IFBB: Ben Weider, C.M., C.Q., Ph.D. Receives the Legion of Honour from France
IFBB: News Reports of Creatine's Evils are Sensationalized Fiction:
"First the facts. Creatine is safe. It is produced naturally from amino acids in the body and stored in muscles. Creatine in supplement form works as a training aid for many athletes. Creatine has never been proven to be carcinogenic or a health risk. And creatine has nothing to do with any perceived decline of Western civilization."
Men's Fitness: Get Back to Where You Once Belonged: Februari
"Whether you’ve been away from the weight room for three weeks or three months, this plan will get you gym-ready in only 14 days."
Allt för hälsan - mässa 16-18 februari:
"Under den mörkaste årstiden tror vi att människor behöver en extra kick för att må bra. Allt för Hälsan är tänkt att vara en sådan hälsokick som går av stapeln vecka 7 i februari varje år. Välkommen!"
Legitimerade Sjukgymnasters Riksförbund
KF Hälsa
"Hälsokostrådet är branschens samarbetsorgan. Rådet arbetar långsiktigt med utbildning, produktkontroll, information, faktapublicering, myndighetsärenden och internationella frågor."
HealthCentral: Competence, self-esteem keys to happiness: 13 februari
"Fame and fortune might be appealing, but new study findings suggest that they do little to fulfill one's psychological needs. Competence and autonomy, on the other hand, are essential in the pursuit of happiness, researchers say."
EurekAlert: What makes people the happiest? Researchers say it's not money or popularity: 11 februari
"Study finds autonomy, competence, relatedness and self-esteem at top of list of psychological needs."
HealthCentral: Genes, not work, cause men to die young: 13 februari
"The idea that men tend to die younger because of the stresses of going out to work was laid to rest recently by a US researcher. In an exhaustive look at the reasons behind why men are the real "weaker sex," she found that a combination of differences in chromosomes and hormones, and behavioral factors, play the biggest role."
DrugFacts.com - Your Drug Information Destination:
"We are the Internet's premium source of unbiased drug, herbal, patient, and disease management information."
NetDoktor: Problem of obesity grows: 15 februari
"Obesity is costing the UK £2.5 billion a year according to a report that warns the problem has reached epidemic proportions. Figures form the National Audit Office show that one in five adults is dangerously overweight."
NetDoktor: Baldness cure: 15 februari
"Scientists may have found the key to baldness. They have discovered a protein, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, that increases blood circulation to the scalp, improving the health of the hair follicle and boosting hair growth."
NetDoktor: Flu drug 'has little effect': 15 februari
"Relenza, the first prescription drug to claim to cure the symptoms of influenza, has no significant effect on patients and should not be handed out by the NHS according to a report published today."
fri Köpenskap: Varnar för bananskal: 12 februari
"I Landskrona har miljöförvaltningen startat en kampanj som varnar barn för att hålla i bananer. Skälet är att skalen kan innehålla rester av bekämpningsmedel."
fri Köpenskap: Mjölk klarar 20 år i frysen: 13 februari
"Sista förbrukningsdag 1980-12-14 stod det på mjölkförpackningen. Men innehållet smakade fortfarande bra."
LA Times: Data Suggest Muscle-Building Supplement 'BD' Could Be Deadly: 15 januari
"People who use a dietary supplement found in some body-building products are risking serious harm to their health, researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine last week."
BioMedNet: Drugs to treat human BSE?: 9 februari
"Researchers are trying to find a drug to treat variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of "mad cow" disease. The hope is that, given soon enough after infection, a drug could slow the characteristic process of brain degeneration or perhaps even halt it altogether."
PsycPort: Can Potatoes Prime Your Memory?: 13 februari
"A helping of creamy mashed potatoes might do more than satisfy your appetite. This carbohydrate-rich food, researchers say, also could prime your brain for new memories."
Learn Fitness:
Sixteen hours AFTER they finished training, these people were still burning 62% more fat!:
"How just one workout can boost your metabolic rate 16 hours after you finish..."
A simple technique to accelerate fat loss: 22 januari
"A team of Swedish experts have shown that an increase in protein intake can accelerate fat loss."
Aerobic exercise: Does it really speed up fat loss?: 1 januari
Despite the popularity of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, the majority of research shows that it has a minor effect on the rate of weekly fat loss.
peakhealth.net: The Facts Behind the Creatine and Cancer Hype: 7 februari
"There has recently been a rash of misinformation that has been spread around the world that has arisen from a statement made by a Mr. ? Dr. ? Martin Husch for the French Agency of Medical Security for Food (AFSSA), claiming a link between creatine monohydrate supplementation and cancer.
This is not supported by the literature and it is unfortunate that medical misinformation can be spread throughout the world so rapidly."
Aftenposten: Forbudt å bite negler: 11 februari
"Norges VM-deltagere advares mot å bite negler. Da kan de få i seg smitte, som igjen kan føre til at de blir syke."
ATL: Svenskarna alltmer tveksamma till kött: 8 februari
"Svenskarna äter mindre kött. På sikt kan de senaste månadernas negativa publicitet kring kött slå hårt mot landets köttproducenter. En Sifo-undersökning visar att fyra av tio svenskar är tveksamma till att äta kött."
NetDoktor: BSE-risiko: 9 februari
"Kapsler med fiskeolie er under mistanke for at kunne overføre smitte med BSE - kogalskab. Det skyldes, at kapslerne er lavet af gelatine, der laves af knogler fra tyske og franske køer. Selvom der ikke er højrisikomateriale i gelatinen, vil virksomheden Pronova, der sælger fiskeolieproduktet Pikasol i Danmark ikke afvise, at der kan være en risiko."
Muscular Development: Building the Fascia Latae Muscle: Mars 1999
Syns det att det är Anders Graneheim som står modell för anatomibilden?
"The tensor fascia latae muscle is a fusiform or strap-like muscle (the fibers lie parallel to each other, similar to the biceps muscle). It is enclosed between two layers of the fascia lata. To digress for a moment, the facia lata should not be confused with the fascia latae muscle."
NSF: NSF International Announces Dietary Supplements Certification Program: 12 februari
"NSF International, The Public Health and Safety Company™, today announced the implementation of a new Dietary Supplements Certification Program. NSF is offering unique, independent, third party, product evaluation services to the rapidly growing dietary supplements industry. Verification of ingredients listed on product labels and contaminant testing are the basis of the program."
Jordbruksdepartementets webbplats om BSE - "Galna ko-sjukan"
"Här hittar du information om BSE som Jordbruksdepartementet har sammanställt. Du hittar även länkar till andra webbplatser som handlar om BSE."
Aftonbladet: Träningsnarkomaner – så här hårt lever de: 11 februari
"Han kör ett Vasalopp. Om dagen. Per Elofssons väg till en VM-medalj är oändligt lång och tung. – Det är inte hälsosamt det här alla gånger, säger skidstjärnan."
ATL: Gengrödor ofarliga hävdar forskare: 9 februari
"Genetiskt modifierade grödor har stora svårigheter att överleva på egen hand. Risken är minimal att de ska utvecklas till superogräs, som vissa befarat. Det hävdar brittiska forskare efter en tio år lång studie av genmodifierade plantor."
NetDoktor: Sundhedsmøde: 9 februari
"Sundhedssektoren herhjemme er generelt for passiv, og vi er for svage i vores politik. Mødet i dag skal få indflydelse på, hvordan vi fremover tackler problemet her i landet", sagde professor Thorkild I. A. Sørensen, der ledede mødet."
Gold's Gym: Fitness Fact:
"If you lose more than two pounds in a week, you may actually start losing hard earned muscle. All the hype regarding fast weight loss is just that-hype. An average sized person requires a calorie deficit of 1000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds of fat per week. It is mathematically impossible for an average sized person to burn more than 2 pounds of fat in one week. However, it is possible to burn more weight in the form of muscle loss or dehydration-both of which slow the metabolic rate and future fat burning ability.
The simple truth is…only slow, gradual weight loss is effective. So why not give a new fitness program a try? Embody Workout offers the perfect solution-with routines from weight loss and bulking up to high school soccer and pro football… Click this link to sign up for one of our free workout programs now!"
Nature Science Update: The ram-ifications of too much sex: 8 februari
"The biggest, butchest sheep throw their weight around, but they don't always live up to their image, a study of feral sheep has found. By the end of the rutting season, dominant rams are so drained by their sexual exertions that their sperm production tails off, and they lose out in the fatherhood stakes to fresher males lower down the pecking order."
"The online job board and career center for exercise and fitness professionals. New jobs posted daily."
"Free Personal Training Online - We will design and manange your exercise and nutritional programs online!"
Schwarzenegger For Govenor:
"Schwarzenegger2002.com finally has a dedicated campaign account established, called the "Committee to Elect Schwarzenegger", or "C.T.E.S.". Bumper stickers are on the way, and I have two designs ready to produce for buttons. For more info on this check out the Materials Page.
You may have heard that Premiere Magazine will soon be coming out with an article that accuses Arnold of a number of improprieties. Welcome to the world of politics, Arnold. I wanted you to know that Arnold has already promised to defend himself in court, where so far he is two for two in winning similar legal actions."
Women's Sports Channel: Masters Plan For Women's Pigskin: Februari
"Looking back just five years ago, the landscape of women's professional sports in 1996 was all but barren. With the exception of individual sports like tennis and golf, there was almost no opportunity for woman athletes to pursue a career in sports past the collegiate level.
But in the aftermath of the 1996 Olympic Summer Games in Atlanta, Georgia, women's sports on a national level gradually came to life."
Yes, They're Fake: Facial Fat Rejuvenation:
"Facial Fat Rejuvenation, more commonly known as Fat Grafting, free fat transfer, autologous fat grafting/transfer/transplantation, liposculpture, lipostructure, volume restoration, micro-lipoinjection, fat injections, f/g and even the "Space Lift®".
Fat Grafting or Fat Transfer will be used from here on out, and it is the method of the extraction of your own fat cells to replace fat or augment with fat where you may need or want it. Waste not, want not, eh?"
Washington Post: Woman Wins $13.3 Million Against Dietary Company: 8 februari
"A state jury awarded $13.3 million yesterday to an Alaska woman who suffered a debilitating stroke after taking a weight-loss product containing ephedrine. It was the first case involving the popular but controversial stimulant to go to trial." (Via MetaMuscle)
Bob Paris - The Official Bob Paris Website and Fan Club
National Amateur Bodybuilder's Association / World Fitness Federation
World Fitness Federation International:
"Great pictures of the Top Stars of the World Fitness Federation."
Business Week: Space Veggies, Phone Home: 7 februari
"To help humans settle on other planets, scientists hope to develop plants that can communicate and be programmed remotely." (Via MetaMuscle)
DrugNews: EU-möte om doping planeras i Solna: 9 februari
"För att stärka det internationella arbetet mot doping inom EU arrangerar Sverige ett seminarium i april i Solna dit även alla de 13 länder som ansöker om medlemskap i unionen bjuds in."
Dagens Medicin: Kolesterolsänkare i korv på väg: 13 december
"De kolesterolsänkande margarinerna är på väg att få uppföljare. Två finländska livsmedelstillverkare ansöker nu hos EU-kommissionen om att få börja saluföra korvar, ost och yoghurt med tillsats av kolesterolsänkande ämnen, så kallade växtsteroler. Detta trots att det ännu är osäkert hur människan påverkas på längre sikt av en hög konsumtion av växtsterolerna."
Dagens Medicin: Läkemedelsverket vill höja etiska krav: 13 december
"Läkemedelsföretag offentliggör sällan studier som ger negativa utslag för deras läkemedel. Därmed bryter de mot Helsingforsdeklarationen, det etiska rättesnöret för den medicinska forskningen.
Det anser professor Björn Beermann på Läkemedelsverket, som vill att läkemedelsföretagen skriftligen förbinder sig att göra även studier med negativa resultat tillgängliga för allmänheten."
Cyberpump: Which Supplements are Best… A Definitive Comment!:
"It is undeniably obvious that human nature is subliminally affected by advertising. Hell, when you have some stud with a knockout, well endowed blonde gracing his 20” arm as part of an advertising ploy to convince you that this is THE supplement for you, it is hard not to be sucked into believing that it is. Deep down you may be thinking that this has to be “THE ONE” for you even though you said the last supplement(s) you tried fell short of it’s expectations, so back to the store you go for one more try."
Seven Days VT: Weight Watching: 7 februari
"No wonder the economy has been so strong. Think of the billions generated each year just through this orchestrated see-saw of bingeing and abstinence. What I find more interesting, though, are the subtle ways in which our increasingly porky culture has recalibrated feelings about fat, and how those shifts have come to be exploited in the pursuit and maintenance of celebrity."
Dagens Medicin: Influensan tar fart runt om i Sverige: 12 februari
"Influensan ökar nu runt om i Sverige. Lokal aktivitet ses i storstäderna Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö med både influensa A/H1 Nya Kaledonien och influensa B. Enligt Smittskyddsinstitutet tyder utvecklingsmönstret på att årets influensa kan ha nått sin kulmen i slutet av februari."
Skip La Cour: Skip La Cour's Mass Machine E-Newsletter: 12 februari
Frukt & Grönt Främjandet: Smält maten långsamt - betydelsen av glykemiskt index: 9 februari
"Intresset för glykemiskt index, GI, är stort inte minst när det gäller behandling av åldersdiabetes. Mat med lågt GI gör att man känner sig mättare längre och även mår bättre. Frukt och grönsaker är viktiga livsmedel när man vill äta en kost med lågt GI."
Flex Magazine: Flex Weekly News: 12 februari
- Flex Wheeler is out of the Arnold.
- Lee Priest is alive and doing all early season contests.
- Don Long is doing fine.
Muscle & Fitness: Divine Divas:
"The hottest bodies and most gorgeous faces in fitness are here!"
IronMag.com Editorial: 9 februari
"Recently Ironmag was approached by probably one of the most well-known bodybuilding writers in the world with the offer of an exclusive interview!
So in the upcoming weeks, we'll be putting together what will probably be the most shocking, revealing interview this man has given, ever! We're going to get him to talk about everything from training and dieting, to the behind the scenes antics of various magazines, supplement companies and other figures."
Cyberpump: Rows:
"Motivation for performance: Probably the most important reason for doing rows, and the least mentioned, is the postural benefits you can receive if you do them correctly. As we age, we tend to have our shoulders slump forward, rounding the upper back. If you do lots of bench pressing, or if you don't stretch your chest muscles, this tendency is exaggerated, and you might even get those pulled forward shoulders while still very young."
Aftenposten: Grimseth anmeldt til domsutvalget: 12 februari
"Vektløfteren Stian Grimseth er anmeldt til Domsutvalget i Norges Idrettsforbund på grunn av sin positive dopingprøve."
National Post Online: People who exercise are more highly regarded: study: 10 februari
"Based on written descriptions alone, Canadian university students rate those who did not exercise as lazy, mean, sloppy, unfriendly and, generally, more unpleasant in all ways than those described as exercisers." (Via MetaMuscle)
ATL: Husmanskosten på väg utför: 13 februari
"Det går utför för falukorven, köttfärssåsen och pizzan, medan pastan, bönsalladen, rotfrukterna, algerna och sjögräset slår sig in på allvar i de svenska köken. Det tror Christina Möller, som är chef för KF Provkök, om våra matvanor år 2020."
The Protein Bakery - Cookies with Muscle
Sydsvenskan: Spaghetti med köttfärssås alltid högt på topplistan: 13 februari
"Eivor Lindskog har sett mycket förändras under sina 23 yrkesår som kostchef vid Malmös skolor, men barnens älsklingsrätt består."
AllProTraining: Increased Performance by Developing the Trunk:
"You can be strong, but slow. What good is it to be able to bench 300 and squat 500 pounds if it takes you seven seconds to run 40 yards and two swings to hit the ball out of the park? Plyometric drills teach you how to apply the strength gained in the weight room and the speed gained on the track to game situations."
Hardgainer: HARDGAINER Nutrition 117 - The Wrap Up: 13 februari
"Before I get started with this column, I want to extend my thanks to Stuart for providing me space to give what I hope has been good, common-sense nutritional information. With as much hype-filled garbage as there is out there, just as with training, the opportunity to write this column was appreciated. I hope readers derived benefit from it."
goodauthority.org: The Tower Has Fallen: 2 februari
"It seems impossible, but Doug Hepburn is dead. The bigger tragedy is that you have probably never heard of him. This is because people don't care about reality any more, they only seem to care about the illusion of excellence. Real superiority in any endeavor is usually purchased through great tribulation and suffering, and in North America we simply are not interested in anything save Holy Illusion."
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