — carbs, protein, fats and calories are then calculated."

Pro-Trainer Online: Designing Effective Fat Loss Programs:

"So it's a brand new year, and time for that annual spike in gym membership and personal training sales as most of the United States tries to make "this the year" to get in shape. What do most of these clients want? They want to lose weight!

This being the cornerstone of our profession every January (and the rest of the year for that matter), it would be useful to have all the important and effective fat loss points complete with scientific rationale summed up in one short and sweet article."

Welcome to Keto.Org:

"This site was created to get accurate information about ketogenic dieting to the public for free. This will be a long-term, ongoing project of a very large scope. Our first goal will be to get the basics online.

Ketogenic Diet Summary, Ketogenic Foods, Ketogenic Health Information and Dozer's Ketogenic Diary, Updated Daily!"

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Oldsbergs fem bästa smaltips: 31 december

"Gå ner i vikt och motionera mera. Kanske det vanligaste nyårslöftet av alla. Och lättast att bryta. Ingvar Oldsberg ger dig sina bästa tips för att få kroppen i trim efter all julmat och nyårsfirande."

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 27 mars 2001 av