B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 05 2001
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Födelsedagar vecka 05

• 29/1 Betty Pariso
• 30/1 Amy Fadhli
• 31/1 Gunilla Söderberg
• 1/2 Ben Weider
• 1/2 Sharon Bruneau
• 1/2 Dave Fisher
• 2/2 Jim Quinn
• 2/2 Günter Schlierkamp
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Lördag/söndag 3-4 februari

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Gladiatorerna in på bara skinnet: 4 februari

"Sex gladiatorer från TV4 visar sina personliga val av de mest hudnära plaggen..."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Expressen granskar: Odugliga bantningsmedel: 3 februari

"Svenska folket blir allt fetare. Skönhetsidealet blir allt smalare. Den omöjliga ekvationen har blivit skojarföretagens smala lycka. De tjänar miljoner på överviktiga människors desperation."

Svensk artikel CNN: Regeringen och idrottsrörelsen tar krafttag mot doping: 2 februari

"Regeringen och idrottsrörelsen ska tillsammans ta krafttag mot dopningen. Näringsdepartementet ska bilda en arbetsgrupp som ska ta fram en nationell handlingsplan för att motverka doping inom idrotten."

First Path: Pumping Up with the Total Gym:

"Recently, Good Morning America asked Dr. Marc Rabinoff to assess three popular fitness-product infomercials. Only one was left standing after Dr. Rabinoff finished his rigorous evaluation. He noted that you can "get a safe and effective full body workout..." and that "...the Total Gym does what the infomercial says it will do." I agree! The Total Gym walks the talk."

First Path: Brain Power: Building a Brawny Brain:

"Experts say humans retain only about one-third of the knowledge they are exposed to. Goldman presents a series of exercises that can stimulate areas of the brain not normally used. In Brain Fitness, Goldman cites both medical and scientific literature showing "brain exercise" improves a person's memory, mental quickness and ability to learn."

HealthScout: When Health Food is Unhealthy:

"Steven Bratman, a physician who specializes in alternative medicine, says some people become so obsessed with a healthful diet that it can actually make them sick. He coined the term "orthorexia nervosa" to describe the condition. Unlike anorexia, which means an absence or loss of appetite, the Greek word "ortho" means straight, correct or true."

News Journal Online: Subway's 'Diet Guy' makes stop in Holly Hill: 1 februari

"It's very surreal," said Fogel, 23, of the attention he's been receiving since he lost 245 pounds and became the focus of the chain's national advertising campaign.

"I'm not a professional athlete. I'm not a rock star. I'm not a movie star," said the unassuming, easy-going recent graduate of Indiana University, where he was a big man on campus in a very literal sense. "I'm just Jared."

Out-of-this-World Diet - Why astronauts lose weight in space:

Denna sannolika lösningen på varför astronauter förlorar vikt under sin tid i rymden är bra exempel på Occams rakkniv: "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" - "Det är onödigt att göra fler saker än man behöver" eller "Den enklaste lösningen är att föredra".

It's been long known that astronauts lose weight while in orbit. And for a long time, there has been a theory that the very low levels of gravity lead to a transfer of body water from the legs to the trunk. That, the theory suggests, causes a loss of water leading to weight loss.

HealthScout: New Drug Delivery System Invented: 3 februari

"British researchers say they have developed a system to sneak drugs through the bloodstream past the body's immune system defenses, a breakthrough that ultimately could improve cancer treatments and gene therapy."

FitnessQuest: Free Fitness cd-rom:

"Free, interactive, CD-ROM produced by Firstpath.com called, "Total Fitness and Nutrition." This CD-ROM features interactive games and informational sections such as how to read food labels, setting realistic exercise goals, picking the right exercise products as well as other fitness and nutritional topics."

First Path: Exercise ... An Antidote for Aging:

"Gerontologists, or experts on aging, often joke that the best way to ensure health and longevity is to choose your parents wisely. As this is not possible, the next best thing that may affect the length and quality of your life is exercise, especially strength training."

LA Times: Certification Programs Give Trainers More Tools to Help Clients: 6 november 2000

"To distinguish the emerging breed of well-educated exercise specialists from unqualified "gym rats," top professional organizations have begun offering new certification programs designed to teach trainers how to work with clients who have chronic health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, pregnancy, osteoporosis and lower back pain."

Yahoo! News: Brains of the Obese May Crave Addiction-Linked Hormone: 2 februari

"A brain chemical linked to drug addiction may also contribute to obesity, researchers have found. They say the discovery could lead to new ways to suppress food cravings in obese individuals."

CookingLight Online: Make exercise your passion:

"There is a certain type of individual who thrives on exercise," says Susan Bartlett, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore.

"But it's not common, encompassing only about 10 percent of the population. These are people who really love to exercise. They tend to be structured, focused, goal-oriented, and good at follow-through."

CNN: Personalized 3-D model helps try on clothes: 2 februari

"Even though you may not like trying on clothes, one of the biggest problems about shopping for clothing online is that you can't try them on before you buy. E-tailers are trying to solve that problem with your own virtual 3-D model."

EurekAlert: People get more ‘top’ news in print than by computer, study shows: 2 februari

"A new study confirms what many experts have long suspected about how people use Internet news sites: Online readers tend to avoid – and insulate themselves from – the goings-on in the larger world around them."

ABC News: Dopamine Deficiencies Linked to Obesity: 2 februari

"Obese people may binge on food just as alcoholics or addicts abuse drink or drugs because of dopamine, a brain chemical that produces feelings of satisfaction and pleasure, scientists in the United States said today."

Ottawa Citizen: Doping not just an issue for adults: 1 februari

"Dating back to the Ben Johnson steroid scandal of 1988, Canada and certain parts of the world have been taking aim at performance-enhancing drug use by elite athletes.

Now, attention is turning to an alarming new trend in doping circles. Children as young as 11 years of age are looking to medicine, protein supplements, steroids and caffeine in order to get swifter, stronger, more attractive."

SurfJones: XFL News & Opinion:

"It may not be good football but it's certainly good copy. A SurfJones special update."

Seattletimes: Aerobics teacher nabs suspect after thief steals student's wallet: 3 februari

"Noel Montgomery wears a size-5 dress and can leg-press 550 pounds. She teaches aerobics. She eats Malt-O-Meal for breakfast.

This is not a woman you want on your tail as you try to make a quick getaway."

Outside Online: Put Some Heart Into It: 1 februari

"Calling all fitness Luddites and low-tech aerobic warriors—it's time to change your ways. Let us unlock the mysteries of heart-rate training and help you maximize your workouts."

The Hindu: Superhuman feats on sci-fi lines: 2 februari

"The "Bavarian Beefcake" is back in action in yet another futuristic adventure: "The 6th Day". But, as ANAND PARTHASARATHY discovers, Arnold Schwarzenegger's fictional plight may be uncannily close to fact."

Yahoo! Health: 18 Reasons to Eat Yogurt:

  • rich in protein (8 grams per cup)
  • good source of calcium (plain yogurt has 400 mg per cup -- more than one cup of skim milk)
  • contains as much potassium as a banana
  • excellent source of the B vitamin riboflavin

PsycPort: Personality's Role in High Blood Pressure May Not Be So Prominent, Says Study: 1 februari

"Many researchers have proposed that certain personality types are more likely to develop high blood pressure. But in fact, the relationship between personality and high blood pressure may be less clear-cut than previously understood, suggest the results of a new study."

EurekAlert: Legumes found to contain starch carrying a fiber-like punch: 2 februari

"Legumes often fall far below popular grains and moisture-laden fruits and vegetables on the list of foods Americans eat to try to meet the American Dietetic Association-recommended 25 to 35 grams of dietary fiber per day. University of Illinois researchers, however, say many legumes (beans, lentils and peas) should be on more plates."

Yahoo! News: 'Obesity Hormone' Drops with Diet, Exercise: 2 februari

"It is no mystery that eating a healthy diet and exercising can make extra pounds disappear. But the results of a new study suggest that lifestyle changes may also lower levels of leptin, the "obesity hormone" thought to be involved in appetite regulation."

International Fitness Association (IFA):

"FREE Fitness Manual and Cyber Trainer. Online certification for Kickboxing Aerobics Instructor and Fitness Trainer. International Recognition."

CrossTrak: Free sport log book + training monitoring system:

"CrossTrak 2.0 (Win9x/Me/NT/2000) allows athletes of all levels to quickly and easily log workouts, monitor performance, and communicate training data with people around the globe."

NFPT: Personal Fitness Trainer Consultation Software:

"NFPT Personal Fitness Trainer Software assists personal trainers in setting up resistance, aerobics, and dietary programs for clients. Can be used by consumers as well."


"CyberStretch is a safety program for computer users. CyberStretch is designed for personal use by the individual computer user.

CyberStretch and CyberStretch PRO consist of 26 body-specific, timed stretches (in full color illustrations) and 26 action tips (vision and relaxation breaks, posture checks and fitness tips)."

Svensk artikel SVD: Fettkulor för framtidens dator: 4 februari

"Samma byggstenar som kapslar in kroppens celler kan bli grunden i en ny kemisk dator. En grupp forskare i Göteborg bygger ihåliga klot av fettmolekyler, och de hoppas kunna använda dem för att bygga upp allt från logiska kretsar till modellsystem för att studera kroppens kemi."

Taunton Bodybuilders Limited:

If you are Seriously interested in taking up or continuing regular weight training for bodybuilding or any strength related sports and you live in the Somerset area you ought to consider becoming a member of Taunton Bodybuilders. We operate the only 'hard core' bodybuilding gym in the Taunton area.


2001 European Men's Championships:
Inspection Report for Baku, Azerbaijan, May 4-7, 2001

2001 World Games:
Updated Information on the 2001 Akita (Japan) World Games

uk.rec.bodybuilding: Bio of Bio-Freak (Paul Borresen)

Ananova: Bodybuilder on probation for prancing with cucumber in shorts: 1 februari

"A fitness fanatic has been sentenced to 12 months probation for stuffing a cucumber down his shorts at a gym."

Muscle Monthly: Muscle Monthly Newsletter Volume 2, Number 3: 1 februari

  • The Kent State Human Nutrition Lab: A Different Approach to Bodybuilding Supplements
  • Women & Fitness by Chris Lydon

Harvard Health Online:

"Find out what you need to stay healthy from a trusted source, the doctors of Harvard Medical School."

Physical Therapy:

"The world's leading peer-reviewed physical therapy journal and the official journal of the American Physical Therapy Association since 1921. Physical Therapy contributes to and documents the evolution and expansion of the scientific and professional body of knowledge related to physical therapy."

Eye: Multi-tasking in bed: 2 februari

"Let's face it, girls - sex can be boring. Instead of lying there and looking at the ceiling while your drunken boyfriend flails around on top of you, you can use my new program, Sexercise, to trim inches from your thighs and waistline, flatten that butt and raise the levels of endorphins in your brain. (By the way, the rumours about my weight loss are incorrect; I actually lost 300 pounds using this method.)"

Norsk artikel Din Side: Test: Trening til halv pris: 12 januari

"Det er dyrt å trimme fettet på en del av de fancy treningssentrene. Ikke la deg lure, sjekk den store pristesten vår."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: - Jag är mest nöjd med min hjärna:

"Det är varken rumpan, bicepsen eller magen som Zeke är mest stolt över. - Jag är mest nöjd med min hjärna, säger Zeke om sin favoritkroppsdel. I fredagens chatt med tittarna berättade Zeke bland annat att han gillar Ringarna, Duellen och Klätterväggen bäst. Han äter helst biff och har aldrig någonsin varit snäll i Gladiatorerna."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Grattis! Möt vinnarna i tredje grundomgången:

"Brandmannen Linus Pråme från Helsingborg och Puck Svedberg, studerande från Alingsås, vann tredje grundomgången i fredagens Gladiatorerna. - Jag tog det lugnt i hinderbana, säger Puck Svedberg."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Expressen granskar: Bluffen med naturprodukter: 3 februari

"Svenska folket köper naturprodukter för drygt 2,5 miljarder kronor per år. Försäljningen av bantningspiller, potensmedel, hårpreparat och andra medel bara ökar. Expressens Jennifer granskar miljardkarusellen kring bluffmedlen."

HealthWorld Online: Best Cure for A Bad Back Is to Ignore It: 2 februari

"The best remedy was to stay active and continue ordinary daily life, taking a couple of ibuprofen or paracetamol when needed for the pain. Sufferers who followed that strategy recovered faster, were less likely to develop chronic pain and returned to work sooner."

HealthWorld Online: Moderate Exercise Has Little Effect on Blood Pressure: 

"Although regular, medium-intensity aerobic exercise is often recommended as a treatment for hypertension, such a regimen actually has very little beneficial effect, health scientists writing in the British Journal of General Practice argue."

HealthWorld Online: FDA Panel Says Supplement Takers at Risk from Mad Cow

"A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel has said it is possible that people taking some dietary supplements may be exposed to mad cow disease.

There is little hard evidence that dietary supplements could be contaminated by bovine spongiform ecephalopathy (BSE). However, the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Advisory Commission still thought the FDA should consider drawing up criteria to ask people about what supplements they take before they donate blood."

HealthWorld Online: With Planned Diet, Vegetarian Athletes Can Be Competitive:

As long as a vegetarian athlete consumes enough of the right foods, the athlete can perform as well as anyone. Moreover, the benefits of a vegetarian diet on overall health, if not performance, are well documented. Like all diets, however, vegetarian diets need to be properly planned to be nutritionally adequate.

HealthWorld Online: Not All Researchers Sees Ecstasy As a Danger:

"The studies show that the drug's negative effects come from the same neorochemical reaction that creates pleasure. Ecstasy enters the bloodstream like Prozac and similarly strikes at those brain cells that release serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood.

But the drug goes much further than the now commonly used antidepressant. Ecstasy ends up flooding certain parts of the brain with abnormal amounts of serotonin.

The problem, said George Ricaurte, a neurotoxicologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, is that too much serotonin in the brain has risky side effects. One of them is that it "prunes" the branches of serotinin-producing nerve cells, which he said causes permanent memory loss and can lead to other problems."

HealthWorld Online: Coffee Habit May Help Scientists Pinpoint Pollution

"It is a commentary on the Starbucks culture of double lattes, espressos, and those ever-taller coffee cups: So much caffeine is passing through digestive systems and into toilet bowls, scientists want to use it to detect leaking sewage pipes in Boston Harbor."

HealthWorld Online: Pycnogenol - Safe and Effective:

"Passwater: Professor Rohdewald, as a pharmacist you have studied many interesting drugs. What attracted you to research Pycnogenol?

Rohdewald: I am intrigued by the pharmacology of plant extracts and I was curious if all of the benefits attributed to Pycnogenol were due to bioflavonoids or other substances in the extract."

Pasta Recipes:

"Recipes for pasta sauces, appetizers, soups, pasta salads, gnocchi, risottos, main courses, desserts."

HealthCentral: Low Testosterone: Not As Common As You Think: 1 februari

"You've probably heard of recent studies linking low testosterone levels with fatigue and lackluster libido. And while many middle-aged men can identify with those symptoms, low testosterone is still rare."

EurekAlert: Enhanced exercise harness to be tested on NASA's vomit comet: 1 februari

"This March, four Penn State undergraduate engineering students will risk their equilibrium and stomachs aboard NASA's KC135, the "Vomit Comet," to test modifications to exercise equipment used in space."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Reportage från Better Bodies Release Party: 2 februari

"Onsdagen 1 februari visade Better Bodies stolt upp sin senaste kollektion inför våren. Det bjöds på dricka och tilltugg i form av smarriga kanapéer och vin eller öl. Bland minglarna syntes allt från fitness proffs till gladiatorer och press från bl a B&K, SportGuiden och Plaza kvinna."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Receptorer för dopamin fungerade sämre hos feta: 2 februari

"En grupp amerikanska forskare har funnit att överviktiga har en minskad tillgång till de dopaminreceptorer som bland annat reglerar hjärnans motivations- och belöningssystem vid exempelvis födointag."

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Javier Pando

Fredag 2 februari

Idag, 2 februari, var det Groundhog Day i Amerika. Gymråttan passade på att se filmen med samma namn... En klassiker!

Rita: Have you ever had deja vu?
Phil Connors: Didn't you just ask me that?

SportsForWomen: Spotlight On Dragila At Millrose Games: 1 februari

"Stacy Dragila has taken the women's pole vault to center stage in Friday night's Millrose Games at New York's Madison Square Garden.

When the men finish vaulting, the women's competition will start and, with Dragila the heavy favorite, the big question is whether she'll set another record."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna:

Rösta på din favorit:
Gladiatorerna har många ansikten: spelevinken Plexus, argsinta Elektra, ädle Titan, vilda Zeke och förföriska Indra, bland andra. Här kan du rösta fram din favorit.

Kärleksparet på Gladiator-arenan:
Gladiatorerna Kim Justin och Linda Ekvall berättar om romansen som de hållit hemlig i över en månad.

"Jag älskar mina fans!":
Amber är favorit-gladiatorn framför andra i surfarnas egen omröstning på tv4.se. Marginalen till tvåan Plexus är stor. - Jag älskar mina fans! säger Amber glatt när hon får veta resultatet.

Yahoo!: Supplements May Have Too Much Manganese: 1 februari

"The levels of manganese in some over-the-counter dietary supplements - most touted as treatments for joint and muscle problems - exceed government recommended levels for safe consumption of the element."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Linda och Kim blev ett par under inspelningen av ”Gladiatorerna”: 2 februari

HealthCentral: Adult muscle, weight and bones programmed before birth: 30 januari

Studien/teorin inriktar sig främst på bendensiteten - hur stor risk man har att drabbas av benskörhet senare i livet. För alla kan ju förbättra sin styrka och få större muskler av träning. Eller...?

"You can give a child bushels of spinach and gallons of milk in the hopes that he grows up big and strong but according to recent study findings, the fate of his muscles and bones may be sealed long before his first bite."

Svensk artikel Fitness-Magazine.com: Februarinumret av Fitness-Magazine.com är större än någonsin:

  • Månadens Tävling - Vi lottar ut 5 "fettförbränningspaket"
  • Så sätt igång att träna, ät och förändra din kropp! av Eva Lundquist
  • Myter om fettförbränning av Eva Lundquist
  • 8 skäl att älska fett av Eva Lundquist
  • Hur fungerar CLA, Dietpulver och Fiskolja? av Fredrik Paulún
  • Vad är antioxidanter?
  • Nike Network Convention - med svensk dominans på aerobicscenen!
  • Rörlighetsträning – 2000-talets friskvård
  • Kampsportsklasser - ett bra komplement till den vanliga träningen

NutriBase: NutriBase News for February 2001:

"New (free) edition of our award-winning software is avaliable. The Fatty Acids Edition of the NutriBase SR13 Navigator Series is available for free download as of now. Five of the six editions are now available."

NutriBase: Nutrition Software: 101 Questions to Ask Before you Buy:

"This article, reprinted from Today's Dietitian Magazine, provides a list of - you guessed it! - 101 answers you should have before investing in a nutrition software package. This is a "must read" for anyone interested in investing in their health, nutrition, or fitness-related business. If you can answer all these questions, you'll have no difficulty deciding which software package will best suit your needs."

NutriBase: How Nutrition Software and the Internet will Impact You:

"This article, reprinted from the February 2001 issue of Today's Dietitian Magazine, discusses how nutrition software is changing to meet the needs of health professionals engaged in working the Web. If you're involved in a health, nutrition, or fitness-related business, many of the trends discussed in this article will affect you."

New York Magazine: The Comeback Kid: 5 februari

"With a tongue-tied and TV-challenged president in the White House, Bill Clinton is poised to assume what could be a more powerful role: celebrity-in-chief.

This personal and career dilemma is being cast in humorous turns (running after Hillary with a lunch bag). The photo op is Clinton, in his yellow fleece, shaking hands at delis and gas pumps in the suburbs. It's a classic comic juxtaposition: enormous power suddenly belittled. Schwarzenegger has played this sketch several times."

Can Will Smith pass as Muhammed Ali? (Via Robotwisdom)

SF Gate News: Mauling Death Victim's Fault, Lawyers Say: 1 februari

"The attorneys whose Presa Canario dog mauled a woman to death have gone on the offensive, telling authorities that the victim brought on the attack by putting herself in harm's way.

The attorneys say that Whipple, a 33-year-old college lacrosse coach, may have also been using steroids or had a pheromone-based fragrance that drew the dog to her. They said that experienced dog trainers say such substances could provoke aggressive behavior in dogs."

Consider.net: How Michael Jordan disproved a Marxist theory: 29 januari

"One of my favourite statistics of the past few years was the one that revealed the basketball ace Michael Jordan was paid more money for endorsing Nike shoes than the company's 30,000-strong workforce of cobblers in far-off Indonesia."

MUSCLEHEDZ: February's Screensaver/Calendar available for download:

"It features a 30-second animated short entitled, "PIERRE, THE SCULPTOR," and is based on a cartoon I did back in 1995 (or maybe it was 1994... I can't remember right now). I've spent the last 2 days straight working on the animation for this month's screensaver because I spent the last month trying to complete my new training journal in time for this year's ARNOLD CLASSIC."

Clarence Bass: The Russian Kettlebell Challenge: Xtreme Fitness for Hard Living Comrades:

"The 'kettlebell', or a girya, is a cast iron weight that looks like a basketball with a suitcase handle. It was the tool that forged the formidable power of Russian dinosaurs like Ivan 'the Champion of Champions' Poddubny, an undefeated wrestler with six world champion belts to his name." (Via MetaMuscle)

Shawn Ray: Train with Shawn Ray:

"Finally an opportunity to train with one of the World's Best! For a limited time, you the fans, have a chance to train with bodybuilding's most durable professionals ever! Shawn Ray is inviting you to come out and train for a day by appointment only on a first come first serve basis at Powerhouse Gym in Fountain Valley Ca."

Telegraph: The body's first line of defence: 30 januari

The saying 'What does not kill me, makes me stronger' apparently is correct:

"According to a new book, Get Well, Stay Well, by Dr Paul Sherwood, too many warm clothes, central heating and the overuse of antibiotics are compromising our children's lymphatic systems - the key to their immunity - making them prey to the very bugs that we try to repel.

"Human beings were perfectly designed to fight off infection but many of these 'advances' in our way of life are weakening our immune systems, which can no longer cope with the simplest of bugs," he says."

Danska artikel Run4Fun - Danmarks ultimative website for motionsløbere: 

Hvad betyder muskelstyrken for løbere?:
Det er omdiskuteret, hvor meget muskelstyrken betyder for præstationen i mellem- og langdistanceløb. Nyt finsk forsøg giver et bud på betydningen af 'Muscle power factors'.

40 % af befolkningen i farezonen:
40 procent af befolkningen er så fysisk inaktive, at de er i fare for at udvikle alvorlige sygdomme. Der er fokuseret meget på overvægt, men faktisk har normalvægtige mennesker, der ikke dyrker motion, større risiko for at få eksempelvis hjertesygdomme, end overvægtige, der dyrker motion.

Bliv slank - sundt:
Vi oplever alle, at det er nemt at tage på - men svært at tabe sig. Sådan har det altid været. Kroppen er nemlig skabt til at opbygge fedt-depoter, så vi kan modstå knappe tider med mangel på føde.

musclemag.com: Action Toys May Influence Male Body Image: 23 augusti 1999

"The increasing muscularity of 'GI Joe' and other male toy figures reflects a growing cultural fixation with hypermuscular male physiques, according to Boston researchers. They suggest that the emergence of this unrealistic masculine ideal may contribute to body image disorders in young men."

Tech Web: Fitness Club Gets Thin With CE Clients: 7 september 1999

"Wyse Technology this week will disclose a deal to provide 2,500 thin-client computers tohealth club chain 24-Hour Fitness by year's end.

The $400 million business in Carlsbad, Calif., will use Wyse Winterm 3350SE Windows CE clients to replace dumb terminals for member sign-in and registration tasks at the company's 230 locations, said Geoffrey Singer, director of IT strategic planning."

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Lär dig stava på finska...:

"En skidåkare som glömt skidorna? Fel - en gångare som kommit ihåg stavarna. Stavgång kallas den finska motionsformen som har potentialen att bli en ny folksport."

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: De röda godsakerna är viktiga för hälsan:

"Tomater är mycket viktigare för hälsan och ditt välbefinnande än vad forskare och näringsexperter hittills trott. Tidigare har de bara konstaterat att tomaten är en fiberfattig men vacker vattenförpackning. Men nu visar forskningsresultat att ämnet som färgar tomaten röd indirekt skyddar mot bland annat prostatacancer."

Sydney Morning Herald: Our team in Atlanta cheated: sprinter: 19 mars 2000

"A former national sprint champion has claimed that the majority of the 58 Australian track and field athletes at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics were taking a banned sports drug.

But the manufacturer of the drug, IGF-1, says it is useless, and any athletes who used it were the victims of a massive scam."

eFit.com: The Bod Squad Part I: 11 augusti 2000

"Personal trainers to the stars are becoming celebrities themselves, and it's easy to understand why: Their unique programs have resulted in some of the buffest bodies in Hollywood. Training is a sweaty job and not just anybody could do it, so we asked some of the most sought-after superstar fitness pros to share their trade secrets. Today's trainer is William "Will Power" Thompson."

The Washington Post: Vaulting Over Uncharted Waters: 1 juli 2000

"To Stacy Dragila, the world's best female pole vaulter, the beauty of her sport is in its diversity. It requires the speed of a sprinter, the power of a long jumper, the body control of a gymnast and the agility of a goat-roper." (Via SportsJones)

Discovering Archaeology: Wrestling Through the Ages: 31 januari

"Archaeological finds depict wrestling in Egypt and Mesopotamia more than 5,000 years ago. Documentary evidence puts the sport in India and China well before the Christian era. In fact, virtually every society around the globe sports a long tradition of some form of wrestling. And the ancient Greeks were among the most fanatic of fans."

Inside: XFL Packages Its Testosto-Fest for the People, but Will Journalists Play Along?: 30 januari

"The football league's ties to professional wrestling have ESPN, Fox and others wondering how to treat the games on the Indoor Soccer-Arena Football seriousness scale. For a reporter in Alabama, though, any beat is better than none."

exn.ca: Human race = rat race?: 31 januari

Aha! Vi är alltså alla gymråttor...

"You might think we aren't that similar to rodents - at least not most of us - but a new study suggests they're some of our closer cousins."

MusclePhotos.com: Märks det att de säljer ZMA?

  • A Novel Zinc and Magnesium Formulation (ZMA) Increases Anabolic Hormones and Strength in Athletes
  • Zinc Status and Serum Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults
  • Zinc and Water Retention - How to Lose Water
  • Zinc May Help Prevent Gynecomastia ("Bitch's Tits")
  • Buying Supplements: What Clinical Experience Teaches

Newswise: A Hard Body and Sleek Looks Doesn't Correlate to a Healthy Body: 1 februari

"Rigorous dieting and exercising alone don't improve a person's health as effectively as moderate diet and exercise along with a consistent stress-management regimen. In fact, some research suggests dieting and over-exercising can create more harm than good."

Healthsurfing: Fat Fighters: Calcium and an acid in dairy products help burn fat: 1 februari

"Food and fat researchers are discovering quite a twist when it comes to losing weight: it takes fat to lose fat."

Newswise: Testosterone in Women?: 1 februari

"Although testosterone is usually thought of as a male hormone, women also need it in small doses, according to the February issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource."

Newswise: When Kidneys Fail: 1 februari

"When was the last time you considered your kidney health? How about never? You're not alone. Most people take their kidneys for granted. Yet more than a quarter of a million people in this country need dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive. In addition, more than 50,000 people die from kidney failure each year."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Drömmatch i boxning mellan Roberto och Krajnc: 1 februari

"Drömmatchen i boxning mellan världsmästaren Armand Krajnc och Paolo Roberto blir av. Expressen kan i dag avslöja att Kranjc sätter sin titel på spel i Köpenhamn i april."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Armand Krajnc möter Paolo Roberto?: 1 februari

"Drömmatchen mellan världsmästaren Armand Krajnc och Paolo Roberto ser ut att bli av. Allt tyder på att de två svenskarna gör upp om titeln i april. – Vi jobbar på det, Armand är intresserad nu, säger Steffen Tangstad, boxningsansvarig på TV1000 till aftonbladet.se."

Nutrition News Focus: Fiber Eats Fat:

"Chitosan can adsorb up to six times its weight in fat. Many supplement companies are selling pills and powders of this as a weight loss product. While it does prevent absorption of some fat into the body, this is not the most sensible way to lose weight."

Nutrition News Focus: Diet Pills Too Good - Part 2:

"Although there are quite a few studies in animals and a couple in people, the claims for this substance are really over the top. Chitosan is the basis for products that have names that sound like they prevent all your dietary fat from getting used."

Far Eastern Economic Review: Look Who's Going Native: 1 februari

"'Fusion' cuisine is gaining ground in Asia, thanks to the fast-food influence of Colonel Sanders and the Golden Arches."

Resultat Mr Snowman:

  1. Mika Hiltunen 25p
  2. Jörgen Ljungberg 24p
  3. Harry Persson 15 p
  4. Fredrik Svensson 15p
  5. Håkan Petschler 13p
  6. Mikael Enström 13p

Grenarna var: Drag med sele, Crucifix, Loading, Vikingpress och Arm over arm.

Svensk artikel Eiselt: Henrik Eiselt reagerar på skriverier i tidningar, nyheter på tv och annat:

Kan kreatin ge cancer? Felaktiga artiklar i dagspressen!: 27 januari
Tilläggas bör att det franska läkemedelsverket är bland det hårdaste i världen - närmast lik en "polisstat" för att citera en av världens största kreatinproducenter. Det vore inte konstigt om Frankrika förbjöd kreatin, men anledningen skulle definitivt inte vara att det kan orsaka cancer.

Information om BSE - Ingen anledning till oro: 26 januari
Samtliga råvaror som används i tillverkningen hos Eiselt Research, som kan tänkas utgöra specifikt riskmaterial (SPM), är framställda enligt EU:s direktiv 2000/418/EG, vilket är en garanti för att inte SPM används i produktionen.

Piller & Prestation - KF visar vad de verkligen går för!: 26 januari
Det är bedrövligt att KF ska ge sig in på ett område som de uppenbarligen inte behärskar för 5 öre! Vad tjänar KF på att snacka skit om kosttillskott?

New Scientist: All in the mind: 29 april 2000

"To get the most out of caffeine, you've got to believe in the effect it's having on you. "It seems that what you think may be as important as what you drink," Andrew Scholey, a psychopharmacologist at the University of Northumbria, told a meeting of the British Psychological Society in Winchester last week."

New Scientist: Baste with oil: 13 maj 2000

"Applying virgin olive oil to your skin after sunbathing protects you against skin cancer, claim Japanese scientists. They have found that using it as an after-sun lotion slows tumour growth in mice."

New Scientist: GlucoWatch could give diabetics frequent updates on their health: 27 maj 2000

"Many diabetics have to endure frequent, painful finger pricks to monitor their blood sugar levels. But soon just a single prick of the finger will be enough to calibrate a watch-like monitor that can measure blood sugar levels non-invasively throughout the day."

New Scientist: Sensitive implants help you adjust your grip: 10 juni 2000

"Without sensation, patients using neural prostheses have to rely upon their eyes and experience: grip an object too forcefully and they risk muscle fatigue, too gently and they drop it. This is one of the biggest problems with bionic implants, says Morten Haugland at the Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction at Aalborg University."

Healthscout: The Training Table - It's supposed to be an advantage for women:

"The researchers reported in the September 2000 issue of the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports that women utilize protein more efficiently than men.

As a result, top male athletes may need as much as a 100 percent increase in their protein intake to compensate for increased activity, while women doing exactly the same events may only need a 50 percent increase in protein intake."

Natural Muscle Magazine: Bio Kelly Ryan: Januari 2001

This Is London: Hail the Herminator: 29 januari

"He's a man that is courageous, a man that is determined," said Arnie, as Maier sat alongside with a bemused grin. "That fall at the Olympics would kill everyone here but this guy gets up, looks in the camera and says 'I'll be back'. That's why they call him the Herminator."

New Scientist: Hugely corny: 3 juni 2000

"Cineman audiences could be in for an extra-special treat - giant popcorn. Physicists in Pennsylvania have cooked up a mathematical recipe for a fatter and fluffier snack, which could also save manufacturers and consumers money."

[Till toppen av sidan]

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Torsdag 1 februari

YourHealthDaily: Sportbrain, Other Devices Can Get People Hooked on Exercise:

"The Dunwoody couple were already healthy: Paul has a gym-built solidity, and Betsy is so slender you could cut a finger on her cheekbones. But thanks to a new toy called SportBrain - an interactive device that records exactly how many steps you've taken during the day - they're freshly, cheerfully hooked on exercise."

Ripped Abs:

"I know why you're here. Ripped abs are everywhere. You see them on billboards, advertisements, television and videos and on the beach. Washboard abs are the holy grail of the fitness industry. Everyone wants them. They symbolize health, vitality and pure sex appeal.

The bottom line is that you only need 3 things in order to have lean, healthy looking abs:

  1. Strong Desire
  2. Will Power
  3. Knowledge"

The Salt Lake Tribune: Home Treadmills Enjoying a Run Of Popularity: 30 januari

"While Pilkington finds running indoors to be boring, a growing number of people are buying treadmills for home use. According to the National Sporting Goods Association, treadmills have been the top-selling home aerobic equipment for the past three years."

SunTimes.com: Major gain, major pain: 29 januari

"Everybody knows going into the game that this is not something you're going to come out of 10 years later and say, `Oh, my gosh, I'm sore. What a surprise.'

"I mean, that's what you did for a living. You abused your body and did heavy weightlifting. So sure, all of our bodies are beat up. But my dad worked for ComEd and had 43 years of repetition of climbing poles. Now he has arthritis. Anybody's longterm pursuit is going to beat your body up."

BBC News: Health fears over hidden salt: 30 januari

"Medical specialists, backed by the Food Standards Agency, are calling on manufacturers to cut down on the amount of salt they add to ready meals and other processed foods."

Netrition: Ghb Toxicity: What You Need to Know: 30 januari

"This article will review the pharmacology and toxicology of GHB, present the cases of several patients who have received treatment at our hospital, and offer tips for managing patients who have taken an overdose of this drug."

The Arnold Fan: "The 6th Day" surpasses $100 Million in Box-office earnings!: 31 januari

"While only earning approximately 34.5 Million dollars in it's U.S. domestic release, The 6th Day's new international tally keeps rising (thanks to the tremendous support for Arnold in countries like Mexico.) With a new international total reaching the 67 Million mark (and still growing,) The 6th Day has just surpassed the 100 Million mark with a combined intake of $101.5 Million."

PioneerPlanet: Yary's strength: quickness, agility: 28 januari

"Toward the end of his butt-stomping career, Ron Yary noticed other linemen were getting bigger, beefier, more muscular. "A lot of guys were taking steroids," he said. "They became very strong, very quick and fast."

Yary always was stronger, quicker and faster than the rest, and he didn't want that to change. Steroids hadn't been outlawed yet, so rather than give up an edge, he tried them, too."

Excite: EDITORIAL: Drugs an athletic wrecking ball: 25 januari

"Athletes who take performance-enhancing drugs are not leveling the playing field. They are bulldozing their careers and their integrity.

Taking drugs such as steroids has become commonplace in the high-pressure worlds of high school, college and professional sports. Performance-enhancing drugs are used to boost endurance, strength, adrenaline, energy, stamina and concentration."

Salon: Arnold Schwarzenegger: 29 januari

"The big guy is happiest when he's helping poor kids, saying weird things about race and saving America from single-parent hell."

St. Petersburg Times: It looks like water, but it can kill: 29 januari

"People are using GHB and related chemicals to get high. Michelle Benge drank a capful after a night of celebrating the new year. She never woke up."

Journal Sentinel: Most injuries are no accident: 28 januari

"People too often view injuries as accidents - bad luck, fate, random events over which humans have no control. Public health experts, however, want the public to realize that most accidents don't just happen. Listen to U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher:

"The science of injury shows that the causes of drowning, fires, motor vehicle crashes, falls, poisoning and violence are often predictable and preventable. Overcoming fatalism and believing that we live in a cause-and-effect-world are vital for injury prevention."

edmontonjournal.com: Drug-testing czar spearheads fight over cheating: 31 januari

"The cheaters were always out in front. With new drugs and devious methods for masking their use, cheaters had better science than the testers. Their motivation to win at all costs easily outdistanced the will of sports governing bodies to spend what it cost to win the war on doping.

However, a concentrated assault - in the guise of the World Anti-Doping Agency - promises to even the playing field some day."

FOX Sports: Champ's painful retirement highlights worries about the health of sumo wrestlers: 29 januari

"Because of sumo's emphasis on size — and heft — its practitioners tend to be notoriously unhealthy. And the problem goes far beyond muscle pulls and bruised backs.

Knees, ankles and hips are often left permanently damaged under the weight of bodies weighing 400 pounds (180 kilograms) or more. Worse yet, years of deliberately cultivated obesity can mean a slew of chronic health problems after retirement — high blood pressure, hardened arteries and diabetes, according to Kimio Yamada, director of the Sumo Association's health clinic."

CNN Sports Illustrated: Link possible between nandrolone, supplements: 31 januari

"A leading international scientist has found further evidence that contaminated food supplements could be responsible for the rash of positive tests for the banned steroid nandrolone."

Seattle Times: Exercising resolve: 30 januari

"At the beginning of the year, there are always a lot of new members," said trainer Kirstin Piquette at Seattle Fitness Club in Pioneer Square. "But by February, it's starting to get back to the regular crowd."

Kari Anderson, who, with her husband, owns three Pro-Robics clubs and recently acquired the Gold's Gym on Aurora Avenue North, has seen many resolution-inspired members stay through January but disappear by mid-February. "Some of them even have one-year memberships, but they lose the fire."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The Newsstand: A dose of fiscal and physical fitness: 30 januari

"Newsweek looks at the benefits of the new Super Slow workout - weight training at a snail's pace 20 minutes a week. Super Slow founder Ken Hutchins not only claims this is the only exercise you need but warns that aerobics may be counterproductive. Most experts don't agree."

MSNBC: Going Super Slow: 5 februari

"For 10 years Dr. Philip Alexander ran 60 miles a week—and on days when he didn’t run he would put in time on his bike. Then, five years ago, he really got serious about physical fitness. The 56-year-old internist now spends just 20 minutes a week exercising, and he rarely soaks his shirt."

PioneerPlanet.com: Barbell Blues: 29 januari

"Resolutions to get in shape are great, and follow-through is essential. But the throngs that descend on fitness centers in January drive the regulars nuts."

latimes.com: A Study in Exercise: 30 januari

"Everyone at St. Genevieve High School Gets Suited Up for Fitness Program. The school's 300 students are getting in shape along with their teachers by participating in a fitness program implemented by Principal Dan Horn to fight child and adult obesity. "Now my whole body is toned, especially my arms," said Ronalyn Rullamas, a junior who takes the weight training class."

British Medical Journal: The obsessive pursuit of health and happiness: 23 december

"Health and happiness are then held out as a promotional package to which all good citizens are expected to aspire, but the paradox is that it can lead to an addictive disorder that acts like a distorting mirror, affecting every aspect of our lives."

MSNBC: The male beauty boom: 30 januari

"A recently released book called “The Adonis Complex” says that, in increasing numbers, men are feeling pressured to achieve physical perfection in the same way that women have for centuries. Millions of men, the authors say, are lifting weights and dieting compulsively, taking steroids, jamming hair plugs into their bald pates and surgically altering themselves in the name of beauty."

YourHealthDaily: 'Schwarzenegger Mice' Offer Hope for Reversing Effects of Age:

"That's what researchers backed by a Tucson group have created in a scientific breakthrough that could eventually turn back the clock for aging humans.

"They're like Schwarzenegger mice," said Nadia Rosenthal, a molecular geneticist and lead researcher for the study, adding that the new mice continue to build new muscle as they get older."

Biohazard: Paul Borresen is dead: 31 januari

"Today is a black day indeed. I am writing this from the heart in true Paul Borresen fashion. I am very sorry to announce that yesterday, Paul Borresen died aged only 38, in his sleep, whilst at home. We at Biohazard, send our most heart felt condolences to his much loved family, his wife Carole, his son Kayne and his daughter Sophie.

It has got to be said, that not just bodybuilding, but the world will just not be the same without him."

Protein Factory.com - The Only Company to Customize:

"Customize your own formula! That is right, you can request what you want. Any amount, combination, flavoring, etc...

Our philosophy, and many nutritional experts agree, is that not one source of protein is the best, but a combination of many. The Protein Factory sells the highest quality proteins on the market, unsurpassed in purity and value."

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Feelgood rensar balansräkningen och går med vinst 2001: 31 januari

"År 2000 i sammandrag - Kraftig tillväxt på 203 %. - Kritisk massa uppnådd. - Organisk tillväxtfas inleds. - Byte av redovisningsprinciper. - Positiv resultatutveckling kvartal fyra. - Feelgood Försäkring lanseras under våren. - Samtliga integrationskostnader har belastat resultatet."

The Washington Post: Meridia: No Magic Pill: 30 januari

"The prime-time TV commercials feature attractive overweight women who virtuously brag about their newfound control over eating. Their secret? The diet drug Meridia. But if you're thinking of following their lead, here's an important caveat: Don't expect to trim much weight with Meridia unless you're also willing to sweat through regular workouts and cut back on calories."

CNN: Nutrition, obesity and perception - Focusing on America's children: 9 januari

"A spate of recent medical studies points to Americans' fears and concerns regarding obesity and diet - both real and imagined."

SportServer: Supplements could change drug test results: 30 januari

"Contaminated food supplements could be responsible for the rash of positive tests for the banned steroid nandrolone, a leading international scientist says."

BioPharmaWeb: Osteoarthritis supplements with too much of a good thing?: 30 januari

"The online ConsumerLab.com that provides consumers with an independent service by evaluating products that affect health and nutrition has alerted its audience that some glucosamine and chondroitin products popularly used for osteoarthritis may exceed the upper intake levels for manganese."

Svensk artikel Skånemejerier: Skånemejerier lanserar ny, fettsnål fruktyoghurt: 18 januari

"Vecka 3 lanserar Skånemejerier en ny, nästintill fettfri fruktyoghurt. Fetthalten är endast 0,1% och yoghurten finns i smakerna jordgubb, björnbär/hallon och banan."

Svensk artikel Skånemejerier: Ny banbrytande svensk forskning bakom ProViva Active: 30 augusti 2000

"Denna veckan lanseras en ny probiotisk återhämtningsdryck, ProViva Active, av Skånemejerier. Bakom drycken finns det lundabaserade forskningsföretaget Probi, som åter bryter ny mark."

Yahoo! Sverige: Nandrolon vanligt i bantningsmedel: 30 januari

Food supplements ska översättas med kosttillskott, inte bantningsmedel... Och att citera fransmännens "undersökning" om att 'kreatin kan vara cancerframkallande' ger inte heller det några pluspoäng.

Riksidrottsförbundet: RF:s Dopingkommission avråder från kreatin:

"Det finns anledning att starkt varna idrottsutövare för bruk av kreatin. Det säger Bengt O Eriksson, medicinsk expert i Riksidrottsförbundets Dopingkommission, med hänsyn till risken för så kallad "misstagsdoping"."

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Därför är vi mer friska än sjuka: 31 januari

"Vi är friskare än vad vi är sjuka. Trots allt. Ändå är det sjukdomarna och hur de skall botas som vi av tradition har forskat kring."

[Till toppen av sidan]

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Yami Hälsostudio

Onsdag 31 januari

Advertising hype for the AD-DOer™: "Unique rotating torso trimmer targets your upper abs, lower abs, obliques and lower back all in one easy fat-burning circular motion.

The movement capability of The AB-DOer(TM) is infinite. You literally dance at the midsection and chisel the waistline you've always been striving for. It's not necessary to get on the floor, unlike with most ab machines.

Burn fat as it flattens your stomach in just minutes a day. For rock hard abs and a sexy slim waistline, all you have to do is order the AB-Doer today."

Ab Machine Review - Which Ab Machine Is Right For Me?

"There are several horizontal abdominal workout machines on the market today. They can range from $12 to couple hundred dollars with varying features. Which one is right for you? We took the most popular and put them to the test - not just on beginners, but 6-pack seasoned pros."

Matt Furey: Superior Fitness with Bodyweight Exercises

IronWarrior Training Log - Try the free demo version:

"Designed to help you reach your weightlifting or bodybuilding goals the smart way: by helping you pinpoint the strengths and weakness in your training, keeping track of your results, and providing the feedback you need to stay focused and motivated."

Silicon Valley Magazine: Cover Story: Exercising Options: 21 januari

"While the home gyms of yesteryear were certainly groundbreaking in function, they lacked aesthetic appeal. But if you were a serious bodybuilder, that really didn’t matter.

The home fitness center of the new millennium, however, is everything its predecessors were not: Warm, inviting and decked out like you won’t believe."

The San Jose Mercury News: Gyms cater to travelers: 30 januari

"Frequent flier miles need not be synonymous with the need for a lifetime membership to Weight Watchers. Just as business travel has become more widespread, so too have the opportunities for travelers to exercise."

Simple tricks to fit exercise into that business trip

Fit to Travel - Ingenuity in expediting exercise can ensure you get needed workouts

CBS HealthWatch: Helping Teens Stay Away from Steroids: 

"The urge to become bigger and faster can be irresistible to high school athletes. For Thomas L., a senior on the football team at a mid-sized high school in the northeastern United States, being 6' 2" and 220 pounds wasn't enough."

Healthscout: Fitter Kids Do Better in Class:

"A recent study from England now suggests that sedentary kids not only risk getting fat, but their grades may suffer, too."

Chicago Tribune: Tunes for the sole: 28 januari

"Everyone reacts to rhythm; it evokes something personal in all of us," said Alan S. Goldberg, sports psychologist and author, based in Amherst, Mass. "Wearing headphones before a competition calms nerves.

Substituting positive sounds or neutral sounds can distract you from negatives, such as trash talking from an opponent or noise from the crowd," said the author of "Sports Slump Busting" (Human Kinetics, $16.95).

Nutricise: Battling Binge Eating: 29 januari

"When the subject of eating disorders is raised, most people think of anorexia and bulimia, which are rampant in America, but did you know that binge eating is an even more widespread problem?"

Svensk artikel TV4: Människans muskler förebild för forskare: 30 januari

"Genom att lära sig förstå hur människans energisnåla och effektiva muskler fungerar kan forskare utveckla mer energisnåla bilmotorer."

Yahoo! News: Report Finds Banned Steroid in Food Supplements: 30 januari

"Research into the spate of positive drug tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone suggests that contamination of legitimate food supplements may be responsible.

Tests on around 100 food supplements at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)-sanctioned laboratory in Cologne found substances on 16 occasions that would lead to adverse nandrolone findings."

Yahoo! News: Winslet's Diet Shows Waifs Still Win: 29 januari

"She says she despises herself for doing it, she thinks it is boring and insane. Psychologists say her fans will be disappointed, that she is undermining what she has always stood for."

Salon: How U.S. stars sell Japan to the Japanese: 29 juni 2000

"In the Land of the Rising Sun, Schwarzenegger sells elixir, DiCaprio does car commercials, Harrison hawks brewskis, Willis sells coffee - and they all want to keep it a secret."

EurekAlert: Family factor is foremost in foretelling heart disease risk: 29 januari

"As many as half of the children and siblings of individuals with diseased coronary arteries may have signs of atherosclerosis, even though they have no symptoms of heart or vessel disease, according to a study in today’s Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Mediciner utförsäljes!:

"Ett större lager mediciner med okända biverkningar utförsäljes till verkligt låga priser. Medicinerna går att få i olika färger och i varierande former och storlekar.

Biverkningarna är garanterat okända och blir en rolig överraskning. Passa på och köp nu - de här tabletterna kommer inte att finnas på marknaden länge till. Om ni äter för mycket av dem kommer ni inte heller att göra det."

David Letterman's Top Ten Ways... The Country Would Be Different If Arnold Schwarzenegger Were President:

10. State of Maryland converted to weight room
9. Social Security benefits tied to how much you can squat
8. He'd be the first Austrian weight-lifting President since Jimmy Carter
7. On Easter, children search White House lawn for invisible alien predators
6. White House intern would have to deal with this (footage of Arnold feeding a woman carrots from an old film)
5. Eagle on Presidential seal would be a lot more "ripped"
4. President throws out first ball; catcher sustains season-ending injury
3. President blows up Congress, then mutters "Veto, you bastards"
2. Saddam Hussein appears on TV with busted lip to announce full compliance with U.N.
1. Goodbye Arbor Day, hello Bicep Day

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu - För ett friskare liv!:

"mitt-liv.nu presenterar en enklare väg till en smart och sund livsstil. mitt-liv.nu är ett varuhus för lust, glädje, inspiration och nytta. Vi samlar de bästa företagen som ägnar sig åt tjänster, produkter och idéer inom begreppet hälsa. Målet är att hjälpa dig som regelbunden användare av mitt-liv.nu till att ha ett roligt, friskt och långt liv."

Swedish Armwrestlingpictures:

"This site will mostly contain armwrestlingpictures. My opinion is that there is already enough sites on the net where you can get information about the sport, so if you are interested to learn something, you can use the links on this site."

HealthCentral: Experts say we're getting fat: 29 januari

"In an epochal triumph of plentiful food and easy-living technology, the human race is rapidly growing fat and out of shape, experts say. The world already has about as many people who eat too much and get too little activity as it does people who remain hungry no matter how hard they scramble for meals, researchers say."

HealthCentral: Stress weakens skin's ability to fight disease: 29 januari

"Are anxiety, dejection and confusion "written all over your face"? Researchers now say that this figure of speech may prove to be true. A new study has found that stress appears to decrease the skin's ability to function properly, heal wounds and fight disease."

The San Diego Union-Tribune: 50 Billion Served:

"What' s good for McDonald' s is good for America. Or not. Fast food tastes good, but it' s bad for you. Packed with sugar, salt and fat, fast food is contributing to our "supersize" nation. More than half of all adults in the United States are clinically obese, twice the number of 1960.

There is a strong correlation between the spread of fast food and obesity. When the number of fast-food restaurants doubled in Great Britain between 1984-1993, so did the country' s rate of obesity."

Trygve.com: Beanie Biceps: 19 januari

"Collectable, cuddly, and more macho than a Harley, Beanie Biceps are guaranteed to give you huge, bulging biceps in less than one minute!"

Trygve Lode before...
...from this...

...and after Beanie Biceps!
...to this! instantly with Beanie Biceps!

The Iron Dungeon: The Biggest Lies in the Gym:

  • I don't want to get too big.
  • Today is my light day.
  • I'll do abs tomorrow.
  • I'm not really trying to pick you up.
  • This baseball cap protects my eyes from the glaring lights.
  • I don't go to the gym to check out the babes. Honest.
  • I used to lift...
  • It's supposed to bounce off my chest like that.
  • I don't do squats, 'cause they're bad for the knees.

Garrett Downing:

"Yes, you may have read it elsewhere, I am planning on doing all of the IFBB Pro shows this year. I've been described as the hardest working bodybuilder in the business and with that I will not argue.

My schedule is quite a grueling one. So, just in case you ever feel like giving yourself an excuse that you are too busy to get in shape, because you have a "real job" or a family or other commitments, I want you to think about Garrett Downing and his schedule which looks something like this:"

Svensk artikel Träningsspecialisten:

"Vi har mer än 25 års erfarenhet av att sälja produkter inom fitness, motion, aerobics, boxning, styrketräning etc. Ring eller maila gärna och fråga oss om råd innan du bestämmer dig. Eller be om en offert.

Vill du ha hjälp med finansieringen så kan vi erbjuda några olika alternativ. T.ex. leasing, hyrköp, 12 månader räntefritt eller varför inte hyra en cykel och prova en tid. Kontakta oss för mer information.

Du är välkommen till vår butik på Tegnérgatan 29, mitt i Stockholm. Där kan du besöka vår utställning. Eller kan du passa på att ta en proteindrink i vår proteinbar. Välkommen!"

PsycPort: Laughter Every Day May Keep the Doctor Away, Therapist Says: 29 januari

"Did you know that 100 laughs a day are the physiological equivalent of 10 minutes on a cardiovascular rowing machine; or that three to four minutes of genuine belly laughter is comparable to ascending two flights of stairs?"

BBC News: Caffeine 'reduces productivity': 29 januari

"Researchers have found that caffeine intake may be partly to blame for office workers' poor performance. They found that drinking 350mg of caffeine can cause lapses in concentration and increased stress."

Svensk artikel Athletic Center: Flash intro:

"Nytt för denna gång är Athletics Flashfilm. Den är gjord på engelska, så att även våra internationella besökare kan ha glädje utav den. Ni som inte förstår filmens innehåll, kan eventuellt gå en snabb-kurs i engelska tillsammans med Janne M. :-) ... OBS! Tänk på att filmen tar lite tid att ladda ner, men är värd att vänta på..."

Danska artikel Danmarks Idræts-Forbund: Team Danmark undersøger kreatin: 26 januari

"En arbejdsgruppe under Team Danmark er på vej med en redegørelse om kreatin, der bl.a. konkluderer, at risikoen for bivirkninger sandsynligvis er overdrevet, skriver det seneste nummer af Idrætsliv nr. 2/2001."

Danska artikel Danmarks Idræts-Forbund: DIF imod statsstyring af eliteidrætten: 30 januari

"Danmarks Idræts-Forbund (DIF) er modstander af de forslag til Team Danmarks fremtidige struktur, som i dag blev fremlagt på en pressekonference i Kulturministeriet i forbindelse med offentliggørelsen af rapporten ”Eliteidræt i Danmark”."

Danska artikel Kulturministeriet: Eliteidræt i Danmark: 26 januari

"Rapport afgivet af den af kulturministeren nedsatte arbejdsgruppe."

Chyna9.com - The Official Web Site of the Ninth Wonder of the World

Serkan Cetin - Bodybuilding Deutschland

Radio National: Background Briefing - The Creatine Story: 13 februari 2000

"The eternal human quest to be the best, the strongest, biggest, fastest. The heroism of pushing one's body beyond ordinary limits. It's mental, physical - and getting the right spikes on your running shoes.

And nutrition. In the 90's, the equivalent of 10 kilos of raw steak a day came as a legal powder - a wonder supplement.

Now they're working on one to bulk up the kids, too."

WebMD: 'Gene Putty' Helps Body Grow New Bone: 26 januari

"A groundbreaking new surgical procedure is showing remarkable promise in relieving severe bone disease and the pain associated with it. By applying a new genetically engineered puttylike protein to the diseased area, surgeons are succeeding in getting the patient's body to grow new bone - right where it's needed."

New Scientist: Bad Memories: 29 januari

Skulle du välja högre intelligens till priset av en högre känslighet för smärta?

"Good memory could have a downside, as US researchers have found that genetically-engineered "smart mice" are more sensitive to chronic pain.

The mice had their genes tweaked and appeared to learn faster and remember better. Their creators dispute the discovery of increased pain sensitivity, arguing that the animals just remember injuries for longer."

MSNBC: Rodents’ higher IQ may come at painful price, study finds: 29 januari

Svensk artikel Yahoo! Sverige: Muskelproteiner ska driva minimotor: 29 januari

"Forskare i Kalmar och Lund ska bygga en motor i molekylär storlek som drivs av äggviteämnen i musklerna. Syftet är att lära sig mer om musklernas kemiska maskineri och att bygga upp en hel "nanofabrik" på ett mikrochip."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Träningsprogram för praktisk stresshantering (2): 29 januari

"Om man känner sig trött och sliten behöver det inte bero på att man har arbetat för hårt. Det kan lika gärna bero på att man har vilat för lite eller för dåligt på sistone. En riktigt god vila infinner sig inte automatiskt bara för att man inte anstränger sig. I själva verket behöver vi flera olika sorters vila."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Forskare varnar för fetmaepidemi: 3o januari

"Hjärt- och kärlsjukdomarna kommer att öka kraftigt till följd av den epidemi av fetma som drar fram över världen. Det varnade den kände amerikanske hjärt-kärlforskaren, professor Peter Libby, för vid en konferens för kärlkirurger i Stockholm i fredags, den 26 januari."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Var tredje för rabatt på överviktsmedicin: 30 januari

Subventionera gymträning istället!

"Omkring 30 procent av svenska folket tycker att staten ska subventionera läkemedel mot nedstämdhet och övervikt, enligt en Sifo-undersökning. Bland deltagarna på Apoterkarsocietetens debattdag, Läkemedelsriksdagen, var deltagarna mer positiva till subventioner."

Svensk artikel Eskiltuna-Kuriren: Nytt världsrekord i gympa: Nära 65000 igång samtidigt: 30 januari

"Eskilstunaborna gjorde hyggligt ifrån sig under rekordförsöket på måndagen - den riksomfattande Gympans dag. 421 entusiaster gympade i Sporthallen och dessutom arrangerades gympa på flera ställen i kommunen. Världsrekordet slogs med råge - nästan 65 000 människor gympade samtidigt i Sverige."

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Vegetarianer behöver kunskap: 30 januari

"11 procent av landets gymnasieelever är vegetarianer, och allt fler vuxna väljer det vegetariska alternativet på lunchrestaurangen. Men kroppen måste få proteiner någonstans ifrån. Att vara vegetarian kräver kunskap i näringslära."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Ett nytt världsrekord: 30 januari

"Vilken manifestation. I går firades Gympans Dag över hela landet. Med målsättning att sätta världsrekord och hamna i Guiness Rekordbok. Och visst blev det ett nytt rekord - med god marginal."

Svensk artikel Folket: Träningsform som är likadan i hela världen: 30 januari

"I går var det gymnastikens dag och full fart i Sporthallen i Eskilstuna. Redan klockan halv nio på morgonen var en stor skara gymnasieungdomar igång och tränade BodyCombat till pulserande, energisk musik."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Mer gympa ger färre sjukdagar: 30 januari

"Fysisk aktivitet bland barn och ungdomar ger färre sjukdagar i skolan. Skillnaden mellan 16-20 och 31-35 timmars aktivitet är 2,5 färre dagars sjukfrånvaro per år."

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: Bättre kondition med It: 30 januari

"Idrott och hälsa får allt mindre utrymme i skolan. De ungas kondition minskar och vikten ökar. Larmrapporterna strömmar in och visar på en skrämmande framtidsvision med ökad sjuklighet och enorma sjukvårdskostnader."

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: ”Satsa mer på idrott i skolan”: 30 januari

"Alla borde göra som vi, utbrister ett gäng nöjda Björkängsgymnasister. Ungdomar, som i våras fick ett chockande besked. Kondisen var under all kritik, vissa av dem hade ork som en femtioåring. Ett faktum som skakar om och berör en 17-åring mer än siffror och tabeller om konditionsvärde."

Danska artikel Politiken: Minister: Vi skal motionere mere: 30 januari

"Mangel på motion er i sig selv lige så farligt som rygning. Og det er ikke kun de overvægtige, der er i farezonen. Også normalvægtige og slanke mennesker har en betydeligt forhøjet risiko for at dø for tidligt - typisk af hjertesygdomme - hvis de ikke er fysisk aktive nok."

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare


Tisdag 30 januari

Svensk artikel DN: Ny styrka räddar gammal kropp: 30 januari

"Med handväskan på rollatorn tar sig Elsa Borén, 87, till gymet. Där lyfter hon skrot ihop med ett gäng andra tanter. Men nu hotas styrketräningen av nedläggning."

2001 Mr Snowman, Kiruna: 27 januari

  1. Mika Hiltunen
  2. Jörgen Ljungberg
  3. Harry Persson
  4. Fredrik Svensson
  5. Håkan Petschler
  6. Mikael Enström

The Star Ledger: Olympians navigate maze of a drug-sensitive world: 21 juni 2000

"The IOC's intention is honorable: Catching cheaters to ensure that Olympic medals are awarded on the basis of ability, not chemistry. But it leaves honest, clean athletes so paranoid that some hesitate to take even cold medicines, since many over-the-counter brands - Tylenol Cold and Sudafed, to name two - contain banned stimulants that the IOC considers performance-enhancing." (Via SportsJones)

Newswise: Even Low-Level Office Noise Can Increase Health Risks: 25 januari

"Low-level noise in offices can result in more stress and lower task motivation, which may contribute to heart and musculoskeletal problems, according to a study by a Cornell environmental psychologist."

Healthsurfing: Sport fans gain self-confidence when home team wins: 29 januari

"Psychological researchers find supporting a favorite sports team can boost one’s sense of well being and can help a person feel more connected when that team is the home team."

ScienceDaily: Female Soccer Players Perform Best On A High-Fat Diet, UB Study Finds: 20 april 1999

"Female soccer players were able to perform longer at a higher intensity on a diet composed of 35 percent fat than on diets of 27 percent fat or 24 percent fat, researchers at the University at Buffalo have found."

The New Republic Online: Girlz II Men: 22 juni 2000

"Andreas Krieger could have testified without words. He could have stood there in the small, boxy Berlin courtroom in cowboy boots, jeans, and a black T-shirt and let everyone stare. In the trial of 74-year-old Manfred Ewald, the former head of East Germany's Olympic program, and Dr. Manfred Hoppner, the program's former medical director, Krieger's maleness was testimony enough." (Via SportsJones)

Skip La Cour's Mass Machine E-Newsletter: 29 januari

  • Exercises, Sets, Reps, and Weight: What Are the “Right” Amounts to Stimulate Muscle Growth?
  • FREE 17-Page DOWNLOAD: “How YOU Can Start Earning Cash from Your Passion for Bodybuilding and Fitness!”

Bert Female Muscle:

"I’m a great fan of female body building, fitness and wrestling and I will share it with you. If are female body builders or fitness ladies would like to advertise their photos, videos or other stuff here, let me know. The site is maked for you and their fans."

Consumerlabs.com: Some supplements for arthritis may exceed newly released safe intake levels for manganese: 29 januari

"ConsumerLab.com issued an alert today to its online readers today that that some glucosamine and chondroitin products (popularly used for osteoarthritis), exceed newly established upper intake levels for manganese."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Instruktörer på plats när gymmet har öppet hus: 5 december 1998

"Många har väl någon gång tänkt tanken att gå och träna på gym. Men tanken på att inte förstå träningsredskapen har kanske satt stopp för planerna. Men nu finns chansen för den som vill börja träna att få hjälp av en personlig instruktör. Dessa kommer att finnas på plats när Shadow gym har öppet hus på lördag."

Time: Repairing The Damage: 5 februari

"Ready to turn your life around? It's simple. Eat right. Quit smoking. Get fit. Watch your weight. Drink less. And take it easy. Think it's too late to reverse a lifetime of bad habits? The latest research will surprise you."

Healthcentral: Internet sites act as exercise coaches: 3 augusti 2000

"The reason people are sedentary in the first place is, we have so much technology," said Sallis of San Diego State University. So Sallis and some Web entrepreneurs are seeing if the Internet's ability to deliver individually tailored advice can provide the coaching needed to turn people on to physical activity."

Healthcentral: Men plagued by body image worries, too: 31 juli 2000

"While young women might develop eating disorders to lose weight to fit some kind of misguided ideal, young men can develop the opposite problem. Weightlifters, who are convinced the ideal body is musclebound, can become obsessed with bulking up - to the point where it disrupts their lives."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Motion: 29 januari

"Der bliver større og større forskel på børn, der dyrker motion, og børn, der ikke dyrker motion. Dem, der ikke dyrker motion, har generelt for korte muskler på bagsiden af lårene, hvilket med årene kan nedsætte bevægeligheden i knæene og føre til dårlig holdning i ryggen."

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna:

"Jag trodde att det skulle vara hårdare":
Leif Hansen höll alla sinnen på spänn och vann andra grundomgången. - Det var roligast att möta Zeke.

"Gammal kärring" tog hem segern:
Till sin egen förvåning tog Ylwa Lidén hem segern i andra grundomgången. - Mitt mål var att komma till hinderbanan över huvud taget.

”Jag har brottat ner Atlas”:
”Må bäste man vinna” är gladiatorn Heros motto. Duellen är hans favoritgren. Och pizza Africana hans favoriträtt. - Jag är intresserad av att utöva nästan alla idrotter men jag är totalt ointresserad av att se på sport.

"Det gjorde verkligen ont":
Gladiatorernas domare Dag "Daggen" Olsson skadade sig illa i andra omgången av tävlingen. - Jag fick 100 kilo Hero plus en utmanare på 80 kilo rakt över knäet.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Spinning - ny het motionsform:

"Rummet pulserar av musik, snabb och taktfull. Nio cyklar står uppställda i en halvcirkel, varje cykel bemästras av en energiskt trampande person. I mitten sitter en ledare på sin cykel. På ett snabbt rop vrider alla upp motståndet på cyklarna och ställer sig upp och trampar, allt till takten av Survivors låt "Eye of the tiger". Nya träningsflugan spinning har kommit till Tierp."

Healthcentral: Dieting may harm girls' IQs: 1 augusti 2000

"A British study has found that one in four schoolgirls studied are damaging their IQs by dieting and depriving themselves of iron.

"We were surprised that a very small drop in iron levels caused a fall in IQ," explained Dr. Michael Nelson, study author and senior lecturer in nutrition at King's College, London, UK."

ISSA: Desire to feel better overwhelms self-control: 22 januari

"Anyone who's ever eaten a tub of ice cream or a whole bag of chips after breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend probably will not be surprised by a new study."

Svensk artikel Folkbladet: Det är inte lätt att hålla stangen stången: 3 juni 2000

"Förutom traditionella moment som bland annat handgranatkastning, sjukvård, avståndsbedömning och luftgevärsskytte, så fick tävlingsdeltagarna också visa sina muskler i stangstörtning, som är en gotländsk och uråldrig tävlingsgren."

Svensk artikel Motala & Vadstena Tidning: Riitta siktar på medalj i VM: 18 maj 2000

"Hon har bara tävlat i ett drygt år men är redan bäst i landet. I rekordfart har styrkelyftstjejen Riitta Liimatainen etablerat sig i eliten, och nu siktar hon mot VM-medalj i Argentina om en vecka."

Svensk artikel Motala & Vadstena Tidning: Riitta lyfte hem EM-silver: 29 november 1999

"Det har handlat om en kometkarriär. Ännu har hon inte tävlat i ett år. Men det har sedan början i januari gått raskt undan för Motalas styrkelyftande Riitta Liimatainen. Först blev det SM-guld, sedan NM-guld och i helgen EM-silver."

Svensk artikel Motala & Vadstena Tidning: Lyfter tyngder i elitklass: 26 januari 1999

"Att redan i sin första tävling ta en klar seger, och dessutom på en notering som räckt till SM-guld med bred marginal, torde knappast höra till vanligheterna precis. Med det var precis vad Motalatjejen Riitta Liimatainen lyckades med i helgen."

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Hälsostudion i Karlstad

Måndag 29 januari

Ascribe: Sports Injury Rates Rising Among Baby Boomers, Yale Physician Reports: 26 januari

"While many baby boomers - people between the ages of 37 and 55 - are exercising more, many end up in hospital emergency rooms suffering from sports related injuries, according to Yale orthopaedic surgeon, Robert A. Stanton, M.D., who wants to raise awareness about this growing problem and offer preventative strategies."

MSNBC: Olympic movement seeks to head off misuse of gene therapy: 26 januari

"In today’s high-tech world of doping, the drug cheaters usually are a step ahead of the drug testers. This time, the testers are determined to seize the upper hand."

BBC News: Clever clothing keeps you cool: 26 januari

"Australian scientists have invented some clothes that will always be cool no matter what the fashions dictate."

BBC News: Yellow rice gives dietary boost: 14 januari

"Researchers have genetically engineered a more nutritious type of rice which could help alleviate the serious problem of vitamin A deficiency."

The Globe and Mail: Must men fight? Probably: 27 januari

"Hockey violence and barroom brawls may be an essential part of being male, according to two studies on why males fight that were published this week in scientific journals.

The papers in Nature looked strictly at male behaviour in freshwater fish and fig wasps. But the findings may shed light on the biological roots of machismo, and seem to provide evolutionary insight into bench-clearing brawls or bar fights over women."

St Petersburg Times: With friends like this...: 28 januari

Survivor är den amerikanska varianten på Expedition Robinson.

"Chosen from a field of 49,000 applicants, this year's Survivor crew already is being touted as a leaner, meaner, savvier bunch than their predecessors (who were culled from 6,000 hopefuls in 1999).

Alicia Calaway, 32, a personal trainer with two degrees in applied science from the Fashion Institute of Technology. She won the 1994 Ms. Connecticut Amateur Natural Bodybuilding Competition."

News of the World: Chyna - No Submission:

"Eventually it was body-building that saved her. “I guess I’m a pin-up for bulimics, living proof that you can beat it,” she smiled."

EurekAlert: A little chocolate for a healthy heart: 26 januari

"Good news for chocolate lovers - these flavonoids may help protect arteries and prevent heart disease. And if you like dark chocolate, the news is even better. The darker the chocolate, the higher it’s likely to be in flavonoids."

Yahoo! News: Children Burn More Calories After Low-Fat Meal: 26 januari

"As health experts continue to debate the best way to lose weight, a new study weighs in on the side of a low-fat diet."

Nando Times: Across the world, more and more people out of shape, experts say: 28 januari

"Plentiful food and easy-living technology are rapidly leaving the human race fat and out of shape, experts say."

ABC News: New Accutane Warnings: 26 januari

"People who take the popular acne medication Accutane now must sign a document stating they know they may experience depression and even suicidal thoughts as a result of their treatment."

Guinness Worlds Records:

The great weight goalie:
"William Henry “Fatty” Foulke clearly enjoyed sport – in its broadest sense! The ample athlete played soccer for three British clubs, and he played cricket for Derbyshire County, earning a reputation along the way as a champion drinker, brawler, and glutton. By the end of his playing career with Bradford City, “Little Willie” tipped the scales at a terrifying 165 kg. (363 lbs.)."

Climbing the height of Everest on a machine:
"The fastest time to climb the height of Everest - 8,848 m. (29,028 ft.)- on a 'versaclimber' exercise machine by a team of eight is 2 hr. 24 min. 21 sec. by members of the 29th Recruits Course of East Sussex Fire Brigade."

Furthest distance on a pogo stick:
"Ashrita Furman (nee Keith) was born on September 16, 1954, in Brooklyn, New York, USA. As an adolescent, Ashrita confesses he was a geek and lacked direction until he found Sri Chinmoy. In 1974, by now a devout follower, he adopted the name Ashrita, which means "protected by God" in Sanskrit."

Strangest diet:
Michel Lotito (b. June 15, 1950), from Grenoble, France, has been eating metal and glass since 1959. Gastroenterologists described his ability to consume 900 g. (2 lb.) of metal per day as unique.

Best display of mind control:
Master Dominick Giacobbe, from New Jersey, USA, put two motorcycle spokes through each forearm, and suspended two 4.53 kg. (10 lb.) buckets of water from each spoke while he clenched a 27.21 kg. (60 lb.) barbell between his teeth.

Heaviest video model:
The heaviest video model is Gina Gershwin-Varney, of Tuscon, Arizona, USA, who, in 1997, displayed her 372 kg. (821 lb.) frame in the specialist videos shot by her husband.

Smallest waist on a living person:
Cathie Jung, of Old Mystic, Connecticut, USA, has a waist measuring 38.1 cm. (15 in.) and is 1.7 m. (5 ft. 8 in.) tall.

Heaviest woman:
Rosalie Bradford (b. August 27, 1943, USA) registered a peak weight of 544 kg. (1,199 lb.) in January, 1987.

Heaviest man:
The heaviest person in history was Jon Brower Minnoch, who had suffered from obesity since childhood. He was 1 m. 85 cm. (6ft 8 in.) tall, and weighed 442 kg. (974.44 lb.), in September 1976.

Netrition: Dietary Stress May Compromise Bones: 26 januari

"People who mentally wrestle about what and how much to eat produce elevated amounts of the hormone cortisol, a biomarker of stress, a new study finds."

Netrition: How Many Vitamins?: 27 januari

"A sample of recommended dietary allowances for certain vitamins and minerals, and upper limits for those deemed harmful at high doses, from the Institute of Medicine."

St Petersburg Times: Sheriff suspends fitness testing for his deputies: 27 januari

"In one of his first official acts as Pasco County's top cop, Sheriff Bob White has suspended a physical fitness test for deputies."

FOX News: Jolie Turns to the Bedroom to Get Fit: 27 januari

"The Oscar-winning actress turned to the bedroom when she needed to tone up to play action hero Lara Croft in the all-action blockbuster."

IMDB: Angelina Jolie Says Sex Is The Best Work-Out: 26 janauri

Actress Angelina Jolie has ditched the gym for a more traditional way of keeping fit - passionate sex with her husband, Billy Bob Thornton. In an interview with Britain's NOW magazine, Jolie admits she was not in the best shape before shooting the action movie Tomb Raider (2001), but toned her body in bed rather than on the treadmill.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: HALLÅ DÄR... Heléne Ekblom: 20 januari

"...Heléne Ekblom, före detta Wikers, mest känd som Gladiatorn Etna. Ikväll börjar TV4 sända Gladiatorerna som spelades in i Kupolen i november. Du har bytt efternamn och flyttat från Dalarna..."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Kommunen säger nej till krav från Gladiatorer: 25 januari

"Gladiatorernas hotellrum och hyran av Kupolen tänker Borlänge kommun inte betala. - Det kan vi helt utesluta, säger kommundirektören Lars Ivarsson efter den kritik som produktionsbolaget MTV framförde i gårdagens tidning."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Gladiatorer vill inte hit: 24 januari

"Även om det skulle finnas möjligheter att spela in ytterligare en omgång av Gladiatorerna i Kupolen är MTV skeptiska till att återvända till Borlänge. - Vi har inte fått någon support från kommunen, säger produktionschefen Johan Westman. Han anser att Borlänge kommun borde ha ställt upp lika mycket som till exempel Skellefteå och Östersund gjorde i samband med tv-programmet Stadskampen."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Pantertanter på gymet: 27 januari

"Myten att det bara är muskelknuttar som går på gym är på väg att spräckas i Ludvika. På hälsostudion Må bättre styrketränar pensionärer tillsammans med instruktören Micke Blixt. Efter ett program anpassat efter deras förmåga är de på väg mot sina individuella mål."

Schwarzenegger 2002:

"Schwarzenegger 2002 encourages the candidacy of Arnold Schwarzenegger for Governor of California."

David Letterman's Top Ten Ways... The Country Would Be Different If Arnold Schwarzenegger Were President:

10. State of Maryland converted to weight room
9. Social Security benefits tied to how much you can squat
8. He'd be the first Austrian weight-lifting President since Jimmy Carter
7. On Easter, children search White House lawn for invisible alien predators
6. White House intern would have to deal with this (footage of Arnold feeding a woman carrots from an old film)
5. Eagle on Presidential seal would be a lot more "ripped"
4. President throws out first ball; catcher sustains season-ending injury
3. President blows up Congress, then mutters "Veto, you bastards"
2. Saddam Hussein appears on TV with busted lip to announce full compliance with U.N.
1. Goodbye Arbor Day, hello Bicep Day

BBC News: Arnie upheld on 'early death' case: 26 januari

"The Berlin High Court has upheld actor Arnold Schwarzenegger's legal victory over a German doctor who suggested that the actor could die prematurely."

Inside China: Chinese Pumping Iron and Working out As Fitness Craze Gathers Pace: 28 januari

"Bull Yao is a footsoldier in China's new craze for pumping iron and feeling the burn - the 27-year-old fitness instructor even sleeps in the gym.

"I work in Gold's gym all day, and at night I sleep in a neighborhood gym I've opened with my friends, because my parents' house is too far out of town," he said."

Svensk artikel DN: Lita inte blint på vågen: 29 januari

"En personvåg är snarare en viktindikator än våg. Den slutsatsen drar DN Konsument efter ett test av sju mekaniska och sju digitala personvågar. Alla utom en visade fel vid något vägningsprov. Och vågen i badrummet är en risk - inte någon har garanti för fuktskador."

Svensk artikel DN: Gym Form Plus - Elchock utan mätbar verkan: 29 januari

"Elchocker i tv-soffan är en av de senaste "genvägarna" till slankare kropp. För 1 000 kronor skulle en magisk låda få bukt med mina bilringar - trodde jag."

Svensk artikel DN: Bra vibrationer?: 29 januari

"Iso-Matebältet har ett plastspänne som vibrerar och surrar om man inte drar in magen. "Få plattare mage" lyder rubriken. "Utan diet. Utan motion". Dessutom kan man säga "adjö till de där extra kilona"."

American Family Physician: Management of Ankle Sprains: 1 januari

"Without adequate care, acute ankle trauma can result in chronic joint instability. Use of a standardized protocol enhances the management of ankle sprains. In patients with grades I or II sprains, emphasis should be placed on accurate diagnosis, early use of RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation), maintenance of range of motion and use of an ankle support."

US News: How McNuggets changed the world: 22 januari

"Fed up with carhops, broken glassware, and rowdy teenage customers, Richard and Maurice McDonald opened McDonald's restaurant in 1948 at the site of their former San Bernardino drive-in."

Outside Online: Balancing Acts: Januari

"Don't be put off by the funny equipment—functional training builds real-world skills in the gym."

U.S. Food and Drug Administration: A New Kind of Fish Story: The Coming of Biotech Animals: Januari

"Potatoes with built-in insecticide. Rice with extra vitamin A. Decaf coffee beans fresh off the tree. Just when Americans have begun to digest the idea of custom-built crops, along comes another major advance in biotechnology that could make an even bigger splash onto the dinner plate: genetically engineered fish."

Kiplinger's Personal Finance: Save Money on Gym Memberships: Januari

"Paying your dues: Negotiating a fitness membership may be a workout, but you can save a ton."

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: Ikke skremt av kreftalarm: 27 januari

"Finn Chr. Jagge vet foreløpig for lite om undersøkelsen til det franske næringsmiddeltilsynet (AFSSA) til at han ligger våken om nettene:

- Alt er farlig nå om dagen. Dette gidder jeg ikke å bruke krefter på, sier han."

OptiMale - Achieving Optimum Health:

"Optimale is a medical program, dedicated exclusively to the assessment and treatment of male hormone health."

tvforbc.com: Ex-ESPN 'Body Shaping' Star Talks Sports And Media: 29 maj 2000

"This American Indian and Japanese beauty was an inspiration to millions as host of the ESPN's "Body Shaping," and "Muscle Magazine." And now, as the popular (and only female) sports reporter for KCBS-TV Los Angeles' Sports Central Team, she's on the fast track to a successful broadcasting career."

Leo Robert - Mr Universe

Linear Software:

"Body Tracker: Software that calculates and records body fat percentages, body composition, records measurements, and displays pictures as you lose body fat."

The Supplement Research Foundation:

"The Supplement Research Foundation provides research information pertaining to supplements and acts as a resource for individuals seeking complete and detailed information. We want to raise the standards for the supplement industry and give consumers all the information they need to make an educated decision."


"Offering more than 1500 clipart of exercises on CD-ROM to enhance any visual presentation or training program. Approved by the National Strength and Condittioning Association (NSCA)."

Champion Nutrition - Download The Champion Nutrition Meal Builder Software:

"Get the latest in pre-competition diets! The Champion Nutrition Meal Builder Software. An easy to use and fun way to take the guesswork, and expensive consultants out of pre-competition dieting. Available for download by Feb. 15th."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Inga fler inspelningar av Gladiatorerna i Kupolen: 10 januari

"Svensk Händelse/Arena Kupolen AB lägger ner verksamheten i Kupolen för gott. Alla inventarier ska säljas. I helgen kommer annonserna. Någon ersättningslokal för en ny inspelning av Gladiatorerna har Svensk Händelse inte ännu. Men Hallstahammar eller Norge diskuteras som alternativ."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Anna gladiator i TV: 9 januari

"Anna Richaud från Stora Skedvi är med i årets Gladiatorer. Hon dyker troligen upp redan i premiärprogrammet som sänds den 19 januari. Redan påföljande dag åker hon till Kanada för att spela med i det svenska tjejlandslaget i ishockey. Sammanlagt ska hon spela fem landskamper som går i Calgary."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Borlänge bäst på Gladiatorerna: 4 december 2000

"De anlände som välsvarvade muskelberg i läcker guld- och silverförpackning för att visa sin styrka. Nu har gladiatorerna dragit vidare och hur de lyckades återstår att se."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Avesta-tjej med TV-succéer: 1 december 2000

"Bakom TV-succén Gladiatorerna hittar vi Avesta-tjejen Åsa Sjöberg. En 36-årig tvåbarnsmamma som vet hur man skapar TV-underhållning. - Jag kände att Gladiatorerna var en hit när jag såg den engelska förlagan, berättar Åsa Sjöberg. Hon har tillbringat en tid i Kupolen i Borlänge. Där har Gladiatorerna spelats in för sändning en bit in på nästa år."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Bröt benet efter krock med gladiator: 20 november 2000

"Dag Olsson har har stått i hetluften många gånger. Vid inspelningarna av Gladiatorerna på Kupolen står den tuffe domarbasen på kryckor efter en våldsam kollision med 100 kilo Hero och 90 kilo utmanare."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Anna utmanar gladiatorer: 18 november 2000

"Här är Anna Richaud, 27, från Säter. Landslagsspelare i hockey som utmanar gladiatorer i Kupolen i Borlänge. Vi såg henne i aktion i tisdags. Så småningom får hela Sverige se Anna fightas i TV."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Gladiatorernas intåg: 13 november 2000

"Igår började åter inspelningarna av Gladiatorerna i Kupolen. Det var inte fullsatt i publiken, men runt 1 300 hade sökt sig dit från hela landet. Programmen kommer att sändas i TV4:s Superfredag med start den 19 januari."

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Kändisar gjorde gästspel hos gladiatorer i Kupolen: 24 november 2000

"Kändisarna får vi se i aktion i TV-rutan före finalpasset."

IronMan Magazine: Hot News: 24 januari

Lee Priest Forced to Retire?
Has pro superstar Lee Priest come to the end of his career at the tender age of 28? That’s what doctors at Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center suggested after Priest was rushed there just before midnight on Thursday, January 18.

Women's Sports Channel: Bella Tolls For Gymnastics: Januari

"Bela Karolyi, the greatest coach in the history of women's gymnastics, is a man who knows all about adversity. He got his start by throwing some mats on the floor and teaching kids to tumble in Transylvania, in his native Rumania. Before long, his country put him in charge of the national program, and he delivered big-time at the 1976 Olympic Summer Games in Montreal, Quebec, Canada."

Women's Sports Channel: The Truth in Black-and-Blue:

"Having to justify my participation in Muay Thai kickboxing has become a full-time job - one I did not apply for, but must accept nonetheless. I've come to the conclusion that the world is not quite ready to see women as physically strong entities. Fashion models rarely sport an athletic build, or the media is predisposed to portray female athletes as sexualized objects or lesbian brutes.

Other female kickboxers I spoke to also struggle to make people understand that kickboxing is a contact sport. It's not until people see my bruises that they begin to understand that kickboxing is not Tae-Bo, the made-for-video work out."

Norsk artikel Helse og Rehabilitering:

"Helse og Rehabilitering er en stiftelse bestående av 21 landsomfattende helse- og rehabiliteringsorganisasjoner, som har konsesjon til å drive tv-spillet Extra."

Bullworker Home Gym - $99.95 Plus Shipping & Handling:

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: - Lägg ner ”Gladiatorerna”: 27 januari

"Under fredagens avsnitt av "Gladiatorerna" skadades tre deltagare svårt. I går avslöjade Aftonbladet att var tredje 3-10-åring såg premiäravsnittet förra veckan. Granskningsnämnden för radio och tv överväger nu att se över programmet."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: ”Barockt att barn ska se det här”: 27 januari

"Monika Fahrman tror också att barnen kan påverkas av deltagarnas muskulösa utseende. - När man är i den här åldern arbetar man mycket på att finna sin egen identitet. Då betyder kroppen väldigt mycket, och man försöker efterlikna de kroppsliga bitarna hos personer. Genom att titta på sådana här program får barn fel ideal redan från början."

FLEX Online: The Phony French Creatine Scare:

"News Reports of Creatine’s Evils Are Sensationalized Fiction."

Inexplicably, the French health authorities implicated supplemental creatine as having the same harmful effects that carcinogenic substances found in charred meat are suspected of having! That’s the only support the AFSSA offers for its cancer-creatine claims. That leaves the French report with zero real data even remotely suggestions that that supplemental creatine has any cancer-causing or cancer-promoting properties.

That’s it. This extremely weak evidence is what gave birth to the screaming headlines suggesting that creatine may cause cancer. The result was needless hysteria, fear and confusion among the many athletes who use supplemental creatine.

Eugen Sandow:

"Victorian Strongman, Showman, Businessman & Pioneer of Physical & Health Education. This website is devoted to Eugen Sandow and contains reproductions of books and magazine articles by and about him - together with a large collection of photographs."

GSSI: The Gatorade Sports Science Institute:

"The Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) is excited to announce a newly redesigned website illustrating the new GSSI logo. With these changes, the GSSI emphasizes its history of commitment to scientific research since its establishment by The Gatorade Company in 1988."

The Straight Dope: Traditionally Eskimos ate only meat and fish. Why didn't they get scurvy?: 19 januari

USA Today: Instant replay gets 'Matrix'-like view of key plays: 24 januari

"In the fall of 1999, two CBS engineers were given a mission: develop new technology for the 2001 Super Bowl that will pop the eyeballs of viewers.

Från Robotwisdom: New 'virtualised reality' tech to debut at Super Bowl (ScienceDaily) [more] [1.5Mb mpg]"

Edible Insects - A site totally devoted to the raising and eating of insects:

  • Many species of insects are lower in fat, higher in protein, and have a better feed to meat ratio than beef, lamb, pork, or chicken.
  • 100 grams of cricket contains: 121 calories, 12.9 grams of protein, 5.5 g. of fat, 5.1 g. of carbohydrates, 75.8 mg. calcium, 185.3 mg. of phosphorous, 9.5 mg. of iron, 0.36 mg. of thiamin, 1.09 mg. of riboflavin, and 3.10 mg. of niacin.
  • Compare this with ground beef, which, although it contains more protein (23.5 g.), also has 288.2 calories and a whopping 21.2 grams of fat!

AllProTraining: Train With The Pros: Januari

The world's top strength and conditioning coaches from the NFL, NHL, NBA, WNBA, and MLB have come together to offer training and nutritional programs just for you. Get the Knowledge, Get the Edge. Get the Ultimate in Training.

  • Plyometrics - The Bridge Between Strength and Speed
  • Developing Leg Strength and Foot Speed with Minimal Equipment
  • Preventing Hamstring Injury
  • Static Stretching Guidelines to Increase Suppleness and Minimize Injury
  • Dr. Di Pasquale discusses Maximizing Energy Systems
  • Skeletal Muscle Catabolism
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Inosine
  • Ribose

University of Washington Online Muscle Atlas

BBC News: Skipped meals health risk: 3 januari

"Many people skip meals because the frantic pace of modern life means they are too busy to eat, a survey has found. Experts warn that this could put people's health at risk."

TheArnoldFan: Mysterious Schwarzenegger tribute band launches their web site and posts MP3's!: 21 januari

"With today's launch of ArnoCorps.com, we can see that this insane punk rock group truly exists. Apparently originating from Graz, Austria, ArnoCorps sings of a phenomenon that they call 'Arno', which seems to be a synonym the greatness that is Arnold. Adorned in Commando-like uniforms, they perform songs with titles like "Running Man", "Predator", and "True Lies"."

Nutricise: The Weight Gain Blues: How To Pack On the Pounds Healthfully: 23 januari

Sound like a strange question and a foreign idea? For those of us who struggle to pack the pounds on our "too skinny" bodies, gaining weight can be as big a struggle as trying to lose it.

Feelings of self-consciousness drive many weight-gainers to supplement their diets with futuristic-sounding products like Creatine or Twin Lab’s Weight Gain 2000. Still, they are often unable to gain the desired pounds.

Health Surfing: Millennial Food Trends: Healthier, faster, more flavorful meals: 26 januari

"Each year, the food industry develops and releases new foods and ingredients. Some of them are big hits; some of them die on the vine. Organic produce, herbs, and a product popular in Europe called Quorn represent some of this year's food trends. Ethnic cuisine from Latin America and Asia is also increasingly capturing space on North American store shelves - and stomachs."

Britannica: Sports Illustrated: The Muscle Murders: 18 maj 1998

"When Bertil Fox, a former Mr. Universe, was arrested for double homicide last year, he became only the latest accused murderer among hard-core bodybuilders, whose subculture is a volatile mix of fragile egos, economic hardship and anabolic steroid abuse."

Britannica: Entertainment Weekly: The Odd Couple: 23 april 1999

"She was the media-savvy coanchor of the CBS Morning News and part of America's most prominent Democratic dynasty. He was the muscle-bound Austrian-born star of The Terminator, and a staunch Republican. Yet on April 26, 1986, Maria Shriver, 30, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, 38, were wed in a lavish ceremony that attracted celebrities - and paparazzi - from all over the world."

AlphaGalileo: Moving away from dyslexia: 24 januari

"People suffering from dyslexia can be helped by changing the way they move and exercise."

New Scientist: Read my mind:

Schysst, fler sådana träningspartners tack!

"Imagine you had cells in your brain that could read other people's minds. Well, you do. And they could be the key to human language, empathy, even society, says Alison Motluk."

Britannica: Charles Atlas:

"Original name ANGELO SICILIANO, Italian-born American bodybuilder and physical culturist who, with Charles P. Roman, created and marketed a highly popular mail-order bodybuilding course."

Charles Atlas - The Worlds Most Perfectly Developed Man

Britannica: Sports Illustrated: Over The Edge: 14 april 1997

"A scenario, from a 1995 poll of 198 sprinters, swimmers, powerlifters and other assorted athletes, most of them U.S. Olympians or aspiring Olympians: You are offered a banned performance-enhancing substance, with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2) You will win. Would you take the substance?

One hundred and ninety-five athletes said yes; three said no."

JunkScience: American Heart Association Paradox: 26 januari

"The American Heart Association urged this week that “health care professionals downplay the popular but unproven supposition that drinking red wine can help ward off heart attacks.”

But “unproven suppositions” don’t stop the AHA from helping to promote other foods and beverages as “heart healthy.” Some “unproven suppositions,” as it turns out, are more lucrative and politically correct than others..."

IHT: Chilling New World: Sports and Genetics: 26 januari

"How Far Away Are Engineered Stars?"

Wired: Sports Threat: Gene Transferring: 25 januari

"In today's high-tech world of doping, the drug cheaters usually are a step ahead of the drug testers. This time, the testers are determined to seize the upper hand.

World doping experts and Olympic officials are joining forces with the scientific community to stay ahead in what many believe will be the next frontier in performance-enhancing genetic manipulation."

New Scientist: Body odour: 24 januari

"Your genes help determine which perfume you prefer, according to new research."

vavo: Age is Genetic: 25 januari

"The best way of ensuring that you live to celebrate your 100th birthday is to choose at least one parent who has already done it. That’s the conclusion from a new study conducted by Dr. Nir Y. Barzilai, Associate Professor of Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York."

WebMD: Pumping Iron Benefits Older Exercisers: 25 januari

"Weight gain in older people is often attributed to a "slower" metabolism. But new research shows that it isn't fluctuations in hormones that are responsible for that.

Rather, it is a loss of muscle cells over the years that burn calories at a high rate. These cells make up what is known as lean body mass. The conclusion reached by investigators from the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center at Boston's Tufts University can be boiled down to this: Lifting weights can prevent weight gain."

Svensk artikel World Class: World Class satsar på interaktiv Internetbokning: 21 december

"En väsentlig del av vårens IT-satsning som omfattar allt från nya kundadministrationssystem, hemsidor för samtliga våra svenska träningsanläggningar är ett nytt interaktivt Internetbaserat bokningssystem. Med det får våra kunder bästa möjliga service i form av ständigt aktuell information om våra träningspass och utökad tillgänglighet till våra bokningstjänster."

Fortune.com: The Mayo Clinic Doctor: Waist Not, Want Not: 5 februari

"Rather than thinking, "I'm going to lose 75 pounds," think, "I'm going to walk 20 minutes per day, three times per week."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Glukosamin gynnsamt för knäpatienter: 26 januari

"Glukosaminsulfat motverkade försämringen hos patienter med inflammation i knäleden, osteoartrit, enligt en belgisk studie som presenteras i morgondagens utgåva av den medicinska tidskriften the Lancet."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Läkemedelsverket vill stoppa glukosamin: 26 januari

"I december begärde Läkemedelsverket att försäljningen av glukosaminer stoppas. Skälet är att sådana produkter som marknadsförs med medicinska argument måste godkännas som läkemedel."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Ont om tid för träning?: 

"17 enkla övningar att göra hemma. "Det är sunt att träna för att leva, men det är osunt att leva för att träna."

Fulblown.com - The Official Band Site:

Kevin Levrone on stage... Fulblown single now available on Napster

"To check out Fulblown's mindblowing new single 'Dospidonia,' just log on to Napster and download the software to hook up your computer to the world's largest free music library. Download the single and play it for your friends. Burn it to a CD and take it to your gym - tell the gym owner it's Kevin's new single and that if he doesn't play it, you will layeth the smack down on them."

Kevin Levrone - House of Levrone:

Kevin Levrone's Ten New Year's Resolutions

  1. Make a difference in children's lives through charitable causes.
  2. Win the Mr. Olympia.
  3. Complete and release Fulblown 'Infidelis' CD for mass consumption.
  4. Land a minor role in a major motion picture.
  5. Play a concert in New York City.
  6. Travel to places I've never been.
  7. Tell those I love that I love them.
  8. Beat my manager at billiards at least one time.
  9. Make time for every fan at every show/seminar/contest.
  10. Stay in near-contest condition year-round.

Svensk artikel Bröderna Bronett: En upplyftande berättelse: 19 januari

"Susanne "Tussen" Formgren, är innehavare av 15 SM och ett VM- guld i styrkelyft: Tussen bor i Ockelbo, är till yrket optikerassistent. "Fast man måste ha en hobby också!", tycker Tussen och för säkerhets skull skaffade hon sig två! Att lyfta skrot och att lyfta kändisar!"

NetDoktor: Diet drug compensation: 26 januari

"The US pharmaceutical group, American Home Products (AHP), has reserved a further $7.5 bilion (£5.14 billion) for expected compensation claims from Americans who took one of their diet drug cocktails."

Svensk artikel GP: Frankrike förbjuder preparatet som används av många elitidrottare: 26 januari

Rödvinspimplande fransmän - bah!

"Kreatin kan orsaka cancer och andra svåra problem, varnar det franska läkemedelsverket. Därför har all försäljning av det, bland idrottsutövare, populära hälsokostpreparatet förbjudits i landet."

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