B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 09 2001
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Födelsedagar vecka 09

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Lördag/söndag 3/4 mars

Monica Brandt: Monica’s Autographed Boots on the auction:

"Boots worn by Monica Brant for Universal Nutrition Poster and Ad campaign. Winning bidder receives the actual autographed pair of boots (size 8) in the ad and poster. Also an autographed copy of both the poster and ad."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Livsmedelsverket varnar för kreatin: 3 mars

"Statens livsmedelsverk avråder allmänheten från att äta större doser av kreatin som kosttillskott eftersom det är osäkert hur det påverkar kroppen. Många idrottsmän, och även kroppsbyggare, använder kreatin i hopp om att det ska höja deras prestationer. Effekten av detta är dock omdiskuterad."

Svensk artikel Svenska Livsmedelsverket: Undvik höga halter av kreatin: 2 mars

"Så länge det inte finns data om säkerheten vid höga intag av kreatin bör konsumenten vara försiktig. Det är slutsatsen i två olika rapporter som lett till många frågor från konsumenter. Kreatin säljs som kosttillskott. Läs mer om kreatin."

Gorilla World - The Source for World Gym Licensed Apparel

Fitness Factory:

"We will provide you with the nutritional, weight training and cardiovascular training guidelines to help you reach your personal goals. Whether your trying to lose weight, get more fit, improve your cardiovascular endurance or seek success in a career as a bodybuilding or fitness competitor, the Fitness Factory will design a program specifically for you."

Europa Sports:

"Wholesale distributor of high-quality supplements for gyms and retail health food stores seeking excellent customer service."

Ironman Magazine Online: Ageless in Seattle...:

"Okay, so what do you get when a handsome Dutch-English naval officer is stationed in Pearl Harbor and marries a beautiful island girl?

An offspring like Brenda Michiko Kelly, a fast-rising fitness professional and aspiring actress who draws “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” stares when she reveals her age. The 5’2”, 108-pound knockout makes no bones about it: She hits birthday 42 on January 13 and is proud of it."

Frank Zepe:

"Welcome to the Official Frank Sepe website! It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here. I intend for this site to be the ultimate resource for people interested in improving their bodies naturally.

Guy Grundy


Vince Galanti

Jamo Nezzar - IFBB Pro

WrestleHedz - Wrestling's Funniest Cartoon Series!

Svensk artikel Pre Convent 2001, 24 mars - För alla som satsar seriöst:

"Föreläsning och övning av resultatförbättring i Concept II roddmaskin och samt föredrag av Fredrik Paulún om formtoppning & fettförbränning."

The Independent: Stroke kills girl who was addicted to weight drug: 23 februari

"A teenager has died from blood poisoning after she became addicted to a drug that she injected to lose weight.

She had been taking the drug for its "fat-busting qualities" and because it enabled her to work out in the gym for several hours in a row, said her mother, Dorothy Driscoll, from Thatcham, Berkshire.

The Independent: Soldiers get nicotine patches to improve standard of fitness: 3 mars

"Free nicotine patches and anti-smoking packs are to be issued to military recruits with their guns and uniforms in a drive to persuade soldiers and sailors to kick the habit and improve their fitness standards.

The Independent: Media hype can seriously improve your health: 22 februari

"So Zyban is killing patients? Funny that, I thought it was smoking that killed people – about 120,000 a year in this country on current form. None the less, no one wants to die of ignorance. We know smoking kills. We don't know – or didn't – that Zyban does.

The Independent: The easy way to a better body: 15 februari

"The days of gruelling aerobics classes are over. Slower and gentler workouts could be a better route to fitness, experts say

The Independent: Health Check: The best cure for a bad back: do nothing: 15 februari

"One measure of success for any article published in a newspaper is the response it provokes. On that basis the piece we carried on this page highlighting a treatment for back pain, published on 14 October 1997, is the winner by a huge margin.

Svensk artikel TV4: Arne Ljungqvist: "Fel att anklaga Finland för att ha dopningskultur": 3 mars

"- Det finns inga argument, inga belägg, för att träningsmetoden skulle vara skadlig eller innebära några hälsorisker. Det finns inga forskningsrapporter som påvisar det. Dessutom liknar höghöjdshusträningen den vanliga höghöjdsträningen, den man utför på hög höjd i exempelvis Alperna, så därför går det inte att förbjuda höghöjdshusen.

Svensk artikel TV4: "Grönt kort" snart krav för att tävla: 3 mars

"Snart krävs det ett "Grönt kort" för att få delta i elitidrottstävlingar. Det internationella dopningsorganet Wada har beslutat om ett nytt program för att försöka stoppa dopningen i större tävlingar.

Svensk artikel Vasabladet: Vilka känslor väcker dopningsskandalen hos dig?: Läs andras kommentarer...

Svensk artikel Vasabladet: ”Också andra dopade sig”: 3 mars

"Finland är inte det enda land som använt sig av otillåtna metoder. Det hävdar skidlandslagets före detta chefstränare Kari-Pekka Kyrö. Enligt honom använde minst två andra nationers åkare otillåtna metoder i VM i Lahtis. Vilka nationer det är fråga om vill Kyrö inte uppge utan nöjer sig med att säga att det är länder i Europa.

Svensk artikel Fairing Sports Nutrition: Team Fairing - Profiler:

  • Peder Eliasson - Meriterad kroppsbyggare
  • Ingrid Edvardsson - Meriterad inom Athletic Fitness
  • Mauri Fox - Sveriges största webbdesigner
  • Whael Haddad - Obesegrad svensk mästare i Kickboxning
  • Petri Järvelä - Professionell motocrossförare
  • Isam Kahlil - Professionell boxare

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Landslagslege fyrer løs mot Kran - Høydehus er også doping: 3 mars

"- Hvis Kjell Kran ikke kan se en sammenheng mellom EPO og høyde-hus, har han ikke innsikt i problemstillingen, hevder Ola Jøsendal, landslagslege i kapp-gang.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Kran tar gjerne debatten: 3 mars

"- Jeg tar gjerne en etisk debatt rundt høydehus, men det har ingenting med dopingskandalen i Finland å gjøre, fastslår Kjell Kran.

Arnold Classic: Miss International - Compare the two winners!:

  • Dayana Cadeau - Lightweight winner of 2001 Ms. International.
  • Vickie Gates - 2001 Ms. International winner and heavyweight champion.

Fitness International Winner is Jenny Worth of Tallahassee, Fla.

Injury Tracker:

"Injury Tracker is the most powerful and flexible software solution available for the complete management of athlete health - including sports injuries, therapy and treatments, meds, surgeries, diagnostic images and more.

Time: Pumping Iron Jr.: 5 mars

"Weight training won't stunt a child's growth, but the lifts have to be chosen with care. Here's how:

MSNBC: Evading germs at the gym: 9 januari

"How can you guard against infections at the gym? Should you exercise when you’re sick? Smart Fitness answers your queries. (Via MetaMuscle)

ProTrainerOnline.com Update: 1 mars

Stretch and Grow!
In almost every activity or sport, stretching has always been a typical way to "warm up" the body and get it ready for action. However, you do not have to be an elite athlete to reap the rewards.

Summer Countdown
In the middle of winter when it is cold, gloomy and frigid outside, the last thing that comes to our minds is the summertime. Many of us are enjoying the winter season and the multitude of activities that accompany it.

T'ai Chi Chih in the Fitness World
Have you ever been to the gym and seen people reading a magazine while riding the recumbent bike or watching TV while on the Stairmaster? I have often asked myself, "What are these people actually doing in here?"

The Very Good Question Section
This is a new section consisting of some very good questions and their answers as fielded by the ISSA technical support team over the past two weeks.

Cyberpump: The HIT FAQ 4.0

New Scientist: Doing the twist: 1 mars

"Different muscle structure explains why sportswomen are far more likely to suffer knee injuries.

HealthCentral: Are The Active Ingredients In Self-Tanning Products Dangerous?: 1 mars

"The only danger found in these lotions is that you may assume you are protected from the sun, but you’re not. This stuff just dyes your skin, but you’re still vulnerable to sunburn.

Yahoo! Finance: Body By Jake Bun & Thigh Rocker Receives The 2000 Greensheet Infomercial Award For Best Health And Fitness Infomercial: 2 mars

"Infotopia, Inc. today announced that the Body By Jake Bun & Thigh Rocker won the 2000 Greensheet Best Health And Fitness Infomercial Award. In addition Jordan Whitney, Inc. has ranked Body By Jake Bun & Thigh Rocker as third current top infomercial for the week of 3/1/2001.

WebMD: Internet Info on Breast Augmentation Not Always the Most Reliable: 27 februari

"As With Other Media Sources, Consumers Must Take Time to Find the Best Information.

Ivanhoe.com: Diet and Blood Pressure: 1 mars

"These days, we're bombarded from all directions by scientific studies telling us what we should and shouldn't eat to stay healthy. Many times, just as we've altered our diet in one direction, another study comes out suggesting we take a different action. Why aren't these reports more consistent?

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Frukt och grönt halverade dödligheten: 2 mars

"Att äta mer frukt och grönsaker rika på C-vitamin minskade dödligheten i hjärt-kärlsjukdom men även totalmortaliteten. Personer med de högsta C-vitaminnivåerna i plasma hade en halverad risk jämfört med dem som hade de lägsta nivåerna. Däremot påverkade inte vitamintillskott dödligheten.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: De är besatta av att äta nyttig mat: 2 mars

"Nu varnar amerikanska läkare för en ny typ av ätstörning. Ortorektikern blir besatt av nyttig mat och "hög" av att äta den.

- Detta kan säkert bli vanligt i Sverige eftersom många känner sig osäkra på det experterna säger när det gäller kött till exempel, många litar inte på auktoriteter längre, säger Ingela Melin, utbildningsansvarig på överviktsenheten på Huddinge sjukhus."

Svensk artikel TopShape:

"Information om Träningslära, Näringslära och relaterade ämnen. Dessutom en WebButik med bra priser och brett sortiment."

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare


Fredag 2 mars

Elite Fitness Systems:

"Our mission here at Elite Fitness Systems is to provide quality products that we know work from trial and error from some of America's top athletes, and feedback from strength coaches around the world.

Power Factor Training/Static Contraction Training: Phone Consultations:

No matter how much information I put on this website or John and I put into our books, specific questions always arise. For this reason, I do telephone consultations. If you have specific training issues you would like to discuss and would like to have a one-on-one conversation, we can easily arrange a private phone consultation.

  • How to adapt your training to the specific equipment in your gym
  • How to adjust your training to take advantage of your personal Alpha / Beta strength characteristics
  • Tricks and tweaks to maximize your overall results
  • Adding aerobic or martial arts workouts to your training schedule
  • Ways to boost the growth of your lagging bodyparts
  • Specific answers to your specific questions and concerns

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: Alt om Ski-VM:

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: - Råtten idrett: 2 mars

"Langrennssporten er råtten. Og jeg tror at alle toppnasjoner har et dopingproblem - i en eller annen form. Kraftsalven kommer fra Finlands antidopingsjef, Timo Seppälä.

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: - Utidig med høydehus-debatt: 2 mars

"Verdens antidoping-politi, WADA, varsler ny debatt om bruk av høydehus. Ledelsen i norsk idrett er ikke enig.

Norsk artikel TV2: Dæhlie: - Høydehus en annen planet:

"Bjørn Dæhlie er ikke enig i WADA-styremedlem Anders Bessebergs påstand om at bruken av høydehus fører til at andre utøvere tar i bruk medikamenter for å oppnå samme resultat.

Norsk artikel Nettavisen: Hetland: - Dropp høydehus: 2 mars

"Sprint-verdensmester Tor Arne Hetland vil droppe høydehus for å gjenopprette tilliten til sporten. - Å si vi slutter med høydehus er kanskje den eneste muligheten vi har, mener Hetland.

Norsk artikel Nettavisen: Norske regjeringen: Vil forby all doping: 1 mars

"Den norske og finske regjeringen vil i løpet av kort tid legge frem et forslag som gjør all bruk og besittelse av doping ulovlig.

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: Regjeringen forsterker dopingkampen: 2 mars

"Regjeringen vil ytterligere forsterke Norges innsats i kampen mot doping. Kulturdepartementet vil sammen med Norges Idrettsforbund (NIF) gjennomføre en rekke tiltak for å bekjempe dopingondet.

Ripped: Lift Slow or Say No?:

"It’s time for another effort to cut through the hype and try to understand what slow-rep lifting will do and, perhaps more importantly, what it won’t do. Let’s start with two recent studies, one suggesting the promise of slow reps, and the other raising some doubts about the scope of the benefits. Maybe we can help people decide whether to "go slow" – or just say no. (Via MetaMuscle)

Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition: Doping news frenzy clogs net servers: 1 mars

"The feeding-frenzy surrounding the news of the results of the WADA doping tests, in which a further four Finnish skiers were found to have used the blood-thinning plasma volume expander HES, caused Helsingin Sanomat's Finnish-language website (and also the International Edition) to become overloaded on Wednesday.

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadsbladet: Turpeinen specialist på hemoglobin: 2 mars

"Hemoglobinforskning var skidförbundsläkaren Juha-Pekka Turpeinens specialitet på tävlings- och toppidrottsforskningsinstitutet KIHU i Jyväskylä fram till i går, då han avskedades Till hans uppgifter hörde bland annat att studera olika sätt att manipulera hemoglobinvärden.

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadsbladet: Dopning alltid brist på moral: 2 mars

Svensk artikel corren.se: Livsfarligt med fysisk inaktivitet: 28 februari

"Det är bättre att vara överviktig och tränad, än mager och otränad. I alla fall om du vill leva ett långt och friskt liv.

ABC News: Plastic Surgeons Salute Baywatch:

"When Pamela Anderson Lee bounced her way to Baywatch babedom, cosmetic surgeons everywhere rejoiced.

Sportserver: Pound concerned athletes are targets for doping: 25 februari

"Educating young athletes about the dangers of doping is the greatest need to fight the spread of chemical sports cheats, a conference of Canadian sports experts concluded at a gathering here Sunday.

Ralf Moëller

Health News Directory:

"Links you to reliable health news sites for a variety of medical conditions as well as to news on fitness, nutrition, pain, and men's, women's, and children's health.

Just-food.com: Soyfood: So far Soy good: 27 februari

"Once familiar only to vegetarians and health food fans, the soybean has become the centerpiece of a diet revolution that has far outgrown its 5000-year-old Asian beginnings. Simple soy-based products, such as tofu and tempeh, have been available in health food outlets in Europe and the US for decades. Recently, however, soy-based products ranging from "milk" to burgers have become ubiquitous items on grocery store shelves.

JSOnline.com: It's never too late to limber up the limbs. Here's how: 26 februari

"Gay Gasper, a fitness professional for the past 16 years, said legs are "definitely a body part most women want to work," and that women generally want to slim their legs. While men don't focus on legs as much as women do, she said, those who do want to make changes to their lower limbs usually want to build them.

IMBD: Darth Vader Actor's Paralysis Spreads: 1 mars

"Star Wars actor David Prowse's mystery paralysis has worsened, spreading to his back. The former champion bodybuilder, who played Darth Vader in the hit movie trilogy, had to be taken to the hospital last week after suddenly losing the use of his arm while on a trip to Germany.

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Vitamin B1 (tiamin) - viktigt vitamin för ämnesomsättningen: 28 februari

"Vitamin B1 behövs bland annat för omsättningen (metabolismen) av kolhydrater, för att muskler och nerver ska fungera normalt och för att kroppens energiproduktion skall vara normal.

NewsRounds: Girls who diet "normally" more likely to start smoking: 1 mars

"Adolescent girls who diet may be more likely to begin smoking than their nondieting counterparts, according to a prospective study of public school students. In fact, there appears to be a "dose-response" relationship, with increased dieting frequency associated with elevated risk of smoking initiation.

PsycPort: Burger And Fries: Brain Food It's Not: 1 mars

"Remember what you ate yesterday? If not, maybe it's because your diet was full of high-fat foods like fast-food burgers, ice cream and potato chips.

High-fat foods not only clog the arteries, but damage brain function - at least in laboratory rats, says a new Canadian study.

BBC News: Rat genome is next: 1 mars

What about the GymRat genome...?

"The US scientists who helped decipher the genetic instructions of humans, mice and flies are to turn their attentions to the rat.

Svensk artikel GP: Larmade om HES redan 1999: 26 februari

"Östersundsläkaren Peter Hemmingsson har intresserat följt dopningsskandalen i Lahtis. Till skillnad från de flesta andra är han inte ett dugg förvånad över hemohesavslöjandena. - Jag såg tendensen redan för två år sedan, säger han.

Excite: Darth Vader Hospitalized: 1 mars

"David Prowse, the body behind Star Wars bad guy, paralyzed by mysterious illness.

Lou Tambone, who maintains DaveProwse.com, said the famous screen villain and former body builder is out of his hospital bed and walking around and is undergoing physical therapy, although he still feels lingering pain.

SunTimes.com: Fitness devotee to take her shot at 'the Arnold': 27 februari

"Beth Horn walks over to a shoulder press, sits down, throws back her long blond hair and smiles. "I can lift the whole thing," Horn says. The whole thing is 250 pounds.

Jones makes her professional debut as a fitness competitor this weekend at the 13th Annual Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic in Columbus, Ohio. Horn, 23, runs her own fitness business in a River North gymnasium.

The Irish Times: Finding a fit place to work: 23 februari

"If employers encourage a physically active workforce, businesses will themselves reap benefits. Advantages listed by the guide include reduced absenteeism, shorter sickness leave, lower health care costs and fewer injuries.

Businesses are likely to enjoy improved productivity and a higher quality of work. Other organisational benefits listed include enhanced corporate image (internally and externally); increased work ability of employees; and reduced costs in job replacements, re-training and early retirement.

JS Online: How to get in shape while avoiding injury: 25 februari

"When you're working hard to improve the shape and tone of your body, the last thing you want to do is hurt yourself.

Unfortunately, this can happen when exercises are done incorrectly, said Andrea Varner, a physical therapist at the Performance Centers of Milwaukee's St. Francis Hospital.

LA Times: Gym Rats Turn On Power During Off-Peak Hours: 1 mars

"The Glute Master, Ab Crunch and 45-Degree Donkey Calf machines sit idle. In fact, most of the 122 pieces of workout equipment at the 24-Hour Fitness in Glendale are not in use at 2:30 a.m. On a recent Friday, in a room where a sign reads "maximum occupancy 147 persons," a mere three people are exercising, each speed-walking their way toward physical perfection.

Ananova: Fitness fanatic bets to win £10 million if he lives to 127: 1 mars

"A fitness fanatic from London will win £10 million if he lives to be 127-years-old. The sports science graduate works at a health and fitness club and says he does not smoke, drinks plenty of water and takes between 10 and 12 multi-vitamins a day.

BBC Sport: Handy tips for sportsmen: 27 februari

"Scientists believe they have finally put their finger on what it takes to make an exceptional athlete.

Dr John Manning, from the School of Biological Sciences, explained: "There is evidence that our fingers tell us how much of the male hormone testosterone we have been exposed to before birth.

The Washington Post: How Does Your Multivitamin Stack Up?: 20 februari

"Rating Firm Flunks One-Third of Samples Tested for Purity and Dosage.

WebMD: Fact or Fiction: Education Is Key To Personal Training: 

"Certified athletic trainers are much more knowledgeable about injuries and how to evaluate that injury to determine its severity," DeRocher tells webMD. "Where athletic and personal trainers overlap is in their knowledge about how to increase strength and endurance."

WebMD: Turning the Pyramid Upside Down: 26 februari

"Nutritionists warn that we're still eating way too much junk food. Call it a pyramid scheme.

The Washington Post: Soft Drinks, Hard Facts: 27 februari

"Research suggests kids who drink a lot of soft drinks risk becoming fat, weak-boned, cavity-prone and caffeine-addicted.

drkoop.com: Reap the Benefits of Exercise:

"Below is !n eight-week timeline of changes you are likely to experience once you begin exercising regularly. The timeline is based on a p2ogram that includes 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity three times per week, weight training two to three times per week, and flexibility exercises three to five times per week.

HealthWatch: Scales Rule? Watched Weight May Not Drop:

"In a recent survey of 107,804 American adults, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 64% of the men and 78% of the women surveyed were either on a diet or keeping close tabs on what they ate so as not to gain weight.

Many weight loss experts say they believe that such "chronic" dieters run the risk of ruining their health.

Just-food.com: Nestle plans push on Functional Foods: 26 februari

"Nestle SA, the world's biggest food company, plans a major push into high-end nutrition products that offer specific health benefits, Chief Executive Peter Brabeck said on Friday.

The Washington Post: In Europe, the Ordinary Takes a Frightening Turn: 1 mars

"A bowl of cornflakes can kill you - not to mention a ham sandwich or a T-bone steak. Getting vaccinated can kill you. Flying economy class can kill you, and business class isn't much better. The rubber duckie in your bathtub can kill you (and your children). And put down that cell phone, before it kills you!

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Ali R. Sorodi

Torsdag 1 mars

American Body Building: Unofficial Arnold Classic Preview: 25 februari

"This years edition of Bodybuilding's biggest dance will feature an unprecedented event as the current Mr Olympia, Ronnie Coleman, puts an entire year of supremacy on the line for a chance at some serious cash and an automobile big enough to hold his back and King Kamali's mouth at the same time. Sorry King, but at least we're talking about you, isn't that what you wanted?

Danska artikel Aktuelt: Farlige kostråd lokker på internettet: 1 mars

"På internettet kan man købe hundedyre kosttilskud, der giver større bryster eller kurerer alvorlige sygdomme. Men ifølge Fødevaredirektoratet strider mange netsider mod lovgivningen.

Schwarzenegger.com: Arnold's friends pump him up: 1 mars

"This week, USA TODAY, the LOS ANGELES TIMES and US WEEKLY will focus on the outpouring of support Arnold has received in the wake of recent articles which have presented him in an unfavorable light.

Many colleagues, executives and friends have written letters to the editor disputing the claims of Premiere Magazine and The National Enquirer. These letters from distinguished people include Kelly Preston, Jamie Lee Curtis, Rita Wilson, director James Cameron, Linda Hamilton and many others (Gregory Allen Hall, Arnold Kopelson, Rae Sanchini, Vaughn A. Stames, M.D., The Big Breakfast).

IFBB: 2001 Arnold Classic: Notice regarding Contest Results:

Tony Blinn, responsible for the IFBB.com website writes: 

"I will be leaving for Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, March 1, 2001, to cover the Arnold Classic and will return on Monday, March 5, 2001.

The contest results will not be posted at IFBB.com until I return. However, you should be able to find the results at FLEXonline.com or at GETBIG.com."

Netscape: Limitless Source of Repair Cells Comes From Fat: 28 februari

"Scientists said on Tuesday a virtually limitless source of cells, from human fat, can be turned into cartilage, offering a good supply of repair materials for people with damaged joints.


"Pictures and video clips of female bodybuilders and other sportswomen. The art of female bodybuilding and fitness.


"Home of the industry consultant, author, and columnist Will Brink. The purpose of this site is to educate, entertain, and above all, present the facts as they relate to health, exercise, bodybuilding, nutrition, and supplements.

Nutrition Science News: Ergogenics for Endurance Athletes: Mars 2000

"To help your athletic customers go the distance, you need to know which supplements work. We dug through the performance-enhancing promises to give you the facts about branched chain amino acids, hormones, herbs and hydration aids.

Nutrition Science News: A Well-Oiled Machine: December 2000

"The lymphatic system, often overlooked in modern medicine, is one of the main determiners of immune health. Keeping this system clean and active with exercise, diet and herbs can prevent conditions such as tonsillitis, appendicitis and fibrocystic breast disease.

Nutrition Science News: Lipoic Acid: The Universal Antioxidant: Oktober 2000

"Move over vitamins C and E, there is another antioxidant in town said to provide a far wider range of benefits. Lipoic acid, which is the priority name according to the American Society of Biological Chemistry, is also known as alpha-lipoic acid and thioctic acid. Like other antioxidants, lipoic acid has the ability to scavenge the body for disease-causing free radicals; however, that appears to only scratch the surface of this supplement's benefits.

Nutrition Science News: What aspect of dietary supplements do consumers still find confusing?: Oktober 2000

"Many consumers remain confused about how to best choose and use supplements. This is not surprising considering the ever-increasing number of supplements on the market as well as conflicting information circulating about such products. For the supplements industry to experience its full potential, say the experts, consumers need to become more confident in their supplements usage decisions.

LE Magazine: Youthful Brain, Youthful Body: Maj 1998

"Deprenyl has been shown not only to protect brain cells, but to extend life span as well. The synergistic effects are fascinating."

LE Magazine: Digestive Enzymes: The Missing Link: April 1999

"Enzymes are a vital component of the digestive process, essential to the body's absorption and full use of food. The capacity of a living organism to make enzymes diminishes with age, and some scientists believe that humans could live longer and be healthier by guarding against the loss of our precious enzymes.

LE Magazine: CLA: Newly Discovered Benefits: April 1999

"Compelling evidence indicates that CLA can promote youthful metabolic function and reduce body fat. The unique mechanisms by which this fatty acid protects against disease makes it an important addition to a life extension program.

LE Magazine: Replenish Testosterone Naturally: Januari 2000

"For testosterone to produce long-lasting libido enhancing effects, it must be kept in the "free" form in the bloodstream. Bound testosterone is not able to be picked up by testosterone receptors on cell membranes. For aging men, it is desirable to suppress excess levels of SHBG and estrogen while boosting free testosterone to the level of a young man. There is now a natural way of modulating testosterone and estrogen levels in aging men that does not require expensive prescription drugs."

LE Magazine: New Study Confirms CLA's Anti-Fat Effects: Februari 2000

"It keeps getting better! The interest in Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) continues to grow as more evidence is compiled, in study after study, showing how remarkable this dietary supplement is. And the Life Extension Foundation (LEF) has been there since the beginning.

LE Magazine: Alpha-lipoic acid inhibits free radicals... better than vitamin E: Februari 2000

"Alpha-lipoic acid is a prescription drug approved in Europe to treat diabetic neuropathy. It is also being used as a potential therapeutic agent to treat diseases related to intercellular depletion of glutathione including HIV infection, congestive heart failure and cataract. According to researchers at University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, it also functions as an antioxidant in humans.

Physical Magazine: Soy the New Muscle Builder:

"Athletes used to consider soy a substandard protein. New research shows otherwise.

Physical Magazine: Branched-Chain Amino Acids:

"Recent research has confirmed that BCAAs increase protein synthesis, reduce fatigue and even increase the testosterone supply in your muscles.

Physical Magazine: The Best Kind Of Whey:

"Whey protein comes in many forms. Find out what a leading researcher has learned about the ideal type of whey for strength.

Physical Magazine: The 30-Gram Rule Exposed:

"Here's a no-nonsense look at the controversial limit on the amount of protein that your body can digest at one time.

Physical Magazine: Amino Acids:

"Take your growth to the next level with this high-tech athletic ammo.


"ProTrainers is the premier "better than FREE" site for all of your Personal Training needs. We know that trainers and their clients are EXTREMELY busy, so we've created a site that is quick, easy, and professional. This site provides the Personal Trainer and their clients with tools ranging from Scheduling and Reservations to a complete Financial Suite."

InnerWorkout.com weight loss diet support:

"InnerWorkout focuses on weight management from the inside out. Learn skills from healthy eating, fitness and life balance to realistic goal setting and time management strategies."

Jacqueline de Gennaro

SportSpecific.com - Sports Training and Strength and Conditioning Programs:

"Improve your speed, agility, strength and quickness for sports performance enhancement. Covering the following sports: Baseball, Basketball, Figure/Ice Skating, Football, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Power/Plyometric Training, Soccer, Softball Speed, Agility, Quickness, Sports Nutrition, Sprinters, Tennis and Volleyball."


"A portal - directory of professional-level healthcare websites, featuring a search directory, newsletter, forums, chatrooms, continuing education and classified ads for the healthcare consumer and professional, help with the Internet."

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Charina Ödlund

Onsdag 28 februari

USA Today: Friends rally round Schwarzenegger: 27 februari

"Stars are rallying behind Arnold Schwarzenegger in a battle that's being called "politically motivated," pitting Premiere magazine against one of Hollywood's favorite action heroes.

NetDoktor: Knee joint repairs: 28 februari

"Scientists hope to repair knee joints using cartilage created in the laboratory from fat cells. Cartilage covers the inner surfaces of many of the body’s joints and is often damaged in the knee by sporting injuries."

Danska artikel Information: Æd dig tynd: 28 februari

"I dag er det askeonsdag – i katolsk tid fastens første dag. I dag svinger vi mellem fråds og spægelse hele året og frygter mad som var det usikker sex."

Operation FitKids:

"Operation FitKids is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health and fitness of America's youth. Through the use of recycled commercial fitness equipment donated by equipment manufacturers and health clubs, Operation FitKids provides fitness facilities to communities in need.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has adopted Operation FitKids as an arm of his national Inner City Games effort."

Yahoo! Finance: Soccer Super Stars, Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly Kick-off Safeway's "Eat Like a Champion" Program: 27 februari

"With the goal of improving eating and fitness habits among children and teens, today U.S. Women's Soccer Team stars Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly teamed up to kick off the national "Eat Like a Champion" education program in a produce section at a local Safeway store in Pleasanton. Their health and fitness messages scored big with local fifth grade fans from Alisal Elementary School who attended the high-impact event.

Norsk artikel tilapoteket.no - ditt personlige apotek

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: "Ungdomar kommer inte orka jobba": 28 februari

"Svenska barn rör sig allt mindre och blir allt klenare fysiskt. Nu varnar forskare för att ungdomar inte kommer att orka jobba."

Northern Light: Special Edition Genetically Modified Food


"HerbMed - an interactive, electronic herbal database – provides hyperlinked access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an evidence-based information resource for professionals, researchers, and general public."

International Association for the Study of Obesity:

"IASO represents scientists, medical and health professionals working to advance knowledge and understanding of the relationship between bodyweight and health through research and dialogue all over the world.

The Cook's Thesaurus:

"The Cook's Thesaurus is a cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.

Norsk artikel dinkost.no - alt om aernaring:

"DinKost.no er et faglig uavhengig nettsted for ernæringsinformasjon og personlige råd og oppfølging om kosthold. DinKosts utgangspunkt er at ernæringsinformasjon og kostrådgivning skal være forankret i etablert viten og at den enkelte forbruker, så vel som fagfolk innen for ulike sektorer, skal sikres råd og oppfølging i tråd med dette.

Businessweek Online: Getting the Skinny on the Juvenile Weight-Loss Market: 27 februari

"An aspiring entrepreneur who wants to help overweight kids slim down needs assistance sifting though the cornucopia of info on the subject."

WebMD: Beware Some Tanning Salons: 23 februari

"If you're not careful when choosing a tanning salon, the service you get might burn you in more ways than one. According to the authors of a recent survey in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, indoor tanning facilities, in at least one part of the U.S., may be placing consumers at risk for skin and eye damage by playing fast and loose with safety regulations."

USA Today: Diet industry fights the threat of mad cow risk: 27 februari

"The dietary supplement industry has formed a task force on mad cow disease to counter growing consumer fears that the disease plaguing Europe could find its way to the USA inside a pill bottle.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Ytringsfrihet - ikke for helsekostbransjen?: 28 februari 2000

"Stortinget bør sikre at retten til å informere sannferdig også gjelder dem som selger matvarer, helsekost og naturlegemidler. Det må være lov å opplyse om matens fysiologiske virkninger, og ikke holde forbrukerne i uvitenhet.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Trenger vi vitaminpiller?: 23 januari 1998

"De fleste norske leger har en mangelfull forståelse av den helsemessige betydning av kosttilskudd, mener dagens kronikkforfatter.

Han fremlegger materiale fra undersøkelser som viser redusert dødelighet og sykdom ved bruk av vitaminpiller, og redegjør for nye amerikanske oppdagelser og justeringer av regelverket for omsetning av kosttilskudd.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Næringsmiddeltilsynet har undersøkt helsekostprodukter på 54 utsalgssteder i Oslo: 26 februari 1999

"Et minimum av produktene i helsekost-forretninger i Oslo merkes korrekt, viser ny undersøkelse gjort av Næringsmiddeltilsynet.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: kvartalsrapport 1 kvartal 2000 Natural ASA: 5 maj 2000

"Natural hadde i første kvartal brutto royaltyinntekter på drøye 1,1 millioner som resultat av en royalty avtale med Nederlandske Loders Crocklaan, en del av Unilever. Omsetning av Tonalin i Skandinavia og Finland har økt fra 0,46 mill til 11,14 mill..

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Vitaminspray møter skepsis: 20 mars 2000

"Vitaminsprayen "Spike" selger så det spruter. Men mange er skeptiske til det nye produktet.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Ingos dotter gör debut i Las Vegas: 8 maj 2000

"Den 18 juni firar USA fars dag. Boxningsporten gör det i Las Vegas – på sitt sätt. – Jag, Jacqui Frazier och Freeda Foreman ska boxas i samma gala, säger Maria Gregner – dotter till Ingemar Johansson.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Själen hjälper kroppen: 7 oktober 1999

"Det kallas antigympa just för att det inte har med gympa att göra. Fast det utövas i en gymnastiksal. Ibland kan det komma en och annan snarkning från deltagarna. Men det är OK, säger Siv Larsson. Hela idén bygger på att med avslappning "gympa bort" stelheten och tröttheten.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Fler unga är överviktiga: 16 augusti 1999

"Övervikten bland skoleleverna i Västmanlands län ökar och var tredje elev äter godis varje dag. Det framgår av en undersökning som gjorts bland nära 7 000 elever i årskurs 6, 9 samt de som går tredje året i gymnasiet.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: En av tio dopar sig: 6 juni 1999

"Sophie pluggar till sjuksköterska i Bordeaux och tränar aerobics på fritiden. Hon har inga planer på att bli instruktör eller proffs, men har ändå tagit anabola steroider.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Kropp och själ behöver vård: 3 februari 2000

"Catrine Kostenius-Foster är friskvårdskonsult. Hennes dagliga gärning rör andra människors hälsa och välbefinnande. Men när hennes pappa dog 1995 hade hon inte mycket hjälp av sin kunskap. Livskrisen tvingade henne att se andra aspekter av tillvaron.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Piller stimulerar tillväxthormon: 28 juni 1999

"Inom fem år kan ett piller som stimulerar produktionen av tillväxthormon hos äldre vara ute på marknaden. På Sahlgrenska universitetsjukhuset inleds inom kort en studie på en grupp äldre av ett nytt preparat.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Rörelse bra för barn: 1 juni 1999

"Aktiv rörelse är bra för barn. Det hjälper hjärnan att utvecklas och därför är det viktigt att barn får den möjligheten, enligt ett seminarium vid Astrid Lindgrens barnsjukhus i Stockholm.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Nya råd mot benskörhet: 10 maj 1999

"Kalcium och D-vitamin, ofta i kombination med östrogen, är de preparat som i första hand bör användas både för att förebygga urkalkningen av skelettet och för att behandla redan uppkommen benskörhet hos kvinnor efter klimakteriet. De bör alltid kombineras med motion och rökstopp.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Sensasjonell fettsyre utviklet i Bergen: 10 april 2000

"Svært god effekt mot høyt blodtrykk, høyt kolesterol, fedme og sukkersyke. Testet på mennesker - uten skadevirkninger.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Professor: Drabelig nysgjerrig på fett: 18 april 2000

"Ei celle er et unikt univers. Det er helt enormt! Barndommens landskap på Finnøy er ikke verst, det heller, mener en sliten professor som nettopp har gjennomlevd en mediestorm.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: For lite mosjon gjør oss stadig tyngre: 12 januari 2000

"Norske menn i alderen 40-42 år veier i dag gjennomsnittlig 9,1 kilo mer enn de gjorde i 1960-årene, og kvinnene har økt vekten med 3,7 kilo.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Norge taler ESA midt imot: 17 januari 2000

"Sosial- og helsedepartementet trosser EFTAs overvåkingsorgan ESA, og vil fortsatt nekte det amerikanske selskapet Kelloggs å tilsette B-vitaminer og jern i Corn Flakes.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Rekeskall for millioner: 5 juli 2000

"Karmøy-bedriften Primex kan gjøre det stort i USA når amerikanske myndigheter snart åpner for bruk av hovedproduktet deres, chitosan, i næringsmidler.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Meir brus enn mjølk: 27 januari 2000

"Nordmenn drikk nå meir brus og kolsyrevatn enn mjølk. For første gong i historia blei forbruket av brus og kolsyrehaldig vatn i fjor høgare enn mjølkekonsumet.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Frokost-krig mot Norge: 2 mars 1998

"Etter at norske myndigheter har nektet Kellogg's å selge vitamin- og mineralberiket corn flakes i Norge, vil det amerikanske konsernet bringe saken inn for EFTAs overvåkningsorgan, ESA. Norge er det eneste landet i Europa som ikke tillater salg av produktet.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Dårlig livsstil tar knekken på beina: 19 oktober 1999

"Norske menn og kvinner er de mest benskjøre i Europa. Noe av årsaken finnes i våre matvaner, mener forskerne.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Ja til piller i EU: 10 maj 2000

"EU vil anbefale økte doser vitaminer og mineraler i et nytt direktiv.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Propp i deg vitaminer: Forebygg svangerskapsforgiftning: 21 december 1999

"Svangerskapsforgiftning utgjør den alvorligste helsetrusselen for gravide i Norge. Hvert år rammes 2000 kvinner av sykdommen. Nå har engelske forskere vist at store doser vitamin C og E halverer risikoen.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

GIK Wasaiterna

Tisdag 27 februari

CNN/Sports Illustrated's 2001 Swimsuit Edition

Henry Rollins: Details Jan. 1993: "Iron and the Soul":

"Mr. P. could see that I was in bad shape, and one Friday in October he asked me if I had ever worked out with weights. I told him no. He told me that I was going to take some of the money that I had saved and- buy a hundred-pound set of weights at Sears.

As I left his office, I started to think of things I would say to him on Monday when he asked about the weights that I was not 'oing to buy. Still, it made me feel special. My father never really got that close to caring. On Saturday I bought the weights, but I couldn't even drag them to my mom's car. An attendant laughed at me as he put them on a dolly.

CNN: When children pump iron: 13 oktober 1999

"From Hercules to Arnold Schwarzenegger, the image of the muscular hero has inspired children for generations. And now, perhaps more than ever, physical education experts at the National Strength and Conditioning Association in Lincoln, Nebraska, are encouraging kids to beef up.

DeShay Ebert:

"DeShay is currently the only woman physique chairman in the USA and one of the few woman promoters in the country. In 1999, she was also appointed to be a judge for the IFBB Professional ranks.

The Salt Lake Tribune: Supplements, Some From Utah Firms, Get Conflicting Messages From IOC: 26 februari

"Criticism of the supplement business - Utah companies, in particular - has snowballed since the Sydney Games, when American shot-putter C.J. Hunter claimed that an iron dietary supplement may have been responsible for his four failed drug tests last summer.

In December, the Olympic Athletes Commission asked international federations and national governing bodies of Olympic sport not to enter into sponsorship deals with supplement manufacturers.

Seattle Times: Blind-school weightlifters a one-of-kind team: 26 februari

"Lisa Garcia will never see her fingers grasping the weight above her body, her straining arms or her teammates cheering her on.

But the 14-year-old girl from Castle Rock isn't letting that stop her from setting state and world records for her age group in the bench lift as part of the powerlifting team at the Washington State School for the Blind.

Montreal Gazette: Fighting the medicine man: 25 februari

"'Nutritional supplements' might be the greatest foe in today's war against doping."

WebMD: Spicing Things Up: Nutmeg Abuse Lands Girl in Hospital: 22 februari

"Resourceful buzz seekers have rediscovered a convenient place to get a quick fix: the kitchen spice rack. Although most spices aren't harmful, overindulging in some, such as the flavoring ground nutmeg, can have dangerous health consequences.

CNN: Fitness alfresco entices exercisers tired of the gym: 8 augusti

"It's the newest trend in personal training: Tiring of the crowds, the pulsing music and the beeping electronic gadgets in gyms, increasing numbers of trainers are organizing outdoor workouts. Fallen logs become platforms for push-ups; tree branches double as chin-up bars.

At first glance, this seems a bit silly: Jack LaLanne meets the Girl Scouts. But fitness experts and those who've tried outdoor workouts say that exercising alfresco offers benefits that can't be found indoors.

BeerSucks.com: Why Beer is better than milk

Ananova: Scientists work out best way to crack egg: 25 februari

"A team of scientists has worked out the best way to crack an egg after carrying out hundreds of experiments.

Liverite - The Ultimate Liver Aid

CNN: Staying home, staying fit: 4 februari 2000

"Mayling Lane sweats it out every night. Too busy to go the gym and deal with parking in congested San Francisco, the 59-year-old businesswoman has found a solution: her living room, turned aerobics studio. There, determined to stay in shape, Lane works out nightly.

Bodytrends.com: There is No Best Way!:

"The title of this article represents my response to the vast majority of all training-related questions posed to me. Of course, athletes and coaches argue endlessly about the "best" way to train. In fact, people tend to divide themselves into opposing schools of thought on nearly every conceivable issue.

For example, one camp advocates slow contraction speeds while the other recommends ballistic, high velocity training. Some favor high repetitions while others espouse low reps. Other issues currently in contention are machines versus free weights, compound versus isolation movements, and single versus multiple sets.

LADYCENTER - die Seite für die figurbewusste Frau

Der Homepage von Martina Terres! Cyberkriegerin von Nebuchadnezzar - Fotoalbum: Klingonin - Cyberritterin

Nando Times: Stretch cords shown to maximize workouts: 25 februari

"People who don't have time for separate aerobics and strength sessions can get similar gains by incorporating stretch cords - supersized rubber bands - into their step aerobics workouts, a study finds.

UniSci: Eating Disorders Viewed As Top Mental Health Killers: 26 februari

"Eating disorders kill people," says David Rosen, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Teenage & Young Adult Health program and clinical associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases at the U-M Health System. "I think that in the public's view of mental health conditions, many people think depression kills more people because they commit suicide, or that schizophrenia kills people because people who are psychotic sometimes do very dangerous things.

"The reality is that eating disorders kill more people than all of the other mental health conditions combined."

Inquirer: Weighty matters: 25 februari

"In August 1999, the former Wilson Phillips pop vocalist underwent a 90-minute operation in which her digestive system was essentially rerouted. Her stomach, an organ normally a bit bigger than a softball, was fashioned into a bag the size of her thumb, then connected directly to her small intestine. The surgery was shown live on the Internet.

LA Times: Pumping Up the Compound: 25 februari

"While other husbands were buying roses for their wives on Valentine's Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger was buying his wife, Maria Shriver, a neighbor's home to add to their Pacific Palisades compound. Escrow on the $3.2-million home closed Feb. 14. This marks the third time in eight years that the Schwarzeneggers have bought a neighboring property. The couple's compound now totals about 5.5 acres.

Cattle-Today: Belgian Blue:

"Belgian Blues are medium sized, heavy cattle, sometimes with a massive double muscle structure. Their colors are blue, white, and blue and white. Belgian Blues are small boned with a sloping rump, hidden hips, strong legs and a relatively small head. They are quite robust and healthy.

BusinessWeek: Hype Addiction: It's One Tough Habit to Kick: 19 februari

"When Internet execs upbraid journalists for reporting bad news, they're proving that the industry still prefers rosy fantasies to unpleasant truths.

Lost in Translation:

"What happens when an English phrase is translated (by computer) back and forth between 5 different languages?

  • Original English Text:
    Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.
  • Translated to French:
    Le lait est pour des bébés. Quand vous grandissez vous devez boire
    de la bière.
  • Translated back to English:
    Milk is for babies. When you grow must drink beer.
  • Translated to German:
    Milch ist für Babys. Wenn Sie wachsen, muß Bier trinken.
  • Translated back to English:
    Milk is for babies. If you grow, beer must drink.
  • Translated to Italian:
    Il latte è per i bambini. Se vi sviluppate, la birra deve bere.
  • Translated back to English:
    The latte ones are for the children. If developed, the beer must drink.
  • Translated to Portuguese:
    O latte uns é para as crianças. Se desenvolvida, a cerveja deve beber.
  • Translated back to English:
    Latte some is for the children. If developed, the beer must drink.
  • Translated to Spanish:
    Latte algunos está para los niños. Si está desarrollada, la cerveza debe beber.
  • Translated back to English:
    Latte some is for the children. If it is developed, the beer must drink.
  • Original English Text:
    I'll be back
  • Translated to French:
    Je serai de retour
  • Translated back to English:
    I will be back
  • Translated to German:
    Ich bin zurück
  • Translated back to English:
    I am back
  • Translated to Italian:
    Sono indietro
  • Translated back to English:
    They are behind

Svensk artikel Yahoo! Nyheter: Snabbnudlar en hälsofara: 26 februari

"Ingen protein, massor med fett, kemikalier, kolhydrater och salt. Det är, enligt Australiensiska konsumentföreningen, innehållet i snabbnudlar. Därmed är nudlarna skadliga för hjärtat.

ABCNews: Study Examines Rubber Bands, Aerobics Combo: 26 februari

"Step aerobics exercisers can stretch the benefits of their workouts by tugging on supersized rubber bands, a study finds.

The New Republic Online: How Political Correctness Is Corrupting Medicine: 19 januari

"The bandwagon that Satel would like to stop in its tracks is bumping along toward an ill-defined destination called "social justice," and carrying a variegated group of vociferous critics of "the health profession's failure to make the connection between oppression--by society at large or by the medical establishment itself--and illness."

Satel believes that this perception by medicine's critics is ignorant at best and mischievous at worst; that it is also, in the hands of many of them, dangerously self-serving.

Nando Times: Arnold Schwarzenegger's voting record could stall gubernatorial bid:

"Two Republican millionaires who are potential candidates for governor next year have bad records to overcome.

While actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Los Angeles businessman William E. Simon Jr. don't have criminal records, both potential politicians have poor voting records.

Comments on plastic.com...

Mayohealth: Mind Your Muscles: 26 februari

"You don't have to be a bodybuilder or a professional athlete to reap benefits from a weight-training program. Weight training can improve your strength, increase muscle tone, help you lose fat and gain muscle mass, and improve bone density. But if done incorrectly, weight training will not give you these benefits and can lead to injury.


"A site for Filipino Bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, Powerlifters. Pinoy ito.

CNN: Walking is good and combining with strength training is better: 29 juni 1999

"Walking is great exercise. Enthusiasts reap many health benefits, both physically and emotionally.

However, to increase and maintain bone and muscle mass, strengthening exercises are the way to go. Little by little, fat replaces muscle and bone tissue as you age. While the bathroom scale may not change, your body composition does - unless you take action.

CNN: Fidos fight flab at Total Dog: 26 december 1996

"It's just the thing for canine couch potatoes and their human owners too busy to take them for a walk - a new fitness center designed exclusively for dogs.

The Facts About Fitness: Why low calorie diets slow your metabolic rate - and the easy way to stop it happening: 26 februari

"Diets containing more protein can reduce the drop in metabolic rate seen with low calorie diets.

Researchers from Boston compared two diets over nine days, both providing an average of 1,492 calories. However, the diet deriving one-third of its energy from protein led to a 5% reduction in metabolic rate - which was half that seen in the high carbohydrate group.

WebMD: Women's Boxing: It's Not the Headgear That Counts: 23 februari

"Ten years ago, Angie Bordelon says she was overweight, smoked, and "probably couldn't run to the end of the street." But this month, the New Orleans resident emerged victorious in a four-round professional boxing match against a local favorite.

HealthSurfing.com: Dietary aids may be dangerous for children: 26 februari

"With entire lines of supplements being targeted to kids, researchers are asking how to ensure safety. US health officials, together with corporations and consumers, are organizing to plan research to determine the potential health benefits and risks to children from dietary supplements.

Svensk artikel Fysiken: Träning - en praktisk vetenskap:

"Efter succén hösten 1999 kommer här uppföljningen av vår utbildningsdag inom idrottsmedicin. Fysiken och idrottsmedicin Väst, i samarbete, inbjuder till "Träning - en praktisk vetenskap".

Dagen vänder sig främst till instruktörer, idrottslärare, sjukgymnaster, sjuksköterskor, läkare och andra som vill inspireras och utvecklas inom idrottsmedicin. Det handlar om att vägleda, omhänderta, motivera, inspirera och behandla motionärer.

Svensk artikel Eventeve Evenemangsbolag:

"Jag tror på Kirunas framtid och startar därför ett nytt fräscht företag i Kiruna/ Lappland. 

Nästa år spänner vi musklerna och satsar på "MR Snowman of Scandinavia".

Tävlande från hela Scandinavien har då möjlighet att komma till Kiruna Snöfestival för att tävla om den ärofulla titeln. Tävlingsdatum blir sista helgen i januari 2002.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Ungas ryggbesvär kvar efter 20 år: 26 februari

"Män som redan i ungdomen hade ryggbesvär som i stor utsträckning påverkade deras vardagsliv, löpte en åtta gånger högre risk för att ha frekventa ryggbesvär tjugo år senare. Det visar en avhandling av sjukgymnasten Anna-Lisa Hellsing.

The Charlotte Observer: Something is sickening sales of health supplements: 24 februari

"Americans last year reduced purchases of vitamins, herbs and other health supplements for the first time since 1994, a sign that consumers have become skeptical of natural remedies marketed for maladies ranging from sniffles to depression.

Svensk artikel Blossom Tainton - On The Move:

"Blossoms sajt är under uppbyggnad, under tiden finns det här lite information om Blossoms verksamhet, lite nyheter samt info om hur du kan komma i kontakt med Blossom.

Safe USA

Titan Support Systems Inc.

Svensk artikel Båstad Fitness & Outdoorcamp

IFHO - International Fitness and Health Organisation

Svensk artikel Fitness & Sport Education:

"Välkommen till Fitness & Sports Education och GolfEducation – utbildningsföretaget inom idrott, fitness/ friskvård och golf. Inom de olika områdena kan Du välja mellan conventions, licensutbildningar, kurser, workshops, seminarier och inspirationsdagar, allt för Din optimala utbildning, utveckling och inspiration.

Skip La Cour: Skip La Cour's Mass Machine E-Newsletter: 25 februari

"Part FIVE of a Five-Part Series - Exercises, Sets, Reps, and Weight: What Are the “Right” Amounts to Stimulate Muscle Growth?"

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Ronneby Hälsostudio

Måndag 26 februari

Daily Express: Be your own personal trainer: 28 november 1999

"If you want to get fit with maximum style these days, you need a personal trainer. Madonna, Melanie Blatt, Rachel Hunter...

No right-minded celeb would be seen dead in her tracksuit without the hired help on hand to sweat in sympathy and pass the mineral water."

Svensk artikel Holje Gym Center: Diet - nyckeln till din drömfysik

"Alla som tränar har väl utvecklade muskler, men detaljer som tvärribbor på triceps och blodådror på magmusklerna. Alla har ett väl synligt inre huvud på biceps, om det inte var för kroppsfettet…

Det sitter som ett draperi över dina muskler och döljer de resultat du tränat så hårt för. Om du bara kunde få bort fettet, skulle du antagligen själv förundras över hur bra dina muskler ser ut. Läs vidare, och lär dig hur detta går till!

Svensk artikel Holje Gym Center: Komponera din måltid:

"Sätt ihop dina måltider interaktivt! Här får du svar på vad dina favoriträtter egentligen innehåller för fett- och proteinmängder. Du kan också på ett enkelt sätt experimentera dig fram till ett näringsinnehåll som passar din diet.

Svensk artikel Holje Gym Center: Näringsinnehåll i livsmedel

Bodycore: Soren Hansen:

"Konkurrencer: Nr. 2 Mr. Fitness 1999 og Nr. 3 Mr. Fitness 1998

StrongestMan.com: Jouko Ahola Retires: 20 februari

"This past week, two-time World's Strongest Man Jouko Ahola announced that he has retired from active competition."

StrongestMan.com: 2001 Strongman Competition Schedule: 25 februari

StrongestMan.com: International Strongman Rankings: 8 februari

  1. Janne Virtanen, Finland
  2. Svend Karlsen, Norway
  3. Magnus Samuelsson, Sweden
  4. Hugo Girard, Canada
  5. Martin Muhr, Germany

Purple Lips: Shaping Up Part I: Do I need a personal trainer?: 13 oktober 2000

"There's still hope when the mind is willing and the flesh is weak. But what happens when both mind and body are weak? Here's where your personal trainer comes to the rescue.

Svensk artikel Sundsvalls Atletklubb: Bänk och styrkelyftstävling i Sundsvall: 3 februari

"Sundsvall gästades av Jörgen Jungberg som slog till med ett nordiskt rekord på otroliga 400kg i knäböj (se bild). Mer information om tävlingen se tävlingsresultat bänkpress/styrkelyft de närmaste dagarna.

Svensk artikel Säffle Atletklubb: Säffles kvinnor positiva till styrketräning:

"Styrketräning för kvinnor, kan det vara något att satsa på? Svaret är ett stort JA. När Säffle Atletklubb tog initiativ till styrketräning för kvinnor i höstas kom 60 (!) intresserade och idag är det ca 35 av dem, som tränar regelbundet.

Svensk artikel Inpuls: Profil Mattias Wiklund:

"Nu var det ett tag sedan jag författade, och som den seriösa människa jag är tänkte jag då göra ett seriöst reportage om en seriös träningsmänniska. Då mitt mindre seriösa skrivande om "gymets olika personligheter" bara gav mig ovänner bland bodybuildarna så hoppas jag kunna kompensera med detta.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: Gamla tider - händelser inom SL genom åren...:

"Vi äldre minns, alla yngre undrar hur det var när styrkelyftsporten började sitt intåg i världen och i sverige. På denna sida kommer vi att ha tillbakablickar på händelser och episoder inom SL-sporten genom åren.

Technogym: The new strength machine to train Ferrari drivers:

"In the first instance, a system of winches and pulleys connects the helmet directly to a weight stack. This way the subject can move his or her head from side to side, forward and back, simulating the centrifugal force of the curves and other stresses caused by sudden braking and acceleration.

In the second instance, it is the steering wheel that interacts with the weight stack. The result is to strengthen the muscles in the arms and shoulders, the ones actually involved when driving a car hurtling along with 500 horsepower behind it.

Svensk artikel Corpus Fitness: Friskvårdssatsning inom Perstorp Specialty Chemicals:

"Betald träning på betald arbetstid? Det låter helt otroligt men är faktiskt sant för de anställda på Polyolerna och Perstorp Formbox. I dagarna har friskvårdssatsningen dragit igång och förhoppningen är att locka både vana, men främst ovana motionärer.

Svensk artikel Svenska Naprapatförbundet

Svensk artikel Naprapathögskolan

Svensk artikel Laxå Kraftsport Klubb: Nybörjarprogram:

"Alltför många kastar sig entusiastiskt över hantlar och stänger; drar och sliter i hopp om att så fort som möjligt bräda Schwarzenegger eller de tjusiga strand primadonnorna i TV:s såpor.

Men ingen människas kropp tål att utsättas för en så koncentrerad belastning som felaktig styrketräning kan innebära. Följderna blir istället sträckningar, bristningar och att kroppen växer fel med ännu mer skador till följd.

Svensk artikel LSIF Gym: Mr University:

"Årligen på våren går årets absolut tuffate tävling av stapeln, nämligen Mr University. Här tar reda på vem av oss studenter som är starkast och orkar mest. Vi tävlar inte bara i ren råstyrka utan även till viss del i kondition och uthållighet.

  • Bänkpress (max reps, egen kroppsvikt)
  • Dips (max reps, egen kroppsvikt)
  • Drag av bil (tid)
  • Traktordäckvält (tid)
  • Löpbana med sandhinkar, sandsäck (tid)
  • Avslutande medley av fyra grenar (tid)

Svensk artikel LSIF Gym: Träningsskola:

"Länkarna nedan ger förslag på både basövningar och andra övningar som man kan slänga in som variation. Många av övningsförslagen är illustrerade med bilder.

Svensk artikel Kungsörnen: Uppladdningen:

"Här kan du som motionerar eller tävlingsidrottar läsa vad du bör äta för att orka mer. Du hittar praktiska tips, specialanpassade kostråd samt recept. Och allt bygger på en näringslära som är direkt kopplad till idrottsprestation.

Svensk artikel Athletic Center: Kalorisidan:

"Vet du hur mycket kalorier eller näring du stoppar i dig? På Kalorisidan kan du se hur mycket protein, kolhydrater, fett och kalorier du intar.

Svensk artikel Röhnisch:

"Funktionella kläder för aktiva kvinnor, främst med inriktning på Fitness och Aerobic.

Svensk artikel Intersport: Visionär i träningskläder!:

"InterAktiv fick ett par ord med fitnessprofilen Kim Wickman Vesterlund, en norrländska med skön inställning till både liv och träning.

Svensk artikel Intersport - Träningslust i butiken:

"Med funktionella träningskläder och sköna skor får du en perfekt start på det nya träningsåret. Just nu hittar du de senaste fitness-, indoor- och simprylarna från bl a Nike, Reebok, adidas och Speedo i din INTERSPORT-butik.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: Träningstips/bilder från Westside USA:

"Att tala någon över till att böja på boxar istället for vanliga traditionella knäböjar kan vara svårt. Men väl man prövat det ett tag finns det ingen vilja till att gå tillbaka. Det ter sig som den bästa ommöbleringen man gjort i sitt lyftande.

Powerlifting Canada: IPF RULES CONGRESS 2000 - A Summary of the changes:

"At the Rules Congress held on the 14th of November, 2000 in Akita City, Japan, the ten major proposals put to delegates for consideration and debate were voted on, resulting in the following.

Svensk artikel Hälsa För Alla:

"Hälsa För Alla har funnits på Nätet sedan starten hösten 1999. Intentionerna har hela tiden varit goda, att vidareutveckla siten och göra den läsvärd.


"PrecisionTraining.com is the website of authors Peter Sisco and John Little and their research into more effective and efficient methods to increase muscle size and strength.

Yahoo! News: Study: Stretch Cords Help Exercise: 25 februari

"Step aerobics exercisers can stretch the benefits of their workouts by tugging on supersized rubber bands, a study finds.

Svensk artikel Solsystemet

Salon: A brand name you can trust: 22 februari

"Will California become Disney's Schwarzenegger Adventure?"

Yahoo! News: Reuters Photo: 23 februari

"Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver attend a ceremony for special effects creator Stan Winston and the unveiling of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, February 23, 2001 along Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood. Winston is known for his special effects creations and work on several films, including "Terminator."

NetDoctor: Olive oil is not healthier: 25 februari

"Olive oil is not the healthy alternative it is claimed to be, according to a new report. Professor Arne Astrup, who co-authored the report, said: ‘Olive oil has higher saturated fat than most other vegetable oils and so, from the point of view of preventing cardiovascular disease, it is not the best.’

USA Today: Six-pack abs not for every body: 23 februari

"Male models with six-pack abdominals and women with stomachs of steel have been splashed across the covers of fitness magazines for years.

But exercise expert Peg Jordan, author of The Fitness Instinct, tells people that achieving washboard abs isn't easy. It's a matter of having the right genetics, maintaining a very low percentage of body fat, restricting calories and being dedicated to daily exercise. That exercise regimen includes aerobics, strength training and intense isolated abdominal training.

Mercurycenter: Team knows ace will carry his weight: 18 februari

"Livan Hernandez will never win a bodybuilding competition, but he won 17 games last season, which is all the Giants care about.

When the right-hander arrived Saturday, the Giants were thrilled to see him. All 248 pounds of him.

Expressen: Äventyret börjar i ny dokusåpa: 25 februari

Håll utkik efter Sveriges Sexigaste Fitnesstjej, Eva-Linda Karlsson!

"I kväll startar ännu en dokusåpa i Kanal 5. Men utan skandaler. – Intriger blir det, men vi klarar oss fint utan sex och sprit, säger Kanal 5:s programchef Anders Knave om äventyrssåpan ”69 grader nord”.

Boston.com: Reebok's new search for fiscal fitness: 24 februari

"Trainer John Wooldridge using the Core Board at the Reebok headquarters in Canton. The company aims to build product lines around it.

[Till toppen av sidan]

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