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Födelsedagar vecka 16

16/4 Dave Draper
17/4 Raye Hollitt
18/4 Trine Hattestad
19/4 Cheryl Haworth
19/4 Joanne Lee
19/4 Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates (The Shadow)

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Lördag/söndag 21/22 april

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter: "Ge landets tidningsbud bättre arbetshjälpmedel": 12 april

Alla tidningsbud borde få ta del av Nisses många goda råd... Nisse rules!

"Hälften av landets 16 000 tidningsbud har ont i både knän, fötter, skuldror och axlar. Därför bör de få bättre arbetshjälpmedel visar en kartläggning som gjorts av bl a Yrkesmedicin i Stockholm."

IronMind: Three WSM Winners Confirmed for B&B: 19 april

The field at this year's 24-Hour Fitness Beauty & The Beast Strongman Challenge will include three "World's Strongest Man" winners: Magnus Ver Magnusson, Janne Virtanen and Magnus Samuelsson.

Svensk artikel Yngves recept på 16 st kraftgrötar: Jämförelsetabell: 21 april

Nu är recepten uppdaterade med innehållsjämförelse av BCAA, Glutaminsyra, SAFA, MSFA, PUFA och Omega 3.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Forskare vill ge bantarpiller till feta barn: 21 april

Symptombehandling som inte löser det bakomliggande problemet att barnen äter för mycket och rör sig för litet. Varför inte börja i den änden? Men visst, gör ett försök.

Det nya bantarpillret Reductil ska ges till överviktiga barn i ett experiment på Huddinge sjukhus. – Jag tror att medicinen även kan ges till femåringar, säger överläkare Claude Marcus.

Svensk artikel DN: Runda barn är ett känsligt tema: 20 april

Runda barn är ett känsligt tema. Bara hälften av familjerna önskade delta när sjukvården i Borås erbjöd kraftigt överviktiga tioåringar hjälp med att förändra livsstilen.

Norsk artikel VG:  - Sa han tok sjansen: 20 april

Stian Grimseth (28) skal seks måneder før dopingskandalen med Ribose i Sydney-OL ha blitt advart mot sin bruk av et annet risikabelt kosttilskudd. Han skal ha trosset advarselen.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Rønsen advarte Grimseth: 19 april

Olympiatopplege Ola Rønsen tviholder på at han advarte Stian Grimseths trener Øystein Holt mot kosttilskuddet Ribose.

Norsk artikel VG: Aktor fulgte innstilling på 18 mnd: 21 april

Aktoratet i Stian Grimseth-saken forlangte i går 18 måneders suspensjon for grov uaktsomhet.

Aktor Niels Kiær argumenterte for at Grimseth hadde lest om Ribose i Iron Man, et magasin som blant annet markedsfører anabole steroider.

Andy's Fighting Females Page:

For those who like females in martial-arts combat or other fighting situations e.g. taekwondo, karate, judo, jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, thaiboxing.

EastsideJournal.com: Bellevue woman wins powerlifting title: Champion is a 'real inspiration to people': 16 april 2000

Like the mighty worker ant, the 29-year-old Bellevue woman can lift nearly twice her own weight. And she's been pumping iron for just two years.

"She's a real inspiration to people because she's blind," said Blum, a paraplegic who won the 1992 world bench press champion in the disabled division.

Strength and Power Digest:

This site is dedicated to providing you with the most useful workout information available. The purpose of this site is to provide a free and open exchange regarding workouts, supplements, equipment, etc.

drkoop.com: Reap the Benefits of Exercise - What to Expect the First 8 Weeks: 7 februari

If you expect too much from a program, you become discouraged when it doesn't work miracles immediately and not stick with it. Here is an eight-week timeline of changes you are likely to experience once you begin exercising regularly.

Natural Bodybuilding Foundation:

The goal of this independent, non-commercial, non-profit website is simple: We want to share our knowledge, promote natural bodybuilding and serve as an information resource for natural bodybuilders.

EastcoastMuscle: Pre-contest dieting:

This is a solid explanation of basic fundamentals for effectively dieting your body fat down in preparation for a contest. It's scientifically based and it's specific for contest preparation.

Galeria de Imagens - Músculos Femininos

Welcome to Holly's Body Shop!:

You've entered a dimension of hard work, determination, and consistency. That's the way I've built my body over the past ten years, nothing fancy-just 100% dedication.

Weighty Matters: Post of the Week: 19 april

How to Do a Basic Squat By Jason "Deepsquatter" Burnell

Think Muscle!: Physically Incorrect: Charles Staley's Approach to the Training Sciences:

Charles Staley's NEW ebook is now available from Think Muscle! Complete compilation of Charles Staley's previously published work as well as several new articles and Charles' replies to 100 training and nutritional questions. Includes glossary, index, photos, and complete pdf navigational features!

NutriNews: Olympic nutrition - what it takes to get swifter, higher and stronger:

Training. Nutrition. Genetics. Which of these factors is most important to the success of an elite athlete? You definitely can’t change genetics, but what you eat (or don’t eat) can affect everything from training to gold medal performances.

How does world-class nutrition benefit elite Olympic athletes, and what can anyone in search of their personal bests learn from this?

MensJournal: An all-out gym regimen that breaks the 60-minute barrier:

Unless you own a muscle shirt for each day of the week and swap protein-shake recipes over the Internet, chances are you go to the gym with one thing on your mind — getting in and out and getting on with your life.

Svensk artikel DN: Idrottskillar beredda att dopa sig: 20 april

En del unga svenska idrottskillar är beredda att dopa sig till framgång. Den insikten gjorde ett antal EU-tjänstemän vid ett besök i Solna på fredagen.

Yahoo! News: Many Internet-Savvy Adults Get Health Info Online: 20 april

Seventy-five percent of US adults who use the Internet say they have looked for health care information online, according to a new Harris poll.

Sports for Women: Laila Ali Takes Break From Boxing To Act: 18 april

Laila Ali, daughter of boxing great Muhammad Ali, followed her father into the ring. Now she's taking up another skill of his: entertaining.

Laila Ali is in Florida this week, acting in the action-adventure television show "Sheena." She's playing a role close to real life, as a boxer whose father was a top fighter.

Peoplenews: Super-slim Geri's confession: 20 april

Geri Halliwell has confessed that there is one thing she misses about her once-curvy figure - her voluptuous breasts.

Svensk artikel Hjärt-Lungfonden: Hjärt-Lungfondens receptsamling:

Dessa läckra recept har tagits fram i ett samarbete med studenter vid Grythyttans Restauranghögskola. Samtliga rätter är näringsberäknade.

För att lätt kunna komponera en såväl delikat som hälsosam måltid har vi tagit fram ett system med Gröna Prickar, där en prick motsvarar 5 g fett. En rekommenderad måltid bör inte bestå av mer än 5 prickar.

About Exercise: Lighten Up!:

Bring a little laughter to your workout. Try these crazy ideas at your gym and see if you can get a laugh, a look or a referral to a therapist near you.

Yahoo! Groups: World's Strongest Man:

This group is for people interested in strength events and sports along the lines of what goes on in the World's Strongest Man Competition. Events include traditional powerlifting lifts as well as Highland Games and unique strength events. Learn more about the WSM from the WPSE.com website.

BBC News: Quiz the author of Fast Food Nation:

American author Eric Schlosser investigated the industry for his book "Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal". The experience changed his views on fast food.

"My favourite meal used to be a cheeseburger with fries", he says. "But I don't eat ground beef any more and I don't take my kids to fast food restaurants."

You can put your questions to Eric Schlosser who will be here on Tuesday 24th April at 0930 to answer your questions in a live forum.

IFBB: Joe Dimech (Malta): 21 april

Named "Official (Administrator) of the Year" by the Malta Olympic Committee and the Sports Writers Association. The event was televised live on National TV and gave the sport of bodybuilding great publicity.

e-sports: Psychology: Sport and capitalism: 19 april

Frankly, I am tired of hearing people complain about how much professional athletes make.

It is constant, incessant, and ill founded. Ill founded in the sense that we live in a capitalist society where a free market economy exists. You know the one where you get paid for your goods or services based upon their value in the market place.

Nonetheless, with all its faults capitalism can be very empowering. If you don't like the product (sport), don't buy it. Self control! These are the most powerful psychological and economic weapons we have for change at present. Use them.

e-sports: MLB: For the love of the game: 30 mars

A time when dollar amounts were merely an afterthought, and desire to win was the main objective? I would like to ask everyone to join me in this effort, to bring innocence back into professional sports. Why you ask? Read on and find out!

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Torben Olson

Fredag 20 april

NCP News Online: 

  • Arnold Classic 2001 Results and Photos
  • Fitness International Results and Photos
  • Ms International Results and Photos

Competition Dieting by Aaron Maddron:
As with any beginning bodybuilder, I had to learn how to diet for that first contest. I learned my dietary techniques through a combination of advice from other body builders, magazines and a great deal of trial and error.

NPC: The road to IFBB pro status:
Most if not all bodybuilders who start competing have a dream of one day becoming an IFBB pro like Ronnie Coleman or Kim Chizevsky and reaping the benefits of the years of hard training and attention to diet. In the United States, there is only one road that leads to this goal and that is through NPC sanctioned contests.

Lets Live Online: The ABCs of EFAs: April

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are the superheroes of health, protecting against heart disease and cancer, and enhancing immunity and mental acuity.

Your Health Daily: Energy Bars Have Their Benefits - And Limitations: 19 april

"When people ask about (a sports bar) I would ask them, what reason are they taking it?" said Van Davis, fitness director for Baylor University and owner of Fitness by Van.

That's why it's important to read packages and labels, she said.

Svensk artikel DN: Var fjärde tioåring lider av fetma: 20 april

Var fjärde svensk tioåring lider av fetma. För mycket mat och stillasittande är några av förklaringarna till att barn blir allt tjockare. För tv-reportern Elisabeth Höglund blev övervikten en drivkraft till att idrotta.

Yahoo! News: Fitness Facts on World Leaders: 18 april

President Bush's, 54, gym-workout regimen: three sets of 10 curls with free weights, progressing from 25 pounds to 30 pounds and 35 pounds; 100 pounds to 120 pounds on the bench incline; 20 pounds to 25 pounds per arm on the fly machine, lateral pulldowns at weights of 135-155 pounds; about 155 pounds on the bench press.

Fødevaredirektoratet: Næringsstofindhold i chips:

Undersøgelsen omfatter stort set alle chipsprodukter på det danske marked, og dækker en lang række næringsstoffer.

Undersøgelsen bekræfter, at energi-, fedt- og saltindhold er højt i alle produkttyper. Dette betyder at chips kan komme til at dække en stor del af energibehovet for nogle mennesker. Hvis man f.eks. spiser 100 g chips, vil energien svare til ca. 1/5 af det anbefalede daglige energiindtag for en 19-30 årig mand, og for alle andre aldersgrupper en større del af det daglige energibehov.

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Vegetarisk mat kräver kunskap: 19 april

Allt fler vill äta mer vegetarisk mat. Skälen varierar, allt från rädsla för galna kosjukan, till etiska skäl eller hälsoskäl. – Vegetarisk mat ska vara läcker, nyttig och mättande. Men den kräver kunskap om både näringslära och matlagning, säger Christina Möller, chef för KF Provkök.

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Se upp för tvålen i duschen!: 5 mars 2000

Vi använder rätt skor och skyddar oss så långt det går när vi tränar. Efter passet slappnar vi av men det är då vi ska vara uppmärksamma. Duschen är det farligaste stället för en motionsgymnast.

Nutricise: Endurance Overload:

Over time, doing weights after a hard cardio workout may hold your muscles back. Here's how to rethink your approach.

FLEX Magazine: FLEX Weekly Update!: 17 april

  • Milos Sarcev, the man who is trying to compile a record of performing in 100 IFBB pro competitions, will be making his first appearance onstage in Toronto since his near-death experience last year.
  • Bodybuilder/artist Laurie Fierstein informs us that the book Picturing the Modern Amazon, that she co-wrote with Joanna Frueh and Judith Stein has been honored as one of the winners of the 2001 Susan Koppelman Awards.
  • Speaking of books about the buffed, a new novel Chemical Pink, written by Venice, California, resident Katie Arnoldi, tells the sordid tale of a female bodybuilder and her obsessed Svengali.

Svensk artikel Nya Ludvika Tidning: Pekka tog VM-guld: 18 april

Vid prisutdelningen brast det, då kom tårarna, säger Pekka Kihlström, 42, som på påskdagen återvände till Smedjebacken med ett VM-guld i bänkpress i bagaget.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Weightlifting Faces an Uncertain Olympic Future – Again: 27 september 2000

When will the world record in weightlifting pass the 500-kilogram mark? The Olympics in Athens in 2004? Probably sooner, if it were left up to the dopers.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: A Shadow of Doubt Hangs Over Every New Record: 25 september 2000

Are honest athletes a thing of the past?

Norsk artikel VG: Grimseth satser på frifinnelse: 18 april

Stian Grimseth (28) går for full frifinnelse, og utelukker ikke at han legger opp om han blir dømt for bruk av doping.

Ekstrabladet.dk: Vægtløfter kræver millioner: 18 april

Nordmanden Stian Grimseth, der blev udelukket fra OL på grund af doping, vil sagsøge kosttilskuds-procucenten Universal Nutrition for millioner af kroner.

Robert's Fitness Page:

The purpose of this page is to out my interest in fitnesstraining, as well as presenting my photoportfolio. I like adventure- & outdoorsports, as well as fitnesstraining. When I'm not studying or training, I work as a gyminstructor.

MetroActive: Plus-Sized Marketing: 12 april

Once upon a time the only products marketed to the obese were dieting aids. Today, retailers, manufacturers and health clubs are latching on to the growing plus-size market--one that's here to stay.

The New York Times: When Pills With Wort Come Up Short: 17 april

Whether St. John's wort, an herbal supplement, is useful in fighting depression hasn't been determined yet.

Still, critics and advocate alike can agree that some of the capsules being sold these days may help very little — if for no other reason than that they don't contain as much St. John's wort as the labels claim.

Yahoo! Finance: Experts Say St. Johns Wort Study Compared Apples and Oranges: 18 april

"This study should be viewed in its proper context -- as an apples and oranges comparison" said Allen Montgomery, pharmacist, CEO, and Executive Director of the American Nutraceutical Association (ANA).

"In Germany SJW is approved as a non-prescription drug for the treatment of mild to moderate depression and is considered to be a relatively safe and an effective alternative to commonly used antidepressant drugs. This study, as being reported in the U.S. by lay press, evaluated SJW for 'major' depression -- a condition for which SJW it is neither recommended or intended.

Council on Responsible Nutrition: CRN Challenges JAMA St. John's Wort Study Conclusions: 17 april

The U.S. dietary supplement industry has never advocated St. John’s wort for the treatment of severe depression. Herbalists, pharmacognosists and industry experts agree that St. John’s wort has significant benefit for stress and mild to moderate depression.

St. John’s wort is the most frequently used treatment for mild to moderate depression in Germany, demonstrating its value for millions of consumers.

Svensk artikel SVD: Snus bättre än nikotinpreparat mot beroende av tobak: 19 april

Fler rökare lyckas sluta röka med hjälp av snus än med de nikotinläkemedel som finns att köpa receptfritt på apoteken. Dessutom upplever de som försöker sluta att snus fungerar bättre än nikotinpreparaten.

Det är den sannolikt något oväntade slutsatsen som kommer fram i en enkät som gjorts av Temo, bekostad av Cancerfonden och läkemedelsföretaget Pharmacia som sedan lång tid säljer nikotinläkemedel.

Svensk artikel Tobaksfakta: Snus riskabel hjälp vid rökstopp: 19 april

Snus som hjälp vid rökstopp är populärt men risken är stor att det slutar med att man både röker och snusar visar en ny undersökning från Cancerfonden och Nicorette.

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Ägg inte värsta boven: 17 april

Du ska inte ha dåligt samvete om du ätit för många ägg i påsk. Även om äggulor innehåller kolesterol så är ägg inte den stora boven för den med för höga kolesterolvärden, blodfetter.

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Hjärnan blir piggare av motion: 11 april

Två nya avhandlingar vid Göteborgs universitet kan förklara varför människor mår bättre och blir piggare efter fysisk träning.

theage.com.au: Steroids should be an option: 18 april

Just like racehorses, players with a serious long-term injury should be able to receive treatment using banned substances - that is, some form of anabolic steroid - that would benefit their recovery - as long as no residual traces of the treatment could be found when the player was ready to play.

Svensk artikel Corren: Motion läkarnas nya recept: 19 april

Att sjuka kan få medicin på recept är givet. Att få vattengympa eller promenad på recept är inte alls lika vanligt, men till hösten ska motion på recept lanseras över hela landet.

Svensk artikel Corren: Norrköping är redan i gång - Elisabeth fick gympa på recept: 19 april

I Norrköping är friskvård på remiss ingen nyhet. Sedan två år tillbaka har tre vårdcentraler jobbat med att få patienterna att motionera mer för att må bättre.

The New York Times: Workplace: Mate, Don't Call These Bouncers Babe: 18 april

In Australia, nearly one-fifth of all bodyguards are women.

"Men are also fabulous at security," she added. But in some confrontations involving only men, "you can just see the testosterone start to rise to the occasion," she said. Women bring unique skills to the business, diplomatic finesse works better than force at mollifying alcohol-fueled crowds.

"What you usually do is target the ringleader," often the loudest male, said Ms. Brennan, who has earned three black belts in different martial arts. "Get the communication skills going and have a bit of a joke with him, and get him on side. Once you've got him with you, that's basically how you control the whole situation."

The Satyr: Cure for Anorexia Discovered; 'Eat' Say Researchers:

Researchers from Cambridge have discovered a cure for anorexia nervosa with a simple, yet novel, approach: Eating.

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Torsdag 19 april

OC Weekly: Designer John Brown is positive about one thing: He’s going to be wildly successful:

[GymRat: He wouldn't be the first top bodybuilder to make it as a designer of clothes - Mike Christian with Platinum Everywear jumps to mind...]

Is this the same John Brown at MuscleMemory?

"I’m doing the fashion business because I want to make $100 million," John Brown says unabashedly, and somehow this out-there confidence makes you notice his award-winning physique, which is obvious even beneath a heavy black-leather jacket.

That’s how a poor kid from Compton has ended up—after 15 years in Germany, where he won a half-dozen Mr. Universe and Mr. World bodybuilding titles—on the cusp of a financial killing as an Orange County fashion designer.

Schwarzenegger.com: Arnold to be honored at first ever World Stunt Awards: 17 april

On May 20th, 2001, Arnold will be honored with the Taurus Honorary Award at the first-ever World Stunt Awards. 

Billy Lucas, who has doubled Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2 etc, is one of the 16 members of the Blue Ribbon Committee. Lucas is thrilled to be attached to this amazing show and says, "Having worked with Arnold for over 12 years and having seen Arnold perform many complex stunts, I can attest to Arnold's appreciation of stunt people."

Fox Sports: Forty times are bogus in the NFL: 18 april

I’m talking about 40-yard dash times. They’re the standard by which draft-eligible players are measured, and they’re as reliable as UFO sightings.

“The only way to get a true 40-yard dash time is to get electronic timing where a man breaks a wire when he leaves the starting gate,” said Buffalo’s vice president in charge of player personnel, Dwight Adams. “The 40 is a common denominator in football, but it’s blown way out of proportion. It’s physically impossible to run a 4.2 and, probably, a 4.3.”

USA Today: Pumped by fast-rising stock Archuleta moves from linebacker to safety: 18 april

''He wants to be the greatest football player in the history of the NFL,'' says his trainer of 6 years, Jay Schroeder. ''God gave him something inside that allows him to work to the same level he wants to achieve.''

''His job is to do what he's told in the gym,'' Schroeder says. Archuleta's echo: ''I trusted everything he told me. So far it has come out all right.''

The Washington Post: A Child Inspires a Transformation: 17 april

Taekwondo became a great way to spend time with my son and get exercise at the same time. We were able to help each other practice and learn the techniques. Eighteen months and a few belt levels later, I am still "keeping the change."

Nutricise: Bigger Arms in Half the Time:

Building better arms isn’t just about working your triceps and biceps. Learn how to work the two “hidden” muscles within the arm for greater results in less time.

Corren: De är starkast i Sverige: 16 december 1999

De är starka. Så starka att de var och en är starkast i Sverige. I var sin viktklass. Linköpingstrion Christer Tolf, Stefan Aronsson, och Magnus Johansson vann guld alla tre i SM i Showlifting.

St Petersburg Times: Staying active is uplifting for Rams' Stitzer: 15 april

Stitzer also had to improvise ways of using the same weights his teammates did. Using crutches and pushing his wheelchair gave him strong arms, but he had never done specific exercises like abdominal crunches or the military press.

"One time, he slid off the weight bench," Parzik said, "and he told me, "Coach, that won't happen again. Strap me down.' So we got a great big (weightlifting) belt to strap him down with."

Mother Nature: Encyclopedia of Natural Health:

More than 500 scientific and medical journals have been tracked to bring you the most up-to-date and scientifically sound information in an easy-to-use format. The entries are short, so you can check facts fast. But you can also pursue a train of thought through our extensive cross-references.

Mother Nature: Horny Goat Weed: 18 oktober 2000

Horny goat weed? It's an improbable name, one that invites attention and giggles. But behind the light-hearted nickname stands a serious herb. The Chinese consider horny goat weed the premier libido-lifter for men and women, and top aid to erectile function in men.

While the exact way that horny goat weed works remains unknown, the plant has long been employed to restore sexual fire, boost erectile function, allay fatigue and even alleviate menopausal discomfort.

theage.com.au: Commentary: Hindsight By Richard Hinds: 15 april

There has been no evidence produced to suggest that any Australian swimmer took steroids. However, it is the bald assertions - even in the past week - that no Australian swimmer possibly could have used illegal drugs that are so utterly absurd.

Absurd because this belief is based only partly on a clean record with the drug testers. What is more ridiculous is that many people, from the Prime Minister down, don't find it even remotely likely that an Aussie super-fish could be on the needle.

Of course, everyone hopes that no Australian swimmer has taken drugs. From test results, it is reasonable to assume that drug use is not widespread. But only the naive, the arrogant or the plain stupid would swear that we are the totally clean team.

The New York Times: New Shows Strike Poses Far From Reality: 16 april

There is no trace of humor in the dull "Chains of Love." The man at the center of tonight's chain is Andy, a 31-year-old Hollywood stuntman who can best be described as a jerk.

He rejects one woman by telling her that he doesn't want to take care of someone with such low self-esteem; she is an Australian bodybuilder who shows no signs of having that problem. Then he complains that the women don't understand how difficult it is for him to choose among them.

SF Gate: The Governator: 13 april

To anyone in the business of milking our cherished political system for laughs, Schwarzenegger is 220 pounds of maniacally buffed manna from heaven.

Just to have a politician whose resumé boasts a movie titled "True Lies" is almost too good in itself. But on top of that, to have a GOP politician who is universally identified with a film character who, though he may appear human, is literally heartless, devoid of feeling and programmed to regard people as expendable - well, folks, it simply doesn't get much better.

USA Today: Life after NFL can weigh heavy: 18 april

Ray Roberts, the free-agent football player watched in silent fear last month as a doctor showed him a photograph of an obese stomach - from the inside - with globs of fat crowding out organs. Then the 325-pound offensive lineman was shown the interior of a healthy tummy.

''It was like a smack in the face,'' he says.

Excite News: Video Review: 'Girlfight' shows real-life action: 12 april

This movie is recommended by The GymRat :-)

The movie is about the real problems of Diana, a believable teenager thanks to an excellent first-time performance by Michelle Rodriguez, and how she uses boxing to get through them and even find love.

There is no stunt double for Rodriguez during the fights; she actually went through five months of training to get the physique required for the movie.

Montreal Gazette: Naked anchor guy on Web TV news is buff - but ho-hum: 14 april

In the end, in spite of the rippling muscles, the broad chest and yep, the full monty, local talent Lucas Tyler's stint as the first male anchor on the Canadian Web phenom Naked News is ho-hum so far.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: God dag for Stian Grimseth: 19 april

Da Domsutvalget innledet Grimseth-saken i går, var partene enige om at vektløfteren ikke dopet seg bevisst. Den positive dopingprøven skyldtes kosttilskuddet Ribose som inneholdt spor av nandrolon uten at dette var oppgitt på varedeklarasjonen. Grimseth havnet rett og slett i uløkka.

Excite News: Enriched juice drinks may be more tasty than healthy: 12 april

Student diets are notorious for being heavy in unhealthy junk foods and light on servings of fruits and vegetables. For some University of Wisconsin-Madison students, juice has become an easy way to get more fruit in their diets.

Schwinn: Exercise and Age Related Weight Gain: April

Thus, the current population-based findings suggest that increased physical activity and fitness play more of a role in minimizing age-related weight gain and preventing significant weight gain than in promoting weight loss.

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Stadsbiblioteket Göteborg

Onsdag 18 april

Creatine Excel-Patch™:

This is just plain silly...

Creatine Excel-Patch™ is a revolutionary development in transporting creatine monohydrate through the skin using a transdermal delivery.

The Arnold Fan: Arnold's Biggest Gun!:

Warren Motts speaks HERE about the TANK that Arnold personally donated to his "Motts Museum!"

BBC Sport: Unsettling the opposition: 15 april

Arnold var en mästare på detta under sin aktiva tid som tävlande...

BBC Sport Online's Adrian Harte investigates how dubious tactics are sometimes used to gain a winning advantage.

Fredericksburg.com: Dreams come true for Marine mom--'Mrs. Stafford': 28 mars

Staff Sgt. D.M. Gordon is one of the most delicate Marines you're likely to encounter--and she's headed for competition in a statewide beauty pageant.

Ananova: World egg-eating champ fails to beat record: 16 april

A Dutchman has become the world egg-eating champion after eating 25 in half an hour.

WoonSocketcall.com: She puts her heart into fitness: 16 april

Staying fit means more to Jessica D. Sylvestre, 30, than just showing up for a regular exercise routine several times a week. You have to put your heart into it, literally, if you want to see results, she says.

As a personal trainer, Sylvestre runs into plenty of people who start out on the right course in exercise but then fall into complacency.

news.com.au: Mel C beefs up her image: 16 april

Desperate to retain her slimline image of "Sporty Spice", she put herself on the trendy carbohydrate-free diet – denounced by doctors. Her weight loss brought health problems, including temporary infertility.

Dr Susan Jebb, of Britain's Medical Research Council, said: "These diets are about as stupid as they come. If you take one food group out of your daily diet, you almost automatically eat less, so it's hardly extraordinary you lose weight. But it's not healthy."

news.com.au: Heart warning for dieters: 15 april

Dieting can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, new Australian research has found. But supplements of folate and vitamin B12 curb the danger.

Chicago Tribune: Proper inhalation and exhalation techniques can energize workouts: 15 april

"Waiting to Exhale" may be a great title for a best-selling novel, but when it comes to exercising, holding one's breath can hinder a workout and, in some circumstances, even prove dangerous.

Simply put, "breathing supplies oxygen to your muscles," said Edith Ramsdell, a physician with Northwestern Memorial Hospital's Wellness Institute.

Daily News LA: Get fit: Carry that weight for a long time: 16 april

Run, walk, swim or jump rope -- just bring up your heart rate for about 30 minutes several times a week. Then, add weight training into your weekly routine. The result: a better-looking and healthier you.

Norsk artikel VG: Politimann i tittelkamp: 17 april

Verdensmester Boris Karant er i trøbbel. Lørdag innhentes russeren av lovens lange arm når politikonstabel Andreas Tuft utfordrer til tittelkamp i kickboksing.

The Sun: Girls want a bum like Lopez: 18 april

Buttocks have come into focus thanks to Jennifer Lopez's curves. American women have been telling cosmetic surgeons they want a Lopez. There were around 150 implants in the U.S. last year but as word about the op got around a rush is now under way for bigger bums. Dr Roberts tells about his ops on www.betterbuttocks.com.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Körde 340 mil - tog guld i VM: 17 april

Han åkte 340 mil i bil - Smedjebacken-Luxemburg tur och retur. Själv säger han att varje mil var mödan värd. De 170 milen hem till Smedjebacken kändes säkert lättare för Pekka Kihlström. För med i bagaget fanns då en guldmedalj från VM i bänkpress för veteraner.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Tunga lyft i Lettland: 4 november 2000

När Pekka Kilström från Smedjebacken var 37 år bestämde han sig för att börja leva ett bättre liv. Han började motionsträna på gym. Efter ett tag kunde han delta i bänkpresstävlingar. Nu, fyra år senare, har han vunnit ett flertal medaljer i tävlingar för veteraner och seniorer.

BBC News: Plane 'gym' could fight thrombosis: 17 april

A device which allows airline passengers to exercise their calf muscles in flight could reduce the risk of dangerous blood clots.

SF Gate: Drinking for your Health: 17 april

Could something as simple as a glass of beer or wine help increase your chances of surviving a first heart attack? According to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association the answer is yes.

Norsk artikel VG: Tjener fett på fedme-tjeneste: 18 april

For fem kroner kan TV 2 fortelle deg om du er overvektig, undervektig eller såkalt normal. Både bekymrede foreldre og fagfolk reagerer.

Yahoo! News: 'Swordfish' goes well with Heineken spots: 17 april

In an unusual move, John Travolta, Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman have granted likeness approval rights to be used for a Heineken television spot as part of a promotional campaign for Warner Bros.' "Swordfish," in which they all star. Heineken is spending an estimated $10 million on a worldwide media and marketing blitz.

Heineken pursued a similar tie-in with last year's Columbia release of the R-rated Arnold Schwarzenegger starrer "The 6th Day," but the deal was not made because Schwarzenegger does commercials for a competing beer company in Asia.

Air Force Link: Buyer beware: steroids, hemp seed products off-limits to Air Force members: 17 april

Exercising and following good eating habits can lead to a long and healthy life, but taking health products with hemp seeds or using steroids can lead to a short Air Force career.

The Star: Ballroom dancing: The stuff dreams are made of - but is it sport?: 15 april

This is ballroom dancing. This is the stuff dreams are made of. But does it belong in the Olympics?

"Yes," says competitor Pat Ferreira, garbed in a gold lamé Latin number cut high to reveal a flash of thigh. "It is a gruelling, gruelling sport. Your feet bleed. They get blistered. Muscles ache. You go through a lot."

CNN: Gelatin-free gummi bears ready for the world: 15 april

While gummi bears are childhood staples in Europe and the Americas, religious dictates against their pork-based gelatin base have kept them from being enjoyed worldwide

Tallahassee Democrat: It's important to know about glycemic index: 16 april

The glycemic index is a ranking of carbohydrate-containing foods based on their potential to raise blood sugar levels.

tahoe.com: Hydration important to athletic performance: 16 april

Water consumption and its interaction with exercise is an important subject. A lack of proper hydration can cut your athletic performance dramatically and even result in death if dehydration becomes severe.

Svensk artikel DN: Bästsäljare serverar äckligt svar: 18 april

Varför smakar hamburgare som hamburgare? Ett äckligt svar på den frågan ges i den internationella bästsäljaren "Fast Food Nation" av Eric Sclosser som tar med läsaren med till det innersta av Mc Donald's & Co.

Yahoo! Finance: Food firms v drug makers over functional food: 18 april

Food companies are using their marketing muscle to take an early lead over drug makers in the battle to sell "functional food" to health-conscious consumers eager to eat their way to a better life.

Yahoo! News: Bush, World Leaders Stay Trim: 18 april

In the White House, the clank of free weights and hum of the treadmill mean President Bush is working out.

In Moscow, it's more of the same, with a twist. President Vladimir Putin says he swims in the morning, like many leaders. But his physical rituals peak on the judo mat; he has a black belt.

Washington Post: Weather Radio's Forecast: Change Is in the Airwaves: 16 april

Using a robot is quicker than having a human record the information. But "Igor," as local Weather Service employees call the robot voice, is monotonous and a bit annoying. It has a rather thick accent.

"Some think it's Arnold Schwarzenegger," said Joanne Swanson, leader of the Weather Service's effort to find a new voice. (Lyssna på Arnold: Arnold Schwarzenegger Sound Board)

Boston Globe: Brawny Hummer shows a touch of civility: 14 april

''I'll be back, OK?'' he says to the fans before he proceeds inside to host the introduction of the H2, a vehicle Schwarzenegger says, ''has the attributes of the original Hummer, but it's a bit more civilized.''

Food Ingredients Online: Sweetners for health foods: 10 april

Choosing sweeteners for the health market can be confusing, but it helps to pose several questions. Is the product marketed for weight loss, bodybuilding or general nutrition?

Is it natural, kosher or organic? And is the food targeted for disease control or for general good health? Another consideration is whether the sweeteners introduced are nutritive or non-nutritive (Do they provide energy?).

Standard-Examiner: Training to fulfill an Olympic dream: 16 april

It's a long shot, but Hoaglin and his four-man bobsled team stand a chance of making the 2002 U.S. Olympic Team.

"It's just a feeling I've got inside," he said. "Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm also a dreamer. I've won power-lifting and body-building championships, because I'm a dreamer."

Desktop Theme for Windows - Gladiator

LA Times: Fighting to be fit: 15 april

Teens like Brittany Miller of Newport Beach are learning to get in shape with the help of a local gym's Teen Fitness program.

NineMSN: Baldness, a risk for women who use steroids: 5 april

Irreversible deepening of the voice, baldness and enlarged sexual organs are among the risks for women who often use anabolic steroids, a new health handbook warned today.

St Loius Business Journal: Working out at work: 16 april

Many companies across the country have documented health-care savings after implementing company fitness centers, said Tom Johnston, corporate accounts manager with OrthoTech Sports Medical Equipment Inc.

General Electric saw a 38 percent decrease in health-care costs over 18 months among employees participating in a fitness program, and DuPont reported $1.5 million in health-care savings over three years, Johnston said.

Body Tracker - Body Fat Percentage Software:

Software that calculates and records body fat percentages using a fat caliper or tape measure. Also records body composition, records measurements, and displays pictures as you lose body fat.

Muscle Media: How To Find Your Hidden “Six-Pack”:

People spend lots of money on gadgets and lots of time targeting their tummies, yet few achieve the look they desire. Why is that? Usually, it’s because they hang their hopes on shortcuts.

To develop fantastic abs, you need to train them like any other muscle group—with consistency, intensity and strict form. You must also feed your body with optimal nutrition and supplementation. Everyone has a “six-pack” (really!); the trick is melting enough fat off to reveal it.

Canoe.ca: Testing Pediatric Chiropractic:

Four out of five chiropractors find different problems with the spine of a perfectly healthy little girl.

Canoe.ca: Do Chiropractors Treat Anything?:

Chiropractors claim they allow the body to heal itself. Medical professionals say that's nonsense.

Svensk artikel Expressen: GHB-innehav kan ge hårdare straff: 18 april

Innehav av fem liter GHB ska bedömas som grovt narkotikabrott, tyckte kammaråklagare Jonas Arvidsson nyligen. Det tyckte inte tingsrätten. I hovrätten anses man dock ha passerat gränsen till grovt brott redan vid cirka två liter GHB.

CNN: Zellweger gains insights, pounds as 'Bridget': 13 april

Zellweger gained the weight for the role under a doctor's supervision, but she would occasionally "throw in an extra Kit-Kat bar for the good of the film".

ABC News: Pig Intestinal Tissue Acts as Scaffold in Shoulder Surgery: 17 april

Orthopedic surgeons can now use tough tissue patches from pigs' intestines to restore ripped tendons in the shoulder called the rotator cuff.

About 20 percent to 40 percent of Americans each year get a torn rotator cuff, either due to a sports injury or aging, degenerative tissue.

Girls Gymnastics by Bela Karolyi:

USA women's gymnastics coach Bela Karolyi's official website contains gymnastics training tips, gymnast pictures and bios, questions and answers, Olympic news, gymnastics news, message board chat, nutrition info, and a parent's place to form the best fun and informational online community for girls gymnastics enthusiasts.

ABC News: Rx for Ankle Sprains Ignoring Ankle Sprains Invites Further Pain: 17 april

Orthopedists estimate that 27,000 Americans sprain an ankle every day, but few seem to know how to properly treat it and many sufferers risk repeat injury by not treating it correctly.

Svensk artikel Piteå-Tidningen: Påsken på Vittjåkk - en doft av gamla tider: 17 april

Årets Vittjåkkpåsk kom att bli en doft av flydda tider. Det vill säga gott om både unga och gamla besökare, mycket snö och välfyllda snögrottor.

Framför allt lördagen och framträdandet av tv-kända gladiatorn "Plexus" Oldenmark blev en succéfylld folkfest. Flera hundra barn och ungdomar hade mött upp för chansen att få se och utmana tv-idolen i dragkamp.

Yahoo! News: Scientists Bid for Research Funds: 17 april

Scientists from 17 countries have bid for a share of the $5 million set aside to fund research into the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Canoe.ca: Subluxations not backed up by proof:

Chiropractors still can't prove that the "misalignment" they claim to treat even exists.


Accurate information about chiropractic is not easy to get. Most publishers, editors, and broadcasters are unwilling to examine this topic in depth and to publish critical information. As a result, most reports reaching the public express what chiropractors would like people to believe.

This Web site will enable you to deepen your understanding. If you decide to seek chiropractic care, it may also help you find a suitable practitioner.

EAS: EAS Delivers the 4th Edition of its Sports Supplement Review: 12 april

The World’s Most Comprehensive Guide to Active Lifestyle and Performance Nutrition/Supplementation

Yahoo! News: Study: St. John's Wort Ineffective: 17 april

St. John's wort, the popular herbal remedy touted as a natural alternative to prescription antidepressants, is ineffective in treating major depression, according to a new study.

Gym RatZ. No Hype or B.S., just quality products with sound advice:

Gym RatZ Supplements, Accessories, Weights and Gym Eqpt.

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Törmäs Hemsida

Tisdag 17 april

Webbplatser med 'gymrat' i sin domänadress...


Discus, Hammer, ShotPut, Javelin 35# Weight

How Stuff Works: How Muscles Work:

Without our muscles, we couldn't walk or talk, and our blood would stop flowing. Learn about the different types of muscles in your body and what they do.

USA Weightlifting - The Olympic Sport

Iron Temple:

The beginner page has all the info you need to get started on your way to a healthier and more fit body. Beginner training and diet info. Just added some links on wheelchair lifting and sports.

About Yoga: Is Yoga the Work of the Devil?:

Clearly Yoga is a very dangerous practice... at least, if you're a Fundamentalist or a conservative Christian. If you are a member of such a church, it's probably best for you to stay away from Yoga altogether.

Yoga is not for everyone and we should suspend judgment. For those who have certain religious beliefs, Yoga can be very damaging to the psyche and we should respect that

EurekAlert: Like USA children, young adults snacking more now than they did two decades ago: 16 april

Today, young adults in the United States eat more snacks than they did in the 1970s, a new University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study concludes. A large increase in total energy from snacks, coupled with increased energy contained in those foods, undoubtedly contributes to the nation's obesity epidemic, researchers say.

MSNBC: Nourishing Your Brain:

It’s no secret that the fats in fish and walnuts are good for your heart. New research suggests they may also ward off depression and mental maladies

Yahoo! News: Nature And Nurture Influence IQ, Study Shows: 16 april

Hoping to resolve the question of where intelligence comes from, researchers now suggest that a person's intelligence quotient, or IQ, is the outcome of a continuous circle of influence involving both genes and environment--and that the measure is fluid over a lifetime.

Norsk artikel DinSide: Best i verden på skittkasting: 16 april

Denne uken kan du vise muskler i tradisjonsrik skittkastings-konkurranse.

Svensk artikel Expressen: EU ger sig in i kamp mot doping: 16 april

EU:s inflytande över antidopingbyrån Wada blir en av huvudfrågorna när medlemsländernas högsta idrottstjänstemän samlas i Solna i veckan.

Svensk artikel Arbetslivsbiblioteket:

Ett nationellt expertbibliotek för arbetsliv och arbetsmiljö.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Vd:n som gör oss friska på arbetstid: 12 augusti 2000

Han har 85 procent kvinnlig personal och anser att mammor är den bästa arbetskraften. Möt Håkan Jeppsson, vd och grundare av Sveriges största friskvårdsföretag Feelgood. – Jag är passionerat intresserad av människors fysiska och psykiska välbefinnande.

Newswise: New Model of IQ Development: 15 april

A new mathematical model could help explain how certain environments can trigger changes in a person's IQ as well as the relative influence of genes and the environment on IQ by exploring how internal and external factors might interact.

Newswise: Seminar for Coaches on Sportsmanship, Ethics: 13 april

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will co-host "Pursuing Victory With Honor: A Sports Summit on Sportsmanship, Ethics and Character Building," the first event of its kind on the East Coast, April 30th, for more than 500 coaches and others.

Svensk artikel Expressen: "Jobbet stjäl för mycket tid från livet": 16 april

Vi lever i utbrändhetens tidevarv. Och tendensen är tydlig: allt fler drömmer om att hoppa av ekorrhjulet. Följ med i vår artikelserie "Jakten på ett liv".

Guardian Unlimited: Cologne may be clue to sport success: 13 april

According to David Collins dousing oneself in a pungent scent - and mustering the correct mental attitude - could make all the difference when faced with a sporting challenge. "Scent can help athletes remember moves more accurately and consistently, especially in the face of competition," he said.

The Nando Times: Study: Brain produces marijuana-like substances that whet appetite: 11 april

In a finding that not only offers clues to treating obesity but also explains why pot smokers get the "munchies," scientists have found that marijuana-like substances naturally produced in the brain stimulate appetite.

IAAF: Kristiansen unspins a web of mystery: 16 april

Ingrid Kristiansen has set up a website which reveals the secrets of how she became the greatest female distance runner in history.

TIME: The Power Of Yoga: 15 april

It bends. It stretches. It turns you into a human pretzel. But can it really cure what ails you?

The Observer: One in four Britons is on a diet. So why are we getting fatter?: 15 april

Despite 27 per cent of the population claiming to be on diets, we are either cheating or simply not getting the hang of it as statistics also show the British are continuing to get fatter.

The Dallas Morning News: How to live to 100 – or more: 16 april

Azerbaijani centenarians attribute longevity to mountain air, local herbs and good thoughts.

Inspiration Peak: This Week's Inspirational Message:

One of the internet's most beautiful collections of inspirational quotes, poetry and short stories. Updated with an inspirational message every week.

Yahoo! News: Skinny People Need to Exercise, Too: 16 april

Nearly everyone knows that exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease, but people carrying around a few extra pounds are not the only ones who need to keep moving, study findings suggest. Even skinny couch potatoes have an increased risk of heart disease, researchers report.

Yahoo! Finance: Arnold Schwarzenegger to Receive Taurus Honorary Award At First-Ever World Stunt Awards: 16 april

The World Stunt Awards is a groundbreaking awards show that singles out the men and women who smash cars, jump through fire, and put their lives on the line to create movie magic.

The World Stunt Awards is also the first ever international awards show devoted exclusively to stunt men and stunt women and their work in feature films in which the winners are selected by an academy of their peers.

The H.I.T. & Hard Training Links


TheRack incorporates a training course that is mapped out grip to grip. Each grip targets muscles specifically. These exercises are performed by using your own body weight. No weights or pulleys, or rubber tubing.

It's all about you, getting yourself around. What better way than by you "pushing yourself" ? TheRack, combined with human dynamics, equals a great change. A change in body composition and spirit.

BBC Health: 'Cyberchondria' hits web users: 13 april

Patients using the internet to find out more about their illnesses often mis-diagnose symptoms or find quack cures, say doctors.

CNN: Gelatin-free gummi bears ready to debut: 15 april

While gummi bears are childhood staples in Europe and the Americas, aversion to the pork-based gelatin that gives the candy its trademark rubbery texture has long ruled them out in regions where religious law governs the daily diet. Now a gelatin-free version is poised to take the world by storm.

HealthScout: FDA: Avoid Herbs with Aristolochic Acid: 16 april

The extract tied to serious kidney and urinary problems should stop being used, the agency warns.

HealthScout: Geniuses by Design?:

It may be possible, but there's a catch… A commentary from Australia's paper The Age notes sardonically that a world overflowing with geniuses might be rather unpleasant. The article cites how many brilliant people tend to be arrogant, irascible, eccentric and exploitive. A Web page from Ulf Norlinger, in Stockholm, Sweden, lists estimated IQs of some of the world's most noted geniuses.

NewsRounds: Total Body Fat Plays Major Role In Obesity Metabolic Complications: 16 april

Total body fat, as well the separate layers of fat deposits, play major roles in metabolic complications of obesity such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, researchers say.

HealthScout: What Did You Do at School?:

Exercising at a young age is important for a lifetime of good health. So it's too bad kids aren't more active, conclude researchers at San Diego State University, who monitored the use of athletic facilities at California middle schools.

CNN: Older runners face challenges, reap benefits: 15 april

"They (older runners) have a different challenge. The time is ticking," the coach said. "They are looking for ways to improve the quality of life from a physical and psychological standpoint. "Their thrill level is evident every day in training, whereas a younger runner is more focused on crossing the line," Pat Connelly said.

HealthWatch: Weight Management for the Long Run:

The key to success is changing your eating habits for the long term and eating the right foods.

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Måndag 16 april
Rafael Perez/Reuters Great biceps, Kevin. No, really....

"Actor Kevin Costner gestures as he attends the screening of his film 'Thirteen Days,' in Havana late March 11, 2001. Costner is in Cuba to promote his new film which deals with the 1962 Cuban missile crisis."

The New York Times: Law Professor Sees Hazard in Personalized News: 13 april

Leder en specialiserad webblogg (som denna) till att du som läser den blir inskränkt och bara förstärker de åsikter du redan har? Nja, du som läser den inte kan välja bort sådana notiser du inte är intresserad av.

Jag försöker föra fram åsikter från alla sidor - således ser du inte bara notiser från de som förespråkar kosttillskott, utan även de som exempelvis tycker att användandet av proteinpulver är bortkastade pengar och endast leder till "världens dyraste urin"...

Filtering software will allow consumers to create a personalized media diet catering to their tastes, the forecasters contend. Whether it be a steady stream of world news, baseball statistics or politically conservative editorials, intelligent filtering software will make focused information delivery possible.

The ease and speed with which citizens get information in the digital era expands democracy, he argues, but the Internet simultaneously makes it all too easy to customize media experiences, narrowing readers' minds and souls.

Thomas Inch Dumbbell:

For 40 years no one lifted it off the ground with one hand! Order one today and see if you can be one of the very few to lift it.

20 Simplified Home Gym Plans:

One of the best collection of blueprints for building your own weight training equipment. There are 20 simplified plans you can follow to make your own equipment just from wood. The bill of materials with each set of plans tells you exactly how many, and what size pieces there are. The lumber and materials can be purchased at any building supply store or lumber yard.

Basic woodworking tools is the only other thing required to create your own home gym. Don't believe us? Give it a try!

Southern Tier Muscle:

  • Olde Time Strongwomen and Pioneers of Women's Bodybuilding
  • Strength & Physique Athletes of the 1960's-1970's
  • Gallery of old time strongmen

EurekAlert: Evolving beyond the 'Just Say No' message: 15 april

  • Legislative action on alcohol issues, such as underage drinking, is often influenced by public opinion.
  • Certain sociodemographic and individual traits may predict adult attitudes on underage drinking.
  • Individual traits seem to have the greatest influence on alcohol policy attitudes.
  • Women, infrequent drinkers, and adults with greater knowledge about or concern for youth show the greatest support for policies designed to reduce underage drinking.

The Gladiators Zone: Swedish Gladiators

The South Carolina Ultimate Fitness Challenge

MediCorp PNT:

The leader in state-of-the-art nutritional programming and related educational materials for fitness, sports and medical applications.

Exercise and Fitness VidBook Guide:

For some (lucky) people, exercise is an obsession; for others, it takes serious effort to even buy a pair of workout shoes. Whatever your fitness level, these online exercise classes - complete with text, images and streaming video - will at least get you walking briskly down the path to improved health.

Nicole Rollolazo - Fitness America Pageant 2000 Champion - fitness model & competitor

React.com: Chat Transcript - Cheryl Haworth:

It's safe to say that Cheryl Haworth is the strongest 17-year-old in the nation! She holds two American records--in the snatch (264 lbs.) and the Clean and Jerk (318 lbs.).

Yak's Corner: Next for Cheryl: How about Rosie?:

This week, Cheryl Haworth can relax and have some fun. And why not? The 17-year-old weightlifter - whose nickname is Fun - captured a bronze medal last week. She's been on "The Today Show," "The Tonight Show" and "Live with Regis." She has met just about every radio and newspaper reporter covering the games.

Women's Sports Foundation: She's Da Bomb:

Aside from strength and confidence, a main ingredient in the recipe for this champion's success is keeping the elements of life in perspective. She is an athlete, and she is also an artist, a student, a thinker and a whole lotta fun (her nickname is just that, "fun"). Cheryl puts her heart into her art, just as she does her weightlifting and sometimes even looks at them in the same way.

NewsJournal: You Want Girl Power?:

Cohen notes that some local football coaches refuse to bring their players to the gym because of Haworth. "Football is a macho thing -- coaches calling players girls because they can't lift something. With Cheryl there, it crushes their egos. She can whip their ass at anything."

Scholastic in Sydney: Meet Cheryl Haworth:

Cheryl Haworth hopes to out-lift the world—and there's a good chance that the teen from Savannah, Georgia, will reach her goal. Having lifted more than 300 pounds over her head, Cheryl is the strongest woman in the country. In September, she'll compete for the U.S. weightlifting team at the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.

Nando Times: Boston woman overcomes disabilities to participate in marathon: 14 april

At 26, Katherine Lynch - who weighs only 35 pounds and stands 28 inches tall - has overcome more obstacles than most of her peers.

Lynch faces another challenge on Monday: she plans to toe the starting line of the Boston Marathon and walk 26.2 feet in 15 minutes with no help.

Lynch's father Chris Lynch said he revels in his daughter's accomplishments.

"You look and you see her going through this, working so hard to meet her own goals, and then you look at your own life and what you do and you say, 'Gee, that's not so hard, actually, compared to other things,"' Lynch said. "It puts life into perspective. So it's pride plus."

MSNBC: Human brain gets a kick out of surprises: 15 april

"This means is that the part of the brain that has always been associated with pure pleasure really cares about when you get something unexpected,” said lead author Dr. Gregory Berns.

Because the same region of the brain is activated by cocaine and other drugs, the study may yield new insights on addiction, the researchers said.

Svensk artikel Norrköpings Tidningar: Skönhetsidealen – hur styr de oss?: 14 april

Vi duger inte som vi är. I alla fall inte om man ska tro det budskap som reklam, medier och butiker öser över oss. Hur påverkar egentligen den här utseendepressen oss? I NT:s nya artikelserie om skönhetsideal berättar vi bland annat om om hur mycket tid ungdomar lägger ner på sitt yttre och om vilken drivkraft som får vissa att gå till gymmet dag efter dag.

Greek Muscular Women Update: 15 april

A site is a non-profit site which presents Greek and foreign muscular women from Greece and abroad:

  • Exclusive interview of the 2000 Balkan Champion and Greek Cup Winner in the Fitness Athletic Category, Eleni Spourgiti-Jaksic. The fitness champion talks to us about her success and future goals.
  • Poll: Vote for the sexiest Greek female personal trainer!

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Glöm Viagra – ät choklad: 15 april

Lider du av depression, blodproppar eller impotens? Då ska du lägga mörk choklad i påskägget. - Jag föreslår att man ersätter Viagra med choklad i stället, säger Nils Stormby, läkare och hedersordförande i Chokladakademien.

MCW Healthlink: Plantar Fasciitis is a Common Cause of Heel Pain:

Plantar fasciitis, which may cause the heel to hurt, feel hot or swell, is inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thin layer of tough tissue supporting the arch of the foot.

Repeated microscopic tears of the plantar fascia cause pain. Sometimes plantar fasciitis is called “heel spurs,” but this is not always accurate, since bony growths on the heel may or may not be a factor.

Netrition: Today's Adolescents Carry a Heavy Burden: 13 april

Paralleling the increase in childhood obesity over the past 20 years is an increase in the consumption of fast food. Americans are increasingly getting more of their calories away from home.

In 1978 Americans received 18 percent of their calories from food eaten away from home, and now it's almost twice that amount. This eat-on-the- run lifestyle is creating an excess of calories that most American kids cannot burn off.

Netrition: Here's to Your Health Take Studies with Grain of Salt; Focus on Balanced Diet, Experts Advise: 13 april

"Changing habits on [the basis of] one study is not good," says Melanie Polk, a registered dietitian and director of nutrition for the American Institute for Cancer Research in Washington, D.C.

"The research into protective substances in food is relatively new. We currently are in the midst of discovering a whole variety of health-protective phytochemicals, the protective substances in plant-based foods that can help to protect us from cancer and other diseases."

ITN: Healthier school meals rules introduced: 1 april

Schools will be breaking the law if they fail to meet new regulations to serve up healthy lunches, according to the Local Authorities Caterers Association.

New Scientist: Slim chance: 6 april

The first genetic mutation to be linked with anorexia is revealed, suggesting targets for new drugs.

Mr Showbiz: Uma and Jane Fret About Fat: 21 februari

Jane Fonda and Uma Thurman, two of America's most taut celeb women, have revealed personal battles with poor body images.

Fonda recently spoke to a crowd gathered at a fund-raising dinner for the Eating Disorders Education Network, where she admitted that she struggled with anorexia and bulimia until age 61.

The Telegraph: Wellness Center programs target all ages: 27 februari

Representatives from the Jersey Community Hospital Wellness Center said they are committed to offering exercise and overall health programs to people of all ages.

One program for younger area residents is called Kids Camp, in which children ages 7 to 12 years old take part in a variety of activities at the center on certain school holidays.

Scripps: Measuring the muscle: New study depicts how the tuna's body is built for speed: 12 april

The mechanics of how fish use their complex muscle systems is a tantalizing puzzle in animal physiology. These muscles are the fundamental sources that fish use to power steady swimming and bursts of speed to elude predators and to capture prey.

Monitor On Psychology: Green is good for you: 4 april

Psychologists' research explains the mental and physical restoration we get from nature - and has important implications for how we build our homes, work environments and cities.

Metro Times: Butt-kicking babes: 10 april

Why worry about those tough girls on-screen?

eye: Soft stupid fluffy girls: 12 april

Last week I wrote about my love for the new female hero archetype: the Kick-Ass Female Warrior. Counteracting these glamorous, man-hating attitudes is another archetype I like to call the Soft Stupid Fluffy Girl.

Planet Rugby: Springboks give creatine thumbs up, but not for youngsters:

Two Springbok stars gave the thumbs up to controlled use by rugby players of the controversial dietary supplement creatine so long as their bodies are fully developed.

Rugby Heaven: Boks say yes, Wallabies no to creatine: 11 april

Despite two leading Springbok players endorsing the controlled use of the controversial dietary supplement creatine, Australian officials were yesterday quick to warn of its possible dangers.

South African Test winger Breyton Paulse and back-rower Corne Krige, speaking at a junior rugby camp in Durban, recommended creatine as long as the user's body was fully developed.

The Washington Post: Herbal Supplement for Menopause Hits the Big Time: 10 april

Black cohosh, a plant once used by Native Americans to treat rattlesnake bites, is the most popular herbal remedy worldwide for managing the common symptoms of menopause -- hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and irritability.

Telegraph: Richardson hands out supplements warning: 12 april

Mark Richardson, the 400 metres runner who is serving a two-year doping ban after testing positive for nandrolone, has gone into print with his first call to athletes to stop using dietary supplements.

On Running: Richardson - Steer clear of supplements:

Banned athlete Mark Richardson has opened his heart about the misery he has suffered since testing positive for nandrolone on that fateful day in October 1999. Read the frank account of his experience and his warning to other athletes of the danger of using supplements.

American Outlook Magazine: Mad Cows on the March?:

Highly infective animal parts such as the pituitary gland, spinal tissue, and brain, however, are used in a wide variety of diet supplements. Thus, scientists see diet supplements as one of the biggest dangers.

All it takes is half a gram of infected brain tissue ingested orally to transmit the disease to an animal as large as a human or even a cow, estimates Dr. Paul Brown, a central nervous system specialist at the National Institutes of Health. That, he adds, is about the amount in a single "good diet supplement pill."

MySanAntionio: Mature fitness: 20 mars

The stretching and twisting that goes on inside the Leon Valley Community Center might be taking place at any other aerobics class, at any other gym.

Only in this class, the hair is grayer, the movements a little more tentative and the sweat clothes are, well, not quite the latest gym fashions.

Fredricksburg.com: Weight lifting tips: 14 april

Want to try weight lifting?

Experts say women should start by doing lots of repetitions with small weights. Be sure to change your routine every two months so your body will be challenged and you won't get bored.

WebMD: Phototherapy May Improve Eating Disorders by Lifting Mood: 6 april

Phototherapy - or the regular use of concentrated bright light - is a widely recognized treatment for the cyclical bouts of depression experienced by many who have seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.

New evidence now shows that light therapy may benefit women who have both SAD and anorexia bulimia, an eating disorder characterized by binging and purging.

Mass-live.com: Framework helps protect kids from 'toxic' culture: 12 april

In her best-selling 1994 book "Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls," psychologist Mary Pipher wrote about the "girl-poisoning" culture that sets adolescent girls up for eating disorders and a range of other problems.

"It's a pretty alarming book," Pipher said. "When it came time to write the next book, one of the things I wanted to do was give people more ideas about how to fight back."

Record-Eagle: Mother, widow speak about how GHB affected their lives: 27 mars

A mother of a teen-age girl and a widow of a middle-aged iron worker shared separate stories Monday about how a drug, easy to make and distribute, killed their loved ones.

Courier News: Eating disorders aren't just a female problem: 14 mars

Of the approximately eight million people who have eating disorders in the United States, one million are men and boys, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.

"Men and women have this illness, exactly as men and women have alcoholism," said Christopher Athas, vice president of the association.

The Daily Telegram: This extreme fighter is extremely like the "boy next door":

"He doesn't fit the stereotype of the extreme fighter -- body piercings, tattoos, acting crazed and all that -- he's just a finely tuned athlete who has chosen to compete in this form of fighting.

It's not a sport about killing or drawing blood -- it's about really good athletes wanting to compete with each other. You hear from experienced professionals that they take less punishment than a football player does."

The Guardian: Chain reaction that roused cycling from drugs stupor:

Telling competitors not to take drugs, says Voet, "is like telling children not to touch chocolate". As for keeping their hands off them, he says: "I don't know how to stop it, I really don't know."

"I went through the full spectrum . . . Amphetamines injected into the arm or stomach, corticoids, steroids, anabolic agents, even testosterone injected into the buttock muscles. Daily rituals, nothing out of the ordinary. No one thought of it as fraud, cheating or dangerous."

Otago Daily Times: Dickens right to try and walk off bouts of depression, researchers say: 7 april

Berlin: New research by German scientists shows author Charles Dickens was on to a good thing when he took long, brisk walks to alleviate periodic bouts of depression.

vavo: Walks Lift Depression: 27 mars

If you’ve got the blues, don’t reach for a pill but instead strap on a pair of walking shoes and head out the door. Aerobic exercise can work faster than drugs to lift depression, according to research published in the new issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Florida Today: Daily logs provide sense of life aboard Alpha: 22 mars

Part of the problem with long-term space travel is the loss of bone density and muscle mass because of gravity's absence. He noted that the crew is eating all of the Russian food, but only about three-quarters of the American food.

The crew tried to work out every day in exercise room, which includes a stationary bicycle, a treadmill and a resistive exercise machine. In space, the machine is like lifting weights on the ground.

Cookling Light Online: Resuscitate your exercise routine with these tips: 

Even people who are 100% committed to exercise have days when they just don't feel like working out. Next time you're tempted to take to the couch, try one of these strategies:

The State: Get healthy - and a deduction, doctor says: 7 april

The man who brought you aerobics wants to bring you a more healthful all-around lifestyle and have the government pay you for it. "We need a financial incentive to encourage Americans to take care of themselves," Dr. Kenneth Cooper said of the proposed tax deductions.

The Inquirer: How many calories are you burning in aerobics?: 20 mars

Exactly how many calories you actually burn doing aerobics depends on how much you weigh, the speed of the music and the quality and kind of your movement. Let’s take a look at how these factors affect the three most common types of aerobics classes --- step, high-low impact, and kickboxing.

New Haven Register: Meriden woman lauded for saving a life: 16 mars

Denise Allen was finishing up a low-impact aerobics class at the Senior Center in January when things took a sudden turn away from the routine. A woman in the class started to feel faint, then lost consciousness.

The Register-Herald: Patriot power-lifters having banner year in state competition: 6 april

Their success is music to coach Scott Cuthbert's ears. He knows strength, agility and endurance can make the difference in a close game.

"Nowadays if your kids don't lift, you can't be competitive with the top teams," he said. "We were real solid last year. Almost everybody we put on the field benched 200 pounds."

Bluefield Daily Telegraph: Graham's Williams looks to bring home the gold: 2 mars

Williams is anything but your typical teen student-athlete.

He can practically bench press small buildings, and this weekend he'll be competing with 15 other 275-pound wrestlers at the Virginia High School League AA state tournament in Salem. The combination of strength, agility, and quickness has served the Graham High junior well.

The Washington Times: Redding brings new attitude to Redskins: 10 april

Forget the Nautilus machines, treadmills and trendy exercise gadgets found in neighborhood gyms. Dave Redding, the Washington Redskins' new strength coach, is returning to basics.

Redding promises stronger, leaner Redskins. The ones that look more like Charles Atlas than Charlie Brown. Redding wants gladiators with big necks and anvil-like biceps.

Telegraph: Who is the greatest of them all?: 13 april

Ali's in there. Foremost among sportsmen, circus acts, spiritual leaders, joke-crackers, anti-war campaigners and spellbinders, Muhammad Ali must have a plinth all to himself. One full of noise and fireworks.

If ever there was a man whose ego had every right to rave this was it. "When you're as great as I am, it's hard to be humble," should be engraved on the granite beneath his feet.

The Telegraph: It's never too late to start exercising: 11 april

"It is never too late to start exercising," says Patrick Sustrich, an exercise physiologist and chief executive officer of Kelsey Community Wellness Center. "Some illnesses and diseases may not be preventable the longer you wait. But there's always going to be some benefit."

Bluefield Daily Telegraph: Donald Robbins Jr. sets weightlifting record: 6 mars

The local lifter hoisted 540 pounds on Saturday before a crowd estimated at over 1,000 during the sixth annual Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness Weekend in Columbus, Ohio.

The previous WPO record was 518 pounds. Robbins received a $1,000 check for his record-setting performance in the 181-pound class.

Star Telegram: Housing officials tour mixed-use Dallas complex: 2 april

Cheryl Quiroga says she could easily adjust to living in an apartment complex with plush carpet, spacious walk-in closets, ceiling fans, a swimming pool and fitness center.

Those are just some of the selling points at the Treymore at Cityplace near downtown Dallas, where low-income families using Section 8 rental vouchers live among families making as much as $100,000 a year.

The Miami Herald: On balance, lower body work a strong move: 12 april

By Minna Lessig: Isn't it great feeling strong, flexible and in control of your body all the time and not just in the gym doing squats, bench presses and biceps curls?

Scrum.com: Broke Visagie to appeal: 21 februari

Former Springbok front rower Cobus Visagie said on Tuesday he would appeal against the two-year ban imposed on him by Judge Edwin King’s independent tribunal for the use of anabolic steroids.

MSNBC: Nutrition Notes on why mealtime matters: 13 april

Is the long tradition of the family dinner a thing of the past? A nationwide survey of more than 16,000 boys and girls ages 9 to 14 shows that, while a majority report having dinner as a family at least most days, 17 percent say this never occurs or only sometimes happens.

The trend has raised concern among some experts who see it as having negative effects on a family’s physical and emotional health.

PGA: Add power to your game with strength and endurance: 13 april

Increasing your strength will add yards to your drives and give you the endurance to finish your round as powerfully as you started. In addition, improved strength can help prevent injuries, especially to the arms, legs and back and also will add power and accuracy to your game.

Theatre.com: Finn, Lapine, Fitzhugh Train for Muscle World Premiere in Chicago, July 2001: 22 mars

In Muscle, the same actor will play the lead role, modeled after Fussell. “The same actor will play the role, which is and isn’t Sam," Finn said. "It’s kind of his story, but changes have been made. When the character grows huge, he will wear a muscle suit.”

The problem with Muscle’s troubled first act is that there was a feeling during the workshops that “nobody could quite understand why he was doing this [bulking up],” Finn said, adding: "To normal theatergoers, it seems kind of grotesque.”

Courier News: Lieutenant muscles his way into competition: 24 mars

Martinez, who helped develop the physical fitness standards for Port Authority recruits and moonlights as a personal trainer, says the key to weightlifting is consistency and dedication.

"You have to be passionate about it. You have to love it," he says.

CHUD.com: Robot Mayor: 7 april

It seems that Arnold Schwarzenegger's aspirations may lie in the realm of politics, according to what he recently told an Austrian newspaper. "It is now almost certain that I will enter politics," the Arnold droned in his monotone delivery.

The Columbus Dispatch: Visiting athletes muscle past local faves: 3 mars

Hometown favorites pulled in the biggest applause, but out-of-towners took home the titles of 2001 Ms. International and Ms. Fitness International last night at Veterans Memorial.

Vickie Gates of Dallas walked away with both the overall trophy and top honors for the heavyweight division in the Ms. International bodybuilding competition.

The Columbus Dispatch: Athletes pumped for Arnold event: 2 mars

It's been 26 years since Arnold Schwarzenegger brought his Arnold Classic, an iron-forged bodybuilding competition, to Columbus.

Since then, the gathering has become the Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness Weekend, adding karate kicks, shouting cheerleaders and other fitness buffs to those who are flexing muscles.

The Telegraph: Brighton woman builds body to prize-winning proportions: 7 april

Lori Dunse said the staff and many members of the JCH Wellness Center played a major role in her receiving two trophies in a recent national bodybuilding competition.

Dunse said support from her family and the Jersey Community Hospital center were huge factors, along with a lot of hard work and commitment, in getting in shape. It was her first bodybuilding competition.

The Kansas City Star: Bodybuilders to compete for `Xtreme Fit' Championship: 10 april

Every bodybuilder registered for the competition will not only be subjected to a urinalysis drug test on Friday night, but will be required to take a polygraph test Saturday morning.

If a subject fails either test, he or she will automatically be banned from North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation competitions for a minimum of seven years.

Thighmasters - Men with great legs:

Most bodybuilders neglect working their legs, concentrating instead on the bodyparts right in front of the mirror. If this neglect is frustrating to you, if you appreciate the sight of the largest muscles in the human body showing off on a bodypart which is nothing but muscle and bone, I welcome you to peruse my little website.

Yahoo! News: Anorexic Men More Depressed, Anxious Than Peers: 13 april

Men who suffer from eating disorders have higher rates of depression, anxiety disorders and alcohol abuse than their peers do, study findings suggest.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Läkemedel i kombination med solljus kan ge skador: 13 april

I kombination med normalt oskadliga doser av ultraviolett eller synligt ljus kan flera vanliga läkemedel ibland som biverkan ge hudskador, till exempel i form av intensiv brännkänsla, eksem och blåsor.

Svensk artikel Norrköpings Tidningar: Dopning också ett drogmissbruk: 13 april

Samtidigt finns det en poäng när Norrköpingspolisen erkänner att man inte har tillräckligt med resurser för att bekämpa dopningen. Dylik brottslighet leder ändå sällan till några hårda straff.

NetDoctor: Cactus cure for obesity: 12 april

A cactus, eaten by members of an extinct African tribe to stave off hunger on hunting trips away from home, could be the basis for a new pill to tackle obesity.

The Scientist: Estrogen Receptors on the Membrane: 15 april

For years, endocrinologists believed that the actions of estrogen and other steroids were confined to the cell's nucleus. By presenting evidence for a plasma membrane estrogen receptor (ER), this paper made the rather unorthodox claim that estrogen also had cell biologic effects that originate in the plasma membrane.

Nutricise: Machine Mechanics: Pulling for a New Workout:

Competitive or not, rowing burns more calories than biking at the same effort. Here's how to get started.

Nutricise: A Man’s World: Power Foods:

In the best of all possible worlds, we'd always have time for healthful, balanced meals. As a result, we'd be lean and mean, full of energy and stocked with the vitamins and minerals we need to live well longer.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Drick sprit – och bli smal ... men bara om du äter fettsnålt: 12 april

Drick alkohol och bli smal. En undersökning av professor Klaas Westerterp visar att alkohol är utmärkt för den som vill bli av med några kilo. - Det sätter fart på förbränningen på ett sätt som vi inte tidigare känt till, säger Westerterp.

ABC News: Critics Say Energy Snacks May Be Mislabeled: 13 april

For the athlete in training or the busy employee who has to skip lunch, energy bars may be a godsend.

National Post Online: Conviction overturned in date-rape drug case: 10 april 

The Ontario Court of Appeal has overturned the conviction of a bodybuilder accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl to whom he had given GHB, the so-called date-rape drug, because of errors made by the trial judge.

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