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Lördag/söndag 28/29 april

Svensk artikel Monark Exercise AB: Nytt världsrekord:

Under Scandinavian Fitness Expo i Stockholm 28-29 okt 2000 slogs ett nytt världsrekord. Matti Huhtala, personlig tränare på Energikällan i Borås, cyklade i 24 timmar med en belastning av 1,5 kg på en kalibrerad Monarkcykel 824 E. Tack vare att han cyklade på en fast belastning kan man räkna ut effekten i watt, som i sin tur gör resultatet mätbart.

Matti cyklade totalt 776,3 km med en medeleffekt av 134,8 watt och en snittramphastighet av 89,85 rpm. I och med detta har Monark satt ännu en standard för de som är vågade att prova slå detta rekord. Grattis Matti!

Ananova: Drug company behind possible obesity cure to report on Monday: 29 april

The British drug company which hopes to use an African cactus to cure obesity releases its interim results on Monday.

Svensk artikel SVD: Debattforum - Träna på jobbet: 25 april

Kampanjen Sätt Sverige i rörelse har bokstavligen satt fart på företagen. En del arbetsgivare satsar så intensivt att de nu blir hälsodiplomerade. Är det bra att arbetsgivarna låter personalen träna på arbetstid? Tyck till i debatten!

Svensk artikel Högskolan Kristianstad: Studie: Fysisk status, levnadsvanor och hälsa i relation till studieinriktning och betyg

Konklusionen av studiens första del var att elever, som utbildade sig till yrken med tung fysisk belastning och hög prevalens av arbetsskador, hade sämst fysisk kapacitet. Ett samband mellan fysisk kapacitet och studieresultat kunde också påvisas. De som hade hög fysisk förmåga hade också högre betyg, både på studie- och yrkesförberedande program.

Stora grupper av elever hade alarmerande låg syreupptagningsförmåga, speciellt bland flickor på yrkesprogrammen. Mer än hälften av alla eleverna i undersökningen ansåg att de inte fick tillräcklig fysisk träning inför sitt kommande yrkesliv, och 80% upplevde att avsatt tid för fysisk aktivitet i skolan var otillräcklig.


Bodybuilding Portal and Community - if you like to pump iron then this is the place for you.

Cyberdiet: Food Facts - The Story on Soy:

Soy can be found in all types of foods these days, from a Starbucks soy milk cappuccino to soy burgers, soy cheese, and soy waffles. Soy products are now consumed by the American public more than ever before.

In fact, soy foods are so popular, that the number of acres of soybeans harvested increased from 1.8 million in 1924 to 72 million in 1998--making the soybean America's third largest crop. The popularity of soy can make you wonder…why is soy so special? First, let's take a look at exactly what soy is.

Svensk artikel Piteå-Tidningen: Öjeby AK på dekis - glöm det!: 26 april

Tycker ni att det varit tyst kring Öjeby AK:s starka grabbar? PT-sport gjorde, precis som dopingkontrollanterna, ett oanmält besök i träningshallen i Björklundas källare. Tyst och öde? Inte alls!

Yahoo! Finance: TX - a Platform for Better Buses Volvo: 27 april

I suppose bodybuilding can have several interpretations... 

Press Release: Based on the new TX platform, Volvo Buses offers customers a wide selection of highly competitive products - a series of tourist coaches and intercity buses of high quality and dependable reliability.

When it comes to bodybuilding, Volvo Buses follows two main concepts: aluminium, based on the unique "System 2000" from Swedish bodybuilders Saffle, and stainless steel, according to the Finnish "Carrus" model.

Svensk artikel Spiritgruppen: Vad du kanske inte visste om kaffe...

Svensk artikel Umeå Atlet

Independent: The lazy way to fitness: 23 april

Professor Peter Axt, author of On the Joy of Laziness, says that you have a better chance of living into old age if you waste at least half of your free time and take a midday nap, instead of getting up early and burning up valuable calories taking exercise. The middle-aged, in particular, he says, risk "using up energy they need for other purposes", such as keeping their brains up to speed.

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Skador inom idrotten – ett nödvändigt ont: 20 juli 2000

Skador har blivit en allt större del i den professionella idrotten. Brutalare spel och slapphänta regler är två orsaker som bidragit till att idrottsutövare allt oftare får uppsöka sjukhus.

Går det då att undvika skador? Förebygga dem? Det finns ju många idrottare som klarat sig skadefria hela karriären. För att klara detta behövs dock en kombination av skicklighet och en hel del tur.

Life Extension Magazine: Lactoferrin Update by Will Brink: april

Readers of Life Extension magazine expect the latest research on natural non-toxic supplements that prevent disease and improve health. A lactoferrin update is therefore in order.

Lactoferrin has captured the interest of many researchers as a natural compound with a wide variety of uses. What follows is a summary of previously published information on the research and effects of lactoferrin followed by some of the more up-to-date studies.

AST Sports Science: Max-OT Training Camp:

AST Sports Science will be conducting an intensive 3 day training camp teaching you the principles of Max-OT training, nutrition, supplementation, psychology, and the science of building muscle and strength.

You will train side by side with Skip La Cour, Jeff Willet, Paul Cribb and myself, Paul Delia, employing Max-OT principles. All seminars and training will be done here at the AST Sports Science corporate headquarters in beautiful Golden, Colorado at the base of the foothills of the breathtaking Rocky Mountains

Yahoo! News: Soy-Based School Lunches Lower Kids' Fat Intake: 14 april

Schools that substitute soy protein for beef, pork and turkey appear to make the grade when it comes to students' health, results of a study suggest.

Yahoo! Sports: Italy orders doping probe into supplements: 27 april

Italian soccer bosses plan to investigate dietary supplements which some have blamed for a spate of positive dope tests this season.

SportsPoint: Eliteidræt er et vidt begreb:

Eliteidrætten er ikke længere en entydig størrelse. Der er stor afstand mellem de forskellige former for eliteidræt. Det skal synliggøres ved at opdele eliten og støtten til den, siger en af breddeidrættens talsmænd, Søren Møller.

Højskoleforstanderen foreslår samtidig, at der skabes et sportens e-mærke, så forbrugerne kan se, hvilken vare de får. Team Danmark skal være garanten for, at der findes en etisk forsvarlig sportselite.

Just Move: Eating protein may protect elderly bones: 25 april

Elderly people who do not consume enough protein may be at risk for the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, a recent study suggests.

National Enquirer: Arnold's Mistress - His Shocking 7-year Affair: 26 april

For seven years, Arnold Schwarzenegger hid a mistress from his loving wife Maria Shriver -- and hours after learning The ENQUIRER discovered his sordid secret, "The Terminator" terminated his run for governor of California.

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter Online: Träningsprogram på internet mot stress och sömnproblem:

Alla kan bli kvitt sina sömnproblem. Med hjälp av ett självhjälpsprogram på internet kan vi ändra vårt förhållningssätt till sömn

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Lek blir viktig träning för både kropp och själ: 27 april

Benen spritter även på de barn som har svårt att röra sig lika fritt som andra. Denice Lundberg tänker bli stark som idolerna i Gladiatorerna.

LA Times: Keeping the Slouch Monster at Bay: 2 april

Look in the mirror and check your posture. Do you see early signs of a rounded upper back with a chest that caves in and shoulders that roll forward?

You can decrease the chance of this happening to you by incorporating this month's back strengthening move into your weight-training program. Without a lot of fuss, you'll achieve a more balanced body and you'll find your posture improving.

LA Times: The Right Moves: 

In a new series, each month Karen Voight will write about exercises for a different muscle group. Together, her columns will offer a fitness program for the entire body.

  • Back (4/2/01)
  • Chest (3/5/01)
  • Shoulders (2/5/01)

LA Times: Time for Lakers to Shape Destiny: 23 januari

Pro basketball: 'Underachieving' brings trade talk as it is revealed O'Neal has started a conditioning program.

LA Times: Growing Yourself a Dose of Medicine: 2 april

There are several explanations for the exploding interest in natural remedies. Some people want to avoid man-made chemicals. Many want to take charge of their own health through the use of self-selected natural products.

A bottom-line explanation is that a good number of botanicals and other over-the-counter remedies actually work.

LA Times: For Many, Chronic Illness Gives Life a Sharper Focus: 19 februari

In a recent article in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, Kingsbury explains why he believes that people with chronic illnesses should be neither pitied nor idealized, either by others or themselves.

Pity can come across as condescending, Kingsbury says. Turning someone into a hero may not help, either.

Club Industry: Free Netpulse/E-Zone Offer Postponed Indefinitely: 1 januari

Approximately 1,100 fitness facilities and chains were awaiting installation.

Club Industry: Netpulse, E-Zone, Xystos Merge: 1 november

The new company reports that it will reach more than 11 million consumers in health and fitness facilities worldwide.

e-sports.com: XFL: What happened?: 23 april

The new brand of football that lasted over two months was pleasing to some. To others, it was worthless garbage. Was it totally the XFL's fault? As you will read, it undoubtedly was not.

JS Online: Exercise: The healthy aging prescription: 25 februari

Two hundred fifty thousand deaths each year are due to physical inactivity. Sixty percent of adults are sedentary, with no improvement in activity levels over the last 20 years in spite of extensive research confirming the health benefits of exercise.

 Documented health benefits of exercise include prevention of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, hypertension, improved mental health, energy levels and more. Johns Hopkins Over 50 Newsletter called exercise the single most important anti-aging measure anyone can follow.

Excite News: Exercise May Cut Risk of Mental Decline: 22 mars

Although exercise is usually promoted for weight loss and better heart health, there is growing evidence that regular physical activity helps ward off mental declines as people age, and may even protect against Alzheimer's disease.

Sportscience: Effects of High-Intensity Intermittent Training on Endurance Performance: Mars

High-intensity intermittent training is a form of interval training consisting of short bouts of all-out activity separated by rest periods of between 20 s and 5 min.

It is a low-volume strategy for producing gains in aerobic power and endurance normally associated with longer training bouts. Endurance athletes should gradually phase in bouts of high-intensity intermittent training in the build-up to competitions

The Facts About Fitness: Announcing an easy way to make a winning first impression: 23 april

If you want people to think more highly of you, tell them you exercise!

A recent study published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology found that regular exercisers were consistently rated as more confident, hard working and more intelligent than their sedentary counterparts.

SF Weekly Online: Chrushed: 11 april

That passion created 80/20 Cola, a soft drink that Kanbar launched last year -- and that failed almost immediately. He still likes it, and he still believes in it -- indeed, he keeps a few cases around the offices of Rex Products for when he drops by, as he did on a recent lunch visit with his staffers.

But eventually the aspartame will degrade, the 80/20 Cola will become flat and undrinkable, and the cans will be useful only to exemplify how Maurice Kanbar's mind works -- and what goes right and wrong when you choose to be an inventor.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Hälsa och friskvård skall få fart på Lund: 23 april

Hälso- och motionsdagar ska få folk att bli mer aktiva med hjälp av föredrag och aktiviteter.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Australisk damboxare i koma efter knockout: 23 april

En kvinnlig australisk boxare ligger i koma efter att i helgen knockats i samband med en amatörtävling på Nya Zeeland. Till följd vill tidigare australiske världsmästaren Jeff Fenech se att kvinnor stoppas från att boxas.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Förtroligt om kvinnors hälsa: 23 april

Margaretaha Lööf-Johansson skrev ”Kvinnornas läkarbok” med utgångspunkt i sitt eget liv som läkare, dotter, mamma och mormor.

"Det finns ett märkligt fenomennär det gäller kvinnors hälsa", skriver hon, "Samtidigt som kvinnor lever längre än män är de ofta sjukare. De söker oftare vård, har större medicinkonsumtion och flera sjukdagar. "

"Men är kvinnor egentligen sjukare? Jag tror inte det. Jag tror att män har en annan kultur. De söker inte läkare utan går i tysthet med sina besvär."

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Umeå Atlet

Fredag 27 april

Oliver Adzievski - Bodybuilder

Svensk artikel Cint: Hälsoprodukter betygsatta

Dennis James: Website updates: 26 april

  • New 2001 Australian Pro Grand Prix Competition Gallery
  • Updated Personal Photos

Carleton University Sports Medicine Clinic: Rehab for Chronic Achilles Tendinitis:

The syndrome of chronic Achilles tendinitis is one of the commonest problems encountered in the sport medicine clinic.

The clinical presentation is increasing pain, swelling in the tendon, associated with activities such as running.

Svensk artikel Kolozzeum - mötesplatsen för dig som tränar!

Svensk artikel Nyhetsbrev med kosttillskottserbjudanden:

I slutet av varje månad kan du få ett GRATIS nyhetsbrev med specialerbjudanden på kosttillskott från flera kosttillskotts handlare i ett och samma email.

Du slipper då lägga ner tid på att surfa runt själv för att leta nya erbjudanden och butiker. I och med att flera handlare får marknadsföra sig i ett och samma nyhetsbrev kommer konkurrensen öka och priserna att pressas.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: - Legemiddelindustrien jukser systematisk bakgrunn: 26 april

Legemiddelfirmaer tilbakeholder negativ informasjon om sine medisiner. Nesten bare positive studier gjøres tilgjengelig for legene, viser ny svensk undersøkelse.

Norsk artikel Bergens Tidene: Søvn bidrar til utvikling av hjernen: 26 april

Er du trøtt, uopplagt og nedfor, selv om våren endelig er her? Da får du kanskje ikke søvn nok, og det kan være alvorlig: For søvnen hjelper hjernen til å utvikle seg, viser fersk amerikansk forskning.

Newswise: Most of What You Know About Cells May be Wrong: 26 april

A UW professor challenges the traditional notion that cells are watery reservoirs held intact by membranes. Instead, he says, cellular water exists in a gel state that maintains cell integrity, with or without a membrane, and helps explain cell functions.

Nutribase: The six free downlads of the Nutribase SR13 Navigator are to vanish:

If you don't have the complete collection of the Navigator series, you'll want to act soon. On June 1, these downloads will be removed and only the first of the six downloads will be available. We'll add a new download each month for a total of six months (to coincide with our advertising schedule in Today's Dietitian and the Journal of the American Dietetic Association).

About Sports Medicine: Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis):

This very common fungal infection thrives in the warm, moist environment of your running shoes. Learn how you can prevent, or treat your athlete's foot.

About Sports Medicine: How To Treat Your Feet:

Blisters, Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spur or Stress Fractures? If your feet are your weakest link, these resources can help keep you in the game. Learn how to treat your feet right.

MSNBC: Mia Hamm, selling her dream: 18 april

She has won the World Cup, Olympic medals and is her sport’s greatest scorer, but now Mia Hamm faces perhaps her most daunting challenge yet. She’s trying to sell women’s soccer as a professional sport.

Svensk artikel Folkhälsoinsitutet: Svenska folkhälsan mycket bra ur internationell synvinkel: 25 april

Gunnar Ågren, Folkhälsoinstitutets generaldirektör höll, idag 25 april, anförandet "Folkhälsoarbetet, nationellt och internationellt" på Hälso- och sjukvårdsstämman. Stämman pågår mellan 25-27 april på Stockholmsmässan i Älvsjö och arrangeras av Vårdförbundet.

The New York Times: 'Maximum' Heart Rate Theory Is Challenged: 24 april

"His pulse rate hit 200 at 90 seconds into the test," Dr. Kirkendall said. "And he held it there for the rest of the test." A local cardiologist was looking on in astonishment and told Dr. Kirkendall, "You know, there's not a textbook in the world that says a person could have done that."

The New York Times: Up Everest, for the Ultimate in Exercise: 24 april

Josh Taylor, an instructor in intense exercise programs called spinning, led a four-hour session on Saturday that simulated the climbing of a mountain on a stationary bike.

BBC News: US stars to be taught more dignity: 26 april

American athletes are to be given lessons in how to win gracefully before the next Olympics.

Svensk artikel Mtt-liv.nu: Alkohol och träning hör inte ihop:

Kan du ”svettas bort” bakfylla genom ett tufft träningspass? Blir du tjock av alkohol? Och kan öl eller vin rent av vara bra för kroppen? Mitt-liv.nu ger dig svaret här.

Sports Illustrated: Long-distance Land: 23 april

The dominance of Kenyan marathoners begins with countless miles in the hills of home.

"Athletes from other countries fear hard training. They run alone, away from others. They are cowards."
- Moses Tanui, Kenya Third-fastest marathoner in history

disinformation: the smart guide to andro: 24 april

The Smart Guide to Andro aims to cut through the malarkey and clarify what is actually known and not known about this legal, easily available nutrient.

The most important thing to remember is that andro is a natural substance (you have a bunch of it coursing through your veins right now), while the dangerous steroids are synthetic.

The Washington Post: How Slow Can You Go?: 24 april

How slow do you have to go to get "in the zone"? Take that question to heart.

Nutricise: A Little More Fat May Go a Long Way for Runners:

Two studies point to the benefits of eating more fat for endurance athletes

The Telegraph: Is mineral water really so good for you?: 24 april

Liz Bestic discovers that copious amounts of bottled water may not be essential to the body, while Lucy Mines puts a selection to the taste test

Oakland: Arnold married Maria Shriver 26 april 1986:

Arnold married Maria Owings Shriver (TV journalist and niece of formar President John F. Kennedy) at the Church of St Francis Xavier, near the Kennedy estate in Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Ironman Magazine: Hot News: 24 april

  • Ruhl Out, Jackson in at Toronto Pro
  • Yates Plans a Move to So Cal or Vegas
  • Blind Woman’s Bluff (Kelly Ryan)

Flex Magazine: Flex weekly update: 24 april

  • Matarazzo's Gym Dandy
  • Jan tana Gridlock: 50 Fitness Femmes?
  • Ryan's Triumph
  • Flex Still in Flux
  • Arnold: I'm No Pol

Norsk artikel Adressavisen: Lereim vil ha forbud mot kosttilskudd: 26 april

Idrettslege Inggard Lereim vil ha forbud mot kosttilskudd for toppidrettsutøvere.

Svensk artikel Folkhälsoinsitutet: Friskvårdspolicy på arbetsplatsen: 9 april

Sätt företagen i rörelse är en del i den nationella satsningen Sätt Sverige i rörelse 2001. Projektet verkar för att företag och deras anställda ska arbeta aktivt med hälsofrågor genom att bli mer fysiskt aktiva. Ett första steg är att inrätta en friskvårdspolicy enligt de kriterier som gäller för att bli en hälsodiplomerad arbetsplats.

Svensk artikel doktoronline.se: Motion hjälper mot smärta:

Fysisk aktivitet kan hjälpa mot smärta. Motionen bör vara regelbunden och kontinuerlig och vara minst tio minuter per gång, slår svenska smärtforskare fast. Men det är viktigt att ett träningsprogram tar hänsyn till individens förutsättningar eftersom en person som lider av smärta ofta har låg fysisk prestationsförmåga.

femail.co.uk: Do energy boosting tablets relieve tiredness?:

A femail.co.uk investigation has revealed that the energy tablet sector is growing by more than fourteen per cent a year. According to Boots, the typical energy shopper is professional, female and aged between 25 and 45.

But medical experts believe instant energy is a large price to pay in terms of health. They warn that pumping large doses of caffeine and vitamins and minerals into your body in short bursts can be harmful.

iafrica.com: Sports's Injuries: Knees' up!: 25 april

Knee pain is perhaps the greatest debilitating orthopaedic problem next to chronic back pain, with millions seeking medical care every year around the world for knee problems.

iafrica.com: Are you obsessed with your diet?:

There is something called orthorexia in the medical news in the USA at the moment - obsession with healthy diets.

According to Dr Steven Bratman, the author of "Health Food Junkies: orthorexia: overcoming the obsession with healthful eating" which is due to be released in the new year, it is an obsession with eating to improve your health.

The Business Journal: Gym owner under fire, faces lawsuits: 20 april

Wade Harris, who has followed an aggressive growth strategy since opening Phase II Fitness in 1996, has come under fire for a weight-loss program that regulators say failed to meet state guidelines. Phase II is a network of nine gyms, where personal trainers help clients reshape their bodies.

About Exercise: Your Shoulder Workout:

These workouts will help you get lean, toned shoulders. Includes pictures and video demonstrations.

Jyllands-Posten: Sundheden stormer frem: 23 april

Der er fremtid i sundhed. Og der er penge at tjene for sundhedsindustrien, hvis den forstår at opfylde de stigende krav fra de bevidste forbrugere.

Club Industry: Mind Your Members' Manners: 1 Februari

Your members have power over your fitness center, and it's up to you to make sure it's for the positive. In addition to being a source of revenue, members can be your club's biggest public-relations asset - or biggest downfall.

Put another way, members make (or break) your club's atmosphere. If the atmosphere is friendly and non-threatening, people will join your club and keep coming back day after day, week after week. But if the atmosphere isn't...

Club Industry: Industry Image: 1 januari

When IHRSA proclaimed that it wanted to grow the club marketplace to 100 million members worldwide by 2010, the association realized that the industry wouldn't hit that magic number by relying on prayer and a little luck. IHRSA knew it required a strategy, a plan to bring more people into health clubs.

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Umeå Atlet

Torsdag 26 april

Yahoo! News: Schwarzenegger Drops Governor Bid: 25 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger is opting out of the 2002 race to become California's governor, saying his film career and family have taken precedence over politics.

Yahoo! News: Actor Schwarzenegger Not Planning Run for Governor: 25 april

Terminate the thought. Action film star Arnold Schwarzenegger is not planning to ride in and rescue the state of California any time soon.

LA Times: Schwarzenegger Decides Not to Run for Governor in 2002:

The actor cites family and film obligations but sees himself entering politics some day.

Yahoo! News: Arnold Terminates Run...Honest: 25 april

Hasta la vista, Governor's Mansion. Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced he won't be running for governor of California next year, opting instead to hang with the family and continue his film career.

And this time he means it. Really.

Schwarzenegger.com: Schwarzenegger will not run this year: Will expand youth activities: 25 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger today answered months of entreaties by GOP leaders and California citizens to run for Governor saying, "I am not available this year."

Citing family and business commitments, coupled with his ongoing efforts to assist Special Olympics and Inner City Games, Schwarzenegger, 53, said he would continue to be active from a policy perspective and expects to announce specific policy initiatives at a future date.

Yahoo! Sports: Chronology of doping in Italian soccer: 24 april

Following is a chronology of doping offences and investigations in Italy.

Ananova: Busy Britons eating on-the-go: 26 april

A study of Britain's eating habits has found that the traditional three-meals-a-day diet has become a thing of the past, with many now preferring to eat on-the-go.

Svensk artikel Ny Teknik: Bilringen runt magen blir mänsklig reservdel: 25 april

Nu visar det sig att stamcellerna även finns i fettet som sugs ut ur överviktiga personer. Tonvis med mänskligt underhudsfett sugs idag ut ur feta kroppar och kastas bort som riskavfall. I framtiden kan det bli värdefull råvara för mänskliga reservdelar.

WPW Magazine Online #14:

We recently released Issue 14 of the WPW Online Magazine, featuring full coverage of the recently held (early March) IFBB 2001 Ms. International Pro Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships.

A very small amount of this material will be in our newsstand magazine in four months (October 01 issue) but here you are treated to a total of 350 beautiful color stills- including three side shootings-and the contest write up and results.

Common Cold:

This site provides a comprehensive, updated and referenced source of information on the common cold. The goal is to provide a framework for critical thinking which will allow informed decisions about medical care for the common cold.

Svensk artikel Göteborgs-Posten: Nandrolondopning tillåten i Sverige: 26 april

En miss i lagstiftningen gör indirekt nandrolondopning tillåten i Sverige. Och substanserna som förbisetts saluförs öppet på internet.

Jyllands-Posten: Ulovlig handel stoppes ikke: 26 april

Stærkt kritiserede slankemidler får lov at florere frit på det danske marked. Produkterne bliver markedsført ulovligt, men myndighederne kan ikke gribe ind.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Blåser i kreftalarm om solkrem: 25 april

Kosmetikkbransjen i Norge blåser i sveitsisk alarm om helsefarlige stoffer i solkrem. Norske myndigheter vurderer nå rapporten.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Tillväxthormoner gör hjärnan mer effektiv: 25 mars

Tillförsel av tillväxtfaktorn IGF-1 ökar nybildningen av hjärnans nervceller. Dessutom blir hjärncellerna mer effektiva, eftersom hjärnans stödjeceller får en ökad förmåga att transportera exempelvis socker och joner. Det har läkarna David och Maria Åberg, vid institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap vid Göteborgs universitet, visat.

Svensk artikel Magnus Güvenal - Bodybuilder

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Solkrämer dras in i Danmark: 25 april

Den danska Miljöstyrelsen har nu uppmanat danska apotek och detaljhandeln att dra tillbaka solskyddskrämer som misstänks innehålla hälsofarliga ämnen.

NetDoktor.dk: Mistænkte UV-filtre i flere hudplejeprodukter: 25 april

Det er ikke kun solcremer, der kan indeholde et eller flere af de UV-filtre, som schweiziske forskere mener kan være kræftfremkaldende eller hormonforstyrrende.

Produkter som dagcreme, læbepomade, fugtighedscreme og læbestift kan indeholde de mistænkte UV-filtre, som hedder 4-methyl-benzylidene campher, Octyl metoxycinnamate og Benzophenone-3.

Norsk artikel Nordlys: Gladnyhet for late og feite: 24 april

Glem rådyre treningssentre, kast slankepulveret. En halvtimes daglig gange vil for de lateste av oss redusere risikoen for å dø av livsstilssykdommer med 25 prosent.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Solkrem fjernes fra danske butikker: 24 april

Solkrem som skal beskytte oss mot farlige UV-stråler, inneholder stoffer som forstyrrer hormonbalansen, viser ny forskning.

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Rösta i Gymnastikmagasinet om idrottstimmarna i skolan: 25 april

Åttiosju procent vill ha mer gympa i skolan, enligt Dagens Nyheters webbfråga i förra veckan ”Hur ofta ska barn ha gympa i skolan?” Nu ställer vi samma fråga i Gymnastikmagasinet för att se vad våra läsare anser.

Parillo Performance Press: Ten Common Training Mistakes: Mars

Most of us need to be reminded of the right things occasionally in order to stay on time and on target. Life has a habit of being distracting and anyone can slip up from time to time.

With that in mind, let’s look at some of the most common wrong things, mistakes we are all occasionally guilty of in the gym.

MSNBC: Are you dehydrated? Common myths on water debunked:

  • Myth No. 1: We need to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
  • Myth No. 2: Caffeinated beverages make you dehydrated.
  • Myth No. 3: By the time you feel thirsty, you’re already becoming dehydrated.
  • Myth No. 4: Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight.

Yahoo! News: European Court Upholds Diet Pill Ban: 23 mars

The European Court has rejected appeals by diet pill manufacturers to be allowed to continue selling products withdrawn from the market because of their potential for causing serious heart-related side effects.

The Deal: Dietary disorder: 23 april

The dietary supplement market is divided into four main types: vitamins, minerals, herbals and specialty supplements. Right now there is much uncertainty in the entire supplement area about the future because of what's facing three of the types.

Minerals have moderate growth, but herbal supplement sales are down. Vitamins are flat. And growth of specialty supplements is slowing.

East Bay Business Times: Corporate gyms gain favor as health benefit and perk: 20 april

Many companies across the country have documented health-care savings after implementing company fitness centers, said Tom Johnston, corporate accounts manager with OrthoTech Sports Medical Equipment Inc.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Big Sport

Onsdag 25 april

[Tre dagars uppdateringar (måndag, tisdag och onsdag) upplagda först idag - scrolla ned för att inte missa något...]

Ananova: Meat linked to athletes' drug test failures:

A Portuguese vet is warning athletes not to eat pork or beef because it could lead to them failing a dope test for nandrolone. According to Professor Jorge Barbosa, a 300-gram pork steak is enough to lead to a positive test.

Pravda: Doping Scandal: 23 april

Pravda.Ru exposes doping controls in high-level sports as being unreliable. In a conference on food held at Tomar, in Portugal, it was revealed that if an athlete eats a certain type of pork steak, he can test positive for Nandrolone, a forbidden performance elevator, and become banned from athletic activity.

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Utmanar gladiatorerna: 10 oktober 2000

Styrka, kondition, smidighet och snabbhet. Det är egenskaper som krävs för att få vara med i Gladiatorerna på TV4. Lägg därtill en stark vinnarinstinkt och en rejäl portion tjurighet så får ni en bra personbeskrivning på en av de nya deltagarna i Gladiatorerna – Husums skidtjej Marlene Dahlberg.

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: För bra för Gladiatorerna: 26 januari

Marlene Dahlberg var för bra för Gladiatorerna. Husumtjejen kom inte med i det populära tv-programmet trots att hon var bäst i alla uttagningar. Hon fick nöja sig med att vara reserv.

Club Industry: The top 10 reasons why people with arthritis should exercise: 1 mars

Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that exercise will worsen their condition. Not true. As is the case with many diseases, a well-rounded program of flexibility, strength and cardiovascular exercise can not only reduce the adverse affects of arthritis, but improve overall fitness as well.

Top 10 stretches for overall flexibility: 1 juli 2000

  • Neck/cervical spine stretch
  • Anterior shoulder stretch
  • Tricep stretch
  • Low back stretch
  • Outer hip stretch
  • Cat stretch
  • Hip flexor stretch
  • Quadriceps stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Calf stretch

Top 10 abdominal exercises: 1 maj 2000

  • Isometric Crunch
  • Basic Crunch
  • Oblique Crunch
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Combination Crunch
  • Crunch on a Machine
  • Bicycle
  • Knees to Chest
  • Rope Pull Down
  • Hanging Crunch

Club Industry: Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer: 1 september 2000

  • Motivation
  • Consistency
  • Safety
  • Individualized instruction
  • Effective workouts
  • Supervision
  • Sports-specific training
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Special-needs training
  • Ego boost

Club Industry: Why People Hire Personal Trainers: 1 januari

Many personal trainers make the mistake of thinking that people hire them because of how much they know. As a result, they spend about twice as much time talking as they do listening. This is the exact reverse of what they should be doing.

About Physical Therapy: Exercise Humor with Frank & Ernest:

If a smile or two will keep you going at the gym, then this exercise humor with Frank and Ernest will help keep you up for your weekly workouts.

About Physical Therapy: Shoulder Repair Webcasts:

Don't miss these fantastic links leading to the bankhart shoulder repair demo and the surgical management of the 4-part proximal humeral fracture.

Berlingske Tidene: Ernæringsrådet vil have skadelige fedtstoffer fjernet fra fødevarer: 24 april

Har man hang til fastfood, popcorn og slik, kan man indtage store mængder sundhedsskadelige transfedtsyrer, viser en ny rapport. Ernæringsrådet anbefaler, at transfedtsyrer fjernes helt fra vores fødevarer. Margarineindustrien støtter forslaget.

Berlingske Tidene: For mange transfedtsyrer i kager, slik og chips: 23 april

Der er stadig for meget transfedtsyre i en del kager, slik foruden mikroovnspopcorn- og fastfoodprodukter med den risiko for hjertesygdomme dette udløser, fremgår det af en ny rapport fra Ernæringsrådet mandag.

Ernæringsrådet: Transfedtsyretilsætning til fødevarer er stadig en trussel mod folkesundheden: 24 april

Store mængder tilsatte transfedtsyrer i visse kage-, slik-, mikroovnspopcorn- og fastfoodprodukter kan øge risikoen for hjertesygdomme hos befolkningsgrupper med spisevaner, der afviger fra gennemsnittets.

Blandt andet derfor anbefaler Ernæringsrådet, at tilsætningen af industrielt fremstillede transfedtsyrer til fødevarer ophører senest med udgangen af 2005, samt at der snarest indføres en deklaration af transfedtsyreindholdet i danske fødevarer.

LA Times: It Could Have You Feeling Like a New Man: 5 juni 2000

Low testosterone can deplete a man's libido, bone density and energy levels. The makers of AndroGel say the drug could be a boon to those lacking in the hormone, but there are fears of misuse.

LA Times: Hormone Gel May Make Steroid's Misuse Easier: 5 juni 2000

Experts warn that making testosterone accessible through the Internet could put teenagers at risk.

TIME: The Man Who Loves To Bust Quacks: 30 mars

No one was less surprised by the news about St. John's wort than Stephen Barrett, 67, a retired Allentown, Pa., psychiatrist who for nearly 30 years has made it his business to sniff out health-related frauds, fads, myths and fallacies.

Through newsletters, books and now the World Wide Web, he has become one of America's premier debunkers of what he likes to call quackery.

Newswatch: Downer - but is Robert Downey Jr. changing the way media looks at drug addiction?: 1 december 2000

Should we treat drug addicts as we treat alcoholics and smokers? Should we lock them up even though it doesn't deter them or others?

The debate won't progress without clear thinking and a decision to ruthlessly question conventional wisdom– something that Californians seem to have begun to do. The media needs to catch up.

Club Industry: The Slow Burn: 1 mars

Rather than use Super Slow to replace all traditional exercise, Dr. Westcott sees it as another tool in a box that contains cardio and other forms of strength training.

He believes that Super Slow can improve retention by providing excellent results for new members and helping advanced members take their routines to a new level.

Svensk artikel Zeke - Fansida om Gladiatorn


Gym Repo will automatically send you an email when Bankrupt Assets enter the market. We specialize in the Fitness and Health Club Industry. Take advantage of these available assets and buy them at their depreciated value.

Svensk artikel Resumé: SATS Sports Club säljer skåpen till L´Oréal: 23 april

L´Oréal har hittat ett sätt att nå sina kunder när de är som svettigast. På insidan av omklädningsskåpen i SATS Sport Clubs 23 anläggningar i hela landet ska de göra reklam för sina hygienartiklar.

– Fördelen är att man når konsumenterna när de tränar, säger Christina Kopp på Initiative Universal, som tror att även andra företag kan vara intresserade av den nya reklamkanalen.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Gir slankepiller til femåringer: 23 april

Svenske leger går nye veier i kampen mot den økende barnefedmen. Barn helt ned i femårsalderen får piller mot overvekten. Andre får snurpet igjen magesekken.

Svensk artikel SVD: Han är fuskarnas värste fiende: 21 april

Lördagsprofilen Arne Ljungqvist är en auktoritet, inte minst tack vare sina medicinska kunskaper, som han väl förmått att kombinera med en äkta känsla för idrott. Han bullrar inte, men har en tuff kärna. Han viker inte från sin linje, det har både dopingvänner och politiker fått känna på. Och han brinner för sitt livsuppdrag.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenska Dagbladet: ”Ni pratar alltså med en abnorm person”: 23 april

Oscar Reutersvärd är världsberömd för sina omöjliga figurer. Den nu 85-årige konstnären och konstprofessorn ritar fortfarande en om dagen.

- Jag lider av en sällsynt typ av dyslexi, samma som den svenske Nobelpristagaren Gustaf Dalén led av. Vi missuppfattar vad som är bakom och framför vartannat. När jag ser på en stol kan jag inte se vilka ben som är närmast mig och vilka som är längst bort.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Sveriges starkaste man visade sina muskler i Eslöv: 22 april

Karlsrobadet, 10.00 lördag morgon. - Jaa - det är manligt! Utbrister konferenciern Lars-Åke Sjöholm när Sveriges starkaste man Magnus Samuelsson visar sin axelstyrka och lyfter 170 kilo i stockpress. - Den vikten räcker för att vinna vilken Grand Prix-tävling som helst, säger Magnus Samuelsson.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Smal midja med twist: 14 februari

”Let’s twist again...” När twisten var som hetast uppfanns twistbrädan. Nu har Åsa Lötbom, 33, upptäckt att brädan har en oväntad effekt. Den minskar midjemåttet.

Svensk artikel Spiritgruppen:

Vi bedriver verksamhet inom företagsanpassad friskvård, företagshälsovård, motionsanläggningar, sjukvård samt försäljning av rehab- och motionsutrustning.

Hartford Advocate: Am I fat?: 

No, you're just afraid: Examining the culture of body anxiety.

Svensk artikel Ronden: Sport i alla former - Resebrev 9 av Stephan Rössner: 13 februari

I Australien är man besatt av sport. Inte bara genom att familjen spelar boll på stränderna, som bakgårdscricket eller familjerugby utan genom en märklig blandning av ett ytterst aktivt friluftsliv, kombinerat med en påtaglig passivitet framför TV-apparaten.

The Stranger: The hot dog challenge:

This is a very important moment in my love affair with meat. My vegetarian friend Eileen offers me a challenge: Take a morning tour of a meat processing plant, observe how the average hot dog is made, then eat and digest at least one frankfurter for lunch.

Svensk artikel Ronden: Framgångsrik metod för att operera brutna nyckelben: 20 april

En ny metod för att operera nyckelben har utvecklats i Durham, USA. Tekniken har hittills visat sig mycket framgångsrik. Åtta veckor efter ingreppet är benet läkt och starkt, enligt en artikel i Sciencedaily.

Svensk artikel SVD: Reklam - vad är det bra för?: 14 april

Hur kan en bok som skrevs om reklam på femtiotalet vara aktuell i dag?
NB: Det som förvånar en är att den känns så aktuell fast den är så gammal. Och att det inte gjorts fler sådana böcker. Reklam och konsumtion är ju en så stor del av vår kultur.
HW: Jag håller med. Det är konstigt att reklamen inte debatteras mer när den får ett allt större utrymme i samhället.

Svensk artikel SVD: Adbusters får svenska kompisar: 22 april

Den kanadensiska organisationen Adbusters Media Foundation kör från och med i dag sin årliga kampanj "TV-turnoff week" - en uppmaning till hela världen att stänga av tv-n under en vecka. Viktor Blanke och Riviera Wolgers försöker nu ta seden till Sverige.

Hotforum: Debat om ernæring:

Diskussion af ernæringsfaglige spørgsmål. Stil spørgsmål og få svar af Per B. Mikkelsen, cand. scient. i human ernæring.

Svensk artikel Corren.se: 1 000 på bodybuildinggala: 20 april

Östergötlands första bodybuildinggala, som under helgen arrangerades i Mjölby, lockade närmar 1 000 personer till Drabanten.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Allt du behöver veta om huvudvärk: 22 april

Vad är huvudvärk, och varför får man det? Anna Ditzinger och Kajsa Wallenius, båda sjukgymnaster med huvudvärk som specialitet, ger svaret i den nyligen utkomna "Huvudvärksboken", där de hämtat stoff från sitt dagliga arbete.

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadsbladet: Vähäsöyrinki utpekad som EPO-förespråkare: 22 april

All den diskussion som flödat sedan de sex uppmärksammade dopningsfallen under VM i Lahtis fick på lördagen ytterligare näring då en nyutkommen bok "Dopingin musta kirja" (Dopningens svarta bok) visste berätta att skidåkarnas mångåriga tränare Pekka Vähäsöyrinki redan 1992 för att anställas som chefstränare krävde att EPO (Erytropoietin)-hormonet skulle tillåtas.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Skurups Kraftsport

Tisdag 24 april

Christian Science Monitor: Out Best Shots 2000:

Muscle Beach product Wesley Russell showed his stuff on the "Strand", along Santa Monica Bay. "It added to the lightness of the moment when bystanders behind Russell started mimicking him," says photographer Robert Harbison.

Ananova: Ugly people told to go back to school: 19 april

Ugly people are being told to go back to school to help them them come to terms with their looks.

The course is for people who suffer from Body Dismorphic Disorder, rather than women who think their bum's too big or men who want bigger biceps.

Nando Times: Initiative promotes more exercise, less TV for youth: 22 april

A new campaign beginning Monday encourages youngsters and their families to turn off their television sets and exercise more.

"This is the most overweight, obese generation of children in our history," Surgeon General David Satcher said in an interview. "The message this week is about saving lives."

Christian Science Monitor: It's a kick!: 8 november 2000

Kids look to martial arts for skills and attitudes missing from team sports.

Guardian Unlimited: Teenage magazines criticised by coroner: 15 mars

Teenage magazines were accused yesterday by a coroner of contributing to a 17-year-old's eating disorder, which led to her death.

East Bay Business Times: Keep workers fit to firm up bottom line: 23 april

According to last year's survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, nearly 50 percent of responding companies offered some form of fitness or wellness benefit, including health screenings, nutrition education, exercise education, smoking cessation and even fitness centers.

Looking Fit: Spotlight on Heather Keckler - The face behind Femme Athletic:

Keckler, who is the reigning Miss Arizona USA, became the spokes-person for Femme Athletic for one simple reason. "I love and believe in the clothing line and mission:

To provide a full collection of quality activewear for athletic women at competitive prices," she notes. "The company is dedicated to designing activewear that addresses the unique needs of athletic women worldwide."

Newswatch: Spinning Drugs - Dismal data gets a boost from many in the media: 20 december 2000

Once again, the Partnership for a Drug Free America (PDFA) has released the results of its annual survey on drug use, and once again, most of the media swallowed the organization's spin – and that of one of its major funders, President Clinton's Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey.

WebMDHealth: Age Slows Metabolic Rate, but Exercise Jump-Starts It: 6 april

Just about the time most people begin to find it difficult to read the morning newspaper unless the person across the table is holding it up for viewing, nature decides to turn down the heat on the body's fat-burning machine -- the metabolism.

Skip La Cour: Mass Machine E-Newsletter: 23 april

Cardiovascular Training Strategies: Part Four of a Five-Part Series. Which type of cardiovascular training and equipment is most effective?

LA Times: Fast Food Can Feed Kids' Fattening Habits: 23 april

As a health writer sees it, McDonald's new, larger version of the Happy Meal is another bad idea.

LA Times: Swallow These Claims With a Hefty Dose of Skepticism: 9 april

Men's Health and Men's Fitness magazines hit readers over and over with certain messages about food that seem to warrant a second opinion. 

So I mentioned a few of these common themes to someone who does have a PhD in nutrition: Keith Ayoob, a spokesman for the American Dietetic Assn. Turns out men who rely on these magazines for guidance in the kitchen may sometimes be misled.

Norsk artikel Athletic City: Ribose endelig i Norge!:

Bruk av Ribose gjør at du kan trene hardere og tyngre, noe som raskt gir utslag i økt styrke og muskelvekst! Ribose er den største nyheten på kosttilskuddsfronten det siste året og har fått enormt mye bra omtale i Bodybuilder magasin verden over pga at den virker meget effektivt. Ribose er spesielt gunstig å bruke sammen kreatin.

Først for 1 år siden var det vært mulig å kjøpe Ribose som kosttilskudd fordi produksjonskostnadene har vært for høye. Takket være nye framstillingsmetoder innenfor moderne bioteknologi er det nå mulig å få kjøpt Ribose som kosttilskudd til overkommelig pris.

Bioenergy Ribose - The Absolute Energy Source:

Ribose is a new nutraceutical product that helps the body naturally restore its energy level. It’s used by the body’s cells to form the primary source of all the body’s energy - ATP.

As a dietary supplement at recommended dosages, ribose provides known benefits by quickly restoring energy levels in heart and skeletal muscles.

Ironman Magazine: Ribose: The Key to Cellular Energy:

"On an elemental level, all the size and strength gains you can possibly make come down to one thing: energy. Ribose promotes a more efficient salvage pathway, thus allowing better ATP recycling and consequent increased muscular recovery after training."

Epinions.com: Review of Sports Nutrition:

Epinions.com has the best reviews and advice on Sports Nutrition. Get personalized recommendations and brutally honest, unbiased advice -- or get paid to write a review!

Wheaties Energy Crunch: Wheaties Energy Chrunch and Tiger Woods announce search for everyday champions: 19 april

"I know what an honor it is to appear on the original orange Wheaties box - The Breakfast of Champions - and now with Wheaties Energy Crunch, everyday champions from across the country will get a chance to join me on breakfast tables everywhere," said Tiger Woods.

femail.co.uk: The aromatherapy fallacy:

Believers say one whiff can relieve stress, combat exhaustion and sharpen your brain.

But essential oils may not really be effective, according to research from scientists who have turned their noses up at aromatherapy.

MSNBC: Mixed messages on nutrition: 20 april

This raises the question of how consumers expect to learn what makes good nutrition. Surveys suggest that consumers may be unsure about whether government, the Internet, corporations or other sources best meet their needs.

The Philadelphia Exquirer: Exercises that cater to the body's 'core': 23 april

The Pilates method aims for a supple spine and lean muscles. It's a workout, not abuse.

Monitor on Psychology: Green is good for you: 4 april

Psychologists' research explains the mental and physical restoration we get from nature--and has important implications for how we build our homes, work environments and cities.

Yahoo! Finance: Revolutionary New Drink For Sore Joints Developed By Renowned San Francisco Orthopaedic Surgeon: 23 april

Press Release: A first-of-its-kind health drink that helps reduce soreness in joints hits grocery stores this week, promising relief for serious athletes, weekend warriors and the nearly 43 million Americans, including as many as 285,000 children, suffering from arthritis.

Club Industry: The Real World Workout: 1 mars

Practical, playful and increasingly popular, functional training is based on timeless methods that can work for everyone. And though this exercise hoas roots in the past, some experts are calling functional training the future of fitness.

Club Industry: GGI Builds Super Groups: 1 mars

Make no mistake about it. McDonald’s is our industry’s enemy, peddling fast, fattening food to Americans who need fewer french fries, more exercise. But that doesn’t mean clubs can’t learn from McDonald’s business practices.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Zeke - Fansida om Gladiatorn

Måndag den 23 april

Sunless.com - Your Sunless Tanning Guide:

This web site is dedicated to helping you, the sunless tanning consumer, obtain the best possible fake tan without any risk to your health, and with the smallest possible damage to your wallet.

Sunless Tanning Product Reviews: Jan Tana:
While the instant tan from Show Tan is extremely dark, it is not the darkest version that Jan Tana makes. According to Jan Tana herself, Competition Tan is the darkest, specially formulated to look like a natural dark tan under the bright lights of a competition event. But for your everyday King of Siam, Show Tan is perfect.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are your favorite sunless tanning products?
  • Do tanning pills work?
  • How do I apply sunless tanners?
  • Where can I buy sunless tanning products?
  • How do sunless tanners work?
  • Tell me everything you know about dihydroxyacetone.
  • Are sunless tanners safe to use during pregnancy?
  • If I swim in a chlorinated pool, will my sunless tan go away?
  • Which sunless tanners are best for men?
  • Do you think it's okay for a man to use a sunless tanner with added color or bronzer in it?
    • No. Men should never do anything to improve their appearance. They should avoid shaving, getting haircuts, buying stylish clothing, working out, and brushing their teeth. Otherwise, dating and marriage could result.
  • How much sunless tanner will I need to use?
  • I've shaved my head. Can I put sunless tanners on my scalp?
  • I have heard that sunless tanners stink. Can you explain?
  • Will the tan from a sunless tanner protect me from sunburn?
  • If a sunless tanner has sun protection, can I use it for sun screen?
  • Some sunless tanners say they work "instantly," some don't. Which should I use?
  • Should I use a light, medium, or dark formula?
  • Will sunless tanners stain my clothes?
  • I am going to shave my legs before applying sunless tanners. So there.
  • Do sunless tans look like real tans?
  • Will anyone be able to tell if I'm using a sunless tanner?
  • Will a sunless tanner do anything strange to my nipples/lips/moles/armpits/belly button/scars/naturally tanned skin/fingernails/toenails?
  • Is there any difference between sunless tanners, self tanners, and tanning extenders?
  • If you could have only one sunless tanning product, what would it be?
  • Are you trying to sell sunless tanning products?
    • Sunless.com does not make them, sell them, or distribute them. The shopping guide provides a comprehensive list of sites that sell sunless tanners.

Why Tanning Pills Don't Work: 10 mars
Almost two years ago, the feature Sunless Tanning: Facts and Myths attacked the effectiveness of tanning pills.

But tanning pills have proven to be the hardest sunless tanning myth to kill. Nutritional supplements, or tanning pills, that "promote" tanning proliferate, and ads for them are everywhere.

Mystic Tan: The Future Of Sunless Tanning: 18 januari 1999
Mystic Tan is a full body DHA tan utilizing the latest in 'misting' technology. You simply step into the booth. A push of a button activates the unit, which will produce a fine mist of tanning solution and moisturizer that will coat the body uniformly.

Excess mist will be extracted through a ventilation system and a drying system will activate. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes. When the tanning process is finished you simply step out of the booth, towel dry any remaining mist, dress and exit.

Shephard Express Metro: Black Like Me 8 juli 1999

Why do whites try so hard to get tan? Does it make them less white?

For my money, the real reason so many whites are so willing to go to such great lengths for darker skin--especially since black became beautiful in the 1960s--is just another instance of white people imitating black people. That is, trying to look like us so long as their darker skin doesn't come with our baggage.

How Stuff Works: How Sunburns and Sun Tans Work

Academic Press Daily InScight: The Science of a Good Tan: 17 november 1997

As soon as ultraviolet radiation strikes a skin cell, enzymes pinch off pieces of DNA known as pyrimidine dimers, which command pigment cells to churn out tanning pigments.

OncoLink: The Darker Side of Tanning: 13 april

Tanning is your body's response that occurs when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UV). How much you tan depends on your own skin's natural ability to tan.

Grøn Information: Hormonkemi i solcreme til børn: 23 april

Helt ny forskning viser, at solcremer indeholder hormonforstyrrende stoffer. Stofferne ophobes i dyr og er fundet i modermælk hos mennesker. De hormonforstyrrende stoffer, der kan trænge gennem huden, findes i solcreme til børn på det danske marked.

Jyllands-Posten: Solcreme kan virke hormonforstyrrende: 23 april

En lang række af de solcremer, der findes på det danske marked, indeholder kemiske UV-filtre, som virker hormonforstyrrende og kan have langtidsskadelig effekt på de menneskelige arveegenskaber.

UV-filtrene, der bruges som beskyttelse mod solens ultraviolette stråler og findes i næsten alle solcremer til børn, er blandt andet fundet i modermælken hos mennesker og i fedtvævet hos dyr.

newtimesbpb.com: Backyard Bloodbath Part 2: 12 april

Editor’s Note: This is the second and final installment of a series on a group of Coral Springs teenagers who make up Extreme Fuckin’ Wrestling. The first part focused on 16-year-old John Ulloa, who started the enterprise and whose back yard was the setting for the February 24 show featured in this story.

SF Weekly Online: As a matter of fat: 17 januari

For the past seven years, Wann has been speaking, lobbying, and writing, hoping to revolutionize the way America treats fat people. To this end, she stresses that weight is not determined by a person's eating habits, but by heredity.

On this day, she tells the students of Arroyo High that genetics determines 80 percent of a person's weight, that fatness is natural, and that it is essentially impossible for a fat person to lose weight over the long run.

The Stranger: Pizza of death:

Glancing at Mr. B.'s delivery ticket, I see that this is his 267th order. As I bound down the steps, I get caught up in how Mr. B. is a nice, polite fellow and a good tipper, and how I cheerfully appear at his door whenever he calls, bringing a big blob of cheese and grease that's probably slowly killing him.

What can be done? Should we start slipping lean, healthy turkey sausage under that extra cheese? Scrimp on the man's pepperoni?

The Espresso Index:

Thousands of espresso and coffee resources in an easy-to-navigate directory and search engine.

FIBO: FIBO 2001 (26-29 April) shows economic strength of fitness industry:

The first ports of call for this newly discovered enthusiasm for movement are the 85,000 sports clubs and the 6,500 gyms. In 1975 there were just 500 fitness studios in West Germany, whereas ten years later the figure had risen to 2,800. Today there are some 6,500 centres in Germany - a total increase of 600 percent.

Economic experts are predicting that, alongside the communications and biotechnology industries, the leisure sector will play an exceptionally important economic role in the 21st century. This will also include the fitness industry, it is predicted. Most gym operators are in any case optimistic about the future.

The Observer: Why we're all getting brighter: 22 april

Dumbing down? Don't believe it. Scientists have proved we are smarter now than ever before, largely because we watch TV, surf the net, and spend hours chatting to friends.

Ananova: Survey reveals a nation battling to fight the flab: 22 april

A new survey claims that more than a quarter of adults in the UK are currently on a diet.

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Kommunen får kritik för sitt gym: 10 juni 1999

­ Örnsköldsviks kommun är på väg att slå ut vår ideella verksamhet och ta över verksamheten i egen regi.

Det säger Kerstin Norberg, ledare för Örnsköldsviks Workoutförening, ordförande i Västernorrlands Gymnastikförbund, internationell domare i aerobics med mera.

Svensk artikel doktoronline.se: Kroppsvikt, muskel- och benmassa är förutbestämt: 21 februari

Om vi ska tro en ny studie, är såväl kroppsvikten som omfånget av muskelmassan till stor del färdigprogrammerat redan på fosterstadiet.

Svensk artikel doktoronline.se: Träningsvanor viktiga för intrycket på andra: 23 januari

Om du vill göra intryck på människorna runt dig kan det vara bra att ge sken av att du tränar, ifall du nu inte gör det. En undersökning i Kanada visar nämligen att vår uppfattning om andra människor förändras ifall vi vet att de tränar.

Exercise and Fitness:

For some (lucky) people, exercise is an obsession; for others, it takes serious effort to even buy a pair of workout shoes. Whatever your fitness level, these online exercise classes - complete with text, images and streaming video - will at least get you walking briskly down the path to improved health.

Weightlifting program:
Personal trainer Stavros Mastrogiannis offers a straightforward approach to getting fit with these strength-building upper-body exercises. Follow these step-by-step procedures to build the muscles in your chest, shoulders, arms and rotator cuffs. 

Model workout: upper body:
Supermodel Frederique Van der Wahl's upper-body workout includes exercises for the chest, back, shoulders and abdominals. 

Model workout: lower body:
Frederique's lower-body workout will whip your calves, thighs and buttocks into model shape.

Work your chest:
Bodybuilding is an incredibly effective way to build endurance, performance and strength. These two weight training exercises target the chest.

Upper-body weight training:
Military press, tricep extension and barbell curl.

Lower-body weight training:
Barbell squats, dumbbell lunges and calf raises.

Power yoga workout:
If you think yoga isn't exercise, you obviously haven't tried power yoga - guaranteed to make your muscles ache and your spirit soar. Start with a few basic postures and then work your way up to more advanced forms with yoga teacher Richard Freeman.

Cardio athletic kickboxing:
For a workout that packs a punch, jump in the ring for a cardio athletic kickboxing session with instructor/pro stuntsman Eversley Forte. You don't need gloves, just these basic moves and a lot of energy.

Senior Flex:
You're old enough to know better if you don't exercise regularly. Try a fitness routine designed for senior bodies. (And if you need a little motivation, join Adela Anderson's seniors.)

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