DN: Stopp för Glukosamin i hälsokostbutiker: 31 mars
Kosttillskottet glukosamin klassificeras som läkemedel. Det beslutade Läkemedelsverket på fredagen och därmed måste all försäljning av preparatet i hälsokostbutiker upphöra.
Dagens Medicin: Läkemedelsverket har stoppat glukosamin: 31 mars
I fredags beslutade Läkemedelsverket att glukosamin ska klassas som läkemedel. Därmed blir det förbjudet att sälja preparat som innehåller substansen i exempelvis hälsokostaffärer.
Hälsokostrådet: Läkemedelsverket stoppar ofarligt hälsomedel: 30 mars
Läkemedelsverket har nu fastlagt att glukosamin ska klassificeras som läkemedel. Detta kommer att drabba över 100.000 svenskar som regelbundet använder hälsomedel med glukosamin för att de mår bra och känner sig hjälpta av det.
Tidigare i webbloggen om glukosamin:
- Expressen: Hälsokostens storsäljare kan stoppas: 18 december
"Livsmedel eller läkemedel? Hälsokostbutikernas storsäljare – glukosamin - ifrågasätts nu av läkemedelsverket."
- Medical Link: Positiva långtidseffekter av glukosaminsulfat för osteoartrit: 1 februari
Jean Reginster med kollegor vid CHU Centre Ville, Liege, Belgien, har utvärderat långtidseffekterna av glukosaminsulfat vid osteoartrit och funnit en 20-25 % förbättring av symtomen.
Regeringskansliet: Artikel av Ulrica Messing - "Skärp kampen mot dopningen", i Sportbladet, Aftonbladet: 8 mars
Flex Magazine: FLEX Weekly Update!: 27 mars
There was consternation among certain pros at the European Pro Championship in Budapest, Hungary, on March 10, when some competitors were led to believe that the contest would have diuretic-testing and others seemed to know it wouldn't. Seems fair that every pro should know off the bat if a contest is to be tested or not, otherwise those in the know have an advantage.
- Anthony & Titus bust-up at Gold's
- Buffing up Oscar
- Was The Real Deal really sick?
- Extra reps...
Dansk Bodybuilding & Fitness Forbunds (DBFF): Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 2001: 28 mars
GP: Nytt lagligt preparat ersätter GHB: 31 mars
I helgen grep polisen tre personer misstänkta för narkotikabrott. Men polisen tvingades släppa dem. Narkotikan var GBL - ett preparat som enkelt kan omvandlas till GHB, men som är fullt lagligt.
MSN: Food Overload: 29 mars
It's not my imagination. The world is trying to make us all fat. It's not as if we're being encouraged to eat our peas and carrots, says Bonnie Liebman, director of nutrition for the Center for Science in the Public Interest. "Unfortunately, we are constantly being pressured to eat unhealthy foods."
The Smoking Gun: United States Patent: Apparatus for exercising the penis:
You'll find these in the corner, next to the Stairmaster. But if someone's waiting for a machine, please be courteous and limit your workout to a few reps.
MSNBC: Exercise burnout: 30 mars
People who regularly push themselves too hard at the gym can be at risk for a host of problems associated with overtraining.
Yahoo! News: Universal Studios Brings Tinseltown to Japan: 31 mars
Thousands braved a cold, light drizzle to get a taste of Hollywood on Saturday when Universal Studios opened its first overseas theme park in the grimy industrial Japanese city of Osaka.
The night before Arnold "The Terminator" Schwarzenegger was there for the Tinseltown opening of the 170 billion yen ($1.38 billion) park that stands on once-contaminated land on Osaka's waterfront.
Arnold at the Universal Studios
Opening Ceremony in Osaka, Japan:
EurekAlert: Providing better playgrounds could improve children's physical activity: 30 mars
Middle-school students are more likely to be physically active if they are given an attractive place to play and are supervised by adults, according to a new study.
MSNBC: Eat all you want, still shed pounds?: 29 mars
It may be possible someday to gorge yourself with rich food and still lose weight — if a technique performed on laboratory mice also works for humans. The key: Blocking an enzyme involved in fat metabolism.
ABC News: No Easy Fix - Weight-Loss Surgery Poses Health Risks: 28 mars
Patsi Parker felt fat and was eager to find a solution. She thought she'd found it when she decided to have her stomach surgically stapled, drastically reducing its size.
Yahoo! News: Scientists Map Path of Eating Disorders in Brain: 30 mars
By mapping neural circuits that lead to the brain's feeding control center, scientists hope to gather clues that might help in the treatment of obesity and eating disorders.
EurekAlert: Scientists repair damage from heart attack using adult bone marrow stem cells in mice: 30 mars
Surprising new research shows it is possible to rebuild heart-attack-damaged hearts with adult stem cells from bone marrow. Scientists demonstrated for the first time that adult stem cells isolated from mouse bone marrow could become functioning heart muscle cells when injected into a damaged mouse heart.
Go here for additional information, including a graphic showing the procedure and high-resolution images of the regenerating cells.
Yahoo! News: Study Ties Girls' Body Weight to Early Puberty: 30 mars
Black and Hispanic girls in the U.S. are significantly more likely than whites and Asian Americans to start puberty at an early age, new research shows. They are also more likely to be overweight--bolstering the belief that the US trends of rising childhood obesity and early puberty are closely linked.
MSNBC: Good news, nut lovers: 30 mars
The latest findings offer one last surprise, and perhaps the best news of all for nut lovers. Despite being high in fat, cashews, almonds, pecans, and other nuts don’t seem to make people fat. When volunteers in the Loma Linda study added a snack of almonds totaling 320 calories a day to their normal diets, for example, their body weight remained the same.
ABC News: Recent Studies Expose Dangers in Chronic Sleep Deprivation: 30 mars
Tens of millions of Americans suffer from a condition that until recently, most health professionals did not take seriously. It can accelerate the aging process, lead to obesity and increase the risk of some diseases. It's garden-variety sleep deprivation and it might be more of a problem than you think.
IMDB: Pamela Anderson Launches Bikini Golf Competition: 30 mars
Pamela Anderson and Michael Bolton are teaming up to launch their first annual bikini golf tournament. The Bikini Golf Open will take place in June - and Anderson's promising there'll be plenty of skimpy swimwear on the greens.
Yahoo! News: Stem Cells May Revolutionize Heart-Attack Therapy: 30 mars
Stem cells from mouse bone marrow turned into functioning heart muscle cells after being injected into a damaged mouse heart, researchers said on Friday, offering hope that doctors soon may be able to reverse damage caused by heart attacks in people.
WholeGrain.com: Dr. Debunko...:
Like a Knight of the Round Table, he fearlessly punctures nutrition myths, deflates nutrition advertizing hype, and sniffs out all-around nutrition misinformation and goofiness! Goodness knows, there's plenty of work for him to do.
- Dr. Debunko skewers Chromium picolinate supplements
- Dr. Debunko dusts the cobwebs off of an old idea (and then throws it on the trash heap) Living enzymes in raw foods are good for us
- Dr. Debunko very thoroughly eschews Athletic Performance Bars
Eating Disorders: Athletes and eating disorders:
Eating disorders continue to be on the rise among athletes, especially those involved in sports that place great emphasis on the athlete to be thin. Sports such as gymnastics, figure skating, dancing and synchronized swimming have a higher percentage of athletes with eating disorders, than sports such as basketball, skiing and volleyball.
Human Kinetics - The Information Leader in Physical Activity
Aktuelt: Man bliver ikke tyk af sund mad: 30 mars
Hun holder af god mad, men hader kogt rosenkål. Diætist Gerda Rerup har udviklet Danmarks største samling af fedtfattige opskrifter. Den findes fra i dag på Aktuelts hjemmeside på internettet.
NetDoktor: Motionsforum: 30 mars
Der skal samles viden og information om motions betydning for helbredet, debatten skal styrkes og lokale initiativer sættes i gang af Forum for Motion. Det er en uafhængig og sagkyndig gruppe udpeget af sundhedsminister Arne Rolighed (S).
Nettavisen: Spis mer - gå ned i vekt: 30 mars
Ifølge ny forskning er det snart mulig å styre menneskets fettforbrenning. Det betyr at du kan gå ned i vekt uten å svette eller sulte.
BBC News: Tamoxifen side-effects 'over-stated': 30 mars
Long-term use of the anti-cancer drug tamoxifen does not reduce sex drive, or affect mood in the way that some patients had feared, say doctors.
GP: Skridskovärlden i uppror: 29 mars
Skridskovärlden gör uppror mot att en livstidsavstängd ryska, Svetlana Fedotkina, har fått klartecken för att delta vid OS i Salt Lake City. Och det är en svensk, sprintern Magnus Enfeldt, som leder protestaktionen.
Aftonbladet: Utmanare skadad av Hero: 30 mars
Dramatik i kvällens Gladiatorerna I kvällens avsnitt av Gladiatorerna blir det dramatiskt. Utmanaren Leif Hansen får 100 kilo tunga Hero över foten och skadas allvarligt, skriver TV4 interaktiv.
Life Extension Foundation: Exercise Enhancement and Risk Avoidance, by Will Brink:
Despite mountains of data documenting the benefits of safe exercise, the public is largely ignorant of the molecular effects that overexertion places on the body in the short and long-term.
This protocol will enlighten the physically active enthusiast about how to enhance the effects of exercise, protect against its negative effects, and increase energy levels so that longer workout periods are possible.
Vancouver Sun: Burly, not girly: 30 mars
Russell Crowe's Oscar victory signals an end to the reign of pretty boys in Hollywood and the ascendancy of the old-fashioned macho man.
"It took millions and millions of years for our species to evolve, so it shouldn't be all that surprising to see these typically alpha-male characteristics - traits that are generally associated with high testosterone levels - to be considered desirable in times of uncertainty. It's part of our survival programming," says Catherine Salmon, a post-doctoral fellow in psychology at Simon Fraser University. (Via MetaMuscle)
ExRx: Lou Ferrigno: Sports Psychology Interview: 9 april 1994
After a standing ovation of over 1200 screaming fans and four eye boggling encores later, I was able to interview Lou during a limousine ride back to the Kansas City International Airport.
SF Gate: Energy Crisis Dogs State Democrats Conventioneers likely to discuss Davis' troubles: 30 mars
Republicans are feeling better than they have in years.
"I'm loving every second of (Davis' troubles)," said a high-level GOP operative, who didn't want to be quoted by name. "It gives us a light at the end of the tunnel."
What Republicans don't have is a slam-dunk candidate for governor. Jones starts with less than $120,000 for his campaign, and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and wealthy businessman Bill Simon are longshots.
The Fitness Talent Network provides direct access for the Fitness Industry and Top Fitness Talent everywhere to work directly through this Network.
Dalademokraten: Gladiator besöker Älvdalsskola: 30 mars
Innan april månad är slut har en riktig gladiator besökt Älvdalen. Närmare bestämt Älvdalsskolan och eleverna i klass 8B. På onsdagskvällen stod det nämligen klart att klassen hade vunnit ett besök av en gladiator från TV4:s populära program. Detta tack vare en tävling på kanalens hemsida.
Yahoo! News: Gene Variations Affect How Body Breaks Down Drugs: 29 mars
Researchers have uncovered more clues as to why some people have an easier time processing and removing drugs from their bodies compared to others.
Yahoo! News: Foundation Studies Teen Sports: 29 mars
Athletic participation among teen-agers can have both positive and negative health implications, with highly involved females being at greatest risk, according to a study by the Women's Sports Foundation.
Cnet.com: Chemical cocktails on the Web: 30 mars
The United States placed GHB under regulation in 1990 and banned it in March 2000. But the Internet now seems to have become the main promotional vehicle for a related drug that in some ways, is even more dangerous. It's called BD, short for its chemical name, 1,4-butanediol or butylene glycol.
Unbelievably, BD is being falsely pushed as a harmless relaxant or bodybuilding aid. In reality, BD is converted by the body into pure and deadly GHB.
Aftenposten: Innfører moms for treningsstudioer likevel: 29 mars
Finansminister Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen foreslår likevel å innføre moms på treningsstudioer. Men kronisk syke slipper moms. De som trener på treningsstudioer som SATS må regne med å betale 1000 kroner mer som følge av moms.
Nettavisen: Foreslår likevel moms på trening: 30 mars
Finansminister Karl-Eirik Schjøtt Pedersen foreslår likevel moms for treningsstudioer, til tross for at stortingsflertallet er imot.
Stavanger Aftenblad: NIF foreslår seks måneders straff for Aanes: 30 mars
Domsutvalget i Norges Idrettsforbund kom fredag med innstilling om seks måneders utestengelse for bryteren Fritz Aanes.
Tidigare i webbloggen om Fritz Aanes:
- Avisa: Lokes Fritz Aanes fast för dopning: 1 oktober 2000
"Lokes norske brottare Fritz Aanes idrottsliv kan vara lagt i ruiner. Lokebrottaren har testats positivt på nandrolon efter bronsmatchen i OS. - Jag har inte tagit några dopningmedel. Jag har ätit ett kosttillskott som jag fått av Lokes kostexpert, säger Fritz på IOK:s presskonferens i Sydney under söndagen. Fritz riskerar avstängning i två år om även B-provet visar positivt."
- Arbetarbladet: Norske landslagsläkaren förnekar godkännande: 2 oktober 2000
"Fritz Aanes hävdar att han fått kosttillskottet Pyruvat 500 godkänt av den norske läkaren Tor-Öistein Endsjö under ett träningsläger i Australien. Det förnekas nu av Endsjö."
- Aftenposten: Gikk ikke god for innholdet: 2 oktober 2000
"Det sier lege Thor-Øystein Endsjø, som har fått sterk kritikk av toppidrettssjef Bjørge Stensbøl fordi han ikke fjernet den boksen med kosttilskudd som Fritz Aanes har benyttet, og som bryteren mener må være årsaken til den positive dopingprøven."
- Expressen: Svensk tränare anklagad i dopingskandal:
"Den norske brottaren Fritz Aanes har åkt fast för doping. Och skyller på – Anders Lindqvist i Gävle. – Jag blev närmast chockad när jag hörde det här, säger den svenske brottningstränaren till OS2000.
Substansen som spårats i urinen heter 19-nor-androstenon och tillhör nandrolonfamiljen. Fritz Aanes hävdar att han fått i sig substansen genom kosttillskottet Pyruvat. Ett kosttillskott som Anders Lindqvist gett till honom. -Han (Anders Lindqvist) menade att om jag åt medlet så skulle jag få det lättare att gå ned i vikt, säger Fritz Aanes till nyhetsbyrån NTB."
- Arbetarbladet: Dopningsexpert: Ingen kontrollerar preparaten: 2 oktober 2000
"Lokebrottaren Fritz Aanes skyller sitt positiva dopningsprov i OS på kosttillskott. Hälsokost är en miljardindustri, men vem kontrollerar vad som finns i burkarna? - Kontrollerna är obefintliga. Man ska vara oerhört försiktig och jag rekommenderar ingen att använda preparaten, säger Mats Garle, chef på dopningslaboratoriet på Huddinge sjukhus.
- Ekstra Bladet: Kosttilskuddet var skurken: 20 oktober
"Meget tyder på, at den norske bryder Fritz Aanes, der under OL i Sydney fik taget en positiv dopingprøve, fik det forbudte stof nandrolon i blodet efter indtagelse af kosttilskuddet Pyruvate."
- Fremover: Fritz gråt av glede: 21 oktober 2000
"Det ble en beveget telefonsamtale mellom Are Johnsen og Fritz Aanes i går ettermiddag, da svaret fra laboratoriet som hadde analysert kosttilskuddet Pyrovate, kom. – Du er fullstendig renvasket, Fritz, meldte hans advokat og medhjelper etter at Köln-laboratoriet kunne rapportere om nandrolon-funn i kosttilskuddet."
- Aftenposten: NIF-generalsekretær Ivar Egeberg frykter PR'en kosttilskudd har fått: 6 november 2000
"Vi har en viktig jobb å gjøre når vi skal informere norsk ungdom om kosthold. Jeg er redd for den PR kosttilskudd har fått.
Det sier generalsekretær i Norges Idrettsforbund, Ivar Egeberg. Han vil styrke NIFs informasjonsside etter den siste månedens dopingdebatt i kjølvannet av kostholdstilskudd-fadesene til Stian Grimseth og Fritz Aanes i OL."
- Aftenposten: Aanes og Grimseth kan slippe straff: 27 november
"Hvis Stian Grimseth og Fritz Aanes gjennom en feil hos produsenten har fått i seg forbudte stoffer, er det ikke opplagt at alt ansvar hviler på dem."
- Arbetarbladet: Två år - domen står fast. Aanes advokat Are Johnsen: Det är ett rent justitiemord: 26 november 2000
"Fritz Aanes fick ingen strafflindring av Internationella brottningsförbundet, FILA. Dopningsavstängningen på två år står fast. - Det är ett justitiemord. Bara en av FILA-representanterna hade satt sig in i saken, dundrar Are Johnsen, Fritz advokat, som nu tänker driva ärendet vidare."
- Arbetarbladet: Fritz Aanes kämpar vidare: 9 december 2000
"30 miljoner kronor. Det är summan som Fritz Aanes tillsammans med sin advokat kommer att stämma det amerikanska företaget som tillverkat det kosttillskott som Fritz tog innan OS och som fick honom fälld för dopning."
- Gefle Dagblad: Fritz stämmer företag på 30 miljoner: 9 december
"Gävles norske dopingavstängde brottare Fritz Aanes har bestämt sig för att kräva ett amerikanskt företag på 30 miljoner kronor. Företaget tillverkar kosttillskottet Pyuruvat som Aanes använde inför OS i Sydney för att gå ner i vikt. Det som visade sig innehålla spår av det förbjudna preparatet nandrolon. Aanes fråntogs sin fjärdeplats och skickades hem från OS."
Slitz: Arne Ljungquist: Maj 2000
Han är höjdhopparen som blev professor och tog plats i världsidrottens maktelit. Men främst är han idealisten som under 30 år fört en enveten kamp mot dopingen – och avslöjade Ben Johnson. Han heter Arne Ljungqvist.
Adressavisen: Anoreksi rammer også voksne: 30 mars
Både 40- og 50-åringer må behandles mot anoreksi, bulimi eller tvangspising. Flere utvikler spiseforstyrrelser i voksen alder.
About Sports Medicine:
Why Does My Shoulder Hurt?:
The most mobile joint in the body, and also the most unstable, the shoulder is easily injured. If you are among the millions seeking medical care each year for shoulder pain, you should read this.
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis):
It's not cold - it's frozen. With a frozen shoulder, the joint becomes so tight and stiff that it is nearly impossible to carry out simple movements, such as raising the arm. What causes this injury?
Tendinitis, Bursitis, and Impingement Syndrome:
Three relatied injuries that often occur together, tendinitis, bursitis, and impingement syndrome are chronic injuries of the shoulder. Can you prevent future problems?
Shoulder Separation:
When the ligaments that hold the shoulder joint together are partially or completely torn, the result is often a painful separation. How do physicians treat this injury?
Torn Rotator Cuff:
Pain or weakness on outward or inward rotation of the arm may indicate a tear in a rotator cuff tendon. But what should you do about it?
Why Does My Knee Hurt?:
Wondering what is causing that nagging knee pain? How can you tell if it is serious, or just an aggrvation? Check out the Knee Injury Index and find out once and for all, what's behind your knee pain.
Shawn Ray: Don't believe the HYPE: 29 mars
Remember a guy named the Mighty Quinn? Or how about the Blonde Myth? What about the Zukester? Better yet, how about Phil "The Thrill" Hill?
Now remember, I am not bashing these guys, just making notice of the fact that when they came out all the HYPE had them winning this and that but reality served up a different cup of Tea. The Tank, Quadzilla and many more are all USA and National Champions however, the media and or their mouths Hyped these guy's up to be more than they could deliver.
Craz-zy Gym:
Craz-zy gym är ett av Stockholms bäst utrustade gym. Vi har ett stort utbud av fria vikter och specialbyggda träningsmaskiner. För dej som är seriös med din träning är Craz-zy gym helt rätt. Du kan få hjälp med din träning och personliga kostprogram av erfaren personal.
The Age: Scientists shatter New Age belief in crystal power: 30 mars
Scientists may have shattered one of the fundamental beliefs of the New Age movement: that dangling a crystal around the neck raises personal energy levels and lifts the spirit.
A study has shown that the sensations reported by believers in crystals - such as tingling, warmth and feelings of wellbeing - come instead from the power of suggestion, the British Psychological Society has been told.
Financial Times: PC owners' aid sought to find anti-cancer drugs: 30 mars
I tradition med att länka tusentals datorer för att leta utomjordingar, knäcka koder, räkna ut siffror i Pi, hitta ett botemedel mot cancer, simulera immunsystemets respons på influensavaccinering och många fler projekt...
Personal computer owners will be invited next week to join the search for cancer drugs. A project based at Oxford University is aiming to harness the capacity of hundreds of thousands of PCs to form a virtual supercomputer that will screen 250m chemicals for their anti-cancer activity.
Saltå Kvarn:
Sedan starten 1964 har Saltå Kvarn stått för biodynamiskt odlade produkter av högsta möjliga kvalitet och med stort näringsvärde.
The Sport Journal: A Review of Economic Impact Study on Sport Events:
Although many previous studies have contributed to economic the impact research of sport and/or recreational events, most studies are based upon the researchers' personal perception and arguable methodology.
The purpose of this study was to review previous economic impact studies and to develop strategies for conducting an economic impact study.
Yahoo! Finance: Weider Announces Timing of Third Quarter Fiscal: 29 mars
Weider Nutrition will host an earnings conference call on Thursday, April 12, featuring remarks by Bruce Wood, chief executive officer and president, and Joseph Baty, executive vice president and CFO, followed by a live question and answer session. The conference call will be broadcast live over the Internet at www.weider.com or www.streetevents.com.
Nutrinews: The glycemic index: why everyone's talking about it:
Easy-to-use carb-ranking tool promises to boost energy, help lose weight, stabilize blood sugar and reduce heart disease risk.
Dagen: Drogberoende behandlas med sockerfri mat: 28 mars
Sockerkänslighet kan ligga till grund för utvecklandet av drogberoende, visar ny forskning. Studier vid Cenaps-center i Chicago visade att två tredjedelar av missbrukarna blev friska när behandlingen kombinerades med sockerfri kost.
Genetic Evolutionary Nutrition: Girls of Fitness:
- Fitness America Pageant
- Monica Brandt Interview
- Danielle Nagel Interview
- Cie Allman Profile
- Torrie Wilson Interview
- Trish Stratus Profile
- Jennifer Goodwin Profile
- Melany Patika Profile
- Meredith Lord Profile
The Carotenoids Page:
Carotenoids are important factors in human health. The essential role of beta-carotene and others as the main dietary source of vitamin A has been known for many years.
International Carotenoid Society
ABC News: Weight Loss, Body Building Ephedra Can Be Deadly: 6 november 2000
Ephedra, an herbal stimulant used by millions of Americans for bodybuilding and weight loss, can cause catastrophic complications, including heart attacks, stroke, seizures and death, researchers say.
ABC News: Since Recent Deaths, the FDA Is Studying Dangers of Ephedra: 17 april 2000
The 38-year-old California man gulped his usual two capsules of the herbal supplement ephedra with a cup of coffee, then went on his daily jog. Later that morning, he dropped dead from cardiac arrest.
ABC News: Ephedra’s Effects Regulators, Manufacturers Debate Herbal Supplement: 8 augusti 2000
U.S. regulators are meeting today with the manufacturers of ephedra to determine whether the over-the-counter herbal supplement is safe to use as a weight-loss drug, and whether it can affect the heart.
ABC News: Herb Picks Up Fen-Phen Slack - Diet on the Wort: 17 oktober 1997
For years, German doctors have prescribed an herb called St. John's wort to lift sagging spirits. Now millions of Americans have started using it to lift drooping bellies and backsides as well.
ABC News: Report: Ecstasy and Steroid Use Rising Among Teens: 4 januari
President Clinton praised recent signs of progress in curbing drug use today but bemoaned the fact that “drugs continue to exact a tremendous toll” on young people dabbling in steroids and club drugs such as ecstasy.
ABC News: Testosterone in a Tube: 6 juni 2000
AndroGel is testosterone in a clear gel-like form that comes in a tube or small packets. It’s applied in small amounts to the arms and shoulders, where it is released into the bloodstream.
Dagens Medicin: Ändrat fettintag gav effekt på lång sikt: 30 mars
Att minska fettmängden i den kost vi äter ger effekt på risken att dö i hjärtkärlsjukdom först på lång sikt. Det framgår av en metaanalys som publiceras i det nya numret av British Medical Journal.
McSpotlight: Fast-Food Nation: The True Cost Of America's Diet: 3 september 1998
After four decades, our obsession with fast, cheap food has transformed our towns and flooded the labor market with low-paying, dead-end jobs. Is this a healthy menu?
Olean Brand Olestra:
Get the facts about Olean brand olestra, the no-fat cooking oil with the full-fat flavor! Here you'll find the specific information you're looking for about olestra and your favorite snacks.
Food additives guide:
Food additives are ingredients added to substances (like foods, cosmetics, packaging materials etc.) for the purpose of altering its characteristics (stability, flavour, cost, performance, etc.).
The additives shown in the pages linked on left side are studied and interpreted carefully. It is important to go to using of harmless things for a healthy life. Use this research to select your foods and send to people you know, to increase of conscious consumers.
VERIS Research Information Service: Vitamin E Online Fact Book:
Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant nutrient that is receiving considerable public attention. Interest in vitamin E is high because new scientific data suggest optimal intake can help delay or prevent the onset of cancer, atherosclerosis, cataracts and other major diseases.
Just-food.com: EU planned BSE lies to protect beef industry: 30 mars
The European Union’s Standing Veterinary Committee planned a deliberate disinformation campaign about BSE in order to protect the beef market. That has for the first time been proved by secret documents obtained by the Foodwire.net news agency.
TV4: Gladiatorerna: 100 kilo Hero satte stopp för finaldrömmen: 30 mars
I kvällens Gladiatorerna blir det stor dramatik. Utmanaren Leif Hansen tvingas bryta redan i första grenen attackboll. Just efter att han startat får han 100 kilo Hero över foten: - Foten håller inte för en sådan belastning, säger Lennart Gedin, Gladiatorernas kiropraktor.
TV4: Gladiatorerna: ''Plexus är speciell och snygg''
På fredagen besökte gladiatorn Plexus klass 8a på Djurgårdsskolan i Eskilstuna. De hade vunnit honom som första pris i tävlingen Vinn en gladiator.
Best of Low Carbs:
Evidence-based low carb dieting. Information, support, and advice.
The NOTMILK Homepage! (MILK is a bad-news substance!):
MILK is a deadly poison. Each sip contains growth hormones, fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, blood, pus, antibiotic, bacteria and virus.
Omega-3 Enriched Eggs:
Canadian consumers are finding more variety in the egg section of their grocery store. Sold under a number of different brand names, omega-3 enriched eggs are on the market in various parts of the country.
These eggs are the same as the "classic" egg we all know except they contain higher levels of the polyunsaturated fatty acid called omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids are more commonly found in fish and fish oils as well as canola oil, soybeans and flaxseed.
Thorne Abstract Listing: L-Glutamine: 28 maj 1996
- Glutamine: a conditionally essential nutrient or another nutritional puzzle
- Intestinal fuels: glutamine, short-chain fatty acids, and dietary fiber
- Safety of glutamine-enriched parenteral nutrient solutions in humans
- Antidepressive properties of L-glutamine. Preliminary report
- Glutamine-enriched diets support muscle glutamine metabolism without stimulating tumor growth
The Times: Low-fat diet 'not key to a long life': 30 mars
Cutting down on fats has little effect on the chance of dying within a given time — although it may make a heart attack a little less likely.
Avida: Sällskap sökes!:
Alingsås. Ödeshög, Stockholm, Göteborg... Folk landet runt söker träningskompisar.
Gymmix Sportsclub: En Introduktion i näringslära
Cyberdiet: Vitamins and Minerals:
Metabolic Database:
The metabolic component of SoyBase, a soybean genetic database, contains reaction and pathway descriptions and diagrams for a number of basic metabolic pathways. Soybase is an ACEDB database; the metabolic data has been made available on the Web via a translation program that is still under development, and has some bugs.
ASCA Online: Swimmer’s Shoulder: 2 december 2000
"Swimmer’s shoulder" is the term most commonly used to refer to the triad of over-use injuries which affect the anterior capsule (front) of the shoulder. The problem develops one of three ways or a combination of the three - improper technique related to a strength/laxity imbalance, too rapidly increasing volume, or too rapidly increasing intensity.
ENN: Prescription: Look at a landscape and call me in the morning: 27 mars
An Emory University professor believes that spending time in a natural environment may have positive health effects and could help prevent and treat illnesses.
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