B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 10 2001
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Födelsedagar vecka 10

5/3 Alq Gurley
6/3 Laura Binetti
6/3 Alan Bergström
8/3 Lee Labrada
9/3 Amy Lynn
10/3 Ove Rytter
11/3 Emma Melin

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Lördag/söndag 10/11 mars

Svensk artikel Västerbottens-Kuriren: Muskelmän mätte krafter: 11 mars

"På lördagen genomfördes en tävling i athletic fitness på Iksu i Umeå. De enda tävlingar som finns i landet är annars SM och kvalet till SM. Bägge går av stapeln i Lund och det är alldeles för dåligt tyckte Rookie Westin som både arrangerade och deltog i tävlingen."

SumoPages - weight training, strength training, armwrestling:

SumoPages is a website devoted to strength training.

Flex Wheeler's Team Flex Online: 7 mars

Welcome! Thank you for visiting! I’m very excited about the new website! I’m excited because I think they way we’re doing it is so different from any other typical physical fitness or celebrity website – BIG TIME! And, teamflex.com is not limited to just bodybuilding, either.

One of the biggest reasons for starting the website is I can be true to myself. I can be myself and not worry about a writer changing and tainting what I say. I refuse to be censored by any magazine any longer! I can give my insights and philosophy where maybe a magazine didn’t much care about those things.

Flex Magazine: FLEX Weekly Update: 10 mars

In a stunning upset last night in Budapest, Hungary, Dennis James won his first pro contest, defeating 2001 Ironman Champ Chris Cormier. D.J., who had finished third behind the Real Deal at the Arnold Classic last Saturday, vanquished a stricken Cormier, who took the stage despite suffering from the flu.

MetaMuscle: Flex Wheeler Officially Retired: 10 mars

"At the IFBB European Pro Cahmionships (March 10, Budapest, Hungary) Flex Wheeler officially announced that he had retired two weeks ago. He's just a guest at the event in Hungary."

Arnolds Number 1 Fan

Bodybuilding Teens:

Bodybuilding as a sport is not very popular in Germany. Everybody goes to the gym, but nobody wants to be a bodybuilder. With this page, I want to motivate young people to become interested in this sport, to show off for others and to see the progress of others.

DJ Wallis

PowerDen - Powerlifting, Strongman, Strength Training

Julie Scanlon - World Champion Powerlifter & Personal Trainer

BBPics Photography: Your adventure in photography starts here:

My name is John and I am based in the northeastern US. I have been doing photography work for 23 years - landscapes, seascapes, travel photography, portrait work, and now male bodybuilding, fitness, & lifestyle photography.


Dance fitness is not a new concept, yet it is not available at most fitness institutions. By including street dance, funk/jazz fusion, and hip-hop on the web, we hope to expose the masses to this spiritual form of exercise. We hope you will join us in our endeavor; to have the others join in the excitement of moving with the rhythm; and to experience total mind and body deliverance through Dance Fitness.

Virtual Fit Trainer:

Welcome to a site dedicated to health and fitness. The focus is on home fitness programs including exercise videos. You will find tips on various aspects of exercise, nutrition, and motivation that will help you get into great shape!

Strength and Power Digest - The Home of Powerful Workouts:

This site is dedicated to providing you with the most useful workout information available. The purpose of this site is to provide a free and open exchange regarding workouts, supplements, equipment, etc.

Priscilla's Powerlifting Web Site!

My profile, meet results, pictures, training workout, other powerlifting links, info on other Northwest lifters

Svensk artikel Hero Heaven:

Välkomna till min sida om Gladiatorn Hero. Här hittar du bilder, info och allt du vill hitta!

Svensk artikel www.gladiatornplexus.com

Medscape: Green Tea Consumption Enhances Plasma Antioxidant Capacity: 17 augusti 2000

Drinking as little as 300 mL (10 oz) of green tea significantly increases the total antioxidant capacity of plasma, according to a report in the July issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Bill Dobbins: Arnold Weekend 2001 Results and Reports:

  • The Arnold Weekend: An Overview
  • 2001 Ms. International - Contest Report
  • The Fitness International: Contest Report

Powerdivas.com, Beauty, Strength, Style:

Powerdivas.com is the premiere website for fans of beautiful female bodybuilders and all powerful women.

IMDB: Darth Vader Goes Home: 8 mars

Darth Vader actor David Prowse has been released from the hospital after being struck down by a paralyzing mystery illness two weeks ago. The former champion bodybuilder was hospitalized after losing the use of his right arm - but is now raring to get to a Canadian Star Wars convention in May.

IMDB: No Carnival Fun For Schwarzenegger: 8 mars

Hollywood hardman Arnold Schwarzenegger has been banned from the carnival festivities in Rio De Janeiro - after refusing to wear a T-shirt. When Arnold and wife Maria Shriver tried to enter a VIP section at the famous Brazilian carnival last month, a bouncer stopped them because he was not wearing the required Ambev beer sponsored T-shirt. The muscly actor said he had been happy to wear the shirt - but it was too small.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Dopingläkarna måste tydligt fördömas: 6 mars

LEDARE: Med de senaste veckornas dopingskandaler i Finland har idrotten allvarligt skadat sig själv. I skamvrån står nu flera mycket framgångsrika skidåkare, däribland Mika Myllälä och Harri Kirvesniemi, som ertappats med så kallat hemohes, i syfte att dölja otillåten bloddoping.

Svensk artikel SVD: Professor vill förbjuda "oetiska" höghöjdshus: 24 februari

Höghöjdshusen kan snart vara förbjudna. Alltfler menar nämligen att användandet av höghöjdshus ska jämställas med bloddoping. - Dopingreglerna utgår från att man inte ska manipulera för att förbättra sina resultat och det gör man i höghöjdshus, säger professor Bengt Eriksson som sitter i Riksidrottsförbundets (RF) dopingkommision.

Svensk artikel SVD: Höghöjdshus accepteras: 2 mars

Svensk idrott öppnar dörren till de omdiskuterade höghöjdshusen. Efter att under sju år ha varit motståndare till träning i höghöjdshus ändrar nämligen Riks-idrottsstyrelsen (RS) nu uppfattning.

Vad har fått er att ändra uppfattning? - Det tyngsta skälet är att det inte framkommit något som tyder på att metoden är farlig. För sju år sedan var det hela nytt, man visste inte om det fanns några hälsorisker förknippade med det här och med den osäkerheten kunde vi inte acceptera metoden.

Svensk artikel SVD: Gröna vågen i matdiskarna: 2 mars

Livsmedelsbranschen märker ett växande intresse för vegetariska alternativ. Svenska Nutana, som sålt vegetariska produkter i 30 år, noterade all-time-high i januari.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Dålig självkänsla bakom anorexi: 2 mars

Unga kvinnor som har dålig självkänsla, oroar sig mycket för sin vikt och figur och som helst försöker att undvika att ta itu med problem som dyker upp i livet löper ökad risk att utveckla någon allvarlig ätstörning.

Salon: Delayed reaction: 7 mars

Ken Baker talks about how almost being a woman for more than 20 years is making him a better man now. At the peak of his illness, says Baker, his prolactin levels were 150 times that of a normal man and eight times that of a nursing mother. And his testosterone levels were drastically suppressed.

Toledo Blade: Fitness is new routine for pregnant pachyderm: 9 mars

Rafiki, 4 months pregnant, works up a sweat daily through leg lifts, stretches, and walks guided by Don RedFox, the zoo’s elephant manager. Elephant aerobics are a daily event at the Toledo Zoo now that veterinarians are sure Rafiki is expecting.

The Hindu: WFI squabbles put lifters in a fix: 7 mars

Internal squabbles in the Weightlifting Federation of India (WFI) may mar India's chances of any medal at major international competitions this year. The lifters have been out of action since the National championships in January following the Sports Authority of India's refusal to sanction the necessary camps.

ScienceDaily: Researchers Turn Fat Cells Into Cartilage: 9 mars

Researchers from Duke University Medical Center report taking what they believe is the first important step toward creating functional cartilage from a virtually limitless source -- human fat.

ScienceDaily: Scientists Discover Memory-Enhancing Switch: 9 mars

Scientists have genetically engineered mice with enhanced memory that persists until researchers switch it off by removing a drug that controls a gene that encodes a key memory-governing enzyme. With enhanced memory, the mice perform better on memory tests and then revert to normal when the drug is removed.

MSNBC: A Good Night's Sleep - Respect Your Body's Need For Sleep: 9 mars

Stress frequently disrupts sleep in many women. This is because stress can affect the arousal/wake system, the neuronal centers in our brain that control whether we are awake or asleep.

MSNBC: Building a healthy lifestyle: 9 mars

You can’t build a healthy lifestyle over night just because you suddenly realize it’s a good idea. Good habits are not something you buy like a new pair of shoes. Rather, a healthy lifestyle is something you plan for and create gradually.

At New York: E-books: The Internet's Latest Premature Undertaking?: 2 mars

Despite the expectation that the e-book space will not mature for at least two to five years, every major New York book publisher is building an e-book division or cutting deals to safeguard their brand.

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Nyttigt med extrem kyla: 5 mars

Forskare i Finland har gjort goda erfarenheter av hur extrem kyla kan hjälpa mot ledinflammationer och smärtor.

Att bada i isvak är en barnlek jämfört med den extrema kyla som används i den medicinska behandlingen. Patienten vistas i en till tre minuter i ett rum där temperaturen är 110 minusgrader.

Svensk artikel DN: Svenska folket misstror svenska idrottare: 10 mars

Mer än hälften av svenska folket - 55 procent - tror att svenska elitidrottare dopar sig. Det blev svaret på den Sifo-fråga som TT låtit ställa.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Sifo: 55 procent tror att svenska elitidrottare dopar sig: 9 mars

Mer än hälften av svenska folket - 55 procent - tror att svenska elitidrottare dopar sig. Det blev svaret på den Sifo-fråga som TT låtit ställa. Pernilla Wiberg och Per Elofsson kommenterar folkets dom.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Peter Siepen skadad av ”Gladiatorerna”: 9 mars

I kväll utmanar kändisar TV4:s gladiatorer. Programledaren Peter Siepen är en av dem och han åker på mycket stryk. - Jag var som ett jävla kolli när jag åkte därifrån. Jag kunde nästan inte röra mig.

POWERLIFTING with a Techno-Jungle twist!: The Training Collective:

Day to day log of training schedule. Includes an overview of the current training routine. No promises that I will stick to it as written throughout the training cycle.

Cyberdiet: Diet Preservers:

Fact is, that no one has to do anything that has worked for someone else in order to lose weight. All we can do is what works for us. We all know that there are certain guidelines that we should follow in order to reduce our weight.

The issue here is that those guidelines are set individually. What works for me, may not work for you. What works for you may not work for the next person. The only thing that works, is working your OWN program - the one you have set for yourself.

HealthSurfing: Exercise Attitudes: New study shows people judge others based on exercise: 9 februari

New research indicates that people consider exercisers smart, confident, and hard working. Non-exercisers are considered scrawny, less smart, and less friendly. While image doesn't always match reality, stereotypes about health and fitness tend to reflect some truths. Scores of studies show that exercisers tend to be less depressed and more confident.

USA Today: Martial arts to create new breed of Marines: 8 mars

Eastern spiritualism meets Western macho. It's a novel idea, at least for the Marine Corps, which this spring will begin requiring every American leatherneck to learn Asian martial arts — a first for the U.S. military. The objective is to meld the physical and mental discipline of martial arts with the hand-to-hand combat skills the Corps has long emphasized.

Svensk artikel Lumpen:

Lumpen.nu är en ny mötesplats för unga som ska mönstra och rycka in. Där finns fakta om lumpen, där kan man ställa frågor direkt till förband och skolor och där kan unga möta unga och lära av varandra. – Jag tycker att vi lyckats få till den interaktivitet som mediet ger utrymme för, säger Ann Elgemark, Pliktverket, som ansvarat för utvecklingen av den nya sajten.

FitnessLink: Getting an "Aberciser" Workout With No Equipment At All:

Every time you turn around there's a "new scientific discovery" which promises to develop a tight mid-section in less and less time (read: scam). I'm here to tell you that you can get an awesome ab workout without surrendering your credit card to an infomercial in a weak moment.

FitnessLink: How to choose the right cardiovascular workout for your fitness goals:

How do you choose the right cardiovascular workout to achieve your objective? Whether you are training for weight loss, endurance, definition, or muscle-building, we can help you determine what aerobic activity will be most effective.

Financial Times: Curing cancer with clover: 4 mars

While the jungles of South America are being scoured for botanical cures for cancer by teams of European scientists, the search for practical uses for indigenous UK plants is being led by a Brazilian on the west coast of Wales.

ABC News: Image-Conscious Girl Scouts Study: Dieting Is A Concern Among 10-year-old Scouts: 8 mars

Even among Girl Scouts, a group with a strong reputation for fostering self-esteem, a preoccupation with being thin is common.

SGMA: Outlook Remains Sunny for the Fitness Movement: 9 mars

Like ol' Man River, the fitness equipment industry seems to just keep rolling along. Sales gains at the end of the 1990s were not in the same league with the robust figures posted earlier in the decade, but remained steadily in the mid-single digits.

According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA), fitness manufacturers' sales increased 6% in 2000 and will climb about an equal amount in 2001, barring a serious economic downturn.

Dennis James - IFBB Pro: 9 mars

"Thank you to everyone for signing my guest book, and all the emails that you have sent wishing me all the best at last weekends Arnold Classic, where I placed 3rd and the upcoming Hungarian and Australian Grand Prixs."

LA Times: Schwarzenegger Candidacy Called Still Possible: 8 mars

Less than a day after taking him out of the race for California governor, a Hollywood publicist put Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the speculative mix Wednesday by saying the actor's mind "is not made up."

"He doesn't want anyone drawing conclusions he is running. He doesn't want anyone to draw the conclusion he is not running," said spokeswoman Jill Eisenstadt.

Opinionjournal: Terminated: 8 mars

Schwarzenegger ends his campaign before it starts. That's good news for Gray Davis.

Time: Talent May Run in the Blood: 19 juni 2000 

If you were to draw, in a non-scientific way, a line down the center of Africa you would find that athletes who excel in the explosive events - 100-m to 400-m sprints, hurdles, long jump - come from west of the meridian while endurance athletes - marathoners, 1,500-m to 10,000-m runners, steeplechasers - are born to the east.

UMIST Sports: Kenya's Running Tribe:

This article is about a tribe in Kenya that has a remarkable faculty for turning out world class distance runners. The people are called the Kalenjin. Over the past 10 years, athletes from this small tribe have won close to 40% of all the biggest international honors available in men's distance running.

San Francisco Chronicle: Arnold's Incredible Expanding Acreage: 7 mars

While other husbands were buying roses for their wives on Valentine's Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger was buying his wife, Maria Shriver, a neighbor's home to add to their Pacific Palisades compound. Escrow on the $3.2 million home closed Feb. 14.

San Francisco Chronicle: Out-of-Competition Drug Tests Don't Account for Marijuana: 8 mars

What the USOC is concerned with in out-of-competition testing are anabolic steroids and related masking agents. Marijuana (as well as cocaine, ephedrine and pickled bats' wings) does not fall under the purview of out-of-competition testing. However, at the Olympic Games themselves, athletes are subjected to the whole laundry list of substances banned by the International Olympic Committee.

The Salt Lake Tribune: NHL Agrees to Random Drug Tests for Olympic Players: 8 mars

The NHL is willing to have players named to Olympic hockey teams undergo random drug testing before the 2002 Winter Games in Utah, as long as a single group handles the tests.

ESPN: NHL, players' association insist on uniform testing: 7 mars

The NHL and its players' association insisted Wednesday on a uniform drug-testing policy for professional hockey players from all nations who play on Olympic teams.

EurekAlert: Scientists selectively activate "cell rescue" pathway in bone cells: 8 mars

By manipulating how sex steroids are processed in bone-building cells, it may be possible to increase the survival of these cells without causing many of the complications associated with hormone replacement therapy.

The finding, published in the March 9, 2001 issue of Cell, could have important implications for the development of new drugs to prevent or treat osteoporosis in both women and men.

LA Times: Few Actors Succeed on Political Stage: 9 mars

Schwarzenegger will face a host of obstacles if he runs for governor. The last entertainer to win statewide office in California was Reagan.

The Cristian Science Monitor: That familiar voice in the dark: 9 mars

From Jack Nicholson's sandpaper sighs to the Germanic inflections of Arnold Schwarzenegger's one-liners, some Hollywood voices are unmistakable.

One of them is Don "Thunder Throat" LaFontaine.

Excite: U. Maryland students turn to nutritional supplements to bulk up: 9 mars

With advertisements for sports supplements like Creatine and protein powder on the rise, many college students are turning to over-the-counter products in hope of gaining muscle mass, burning fat and improving overall strength.

Yet there are many common misconceptions about these supplements circulating in the health and fitness industry.

Montreal Gazette: Putting drugs in the penalty box: 5 mars

Finally there's welcome news about the dark world of performance-enhancing drugs in sport. Both the Canadian government and the United States Olympic Committee say that pro hockey players competing in next February's winter Olympics in Salt Lake City will be subject to precisely the same anti-doping rules as all other Olympic athletes.

ESPN: Finland's NBI investigating scandal: 9 mars

An investigation into whether crimes were committed in connection with doping at the Nordic skiing world championships last month was started by Finland's National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Friday.

Rheingold Fashions - Specializing in clothing for the muscular male:

Addressing the wardrobe needs of the "hard-to-fit", muscular male. Offering comfort, fit and fashion at an afforable price.

Body Alive Sportswear

San Francisco Chronicle: 'Terminator,' Davis Square Off In Political Ring: 2 mars

It's turning into the battle of the titans already -- and they're not even officially running for anything.

But California Democratic Gov. Gray Davis and Republican actor Arnold Schwarzenegger -- rumored to be interested in the job -- are engaging in some nasty mano a mano combat 18 months before the next election.

The New York Times: The Dreams of Webzines Fizzle Out: 9 mars

Five years ago, Slate and Salon arrived amid proclamations that "Webzines" would become a multibillion-dollar business and displace print publications by stealing their readers and sucking their advertising dry. Many people, including not a few print publishers, believed it. But none of it happened.

Svensk artikel DN: Askungefibrer gör stress till smärta: 9 mars

En halv miljon svenskar har problem med "datorsmärta", värk i arm nacke och axlar och fler blir det hela tiden. Nu har man insett att problemen delvis beror på "askungefibrerna".

Svensk artikel Ronden:

Ronden är en internetportal för Sveriges läkare och deras organisationer. Patienter är välkomna till den öppna delen av webbplatsen. Efter rondens lansering i november år 2000 har över 22000 läkare anmält sig som medlemmar på portalen.

Var försiktig med is mot smärta!: 3 oktober 2000
En förpackning fryst mat som hjälpmedel för att bli av med smärta kan leda till förfrysning om man har den anbringad mot huden längre än 30 minuter. Det framgår av en fallbeskrivning i senaste numret av British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Hjärnan styr illamående: 6 september 2000
Forskare i USA har funnit att en substans som produceras av immunsystemet direkt påverkar den del av hjärnan som styr matsmältningen. Detta menar forskarna kan förklara varför en mängd olika sjukdomar, från cancer till vanlig förkylning kan medföra illamående.

Nästan var fjärde svensk har ont i ryggen: 29 september 2000
Nästan var fjärde vuxen svensk har ont i ryggen. Det blir svaret om man frågar svenskarna om deras rygghälsa vid ett visst givet tillfälle. Sett över hela livet har omkring 56 procent av svenskarna ont i ryggen vid något eller några tillfällen. Det framgår av en avhandling vid Linköpings universitet.

Motion mot depression: 22 september 2000
Förra året visade forskare vid Duke University Medical Center att motion var lika bra behandling mot depression som läkemedel. Nu visar samma forskarlag i en uppföljande studie att regelbunden motion starkt reducerar risken för återfall

Nätbaserade forskningsdatabaser – smart, tidsbesparande, säkert: 15 september 2000
Det har blivit allt mer vanligt att hantera data för kliniska studier över Internet. Det är framför allt en hjälp vid multicenterstudier med forskare från flera studieorter involverade. Genom en nätbaserad datahantering kommer såväl registrering som statistikbearbetning att effektiviseras.

Unga elitidrottare riskerar ryggskador: 4 september 2000
Hög förekomst av förändringar i ryggraden har tidigare rapporterats hos utövare av fysiskt hårt krävande idrotter med hög belastning på ryggraden. En ny avhandling visar att dessa förändringar uppkommer under den tid idrottsutövaren fortfarande växer.

Medicin och media – symposium på Läkaresällskapet: 1 september 2000
Det är medias fel att antalet sjukskrivningar har ökat med 50 procent på tre år – eller är det det egentligen? Det är ju läkare som sjukskriver patienterna.

Det används för mycket läkemedel idag: 7 september 2000
Drygt 80 procent av allmänhet, läkare och apotekspersonal som deltagit i en studie från IHE, Institutet för hälso- och sjukvårdsekonomi i Lund, instämmer helt eller delvis i påståendet att det används för mycket läkemedel idag.

De flesta känner till sin rätt som patient: 20 oktober 2000
Nästa alla vuxna i Sverige vet att de som patienter har rätt att få information om olika behandlingsmetoder liksom att ta del av den egna journalen.

Nationella mål för folkhälsan i nytt förslag: 23 oktober 2000
Det viktigaste för hälsan är trygg uppväxt, utbildning, bra arbete, inkomst och gemenskap. Det menar Nationella folkhälsokommittén, som idag den 23 oktober 2000 överlämnade sitt slutbetänkande till socialminister Lars Engqvist.

Kortare väntetid med remissfria besök hos sjukgymnast: 31 oktober 2000
Under förra året och detta år pågår i Gävle ett projekt där patienter erbjuds två remissfria besök hos sjukgymnast. Utvärderingen visar redan nu att målet med kortare väntetid till sjukgymnast har uppnåtts. Familjeläkarna har frigjorts i viss utsträckning.

Stor annonsbyrå spårar vad läkare läser på Internet: 10 november 2000
En stor annonsförmedlingsbyrå i USA, som representerar många av världens 50 största läkemedelsföretag, investerar miljontals dollar i e-healthföretag. Anledningen är att de vill komma över personlig information om läkare och deras patienter.

Konkurrensen brister på läkemedelsmarknaden: 2 mars
En prishöjning av ett originalläkemedel leder inte nödvändigtvis till att konkurrerande originalläkemedel vinner mark - även om preparaten används i behandlingen av en och samma sjukdom. Däremot tappar ett original oftast marknadsandelar när billigare kopior lanseras.

Avokado kan skydda mot leverskador: 19 december 2000
Forskare i Japan har upptäckt att avokador innehåller ett ämne som kan reducera leverskador. Förhoppningen är att upptäckten kan leda till utvecklingen av nya medel för behandling av leversjukdomar. Forskarna presenterade upptäckten under International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies.

Söta drycker bidrar till fetma hos barn: 16 februari
Förekomsten av fetma hos barn i USA har dubblerats mellan 1980 och 1994. En rad faktorer som miljö, sociala faktorer relaterade till diet och fysisk aktivitet har identifierats såsom bidragande orsaker till fetma. En sådan faktor, som dock fått liten uppmärksamhet, är konsumtionen av söta drycker. Men denna faktor bidrar också till fetma hos barn visar en studie som presenteras i denna veckas utgåva av The Lancet.

Vem äger forskningsresultaten — och ska de vara till salu?: 21 februari
Är den medicinska grundforskningen på väg att kommersialiseras? Är det i så fall bra eller dåligt? Vad betyder det faktum att svenska universitet, på grund av det s.k. lärarundantaget, inte äger rätten till sina anställdas uppfinningar?

Det var några av de frågor som diskuterades vid debattseminariet ”Vem äger forskningsresultaten” i Umeå den 19 februari.

Samband mellan c-vitamin och överlevnad: 2 mars
En stor engelsk studie pekar på ett klart samband mellan c-vitamin och minskad risk för att dö av bland annat hjärt-kärlsjukdom eller cancer. Hos de som ökade det dagliga intaget av c-vitamin motsvarande 50 gram frukt eller grönt minskade dödsrisken i alla typer av sjukdomar med 20 procent.

Empati och positiv information vinnande kombination: 9 mars
Värme, vänlighet och uppmuntran från doktorn gör patienten friskare än den strikt formella läkaren. Nu anser sig ett forskarlag i England ha bevisat den saken. I en sammanställning av flera försök har en kombination av både bra information och ett empatiskt förhållningssätt visat sig påverka patienternas hälsa positivt.

Utmattningsdepression vanligaste orsaken till långtidssjukskrivning: 30 november 2000
Att utbrändhet, eller utmattningsdepression som vi nu ska kalla det, är ett ämne som ligger i tiden och intresserar läkarkår och massmedia råder ingen tvekan om. Den största av Svenska Mässans föreläsningssalar blev överfylld på Riksstämmans andra dag, av människor som gärna satt på trappsteg och stod utefter väggarna för att höra om historik, epidemiologi, klinik och behandling av detta tillstånd som ökat antalet sjukskrivningar i Sverige så lavinartat sedan 1997.

Dags att kritiskt utvärdera alternativa behandlingsmetoder: 15 januari

Svenska läkare borde inta en mer ödmjuk hållning när det gäller alternativmedicinska behandlingsmetoder. Det anser Karl-Otto Aly, leg läkare, f d överläkare vid Tallmogården, som inbjudits av Läkartidningen att fungera som gästredaktör för en artikelserie som planeras om alternativmedicin senare i år.

Läkemedelsreklam direkt till patienterna: 30 januari
Läkemedelsindustrin bedriver lobbying i syfte att få EU att ändra sina regler gällande reklam för receptbelagda läkemedel, uppgav Sveriges Televisions Rapportutsändning den 28 januari. Industrin vill alltså rikta den direkt till patienterna då ju dessa – och inte läkarna – är deras kunder, framhåller industrin.

Fritt fall för forskningen - vem vill forska på 2000-talet: 20 januari 2000
I en nyligen publicerad undersökning har Medicinska Forskningsrådet (MFR) visat att den svenska medicinska forskningens kvalitet har sjunkit. Samtidigt är medelåldern för disputation vid medicinsk fakultet idag hög, cirka 42 år vid samtliga universitet.

Idrott och hälsa obligatoriskt dagligt skolämne: 8 februari
Vilket betyg ska skolan få i ämnet idrott och hälsa? Svaret ska en enkät till svenska grundskolor ge hoppas ortopeden Per Gärdsell vid Universitetssjukhuset i Malmö. Han är en av eldsjälarna bakom Bunkefloprojektet där fysisk aktivitet och välbefinnande satts i högsätet.

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Fredag 9 mars

Michael från Norge tipsar om ett gym att besöka i Florida:

Gold's Gym
Red Willow Plaza
5920 Red Bug Lake Rd
Winter Springs, FL 32708
"Jeg jobber paa Winter Springs som personlig trener, saa du kan gjerne si til folk at hvis dem er i Orlando saa maa dem spore etter meg der, saa faar dem bra tilbudpaa trenings pass paa ferie, ok? Jeg ordner det!"

IronOnline: Draper's Dungeon - from Muscle & Fitness, August 1988:

The Dungeon had no fancy equipment. No Universal or Paramount machines and, of course, Nautilus was still nothing but a seashell since we're talking '60s here. There was no daylight in the Dungeon, either. Lighting was provided by four rows of overhead bulbs.

Benches weren't padded. Splinters were picked out in the shower. Clothesline served as cables, there wasn't even a hack or leg press machine and most of the stuff teetered on rusty nails and bolts. But, oh, the bodies that came out of the Dungeon!

Svensk artikel Östra Svealands Styrkelyftsförbund: SM I STYRKELYFT - Herrar och Damer: 5 mars

"Stockholms-Alliansen (Sundbybergs TK, Södra TK och Tumba KK) inbjuder härmed till årets SM i Styrkelyft för damer och herrar."

The Cable/Bar Guy: Candy Ass Squat:

"77kg Cuban Olympic lifter, Idalberto Aranda doing what Roger Hendrix calls a "candy ass" squat with 290kg/ 640lbs.

Aerobic, Exercise and Fitness Videos by Cathe Friedrich:

Geared towards the advanced home exerciser with information about Cathe Friedrich's aerobic and fitness videos.

The Des Moines Register: Fitness machines can end up an exercise in frustration: 8 mars

"Schneider stays tuned to fitness trends by watching various machines come and go from his store. Here's what he's learned about would-be "fitness buffs" who buy gear, then return it shortly afterward:

"Their expectations are too high. They want too fast a return for results. Then they get bored."

The Arnold Fan: Arnold Fitness Weekend 2001! TAF's Exclusive Coverage - Part Two!: 7 mars

"After the excitement of the competition finals had simmered down, The ARNOLD FAN made its way down to the Arnold Banquette to enjoy an excellent catered buffet where celebrities, competitors, and VIP Ticket holding fans could enjoy a fantastic meal together.

Svensk artikel SVD: "Testamentet" en dyster läsning: 8 mars

"Den för doping avslöjade skidvärldsmästaren Mika Myllyläs "testamente" är en märklig läsning, en blandning av ånger och ömklighet. Han lär vara religiös och säger sig tro att detta var Guds vilja. Förmodligen avser han därmed själva avslöjandet. Tyvärr finns det en tvetydighet i hans uttalande.

Svensk artikel SVD: Fler testas för doping: 9 mars

"Allt fler svenska idrottsmän och kvinnor får genomgå dopingkontroller. Antalet oannonserade tester ökar med 50 procent i år jämfört med fjolåret. Och ökningen ska fortsätta. Nästa år beräknas dopingkontrollanterna genomföra 3 000 prov - mer än 1 000 fler än under förra året.

Svensk artikel Kyrkans Tidning: ”Hård press bakom dopning”: 5 mars

"Den finske VM-prästen i Lahtis, Göran Hellberg, har gett krishjälp åt den skandalomsusade finska skidtruppen, inklusive tränare och ledare, under senaste veckan.

Svensk artikel Kyrkans Tidning: Fasta: Du är vad du äter: 1 mars

Vegetarianer, veganer och till och med ”lufterianer” blir allt vanligare, liksom fastare och de som bara äter hälsokost. Men den kristna fastan som börjar nu handlar egentligen inte om mat och fysisk hälsa. Snarare om andlighet och inre frid.

Svensk artikel Kyrkans Tidning: Fasta: En övning i andlighet: 1 mars

Genom att avstå från föda kommer människorna närmare sina gudar. Fastan är en andlig koncentration.

Svensk artikel Kyrkans Tidning: Fasta: En näve mandel om dagen: 1 mars

Ankara Nygårds fastar jämt. Sedan två år tillbaka äter hon praktiskt taget ingenting alls. Istället lever hon på livsenergi, på Guds energi som, enligt henne, finns i och omkring oss.

Sly's Gym - devoted to Sylvester Stallone's Training/Diet regimen

Tim's Nutrition and Weightlifting Page:

The purpose of this page is to offer both general and specific information related to nutrition, fitness, and weightlifting. These articles and links are ones I have found useful and informative over the years.

Bangkok Post: People told to avoid food supplements: 8 mars

The Foundation for Consumers warned the public they could be doing themselves more harm than good by using food supplements to ensure good health.

just-food.com: THAILAND: Consumers advised to avoid health supplements products by new campaign: 8 mars

Food supplements are too expensive and their health benefits are unproven, according to The Foundation for Consumers. The group launched a campaign today to warn the public to avoid such supplements arguing that they could do more harm than good.

just-food.com: Britain snacks its way to top of junk food league: 1 mars

British snackers munched their way to the top of the world junk food league in 2000 as the 33 billion pound global crisp, tortilla and dips industry expanded even faster than consumers' waistlines.


5HTP products and information. 5HTP helps control appetite, insomnia, mood and fibromyalgia. Find 5HTP supplements, books, and answers to your 5HTP questions.

Yahoo! News: Memory Overload Hinders Concentration: 2 mars

The meditation masters are right. Overload your mind with too many stray thoughts and you won't be able to focus on the task at hand.

Outside Magazine Online: A Severed Head, a Pint of Skullsplitter, and Thou: Mars

Twice a year, the good men of Scotland's Orkney Islands work out their issues the old-fashioned way. They riot.

"Imagine rugby wi' hundreds of very tough men, and only one chance t' score," says Dugald. Because there are no fouls or penalties, paramedics stand by for the inevitable crushed ribs and broken legs.

Watch out for women along the sidelines, Dugald warned; they're notorious for smacking players with their umbrellas and tripping them when they try to break from the scrum.


Zinaxin is a natural ginger remedy which may help the mobility of joints and limbs. Eurovita produces and sells scientifically well-founded dietary supplements and natural remedies; Zinaxin, Zingiberin etc.

Perform Better - Your guide to functional training and rehabilitation:

Our "Perform Better" catalog is presently in its' tenth year and has grown to encompass the following fields: strength and conditioning, athletic training, physical therapy, and personal training.

OzTrack Athletic Bookstore


Kinesiology of Exercise will help you run faster, throw further, jump higher, kick further and perform better with better fitness.

The Texas Powerlifting Scene: Clarifying The Creatine Myth:

Matt didn’t address his comments to us before going public with them, compounding the problem. Had he done so, he would have known that he’s trying to discredit some statements that were never made. He has also presented some creative interpretations of the evidence, and raised some interesting questions in the process. We would like to address these issues, as they have significant implications for the wrestling community.

American Family Physician: Ergogenic Aids: Counseling the Athlete: 1 mars

Many athletes feel pressured to use supplements to maintain a competitive advantage over their supplement-using peers. If physicians can guide athletes away from disproven and dangerous supplements, while maintaining open and honest lines of communication, then more serious health risks may be prevented.

SportsJones: How sexism and bad science have teamed up against athletes:

The sports world assumes that Todd Sands is male. But Jenny had to prove her gender. Is she really a girl? Only the lab technicians know for sure. “It’s kind of a joke among women skaters,” laughs Mino, who, with Sands, is now skating with the touring show “Stars on Ice.” “I mean, how many of us have deep voices and five o’clock shadows?”

Iron Bears House of Strength Sports

Professional Rehabilitation Online - The Rehab Portal - Helping You Help Yourself

Physical Therapist Online

RehabMAX - he strength of information: 

RehabMAX.com provides rehabilitation professionals with convenient, inexpensive access to reliable continuing education. Online continuing education allows rehabilitation professionals to maximize learning through interactivity and minimize expense by enabling professionals to complete courses on their schedule.

peakhealth.net: Choosing the Best Protein Powder: 10 augusti 2000

Knowing the benefits of different proteins and when to use them can help you improve you're your health and performance on the field and in the gym.

Fitnessonline: Why You Should Be an Optimist: Oktober 2000

Findings show that focusing on the upside will make you healthier and happier. But the best news is, you don’t have to be born an optimist, you can become one.

Team Xtreme:

Team Xtreme is a cutting edge, international, and interracial evangelistic ministry whose mission is to be a bridge of hope between the world and the church. This group of world-class athletes use feats of strength combined with music and drama to bring the ultimate presentation of awesome power and positive motivation to people of all ages.

Svensk artikel Dagen: Dopningsavslöjade skidåkaren Mika Myllylä: Jag tror att det var Guds vilja: 8 mars

”Jag tror att Gud ville att det skulle gå så här för mig”. Med de orden beskriver Finlands nationalidol Mika Myllylä sina känslor i ett brev han kallar sitt ”testamente till det finska folket”. Under skid-VM i Lahtis nyligen fälldes Myllylä för dopning.

IronOnline: Fat loss - weight loss:

You build muscle, you lose fat. You build muscle, you gain strength, energy, resistance, enthusiam, creativity, ability, longevity, esteem - you hit the jack pot.

Ironman Magazine: Protein and Bodybuilding:

"The researchers reported that the additional protein “did not enhance physical performance.” Nevertheless, it did have an interesting “side effect.” The researchers went on to report that the men who ate the high-protein diet did “increase body protein stores and muscle mass."

IronOnline: Hugo on Weight Training while Pregnant:

It has been determined, after much research has been done in this area, that remaining active during pregnancy offers several benefits to the mother and to the future newborn as well.

The key to reaping out such benefits is to adjust your exercise program in order to make it safe for yourself and your baby during this period and to keep in mind that the goal of exercising during this period is to maintain your present level of fitness, not to improve.

Ironman Magazine: Hormonal Wars: The Conflict From Within:

A study conducted about two years ago showed that as little as two grams of oral glutamine significantly increased growth hormone release. That alone would give you an anticatabolic effect, since growth hormone opposes the actions of cortisol in muscle.

Dave Draper: The Blond Bomber

American Association of Anatomists

The professional home for biomedical researchers in anatomy and anatomical science. AAA members work in imaging, cell biology, neuroscience, endocrinology, histology, molecular development, genetics, forensics, microscopy, physical anthropology, and numerous other exciting and developing areas.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare


Torsdag 8 mars

The Arnold Fan: Arnold Fitness Weekend - TAF's Exclusive Coverage - Part One!: 6 mars

"Over this past weekend, The ARNOLD FAN had the pleasure of attending Arnold Schwarzenegger and James J. Lorimer's Arnold Fitness Weekend 2001 in Columbus, Ohio.

Steel Fitness: 7 mars

  • Pictures from 2001 Ms. International
  • Pictures from 2001 Arnold Classic
  • Pictures from 2001 Fitness International

Optimal Wellness Center: Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year: 30 juli 2000

"This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is the best article I have ever seen written in the published literature documenting the tragedy of the traditional medical paradigm.

Optimal Wellness Center: Medical Mistakes Kill 100,000 Americans A Year: 5 december 1999

"The promise every doctor makes is 'First, do no harm.' But doctors and hospitals do make mistakes. And the November 30 shocking report from the Institute of Medicine showed medical mistakes are a common and potentially life-threatening risk. If medical mistakes counted among the leading causes of death in America, they would be eighth.

AP Photo/Amy Sancetta AP Photo/Amy Sancetta AP Photo/Amy Sancetta
AP Photo/Amy Sancetta AP Photo/Amy Sancetta AP Photo/Amy Sancetta

Mesomorphosis: Post Exercise Nutrition to Maximize the Training Effect: 15 mars 1999

"All too often athletes are looking for a food or diet that will increase their performance "during competition". This is a misguided approach. The key role for nutritional intervention is during the training period.

Nutrition will have the greatest impact on "performance" if it is used as an adaptive facilitator after appropriately periodized training sessions rather than as a magic potion. This must be done on a consistent basis.

Scottland On Sunday: Fit to drop exercise: 4 mars

"More than £250m is wasted each year by dropouts who are happy to hand over cash but don’t fancy contributing the sweat such investment would normally require. The health and fitness industry should really take note.

Svensk artikel corren.se: Tre fall på sex år i Östergötland: 7 mars

"Sex idrottare åkte fast för dopning under skid-VM i Finland. Det är dubbelt så många fall som Östergötland har haft på sex år. - Vi har varit väldigt förskonade, säger dopningskontrollanten Madeleine Wibeck.

Svensk artikel corren.se: Livsfarligt att idrotta bakfull: 7 mars

"Klart jag har spelat bakfull. Det har alla." Så brukar det låta i idrottskretsar. Alkoholläkare Johan Liljenberg varnar för följderna. - Är du bakfull ska du absolut inte idrotta hårt. Den hjärtklappning du får är direkt livsfarlig.

The Independent: Test failure stuns Skeete: 24 februari

"John Skeete's hopes of contesting the World Indoor Championships the weekend after next disappeared yesterday with the announcement that he has withdrawn from the team after an adverse doping test which showed up the banned steroid stanozolol.

Skeete, who has pulled out of the competition in Lisbon even though he is not suspended at this stage, says he intends to contact the police to report a person whom he alleges had tampered with his dietary supplements.

The Independent: Fitness magazines are in rude health (unlike their readers): 8 mars

"Peter Howarth, the editor of Esquire magazine, said: "The industry joke is that Men's Health is read by men who wished they were going to the gym but who read about it to make themselves feel better. Young men think about their health, older men read about it. There is a strong element of escapism and denial in men's health magazines.

The Independent: Drive to improve British men's health: 4 mars

"A radical rethink in government policy on men's health to counter the shockingly poor state of male health in Britain is being demanded by MPs.

MSNBC: Managing stress key to heart health: 7 mars

"High-stress occupations like commodities trading, air traffic control, news reporting — even being vice president — can take a serious toll on the body, especially the heart. But the best solution for most people isn’t to quit, but rather to figure out how to manage the stress.

EurekAlert: Study finds pawpaw a tasty fat substitute in baked goods: 7 mars

"A mango-like fruit that grows in the eastern United States and Canada could make low-fat baked goods more palatable to the health-conscious consumer, according to a new study published this week.

Science Daily: A Paradox Helps Explain How Aspirin Works: 7 mars

"Even though aspirin's pain-killing capacity was well known to Hippocrates in the fifth century B.C., exactly what it does remains somewhat of a mystery. Now, Johns Hopkins researchers have shown that aspirin inhibits interleukin-4, a protein involved in allergic reactions and inflammation.

MSNBC: Study casts doubt on vitamin E pills: 6 mars

"Vitamin E supplements appear to have no antioxidant benefits, believed to protect against illnesses like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, for healthy adults, according to a study published Tuesday.

E! Online: Arnold Terminates Governor Talk: 7 mars

"Arnold Schwarzenegger is saying hasta la vista to a gubernatorial bid. "The timing's not right," says Jill Eisenstadt, a publicist for Schwarzenegger, who first disclosed his political ambitions to Talk magazine two years ago.

Svensk artikel Sydöstran: Dopingartikel väcker arga reaktioner: 8 mars

"Gårdagens artikel om finländare och doping har väckt blandade reaktioner. – Det är rena rasismen, tycker en kvinna

Svensk artikel DrugNews: Kan miljölag stoppa GBL?: 6 mars

"En 27-årig langare i Sundsvall har åtalats för brott mot lagen om miljöfarlig kemikaliehantering. Detta sedan han haft med sig en flaska GBL till en fest.

Svensk artikel DrugNews: Messing: dopingtesta alla inför stortävlingar!: 7 mars

"Dopingtesta alla deltagare inför stora idrottstävlingar! Det föreslår idrottsminister Ulrica Messing som vill intensifiera kampen mot doping efter "fusk-VM" i finska Lahtis.

World Fitness: Stress and Exercise - A Personal Experience by Dr. Mel C. Siff

"Stress has been a constant companion in my life. Two years ago, despite being a fitness fanatic (via strength and cardio training), vegetarian, consumer of almost every anti-oxidant known, a person with no family history of heart disease and one with absolutely no cardiac risk factors or elevated cholesterol, I experienced a near-fatal heart attack while lecturing to about 100 of my engineering students back in Africa.

Shawn Ray: Judge Me Not: 7 mars

"As a professional, I have discovered the best defense when it comes to being judged by strangers I don't know is to remind myself that I am in this sport for "self improvement." Acknowledging the fact that I am not here to please the select judges but to please myself by reaching my own personal goals!

Shawn Ray: The Knockout: 7 mars

"Once in a while, we as athletes feel like training is the last thing we want to do. It's cold outside, it's raining or snowing and then we pick up the magazine from last month or pop in the Mr. Olympia video to see what want from our training, as we try and find excuses not to go to the gym.

While we are making those excuses somewhere in this world the sun is shining and our competitors are gaining the upper hand while kicking some serious ass in the gym.

The Metabolic Diet:

"I've been researching and writing on all aspects of training, diet and nutrition for over 35 years. In fact my Anabolic Diet written for bodybuilders was the first cycling ketogenic diet book out there. But it was meant for the competitive bodybuilder and for the sake of simplicity it didn't take into account the proven gene-diet interactions, and as such the differences in our ability to efficiently handle the use of fat as a primary energy source, or the effects of carb intake on both dietary and body fat oxidation.

The Metabolic Diet addresses these deficiencies and much more including why, how and when to take certain nutritional supplements for the best anabolic, anticatabolic and fat burning effects. The Metabolic Diet is the only diet and nutrition book you need.

Brinkzone: What's in your Creatine?:

"At this time there are probably four-five companies large enough to mass produce creatine for the sports nutrition market. These companies in turn sell their product in huge bulk amounts to various distributors around the world.

As far as the mass producers are concerned, there is a large German company, two companies out of China, and two in the United States. Though there are various other companies, for this article we will basically concern ourselves with these five major producers which probably comprise 80-90% of the creatine production market.


"QFAC.COM is a site which specializes in advanced sports nutrition, workout strategies, and advanced personal training.

We are a one stop source for those into bodybuilding, dietary supplements, low carb diets, and the latest exercise equipment and bodybuilding books.


"MetaProSports is your 1-Stop resource for Training, Nutrition, Cutting-Edge Supplements, Books, Videos, and much, much more.

Weston A. Price Foundation:

The Weston A. Price Foundation is your source for independent and accurate information on diet and health. We support traditional foodways, organic farming, pastured livestock, truth in labeling, prepared parenting, nurturing therapies, access to clean certified raw milk and a ban on soy infant formula.

The Myths of Vegetarianism:
It is my hope that all readers will more carefully evaluate their position on vegetarianism after reading this article. It is important to note that there are different types of vegetarianism, including lacto-vegetarian diets (dairy products included) and lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets (dairy products and eggs included). The nutritional caveats that follow are primarily directed at veganism, or a diet totally lacking in animal products.

just-food.com: Heinz shares dip - could tuna be cast adrift?: 7 mars

"Shares of H.J. Heinz Co. fell as much as 6.8 percent Tuesday, a day after a glut of tuna and other factors prompted the maker of StarKist tuna to post an earnings warning.

Yahoo! Groups: HIT Digest:

"The HIT Digest is a service of Cyberpump! and is a place to discuss weight training in a moderated environment. Members: 1271. Founded: Oct 5, 1999. Language: English.

Body Fat Lab:

"Welcome to the Shape Up America! Body Fat Lab, an informative, interactive, fun way to learn more about your percent body fat and the role it plays in your overall health.

I.A.R.T. RoundTable:

"Please do not ask questions (i.e., what's the best way to train biceps?) without providing a proposed answer. In other words, ask your question, but suggest what you think the answer may be. This will help in the communication and education process with other board visitors and encourage individual critical thinking.

Master Trainer: Training Forum

"Learn how others are training. Share YOUR training ideas.

Master Trainer: 

Can Understanding and Accepting Genetic Limitations Be Empowering?:
As is true in any human endeavor, there are simply vast individual differences in the ability that people have to respond to different forms of exercise.

Strangely enough, while we readily accept that these individual differences prevail and are the defining characteristics in different athletic pursuits, many of us have found it hard to accept that this is certainly the case in bodybuilding.

Stop Undermining Your Own Progress!:
As practiced around the world, resistance training is one of the few activities where people act in ways that directly undermine the goals they are trying to reach.

In the name of making progress, the sad irony is that virtually all the tactics that are used do not help progress, they actually undermine progress.

These tactics are largely promoted by mass media publications but in the defense of magazines, the tactics have a long, long history in gym lore. The magazines are only spreading the lore.

What Does the Theory of High Intensity Training Mean in Practice?:
This article asks what appears to be a simple question and its title appears to answer that question...

Women and Weight Training: Countering Myths and Misperceptions:
Because most women have no interest in becoming big and muscular, women believe their training programs should be quite different from men's programs.

This article counters myths and misperceptions about women and weight training and makes the case that in most instances the training programs for women and men will be virtually identical.

The Most Anabolic Diet - What About Just Eating Real Food?:
Bodybuilding, fitness, and other training magazines derive a great deal of their profits from supplement ads.

In many cases, the corporation owning the magazine also owns a supplement company or the overall corporation has spun off other corporations producing, marketing, and distributing supplements. So, the magazine may glean profits from it's own products and from the ads of other corporations.

Going Slow: Facts & Fictions:
If you review a few of the articles on this site, you'll see that I endorse and like training using slower repetitions. Over the years, very few people have trained this way and it's both gratifying and eerie to see the great interest recently focused on resistance training with slower reps in such publications as Newsweek and the Washington Post.

Unfortunately, it seems that this recent attention has not only brought this training approach to a wide audience, but also in the process has distorted some issues and polarized opinions about using slower repetitions.

Svensk artikel AST Sports Science: Kosttillskottsrelaterade Artiklar:

  • Proteinets effektivitet
  • Tillväxthormoner hur fungerar de?
  • Vitamin E naturligt eller inte?
  • Bubblande Kreatin nytt, bra eller dåligt?
  • Sodium den anabola kopplingen
  • Öka proteinintaget, öka i muskelmassa
  • Kreatin och Glutamin - Två av de bästa kosttillskotten du kan ta, men du måste veta hur!
  • Gör Kreatin effektivare - specialrapport!

Protein Power:

"Finally, a diet you can live with that WORKS!... Protein Power by Michael R. Eades, MD and Mary Dan Eades, MD.

HealthSurfing: Dentists debate bleaching methods for brighter smiles: 7 mars

"In the US, teeth whitening is the fastest growing service offered by dentists. So many teeth bleaching systems are on the market, including self-application products, that consumers may be having trouble distinguishing between them. Dentists recommend making an informed decision based on lifestyle, tooth color, and budget.

Danska artikel Workout & Fitness: Mr Fitness 2001

Danska artikel Workout & Fitness: Fyra kaloriberäknade maträtter

Ironman Magazine: Hot News: 5 mars

Ronnie Coleman Makes History With Arnold Classic Victory:

Three-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman put himself in the record books on March 3 at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Columbus, Ohio, with a victory at the 13th annual Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic.

Triple Gates: Vickie Takes Columbus One More Time:

If Vickie Gates had come to Las Vegas last October looking the way she looked at the ’01 Ms. International, which was held March 2 at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Columbus, Ohio, she’d have won the Ms. Olympia Heavyweight crown.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Internet effektivt stöd för bantningsprogram: 7 mars

"Internet och e-post var effektivt när hjälpmedlen användes i ett projekt för att ändra beteenden hos överviktiga patienter. Effekten var beskedligare när Internet och e-post enbart användes för utbildning.

Svensk artikel Tillskottet.com: Sportexpo 2001 - Helsingfors - Finland:

United Feelings Fitness Finska Mästerskapen 2001

Sportexpo, Helsingfors, Mässcenter 30/3-1/4.

Lördag 31/3: 13.00 - Herrar Fitness Finska Mästerskapen
Söndag 1/4: 13.00 - Damer Fitness Finska Mästerskapen

Mer info på ==> www.finnexpo.fi/sportexpo (dock på finska, kyllekylle :)

Soy Online Service - Uncovering the truth about soy:

Åh, vad allt är hemskt och alla är emot oss. Bäst att inte kliva upp ur sängen på morgonen...

"Have you ever wondered about soy? It's promoted as the miracle food that will feed the world while at the same time prevent and cure all manner of diseases. But what if all you've read about soy is nothing but a multi-million dollar marketing strategy based on scanty facts, half-truths and lies?

How could anyone get away with that? The soy industry is one of the world's most wealthy and powerful and one that will steamroll anybody that dares suggest there may be problems with the darling soy."

Nexus Magazine:

Är det någon som ser en trend i vilka som har problem med soja?

"NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of - Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups.

Tragedy and Hype - The Third International Soy Symposium:
Far from being the perfect food, modern soy products contain antinutrients and toxins and they interfer with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Soy Info Online!:

"Soy Info Online!is dedicated to providing you, the consumer, with accurate, verifiable and scientific information about soy products and related protein issues. Soy Info Online!is not funded by or associated with soybean seed companies, soybean growers, soy product manufacturers, food manufacturers, or food resellers.

US Soyfoods Directory

TheSoyaJoy Automatic Soy milk Maker make fresh soy milk at home from soybeans

Supertraining: Supplements or Sensible Training?: 19 februari

Mel C. Siff: The typical hysteria generated by recent reports on the alleged risks of taking supplemental creatine has masked an important issue regarding the use of all 'ergogenic aids' in general, namely that most supplements may not be necessary or certainly not in the quantities being used by hopeful athletes and bodybuilders.

One needs to spend a lot more time experimenting with different training methods in an attempt to know oneself very well and perfect a long-term, variable training program which suits you according to feedback that you learn to recognise from your own body and mind. Only then should you consider adding the variable of ergogenics and even then, doing so in small quantities that allow you once again to carefully assess their impact upon you.

Naval Health Research Center Publications and Reports:

The Effects of a Three-week Adaptation to a Low Carbohydrate/ High Fat Diet on Metabolism and Cognitive Performance:
One of the principal metabolic adaptations to endurance training is an increase in the muscle's utilization of fat. This study investigated several components of metabolism during a 3-week adaptation to a low (7% to 9%) carbohydrate/high (73% to 75%) fat diet (LCD) in man.

Effects of Chromium Picolinate on Body Composition:
At the end of 16 weeks, the group as a whole had lost a small amount of weight and body fat; however, the chromium group failed to show a significantly greater reduction in either percent body fat or body weight, or a greater increase in lean body mass, than did the placebo group. It was concluded that chromium picolinate was ineffective in enhancing body fat reduction in this group.

The effects of creatine supplementation on short-term exercise performance of U.S. Navy SEALs:
"Five days of Cr supplementation at 20 g/d had no significant effect (p > 0.1) on body composition, total body water, blood lactate, or OC performance time. The small effects on performance seen in some laboratory studies with Cr supplementation do not appear to carry over to field-related tasks conducted in an operational setting."

[Till toppen av sidan]


Dagens B&K-länkare


Onsdag 7 mars

Schwarzenegger.com: Schwarzenegger's friends and colleagues blast Premiere magazine and writers John Connolly for publishing article they denounce as total fabrication: 2 mars

"The Premiere Article written by John Connolly (whose former clients have viewed him as a "consummate liar" as reported in New York Magazine), has been criticized as a work of fiction denounced by a whole host of people who are specifically mentioned in the Article but who were never contacted by Premiere before publication.

NSPA's Online Personal Training Journal:

  • Strength Training for Adolescents
  • Nutritional Ergogenic Aids for Active People
  • Plantar Fasciitis: How to Evaluate/Recommendations for treatment
  • Physique Development: Myths & Facts
  • Promoting Strength Training in Your Club
  • Technique or Tragedy: How Olympic lifts may ruin your athlete's career

Blue Ice Fitness: Arnold Fitness International 2001:

"Complete Photographic coverage of the Arnold Fitness International 2001."

Spine-Health.com - your comprehensive resource for back pain

Testosterone.net: Massive Eating — Your Guide To Packing On Muscle Mass:

"Now you may be asking, "If I'm not eating well enough to grow, Mr. Smartypants, what am I doing wrong?" In my opinion, there are three major things that most people do incorrectly when trying to gain muscle mass: (Via MetaMuscle)

HealthCentral: Knee relief may be all in the head, study finds: 2 mars

"A surgical procedure used to treat arthritis of the knee may bring patients relief, but the relief may all be in patients' heads, new research results suggest.

HealthScout: Vitamin C a Life Saver?: 1 mars

"Feeling healthy? Thank an orange. People whose blood is full of vitamin C live longer than those who get less of the nutrient, claims a new British study.

However, megadoses of vitamin C supplements, which some people swear by to ward off everything from colds to cancer, appear to offer no extra protection, in terms of mortality, the researchers say.

HealthCentral: Deaths from cardiac arrest rise among young adults during the 1990s: 2 mars

"The death rate from cardiac arrest rose surprisingly among young American adults in the 1990s, climbing 10 percent in men and 32 percent in women, federal officials say.

MSNBC: Nutrition Notes weighs in on the health benefits of omega-3s: 2 mars

"Certain building blocks of fat called omega-3 fatty acids – much of which comes from fish – are suddenly getting a lot of attention. For the first time, the American Heart Association’s dietary guidelines now advise at least two weekly servings of fish.

And the FDA has recently approved a qualified health claim for supplements linking omega-3 fatty acids with lower risk of heart disease. But how strong is the research on health benefits of the omega-3s?

Newswise: Americans Aren't as Nice as They Think They Are: 2 mars

"Most people are better judges of the moral character of others than they are of their own, Cornell University psychologists report.

Norsk artikel Nettstedet Trening:

"Dette nettstedet er hovedsaklig egnet for kroppsbyggere og fitness utøvere. Det står skrevet en del om kroppsbygging og kosthold. Du kan finne en del nyttige linker og sjekke hvordan jeg trener og spiser. Dersom du følger det som blir presentert på disse nettsidene er du garantert på rett vei mot dine mål.

Nutricise, the first comprehensive health and fitness destination made just for you:

Uniquely personalized to every member, Nutricise will devise your exercise and nutritional programs, offer you dozens of weekly articles that relate to your goals, provide thousands of video demonstrations to ensure you're doing everything just right and help you locate whatever you need to stick to your program.

Be Your Own Personal Trainer!:
Four ways to push your workout to new heights all by yourself.

Pump It Up:
Why music can make or break your workout.

A Jolt with No Juice:
The companies that sell electrical stimulation machines say you can build muscle while lying around and watching TV. Nothing’s shocking about the truth in that claim, because there isn’t any.

Machine Mechanics: Number Crunching:
Calorie readouts on cardio machines involve a lot of variables. If you like watching those calories burn away, here’s how to make sure the numbers don’t lie.

Deceiving Foods:
Watch out for foods you think are healthy! You're not always getting what you think...

Burn, Baby, Burn: The Truth About Fat Burners:
"Fat-burning" is the weight loss catch phrase of the moment. Pills, diets and exercises are touted for their ability to burn fat away, creating a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about how to best lose weight. To help sift through the confusion, let's take a look at how unwanted body fat is really lost.

Carnitine: A New Weapon Against America’s No. 1 Killer?:
"Carnitine is the world's best-kept nutraceutical secret. There are numerous well-conducted clinical studies that clearly demonstrate its beneficial effects both in treating patients with heart disease and in preventing heart disease. Carnitine is so important to cardiac health because without it, fatty acids can't cross into the mitochondria," says DeFelice.

It Takes Guts to Cut That Gut! Part 1:
In the first installment of our two-part series, why constant crunching won't necessarily give you a six-pack.

It Takes Guts to Cut that Gut! Part 2:
Spare tire, love handles, beer gut. Whatever you call it, chances are you don't want it. See what you should be eating to help flatten your midsection.

Machine Mechanics: Most in the Machine:
You’ll find this species of exercise gadget in its natural habitat of hotel workout rooms and home gyms. Here’s how to master one without a whip and a chair.

Everybody Hurts:
Harrington says there are ways to decrease soreness after exercise. "The worst thing you can do is nothing." She recommends getting up and doing something to alleviate soreness.

Mind Your Food: Break the Stress-Fat Cycle:
Is stress causing you to fill-up on fatty foods? Learn how to beat the urge to gorge.

Row, Row, Row your Body:
Jeff Bell, the continuing education director for World Gym, says that rowing is a great alternative to your daily cardio grind. Here he offers five reasons you should take a break from the treadmill and try something old that still works.

Grey - The Best BB Pages on the Web: Mr. Olympia Gallery

IFBB: The History of the Mr. Olympia

Posedown.de: Die Fotostory: World Championship Cuxhaven: Mars

FIBO 2001 - World Fair for Fitness and Leisure (26-29 april)

Yahoo! News: High-Dose Vitamin E May Protect Arteries: 5 mars

"Taking high doses of vitamin E may help prevent heart attacks and strokes by preventing the progression of hardening of the arteries, according to study findings presented here at the 41st Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention.

Yahoo! News: Moderate Exercise Helps Ensure Healthy Baby: 5 mars

"Moderate exercise is healthy for pregnant women and their babies, but exercising too much or too little could raise the risk of bearing a low birth weight baby, Canadian researchers report.

MSNBC: Sports cause one in four ER visits: 5 mars

"More than 2.6 million children and young adults playing sports end up in emergency rooms each year at a cost of about $500 million, according to the government’s first comprehensive study of sports injuries.

ABC News: Alternahealth Makes the Mainstream: 5 mars

"Don't be surprised if your pediatrician soon starts asking you what type of herb, vitamin supplement or alternative medical therapy you are using to treat your child.

MSNBC: No quick fixes for ab flab:

"From ab rollers to bun rockers, exercise devices have become TV infomercial staples, promising a fast path to fitness. The past decade, especially, has seen the world of home exercise equipment grow beyond the treadmill and stationary bike to gadgets that promise washboard stomachs and flab-free thighs, often with just a few minutes of daily use.

The Times: Dementia linked to an excess of idleness: 6 mars

"People who take part in few recreational activities during youth and middle age appear more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than their more energetic peers.

American Body Building:

  • 2001 Arnold Classic Complete Scorecard Results
  • 2001 Ms. International Complete Scorecard Results
  • 2001 Fitness International Complete Scorecard Results

Estress.com - your source for dealing with stress:

"You have reached the largest collection of online experts and original articles. From keyboard injurys, carpal tunnel syndrome and headaches, all the way to dealing with the telephone - estress.com is your #1 resource for living in the e-world!

Yahoo! Finance: Safeway Launches 'Eat Like a Champion' to Focus on Youth Nutrition and Fitness: 5 mars

"Press Release: Safeway supermarkets in Washington and surrounding states are teaming up with local schools, health and nutrition experts to encourage kids to "Eat Like a Champion".

Yahoo! News: Big Butts, Flat Abs and More Fiction: 5 mars

"Too much time on the stair climber will give you a big butt (it won't); weight lifting turns women into female Schwarzeneggers (it doesn't); 500 crunches a day will give you washboard abs in no time (we wish) — we've all heard fitness myths like these, and probably believed them at one time or another.

2GetBuff.com - The Home For Hardcore Sports

Yahoo! News: Indiana Students Protest Music Ban: 5 mars

"A music blackout imposed by a school district has angered students, who are now banned from even listening to their favorite tunes while working out in gym class.

NewsWise: Abusing GHB: 3 mars

"It's gone from a body builder's steroid alternative to a date rape drug and now to a personal intoxicant, says Steve Moore, a UAB substance abuse counselor.

American Medical News: Code green: Seeing the side effects of alternative supplements: 5 mars

"Dietary supplements and alternative medicine are increasingly popular. And physicians are seeing an increasing number of patients with adverse reactions to the pills, potions and teas.

OutDoorsMagic: Panic As Deadly Athlete's Foot Outbreak Hits UK: 2 mars

"A spokesman for MAFF - the Ministry of Athelete's Feet and Fetid things - announced that tests on socks collected from a gym near Woking have confirmed the presence of the deadly fungal infection in the Surrey area. Within hours reports of further incidents were flooding in from all over the UK and Milton Keynes.

just-food.com: Women more likely to crave food: 5 mars

"A study on food cravings has confirmed what many men have believed since time began - women crave food more often than men do. According to the study, women crave food twice as often as men.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Kungliga biblioteket

Tisdag 6 mars
  • Ronnie Coleman Offseason
  • Lee Priest Offseason

Antti's Homepage: Finskt Hemohes-spel

The Facts About Fitness: Why fructose could slow fat burning by 38%: 5 april

"Meals high in fructose can reduce fat 'burning' when eaten after exercise.

About Sports Medicine: High Protein Diets Fade:

"The popularity of the high protein diet is beginning to fade as people discover that the weight loss touted is simply due to muscle glycogen depletion and a reduced caloric intake, rather than any magic bullet.

Bodybuilding.about.com: Can bodybuilders change society?:

"Whether you're a competitive or recreational bodybuilder, you have to stand proud. Your lifestyle should be devoted to positive things: good health, proper diet and exercise all things that are rooted in positive social values.

It is a lifestyle that should be discussed with family and friends, so that they too can change their lives for the better.

Svensk artikel Riksidrottsförbundet: Kosttillskott:

"I november 2000 släppte Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté (SOK) en ny version "Kostrekommendationer till elitidrottare", som är en omarbetning av den tidigare versionen från 1995. Det mesta tyder på att den så småningom även kommer att antas av RF. Vi lägger därför ut SOK:s dokument i pdf-format som en service för den som är intresserad.

Flex Magazine: The Big Picture: Mandy Blank File:

"First fitness contest: The 1997 Debbie Kruck Classic. I placed second behind Jenny Worth, who has gone on to an amazing pro career and has a killer body. I was so excited to get up onstage and just go for it because I’d been dieting and training for six months.

NetDoctor: Baby odour calms men: 7 mars

"Men who display high levels of aggression may be calmed down by the smell of chemicals secreted by newborn babies.

The Times: Yes, size matters: 5 mars

"Gene tweaking has led an evolutionary biologist to a startling hypothesis — that shorter people may be genetically primed to live longer than their loftier counterparts.

Nando Times: Study finds community work linked to happiness: 1 mars

"From chatting over steaming coffee at the local diner to helping out at a neighborhood bake sale, community involvement offers the kind of pleasure money can't buy, and may be key to finding happiness, a new study finds.

Nature: An altitude problem: 19 februari

"People in Tibet and the Andes have lived in thin air for thousands of years. These two races have evolved different ways of coping with altitude — showing, says Cynthia Beall, of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, that "human biology is capable of more than one response to this extreme stress".

Yahoo! News: Sports Injuries Prevalent Among Young Americans: 6 mars

"Each year, 2.6 million young Americans visit emergency departments for sports-related injuries, costing as much as $500 million to treat, government researchers said Monday.

MSNBC: Cyber-dieting helps some shed flab: 6 mars

"Sitting at a computer can help you lose weight, research shows. Provided, of course, that you exercise and diet. In a study of 65 overweight adults, weight-loss information Web sites helped people shed pounds. And people who also received weekly e-mail advice from behavioral therapists had even better results.

Svensk artikel TV4: Frivolt: Träna med D-Flex:

"Vi är alla mer eller mindre stressade. D-Flex har därför satt samman ett tjugominuters-pass som du kan göra hemma i vardagsrummet.

T-mag.com: Attorney for the Defense, Part I:

"Attorney Rick Collins' concentration (or, at least, one of them) is a little  unusual. Rick concentrates in defending people who have been busted for steroids.

EndurePlus Online: Does Caffeine Hydrate or Dehydrate?:

"Caffeine has been known to increase diuresis (urine excretion). According to this article, research does not support this concept.

Svensk artikel TV4: Babewatch: Testa om du platsar i Babewatch: 6 mars

Ny tv-serie med bland andra Roland Kickinger, IFBB Proffs med en bästa placering som 7:a på Ironman Pro Invitational 1996.

"Ikväll är det premiär för den galna Baywatchparodin Babewatch. Här på nätet kan du testa om du är en sann Bay- eller Babewatchare.

Parillo: The Parrillo FX Stretch™ System:

"John Parrillo revolutionized the industry in 1990 with the introduction of fascial stretching. The Parrillo Fascial eXtreme Stretch™ System is the next generation in gym equipment. This heavy-duty equipment is designed to take your physique past its genetic limitations by allowing you to stretch your muscles like never before.

American Council on Exercise (ACE):

ACE’s Survivor Workout:
"The conversation around the ACE watercooler has not only been who will win the million-dollar pay-off from the current Survivor Series, but also the physical ramifications of life without certain essentials: dumbbells, running shoes, yoga tapes, etc. Click or copy and paste the link below to read the entire article.

FTC Fights False Anti-Cellulite Claims:
"The desire to look and feel better is universal. It’s also one that leaves many of us susceptible to false claims and advertisements that guarantee to fix whatever problem we believe needs fixing. 

Now Everyone can do Pilates:
"For years, trademark restrictions prevented most Pilates practitioners from calling their discipline by its rightful name.

HealthScout: Eating Disorders: Not for Women Only: 28 februari

"Men increasingly diagnosed with compulsive eating behaviors

HealthScout: Vitamin E Supplements Don't Help the Healthy: 6 mars

"A new study says extra doses of the vitamin don't protect fat molecules in people who have no underlying illness.

HealthScout: Men Try a Little Nip and Tuck - And More: 25 februari

"Plastic surgeons even performing liposuction, breast reduction on some males.

The Oregonian: Hearts of the heroes: 2 mars

"Idealized as heroic hunks, firefighters come in all shapes and sizes - and maybe aren't so healthy.

Heart disease, obesity, joint problems, high blood pressure and high cholesterol aren't uncommon, and about 50 percent of their on-the-job fatalities are from heart failure.

The New York Times: Study Faults Gym Programs in City Schools: 3 mars

"New York City schoolchildren are not getting the gym classes they need, with 4 out of 10 elementary schools failing to offer physical education classes on a regular basis, according to a study done by a nonprofit foundation with the cooperation of the Board of Education.

Salon: "Looking Good: Male Body Image in Modern America": 5 mars

"A new book says men have become obsessed with their bodies, but does the rise of hair grafts and penis-enlargement surgery really spell the end of civilization?

Nathan Norris: Pictures from Fitness and Ms International 2001:

"If you missed it I am sorry, It was awesome! Check the pictures out!"

Skip La Cour: Skip La Cour's Mass Machine E-Newsletter: 6 mars

"With so many different products to choose from in the sports nutrition market, I am often asked which supplements are the ones I feel are most important when trying to build muscle. Here are my top three supplement recommendations and why I feel they are important to your bodybuilding efforts

Svensk artikel Riksidrottsförbundet: Piller Pulver Prestationer:

"Konsumentverket har gett ut ett debatthäfte med titeln Piller Pulver Prestationer. "Det är en djungel och mycket fiffel och båg" ...i kroppsbyggarbranschen". Citatet kommer från kriminalinspektör Gunnar Hermansson som är en av de intervjuade i debatthäftet.

Svensk artikel Svensk Idrott: Tidningen Svensk Idrott

Färgrik måltid - bättre än tillskott:
Kolhydratladdning är ett begrepp de flesta idrottare känner till. Men kolhydrater är inte bara små energibomber. Michael Svensson, doktorand i fysiologi vid Karolinska Institutet, vill informera om en mindre känd egenskap. Kolhydraten som soldat i det antioxidativa försvarssystemet.

Rickards testmetod hittar den svaga länken:
Ingen kedja är starkare än dess svagaste länk. Men vilken är den svaga länken? Många idrottare famlar i mörkret. Nu kan dock svagheterna kartläggas med hjälp av ett nytt testinstrument, Fysprofilen.

Idrotten på väg mot framtiden:
Någon framtidsforskare lär ha sagt följande: "Den som inte är vilsen i dag är inte välinformerad". Är det just vilsenhet som präglar den svenska idrottsrörelsen i dag? Vilsenhet inför den nya tiden. Inför unga människors attityder, värderingar och beteenden.

Dopad mot sin vilja av kostpreparat:
Jonas Emanuelsson riskerade två års avstängning för doping. – Lita aldrig på kostpreparat. Det höll på att slå min cykelkarriär i spillror. Idag är Jonas friad från dopingmisstankar.

RF täpper till luckan i dopingreglerna:
Nu tänker RF:s dopingkommission sätta stopp för bruket av kostpreparat som omvandlas till testosteron eller syntetiska anabola steroider i kroppen.

En lektion i målsättningens ädla konst:
I Tränarskolans första artikel delar Catarina Bergström vid Bosöns Elitidrottscentrum med sig av sina erfarenheter i målsättningens ädla konst. Läs och inspireras av den så kallade EPA-metoden.

Så testar du formen:
Har träningen givit något resultat, eller står du och stampar? Många tränar utan att veta vilket. För den som vill ha objektiva fakta finns ett antal tester att tillgå.

Energibalans - idrottarens kostregel nr 1:
Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté kommer snart ut med nya, omarbetade kostrekommendationer. Dietisten Agneta Andersson har varit med och utarbetat riktlinjerna. Den vanliga maten, inte kosttillskotten, står i centrum.

"Styrka är bra, acceleration är allt":
Muskelstyrka är en viktig egenskap i de flesta idrotter. Men hur tränar man egentligen för att bli större, starkare, explosivare, uthålligare? Vad döljer sig bakom begrepp som snabbstyrka och excentrisk styrka? Tränarskolan reder ut begreppen i styrketräningsdjungeln.

Snabb, stark eller uthållig?:
Vid all träning ska du tänka igenom varför du tränar, vad träningen syftar till. Vill du bli stark eller snabb? Vilken typ av snabbhet är det i så fall du behöver? Eller är det uthållighet som är det viktigaste?

Kämpa avslappnat:
Det är mycket som undgår även de skarpaste tränarögon. En spänd skuldra, ett darrande långfinger, en krampaktig underarm. Men som tur är finns instrument med förmågan att avläsa vad som händer i kroppens mikrokosmos. En liten apparat som avslöjar oönskad muskelaktivitet. Minsta möjliga ansträngning för mesta möjliga kraft, så lyder parollen.

Vägen tillbaka efter SKADA:
Skadade idrottare som trots protesterande kroppar kämpar vidare, finns det på alla nivåer. Speciellt smart är det dock inte. Vägen tillbaka efter skada är ämnet för detta nummers Tränarskola.

Allt fler specialförbund lever på lånade pengar:
Nio specialidrottsförbund har så dålig ekonomi att de måste leva på kredit från Riksidrottsförbundet (RF). — Läget är allvarligt, säger Hans Hellquist, ledamot i riksidrottsstyrelsen (RS) med övergripande ansvar för idrottens ekonomifrågor.

Allt för publiken - Regeländringar och underhållning lockar nya grupper:
Godisregn, artistuppträdanden, fyrverkerier, cheerleaders, tävlingar – publikunderhållning har blivit allt viktigare för att locka åskådare till idrotten. Ändå är vi bara i början av idrottens "jippofiering" . – I framtiden kan jag mycket väl tänka mig multi-arrangemang där idrotten kopplas till artistuppträdanden och regisseras så att det blir maximalt spännande för publiken, säger Jan Lindroth, professor i idrottshistoria.

Idrotten en ny religion:
Det finns många olika bilder av idrotten i framtiden.  Seminarieserien är ett samarbete mellan Riksidrottsförbundet och regeringen och ett resultat av idrottspropositionen "En idrottspolitik för 2000-talet". Filip Wijkström, forskare och doktor på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, gav själv flera bilder som senare flitigt diskuterades mellan det församlade idrottsfolket.

Tröttare i knoppen än i kroppen:
Kvinnor blir "psykosocialt övertränade". Män fysiologiskt. Det visar en färsk studie på landets samtliga riksidrottsgymnasier. Resultatet aktualiserar frågan om skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt idrottsutövande.

Två klubbar nappade på mirakelprodukter:
I ett säljbrev uppmanar Svenska cykel-förbundet sina klubbar och distrikt att medverka i pyramidförsäljning av hälsoprodukter utan dokumenterad effekt. – Det finns inga moraliska hinder i detta, tycker cykelförbundets generalsekreterare, Björn Mattson.

IFBB: 5 mars

  • Arnold Classic Results and Photos
  • Ms. International Results and Photos
  • Fitness International Results and Photos

Forbes: Forbes Celebrity 100 2001

Varför är inte Schwarzenegger med...?

Flex Magazine: Rested Development:

"Recuperation is a key — yet often misunderstood — element in the muscle-building process.

Flex Magazine: Flex Weekly Update: 4 mars

"The Arnold Classic was not a case of the sport's top champ walking onstage and winning just by showing up. The consensus of all in the audience, including the competitors themselves, was that Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman was in the shape of his life for the 2001 Arnold Classic Saturday night.

Financial Times: Fruit juice bars set to replace café culture: 2 mars

"British consumers could be shunning frothy cappuccinos in favour of freshly squeezed orange juice in the next few years, according to a new report.

The New York Times: Calculating Safety in Risky World of Drugs: 6 mars

"Now, acting as a consultant to various drug companies, Dr. Fenichel works for the industry he once helped regulate.

In an interview at his home in Washington last month, he discussed the risks and benefits weighed in decisions on new drugs and an abiding truth that many would rather ignore: no drug is without risk. Any medicine strong enough to have good effects on the body is strong enough to have bad effects as well.

The New York Times: Drug's Effect on Brain Is Extensive, Study Finds: 6 mars

"Heavy users of methamphetamine — a highly addictive stimulant that can be made at home in the kitchen sink — are doing more damage to their brains than scientists had thought, according to the first study that looked inside addicts' brains nearly a year after they stopped using the drug.

ABC News: Fast Fat Suck Works Well: 5 mars

"Using a “power tool” to suck out fat during liposuction has people leaving operating rooms quicker and less bruised, according to the first study of the “energized” method.

Norsk artikel Fædrelandsvennen: Mener høydehus bør forbys: 5 mars

"Arild Jørgensen og Ketil Grindheim forventer en grundig etisk gjennomgang av bruken av høydehus til våren.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: «Jeg er personlig motstander av høydehus»: 3 mars

"- Personlig er jeg, og har alltid vært, motstander av bruken av høydehus, fastslår statssekretær Roger Ingebrigtsen i Kulturdepartementet. I et snart ett år har Roger Ingebrigtsen vært på plass som politisk nestsjef under kulturminister Ellen Horn. Skjønt mange mener han er den reelle statsråd, særlig på idretts- og medieområdet.

Svensk artikel DoktorOnline: Forum för ortopedi och idrottsskador:

"Jan Ericsäter, är specialist i ortopedi. Han arbetar som privat ortoped vid Läkarhuset Ellenbogen i Malmö med inriktning på poliklinisk kirurgi och idrottsskador.

Svensk artikel DoktorOnline: Forum för plastikkirurgi:

"Michael Olenius, med.dr., är specialistkompetent plastikkirurg och medlem i Svensk Plastikkirurgisk Förening samt Svensk Förening för Estetisk Plastikkirurgi där han är sekreterare. Ingemar Blomgren, docent i plastikkirurgi och medlem i Svensk Förening för Estetisk Plastikkirurgi. Utbildad vid Karolinska Institutet och specialistkompetent plastikkirurg

Svensk artikel DoktorOnline: Tendinit i axeln:

"Tendinit kan förekomma i de fyra senor som förstärker ledkapseln i axeln, samt i bicepssenan. Hos unga är den avsevärt vanligaste orsaken till axelsmärtor tendinit i den sena som ligger överst i ledkapseln, supraspinatussenan.

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Cykling: Brian Dalgaard belønnet for at erkende doping-misbrug:

"Cykelrytteren Brian Dalgaard har modtaget Anti-Doping Danmarks årlige pris.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Fikk dopingråd i Moskva og Wien: 3 mars

"Fagfolk fra Helsingfors, Moskva og Wien overbeviste de finske landslagslegene og sjeftrener Kari-Pekka Kyrö om at HES ikke lot seg avsløre i dopingtester.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: - Her er våre blodverdier: 6 mars

"Verdensmester Tor Arne Hetland og resten av den norske langrennseliten viser nå sine blodverdier for allverden for å styrke Norges troverdighet som en dopingfri langrennsnasjon.

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: - Utidig med høydehus-debatt: 2 mars

"Verdens antidoping-politi, WADA, varsler ny debatt om bruk av høydehus. Ledelsen i norsk idrett er ikke enig.

Norsk artikel TV2: Holmgang: Hva er hemmeligheten bak den norske suksessen?

"Hvordan kan våre stjerner gjøre det bedre enn andre som doper seg uten at de gjør det selv? Ligger det bare i genene, eller har vi nordmenn et forklaringsproblem? Blir kampen mot doping stadig vanskeligere? Hva mener du? Delta i nettavstemningen, eller i debatten på våre nettsider.

Norsk artikel TV2: Norge offentliggjør blodverdiene: 6 mars

"Hele det norske langrennlandslaget offentliggjør blodverdiene sine. De ønsker å vise at de er dopingfri og oppfordrer nå resten av langrennsverden til å gjøre det samme.

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: Hadde ikke blitt tatt i Norge: 2 mars

"Dersom finnene hadde blitt testet i Norge ville ikke dopingskandalen blitt avslørt.

The Norway Post: Ski president understands doping suspicions: 6 mars

"Following a survey which showed that one out of three Norwegians believe that Norwegian Nordic skiers use doping, Norway ski president Jan Jensen says: "It´s understandable."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Det var inte finska folket som fuskade: 6 mars

"Finns det någon särskild beteendekultur i Finland som leder till att man där har färre spärrar mot dopning än man har exempelvis i Sverige? Tar man i Finland idrotten på så blodigt allvar att man tillåter sig allt inklusive det otillåtna?

Svensk artikel Expressen: Boxning: Arg Krajnc hotar ställa in VM-fight: 6 mars

"Världsmästaren Armand Krajnc, 27, är arg och besviken. Han hotar att hoppa av från VM-matchen mot Paolo Roberto den 28 april i Köpenhamn. Krajnc har tröttnat på sitt stall.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Personlig dietist - din hjälp i mataffären: 6 mars

"Under en livstid stoppar var och en i sig 50 ton mat. Med den mängden i bakhuvudet förstår man att ens kostvanor får konsekvenser. – Men man kan äta all mat – det handlar bara om hur ofta man äter den, säger Anna Olsson, personlig dietist.

Svensk artikel PrioInfo: Kostnadsfri testaccess till medicinska informationstjänster, e-böcker och databaser:

"Informationstjänsterna fungerar som uppslagsverk, referensböcker eller för orientering inom olika ämnesområden. De används till exempel vid frågor om klinisk behandling, läkemedelsreaktioner och interaktioner och för att uppdatera sig om ny forskning eller rön inom olika sjukdomsområden eller läkemedelsutveckling.

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Måndag 5 mars

The Arnold Fan: Exclusive "COLLATERAL DAMAGE" TEASER! Early Footage of Arnold's New Thriller Revealed!: 2 mars

"Thanks to the gracious staff at Warner Bros., The ARNOLD FAN was fortunate enough to join a handful of journalists on a visit to the Warner Bros. Studio Lot this past week and witness an advanced "teaser" screening of what may be one of the most intriguing Arnold Schwarzenegger projects in a long time! That's right, we are talking about Collateral Damage!

Seattle Times: A not-so-fine line between altruism and chumphood: 2 mars

"Let me begin this medical seminar with a pop quiz. Which one of these words best describes Jonas Salk: (a) Altruist, (b) Pure Scientist, (c) Chump, or (d) All of the Above.

This is not exactly a trick question. You see, the man who discovered the polio vaccine never made a penny from it. When asked who owned the vaccine, Salk answered, "the people."

This scientist didn't live in obscurity or die in poverty. But what would have happened if he'd begun his research today?

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Rekordmange sier nei til høydehus: 5 mars

"37 prosent av den norske befolkningen sier nei til høydehus. Aldri har flere vært i mot.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: – Dopning sker även i Sverige: 2 mars

"Sex finländska skidåkare har ertappats med dopning. Nu hävdar Finlands antidopningschef att problemen är lika stora i Sverige. - Längdskidåkningen är rutten, säger Timo Seppälä.

EurekAlert: Calcium scan predicts heart attack risk in physically fit people: 1 mars

"An electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) scan was able to identify individuals at elevated risk for a heart attack who did not fit the usual high-risk profile, according to a study presented today at the American Heart Association’s 41st Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention.

HealthWorld Online: Employee Wellness Programs Can Save Money for Businesses:

"It's all very well to say we know we should exercise for the touted health benefits. But what about encouraging employees to exercise to increase profits?

Yahoo! News: Sweet or Salty? Study Sheds Light on Food Craving: 2 mars

"A desire for chocolate may be a signal you are tired and the urge for salty snacks or milk products may indicate your body wants a real meal, according to results of a study on food cravings.

The Arnold Fan: Raising hell!:

"Learn the conception secrets behind the monstrous Devil from Arnold's "End Of Days"!

HealthScout: Technique Helps Athletes Breathe Better:

"Radio-frequency energy used to clear airways. "I predict procedures like this will be very commonplace for athletes in the future." - Dr. Mansoor Madani, Center for Corrective Jaw Surgery, Bala Cynwyd, Pa.

Alluring Fitness:

"What you will find here are exclusive photographs of some of the most tantalizing NPC & IFBB fitness competitors & fitness models that you won't find in any publication".

  • J.M. Manion Interview with Jenny Worth (1:a Fitness International 2001)
  • J.M. Manion Interview with Kelly Ryan (2:a Fitness International 2001)
  • J.M. Manion Interview with Mary Yockey

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Sjuk humor? Nej, finsk:

"Vågar man skoja om finnarna nu? Jag är inte säker. Ett land som förlorat sin nationella stolthet är inte att leka med. – Finnarna är ett folk där 90 procent av befolkningen ger de övriga tio procenten dåligt rykte, sa Mark Levengood i tv på filmgalan. Ruggigt. Kanske dags att testa fler...

MetaMuscle: The Schwarzenegger Dance: 4 mars

"I like Arnie as much the next guy but this game is pretty wild. Take a couple of sniper shots at Schwarzenegger while he dances around in a tutu outfit."

Jeff Everson's Planet Muscle - The Only Free Bodybuilding Magazine:

"Planet Muscle Magazine has been around for three years now. My goal for the magazine is to survive, and to actually prosper without selling my soul, or to let a goal of profit overtake a quest for the understanding of truth.

Jeff Everson's Planet Muscle: Janne Virtanen is now The World's Strongest man!:

Lite väl mycket plugg för MET-Rx, eller...?

"The athletes all thank MET-Rx Anabolic Drive Series Advanced Protein Matrix Pro 60, generally regarded by most research muscle biologists and real athletes in the trenches, as the best overall muscle-building, anti-catabolic protein ever developed world wide, for this great event. Now the strongest men really do have a forum to showcase their amazing athletic powers!"

Southern Muscle Plus - Your Source for Bodybuilding, Fitness & Powerlifting News:

"Florida Muscle News has been the #1 publication covering bodybuilding, fitness and powerlifting in the State of Florida since 1987.

Builtmore Productions:

"Builtmore Productions was created for those of us who have grown weary of what the media, including those outlets purportedly serving our interests, have to offer. Here you will discover the fit bodies you’re searching for; the tall, toned amazons who bring on the rush of helpless rapture, when we come across them unexpectedly.

Norsk artikel Builtmore Productions: Publicity: Vi Menn (Norway):

"Før skulle jenter være søte og yndige for å være sexy. Nå dukker det opp en helt ny type sexsymboler. De har muskler, de måler 1,90 på strømpelesten, de veier gjerne 100 kilo, de pumper jern dagen lang og bryter handbak om kveldene. De er de moderne amazonene.

Svensk artikel BuiltMore Scandinavia!

"BuiltMore Productions producerar videor med vältränade och/eller muskulösa modeller. Huvudsakligen gäller det tjejer med vacker benmuskularitet, men generellt även bodybuilders, fitness modeller, dansare och alla möjliga slags kvinnor som är vältränade överlag.

The Arm's Massive Power Page:

"This page is devoted to the shameless self promotion of me, Mark "The Arm" Olson. Arm wrestling champion, Powerlifting Champion, and personal power trainer.

Kim Hartt - IFBB Pro Fitness Competitor, Personal Trainer, Fitness Model...

Victoria Johnson's Body Shoppe

Debbie Kruck Fitness Classic

Rich Gaspari - Gaspari Nutrition

SCE Sports: Gunter Schlierkamp's 2000 Olympia medal could be yours!

Global Health and Fitness: Fat Calculator:

"Here you'll find out exactly how much fat you should consume daily, specific to your age, gender, height and weight, activity level, and personal fitness goals. Factors used in the GHF Fat Calculator are based on a formula used by the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

Global Health and Fitness: BMR Calculator:

"Here, you'll find out your BMR (metabolism or calories "burned" to sustain life) and can estimate your daily caloric needs. Factors used in the GHF BMR Calculator are based on information and equations from Harris & Benedict.

Global Health and Fitness: Calorie Calculator:

"Here, you'll find out how many calories your body "burns" (used or expended) for more than 70 different exercises/activities. Factors used in the GHF Calorie Calculator are based on information from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

Global Health and Fitness: Carbohydrate Calculator:

"Here you'll find out exactly how many carbohydrates you should consume daily, specific to your age, gender, height and weight, activity level, and personal fitness goals. Factors used in the GHF Carbohydrate Calculator are based on a formula used by the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

Global Health and Fitness: Protein Calculator:

"Here you'll find out exactly how much protein you should consume daily, specific to your age, gender, height and weight, activity level, and personal fitness goals. Factors used in the GHF Protein Calculator are based on a formula used by the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

National Physique Comittee - Virginia

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Rasistiska påhopp på finsk skidsport: 4 mars

"Affären var osedvanligt klantigt skött. Ändå förstår jag ingenting. Jag trodde att det alltid varit varje idrottsmans ständiga mål att hela tiden försöka förhöja och förbättra sina resultat.

Så har det varit ända sedan antikens olympiader då till exempel en idrottsman vid namn Dromeus för första gången införde köttdiet för grekiska idrottsmän i stället för den ostdiet de tidigare tvingades äta under träningarna. Genast förbättrades resultatet.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Forskare: Banta i grupp är bäst: 4 mars

"Var tredje svensk vill gå ner i vikt. Två miljoner tänker göra ett försök nu under våren. Men många av dem kommer att misslyckas. I alla fall de som försöker på egen hand. Bäst lyckas de som gruppbantar eller använder medicin, visar en ny rapport.

Pittsburgh Sports & Fitness Expo

Sexy Swimwear.com

Cynthia James Elite Competitions Wear:

"Just before my first competition, I couldn't find a posing suit to wear that fit me. "Hell, I thought, I make swimsuits - how hard could this be??!!" Voila, and thus, created my niche.

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