Monark Exercise AB: Nytt världsrekord:
Under Scandinavian Fitness Expo i Stockholm 28-29 okt 2000 slogs ett nytt världsrekord. Matti Huhtala, personlig tränare på Energikällan i Borås, cyklade i 24 timmar med en belastning av 1,5 kg på en kalibrerad Monarkcykel 824 E. Tack vare att han cyklade på en fast belastning kan man räkna ut effekten i watt, som i sin tur gör resultatet mätbart.
Matti cyklade totalt 776,3 km med en medeleffekt av 134,8 watt och en snittramphastighet av 89,85 rpm. I och med detta har Monark satt ännu en standard för de som är vågade att prova slå detta rekord. Grattis Matti!
Ananova: Drug company behind possible obesity cure to report on Monday: 29 april
The British drug company which hopes to use an African cactus to cure obesity releases its interim results on Monday.
SVD: Debattforum - Träna på jobbet: 25 april
Kampanjen Sätt Sverige i rörelse har bokstavligen satt fart på företagen. En del arbetsgivare satsar så intensivt att de nu blir hälsodiplomerade. Är det bra att arbetsgivarna låter personalen träna på arbetstid? Tyck till i debatten!
Högskolan Kristianstad: Studie: Fysisk status, levnadsvanor och hälsa i relation till studieinriktning och betyg
Konklusionen av studiens första del var att elever, som utbildade sig till yrken med tung fysisk belastning och hög prevalens av arbetsskador, hade sämst fysisk kapacitet. Ett samband mellan fysisk kapacitet och studieresultat kunde också påvisas. De som hade hög fysisk förmåga hade också högre betyg, både på studie- och yrkesförberedande program.
Stora grupper av elever hade alarmerande låg syreupptagningsförmåga, speciellt bland flickor på yrkesprogrammen. Mer än hälften av alla eleverna i undersökningen ansåg att de inte fick tillräcklig fysisk träning inför sitt kommande yrkesliv, och 80% upplevde att avsatt tid för fysisk aktivitet i skolan var otillräcklig.
Bodybuilding Portal and Community - if you like to pump iron then this is the place for you.
Cyberdiet: Food Facts - The Story on Soy:
Soy can be found in all types of foods these days, from a Starbucks soy milk cappuccino to soy burgers, soy cheese, and soy waffles. Soy products are now consumed by the American public more than ever before.
In fact, soy foods are so popular, that the number of acres of soybeans harvested increased from 1.8 million in 1924 to 72 million in 1998--making the soybean America's third largest crop. The popularity of soy can make you wonder…why is soy so special? First, let's take a look at exactly what soy is.
Piteå-Tidningen: Öjeby AK på dekis - glöm det!: 26 april
Tycker ni att det varit tyst kring Öjeby AK:s starka grabbar? PT-sport gjorde, precis som dopingkontrollanterna, ett oanmält besök i träningshallen i Björklundas källare. Tyst och öde? Inte alls!
Yahoo! Finance: TX - a Platform for Better Buses Volvo: 27 april
I suppose bodybuilding can have several interpretations...
Press Release: Based on the new TX platform, Volvo Buses offers customers a wide selection of highly competitive products - a series of tourist coaches and intercity buses of high quality and dependable reliability.
When it comes to bodybuilding, Volvo Buses follows two main concepts: aluminium, based on the unique "System 2000" from Swedish bodybuilders Saffle, and stainless steel, according to the Finnish "Carrus" model.
Spiritgruppen: Vad du kanske inte visste om kaffe...
Umeå Atlet
Independent: The lazy way to fitness: 23 april
Professor Peter Axt, author of On the Joy of Laziness, says that you have a better chance of living into old age if you waste at least half of your free time and take a midday nap, instead of getting up early and burning up valuable calories taking exercise. The middle-aged, in particular, he says, risk "using up energy they need for other purposes", such as keeping their brains up to speed.
Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Skador inom idrotten – ett nödvändigt ont: 20 juli 2000
Skador har blivit en allt större del i den professionella idrotten. Brutalare spel och slapphänta regler är två orsaker som bidragit till att idrottsutövare allt oftare får uppsöka sjukhus.
Går det då att undvika skador? Förebygga dem? Det finns ju många idrottare som klarat sig skadefria hela karriären. För att klara detta behövs dock en kombination av skicklighet och en hel del tur.
Life Extension Magazine: Lactoferrin Update by Will Brink: april
Readers of Life Extension magazine expect the latest research on natural non-toxic supplements that prevent disease and improve health. A lactoferrin update is therefore in order.
Lactoferrin has captured the interest of many researchers as a natural compound with a wide variety of uses. What follows is a summary of previously published information on the research and effects of lactoferrin followed by some of the more up-to-date studies.
AST Sports Science: Max-OT Training Camp:
AST Sports Science will be conducting an intensive 3 day training camp teaching you the principles of Max-OT training, nutrition, supplementation, psychology, and the science of building muscle and strength.
You will train side by side with Skip La Cour, Jeff Willet, Paul Cribb and myself, Paul Delia, employing Max-OT principles. All seminars and training will be done here at the AST Sports Science corporate headquarters in beautiful Golden, Colorado at the base of the foothills of the breathtaking Rocky Mountains
Yahoo! News: Soy-Based School Lunches Lower Kids' Fat Intake: 14 april
Schools that substitute soy protein for beef, pork and turkey appear to make the grade when it comes to students' health, results of a study suggest.
Yahoo! Sports: Italy orders doping probe into supplements: 27 april
Italian soccer bosses plan to investigate dietary supplements which some have blamed for a spate of positive dope tests this season.
SportsPoint: Eliteidræt er et vidt begreb:
Eliteidrætten er ikke længere en entydig størrelse. Der er stor afstand mellem de forskellige former for eliteidræt. Det skal synliggøres ved at opdele eliten og støtten til den, siger en af breddeidrættens talsmænd, Søren Møller.
Højskoleforstanderen foreslår samtidig, at der skabes et sportens e-mærke, så forbrugerne kan se, hvilken vare de får. Team Danmark skal være garanten for, at der findes en etisk forsvarlig sportselite.
Just Move: Eating protein may protect elderly bones: 25 april
Elderly people who do not consume enough protein may be at risk for the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, a recent study suggests.
National Enquirer: Arnold's Mistress - His Shocking 7-year Affair: 26 april
For seven years, Arnold Schwarzenegger hid a mistress from his loving wife Maria Shriver -- and hours after learning The ENQUIRER discovered his sordid secret, "The Terminator" terminated his run for governor of California.
Previa Nyheter Online: Träningsprogram på internet mot stress och sömnproblem:
Alla kan bli kvitt sina sömnproblem. Med hjälp av ett självhjälpsprogram på internet kan vi ändra vårt förhållningssätt till sömn
Sydsvenskan: Lek blir viktig träning för både kropp och själ: 27 april
Benen spritter även på de barn som har svårt att röra sig lika fritt som andra. Denice Lundberg tänker bli stark som idolerna i Gladiatorerna.
LA Times: Keeping the Slouch Monster at Bay: 2 april
Look in the mirror and check your posture. Do you see early signs of a rounded upper back with a chest that caves in and shoulders that roll forward?
You can decrease the chance of this happening to you by incorporating this month's back strengthening move into your weight-training program. Without a lot of fuss, you'll achieve a more balanced body and you'll find your posture improving.
LA Times: The Right Moves:
In a new series, each month Karen Voight will write about exercises for a different muscle group. Together, her columns will offer a fitness program for the entire body.
- Back (4/2/01)
- Chest (3/5/01)
- Shoulders (2/5/01)
LA Times: Time for Lakers to Shape Destiny: 23 januari
Pro basketball: 'Underachieving' brings trade talk as it is revealed O'Neal has started a conditioning program.
LA Times: Growing Yourself a Dose of Medicine: 2 april
There are several explanations for the exploding interest in natural remedies. Some people want to avoid man-made chemicals. Many want to take charge of their own health through the use of self-selected natural products.
A bottom-line explanation is that a good number of botanicals and other over-the-counter remedies actually work.
LA Times: For Many, Chronic Illness Gives Life a Sharper Focus: 19 februari
In a recent article in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, Kingsbury explains why he believes that people with chronic illnesses should be neither pitied nor idealized, either by others or themselves.
Pity can come across as condescending, Kingsbury says. Turning someone into a hero may not help, either.
Club Industry: Free Netpulse/E-Zone Offer Postponed Indefinitely: 1 januari
Approximately 1,100 fitness facilities and chains were awaiting installation.
Club Industry: Netpulse, E-Zone, Xystos Merge: 1 november
The new company reports that it will reach more than 11 million consumers in health and fitness facilities worldwide. XFL: What happened?: 23 april
The new brand of football that lasted over two months was pleasing to some. To others, it was worthless garbage. Was it totally the XFL's fault? As you will read, it undoubtedly was not.
JS Online: Exercise: The healthy aging prescription: 25 februari
Two hundred fifty thousand deaths each year are due to physical inactivity. Sixty percent of adults are sedentary, with no improvement in activity levels over the last 20 years in spite of extensive research confirming the health benefits of exercise.
Documented health benefits of exercise include prevention of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, hypertension, improved mental health, energy levels and more. Johns Hopkins Over 50 Newsletter called exercise the single most important anti-aging measure anyone can follow.
Excite News: Exercise May Cut Risk of Mental Decline: 22 mars
Although exercise is usually promoted for weight loss and better heart health, there is growing evidence that regular physical activity helps ward off mental declines as people age, and may even protect against Alzheimer's disease.
Sportscience: Effects of High-Intensity Intermittent Training on Endurance Performance: Mars
High-intensity intermittent training is a form of interval training consisting of short bouts of all-out activity separated by rest periods of between 20 s and 5 min.
It is a low-volume strategy for producing gains in aerobic power and endurance normally associated with longer training bouts. Endurance athletes should gradually phase in bouts of high-intensity intermittent training in the build-up to competitions
The Facts About Fitness: Announcing an easy way to make a winning first impression: 23 april
If you want people to think more highly of you, tell them you exercise!
A recent study published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology found that regular exercisers were consistently rated as more confident, hard working and more intelligent than their sedentary counterparts.
SF Weekly Online: Chrushed: 11 april
That passion created 80/20 Cola, a soft drink that Kanbar launched last year -- and that failed almost immediately. He still likes it, and he still believes in it -- indeed, he keeps a few cases around the offices of Rex Products for when he drops by, as he did on a recent lunch visit with his staffers.
But eventually the aspartame will degrade, the 80/20 Cola will become flat and undrinkable, and the cans will be useful only to exemplify how Maurice Kanbar's mind works -- and what goes right and wrong when you choose to be an inventor.
Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Hälsa och friskvård skall få fart på Lund: 23 april
Hälso- och motionsdagar ska få folk att bli mer aktiva med hjälp av föredrag och aktiviteter.
Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Australisk damboxare i koma efter knockout: 23 april
En kvinnlig australisk boxare ligger i koma efter att i helgen knockats i samband med en amatörtävling på Nya Zeeland. Till följd vill tidigare australiske världsmästaren Jeff Fenech se att kvinnor stoppas från att boxas.
Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Förtroligt om kvinnors hälsa: 23 april
Margaretaha Lööf-Johansson skrev ”Kvinnornas läkarbok” med utgångspunkt i sitt eget liv som läkare, dotter, mamma och mormor.
"Det finns ett märkligt fenomennär det gäller kvinnors hälsa", skriver hon, "Samtidigt som kvinnor lever längre än män är de ofta sjukare. De söker oftare vård, har större medicinkonsumtion och flera sjukdagar. "
"Men är kvinnor egentligen sjukare? Jag tror inte det. Jag tror att män har en annan kultur. De söker inte läkare utan går i tysthet med sina besvär."
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