B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 08 2001
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Födelsedagar vecka 08

22/2 Lenda Murray
23/2 Berry DeMey
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25/2 Kenny Jones
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Lördag/söndag 24/25 februari

Svensk artikel Gainomax: Gainomax Recovery lanseras i Danmark och på Irland: 16 februari

"Gainomax Recovery, som är en återhämtningsdryck för aktiva människor, är sedan flera år väl etablerad i Sverige och Finland. Sedan 1998 har drycken även haft snabbt växande försäljningsframgångar i England. Fr o m februari 2001 kommer produkten dessutom att säljas på gym och sportanläggningar i Irland och Danmark."

Svensk artikel Frukt- och gröntfrämjandet: Näringstabeller:

"Här hittar du tabeller med näringsvärden för frukter och grönsaker.

Svensk artikel Frukt- och gröntfrämjandet: Fria radikaler på gott och ont - betydelsen av antioxidanter:

"Senare års näringsforskning har visat att fria radikaler legat bakom ett flertal sjukdomar. Forskning har också visat att frukt och grönsaker ger bra skydd. Ät mer frukt och grönt är det enkla budskapet, men skeendena bakom är komplicerade.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Äventyret börjar i ny dokusåpa: 25 februari

Håll utkik efter Sveriges Sexigaste Fitnesstjej, Eva-Linda Karlsson!

"I kväll startar ännu en dokusåpa i Kanal 5. Men utan skandaler. – Intriger blir det, men vi klarar oss fint utan sex och sprit, säger Kanal 5:s programchef Anders Knave om äventyrssåpan ”69 grader nord”.

American Body Building: Dennis James: Gunning for Chris at the Arnold: 22 februari

"This years Arnold Classic is going to be one tough competition. Unlike the Ironman Pro and the San Francisco Pro, all of the big boys are going to be at the Arnold Classic.

American Body Building: Darrem Charles "in Charge" of New Season: 22 februari

"Down in Deerfield Beach, Florida, while the rest of the Bodyduilding world ponders who will make the biggest splash in the 2001 Arnold Classic, there is someone who has consistently placed among the worlds best. Someone who is regarded by other pros as one of the sports best kept secrets.

Svensk artikel Lillsved, Gymnastik och idrottsfolkhögskolan

Svensk artikel Svenska Gymnastikförbundet: Vi sätter våra barn i centrum – och i rörelse:

"Under år 2000 – 2002 genomför Svenska Gymnastikförbundet den riksomfattande kampanjen ”Jag vägrar sitta still”, i samarbete med KF och Folksam.

Svensk artikel Svenska Gymnastikförbundet: Nytt världsrekord - Full fart över hela landet!:

"Gympan som motionsform visade verkligen framfötterna under Gympans dag den 29 januari. Hela 64 784 motionärer gympade på nära 1000 platser. Från söder till norr.

Svensk artikel Korpen: Vi slog världsrekordet!:

"Klockan 18.00 den 29 januari sjöd Sverige av aktivitet. Över hela landet, från Kropilombolo i norr till Simrishamn i norr hölls gympalokaler öppna för alla. Samtidigt som Korpen, Friskis & Svettis, Gymnastikförbundet och Sveriges Akademiska Idrottsförbund gemensamt arrangerade massgympa på olika offentliga platser. Preliminärt deltog totalt 64 782 personer i denna massiva manifestation.

Svensk artikel Örebro KK: 1000 kg avklarat för Jörgen:

"Ett av de bästa resultaten som någonsin presterats inom svenskt styrkelyft uppnåddes av Jörgen Ljungberg i Allsvenska seriens omgång 1 2001. Jörgen fixade 1000kg via serien 400kg i knäböj, 242,5kg i bänkpress och avslutningsvis 357,5kg i marklyft. Jörgen vägde 117,5kg och är nu förhoppningsvis permanent i -125kg klassen.

Svensk artikel Västerviks Atletklubb: Lisa Sjöstrand (Lindbladh) - vår mest framgångsrika styrkelyftare!:

"Lisa har en mångårig styrkelyfts- karriär bakom sig med ett flertal SM-, EM och VM-titlar!

Swedebeat Productions- Legally produced Aerobic music and accessories

Polar Heart Rate Monitors

Maxim - Sports Food System


"Featuring music for aerobics, step, kickboxing, cycling, sports training, toning, aqua, interval, circuit, stretching, relaxation, dance, funk, super step, mid-tempo, cardio, hi-lo, warm up, cool down, and other group exercise activities.

Svensk artikel Dance & Gym Shop

Svensk artikel Puls fitness: Det är lönsamt att satsa på friskvård...:

"Stefan Lundström har under ett antal år tagit fram en kalkyl som generellt skall kunna användas av mellanstora och större företag av friskvårdare och ekonomer tillsammans.

Kalkylen är fullt möjlig att använda på små företag om personalen är någorlunda representativ för arbetskraften. Han menar att det med hjälp av - elementär men otraditionell företagsekonomi - går att räkna ut hur mycket ett företag tjänar på friskvård.


Svensk artikel Paulun.com: Har du också drabbats av kosttillskottsterrorn?:

Det har på sistone gjorts en del onyanserade uttalanden om kosttillskott. I min nya artikel ”kosttillskottsterrorn” kan du läsa vad som egentligen gäller om t ex kreatin och proteinpulver.

Svensk artikel Paulun.com: Kosttillskott:

"På denna sida hittar du valda delar ur min bok Kosttillskott för idrott, samt mitt examensarbete "Nutritional and ergogenic supplements for athlethes"."

Will Brink: Joint Troubles?:

"One of the most common problems faced by strength training athletes is joint pain. "Oh my shoulder is killing me" or "my knee has been bothering me for months" or "I have been living on pain killers to get rid of this ache in my elbow" are common complaints that can be heard in any gym at any time. Oddly enough however, this topic is not covered very often in most bodybuilding/fitness magazines.

Svensk artikel Eva Lundquist: Frågor & Svar: Hur går jag till väga för att tävla i Athletic Fitness?

Svensk artikel Gainomax: 10-årsjubileum för S.A.F.E: 23 februari

"S.A.F.E, Scandinavian Academy of Fitness Education, firade tio år i samband med ett konvent den 10 – 11 februari. 600 deltagare fick ta del av mängder med föreläsningar och spännande events.

Les Mills International:

"Les Mills Body Training Systems bring you world class group fitness: BODYPUMP, BODYATTACK, BODYBALANCE, BODYCOMBAT, BODYSTEPand RPM. Pre-choreogaphed classes developed by world leaders and then fine-tuned in real world applications.

Svensk artikel Bodybuilding & Fitness: Glykemiskt Index

Svensk artikel GymmixSportsClub: En Introduktion i näringslära

Svensk artikel Multisport: Sömn

Svensk artikel Mattias Edins Styrkeshop

Svensk artikel Per Andersson - Personlig Träning

www.fitness-factory.com - everything for the aerobicinstructor!

Svensk artikel Sätt Sverige i rörelse 2001: Sverige har världsrekordet i gympa:

"Friskis & Svettis, Korpen, Svenska Gymnastikförbundet (SvGF) och Sveriges Akademiska Idrottsförbund (SAIF) har slagit nytt världsrekord i massgympa. 64.782 personer lockades till gympagolvet den 29 januari mellan kl 18-19. För att bli världsmästare och komma med i Guiness rekordbok krävdes fler än 38 633 personer.

Svensk artikel CMS-travelpass.com:

"Varje dag ansluter sig nya klubbar till CMS. Du som är medlem på en ansluten CMS-anläggning har förmånen att träna gratis i 30 dagar på fler än 200 klubbar i Norden, USA, Canada och Ryssland. Besök www.cms-travelpass.com när du ska ut och resa.

Svensk artikel Nautilus: Nautilusmetoden:

"Nautilus är inte bara en träningsmaskin, utan också en träningsmetod, som står för fasta principer och garanterat resultat.

Svensk artikel Nautilus: Februari månads tävling:

"Februari månads pris är två Larose jackor (värde ~ 2.200 kronor styck). Den ena jackan går till en tjej och den andra till en kille. Glöm inte att ange vilken storlek du önskar.

Master Muscle List:

"The Master Muscle List represents a quick and easy reference for accessing information on the origin, insertion, nerve supply, and function of a given muscle.

Gayle Moher - IFBB Pro

Welcome to Virtual Studio of Raleigh, NC.:

"We specialize in designing custom-made soundtracks, Online and CDROM based videos, and websites for fitness professionals, competitors, athletes, and businesses.

Svensk artikel Tullverket: Kan jag ta med mig min medicin när jag reser utomlands?

Svensk artikel Tullverket: Antal beslag av narkotika och dopningsmedel och mängd per preparat

Danska artikel DBFF: Bodyfit udkommer 1. marts

Ironman Magazine: Cormier Coasts to Third Straight Pro IRONMAN Win: 19 februari

"Precontest favorite Chris Cormier began the new season on a winning note, easily nabbing his third consecutive victory at the IRONMAN Pro Invitational."

Flex Online: Lee Priest Takes A Rest: 23 februari

"Suffering from a heart virus, Lee Priest courageously performed at the Ironman anyway on Saturday, February 17, but had to settle for seventh place. A day later, Priest, who is taking medication for his temporary ailment, announced he was skipping the San Francisco Grand Prix (Feb. 24) and Arnold Classic (March 3)."

Arnold Classic:

Arnold Classic Postcards are back:
Send an Arnold Classic 2001 postcard to someone you know. They will receive an email letting them know you've sent them a postcard to view.

Win $10,000 by beating the lifts of "Dragan" Radovic:
Dragan challenges individuals or groups of individuals to lift more consecutive arm curl and overhead lift repetitions than he does. The rules are very simple.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Fängelsestraff hotar dopade finska idrottsmän: 24 februari

"Lahtis Jari Isometsä tunnande ut sitt blod med en liter Hemohes under de första VM-dagarna. Detta för att minska riskerna för upptäckt av bloddopning. Hade Isometsä gjort detta om några månader hade han riskerat att hamna i fängelse. Ett lagförslag med maximalt fyra års fängelse för grovt dopningsbrott bereds just nu i den finska regeringen."

Svensk artikel SVT: Uppdrag Granskning: Kosttillskott

Missade du programmet har du tillfälle att se det i repris på måndag i SVT1. På ovanstående webbplats kan du även se hela reportaget i Real Video-format online.

"Tillåtna och otillåtna kosttillskott florerar på marknaden utan kontroll. Och i glappet mellan kontroll och förbud riskerar brukare att drabbas av oönskade biverkningar. UPPDRAG gransknings Mathias Engstrand granskar."

Svensk artikel SVT: Uppdrag Granskning: Här kan du läsa inläggen från diskussionen om senaste programmet

Svensk artikel Tillskottet.com: BSE-smitta - viktig information till återförsäljare: 31 januari

"Vi fick ett brev från Eiselt som vi har fått tillstånd att publicera och som vi tycker att även ni bör ta del av. Det handlar om BSE - Galna kosjukan (protein) och Cancer (kreatin) inom kosttillskott."

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Mener Isometsä-straffen er urettferdig: 24 februari

"Den finske landslagstreneren Kari-Pekka Kyrrö raser over nordmenns dopingmoralisme etter avsløringen av Jari Isometsä. - Jari gjorde noe galt, men straffen med to års utestengelse er urettferdig. Altfor strengt, sier Kyrrö til Dagbladet."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Stian Grimseth suspenderes ikke: 23 februari

"Domsutvalget i Norges idrettsforbund har avslått anmodningen om å suspendere Stian Grimseth fram til hans dopingsak blir behandlet."

EurekAlert: Weight regain after dieting can be avoided with low-intensity exercise: 22 februari

"Weight regain associated with metabolic changes that occur after dieting can be avoided through a program of low-intensity exercise, according to a study by van Aggel-Leijssen et al., published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."

Svensk artikel Hallandsposten: Fiskolja förebygger hjärtbesvär: 22 februari

"Varje år dör 25 000 svenskar i akut hjärtdöd.

En tesked fiskolja om dagen skulle minska siffran avsevärt, enligt professor Tom Saldeen vid Rättsmedicinska institutionen i Uppsala. Han har i tio år forskat kring fiskoljor och de omega-3-fettsyror som finns i fisken."

HealthSurfing: New research points to stimulants in chocolate: 12 februari

"Researchers in Spain now believe newly discovered chemicals inside chocolate stimulate pleasure centers in the brain.

The compounds, called “neuroactive alkaloids,” may contribute to the euphoric feelings associated with eating chocolate, explains psychologist Tom Horvath, PhD."

Svensk artikel DN: Veganer behöver kosttillskott: 14 februari

"Unga veganer kan mycket väl täcka sitt behov av näringsämnen. Men då krävs engagemang, kunskap och tillskott av vitamin B12 och selen. Det visar en studie som gjorts vid institutionen för kostvetenskap vid Umeå universitet."

Kiplinger.com: Power Bars Offer More Hype Than Nutrition: Mars

"Flunk These Bars: Their popularity is soaring, but are performance snacks in sync with good nutrition?

Men's Fitness: Can You Survive a Fad Diet?: Januari

"Everywhere you turn, there's a hot new diet that promises miracles. Are any of them right for you?

Nutrition Action Healthletter: Less-Than-Perfect Foods: Mars

"Why do you write about processed foods and supplements all the time?”

We could restrict ourselves to writing about only the foods that are the foundation of a healthy diet: whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken breast, fat-free dairy foods, etc. But 99 percent of our readers already know about them (at least I hope they do).

While we’re not endorsing those foods and pills, evaluating supplements and not-so-good foods may be one of the most important things we do. After all, you can do far more damage by choosing the wrong medicinal herb, restaurant entree, or processed food than by choosing the wrong vegetable.

Natural Foods Merchandiser: New Ephedra Answers and Questions: Februari

"The FDA has identified resolution of the ongoing ephedra controversy as an "A-List" priority for Fiscal Year 2001, and specifically said it will include consideration of the favorable industry-funded Cantox study released in late December. Meanwhile, new labeling concerns have arisen at the state level.

Nutrition Action Healthletter: Antioxidants Cull Mad Cow Disease: Februari

"Europeans, particularly the French, are mad about mad cow disease and its human variant, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Yet research dating back to 1996 suggests that antioxidants may prevent or slow the progression of aberrant proteins such as prions that cause such brain-destroying diseases.

Nutrition Action Healthletter: Don't Say Cheese: 6 februari

"As a nation, we get more bone-building calcium from cheese than from any other food except milk. But cheese also gives us more (artery-clogging) saturated fat than any other food, even beef or milk. And it’s a major source of cholesterol and sodium.

Nutrition Action Healthletter: 30 Years...and Counting: Februari

"Over the past three decades, CSPI has—in articles, on television and our Web site, and in books and pamphlets, school videos, and every other means we could think of—nudged people to eat their fruits and vegetables and exposed problems with tropical oils (coconut and palm kernel), saturated and trans fats, refined sugars, salt, meat, cheese, and restaurant meals.

Salon: Would you like ground spinal cord with that?: 8 februari

"Author Eric Schlosser says you don't want to know what the burger giants are serving.

Yahoo! Health Secrets of the Last Minute Buff Puff: 23 februari

"Does working out right before a big date really make your muscles look more macho?

Time: Gyrotonic Expansion System: 19 februari

"Fitness buffs getting bored with StairMaster are discovering a new twist in exercise machines, the Gyrotonic Expansion System (GXS).

Nutrition Science News: Are Americans Getting Paranoid About Health?: Februari

"An aging population has reason to be concerned about health—the older people get, the greater the risk of developing serious degenerative diseases.

But as a health writer, I sometimes wonder if people aren't getting a little too paranoid about the inevitability of growing old and dying.

Svensk artikel DN: Debatt: "Reklam för läkemedel en hälsofara": 18 februari

"Förbjud i lag reklam för receptbelagda läkemedel riktad direkt till allmänheten, kräver åtta läkare och forskare. En ny undersökning visar att reklam till allmänheten kan svara för 10-25 procent av kostnadsökningen för receptbelagda mediciner."

HealthSurfing: Digital Fitness: Gadgets aid in home and gym workouts: 23 februari

"Sometimes the addition of new workout tools or toys can help motivate and support a new, ongoing, or sagging fitness routine. Like a personal trainer, devices help track progress, from heart rate improvement to total calories burned.

But the latest line of electronic bells and whistles - now going digital - aren't effective for everybody, say fitness experts."

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Namninsamling ska rädda kosttillskott: 22 februari

"Försäljningen av kosttillskottet glukosamin kan förbjudas av Läkemedelsverket. Hälsokostrådet startar därför en namninsamling i landets hälsokostaffärer för att rädda kvar glukosamin."

Svensk artikel Hälsokostrådet: Fördubblad försäljning av hälsopreparat i Sverige på tio år:

"Ny statistik från Apoteket AB och Hälsokostrådet visar att försäljningen av hälsopreparat i Sverige mer än fördubblats på tio år. Under år 2000 såldes hälsokost, natur(läke)medel, naturkosmetik och kosttillskott för nästan 2,8 miljarder kronor. Den största försäljningskanalen för dessa preparat är hälsofackhandeln."

HealthWatch: Bone Builders Support Your Bones with Healthy Habits

"Growing bone is especially sensitive to the impact of weight and pull of muscle during exercise, and responds by building stronger, denser bones. That's why it's especially important when you're growing a lot to be physically active on a regular basis."

NewsRounds: FDA seeks ideas for dietary supplement guide: 22 februari

"The US Food and Drug Administration is seeking input from industry, physicians and consumers in developing new guidance about the promotional claims that dietary supplement companies can make about their products."

Nutritional Advice and Recommendations From Dr. Rodney T. Hard:

"Mission: Providing the Internet community with a no-nonsense, comprehensive source for information and recommendations on nutrition and its positive correlation with disease prevention and the individual's present and long-term health."

Svensk artikel Träningsshopen:

"Gensans produkter är tillverkade enligt GMP-standard i anläggningar som dessutom är ISO 9002-certifierade. Alla Gensans proteinprodukter är tillverkade av protein från Nya Zeeland, vilket garanterar att Du får ett protein som är av absolut högsta kvalitet och BSD-fritt."

AlexFitness (Norsk Fitness):

"Velkommen til denne portalen for Fitness intereserte. Her vil du finne informasjon om konkurranser, bilder, resultater og annen nyttig informasjon."

Ta kontakt med NKF:

  • President, Ove Bekkevold,
  • Sekretær, Jane B. McCarthy,

AMNI: Scientific Abstracts for supplements and herbs: 

"AMNI is pleased to present a selection of pertinent scientific abstracts for your review and information. This is not a comprehensive listing of all abstracts that are available from other sources. These abstracts are provided to you in their original, unedited form as an educational and technical service by Advanced Medical Nutrition, Inc. in accordance with the Dietary Supplement and Education Act of 1994, section 403B (a). No claims to product benefits are being made."

Svensk artikel Avida: Hur många kalorier behöver jag:

"Det är faktiskt väldigt olika hur många kalorier vi behöver varje dag, för att hålla en jämn vikt och hålla i gång kroppen. Se här hur många kalorier just du behöver dagligen för att varken gå ner eller upp i vikt."

Svensk artikel Avida: Fråga Monica Riscoll om råd:

"AVIDAs experter är redo att svara på dina träningsfrågor. Monica är van vid tuffa tag, både som idrottslärare, personlig tränare och som Valkyria i Gladiatorerna. Motivation, styrketräning eller kostråd - hon kan svara på det mesta som har med motion att göra."

Svensk artikel Avida: Hur mycket fett är det?:

"Är du osäker på hur onyttiga de olika livsmedlen är? Här kan du se fettenergiprocent och kaloriinnehåll i massor med livsmedel - och se hur mycket de påverkar din vikt - jämfört med en Big Mac och ett Mars."

Svensk artikel Avida: Kom i form med AVIDA Motion:

"Med AVIDA Motion får du ett komplett träningsprogram som är skräddarsytt för dig och som dag för dag kommer att hjälpa dig att komma i bättre form - helt gratis."

Svensk artikel Avida: Ät dig i toppform för att kunna motstå sjukdomar:

"Utan föda och dryck fungerar inte ditt försvar. Men det är inte oviktigt vad du fyller kroppens lager med. Variation och mycket grönsaker är rätt strategi för att göra kroppens soldater stridsberedda mot sjukdomar. Och ditt bästa vapen är de starka antioxidanterna."

Svensk artikel Avida: Övningar för hela kroppen:

  • Rygg och nacke
  • Armar och axlar
  • Bröst
  • Mage
  • Bäckenbotten
  • Rumpa
  • Lår, vader och vrister

Female Muscle Startpage

Svensk artikel SKKF: Vinn biljetter till SM 2001:

"En tävling från SKKF och Twinlab. Vi har reserverat fyra platser längst fram vid SM 2001. Fyra på lördagen och fyra på söndagen, så ta chansen och vinn de bästa platserna någonsin på ett SM."

Dallas News: New vitamin data not ready for most consumers to digest: 16 januari

"About 40 percent of Americans pop vitamin pills. But just how much of each vitamin does your body need? When does food provide enough? And how much is too much?"

Healthscout: A Day's Calories in One Meal:

"Waistlines expand as restaurant portions grow."


För de som tar mängder av kosttillskott...

"MyPillBox is a designed to help you adhere to taking all of your daily medications. It was built with a focus on cardiac medications, but it is completely applicable for creating a schedule for all types of pills or supplements. On this site, you will be able to create and name schedules, edit your pill information, and then view a complete daily schedule of your medications."

Svensk artikel Wellido: Kalla fakta eller himlajorden om du vill:

"Om det blir riktigt kallt i sommar kan du äta så mycket du vill – om du sedan går ut och fryser en stund. Det visar en svensk doktorsavhandling av Pertti Kuusela, läkare och cellbiolog vid Wennergreninstitutet i Stockholm."

Svensk artikel Wellido: Blossom Tainton: Du tränar bäst med glimten i ögat:

"Tro på dig själv, uppmanar personliga tränaren och artisten Blossom Tainton dig som vill komma i gång. - Använd ditt sunda förnuft. Att träna är ett långsiktigt projekt, som ska göras med glimten i ögat."

Svensk artikel Wellido: Steroider gör dig kriminell:

"Vad är det som driver män till att börja missbruka anabola steroider? Är det jakten efter en perfekt kropp och manlig fåfänga? Det är fler och fler vanliga killar som prövar på anabola steroider, ovetande om hur farligt det egentligen är. En procent av de tillfrågade 15 åringarna i en vanlig grundskola berättar att de använt sig av anabola steroider."

Svensk artikel Wellido: Kroppsfixering hos män:

"Är det bara kvinnor som har det jobbigt med självkänslan när reklampelarna ståtar med nakna bringor alá Marcus Schenkenberg? Nej, det blir vanligare och vanligare med kroppsfixering bland killar också."

HealthWatch: The American Diet--Then and Now:

"Are Americans healthier eaters now than they were 25 years ago? Well, yes and no. Leaner meats and low-fat milk are in; but so are oils, high-calorie sweeteners, and fast food. Click here to break it down to the essentials."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Läkare borde öka sin kunskap om hur mat förebygger sjukdom: 23 februari

"OPINION: Kost och fysisk aktivitet har en plats i förebyggande och behandling av sjukdom och kan i flera fall också ersätta läkemedel. Det förutsätter en viss omprioritering av vår verksamhet och en aktiv, engagerad läkarkår, skriver MICHAEL SJÖSTRÖM, läkare och docent vid enheten för preventiv näringslära vid Novum, Karolinska institutet."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Vad händer när all kunskap blir allas kunskap: 20 februari

"OPINION. Dagens förändringsarbete av sjukvården måste i större utsträckning än hittills väva in de möjligheter som finns inom räckhåll. Det krävs en öppen och förutsättningslös diskussion mellan olika aktörer och en vilja och förmåga att ompröva sin egen position och förhållningssätt, skriver BENGT ARNETZ, professor i socialmedicin, Uppsala universitet, SIWERT GÅRDESTIG, vd för Infomedica och ANNELIE ÖBERG-REINOLF, personaldirektör, Apoteket AB."

NewsRounds: E-Healthcare for Your Patients: When What They Find Is Bad for Them: 23 februari

"People today are using computer technology, especially the Internet, to become better educated as consumers. That's a good thing, especially when it comes to the medical profession - an educated patient is, in many respects, an easier patient to care for. The bad thing is that, unassisted, patients can pick up poor information, which can make the physician's job very difficult."

Norsk artikel VitaViva: Kosttilskud - er de farlige?:

"Vitaminer og mineraler beskytter os mod mangelsygdomme. Større doser er endvidere blevet brugt med succes mod mange sygdomme. Men er disse stoffer i virkeligheden så farlige, at folk kun bør kunne få dem på recept?"

Svensk artikel Hälsokostrådet: Naturlig egenvård — ett växande område som ställer krav på ny kunskap inom sjukvården och hälsobranschen:

"Människor söker sig alltmer utanför den vanliga skolmedicinen för att få hjälp och den komplementära hälsobranschen är hetare än någonsin. Allt fler preparat godkänns av Läkemedelsverket som naturläkemedel och intresset för alternativa metoder ökar både hos patienter och sjukvårdpersonal."

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Fet fisk bra för hjärtat:

"Ät mycket fet fisk. Det innehåller omega-3 fettsyror, som skyddar hjärtat."

Nature: Why life is sweeter for some: 19 februari

"Differences in our sense of taste may have major public health implications. So believes Linda Bartoshuk of Yale University School of Medicine, who has discovered that some people's hereditary sensitivity to bitter taste leads them to avoid cancer-protective fruit and vegetables such as brussel sprouts and spinach."

Discover: The Chemistry of Fat Substitutes: Can You Stomach It?: Mars

"The Next Generation of fake fats has arrived, but does anyone want them?"

Newswise: Added Sugars Have Small Impact on Diet Quality: 23 februari

"An emotional debate about the effect of added sugars on diet quality rages without much real data. A new analysis finds that there is an association of sugar intake with other food or nutrient classes but it is very small and may be positive or negative."

The Guardian: Snooze from nowhere: 17 februari

"For thousands of years, sleep has been a mystery to scientists and philosophers alike. Today, we can measure our experiences during those hours of slumber, yet we're no closer to knowing exactly what sleep is. David Newnham visits the land of nod."

Red Herring: Isolating the fifth element of taste: 13 februari

"Everyone knows that there are four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Wrong. A fifth taste - umami - was admitted last year to the gustatory pantheon, and a growing awareness of its role in the flavor and pleasurable sensations of food is changing the way food processors, nutritionists, and chefs think about what they do. The artful use of umami can make mediocre fare taste better, and good food taste great."

MSNBC: The Herbal Frontier: 

"Walk into your local health-food store or pharmacy and you’re likely to find herbal remedies that may ease depression, help you sleep better, even fight prostate cancer.

You might also find a product that has absolutely no effect, despite labeling claims to the contrary, or worse yet, causes serious adverse reactions, possibly even death. How can you be assured you’re buying a safe and effective remedy?"

The Nando Times: Fad diets, fading results: 22 februari

"Unfortunately there is really no quick, simple way to take off weight," said Melanie Polk, director of nutrition education for the American Institute for Cancer Research. "It took a long time to gain weight, and it can take a long time to lose weight. The major focus should not be what the scale says but your overall health."

Excite: Actors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis with Achievement Award: 23 februari

"Actress Jamie Lee Curtis presents Arnold Schwarzenegger with an achievement award during the American Film Marketing Association awards on February 22, 2001."

SupplementWatch: Antioxidants for Athletes:

"In general, athletes look first for products that directly enhance exercise performance, then they may turn to recovery products, but they frequently seem to overlook the importance of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are not only crucial for the health of your cardiovascular system (for everyone, not just athletes), but they also can aid in performance and recovery."

Tucson Weekly: Femme Fisticuffs: 15 februari

"A martial arts master and a superb athlete, Yeoh does most of her own stunts, and can handle herself on the street. Flying high and looking good' "Yeoh, mama!" the pint-sized powerhouse makes middle age and muscle sexy. And she's never cried foul in a fight."

EurekAlert: Nurses health study links dietary glycemic load with cardiovascular risk factors: 22 februari

"A study by Liu et al. strengthens the evidence that glycemic load, a measure of carbohydrate intake, can predict cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, especially in those who are insulin resistant.

FitnessLink: Working Out At Home? Unleash Your Inner Athlete!:

"If your home workouts are getting stale, try changing your mind before changing your workout. Using positive thinking, mental imagery, and self-evaluation, you can train, psych-up, and test yourself just like professional athletes do."

Svensk artikel Dagens Handel: Quorn sålde för 31 miljoner: 23 februari

"Det svampbaserade livsmedlet Quorn har blivit en försäljningssuccé. KF:s försäljning av Quorn uppgick till 31 miljoner under 2000. Den 1 april går KF:s ensamrätt för Quorn ut. Men KF är inte oroliga."

CNN: Nutraceuticals lead wave of new food research: 20 oktober 1999

"When Scott Adams, the creator of the cartoon strip Dilbert, couldn't find nutritious fast food, he went back to the drawing board. He came up with the Dilberito, a burrito sprayed with 100 percent of all the vitamins and minerals a person needs in a day.

"It's just three minutes in the microwave, it's hand held, it works with a busy lifestyle," Adams said.

IMDB: Vinnie Jones Angers John Travolta: 22 februari

"Movie hardman Vinnie Jones clashed with John Travolta on the set of their latest film - by flying a hugh British flag from his trailer. Vinnie says, "When I'm working, I always fly the British flag from my trailer. During Swordfish it really offended John Travolta, which I found hilarious. I said to him, 'Go to the gym and come back with some mates next time.'"

NPC News Online: New rule changes for NPC Bodybuilding & Fitness and the creation of a new division - Figure:

At our November 9, 2000 NPC Board Of Governor's meeting held in New York City, several changes were approved.

NPC FIGURE DIVISION: A new division of the NPC, FIGURE is approved for 2001. This division will give our athletes additional opportunity to compete. NPC Figure will consist of two (2) rounds and NOT require a routine round. The two (2) piece swimsuit round will be held at pre-judging and the one (1) piece swimsuit round at the evening finals.

NetDoktor: Teenager dies taking drug to slim: 23 februari

"A young woman has died following an addiction to a prescription painkiller called Nubain, thinking it helped her to lose weight."

alt.sport.weightlifting: Creatine Safety: A Physician's Prospective: 23 februari

"Dr. Lynn Myers is widely regarded as one of the country's foremost experts on nutrition. He has been interviewed by CNN Sports, heard on ESPN's "One On One Sports". Dr. Myers has addressed the National Wrestling Coaches Association as a special guest speaker on nutrition. Dr. Myers is also the father of four wrestlers.

As a pathologist with a lifetime of experience in solving medical puzzles, I have learned the value of avoiding rumor and hearsay, and the value of examining all the scientific facts for myself. Here are some of the facts that bear on this question."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Kändisar ställer upp i Gladiatorerna: 24 februari

"Programledaren Peter Siepen och idrottsmannen Mattias Sunneborn tävlar mot varandra i nästa program. – Peter Siepen är ett wild card, men han är vältränad, säger producenten Åsa Sjöberg."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Bortdömd - nu blir han livvakt: 24 februari

"Danske Allan Vester vann den mycket jämna matchen mot George Scott i går. Svensken var stark och borde ha vunnit men domarna gav segern till hemmaboxaren. Mycket talar för att det var Scotts sista match som proffs.

Netrition: Health Promoter Says Be Wary of Internet Nutrition Information: 20 februari

"People acting on health and nutrition information off the internet should first get advice from someone in the medical profession they trust, Crown Public Health health promoter Liz Cutler said yesterday.

Mercola.com: The Paleolithic Diet and Its Modern Implications:

"Can fifty thousand years of human evolution be wrong? What are we really "designed" to eat? Are high carbohydrate "Food Pyramid" diet standards a health disaster? What do paleolithic fossil records and ethnographic studies of 180 hunter/gatherer groups around the world suggest as the ideal human diet?

Find out in nationally acclaimed author and nutritionist Robert Crayhon's interview with paleolithic diet expert, Professor Loren Cordain, Ph.D."

Chet Day's Health & Beyond: Hunter Gatherer Paradigm Examined in New Light:

"Here at the Rea Centre, the article by Robert Crayhon (Interview with Loren Cordain) on the paleo diet and modern implications left us more than a little dismayed, because it is plausible, intelligent, coherent, and riven with error - which is not so hot if the field is unfamiliar to readers and they actually embark on a try-out.

We work, and have worked, practically in this field of paleo nutrition for over 15 years, and over 20,000 successful users of a slightly different practical perspective."

Muscle Monthly: Exclusive Special Report: New Prohormone To Be Released: 22 februari

Star Bulletin: Too much tofu induces ‘brain aging,’ study shows: 19 november 1999

"Tofu is touted for its health benefits, but also may pose health risks, says a Hawaii scientist.

A Hawaii study shows a significant statistical relationship between two or more servings of tofu a week and "accelerated brain aging" and even an association with Alzheimer's disease, says Dr. Lon White."

LPJ Research: Ask Patrick:

"LPJ Research, Inc. (LPJ) is an American Prohormone manufacturer and research company based in Seymour, Illinois. Patrick Arnold, President of LPJ, is a gifted chemist who is known as the pioneer of modern day prohormones.

Patrick was the first person to introduce the prohormone Androstenedione to the national market. In addition, LPJ is the first USA manufacturer to offer the prohormones Androdiol, and Norandrodiol, in production form to the domestic market."

Rusty Iron Bodybuilding Page: Bodyfat Calculators:

"The most convenient method for measuring bodyfat is the use of skinfold calipers. This method is subject to error, particularly in light of the fact that everyone differs as to the locations on their body where fat is distributed; however, numerous scientific studies have shown the skinfold method to be reasonably accurate, and it is far simpler and much less expensive than the other methods used.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Gissa: Vilken är idealkroppen?: 23 februari

"Forskare: För att leva ett långt liv behöver vi kroppar som troll."

B&T Marketing and Media: Fitness magazine expands distribution: 16 februari

"Niche magazine title Australian Fitness Network has launched a special annual edition on newsstands.

Originally established to service fitness instructors, the magazine now encompasses all aspects of the fitness industry, personal trainers, instructors, centre owners and managers, nutritionists, coaches and sports scientists."

Yahoo! News: High-Fat Diets Linked to Poorer Brain Function: 22 februari

"New animal research suggests that fat-laden meal plans can take a toll on the brain by effectively starving it of its energy supply."

3D - The Search for the female warrior

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RuTaNs RuTa

Fredag 23 februari

Ananova: Gym bans bare midriffs during workouts: 22 februari

"A US gym has banned members baring their midriffs during workouts. One member was asked to leave after her top rose up and exposed her abdomen as she lifted weights."

Dr Squat: The Zigzag Diet Plan:

"Okay. Let me hit you right between the eyes up front. The answer is so simple, yet I’ve NEVER in all my years of being in this business, hearn ANYONE utter it. I claim it. Here it is:

  • You can’t lose fat unless you’re on a negative calorie balance diet
  • You can’t gain muscle tissue unless you’re on a positive calorie balance diet
  • You can’t lose fat and gain muscle unless you alternate periods of negative calorie balance with periods of positive calorie balance.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to lose total body weight, stay at the same total body weight or gain total body weight. The zigzag rule applies to everyone. All the time."

Medem: Androstenedione Supplementation Does Not Enhance Resistance Training:

"Testosterone precursors do not help the body better adapt to resistance training when consumed in dosages recommended by manufacturers; furthermore, consumption may result in significant increases in estrogen-related compounds, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) concentrations and unfavorable alterations in blood lipid and coronary heart disease risk, according to an article in the November 13, 2000, issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal published by the American Medical Association (AMA)." (Via MetaMuscle

Yahoo! Finance: CVT Announces Completion of Its Cold-FX(R) Study In High Performance Athletes: 22 februari

"Dr. Grant Pierce, Director of the National Centre and Professor of Physiology at the University of Manitoba, says, "This is a significant study, not only for CV Technologies Inc., but also because it represents important information for all athletes who want to use nutraceutical products to maintain their health in order to perform at peak athletic performance.

It is critical that these athletes have confidence that the product they ingest is safe and does not contain or simulate IOC banned substances within their bodies. It is only from data generated by studies like this one that athletes will receive this assurance."

AST Sports Science: Daily Questions and Answers: 9 februari

"Can you tell me how a company like Muscle Marketing USA can continue to sell their Creatine Serum when all the tests show that it is a fake product? What can be done about this?"

Yahoo! Finance: DietWatch.com = Stickiest Site On The Web For Health, Fitness And Nutrition Categories!:

"DietWatch.com, a virtual weight management and wellness center with over 500,000 unique visitors, was ranked as the #1 site for the average time spent per user (also known as "stickiness") for the categories of Fitness and Nutrition, Health and Family, and Health Care according to PC Data's Online Reports for January 2001.

The data shows that in all three categories, DietWatch.com ranked #1 with an average of over 5 1/2 hours spent per user. User retention was about 70%, with one third of the population visiting the site more than 10 days in a month."

just-food.com: Book Review - Functional Foods:

  • Up-to-date research on health-enhancing potential of foods and food components
  • In-depth studies of physiological effects of biologically-active food components
  • First reference book to discuss processing and engineering of functional food products
  • Unique source of information on how processing may impact health benefits of functional products
  • Over 1800 literature references
  • Invaluable resource for designers, manufacturers and marketers of functional food products

CNN: Fastest weight workout pumps up people in a hurry: 20 maj 2000

"On the advice of a trainer, Lehr recently began an unconventional strength program: He does only one set of each exercise (albeit a grueling single set), a routine that takes him just 20 minutes three days a week.

"I spend less time at the gym than some guys spend looking at themselves in the locker room mirror," says Lehr, who also jogs three mornings a week. "But my body is starting to firm up - you can ask my girlfriend."

NCES: Single versus Multiple Sets in Long Term Recreational Weight Lifters: 28 december 2000

"Both groups significantly improved muscular fitness and body composition as a result for the 13 wk of training. The results show that one-set programs are still effective even after a year of training and that increasing training volume over 13 wk does not lead to significantly greater improvements in fitness for adult recreational weight lifters."

Clarence Bass: New Evidence On Sets Controversy:

"The ink was barely dry on last month's "One Set Or Many?" article when thought provoking comments across the spectrum began to arrive. What's more, newly released research answers the two main criticisms of studies showing no significant difference in strength or size gains as a result of doing one set compared to multiple sets."

Muscular Development: Arnold Schwarzenegger Posters by George Butler:

"We are now offering exclusive art-quality lithographic reproductions of world famous Arnold Schwarzenegger photographs by George Butler, director of Pumping Iron and Pumping Iron II.

The Arnold Schwarzenegger Collector's Edition prints are an inspirational necessity for every bodybuilder, sports enthusiast and Schwarzenegger fan."

Bringwell: Bringwell öppnar upp en butik med ett nytt koncept:

"En stor nyhet är att vi i slutet av april kommer att öppna upp en butik i centrala Stockholm - Stureplan. Butiksetableringen bygger på ett helt nytt koncept inom hälsa och egenvård - "drugstore".

Dessutom har vi tagit in ca 40 nya produkter från EAS och Hela Pharma (ex. Mivitotal). EAS Sportprodukter kan inte köpas på någon annan svensk site än Bringwell, vilket vi är mycket stolta över."

FitnessWorld: Boost Your Functional and Stability Training Knowledge: 5 februari

"Functional, stability and core training can offer many benefits to your members, including enhancing their regular workouts. These types of training programs can also help to prevent injuries, improve sports performance and make everyday activities easier. Following is a list of websites that have functional and stability training information, including sites with general information and exercises."

American Body Building: Interview with King Kamali: 20 februari

"Ironman's 3rd place finisher answers the controversial questions!"

American Body Building: Craig Titus Responds to the King Kamali Interview: 21 februari

"From sources around Gold's Venice, and at the Ironman Pro, Craig Titus has responded to the accusations of what happened between King Kamali and Craig Titus."

American Body Building: Reactions to King Kamali / Ironman Pro Show: 21 februari

"Readers respond via E-Mails on the latest news..."

American Body Building: Misc. News, Rumors, and Gossip: 21 februari

"Jason Arntz out of the San Francisco Show?"

American Body Building: Lee Priest is out of the San Fran & Arnold Classic:

"Rumor has it the Lee Priest has decided not to compete in the San Francisco Pro and the Arnold Classic show due to heart troubles. After competing in the 2001 Pro Ironman and placing 7th, Lee has decided to heed the advice of his doctors, and take it easy."

The Astounding B Monster: The life and tragic death of Susan Cabot:

"On December 10, 1986, Susan Cabot, 59, was bashed to death with a weight-lifting bar by her own son Timothy in the bedroom of her Encino home.

There was some legalese double-talk about steroids and an experimental hormone the kid was taking (he was born dwarfed)."

Svensk artikel Chalmers: Fett i maten påverkar konsistensen mer än smaken:

"Med smör och grädde i maten blir den godare, det vet alla matglada. Nu får vi ytterligare belägg för att det är så. Fettet i livsmedel bidrar till den konsistens, krämighet och smak som tilltalar oss konsumenter. Men det finns sätt att sänka fetthalten med bibehållen upplevelse av smaken."

Women's Physique World: Online Magazine 10: 12 februari

"We recently released Issue 10 of the WPW Online Magazine, featuring full coverage of one of the most historical contests of the 1980's the 1983 AFWB America's.

This is black and white coverage only featuring nearly 300 photos of many of the sport's earliest top women. The magazine where this was first covered is no longer available."

Svensk artikel SVD: Succépreparat kan stoppas: 21 februari

"Hälsokostbranschens senaste storvinnare kosttillskottet glukosamin hotas av försäljningsstopp. Läkemedelsverket vill klassa ämnet som läkemedel."

Yahoo! News: This Angel is blessed and cursed: 21 januari

"If anything, Canseco said he has been guilty of working too diligently in the offseason, hitting the weights too hard. He abandoned weight training almost out of desperation. In his efforts to stay healthy, he had exhausted every other option.

"If I have to lose a little bit of strength to play 160 games, I'd rather play 160 games," Canseco said. "Am I strong as I was last year going into camp? I don't think so. But will I last longer? I think I will."

Yahoo! News: Lessons in Muscle Fitness From Hibernating Bears: 21 februari

"Bears and bedtime conjure up cozy images of cuddling and nursery rhymes. But for those confined to bed following illness or injury, real-life hibernating "Teddies'' could provide clues as to how to prevent muscle loss due to prolonged immobility."

Yahoo! Finance: Drugfacts.Com and NewsRx Announce Strategic Partnership: 22 februari

"DRUGFACTS.com, the premier free drug information resource on the Internet for pharmacists and other healthcare professionals, and NewsRx, the leading provider of daily and weekly health news, announced today a strategic partnership to increase and customize the content of health news available to healthcare professionals."

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Hälsostudion i Karlstad

Torsdag 22 februari

Svensk artikel corren.se: Unga män äter sämst: 20 februari

"Ett halvt kilo frukt och grönt per dag bör vi äta enligt Livsmedelverkets rekommendationer. De flesta av oss gör inte det. Medelsvensson äter mellan 300 och 350 gram. Främst är det grönsakerna vi slarvar med."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Reportage från "Allt om Hälsan" på Stockholmsmässan:

"På fredagen slog portarna upp för den första upplagan av nya mässan "Allt för Hälsan". Budo & Fitness News var som vanligt på plats för att rapportera till Er. det var en mycket bra arrangerad mässa fullpackad med besökare. Det verkligen kändes hälsosamt att promenera runt bland allt från hälsprodukter, mat, tester, vitaminer, föreläsningar, uppvisningar och annat i hälsoväg."

Svensk artikel corren.se: Hälsotester populärast: 20 februari

"En av 'Allt om hälsa'-mässans populäraste delar var hälsotesterna. De långa köerna tog aldrig slut."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Falun väger tungt i SM: 6 februari

"Falu Atletklubb har ordentlig snurr på verksamheten för närvarande. Eller vad sägs om hela sex lyftare som är inkvalade till stora SM om tre veckor. - Det har aldrig varit så många från Falu AK någon gång tidigare, säger Patric Bettembourg, ordförande och eldsjäl i föreningen."

Svensk artikel Strength Sport Nutrition: Nyheter:

"Den senaste tiden skriverier som varit angående kopplingen mellan Kreatin och cancer, har vi fått fram följande: Inga nya studier är gjorda, och den franska person (som inte angivit titel) har inga nya vetenskapliga studier eller andra undersökningar att stödja sig på.

Vi har talat med Ulla Beckman Sund på Livsmedelsverket som inte har fått någon ny information, utan hänvisar istället till en rapport som EU gjort om Kreatin (OBS! .PDF-dokument). Sammanfattningsvis om rapporten kan sägas att det inte finns något samband mellan Kreatin och cancer.

Angående BSE Galna Kosjukan: I Strength produkter förekommer endast råvara taget från färsk mjölk, och eftersom BSE inte kan smitta genom mjölk så är möjligheten att komma i kontakt med BSE lika med noll."

ABC News: Predicting Obesity: 20 februari

"A simple blood test may soon be able to predict which youngsters are likely to grow up to have weight problems, researchers reported Monday."

Svensk artikel AB Eksjö Företagshälsovård:

"Genom vår samlade kunskap och erfarenhet inom arbetsmiljöområdet vill vi hjälpa våra uppdragsgivare att se till att deras värdefullaste resurs, personalen, mår bra fysiskt och psykiskt."

Svensk artikel GD: Ett nytt sätt att hitta flytet: 19 februari

"Sliten? Pressad? Skadad? Mentalt slutkörd? GD Online har - precis som delar av Brynäs hockeylag - tittat närmare på floating som lösning på olika problem som idrottsmän stöter på under en hektisk säsong."

Yahoo! Finance: Record Year for Town Sports International Highest Revenues and Net Income in Company's History: 20 februari

"Town Sports International (TSI), a leading owner and operator of more than 100 health clubs in major cities from Washington, DC north through New England, today announced its results for the year and quarter ended December 31, 2000."

Yahoo! Finance: New MOTHERWELL Yoga Video for Expectant Moms Includes Core Conditioning on Fitness Balls: 20 februari

"According to a recent study, balancing exercises improve back muscle strength and postural control more effectively than resistance training. The weight of the enlarged uterus and shift in the center of gravity during pregnancy puts many women at risk for back injury. Balancing Yoga, postures along with Core Conditioning on fitness balls, helps expectant moms prevent and alleviate back discomfort."

Yahoo! Finance: Merrill Lynch Chooses Plus One to Power Employee Health Through Fitness: 20 februari

"Merrill Lynch, one of the world's leading financial services firms, has chosen Plus One Fitness to design, manage, and operate the on-site fitness center at their New York headquarters and administer the center's fitness, physical therapy, spa, and wellness programs."

iVillage: Catch the Pilates Buzz:

"If you've been checking out the fitness scene lately, you've probably heard the buzz on Pilates. Although it sounds like one of those $5 coffee drinks they sell at Starbucks, it is in fact a highly sophisticated exercise form. Is this the sort of thing you should try?"

Worldfitness.org: Pilates revealed By Dr. Mel C. Siff:

"I was unable to find any quality research which supports the claims of Pilates or shows its superiority over other well-structured multifaceted varied systems of conditioning.

All claims to its excellence are based upon comparison with limited bodybuilding regimes and anecdotal testimonials by clients who have had little exposure to the wide world of modern strength science."

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Perros Onödiga Sida

Onsdag 21 februari

AST Sports Science: The French Deception: 21 februari

"A couple of weeks ago newswires around the world ran stories about the French equivalent to the FDA claiming creatine may cause cancer.

Either these scientists are absolute morons or they are pushing agenda by distorting the scientific facts on creatine supplementation. One thing is for certain; their claims against creatine are baseless and are an embarrassment to the scientific and medical community.

Not only are there no studies whatsoever indicating in even the wildest possible interpretation that supplementing with creatine could even remotely cause cancer, but their literature support for their statements does not even involve creatine.

The sad part of all this is that the media will report this through thousands of news outlets throughout the world effectively propagating an outright lie. It stinks."

Ananova: Other women blamed for body shape insecurity: 21 februari

"Young women are wracked by insecurity about their size and body shape - but most admit in a survey that it is their own sex rather than men who are to blame."

CourierPress: Workouts, dieting: a perfect match: 19 februari

"Combining a nutritious diet with exercise is the closest thing we have to a Fountain of Youth, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health National Institute on Aging. Studies conducted in 1990 found poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle as the second leading underlying causes of death in the United States."

Sports Illustrated: Dragila breaks world record twice in one day: 17 februari

"Olympic champion Stacy Dragila raised the world record in the women's pole vault to 4.70 meters (15 feet, 5 inches) Saturday, twice breaking her own indoor world marks."

The Weekender: What's all the fizz about?: 15 februari

"Despite medical skepticism about the effects of Red Bull on the body, the beverage is an emerging leader in the extreme sports sector.

From snowboarders to cliff divers, Red Bull is looking to charge athletes with an instant liquid adrenaline rush at events that the company not only sponsors, but also has developed."

BBC News: Apple juice 'protects the heart': 21 februari

"An apple juice a day could keep a trip to the heart doctor away, says new research. A team of researchers at UC Davis School of Medicine in the US have found that drinking apple juice appears to slow down a process that can lead to heart disease."

Montreal Gazette: Drug use in sports probed: 20 februari

"Media reports might have made the public more aware of the abuse of drugs by professional and world-class athletes, but they have ignored another problem: contrary to what most people believe, elite athletes are not the only ones using performance-enhancing substances.

PsycPort: Carb Your Appetite: The Right Food Can Improve Your Mood and Drive Away Those Winter Blues: 21 augusti

"Most assuredly there are (foods that can improve your mood),'' says Judith Wurtman, director of Triad Weight Management at McLean Hospital and author of "Managing Your Mind and Mood Through Food'' (Perennial, 1986). "They all fall into the category of carbohydrates...  What really lifts mood is a chemical called serotonin. When it's made in sufficient quantities, you change from grumpy to gracious, from irritable to patient, from negative to OK, if not euphoric."

PsycPort: Estrogen May Be a Cause of Obesity, Study Suggests: 20 februari

"A shortage of the hormone estrogen could be a cause of obesity, even in men, a study by Midwestern researchers suggests."

Muscletime.com - The Internet Bodybuilding Magazine: Free Trial Membership:

"You'll find all the major onstage, backstage & behind the scenes action of the 2001 Ironman Pro on our site - and we got some great video footage for you!"

FitnessLink: No Bars Held! Using Cables To Build Perfect Pecs:

"Here's a great way to work the chest without ever lifting a barbell. This may seem unusual since the bench press is considered the king of chest movements. But bench pressing isn't always necessary, or even preferable."

Healthcentral: Exercise may also weaken immunity:

"Sometimes, exercise can weaken an athlete's ability to fight off a cold. Other times, researchers say, exercise won't make a difference - or might strengthen the ability. The difference seems to depend on how much exercise the athlete does."

Healthcentral: Why some people get fat and others don't: 7 februari 2000

"The main reason some people get fat isn't because of genetics or how much they eat, says a Cornell University obesity researcher. It's because compared with thinner people they snack more often during the day and move about a lot less."

Anred: Identifying the athlete with an eating disorder and the initial intervention: 

"Identifying an athlete with anorexia nervosa or bulimia can be difficult, and confrontation is distressing. Like all people with eating disorders, the impaired athlete denies anything is wrong and rationalizes what s/he cannot deny. Read on to learn background information and practical tips on how to proceed."

Cornell university: Women with low body iron find exercise and physical work much more difficult: 10 juli 2000

"Women with low body iron, yet who are not anemic, have a much harder time sustaining exercise and adapting to training, concludes a new Cornell University study. But after a period of training, iron-deficient women who boost their body iron by taking supplements can improve their exercise endurance twice as much as iron-depleted women."

Harward Gazette: Exercise reduces cancer risk: 11 maj 2000

"Being an athlete in college can win women a competitive edge against breast cancer, according to a new Harvard study."

Words That Heal - State-of-the-Art Health Guide Created: 16 december 1999

"Did you ever look up a medical or first-aid question only to find that the medical reference book you bought only a few years ago is hopelessly out of date? Harvard Medical School believes it has a cure for these information maladies: a comprehensive (1,288 pages), $40 medical guide tied to a Website that will update the book weekly."

Forbes: Time to shape up: 9 mars 1998

"Mark Mastroy is building a chain of health clubs that he hopes will be the largest in the U.S. Aware that many large fitness centers haven't been raging successes, he looked outside that industry for a model. "This business has taken a beating," he says, "because it hasn't given people what they want. There's a lot of naysayers in the industry who say you can't go out and build a large chain of quality clubs," says Mastrov, 40. "I wanted to prove everybody wrong."

The Sceptic's Dictionary: DHEA:

"DHEA production peaks in early adulthood and is the only hormone known to decline in production with age. Thus, many diseases which correlate with age also correlate with low levels of DHEA production.

There has been no scientific evidence, however, that low levels of DHEA is a significant causal factor in the development of diseases associated with aging. Nor is there any evidence that increasing DHEA slows down, stops or reverses the aging process."

Boston.com: Caffeine warrior: 18 februari

"I comforted myself with the notion that I wasn't a coffee junkie. Junkies drink the sludge at the bottom of the day-old pot hanging around the office. I am a coffee gourmet.

But for every self-deception there is a moment when reality bites - or, perhaps, sips. For me it was in the welcoming letter from the quiet, yoga-inspired, spiritual weekend retreat to which I had already sent my deposit."

Google Groups: Scientists unable to find planet of large-breasted warrior women: 8 februari

"Astronomers have recently detected several new planetary systems orbiting nearby stars, but none so far appears capable of supporting large-breasted warrior women."

Edmonton Journal: Tale of Schwarzenegger's sexual faux pas called 'a hatchet job'

"A prominent Hollywood actress has rushed to Arnold Schwarzenegger's defence, condemning a Premiere magazine article on his allegedly boorish behaviour towards women as a "politically motivated hatchet job."

MSNBC: Desperately seeking definition: 

"Whether slender, round or hourglass-shaped, body types can be frustrating and difficult to change. Some bodies just aren’t meant to be “cut,” says Liz Applegate, Ph.D."

IMDB: Jamie Lee Curtis Jumps To Schwarzenegger's Defense:

"Jamie Lee Curtis has jumped to the defense of Arnold Schwarzenegger - insisting he's not a bully, a womanizer or a control freak."

Ananova: Man barred from gym 'has swearing disorder': 12 februari

"An American says he has been asked to leave his gym because a medical condition makes him shout obscenities.

John Miller claims his disorder makes him prone to tics, coughing and sudden uncontrollable physical or vocal outbursts."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Budo & Fitness Butiken i Stockholm bygger ut!:

"Under tiden har vi ombyggnadsrea. Med start måndag 26 februari till fredag 16 mars bökar & stökar vi i Stockholmsbutiken varvid vi har lite xtra bra priser att fynda. På den här siten kan du följa hur ombyggnaden utvecklas och tar form."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Fitness Party 2001:

"Arrangörerna Björn & Pierre hälsar er alla partysugna välkomna till Fitness Party 2001 som går av stapeln lördagen 27 oktober i Stockholm. 

Du kan beställa dina biljetter redan nu, så du är säker på att få vara med. Antalet är begränsat och det har blivit fullt både 1999 och 2000."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Budo Expo:

"Budo Expo är den naturliga träffpunkten för alla som är intresserade av kampsport.

Mot bakgrund av de splittringar som genomsyrar budo/kamsport sfären i Sverige strävar vi mot att skapa ett "forum" där ALLA kampsporter/kamparter gemensamt kan verka för expansion av sina arter och gemensamt samtligt utövande av kampsport/kampart."

Alexa: “Sex” Popular on the Web, Many People Inefficient at Reaching Their Online Destinations: 14 februari

"A comprehensive two-year study by Alexa Research has revealed that based on their searching habits, an alarming number of Web users are not particularly efficient at reaching their online destinations.

Rather than entering a uniform resource locator (“URL”) into the address field of their Web browsers, millions of Internet users enter the name of the site they want into the search box of their homepage or other search engine."

Svensk artikel Camilla Sinclair:

"Här kan du läsa lite om: kost & träning, recept på god & nyttig mat, få skräddarsydda kost & träningsprogram m.m."

Ananova: Primary school pupils get fit for class: 1 februari

"A primary school is getting its pupils fit for class by putting them through a workout before lessons."

Ananova: Mandy wins diet title after holiday nightmare: 4 februari

"A woman who shed 14-stone after the humiliation of being too fat to fit properly into an aeroplane seat has been named Slimmer Of The Year."

Boston.com: Untangling an online breakup: 20 februari

"Call it an antilove story, a post-romantic feud set in the postmodern cyber age.

When Internet aficionados Gary Kadet, a Cambridge author, and Marion Mackerwicz, a bodybuilder from Whitman, met three years ago at a party, they fanned the flames of affection with flirtatious e-mails and online chat."

Ananova: Homer Simpson is role model for British men: 11 februari

"Almost half of British men think they look more like Homer Simpson than Superman. Only four per cent of men thought they had a Superman physique, while seven per cent of women saw themselves as a Lara Croft lookalike."

EurekAlert: Robots with real muscles:

"Researchers have known for centuries that they can make muscles contract in the lab: in 1786, Luigi Galvani discovered that electricity made a dissected frog's leg twitch. But until now, no one has ever tried to harness the phenomenon to power a machine."

Yahoo! News: Sports Numb Pain Differently in Men And Women: 21 februari

"The stress of competitive sports is believed to have a temporary pain-numbing effect, with the adrenaline produced by the game basically overriding athletes' pain perception. But there may be distinct differences in how such "stress-induced analgesia'' operates in men and women, new research shows."

Svensk artikel Bonde Skinn Hantverk:

"Vill du ha hjälp med något vad som helst när det gäller Läder och Skinn hör av dig. Jag tillverkar:

  • Dragremmar, träningsbälten, triceps och ryggdrag
  • Hovslagarförkläden
  • Äkta skinn Curpis (Sotarmössor)
  • Jägarväskor
  • Även reparationer utföres: omstoppningar av ridsadlar etc.

Platinum Physique: Tommi Thorvildsen IFBB Pro:

"In bodybuilding nobody can lift your weights, eat your food or sleep for you. I like that, not to depend on on others to reach my goal. To be a winner you have to train like a winner. Pain is temporary - Pride is forever."

Norsk artikel Trim.no: Dorian Yates:

"Dorian Yates dukket opp på scenen i sin første konkurranse i 1985, og fortsatte derfra fram til han vant mr. Olympia i 1992. Siden den gang har Yates totalt vunnet mr. Olympia hele 6 ganger!

Han har nå avsluttet sin karriere som profesjonell kroppsbygger og driver eget gym i Birmingham i England. Bak denne vinneren skjuler det seg blant annet genetikk, ambisjoner, pågangsmot, kunnskap, vilje, og massevis av tid og krefter og trening- hard og systematisk trening."

No Free Lunch:

"We are health care providers - physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, among others - who believe that pharmaceutical promotion should not guide clinical practice, and that over-zealous promotional practices can lead to bad patient care.

It is our goal to encourage health care practitioners to provide high quality care based on unbiased evidence rather than on biased pharmaceutical promotion."

NSSA: World Record attempt - Keg Toss for Height: 21 februari

"Four time World's Strongest Man, Magnus Ver Magnusson of Iceland and Harold "Chief Iron Bear" of the United States, will attempt to break the World Record in the Keg Toss for Height. The event is scheduled to take place on the weekend of March 10th on national television - Guinness Prime Time!"

Svensk artikel Vetskap: Muskelproteiner arbetar på mikrochips: Februari

"En grupp svenska forskare är på god väg att kunna styra de proteiner som får våra muskler att dra ihop sig. Det unika är att muskelproteinerna ska försöka styras till att utföra ett i förväg bestämt arbete. Och att detta arbete ska ske utanför kroppen – på en yta som är några miljondelar av en millimeter."

Svensk artikel Shortcut.nu: Expertpanelen: Camilla Porsman, Fitnessexpert:

"Camilla Porsman är före detta chefredaktör för tidningen Fitness & Aerobics och är författare till flera böcker om träning, kost och stresshantering. På Shortcut svarar Camilla på dina frågor om träning och stresshantering."

Svensk artikel Shortcut.nu: Louise Hammarberg, Kostexpert, Many Ways AB:

"Louise Hammarberg är näringsexpert och arbetar som hälsoskribent, konsult och utbildare. Louise har mångårig erfarenhet i ledande ställning inom friskvårdsbranschen i Sverige och Norge. Genom företaget Many Ways AB bedriver hon kursverksamhet, personlig kostrådgivning samt arbetar med förändringsarbete inom organisationer och företag."

Reuters Health: Survey: Many normal-weight adults use diet drugs: 19 februari

"As many as one quarter of Americans who took prescription weight loss drugs in recent years were not substantially overweight, a new study shows. The findings, according to researchers, suggest that doctors need to emphasize long-term lifestyle changes for weight control and use more care in dispensing drug remedies."

BBC News: Most young women 'unhappy with bodies': 21 februari

"A survey has found just one per cent of young women are "completely happy" with the shape of their body. One in ten have taken drugs to try and achieve their ideal weight."

Financial Times: Safe slimming pill unlikely: 20 februari

"The biological systems that control eating and body weight are so complex that there is little prospect of developing a safe slimming pill, according to new research findings presented on Tuesday to the American Association for the Advancement of Science."

Washington Post: How Does Your Multivitamin Stack Up?: 20 februari

"Recent laboratory tests of 27 types of multivitamins has again demonstrated the worrisome fact that many packages of dietary supplements on store shelves don't contain what their labels say."

Health 24 News Wire: Protein Diet May Impair Memory: 20 februari

"People on high-fat diets may not only be increasing their risk of heart disease - but they may be damaging their brain function according to new research from the University of Toronto."

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

nJoy Halmstad

Tisdag 20 februari

Svensk artikel TopShape: Webbshop:

"Prisgaranti: Kan du hitta en av våra produkter till ett lägre pris i Sverige och kan bevisa detta för oss med t.ex en annons, tel. nr. till butik eller liknande så ger vi dig samma pris. Självklar gäller även att du får 5% rabatt på ordrar över 1500.- även på dessa artiklar."

Svensk artikel TopShape: Proteinkällor:

"Tillverkarna har ett antal olika källor att använda för att öka proteinhalten i sin produkt. Olika proteiner har olika egenskaper och jag kommer här att gå igenom de vanligaste proteinkällorna och deras respektive egenskaper."

Svensk artikel Välkommen till MaxMuscle.se!: 7 februari

"Nu har MaxMuscle.se öppnat! Vi är stolta över att kunna presentera ett helt nytt varumärke på den svenska marknaden. Här hittar Du kläder och accessoarer för träning, med inriktning mot "gymvärlden"."

Yahoo! Finance: Konami purchases 55% stake in gym operator People: 20 februari

"Japan's major game software developer Konami Co said on Tuesday it had bought 54.64 percent of People Co , Japan's biggest gym operator, in one of the biggest tender offers ever placed by a Japanese firm".

Svensk artikel Dagens Media: Danska Bonnier lanserar hälsosajt i Sverige: 19 februari

"Idag lanseras danska Bonnier Web Publications sin hälsosajt Avida i Sverige. Sajten grundar sig i tidningarna Mens Health och I form. Målet är att till sommaren ha tre miljoner sidnedladdningar per månad."

Svensk artikel DN: Luddiga regler kritiseras av expert: 20 februari

"Gränsvärden för hemoglobin slår inte mot huvudproblemet bloddopning, säger en ledande dopningsexpert. Den bisarra verkligheten är att eliten måste fuska mer eller mindre om de ska ha en chans. I Finland riktas ilskan i dag inte mot den dopade Isometsä utan mot skidförbundet."

Svensk artikel Östersundsposten: Ljungberg nådde drömgränsen:

"Kälarnes Jörgen Ljungberg har i flera år jagat den magiska gränsen och här om veckan blev det verklighet. Ljungberg fanns på plats i Sundsvall när elitserien startade och där slog han till rejält. 400 kg i knäböj, 242 i bänk och 358 i marklyft. Totalt ett ton."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Spioner mot juksemakerne: 20 januari

"I 25 år har Inggard Lereim kjempet mot doping i idretten. Han vet at juksemakerne bruker alle midler. Selv kjenner han også de fleste knepene."

Your Health Daily: Researchers Link Brain Function to Breathlessness: 16 februari

"That breathless feeling in your heart and lungs is really all in your head."

US News: Fusion adds spice, maybe substance, to workouts: 26 januari

"Person is one of many trainers at health clubs across the country who have embraced a fitness philosophy that blends exercise techniques as freely as fusion chefs merge culinary styles.

At Eastern Athletic Clubs, a New York City chain, instructors mix martial arts, free weights, and swimming in Martial Aqua sessions. At Crunch Fitness in New York, clients can belt out karaoke while they pedal a spinning machine, which intensifies the cardiovascular workout–and adds a touch of self-expression."

Guardian Unlimited: Our genes are doomed: 5 februari

"Unless we embrace genetic engineering, we will become a sickly and frail species."

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Dags igen att Pellepumpa: 19 februari

"Nu ska en riksomfattande hälsolek via internet lära Sveriges fjärdeklassare att växa upp till sundare vuxna. Genom datorn ska 10-åringarna lära sig hur man äter bra och näringsriktig mat, varför det är viktigt att vara rädd om hjärtat och vad man kan hitta på för att hålla kroppen i trim."

Healthy.net: Parents Can Help Set Healthy Eating Habits for Their Kids: 15 februari

"According to Donna Vandergraff, extension specialist in the Department of Food and Nutrition at Purdue University, parents set the tone when it comes to children’s nutrition. “Parents can encourage healthy eating habits by exhibiting good habits themselves and showing kids how to make healthful snacks, like cheese and crackers and celery with peanut butter."

Healthy.net: Obesity and How It Contributes to Back Pain:

"Does Donald's back hurt because he is overweight, or does it hurt because he is so deconditioned that he cannot perform the exercises and body-mechanics positions that would protect his back and reduce the stress?

Does obesity by itself cause back pain? The experts say no. However, they have concluded that a person who is overweight is unable to recover from a bout of back pain as quickly as someone who is in fairly good physical condition."

Just-food.com: A chocolate a day may keep the doctor away: 19 februari

"A new book claims that eating chocolate on a daily basis may actually be good for your health. According to the Australian scientists, Dr John Ashton and Suzi Ashton, a piece of chocolate a day is even better than a glass of red wine a day."

Yahoo! News: Pssst! Want to Do Away With Your Period?

"So, what's the secret to Kimberly Denney's newfound freedom? She eliminates her period a month at a time simply by skipping the placebos in her 28-day packet of birth control pills and starting a new round of hormone-laden pills immediately.

It's a convenient little secret that doctors have known about since the birth of oral contraception in the 1960s, but one that many women are just now beginning to discover, mostly via word of mouth, the Internet and a recent book with the provocative title, "Is Menstruation Obsolete?"

TheStar: Bestimex a pioneer in fitness equipment: 19 februari

"Bestimex began selling Healthlife fitness equipment (such as exercise bicycles and treadmills) in 1987, when the nation itself was not in the best of economic health. The lack of capital and bad market demand drove Long to consider closing down operation."

LA Times: Whole-Grain Foods Supply Important Fiber and Minerals: 12 februari

"No matter which food pyramid you try to follow - USDA, Mediterranean, Asian, Latin American or vegetarian - one thing remains the same: At the base of each are the foods that constitute the foundation of a healthful diet. In every case, these include whole-grain products (breads, cereals, pasta and rice) high in complex carbohydrates."

Efit.com: 5 Beginners’ Fitness Mistakes to Avoid:

"How to make sure you keep your workout plan on track."

FitnessLink: For Women, BodyPUMP Puts the Weights Debate To Rest:

"Are you looking to lose weight and strengthen your muscles, but think weight training at the gym is boring or intimidating? Then check out the fast-paced group exercise program called BodyPUMP."

Netrition: Alternative Approach; Fish Oil Holds the Key to Improved Health: 14 februari

"Our prehistoric ancestors (contrary to statements by "prehistoric diet" proponents) did not eat a lot of meat - they ate a lot of vegetables, grains and fish. Red meat was pretty hard to come by and thus a higher percent of their diets was omega-3 fats. Now this has changed. Our per-person consumption of red meat has increased significantly."

American Bodybuilding: IFBB Pro Ironman 2001 Report: 17 februari

"Scorecard, pictures, and so much more from the contest!"

American Bodybuilding: High Carbs for Everyone? Part I: Carb Nightmare?: 12 februari

"Lonnie Lowery article on carbohydrates."

AST Sports Science Research Reviews: Low Protein Intake Can Reduce Testosterone Levels:

"An interesting cross sectional study by researchers at University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester demonstrated that protein intake is a significant contributor to serum testosterone concentrations in men."

AST Sports Science Research Reviews: Carbohydrate Drinks Preserve Valuable Muscle Glycogen During Weight Training Exercise:

"Glucose and muscle glycogen (the storage form of glucose) are a main source of fuel during intense weight training. Low muscle glycogen levels can limit your work capacity and the muscles ability to recover.

If muscles get too low on glycogen, a catabolic (muscle breakdown) response results. Some research demonstrates that the amount of glucose stored in muscle, influences muscle growth."

AST Sports Science Research Reviews: Experienced lifters can still increase their strength via neural adaptation:

"The dramatic gain in strength beginners usually experience within the first few weeks of their training is thought to occur from neural adaptation. Research by European strength research guru Paavo Komi and colleagues now show that even experienced training make substancial gains in strength via an enhanced CNS (central nervous system) capacity."

AST Sports Science Research Reviews: More on the Latest Research in Fat Loss

AST Sports Science Research Reviews: How often should you train your biceps again for best results? The research says...:

"Muscle fiber damage is thought to occur as a result of heavy intense resistance exercise. However little is known about the effects of training and muscle fiber damage in trained body builders."

American Bodybuilding: How YOU Can Start Earning Cash from Your Passion for Bodybuilding and Fitness!: 7 februari

"Skip LaCour's article on his way of helping you earn cash."

Washington Post: An Athletic President Moves to Trim the Fat: 12 februari

"It wasn't the first time Americans discovered their new leader is a gym rat. When Bush got the news on Election Day that he might lose, he was on his way to a workout at the University of Texas gym, where he often trained with a man known as "Mad Dog."

Estonia Bodybuilding:

"Featuring bodybuilding pictures and information on the Estonian bodybuilding scene."

food ingredients online: CSIRO: Research alliance puts fish oil on the menu: 9 februari

"Functional lipids company, Clover Corporation, and Food Science Australia have reached agreement on the licensing and further development of breakthrough technology in the manufacture of encapsulated tuna oil and other functional food ingredients."

food ingredients online: National Soft Drink Association Says Study Published in The Lancet is Wrong - Soft Drinks Do Not Cause Pediatric Obesity: 15 februari

food ingredients online: Fathoming the Secrets of Dairy-Derived Conjugated Linoleic Acid Scientists Study Occurrence and Effects of this Natural Dairy Component: 9 februari

food ingredients online: NSF International Announces Dietary Supplements Certification Program: 12 februari

"The Public Health and Safety Company, (www.nsf.org) today announced the implementation of a new Dietary Supplements Certification Program."

food ingredients online: Fight Off Disease With a Healthy Diet, Nutritionist Says, Then Add Vitamins C and E: 16 februari

"A healthy diet boosted by antioxidant vitamin supplements is the best way to fight off free radicals, which are molecules that deplete oxygen and damage the body's cells, a leading nutritionist says."

Sport Supplements: An Interview with Paul R. Borreson:

"Making a sports supplement company unique is not the easiest of tasks, especially in an ever growing, ever expanding market. Biohazard describe themselves as "The most feared supplement company in the country", which is quite a statement!

Recently featured in a BBC documentary, Biohazard have had an interesting time over the last few months. We talk to the man behind Biohazard, about where he started, where he is now, and where he intends to be in the future. We welcome, Paul Borreson."

Sport Supplements: Visit the Gym for Free!: 12 februari

"eMagazineShop.com, who sell magazine subscriptions online, have teamed up with the Fitness Industry Association to create their "Great Gym Giveaway". eMagazineshop.com are offering their customers, or anyone who registers at their site, the opportunity to receive one FREE visit each, to one of over 450 participating UK Health Clubs."

The Arnold Fan: Endoskeleton Heads May Invade Homes this Fall!: 12 februari

"This weekend at the Toy Fair, the future is not set, because there's a new Terminator creation to terrorize the world! It's watching you, webcasts every movement you make and it even tells you what to do! Is this a dream? No, this is reality!

Created by Hollywood special effects veteran Stan Winston, this talking replica of the "T2" endoskeleton skull may become the "must-have: tech toy of the fall!"

The Arnold Fan: Double The Action!:

"Learn the ways of an Arnold stunt double from "Collateral Damage" (and more films) by clicking HERE!"

Oakland's 10.000th visitor: 15 februari

"WOW! On Wednesday, February 15, 2001, Oakland received it's 10.000th visitor! It's time to celebrate fans. Here's an ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER CRAZY PICTOGRAPHY collage. I've made it 2 years ago and some fans might have seen it already. For others it's worth the wait! WARNING - It's a pretty big (aka Arnold-sized) picture."

Efit.com: Weighty Issues: Personal Psychology and Weight Loss:

"Figuring out the benefits of being overweight may hold the key to helping you lose weight once and for all."

New York Times: Aging: Work Out at 80? Experts See the Gains: 13 februari

"Exercise, even late in life, has repeatedly been found to improve people's health in a number of ways, including reducing the risk of heart disease and broken bones.

Now, a new study suggests that regular exercise may also help older people ward off disease by strengthening their immune systems."

Washington Post: To Fight Osteoporosis, Just Lift Weights - Forever: 13 februari

"You there in the leotard: About that strength training you took up to build bone and stave off osteoporosis? Don't drop the barbell now. To retain the benefits, you have to keep up the lifting for . . . well, the rest of your life."

Washington Post: Time to Lose the Holiday Roll: 13 februari

"Consider this a friendly reminder from your local Health section: Get rid of that holiday belt baggage right now. Research shows that if the weight you gained during the winter holidays is still hanging around by March, it may be here to stay."

LA Times: Resistance Training for Stronger Bodies: 5 februari

"Let's face it - our muscles look and feel much better when we exercise them, and one of the fastest and most effective ways to condition them is to use resistance training."

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Vikten av vila:

"Det är viktigt att vila. Ändå blir många av oss frustrerade av oväntade avbrott och skulle behöva limmas fast på stället för att stanna upp och ta en paus. Det gäller både i vardagen och i träningen."

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Nytt år, ny kropp:

"Du höjde champagneglaset och lovade dyrt och heligt att äta bättre och träna hårt för att komma i form år 2001. Sedan blev det vardag igen och nyårslöftena känns plötsligt som en utopi. Men det behöver de inte vara: med mitt-liv.nu’s nyårslöftesguide till hjälp kommer du att kunna skåla för dina framgångar nästa nyårsafton!"

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Heldag om idrottsmedicin: 14 februari

"Den 24 mars arrangeras en utbildningsdag om idrottsmedicin i Göteborg under rubriken "Träning - en praktisk vetenskap". Bland annat diskuteras hur träningen ska se ut för att ge resultat, vara rolig, effektiv och skonsam."

ConsumerLab.com: Product Review: Multivitamins/Multiminerals:

"Of the group of 27 multivitamin and/or multimineral products (often collectively referred to as "multis" in this review) tested, 9 products failed to meet the criteria of this product review, representing one-third all products evaluated."

Health World Online: Parents Can Help Set Healthy Eating Habits for Their Kids: 15 februari

"According to Donna Vandergraff, extension specialist in the Department of Food and Nutrition at Purdue University, parents set the tone when it comes to children’s nutrition. “Parents can encourage healthy eating habits by exhibiting good habits themselves and showing kids how to make healthful snacks, like cheese and crackers and celery with peanut butter.”

Just-food.com: Functional Foods Innovation Prospers in the Nordic Region: 19 februari

"Sweden and Finland are spearheading the development of the European functional foods market. Groundbreaking research, government support and flexible marketing laws have given the region a head start, and other countries could learn a great deal from Nordic innovation, argues just-food.com."

Medscape: The Expert Opinion - Pectoralis Major Rupture: 15 februari

"Mark trains with weights regularly (3-4 times each week) and has done this for 10 years. Six months ago, while doing the bench press, he sustained a painful injury in his left shoulder that prevented him from completing the training session."

BBC News: Obesity rate triples: 15 februari

"The number of people who are obese has tripled over the last 20 years, and is still rising say experts."

Svensk artikel Fitnessförlaget: Kommande böcker från Fitnessförlaget hösten 2001:

Functional foods - mat med en mening
Av Monika Wieckowski

Boken ger sanningen som functional foods, det hetaste ämnet inom livsmedel idag. Lär dig vilka som finns, och vad de egentligen gör.

Yahoo! Health: Fitness Fix: Breaking Past Plateaus:

"When you run through the same routine every time, your body reaches a plateau—it becomes very good at that routine, so it doesn’t have to work as hard as it did the first time. Bottom line: You don’t gain any more fitness.

However, there are many things you can do to change your cardio routine. You will not only see results but also notice how much more quickly the time goes by."

Yahoo! Health: The Ab-Solute Truth:

"I've been getting a lot of questions lately about the correct way to work your abs. Since this subject seems to be on everyone's mind, I think it is a good time to do a detailed review of abdominal training fundamentals."

PsycPort: Love-Weight Relationships the Delicate Issue of Weight Is Ever-Present in Romance, Whether We Like It Or Not:

"Never does the issue of weight carry so much naked impact, so much emotional freight, so much psychological baggage as when combined with one other word: romance.

Because size DOES matter when it comes to dating, courtship and marriage."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Vi blir fetare: 10 februari

"Det finns lika många feta människor som det finns svältande i dagens värld. Politikerna är ansvariga för mycket i samhället, liksom var och en av oss. När det gäller vår hälsa är frågan oklar om vem som har ansvaret."

Svensk artikel DrugNews: "Ska man drogtesta måste metoden vara säker!": 16 februari

"På allt fler skolor, arbetsplatser och, nu senast, inom försvaret införs drogtester för att uppnå en drogfri miljö. Men kan man lita på provsvaren? Det är bättre att fria än att fälla vid minsta osäkerhet, anser socionom Ulric Hermansson, verksam inom forskning och metodutveckling kring drogprevension i arbetslivet."

Montreal Gazette: Get off the couch: Coderre: 18 februari

"Winning Olympic medals is less important than getting more Canadians off the couch and onto the playing fields, the secretary of state for amateur sport said yesterday."

Pioneer Planet: Woman bolstered self-esteem as she discovered the fun in fitness: 19 februari

"Penny Thompson-Burke's story is for everyone who was picked second-to-last (or last) for teams in gym class. Thompson-Burke, now 27, was the quintessential chubby kid. Athletics were not her forte. Academics, music, theater and choir were.

In college, she took tae kwon do to fulfill a PE requirement (ballroom dancing was full). That was the beginning of a more active life and, most importantly, a change in how she viewed herself."

Cornell University: Tax on eaters at top of food chain would aid environmental sustainability, Cornell ecologist proposes in new book: 8 januari

"Applying the "polluter pays" principle, a Cornell University ecologist and author suggests a way to improve the environmental sustainability of agriculture: Levy taxes according to food-chain ranking so that products with the worst environmental impact cost the most."

Reno-Gazette Journal: Getting fit doesn’t have to slim-down the pocketbook: 17 februari

"Gayle DeFrutos said she frequents the city-owned Northeast Community Center on Valley Road for its low-key atmosphere and reasonable fees. She said she prefers swimming at the Valley Road pool to other high-profile health clubs."

The Daily Review: Founder of Clif Bar makes fit food: 18 februari

"Famished from the exertion of a 175-mile bike ride through the Bay Area, Erickson just couldn't bear eating another of the tasteless energy bars he had packed for the ride.

"That was really a profound moment. Here I am starving, and I had this food with me and I couldn't eat it," said Erickson. "I had already eaten five, and I couldn't eat the sixth one. I thought this is not right. If there's going to be food on the market that is for energy and is nutritious, it's gotta also be palatable and taste good."

Just Move: TV ads can shape toddlers' food choices: 12 februari

"Children as young as 2 years of age may be influenced in their food choices by a 30-second advertisement they see on television, researchers report."

Nando Times: Personal training gains popularity: 18 februari

"Personal trainers, once hired only by sports professionals and the rich, are becoming a common resource for weekend athletes."

EurekAlert: Rat study shows high-fat diet impairs concentration and memory: 19 februari

"People on high-fat diets may not only be increasing their risk of heart disease - but they may be damaging their brain function!"

Just Move: Safety of supplements for children unclear: 14 februari

"US experts warned Tuesday that the safety and efficacy of many dietary supplements have not been tested in children, and said that parents should exercise caution when giving supplements to their kids."

Just Move: Obesity said to cause 6% of all deaths in England: 14 februari

"More government action on obesity was urged in a report released Wednesday that warns that over 30,000 deaths a year in England, or 6% of all deaths, can be attributed to excess body weight."

The Scientist: The Cutting Edge of Cutting Calories: 19 februari

"Why would federal health regulators unnecessarily restrict such a desirable and popular product? They seem to have responded to the opposition of a single radical group, the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Science in the Public Interest. For more than a decade, CSPI has forsworn both common sense and overwhelming scientific evidence in attacking olestra."

ABC News: Study: Increased Soft Drink Intake May Boost Childhood Obesity: 16 februari

"An extra soft drink a day gives a child a 60 percent greater chance of becoming obese, new research suggests."

Metro Times: Masters of illusion:

"You used to see this technique in its most obvious and crude form in the television commercials that featured actors in physicians’ lab coats announcing that “nine out of 10 doctors prefer” their brand of aspirin.

But advertisements are obvious propaganda, and the third-party technique in its more subtle forms is designed to prevent audiences from even realizing what they are experiencing."

American Council on Science and Health:

"(ACSH) is a consumer education consortium concerned with issues related to food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment and health. ACSH is an independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization."

Bayerus: Asparin Trivia Game: 

"Find out how much you know by answering five questions about the world's most popular pain reliever!"

Newswise: Soft Drink Industry Challenges Study on Obesity: 16 februari

"Obesity is a multi-faceted problem. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. The most important things individuals can do to manage their weight are to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly," said NSDA Vice President of Scientific and Technical Affairs."

Newswise: Purple Grape Juice, Antioxidant Protection: 19 februari

"Purple grape juice has been shown to provide far greater antioxidant effect than orange juice."

Learn Fitness: How three amino acids can strengthen your immune system by 34%: 19 februari

"According to Brazilian researchers, a blend of amino acids can strengthen the immune system of elite triathletes. Thirty days of supplementation with branched chain amino acids (BCAA) was enough to reduce symptoms of infection by an impressive 34%."

Flex Magazine: Creatine: the Latest Research: December 2000

"Recent studies confirm the safety of the oft-scrutinized supplement."

citypaper.net: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Ire: 15 februari

"Jacqui "Sister Smoke" Frazier-Lyde, daughter of Smokin’ Joe Frazier, wants to kick Muhammad Ali’s daughter’s butt."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Superutmanaren slog ner Atlas från hängbron

"Bäva månde Gladiatorerna - för Fredrik Edlund, brandmannen från Timrå. Atlas blev för första gången i karriären nedknuffad från hängbron. Och utmanaren med de bästa testvärdena har visat vad han går för."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Plexus: Om du börjar träna - skynda långsamt:

"Gladiatorn Plexus chattade med tittarna direkt efter fredagens gladiatorerna. Han har tränat i hela 26 år. - Om du börja träna skynda långsamt."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: "Jag vet att jag är bra på hinderbanan":

"Med bara en sekunds försprång i hinderbanan kammade Amelie hem segern över Sofia Fagerström i femte grundomgången. - Hon var stark och seg."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Tävla och vinn en gladiator:

"Nu kan du tävla och vinna en gladiator! Tävlingen vänder sig till alla högstadieklasser i Sverige men alla kan vara med och tävla. Första pris är en Gladiator som kommer till din klass på gympalektionen. Lycka till!"

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

nJoy Halmstad

Måndag 19 februari

Kevin Levrone: Internet Geek?: 14 februari

"In a sign of the times, original Luddite Kevin Levrone has finally been converted into a full-fledged geek by the power of the internet. As many of you have noticed, Kevin now answers his own e-mail!

That's right, ask Kevin a question or make a comment and Kevin will absolutely read it. And if you order a Fulblown CD, he will answer your diet and exercise questions for FREE!"

Skip La Cour's Mass Machine E-Newsletter: 19 februari

"Part Four of a Five-Part Series - Exercises, Sets, Reps, and Weight: What Are the “Right” Amounts to Stimulate Muscle Growth?"

Cynthia Bridges

Pro Muscle 2001 - 17 mars, Melbourne, Australien

Nuclear Nutrition: 2000 English Grand Prix: 29 oktober 2000

"This was the second Grand Prix Chemical Nutrition had put on and was a much much bigger success than last year. Managing Directors Kerry Kayes and 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates as well as all the Chemical gang really pulled together and put on an ultra-professional job."

Healthy.net: Motivation Key to Healthy Lifestyle And Heart:

"Getting motivated is a problem that many of us face.

The key to getting motivated relates to wanting to see improvements in your body and health. Most of all, a taste of desire is needed to realize how beneficial it is to make exercise a part of your daily life."

Yahoo! News: Coaching Catches On at Health Clubs: 18 februari

"Weekend athletes increasingly are paying experts to give them answers to questions like that. Personal trainers, once hired only by sports professionals and the rich, are becoming more common at health clubs."

T-Mag: TC Louma tore his pectoral muscle (with images):

"If you bodybuilders or other athletes need a reminder of why doing 1RMs isn't all that important — something to temporarily tether your ego to Terra Firma — take one of your girlfriend's pictures out of your wallet and replace it with the picture of my MRI scan.

Then look at it before you decide to go to the gym. Maybe it'll remind you of what your goals are, and how doing 1RM lifts doesn't necessarily fit into the picture."

T-Mag: An Interview with Ed Coan:

"When you go to the gym tomorrow, I want you to head to the squat rack and load it up with twenty 45 pound plates. That's right, put ten on each side. Now just stand back and look at it and try not to pee your pants. Guess what? Ed Coan has squatted about 50 pounds more than that."

Greek Muscular Women: Update: 18 december

  • 82(!) new photos of Greek female track and field athletes (with bio data),
  • 11 new athletes (Thalia Iakovidou, Katerina Voggoli, Stella Tsikouna, etc.),
  • 20 new photos of Katerina Thanou,
  • 4 new Greek muscular celebrities (Papadaki, Yiannopoulou, Ropa, Damoulaki)
  • Many new links

World Powerlifting Congress:

"Ernie Frantz - Founder and President of the World Powerlifting Congress also known as the WPC, consists of 24 countries worldwide that participate in annual World Championships. We provide competitive and outstanding powerlifitng meets, and are successfully known as "a lifter' organization"."

Philly.com: Geiger suspended for steroid use: 15 februari

"For as long as I've been in the NBA, I've always used a number of different over-the-counter supplements during my offseason training. Last summer, I was notified by the NBA that new products and drugs had been added to the list of banned substances."

Svensk artikel Delta Gym: KM Bänkpress:

"Öppna Klubbmästerskapen i Bänkpress, 24 mars."

Svensk artikel Fredrik Olenborg:

"Mitt namn är Fredrik Olenborg och jag jobbar som Personlig Tränare, Spinning instruktör, Box instruktör (då min idrottsliga bakgrund grundar sig i kampsporter) och även som modell.

Mest ägnar jag mig åt det den här hemsidan handlar om; personligt anpassad, vetenskapligt baserad fysisk träning för motionärer och professionella."

IronMind: IFSA Grand Prix Competitors Named: 16 februari

"The eight elite competitors for this year's IFSA grand prix series were announced. Virtanen, Karlsen, Girard, Pudzianowski, Samuelsson, Boyer, Ross and Zijlstra will compete in all of the events in the series, along with additional athletes selected on a per-event basis."

IronMind: WSW Will Debut With WSM: 16 februari

"IFSA confirmed today that the first World's Strongest Woman competition would be run this year. The competition will be held in conjunction with the TWI World's Strongest Man competition, and events are already being developed for the women's contest. Potential competitors are also being identified."

IronMind: 2001 World Weightlifting Championships: Live Coverage: 8 februari

Ön/landet Nauru mäter 21 kvadratkilometer. Snacka om max muskler per kvadratmeter då VM i Styrkelyft 2001 avgörs där 4-13 oktober...

"In yet another first, the hosts of the 2001 World Weightlifting Championships have announced that there will be live television and webcast coverage. SPN (Sports Pacific Network), the Nauru Olympic Committee's television station, will provide live coverage 12 hours a day, along with the live webcasts."

2001 World Weightlifting Championships: History of the Nauru Weightlifting Federation:

"In 1987, the Nauru Weightlifting Federation (NWF) was established to enable Nauru's only Weightlifter at the time, Marcus Stephen, to compete in his first international competition.

Perhaps our greatest glory occurred at the 1999 World Senior Championships held in Athens, Greece where Marcus Stephen achieved the impossible dream, winning the Clean & Jerk Silver medal.

Weightlifting is much more for Nauru than our National hero. Hundreds of young children now practice the sport for the triumph and hope of achieving World success."

IronMind: Janne Virtanen Sets New World Record: 13 februari

"World's Strongest Man winner Janne Virtanen set a new world record in the crucifix."

PioneerPlanet: Fitness regimen helped Oakdale couple learn to appreciate wellness, relationships: 12 februari

"Even when Marcus Tupy of Oakdale was on kidney dialysis, he continued to be active. He and his wife, Heide, joined the Maplewood Community Center. In May 1996, Tupy underwent a kidney transplant.

Eventually, he resumed his exercise routine - and more. Last year, he, Heide and a friend ran Grandma's Marathon. They attribute Tupy's recovery to a strong faith, good care and a supportive network of friends. He relishes the freedom his life now has."

USA Today: Beta blockers suspected of giving unfair edge: 16 februari

"Keeping cool under fire is a key to success in the pressure-cooker world of the PGA Tour. Hundreds of thousands of dollars can turn on a single shot.

With so much money up for grabs, are there golfers trying to gain an edge by using beta blockers for their calming effect rather than for their primary purpose of controlling cardiovascular disease?"

New York Post: A head of the pack: 12 februari

"It's ugly. It's scary. It watches you in the privacy of your home and Webcasts your every movement so others can spy on you. It even tells you what to do.Why on earth would anyone want to buy the Big Brother-like ICIT Terminator, a bizarre new Internet-connected creation debuting at Toy Fair this week?"

Philly.com: Automakers' legal departments humming already: 15 februari

"General Motors Corp. and DaimlerChrysler Corp. filed competing federal lawsuits 11 minutes apart this week over a grille design intended for a new GM Hummer. DaimlerChrysler contends the grille is too similar to Jeep's grille and is designed to confuse consumers.

"Any 10-year-old can tell the difference with or without the grilles," GM spokesman Brian Akre said yesterday. "It's sort of like saying Arnold Schwarzenegger looks just like Mr. Rogers because both of them have nice smiles."

OC Weekly: End of Grays: 16 februari

"Arnold Schwarzenegger might seek the Republican Party nomination for governor of California in 2002, according to George Skelton’s column in the Feb. 5 Los Angeles Times. It wasn’t the first time the Austria-born megastar has publicly flirted with the state’s top elected office."

Outside Online: The New Digital Athlete: Februari

"Space-age body-fat analyzers, futuristic pedometers, Internet bike racing... they're here, they're gear—get used to it."

The Oregonian: Growing old with gusto:

"I work out twice a week. I do two miles on the bike, one mile on the rowing machine," says the retired teacher. "That's the warm-up."

Mary, whose last name is Magers, is 92. But don't be amazed.

The Salt Lake Tribune: Gelatin-Based Products Safe, Industry Says: 15 februari

"Experts are fairly sure two Utah staples - Jell-O and dietary supplements - are safe from mad cow disease."

MSNBC: Can exercise be unhealthy?: 

"The runny nose, stuffy head, and hacking cough: Those telltale signs of a cold or flu can be hard to ignore. Yet many exercise devotees find it tempting to do so (and they know who they are). But working out through an illness can backfire, depending upon what type of bug you’ve got and on how intensely you exercise."

Excite: Exercise supplement creatine: The good, the bad, the ugly: 12 februari

"The NCAA banned colleges from supplying creatine to athletes for two reasons, BYU Head Trainer George Curtis said.

"It is the NCAA position that none of the Division I teams are allowed to use creatine because there is a lack of research on the long-term effects. Also, banning it will help create an even playing field because some schools have more money to provide it than others," he said."

Excite: Marquette U. students use their muscles to start businesses: 13 februari

"Two Marquette University students are working hard to help others work out. Brad Hartmann, 21, and Andrew Thoresen, 20, started Thor Powered Fitness and Nutrition in May of 2000 to help people design their own personal fitness program."

SF Gate: DeMont Case Can Indeed Be Trying: 11 februari

"Rick DeMont, the Marin County swimmer disqualified for using asthma medication at the 1972 Olympics, will never get his gold medal back.

He has very capable lawyers, and they recently forced the U.S. Olympic Committee to stop shunning him. They have even persuaded prominent International Olympic Committee members to concede that DeMont was an innocent victim of early drug-testing procedures."

Excite: Thirsty? Just drink water: 16 februari

"Thirst is an immediate sign of dehydration, but most people may not know that muscle cramps, fatigue, headaches and weakness are also indicators of needing more water in their daily lives."

The Washington Post: Philadelphia Tries To Dump Pounds: 16 februari

"The City of Brotherly Love, which two years ago earned the distinction of being America's fattest city, is trying to shed the lard.

Led by Mayor John F. Street, a fitness fanatic, and Pat Croce, owner of the NBA's 76ers and a former fitness trainer, the city is trying to get residents to lose a combined 76 tons in 76 days."

The Detroit News: Today's older baby boomers prove to be anything but retiring: 14 februari

"A zoomer, their brochure says, is "a no limits baby boomer who sees retirement as the fast lane to a more energetic, new life characterized by healthy living, a high level of physical activity, a quest for further learning, and who possesses technological and financial savvy."

Seattle Times: WSU's $39 million recreation center awes students: 11 februari

"The student-funded, $39 million complex houses lap and leisure pools, a 53-person hot tub, squash and basketball courts, a four-lane, elevated running track and what the university touts as the nation's largest student weight-training center.

The facility also includes a health and wellness center with a nutrition clinic, personal trainers, massage therapy and weight-loss seminars. And for those less interested in good health, there are lounges where students can plug their laptops into Internet portals or sit down to caffe lattes."

Excite: A new approach: Slower weight-lifting is better: 13 februari

"Imagine toned muscles, greater strength, increased flexibility and improved stamina. Rather than aerobic exercise, imagine lifting weights twice a week. This is Ken Hutchins' promise for good health.

Hutchins, founder of the SuperSlow protocol, supports muscular development at a "super slow" pace for higher metabolism and weight loss."

MSNBC: Putting the fun back in fitness: 6 februari

"Ever dreamed of being a circus star? Or maybe a Broadway dancer or rock singer? How about a competitor on “Survivor”? Even if you never hit the big time, you can pretend with new fitness classes aimed at putting a smile on your face while giving you a good workout, too."

Chicago Sun-Times: Hormone patch could aid women's sex lives: 12 februari

"While often considered a male hormone, testosterone also is present in women. Studies have found testosterone can boost sexual desire and pleasure, increase bone density, boost energy and improve mood."

Svensk artikel DN: Studenter skadade av test: 17 februari

"Studenter på Idrottshögskolan kan ha fått bestående skador efter att ha varit försökspersoner i ett forskningsprojekt om hälsenor."

Virtual New York: Super mice resist muscle wasting: 31 januari

"Geneticists have created mighty mice resistant to age-related muscle wasting, a first step toward one day devising a way to prevent debilitating decay of tissue brought on by the progression of time or disease, scientists said."

The Telegraph: Revealed: why so many Americans are fat (it's not the food): 11 februari

"The mystery as to why Americans have become the fattest people on the planet has been uncovered by public health experts, who say that decades of uncontrolled suburban sprawl conceived around the motor car have left them unable to walk even if they wish to."

Baptist Church of True Truth: Female Soccer is feminism:

"As I watched the final game of the female World Cup, during those three hours, a single question kept crossing my mind: has the world gone nuts? Women playing soccer? What's the world coming to?

If you read the bible, you will realize that God made women and men different. The duties of the women and those of the men are quite different. Having women doing activities that clearly belong to men goes against the laws of God."

ENN: Crusading for chocolate: 14 februari

"Talk about a sweet job. John Bower, a plant pathologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is on a mission to protect the world's supply of chocolate."

Japan Today: Life as a human punching bag:

"Akira Hareruya lives a double life. By day he is an electrician and by night he moonlights as a human punching bag. It's not by choice, though. Finding himself in debt for Y15 million, the 37 year old Hareruya could have filed for bankruptcy to get some of his debts waived. But he didn't want to do that, he writes in his book "Nagurareya" (Life as a human punching bag) published this December."

Aktuelt: Fedtfattigt er blevet en fed forretning: 15 februari

"Slankeguruen Anne Larsen får på pukkelen over, at der ikke er nok fromage frais, når hun viser sig i et supermarked. Danskernes nye fedtfattige vaner vækker glæde hos mejerierne."

Aktuelt: Vi er blevet tykke af at sidde: 16 februari

"Fedmen er eksploderet blandt danskerne, fordi vores spisevaner ikke har ændret sig i takt med, at vi er kommet til at sidde mere stille på jobbet, viser undersøgelse."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Extremsportaren Sofia utmanar gladiatorerna:

Se bilder från Sofias utmanarsatsning hos webbplatsen Sverige Sport & Prestation.

"Utmanaren Sofia Fagerström lärde sig att cykla utan stödhjul redan som fyraåring. Idag är hon 23 och tävlar internationellt i extremsporterna downhill och parallellslalom på cykel. - Många tror att det bara är att cykla och bromsa, säger Sofia, som tävlar i Gladiatorerna på fredag."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Stort tryck vid scenen på Gladiatorernas turnépremiär:

"På lördagen var det premiär för Gladiatorernas turné i Heron City i Skärholmen. Amber, Elektra, Hero och Zeke framförde en tiominuters show. De unga fansen jublade. Men trycket efter showen vid autografbordet blev för stort för gladiatorerna: - Vi fick springa därifrån så att inte barnen skulle klämmas, säger Hero."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Unga autografjägare möter sina idoler:

"Efter gladiatorernas premiärshow på Heron City på lördagen åkte Amber, Elektra, Hero och Zeke vidare till en större mataffär i Skärholmen för att skriva autografer till sina fans. - Här var det bättre och lugnare, sa Zeke som såg ut att stortrivas där han satt och signerade sitt idolkort på löpande band."

UT Southwestern: UT Southwestern psychiatry researcher says genome map adds valuable information to mystery of drug addiction: 12 februari

University of Florida: UF Researchers say munch more mangoes to fight cancer: 2 februari

"We think mangoes have some unique antioxidants as well as quantities of antioxidants that might not be found in other fruits and vegetables," said Percival, an associate professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences who conducted the study."

Google Acquires Deja's Usenet Archive: 12 februari

"Google Inc. has acquired significant assets from Deja.com, including its archive of more than 500 million messages - a terabyte of human conversation dating back to 1995.

"We welcome Deja's loyal users into the growing community of Google users worldwide," said Larry Page, Google CEO and co-founder. "With more than 500 million individual messages and growing fast, Usenet and its thriving community is one of the most active and valuable information sources on the Internet."

Todays Chemist at Work: More Than Just the Sugar in the Pill: Januari

"Often referred to as “inert ingredients”, excipients are the “fillers” that allow the proper delivery of the active therapeutic compounds contained in nearly all over-the-counter and prescription drugs. They also serve critical functions in facilitating the industrial production of medicines."

The Scientist: Skin Like New: 5 februari

"Renovation and prevention complement each other in skin therapy research."

Chembytes E-zine: Insulin learns new tricks: Februari

"Human diabetics still have to inject, while mice can be cured with a new gene construct. Watch this space, says Michael Gross."


"Look up most pharmaceutical acronyms and find out what they stand for."

ChemCenter: Dual sensor could provide more information, earlier warning for diabetics: 30 januari

"In the laboratory, researchers created the electronic framework for a tiny sensor that could be implanted in the human body. The first device of its kind to measure the glucose-insulin ratio, it could help predict changes leading to high or low blood sugar levels, according to Joseph Wang, an author of the paper and professor at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, N.M."

New Scientist: Silicon and cells: 1 februari

"Living tissue has been hooked up to electronic circuitry by scientists in Germany. The technique could lead to implants that communicate with the body and hybrid sensors made from biological material and silicon."

Chembytes E-zine: Nature's bounty: Januari

"Gordon Cragg and David Newman guide us around the seemingly inexhaustible profusion of bioactive agents available from nature."

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: Ett gyllene tillfälle:

"Nu söker vi dig som vill bli franchisetagare för S.A.T.S Sports Club Sverige, Skandinaviens ledande friskvårdsföretag."

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: Challenge - ny träningsform:

"Challenge är S.A.T.S Sports Clubs nya träningsform för dig som gillar riktigt hård men enkel träning."

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: 10 tips för att inte ge upp:

"Du har börjat träna igen och upptäcker till din förvåning hur bra du mår. Självklart, du mår ju bra varje gång, så varför inte fortsätta? Här kommer några tips för dig som vill hoppa av periodkarusellen och satsa långsiktigt."

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: S.A.T.S Sports Club skänker träningsutrustning till Ronald McDonald Hus i Göteborg

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: Nu har den kommit - SATS Sports nya vårkollektion:

"Om du funderar på att köpa nya träningskläder inför det nya året - gör det nu! SATS Sports nya vårkollektion har precis landat på våra anläggningar."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Alt om moms på trening:

"Moms på trening innebærer at alle treningssentre i Norge blir avkrevd 24 prosent i tilleggsavgift til staten for hvert medlem man har. Den reelle kostnadssøkningen blir imidlertid på hele på 20 prosent."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Morgentrening:

"Morgenstund har gull i munn: Treningssenterne i USA og flere andre land har kø utenfor når de åpner klokken seks om morgenen. I Norge blir man fortsatt erklært sprø eller ganske fanatisk hvis man trener før åtte."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Sykenærværet koster mest!:

"Hittil har politikerne vært mest opptatt av sykefraværet som koster samfunnet milliarder av kroner. Nå viser undersøkelser fra den SATS-eide bedriftshelsetjenesten AktiMed, at såkalt sykenærvær koster enda mer. Sykenærvær innebærer at ansatte presser seg selv til å gå på jobb, til tross for at de er syke. Det taper arbeidsgiveren store penger på."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Konkurrèr med seg selv!:

"Har du noen gang opplevd at treningen er i ferd med å bli ren rutine? At du bare stiller i treningstøy av gammel vane? Da kan det være på tide å sette seg et utfordrende mål med treningen. Et mål som krever litt ekstra av deg. Et mål som får deg til å lure: "Klarer jeg det?"

Svensk artikel Eiselt: Henrik Eiselt reagerar på skriverier i tidningar, nyheter på tv och annat:

Information om BSE - Ingen anledning till oro: 26 januari
"Samtliga råvaror som används i tillverkningen hos Eiselt Research, som kan tänkas utgöra specifikt riskmaterial (SPM), är framställda enligt EU:s direktiv 2000/418/EG, vilket är en garanti för att inte SPM används i produktionen."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Prøvde personlig trener - fikk super fremgang!:

"Da TV2s programvert Eli Strand begynte å trene for tre måneder siden hadde hun to mål: 1) Bli i bedre form, og 2) ta av noen kilo. Ved hjelp av Jørn Stian Dahl nådde hun begge målene - med glans."

Svensk artikel Björn Lindgren Aerobic and Fitness Camp:

"I år åker vi till Rhodos (12-19 augusti) och bor på Beach Hotell. Träningen är förlagd till ett av Medelhavets fräschaste träningsanläggningar (Fitness Factory) med ett komplett gym och aerobicsstudio som ligger vid stranden och har havsutsikt."

Norsk artikel VG: Fete vil saksøke søtsak-produsenter: 3 november 2000

"Landsforeningen for overvektige (LFO) forbereder søksmål mot produsenter og importører av sukkerholdige varer."

Norsk artikel VG: Flere nordmenn trener hjemme: 5 februari

"Tid er penger. Det vet amerikanerne bedre enn noen. Derfor er «homefitness» blitt storindustri. Nå følger også vi nordmenn etter."

Norsk artikel VG: Nei til reklame for plastisk kirurgi: 12 februari

"Reklame for puppekirurgi, fettsuging og fyldigere lepper blir forbudt hvis Kristelig Folkepartis Ungdom (KrFU) får viljen sin."

Norsk artikel VG: Norge bruker mest på helse i Norden: 8 februari

"Norge bruker en større andel av bruttonasjonalproduktet (BNP) på helse enn de andre nordiske landene."

Norsk artikel VG: Politikere gjør nordmenn feite: 8 februari

"Politikerne gjør oss feite, mener professor dr. med. Roald Bahr i Statens råd for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet. Han mener norske politikere gjør en slett innsats for å få det norske folk mer fysisk aktive."

Norsk artikel VG: Hollywood-stuntmann var leiemorder?: 1 november 1999

"Sørafrikanske Neville van der Merwe (28) lever godt som stuntmann og personlig trener i Hollywood. Nå må han stille i retten i England, anklaget for å ha vært leiemorder."

Danska artikel Form & Fitness

BBC News: India predicts diabetes explosion: 6 februari

"The world's largest diabetes epidemic is threatening India, which is ill-equipped to cope, say experts."

CareGroup: Fat Cell Defect May Trigger Insulin Resistance in Muscle And Liver: 7 februari

"Fat cells that can't take up blood sugar normally appear to trigger the same problem in muscle and a related problem in liver, say researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston."

The Telegraph: Folic acid 'is the key to fertility in males': 15 februari

"Folic acid supplements, currently used by women to prevent birth defects, could help to boost sperm counts and quality, according to a study presented by a leading scientist last week."

Science News: Medicinal Mimicry - Sometimes, placebos work—but how?: 3 februari

"Many studies suggest that problems like pain and depression respond particularly well to placebos. Blood pressure, cholesterol concentration in the blood, and heart rate are also affected by placebos, as are warts. On average, about a third of people taking placebos in studies report a benefit."

Agricultural Research Magazine: Finessing the Flavonoids: Februari

"Scientists are keenly interested in learning which substances make fruits and vegetables so healthful. During the last decade, their curiosity has introduced us to a whole new language of phytonutrients, the beneficial compounds in plant foods."

EurekAlert: UW study offers a method to keep physicians up-to-date: 5 februari

"Technology may hold the key to helping physicians and other medical professionals stay on top of the rapidly growing literature in the health-care field – and thus provide better care for their patients. There are an estimated 20,000 medical journals offering updates on various medical specialties.

The researchers found that the best way to make a difference in the clinic was through a computer screen that popped up with the latest relevant information when the physician began the prescription process."

Todays Chemist at Work: Hormone Replacement Therapy: Januari

"Part I: Postmenopausal women are asked to weigh the risks and benefits."

University of North Carolina: Like Grapefruit, Sour Oranges Boost Drug Effectiveness, Scientists Find, and Also Why: 7 februari

"Certain drugs become much more effective when people who take them also drink a glass of grapefruit juice at the same time. Now, a new study shows Seville oranges can do the same thing."

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