B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 40 2001
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Lördag/söndag 6/7 oktober

Träningssäsongen har startat och det är många olika aktiviteter som kommer under oktober. Håll er i form med Budo & Fitness Erbjudanden och träna på våra samarbetspartners convent. Missa för allt i världen inte årets Fitness Party på Stockholms Modecenter den 27 oktober. Trevlig träningshöst önskar vi på Budo & Fitness Butikerna!

  • Öppet Hus på Budo & Fitness 24 November i alla butiker med massor av spännande erbjudanden.
  • Missa inte Scandinavian Fitness Expo, i Älvsjö 26-28 oktober, med massor av spännande arrangemang och tävlingar. Besök oss i monter B13:21! 
  • Årets händelse, Scandinavian Fitness Party 27 oktober på Stockholms Modecenter. Bransch middag från kl. 19.00 och eftersläpp från kl. 21.00. 
  • Kolla in resultatlistor och bilder från All Style Open som avgjordes 30 september.
  • OBS! Direktlänk till .PDF-dokument, kräver Adobe Acrobat-läsare... Ny videokatalog för Budofilmer finns att ladda ner eller beställa. Beställ eller kika på fler av våra kataloger.
  • OBS! Direktlänk till .PDF-dokument, kräver Adobe Acrobat-läsare... Twinlab Super Gainer Fuel + Sportflaska + T-shirt. Under oktober har du möjligheten att köpa kolhydrat och proteinblandingen till kampanjpris. 
  • OBS! Direktlänk till .PDF-dokument, kräver Adobe Acrobat-läsare... EAS Myoplex + Shaker + Muscle Media har du möjlighet att köpa under oktober till bra pris.
  • Ladda musklerna med Strength Sport Nutritions Creatine 500 gram, nu till bra pris.
  • OBS! Direktlänk till .PDF-dokument, kräver Adobe Acrobat-läsare... Reebok Hemträningsutrustning, Xertubes, hantlar och mattor till hemtrevliga priser.
  • OBS! Direktlänk till .PDF-dokument, kräver Adobe Acrobat-läsare... Skip Sport multitrapets och Skipsnoddar till kampanjpris under oktober.
  • Söker du en licensierad personlig tränare, nu behöver du inte leta längre, gå in på trainersonline.se som är Svenska personlig tränarförbundets officiella hemsida.
  • Kolla in vad som hände på S.A.F.E Conventionet 15-16 September på IH i Stockholm.
  • Var med på Aerobic Weekends Step och Latino Weekend i Eskilstuna den 6-7 Oktober.
  • Budo & Fitness butiken medverkar på The Academy New Order Tour i Täby den 7 Oktober samt World Class Landala/Göteborg den 14 oktober. Kolla in instruktörer och schema eller anmäl dig på The Academys webbplats.
  • Missa inte Master Cup, kampsportstävlingen där bara de bästa deltar, 25 November.

  • FemSport Valkyrie Fest Vancouver Sports Model Quest:
    Held at the luxurious Vancouver Trade and Exhibition Centre, this unique event showcased a diverse group of athletes, including fitness athletes and competitors, a boxer, a world champion powerlifter, fitness models, and a martial artist. All these athletes competed in a head-to-head in a fitness and strength round and a physique round to determine an overall winner.
  • The 2001 IFBB North American Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships:
    Lisa Aukland has been bodybuilding for a very long time. And now, at last, she is an IFBB professional. Joining her in the pro ranks are fitness winners Nadya Castellas and Liz Curtis.
  • The 2001 Women's Strength Extravaganza - by Gene X Hwang:
    Moved to the Sheraton Meadowlands for it's 2001 edition, there were quite a few new faces and impressive amateurs as well as an enjoyable mix of amateur and pro athletes competing in the other events held during the weekend.
  • Profile: Alexandra Bernardin ... in her own words:
    As a competitive gymnast, my career for elite level competition was limited because of my age. I only started competing at 14 while most girls retire at 16. I continued until the ripe old age of 20. Having been active all my life in various disciplines, I decided to take up aerobics and hip-hop/house dancing. This satisfied me for a while but I needed more of a challenge. I needed the thrill and excitement of competition but I didn’t know where I was going to find it.
  • Profile: Tatiana Lysenko:
    Among the many stars in attendance at this year’s Arnold Fitness Weekend was Tatiana Lysenko, a former member of the Soviet gymnastics team from 1988-1992 and then a member of the Ukranian team until 1995, when she retired from competition.
  • Profile: Sarah Dunlap is back!:
    Former FemSport spokeswoman Sarah Dunlap wants everyone to know that she's alive and well and training harder than ever. After entering the NPC as a fitness competitor way back in '99 when she was just 19 years old, Sarah decided to give bodybuilding a try earlier this year and ended up capturing the middleweight class of the NPC Ms. Pittsburgh.
  • Profile: Shannon Rabon:
    “My goal is to receive my pro card and show the world that feminine muscles can be attractive, sensual and sexy with muscular detail”, says South Carolina’s Shannon Rabon.
  • Profile: Amanda Dunbar - My First Contest:
    Hi, my name is Amanda Dunbar. I'm a 21 year old bodybuilder preparing to compete in my first show in late September.
  • Profile: Colette Flack... in her own words:
    Physical fitness is not only an important part of my life but also a way of life and stems from many different sources. I love leaving all other cares at the door when I enter the gym, watching my sweat fall to floor as I pound away at the step mill, seeing my muscles contract as I curl the dumbbell, feeling spent after a strenuous work out, getting an occasional compliment on my physique and most of all feeling in control of my body.

  • Lose Fat Without Aerobics:
    Find out how to maximize fat loss by performing both high-intensity strength training as well as aerobic exercise. If you're looking to get into the best shape of your life without spending all of your time on a treadmill, then this article is for you.
  • Peakhealth Picks: Meal Replacement Bars:
    The peakhealth staff has reviewed the best meal replacement bars on the market. Now, you can be certain to buy the bar that best suits your nutritional needs and your taste buds.

ConsumerLab.com: ConsumerLab.com's Iron Product Review: 4 oktober

Iron supplements are used to treat and prevent iron deficiency -- the most common cause of anemia. Of the 19 supplements tested, 17 passed. The reasons why two products did not pass were that one had significantly less iron than claimed and the other contained an excessive amount of lead.


  • The 2001 World's Strongest Man competition starts on Friday. We will be posting results as we get them - but only in a separate section. So, if you don't want to know who wins, don't worry. Click here to see the WSM updates.
  • Here are the last international and american rankings before WSM.
  • Also, strongestman.com is pleased to announce its second annual viewer survey. Your participation will help us make the site better. You can access the survey here.
  • The featured athlete is Canadian Beerd Beekman.

Motion Online: 2 oktober

  • Kreatin kan øge muskelsukkerdepoterne:
    Et nyt forsøg har vist, at kreatinloading kan medvirke til, at musklernes sukkerdepoter kan blive større end normalt.
  • Koffein og efedrin øger den anaerobe arbejdsevne:
    Det er kendt at koffein og efedrin påvirker præstationsevnen i forskellige sammenhænge. Begge stoffer er da også på dopinglisten - koffein dog kun i form af en grænseværdi der ikke må overskrides. I dette forsøg kiggede man lidt nærmere på de specifikkke effekter af de to stoffer i forhold til intenst anaerobt arbejde.
  • Opvarmning - en forsømt fornøjelse:
    På trods af at opvarmning har stor betydning for præstationsevnen og skadesrisikoen, er det en træningsfaktor vi ofte forsømmer. Denne artikel fortæller hvorfor opvarmning er vigtigt, samt hvilke retningslinier man bør følge når man varmer op.
  • Bliv stærk som en stilladsarbejder! …eller hvordan kan jeg opbygge FUNKTIONEL styrke?:
    Som overskriften antyder handler denne lille artikel om styrke…. Men hvorfor "stærk som en stilladsarbejder?" og ikke "stærk som Arnold, Yates eller hvem der nu er årets Olympia-misfoster"?
  • "The mother of all strength programs" - eller: Essensen af et godt styrketræningsprogram:
    Der er mange meninger om, hvordan god styrketræning skal laves. Kigger man f.eks. på vægtløftning, styrkeløft, bodybuilding eller atletik kan man se, at der anvendes ret forskellige træningsprincipper. Sådan bør det også være, da et træningsprogram altid vil være afhængigt af formålet med træningen samt den enkeltes forudsætninger. Dette kan virke forvirrende, men med hjælp fra forskningen er det heldigvis muligt at udpege nogle generelle træningsmetoder som med garanti er effektive.
  • Test af Polar's nye topmodel til cykel og løb: S710:
    Efter at Polar tidligere næsten havde monopol på markedet, er der de seneste år kommet en del konkurrenter til. Vi kigger på om Polar har taget udfordringen op eller de blot hviler på de gamle laurbærblade. Vi har testet topmodellen (med cykelfunktioner) i Polar's nye S-serie; multiuret S-710.

Yahoo! News: Physical Therapist Gives Prescription for Fitness: 5 oktober

Patients in Sweden may soon find themselves leaving their doctor's office with an extra prescription to fill. As well as those for their regular medicines, they could be given another, for physical exercise.

Yahoo! News: A Little Fat May Be Key to Long-Term Weight Loss: 5 oktober

A new study offers welcome news for the millions of Americans who are fighting the battle of the bulge. Eating a diet containing moderate levels of fat--as opposed to a strict low-fat diet--is easier on dieters' taste buds and may result in more long-term weight loss.

Canoe Fitness Focus:

  • Stretching and Flexibility
  • Weight Training: What's Right for You?
  • Maximizing Your Aerobic Workout
  • Weight Loss and Physical Activity
  • Treatment of the Common Ankle Sprain
  • The Most Common Podiatric Sports Injuries and Their Treatments: An Alternative Medical Perspective
  • Beating the Monday Blues: The Weekend Warrior's Guide to Injury Prevention and Treatment
  • Understanding the Symptoms of Back Pain
  • Things That Hurt When You Move: Tendonitis, Bursitis, and Other Joint Conditions
  • Eat to Win

Thesis 2001: What are the evidence based facts about anabolic steroid use?:

This thesis " What are the evidence based facts about anabolic steroid use ?" is mainly a literature study of already published material. Though it would have been interesting to conduct research with volunteers, this is not possible due to the time, the costs, and not to mention the ethical aspects of such a study.

We chose the theme anabolic steroids for our final examination assignment for several reasons; we plan to become physiotherapists working closely with sports people, and we believe it will be a issue we will probably encounter in our jobs.

Svensk artikel Svensk Idrott: Idrott ur ett ovanligt perspektiv:

Tidskriften Blecks senaste nummer sätter ett annorlunda fokus på idrotten. Numret tillägnas den ryska kul- och diskuskasterskan Tamara Press.

Gen-Mag: Interview with Mike Francois: 17 september

Hmm, jag har en MP3-fil med en "ny" intervju med Mike Francois - men jag minns inte varifrån jag fått den - vet du? Maila isåfall, tack.

Mr. Mike Francois has been to the top of the bodybuilding world – Find out how he got started, what he thinks of bodybuilding today, and his advice to other bodybuilders – both beginners and pros.

4MyPhysique.com - The #1 Online Bodybuilding & Fitness Club:

4Myphysique is the perfect online club for you, no matter your age, level, or sex! We are the official fan club of many bodybuilders and fitness pro's. The only place to have live interaction with today's hottest Pro's and Trainers. Please Take your time and look around.

Slate Magazine Online: Tennis skirts and money: 6 juli

Why do women still wear skirts in pro tennis, when they can, if they want, wear shorts? Slate’s Eliza Truitt ponders a few possible reasons (she apparently didn’t think it worthwhile to actually ask the players themselves), and decides it’s all about the endorsement money that comes from increased sex appeal.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Fredag 5 oktober

Tommi Thorvildsen

Eva Engskar

Mari Skåksrud

  • Det riktige proteinet for oppbygging!: 1 oktober
    Denne artikkelen MÅ du bare lese hvis du er interessert i å vite hva som skal til for å bygge opp musklene etter en hard trening. Du finner en fullstendig oversikt over alle aminosyrene og deres oppgave for kroppen. Hvilke matvarer passer best sammen? Les og lær!
  • Dårlig framgang?: 1 oktober
    Det er flere forhold som kan føre til at treningen din ikke fører til forbedring.Økningen kan avta og utebli så snart en av de tellende faktorer forskyves feilaktig. De primære faktorer som kan redusere og fjerne framgang er:
  • Feil oppvarming - ingen muskelvekst?: 1 oktober
    Omkring 99% av alle som trener, varmer opp feil. Og ved å gjøre dette, reduserer de deres evne til å skape maksimal muskelbelastning og maksimal muskelvekst.
  • Bicepspeak: 1 oktober
    Å nei! sier mange.. Ikke en ny artikkel med større biceps osv. Men saken er at vi iform.no får masse e-post pr uke med spørsmål angående bicepstrening.
  • Næringslære - Hvor mye kan du?: 1 oktober
    Du har kanskje lest alle artikler om næringslære du har kommet over, men hvor mye har du lært egentlig? Dine kunskaper settes her på prøve og snart har du svaret "Hvor mye kan du om næringslære?".
  • Den Ideelle (eller Prinsipielle) Rutine: 16 september
    For at et treningspass skal være produktivt må det stimulere til vekst. Og når den først har blitt stimulert må veksten få lov å skje. Dette betyr at treningen ikke må være så lang eller så frekvent at den fullstendig tømmer kroppens biokjemiske reserver.
  • OVERLOAD - Ben trening!: 15 september
    Å gjøre sitt ytterste for å trene mest mulig intensivt, er uten tvil den viktigste faktoren når det gjelder å få muskelmassen til å øke. Hvis dette skal beskrives med et enkelt ord, passer det engelske ordet - OVERLOAD - utmerket.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Den enkla vägen ger inte OS-guld: 22 september

När Per Elofsson tränar tränar han, kanske hårdast av alla människor på den här planeten. - Han är i en sån grupp som kör hårdast i hela världen, säger landslagets träningschef Hans Christer Holmberg, som forskar i idrottsfysiologi vid Karolinska sjukhuset i Stockholm.

- I somras ställde jag in ett pass, bara för att det regnade en massa...så vekt...vilken jäkla ynkrygg man är...

Zone Capone: F-CK being political correct!: 21 september

I give a BIG FUCK YOU to the IOC after the following statement!:

Sports Illustrated: IOC denies body building in olympic games: 19 september

The board rejected official recognition for body building. Two years ago, the IOC gave the sport provisional acceptance despite body building's reputation for steroid use.

"There was a general feeling that we should not have recognized body building in the first place," Felli said. "A lot of people believe it does not have the right image and we should not be linked too closely with it."

Zone Capone: Vivianna Requena Star Profile:

Vivianna is one cool & funny lady ! I have been e-mailing back & fourth with her for awhile getting to know her abit & after she was calling me "baby" I just had to do a star profile on her! *S* I dont know how much people over here in Europe knows about her? If you havent heard about her yet... belive me you will!!

Northern Light: Food Supplements Test Positive for Banned Substances: 19 september

Up to 20 percent of 200 different food supplements taken randomly from shop shelves in a new Olympic-sponsored investigation show traces of banned substances such as steroids, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said Wednesday.

IOC medical commission chief Patrick Schamasch said testers had completed analyzes of a third of the 600 supplements they planned to investigate in the survey and found banned substances that would have led to a positive test.

Sports Point: Forskningsnyhed - Kosttilskud indeholdende efedrin:

I en rapport fra New England Journal of Medicine gennemgås 140 sager med bivirkninger efter indtagelse af kosttilskud indeholdende efedrin. Der raporteres bla. 10 dødsfald og 13 invalideringer.

RecalledProducts.com: Ephedra:

Ephedra -- also known as Ma Huang -- is not regulated by the FDA, as it is a diet supplement. Nevertheless, Ephedra may have potential deadly side effects, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now calling for limits on recommended dosages and proposing new consumer notice (labeling) requirements.

PR Newswire: Metabolife Informs NFL Commissioner that Ephedrine Supplements Are 'Safe and Effective' When Appropriately Used for Weight Control: 3 oktober

Garry Pay, General Counsel of Metabolife International who is also a former NFL player, has written NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue, informing him that there are several clinical studies showing that ephedrine-containing supplements are safe and effective for weight control when used at recommended dosages by appropriate individuals.

LA Times: Texas Delays Diet Supplement Rules: 6 september

Label requirements on stimulant ephedrine are put off after calls from a Bush team official.

Århus Stiftstidene: Am. Fodbold: To Viby-spillere anklaget for dopingmisbrug: 1 oktober

Da Viby Troopers 11. august mødte Aalborg 89ers på udebane i 1. division, kom Anti Doping Danmark på visit efter kampen for at foretage dopingkontrol, og her blev Nick Bang og Kai Juel Larsen fra Viby begge testet positive. I prøverne er der fundet to typer efedrin præparater.

Berlingske Tidene: Fodbolden undergraver dopingpolitikken: 23 september

Dopingkarantæner: IOC og dopingagenturet WADA vil have fodbolden til at stramme sine dopingregler. Men FIFA viser ingen vilje til at give dopede fodboldstjerner hårdere straffe.

Berlingske Tidene: Under fodboldens populære overflade: 23 september

Usynlige skurke: Doping-afslørede fodboldstjerner slipper på mere end en måde meget billigt. DBU-generalsekretær Jim Stjerne Hansen mener, at fodboldens troværdighed er på spil.

KVUE.com: State bucks Feds to enforce ephedrine rules: 7 september

Texas health officials say they're enforcing a new rule regulating ephedrine diet supplements. That's despite published reports that they suspended enforcement under advisement from the Bush administration.

Reuters: Group Sues Starbucks, Says Ephedrine Found in Tea: 7 september

A California public interest group has sued Starbucks Corp., claiming that America's largest coffee retailer secretly spikes its Tazo Chai Tea with ephedrine, an herbal stimulant banned in food by U.S. regulators.

ABC News: 'Positive Peer Pressure': Atlas Tackles Abuse of 'Sports Supplements': 7 september

Close to a million American teens have taken "sports supplements" such as Andro Xtreme, Teen Advantage and Metabolift to try to enhance their physiques, according to a recent Blue Cross and Blue Shield survey.

Yahoo! News: Supplements becoming a major concern: 21 augusti

Last year, the NCAA ruled universities could not supply athletes with muscle-enhancing supplements that exceed 30 percent protein, which is the key to building muscle mass (read: being stronger than the guy across the line from you). By doing so, the NCAA said, it was eliminating a competitive advantage for certain schools.

LA Times: Young Athletes' Use of Stimulant Stirs Alarm: 22 augusti

Scholastic rules bar it, but ephedrine is popular, coaches say.

The Nando Times: Coroner: Ephedrine in Wheeler's body at time of death: 20 augusti

Northwestern football player Rashidi Wheeler had the stimulant ephedrine in his system when he collapsed during a grueling Aug. 3 workout, but the banned substance did not cause his death, the Cook County medical examiner said Monday.

"We do not think this contributed to his death," Dr. Edmund Donoghue said. "We think this is a classic case of exercise-induced bronchial asthma."

Svensk artikel Lantbruk: Forskare tror mjölk höjer immunförsvar: 22 augusti

En ny uppsättning så kallade mervärdes- eller functional foodprodukter från mejeriindustrin kan komma att se dagens ljus om ny brittisk forskning kring mjölkens hälsobringande effekter håller vad den lovar.

Yahoo! News: High-Carb Diet Best in Combination with Exercise: 19 september

Low-fat diets that are high in carbohydrates lower levels of harmful cholesterol, but they also can raise levels of other blood fats linked to heart disease. However, moderate exercise seems to counteract most of the potentially harmful effects of a high-carb diet, researchers in the UK report.

Yahoo! News: Food Supplements Test Positive for Banned Substances: 19 september

Up to 20 percent of 200 different food supplements taken randomly from shop shelves in a new Olympic-sponsored investigation show traces of banned substances such as steroids, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said Wednesday.

BBC Sport: Lewis wants drug check list: 27 september

Lewis has increased her media profile since Sydney Olympic gold medallist Denise Lewis has urged the athletics authorities to publish a check list of food supplements known to contain banned substances.

CNN: Group wants ephedra supplements banned: 5 september

A consumer group petitioned the government Wednesday to ban food supplements containing ephedra, an herbal stimulant that had been linked to heart attacks, strokes and seizures in otherwise healthy young people.

CBS 2000: Ephedra Supplements Under Fire: 5 september

A consumer group is calling on the government to ban food supplements containing ephedra.

Public Citizen Health Research Group points to reports that link ephedra to heart attacks, strokes and seizures in otherwise healthy young people. The group's head, Dr. Sidney Wolfe, says federal records show 81 ephedra-related deaths and almost 1,400 reactions.

theage.com.au: Dopey players could sully AFL's snow white: 16 september

When the AFL's finest ran on to the ground this weekend, there may have been more performance enhancement than meets the eye.

Suspicions about players using injectable human growth hormone - which provides all the benefits of anabolic steroids but is not detectable - will abound until a test is approved, say sports medicine experts.

azcentral.com: Want to lose weight? Cut back on calories: 19 september

QUESTION: I want to take off several pounds, but I don't want to diet. Any easy ideas?

ANSWER: It takes an excess of 3,500 calories to gain a pound. Eat just 100 calories more per day than your body needs and you can gain about 10 pounds a year.

The Nando Times: Supreme Court refuses to hear athletic drug testing case: 1 oktober

Mary Decker Slaney's hopes of reclaiming an Olympic medal she was forced to relinquish ended Monday when the Supreme Court refused without comment to accept her challenge of athletic drug testing.

Slaney, a legendary American distance runner, claims that birth control pills may have led to her only positive test in a 25-year career. She contested the reliability of the method used to detect levels of testosterone, as well as forced arbitration that athletes must use in testing disputes.

NetDoktor: EU lemper reglerne for kosttilskud: 28 september

Et flertal af EU-landene vedtog i går trods dansk modstand fælles retningslinjer for kosttilskud. I Danmark er det i dag sådan, at maksimumgrænsen for vitaminer og mineraler i kosttilskud følger de anbefalede daglige doser.

De nye regler lægger imidlertid op til, at grænseværdierne skal sættes efter, hvornår indholdet bliver direkte sundhedsskadeligt. De lempede regler på området for kosttilskud kan betyde, at reglerne for berigelse af fødevarer også bliver lempet. Det vurderer Dorthe Pedersen, der er konsulent i Fødevareministeriet under Dansk Industri.

Svensk artikel ATL: Danmark kämpar mot EU om vitamintillsats i livsmedel: 12 september

Den danska regeringen och Födevaredirektoratet tar en dust med EU för att även fortsättningen behålla danskarnas livsmedel fria från vitaminer och tillsatser.

The Times: An EU directive could outlaw high-dose vitamins and minerals: 25 september

High-dose vitamins and minerals, used by about 12 million people in the UK for illnesses ranging from colds to heart disease, are under threat by a EU directive that could see them outlawed.

“We’re talking about freedom of choice,” says Masterton-Smith. “I’m allowed to smoke myself to death or drink myself under the table, so why can’t I take perfectly safe vitamin and mineral supplements?”

WayMoreSports: Many in NHL take products banned at Olympics Games: 7 september

In today's NHL, players routinely use vitamin shakes, supplements and over-the-counter, body-building products to help maintain strength and endurance during the rigours of an 82-game schedule. 

Some of those products contain - knowingly or not - steroids and other substances that are banned by the IOC. A positive test could mean expulsion or, worse, the potential forfeiture of a medal during the Games.

Svensk artikel GP: IOK har kommit till skott - mot kosttillskott: 23 september

Blodtest direkt vid ankomsten till Salt Lake City. Det är IOK:s senaste drag i kampen mot fuskarna.

Yahoo! News: Supplements May Be Harming Elderly: 13 september

Senior citizens may be risking their health and wasting their money by using dietary supplements touted as anti-aging potions, congressional investigators say.

Netrition: People Passing Drugs Into Water System: 18 september

A mysterious stew of drugs - which have passed, unmetabolized, through the human body - cascades into America's waterways daily.

Antibiotics, hormones from birth-control pills, chemotherapy agents, blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, beta blockers, antidepressants, caffeine, nicotine and thousands of other pharmaceuticals and "personal-care products" are not removed from sewage by traditional treatment processes. Scientists have found them in treated wastewater that pumps into rivers and oceans all over the world.

NutriNews: FDA warns about tiratricol weight-loss supplements:

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to consumers to avoid dietary supplements containing tiratricol, a thyroid hormone that may have deadly side effects.

CBS HealthWatch: Teen Athletes Increasingly Use Creatine to Bulk Up: 24 augusti

Where weight counts, it's no secret pro and college team players use creatine supplements to bulk up. But it doesn't stop there, as Bobbi Harley reports. A survey found 44% of high school senior athletes in a New York City suburb took creatine. This is a worrisome trend among young athletes. While creatine is legal, there are questions about its safety.

CBS HealthWatch: How to Talk to Kids about Sports Supplements and Drugs: 6 september

A recent survey found approximately 1 million young people, ages 12 to 17, have taken potentially dangerous performance-enhancing supplements and drugs. Ninety-seven percent of those surveyed knew of the potential for health danger in taking the supplements.

CBS HealthWatch: Young Athletes Turn to Dangerous Sports Supplements Despite Warning: 1 september

Creatine and ephedra: With the start of the fall sports season, many young athletes will turn to these over-the-counter supplements to bulk up and increase their stamina. This comes despite repeated warnings that they are unsafe.

InteliHealth: Creatine: A Parent’s Nightmare: 9 augusti

Over-the-counter nutritional supplements are very appealing to adolescents hoping for bigger, more muscular bodies. But there’s a lot more – and a lot less – to creatine and other supplements than the advertising would suggest.

CreatineFacts.com - The Honest Facts about Creatine:

Creatine Monohydrate, aka creatine, has been shadowed by controversy for the last decade. Those that support creatine use in athletics, often do so blindly without acknowledging possible ill side effects. Conversely, those who are against its use are often not well informed and formulate rash judgements. Either scenario is disconcerting.

Also be aware that many creatine informational sites are no more than back doors to nutritional supplements dealers and in this respect their objectivity may be (although not always) in question. There is a clear need for objective information on this issue.

Shawnee Online: Creatine: Helpful or harmful?: 16 september

It's your health By Dr. J.B. Pratt SNS Contributing Writer Creatine is a nitrogen-continuing amino acid derivative that is produced naturally in the human liver, pancreas and kidneys. It is concentrated primarily in muscle tissues, including the heart.

Men's Fitness: No Bull: Canned Energy: 19 september

Men’s Fitness takes Red Bull to the lab and discovers the heat behind the hype.

American Family Physician: Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate and Withdrawal Syndrome:

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), originally introduced in 1960 as an anesthetic agent, has recently been abused as a nutritional supplement for bodybuilding, for euphoria, and as a sexual enhancer and an incapacitator for assault. It is illegal to possess or prescribe GHB in the United States, but it is easily available through a variety of sources. Its precursors are sold as dietary supplements.

Norsk artikel Nationen: Helsekost skal kontrolleres fra nyttår: 7 september

Helsekostprodukter skal fra nyttår gjennom en nøytral analyse før de selges.

Norsk artikel FirdaPosten: – Dop forkortar livet: 13 september

Primus motor i styrkeløftsmiljøet i Florø, Atle Terøy, er ikkje redd for at nokre av dei som trenar styrkeløft i Florø Turn og Idrettsforening er brukarar av dop i treninga. – Vi held så høgt nivå at vi blir testa på kvart stemne, seier han.

Ekstrabladet.dk: Doping-politi skal straffes: 1 september

- Sådan en beslutning er helt i orden med mig. Det var chef-politiinspektør Kai Vittrups umiddelbare reaktion i går, da statsadvokat Karsten Hjorth besluttede sig for, hvad der skal ske med de fem københavnske politifolk, der sidste år blev grebet i misbrug af dopingmidler.

Svensk artikel Septembernumret av Fitness-Magazine.com:

  • Best of the Best Aerobic Convention: Missa inte årets träningstillfälle i samband med Scandinavian Fitness Expo sista helgen i oktober.
  • Richmond - Kenyansk norrman som gör succé i Sverige
  • Hemligheten bakom lyckad styrketräning
  • Be prepared! Fullt drag på Scandinavian Fitness Expo 2001
  • Hitta det rätta gymmet för dig!
  • Om Björn Lindgren Aerobic and Fitness Camp
  • 10 myter om träning
  • Tips för dig som vill hitta de rätta träningsskorna

Jydskevestkusten: Center efterlyser kontrol: 8 september

- Der kan komme dopingkontrol her. Det bør ske uanmeldt i ny og næ. Men det er aldrig sket, og det undrer jeg mig over, siger Bente Lauridsen, indehaver af motionscentret Trim i Varde.

eFit.com: Ginseng: The Split-Second Difference?:

Numerous studies over the years have shown that ginseng most likely does not boost athletic performance. A new study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition, however, looked at reaction time instead of speed or endurance and found that ginseng may have some promise.

The Natural Pharmacist: Ginseng: Does It Improve Mood and Well-Being?: 28 augusti

The perennially best-selling herb known as ginseng is widely regarded by the public as a stimulant. However, herbalists typically think of it somewhat differently, as an adaptogen.

CNN: Obesity drugs alone won't do it: 22 augusti

The pitch is all in the verbs: Absorb. Block. Burn. Metabolize. The names and promises of obesity drugs make it sound as if the pills will do all the work -- consuming, searing and routing fat right out of a body.

Internet Movie Database: Rachel Hunter Denies Endorsing Slimming Pills: 24 september

Supermodel Rachel Hunter is in rows with a diet pill company - claiming they forged her signature to promote the drug. The ex-wife of rock star Rod Stewart claims Health Laboratory Of North America the makers of Berry Trim Plus are using her name and photograph without permission to endorse and publicize the product in Britain.

Svensk artikel Bohusläningen: Spännande hälsoeffekter hos fettsyran CLA: 19 september

Trots att CLA bara har funnits ett fåtal år på marknaden har redan omkring 400 vetenskapliga rapporter om fettsyrans effekter publicerats. CLA är en relativt nyupptäckt fettsyra som oftast förknippas med bantning och styrketräning. Ny forskning tyder dock på att CLA kan ha betydligt fler intressanta hälsoeffekter.

Svensk artikel DN: Pillerbantning utan effekt: 2 september

En promenad på tio minuter om dagen är effektivare viktminskning än CLA-kapslar. DN Konsuments test gav noll resultat.

Svensk artikel Fredrik Paulún: CLA - ett märkligt kosttillskott:

Tänk dig ett ämne som verkar kunna minska kroppsfettet, öka muskelmassan, minska cancerrisken och minska risken för hjärtinfarkt. Kan ett sådant ämne finnas? Ja, CLA tycks faktiskt göra allt detta. Läs vidare och lär dig mer om detta märkliga fettslag.

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Ökning med 138% för kosttillskott med omega-3: 21 september

Försäljningen av kosttillskott innehållande omega-3-fettsyror har ökat med 138 procent och trenden håller i sig. Förklaringen tros vara de många positiva forskningsrapporter som kommit under senaste tiden.

Svensk artikel Pronova Biocare - Triomega.nu:

Välkommen till en hemsida om omega-3, havets vitaminer. Här hittar du information och kan få svar på dina frågor om de nyttiga omega-3 fettsyrorna, som allt för många får i sig för lite av.

amednews.com: Athletes needing asthma drugs face extra hurdles: 24 september

With better treatments, more asthmatics are becoming athletes, but they struggle with a sports mind-set and some International Olympic Committee rules not conducive to treatment compliance.

Svensk artikel Resumé: Echinagard vaktar sitt varumärke i ny kapmpanj: 19 september

Med Garbergs som ny reklambyrå ska naturläkemedlet Echinagard tydliggöra vad det heter och vad det är bra för. Imorgon, torsdag, kör två nya reklamfilmer i gång i TV3 och Kanal5.

Svensk artikel News Online: Feelsgoods nyemission garanterad till 50 procent: 26 september

Feelgood Svenska AB (publ.) fattade vid extra bolagsstämma den 13 september beslut om nyemission. Nyemissionen omfattar 8.553.741 aktier och riktar sig till nuvarande aktieägare varvid en gammal aktie ger rätt att teckna en ny till nyemissionskursen 4 kronor per aktie.

NetDoktor: Kosttilskud: 4 oktober

Hvis man køber kosttilskud over internettet, kan man risikere at indtage store mængder af det forbudte dopingmiddel prohormon. Stoffet ender i kosttilskuddene, fordi firmaerne også producerer steroider og ikke renser maskinerne ordentligt. En ny undersøgelse viser imidlertid, at indholdet af prohormon er så højt i 20 procent af de undersøgte kosttilskud, at det må være tilsat bevidst.

Svensk artikel Yngves Hemsida: Kraftsportteori:

  • Årlig tillväxt av muskelmassa
  • Årlig ökning av träningsvikter
  • Vad beror styrka av
  • Handikappsystem
  • Hur man ritar diagram på träningsresultaten
  • Muskelns utmattning under träning
  • Beräkning av optimalt antal set
  • Förslag till progressivt hantelsystem
  • Symmetriska ben och armmått
  • Nytt alternativ till fettviktsprocent
  • Beräkning av energibehov
  • Viktkurva 3-dagarssnitt
  • Midja-viktdiagram
  • Proteinbehov vid styrketräning

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Torsdag 4 oktober

Netrition: 'Yes, Ben Johnson Could Have Been Innocent': 17 september

One of the biggest problems facing the testers is that they are trying to detect naturally occurring substances. Cholesterol, for example, synthesises into a range of other steroids including testosterone.

A bizarre definition of an anabolic steroid is a McDonald's hamburger because it certainly contains cholesterol. Everyone's body is different, and so it is very difficult to decide what is a natural level of nandrolone, say, and an unnatural level.

Freya Magazine: Jailed bodybuilder Sally McNeil loses her appeal: 3 oktober

Valley State Prison for Women, California -- Sept 1st -- World class strength athlete and bodybuilder Sally McNeil has lost her latest battle with the U.S. courts of appeal. "I have sad and bad news to tell you," she wrote to me in a recent letter.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Jessicas jobb är att ragga byggare: 24 september

Avdelningen "rubriker som kan misstolkas...":

Jessica Löfström, 30, kunde inget om byggbranschen för ett par år sedan. Nu ordnar hon både jobb och lägenhet i Stockholm åt byggarbetare från hela landet. – Det är kul när det är lite svårt, säger hon.

FLEX Magazine: September

  • Remembering Mike Mentzer: A FLEXonline Exclusive:
    Bodybuilding's champions speak about the late Mike Mentzer in their own words.
  • 2001: A Size Odyssey Intensify to Densify:
    Use these Weider Training Principles to accelerate your muscle gains.
  • The NO-Cheat Shoulder Workout:
    For stubborn delts, use this radical approach that combines isolation techniques with power training.

American Bodybuilding: Eddie Robinson: What's New?: 18 september

At this time, Eddie is in New York City and is working in conjunction with a mission group from his church and with the American Red Cross. He is lending to support those affected by this current tragedy by delivering food, supplies and clothing to rescue workers and others who are in need.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Snart kan de samla Gladiatorer: 3 oktober

Varje år spenderas runt en halv miljard på samlarkort. Hockeykort, Pokémon och Harry Potter. Om en vecka är det dags för nästa kort, Gladiatorerna.

Craig Titus: "I’m having a contest; I want you to go to King Kamalis homepage and look at his 4 weeks out photos. There are two pictures in particular that I want you to look at. One is Kamali doing a front lat spread. The other is Kamali doing a most muscular with his hands touching in front of him.
The first person to guess how much Synthol he is putting in his shoulders will win two free training sessions with me after the Olympia."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Öppet Hus:

Träffa fitnesskändisar! Öppet Hus på Budo & Fitness 24 november i alla butiker med massor av spännande erbjudanden.

Svensk artikel Fitness Factory: Missa inte vår höstREA! HALVA priset alla koreografier i vår webbshop!

Svensk artikel Fitness-magazine.com: 

  • Hur du på bästa sätt undviker en förkylning eller influensa:
    Nu när hösten är på väg så är det många som blir förkylda. Det bästa vore om man visste vad man kan göra för att minska risken för eventuella förkylningar eller hellre kunna förebygga dem. Här kommer några knep som du kan använda dig av.
  • Reportage om S.A.F.E. Convention 2001:
    Cirka 450 tränade ivrigt i IH-hallen under helgen 15-16 september. 49 st. olika klasser och föreläsningar fick man för 1.495 kr som konventavgiften var.
  • Månadens tävling: Vi lottar ut 26 platser till AerobicWeekends med Henrik Bramsved
  • Fettförbränning kontra fettreduktion:
    När man talar om en viktreduktion (minskning) till följd av kroppens fettkomponenter ges ofta missvisande rekommendationer. Ofta råder missförstånd mellan termerna optimal fettförbränning och optimal vikt reduktion.


  • Total Legs:
    An in-depth look at how to train legs.
  • Body Building Basics
    Paul answers some basic bodybuilding questions like “What is the proper form for doing Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals?”
  • Nutrition 101
    Rob answers a barrage of questions about nutrition and supplementation.
  • Slamming Shoulders
    I don’t care how hard core you may you think you are because if you try this workout and really go after it you’ll all say the same thing: “Damn!”
  • A Total Swiss Ball Workout: Part 1
    The Swiss Ball offers us unlimited possibilities in our evaluation, treatment and exercise programming for healthy individuals as well as those with disabilities. Its versatility is unmatched by any other piece of equipment in the gym. But, before we can discuss the Swiss Ball workout that I’ve designed below, let’s quickly outline the evolution of the Swiss Ball and the benefits of incorporating its use into your training routine.

  • Maximizing Strength - An Introduction:
    Many will make the mistake of training to get stronger using the methods used to increase size. This will work to an extent, as some strength will come with the increasing muscle tissue. But to get the really spectacular increases in strength relative to body weight, you’ve got to train differently.
  • Practical Application of Physiology to Bodybuilding (Part 1):
    I’m going to teach you how to apply science to your bodybuilding training in order to maximize your results; sounds good, huh? I tried to keep this article as simple as possible while covering quite complex subjects, and only include information most relevant to bodybuilding, so take some time to read this whole tediously long article and apply the knowledge you gain to your own training to maximize your results.
  • Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, The Science:
    This two-part article will cover both the scientific and applicable aspect of the ketogenic diet, more specifically the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet. Most of what is contained in this part has been covered before, but I'm going to put it in easier to understand and more of a summary of what it is known now.
  • Supplements - Do we always need them?:
    Do the magazines over hype supplements? Are they pushed as a miracle cure? Maki puts us straight on the supplement hype.
  • The Optimal Creatine Dosing Schedule:
    Confused about the conflicting ways to use creatine? Justin brings it all together and lays down the truth!  
  • Tips For Outsmarting Your Fat Cells (Part 1):
    With the summer coming up, Maki gives you an insight on how to boost your chances of attaining your fat loss goals.
  • Outsmarting Your Fat Cells (Part II):
    On one side of the debate you have aerobic instructors and the so-called exercise 'gurus' of our times spewing forth propaganda which claims that jumping up-and-down for 30-60 minutes to the sound of Richard Simmons is more efficient than leaving that small reservoir of perspiration on the floor and equipment following a high density work-out.
  • Vitamin C - The Facts:
    Vitamin C could possibly be one of the most overlooked but yet important supplement for the bodybuilder. Yatesnightblade explains why.
  • Glutamine - Is it worth it?:
    Glutamine? What is it? What can it do for you? Well, read on as Daniel Clough explains just what it can do.
  • Dieting Basics:
    Confused by the dieting hype? Well fear not! Anthony is here to break it down into plain english!
  • Carb Tricks:
    Carb depleting. Carb Loading.. Read on to get the low down on each.
  • How to change your eating habits for the better. (Part 1):
    Are you having trouble keeping to your diet? Ian goes through ways that can help you change your eating habits forever!
  • How to change your eating habits for the better. (Part II):
    Part II of Ian's guide to a healthier diet!
  • How Healthy are you eating?:
    Do you REALLY eat healthily? Ian Duckett outlines some of the key points of a healthy diet.
  • Count on it:
    Do you keep track of your calorie intake? After reading what Miss Abs has to say you might change your mind if you are not!

Vince Anello - the first man under 200 lbs. to deadlift over 800 lbs

Norsk artikel Trim.no: Kosttilskudds-program Pris: Helt gratis!

Programmet setter sammen de riktige tilskuddene som er best for deg, med typer, mengde og timing. Tilskuddene håndplukkes og skaffes til veie av oss som en del av programmets service. 

å lenge du benytter programmet oppdateres det gratis etter ditt behov i forhold til trening og ønsket utbytte. Innkluder beskrivelse av ditt kosthold. Vi trenger dine opplysninger for å best mulig kunne skreddersy ditt personlige program.

Food Ingredients Online: Nutraceuticals will Compensate for Milk Protein Market Share Losses to Soya: 18 september

A new report from market analysts Frost & Sullivan highlights the erosion of milk protein market share by soya proteins. In 2000 the European protein ingredients market was worth $6.57 billion with milk and soya accounting for 25% and 10% respectively.

Over the forecast period, the decline in demand for caseinates, means soya will begin to erode this market position. But, by 2006, the whey protein market value will outgrow that of the caseinates and compensate for their decline.

Seattle Times: Cold pills a hot topic in meth fight: 10 september

To most people, using pseudoephedrine is an easy way to clear a stuffy nose or fight the common cold.

To methamphetamine cooks, it's gold.

Pseudoephedrine is the primary ingredient in making the addictive and highly profitable street drug.

Svensk artikel MedicalLink: Högintressanta skyddande probiotiska bakterier:

En störd bakterieflora i tarmen har visat sig kunna ha stor betydelse för uppkomst av sjukdomar såväl i tarmen som i övriga kroppen. Det finns nu allt starkare bevis för att skyddande probiotiska bakterier kan förebygga och bota många av dessa tillstånd.

PrimaVi: Lack of anti-oxidants? Take a simple blood test:

Are you low in useful anti-oxidants? With a simple finger-prick, you could find out in a couple of minutes whether you should be taking in a little extra fruit and veg. The method originated in Italy and is now available in Sweden.

PrimaVi: Sports medicine takes hold of public health:

Sports medicine is that part of medicine that deals with matters surrounding physical activity, in particular the mental and physical effects of taking part in sports. Yesterday's sports medicine was mainly a matter of improving the performance of elite athletes. Today, the focus is on the current forms of exercise, physical activity within various groups at risk of disease and society's keep-fit measures.

Chron.com: Gyms perfect environment for germs: 17 september

The slender brunette with the bob has a predictable gym routine. First, she disinfects the treadmill with supplies that her club provides. Only then does she hop on the machine and begin her workout.

As this woman demonstrates, keeping gym germs at bay is not a one-sided proposition. Clubs and consumers together cultivate an environment that is clean, sanitary and hygienic. Otherwise, they could be cultivating something much worse, like strep, staph and E. coli.

Svensk artikel Husdjur.se: Vassle kan sänka energikostnaderna: 12 september

Norrmejerier planerar ett projekt där man tänker använda bland annat vassle till att utvinna metangas som sedan återförs till mejeriet i form av energi.

TwinCities.com: Women-only gyms can be workout havens: 30 augusti

Turns out, more and more gyms are serving women only, offering the kind of hospitable exercise environment that industry types say many women crave. The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association says that nationwide, there are about 2,000 women-only health clubs or coed gyms that have women-only workout areas, a 60 percent increase over the last two years.

IDEA Health and Fitness Association:

  • How to Choose a Quality Fitness Instructor:
    If you’re considering taking — or already participate in — a cycling, step, rowing, strength training, in-line skating, boxing-based or other type of fitness class, the following questions will assist you in evaluating an instructor’s credentials and help you make the most of your exercise class.
  • Fitness Tip - Secrets of Successful Strength Training:
    The key to successful training lies in varying the training stimuli, says William J. Kraemer, PhD, professor of applied physiology at the Pennsylvania State University’s Laboratory for Sports Medicine.
  • The most effective way to add variety to your workouts is through periodization, which means making systematic changes to your training at regular intervals.
  • Fitness Tip - 10 Tricks for Sticking to It:
    Now you’re exercising again, and it feels great. Of course, it felt great last year, too, when you went to the gym every morning for almost the entire winter! If it feels so great, why do you keep quitting? You may be able to make your physical activity more consistent by using some of these tricks.
  • Fitness Tip - Feeling Ill? Exercise Do’s and Don’ts:
    Most of us get hit with allergies, colds and other minor setbacks throughout the year, but few hard-and-fast rules exist regarding exercise and illness. The next time you're sick, refer to these do's and don'ts to help determine whether working out will help or hurt your condition.
  • Fitness Tips - 10 Steps to Changing Your Eating Behavior:
    Do you alternate between following a meal plan and losing weight (being “good”) and falling off the plan and regaining weight (being “bad”)? It’s a frustrating but common cycle. Nutrition experts Ellie Zografakis, RD, and Dale Huff, RD, CSCS, co-owners of NutriFormance Personal Training and Sports Nutrition in St. Louis believe that behavior modification strategies--rather than diets--can help you break this self-defeating cycle and make lasting lifestyle changes.
  • Fitness Tip - Why Women Need Weight Training:
    Weight training expert and researcher Wayne Westcott, PhD, from the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts, gives 10 important reasons why women need to take strength training seriously.
  • Fitness Tips - 10 Exercise Myths:
    Although some old fitness fictions, such as “no pain, no gain” and “spot reducing” are fading fast, plenty of popular exercise misconceptions still exist. Here are some of the most common myths as well as the not-so-common facts based on current exercise research.
  • Fitness Tip - Should You Take Creatine?:
    The first step toward making an informed choice is to find out as much as you can about a product. Research on creatine is far from complete, but scientific evidence on using it keeps growing. To gain a better perspective on creatine use, leading exercise physiology experts William J. Kraemer, PhD, and Jeff Volek, MS, RD, of Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, provide answers to the following common questions.
  • Fitness Tip - Tips for Flexibility Training:
    When it comes to the Big Three of exercise--cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training--it’s pretty clear which one can get overlooked. After all, while we prize cardiovascular and strength training for their role in helping us lose weight, build muscle and get fit, the benefits of flexibility training are less immediately alluring.

NutriNews: Olympic nutrition -- what it takes to get swifter, higher and stronger:

Training. Nutrition. Genetics. Which of these factors is most important to the success of an elite athlete? You definitely can’t change genetics, but what you eat (or don’t eat) can affect everything from training to gold medal performances. How does world-class nutrition benefit elite Olympic athletes, and what can anyone in search of their personal bests learn from this?

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare


Onsdag 3 oktober

Schyssta bumper stickers för strongmen från Samson-Power.com!

Dr Squat: Psychological Studies for Bodybuilding Success:

You've gotta believe. You've gotta believe in yourself, in your talents and capabilities, in your goals and all you hope to achieve, and in your methods for achieving them. The key to understanding what your mind holds in store for you is a simple realization. Realize that within you is all the power you need to succeed both in training and in competition.

Within you is all the potential for success. Within you is the brain power of an infinitely superior person, physically, spiritually and mentally. Once you make this realization -- that your mind holds a vast wealth of knowledge, information, control, power, ability and potential -- you can start to tap it. You can delve into your own secret depths and find out what you're really made of.

Svensk artikel Blekinge Läns Tidning: Vill locka gymbesökare: Plexus från Gladiatorerna dragplåster: 29 september

Gladiatorn Plexus kommer till Olofström nästa helg. Närmare bestämt till Holje Gymcenter.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Dannemora tog två medaljer i styrkelyft: 1 oktober

Ett femtiotal styrkelyftare deltog i Öppna Svealandsmästerskapen som under den gångna helgen avgjordes i Föreningarnas hus i Österbybruk. Arrangörsklubben IFK Dannemora/Österby KK firade framgångar då man tog två medaljer genom bröderna Matti och Marko Vuontisvaara.

Svensk artikel Chalmers Vetskap: Välling nyttigare med ärtprotein: Oktober

Om vällingen baseras på ärtprotein i stället för på sojaprotein blir mineraler som järn och zink mer tillgängliga för kroppen. Den välling som finns idag baseras ofta på sojaprotein, men vid Chalmers tekniska högskola har Mattias Fredrikson utvecklat en industriell process för att framställa ett så kallat protein-isolat ur ärtprotein.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Konflikten genomsyrar hela vardagen: 2 oktober 2001

”Jag har slutat att besöka mitt vanliga gym eftersom det alltid slutar med att jag får klä skott för allt som gerillan har gjort” Venera Reka och Nafie Selmani berättar om livet som ung alban i Skopje, Makedonien.

Svensk artikel Folket: Skivstång gick av - ASK:are svårt skadad: 1 oktober

Tommy Neselius,36, skulle göra ett vanligt lyft. Då bara det small. Skivstången som ASK-aren lyfte gick av och Tommy skadade sig allvarligt. Nu ligger han på Mälarsjukhuset med båda benen gipsade. - Det är så jävla onödigt. Sånt här ska bara inte behöva hända, säger Tommy.

Svensk artikel Piteå-Tidningen: Stark debut, Conny: 1 oktober

Öjeby AK har några av landets bästa styrkelyftare. Men när klubben i helgen arrangerade DM på hemmaplan så återfanns stjärnorna i arrangörsstaben. Istället var det klubbens ungdomar som fick visa framfötterna på lyftarflaket.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: Öppet brev angående Martin Borgs bortgång:

Vi, Martins mamma och pappa, och övriga anhöriga har läst era meddelande på Jönköping SK:s hemsida och vill på detta sätt tacka för den medkänsla och sorg som ni känner tillsammans med oss.Som alla förstår så är vår sorg och saknad efter Martin mycket stor, att veta att många andra delar dessa känslor känns trots allt som ett mycket stort stöd för familjen.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: Martin Borgs U/J CUP 2001:

Öppen tävling i Styrkelyft för Ungdomar och Juniorer. Idrottshuset i Jönköping lördag 1 december 2001 kl 12:00.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: JSK på DM i styrkelyft i Nässjö 29-30 september:

En fantastisk tävling genomfördes av JSK på DM i styrkelyft i Nässjö 29-30 sept...aldrig har så många JSK-lyftare lyft så mycket och presterat så många personliga rekord och klubbrekord på en och samma tävling. GRATTIS till ALLA!

Svensk artikel DN: Fet lunchmat får underkänt: 30 september

Endast en av tio lunchrätter är lämplig för kontorsarbetande kvinnor. Det finns för mycket fett även på salladsbordet. Det visar en stor studie som Landstingets Hälsomålet har gjort.

Svensk artikel gymnastikmagasinet: Nystart för aerobicslandslaget: 25 september

Det stundar nya tider för tävlingsidrotten sports aerobics. Åtminstone om nye general managern Lasse Lychnell får råda.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Gym i sydsverige polisanmält: Bytte om – blev filmade i smyg: 30 september

I omklädningsrum och vid kaffeautomater hittade personalen mystiska kablar och små svarta lådor. Gymmet är nu polisanmält misstänkt för olaglig övervakning. - Ingen mår bra av att bli smygfilmad, säger en av personerna bakom anmälan.

Svensk artikel Skip Sport AB: Träningsguiden: Tänk efter före och efter:

Innan du sätta igång med träningen skall du tänka efter och bestämma dig för vad du vill åstadkomma med träningen. Sätt upp ett realistiskt mål. Sedan kan du välja väg för att åstadkomma det resultat du vill.

Men glöm inte att tänka efter när du tränat ett tag. Fungerar träningen som du vill, verkar resultaten komma, trivs du med träningsuppläggningen? Om inte så är det dags att korrigera träningen. Kanske träna lite oftare, lite hårdare eller med andra hjälpmedel.

Svensk artikel Skip Sport AB:

Redskap för hemmaträning. Allt från handstärkare, vikter, motionscyklar, till avancerade multigym, träningsstationer, och boxning.

Svensk artikel Sport & Gym Butiken

Svensk artikel Holje Gymcenter:

  • Allt om styrketräning
  • Träningsguiden för nybörjare
  • Träningsprogram
  • Få fart på fettförbränningen
  • Diet - nyckeln till din drömfysik:
    Alla som tränar har väl utvecklade muskler, men detaljer som tvärribbor på triceps och blodådror på magmusklerna. Alla har ett väl synligt inre huvud på biceps, om det inte var för kroppsfettet… Det sitter som ett draperi över dina muskler och döljer de resultat du tränat så hårt för. Om du bara kunde få bort fettet, skulle du antagligen själv förundras över hur bra dina muskler ser ut. Läs vidare, och lär dig hur detta går till!
  • Näringsinnehåll i livsmedel

Svensk artikel DN: Drömpryl slutar ofta i källaren: 24 augusti

TV-Shops affärsidé är genial och förledande. Få produkter rullar gång på gång i tv-rutan. Råden är enkla, budskapet klart: köp nu! Och vem vill inte ha bort bilringarna runt magen eller snabbt kunna skära gurka till "blommor"?

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Styrkelyftveteraner tävlade om SM-tecken i Borlänge: 25 september

SM i styrkelyft för veteraner har avgjorts i Borlänge, med Borlänge Atletklubb som arrangör.

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: DM i styrkelyft i Bollhallen: 26 september

Det är 15 år sedan sist. Men nu är det dags igen. Förra gången det begav sig för Gropens IF var det tyngdlyftning det gällde. Under ledning av den legendariske Gösta Roos tog då två unga pojkar vid namn Niklas Pålerud och Magnus Johansson både guld och silver i DM och det fortsatte de med även 1987 och 1988.

Svensk artikel ATL: Danmark kämpar mot EU om vitamintillsats i livsmedel: 12 september 2001

Den danska regeringen och Födevaredirektoratet tar en dust med EU för att även fortsättningen behålla danskarnas livsmedel fria från vitaminer och tillsatser.

Svensk artikel ATL: Vattnig mjölk kostar mejerierna kvarts miljard: 12 september 2001

Drygt en kvarts miljard kronor har proteinfallet i mjölken kostat svensk mejeriindustris ystning från 1993, enligt Urban Nyblom på Arla Foods.

Svensk artikel Sydöstran: Medaljregn över TK Trossö: 28 september

Ett SM-guld och ett SM-brons blev det för TK Trossö vid helgens syrkelyft-SM för veteraner i Borlänge. Göran Johansson i klassen 125 kg försvarade SM-guldet från förra året. I klassen 90 kg tog Jörgen Holm brons.

Svensk artikel Lantbruk: Norsk mjölk olaglig enligt EES: 17 september 2001

Varje droppe mjölk som dricks i Norge är olaglig enligt EES-avtalet. Det har den norska livsmedelsinspektionen upptäckt.

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Tisdag 2 oktober

Lennart Bergström & Annette Mosegaard: Muskelparret:

Finalbilder ifrån NM i Lund den 19 maj online

Samson-Power: USA Verses The World: 23 september

1st Svend Carlson, 2nd Phil Pfister...these two tied in points, but Svend had two first places giving him the advantage.....

Ironman Magazine: Follow John Hansen to the 2001 Natural Olympia!:

Detailed weekly training and diet schedules by Mr. Natural Olympia John Hansen as he prepares for the 2001 Natural Olympia in November. Read more...

Svensk artikel GT: Det är aldrig för sent att börja: 26 september

För några veckor sedan lurade min kompis iväg mig till ett gym här i stan. Jag försökte förgäves få henne att förstå att jag är inte en person som går på gym, jag är en person som sitter med en cigg i mungipan och som på sin höjd cyklar fram och tillbaks till stan. Jag är helt enkelt lat.

Long Island Newsday: Indiana man charged after LIer dies from diet drug: 25 september

Federal agents have arrested an Indiana man who allegedly used the Internet to sell a banned weight-loss drug that caused the death of a Baldwin man who took it for bodybuilding, according to officials and the victim's family.

Fyens Stiftstidene: Fynsk retssag om import af hormon-piller: 29 september

En 75-årig tidligere direktør fra Assens stod i går tiltalt i retten i Assens for at indføre 240 kapsler af et lægemiddel med navnet "DHEA". Ifølge anklagemyndigheden er "DHEA" et do-pingmiddel og optræder på en international liste over forbudte anabolske steroider.

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: - Ikke aktuelt å støtte Grimseth: 29 september

Vektløfter Stian Grimseth hadde håpet at Norges Idrettsforbund (NIF) skulle støtte et søksmål mot en amerikansk kosttilskuddprodusent. Men derfra får han et klart nei.

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: Mangler fortsatt over 200.000 kr til rettssak: 28 september

Støttespillere til den dopingdømte vektløfteren Stian Grimseth har samlet inn 170.000 kroner til rettssaken mot produsenten av kosttilskuddet Ribose. Men fortsatt mangler mellom 200.000 og 300.000 kroner.

Yahoo! News: IOC Gives Warning to Athletes Over Food Boosters: 27 september

Athletes were warned again on Thursday against using food supplements after an IOC study into the controversial products confirmed that up to 20 percent contained banned drugs.

Strongestman.com - Strongman update: 24 september

  • Guy Mitchell, strongestman.com webmaster and New York City resident near the World Trade Center, gives his account of returning home.
  • Changes in the WSM 2001 field
  • Svend Karlsen wins in St. Louis
  • Vote on who will win Heat 3 at WSM
  • Phil Pfister in GQ?

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Tysk spjutkasterska dopningsavstängd: 28 september

Den tyska spjutkasterskan Carolin Soboll har avstängts i två år av Internationella friidrottsförbundet (IAAF). Soboll hävdar att hon fått i sig anabola steroider via hälsokost och friades först av det tyska friidrottsförbundet.

The Times: How Chinese medicines can damage your health: 28 september

Traditional Chinese medicines widely used in Britain cannot be guaranteed as safe, government advisers say. The warning comes after a series of incidents involving the medicines, including kidney damage, skin blistering, the inclusion in herbal remedies of arsenic and mercury, and the fraudulent addition of steroids to a herbal skin treatment.

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Kasta kamrater kan vara friskvård: 28 september

Barn behöver springa och hoppa. Och det är bråttom. Om de ska hinna bygga upp en stark benstomme så måste de börja före puberteten.

Skolsköterskan Gunilla Ordéus har fått tjänstledigt i två år för att leda ett friskvårdsprojekt på Östra skolan och Danholns skola. I onsdags testade eleverna judo.

Seattle Times: Ephedrine joins list of outlawed drugs: 28 september

The NFL has banned the stimulant ephedrine after being told by experts that the substance often found in strength-building food supplements can cause seizures, strokes and even death.

The ban will be part of the league's anti-steroid policy, which means that players will be subject to year-round random testing for the substances.

Yahoo! News: NFL Bans Ephedrine, Other Stimulants: 27 september

The National Football League has expanded its doping ban to include supplements containing ephedrine and other high-risk stimulants, it said Thursday.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Fotbollsspelande tjejer löper stor risk att få men för livet: 28 september

Kvinnliga fotbollsspelare löper större risk att drabbas av knäskador än manliga spelare. - En kvinna som får en allvarlig korsbandsskada i knäet bör fundera på att sluta spela fotboll, säger sjukgymnasten Anna Östenberg.

Netdoktor.dk: Fiskeolie er godt for hjernen, siger engelske forskere: 26 september

De har fundet ud af, at børn og unge får bedre livskvalitet af at spise fiskeolie, og at deres indlæring og forståelse går bedre. Forskerne vil se nærmere på, om fiskeolie også er gavnlig for evnen til at læse.

UniSci: Body May Rust Inside If Vitamin C Over Maximum Dose: 27 september

If you have a bruise, a muscle sprain, an inflammatory disease or if you take iron supplements, exceeding 100 mg per day of vitamin C may be damaging to your body, according to a study by University of Florida researchers.

Creatine Newsletter: Does creatine increase fat?: 1 oktober

It has often been rumored that a person's muscle turns to fat after stopping creatine. There is no more truth in this happening than there is in an apple turning into a banana? They are simply two different entities. Nevertheless, muscle can be replaced by fat given the wrong set of circumstances.

Houston Chronicle: Doctors warn against child use of sports supplements: 26 september

Parents of young athletes call Dr. Joe Chorley two to three times a week. Some of his patients send him e-mail messages. All of them want to know if it's safe for teens to take nutritional supplements that claim to enhance performance.

Susanna McGee: September/October Newsletter: 2 oktober

Besides viewing a lot of booty pictures of The Lioness, in this issue you can read about:

  • News from Venice
  • What is Life about...
  • Stay balanced and get lean
  • Dehydration facts
  • Facts about diet and exercise: Fitness Q & A
  • Uncensored humor (yeah!)

PsycPort: Amphetamine-like Chemical Released During Exercise Boosts Mood: 28 september

The antidepressant effects associated with exercise could be due to a chemical also found in chocolate, say researchers in the UK. They found in a study of 20 young men that phenylethylamine, which has a chemical structure similar to amphetamine, could be a major part of "runner's high."

PsycPort: Hypnosis May Prevent Weakened Immune Status, Improve Health, Study Shows: 27 september

Researchers at Ohio State University have determined that hypnosis and related relaxation techniques can actually prevent the weakening of the immune response that often follows periods of acute stress.

Yahoo! News: League should be applauded for stance on stimulants: 28 september

Three big cheers for the NFL and its players' association for teaming up to ban the use of ephedrine and other high-risk stimulants. The use of over-the-counter drugs as performance enhancers is a huge problem in America, especially with our kids.

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Måndag 1 oktober
29:e september: Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver are shown at San Francisco's Justin Herman Plaza in this Nov 14, 1996 file photo. Arnold Schwarzenegger and wife Maria Shriver have donated $1 million dollars to the Twin Towers Fund to aid victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. (AP Photo/Scotty Morris, File)
30 september: Arnold Schwarzenegger and his son Patrick, 8, pose with a palatte and frame at the Old Navy/P.S.Arts party in Santa Monica, Calif., Sunday, Sept. 30, 2001. A star-studded crowd turned out to support P.S. Arts, a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring arts education to public schools. (AP Photo/Old Navy, John T. Barr)
30 september: Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger poses with P.S. Arts representative Lizzie Moore September 30, 2001, during an event to celebrate the partnership between retail store Old Navy and P.S. Arts in Santa Monica, California. P.S. Arts is a local non-profit organization dedicated to restoring arts education to public schools in under-served Los Angeles areas. REUTERS/Jim Ruymen

Dallas News: Planet Hollywood's orbit ends in Dallas: 2 oktober

Planet Hollywood, the celebrity-themed eatery that debuted in Dallas to a cheering crowd of 5,000, has quietly closed its West End MarketPlace location.

The closing was part of the parent company's recent shuttering of restaurants in San Diego, Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington and Nashville, Tenn. – the largest cut since it folded nine venues in October 1999.

The Nando Times: Arnold Schwarzenegger joins board of Twin Towers Fund: 29 september

Film star Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver have donated $1 million to the Twin Towers Fund to aid victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Schwarzenegger has also accepted an invitation from New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to join the fund's board of directors.

Ananova: Schwarzenegger donates $1 million to New York relief fund: 29 september

Arnold Schwarzenegger and wife Maria Shriver have donated $1 million dollars (£690,000) to the Twin Towers Fund. Schwarzenegger also accepted an invitation from New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to join the fund's board of directors.

The Arnold Fan: TAF's new Q&A session with Arnold!: 28 september

Within a half-an-hour following Arnold's speech (part 2 to come) at the Metro Chamber Perspectives event, The ARNOLD FAN gained admittance to the ultra-claustrophobic conference room where I would soon get the chance to interview Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Dr Squat: Muscle Cramps, Prevention and Treatment: 25 September

A muscle cramp is a painful, involuntary tightening of a muscle. They are fairly common and usually occur when a muscle is cold, overused or not properly stretched before exercise. Preventing and treating muscle cramps is fairly simple in most cases.

Dr Squat: H.T.T: High Tension Training: 25 September

Increasing muscle size is not simply about lifting weights. Sure lifting weights will undoubtedly lead to a more impressive muscle mass however it doesn't always lead to maximum muscle gain. Why? Because too many individuals follow an irrational training approach because they are somehow seduced into trying it. This is not bad per se, any training is better than no training at all, however for the individual who wants maximal muscle gain following an irrational program or a sub-optimal program is downright idiotic!

EurekAlert: Honey shines in athletic research, has scientific community abuzz: 24 september

The National Honey Board is pleased to announce promising results from three clinical trials on honey for athletes. This research demonstrates that honey is a carbohydrate option for athletes based on its low glycemic index, positive metabolic response, and effective energy production. These results are great news for athletes or anyone looking for a natural, convenient energy boost. The taste of honey has broad appeal, and honey is readily available in a variety of forms and flavors.

Yahoo! Finance: Schwarzenegger sues over 'Terminator' slot machine: 25 september

Arnold Schwarzenegger has sued International Game Technology Inc. for the unauthorized use of his picture and voice on a Terminator-themed slot machine, the actor's attorney said on Tuesday.

Skip La Cour: Free Weights Or Machines: Which Ones Are Better To Use?: 24 september

Free weights and machines have both benefits and drawbacks. Which ones are best for you to use during your workout?

Svensk artikel Svensk Idrott: Vägra Vara Tvåa:

Boken Vägra Vara Tvåa är ett bidrag i debatten om kvinnors ställning inom idrotten. - Målgruppen är framför allt andra idrottskvinnor, men den ska också vara av intresse för ledare, tränare, journalister, politiker, tjänstemän, forskare och andra som på olika sätt är engagerade i idrott. Likaså ska alla som är engagerade i jämställdhet ha stort utbyte av boken, säger författaren till boken Martin Johansson. Han är etnolog med idrott som special område.

Sportserver.com: Boldon says he took drug in cold remedy: 21 september

Former world champion sprinter Ato Boldon says he took a cold remedy that contained the banned stimulant ephedrine, and he suggests the IAAF change its rules on drugs.

Ato Boldon: Boldon in "controversy": September

In September, it was revealed that I had tested positive for ephedrine. That's a big word - a stimulant that's contained in every good antihistamine, cold remedy and allergy medicine in your medicine cabinet.

There is no ban, and in fact IAAF General Secretary Istvan Gyulai said in his press release that "in no way is the athlete to blame for the offense, however we do ask that the athlete be more careful in the future".

Hollywood.com: Schwarzenegger doesn't blame the movies this time: 24 september

Arnold Schwarzenegger, star of the recently postponed action flick Collateral Damage, gave Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly a history lesson about action movies and their audiences Thursday.

ninemsn: Testosterone injections puts doctor in trouble: 22 september

A doctor gave testosterone injections and anabolic steroids to a 16-year-old schoolgirl who wanted to put on weight, a tribunal has found.

Weighty Matters: Are Weightlifters Overly Aggressive? A Friendly Debate: 24 september

I was overheard at work growling at my computer when under a workload that was impossible to get done in time but the timeline was non negoitable. Someone commented to me that I seemed to deal with things like this in a very aggressive manner and that maybe I should rethink my choice of sports activites.

This did lead me to ask the question however-- does powerlifting lead to a more aggressive personality? I think of it more as an outlet for aggressions than a builder of them, but am just curious what others think.

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