B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 02 2001
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Monica Garbeklint

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Födelsedagar vecka 02

• 11/1 Tony Pearson (43)
• 12/1 Ray Stern (67)
• 13/1 Petra Anegrund
• 14/1 Craig Titus (33)
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Dagens Artiklar : Webbplatser

På helger så kommer alla poster att klumpas ihop. There is less action on the weekends. Besökarantalet på B&K:s hemsida och webbloggen under fre-sön faller till hälften jämfört med mån-ons. Är det för att så många sitter på jobbet och nöjessurfar månntro?


IronMag: IronMag Issue #5: 13 januari

From The Editorial Staff: Wassup with dis, Biotest?:
"At Ironmag we have a policy of keeping our noses out of the supplement industry. This happened after one of our former writers wrote a very popular, yet revealing piece on supplement scammers, and in turn received several threatening emails from Biotest. Our former writer has a tremendous amount of respect for Testosterone and Biotest and implored the editorial staff to edit the article and repost it. We did, but only on his advice. Yes, it was a great article. Since then we usually maintain our distance, because really, we have no money tied up in supplements and we could care less who does what.

There is a time though to say enough is enough.

It's time for bodybuilders on the Internet to stand up to Biotest and Testosterone Magazine and say grow the f**k up! Stop the bickering, stop the lies and quit acting like a spoiled brat who just got a pellet gun for Christmas.

When you think about it guys, Biotest is a small fry in the supplement industry. Yes, they like to make you think they've got the biggest balls, but really, they're a bunch of scared middle-aged men whose glory days are behind them and are just looking to make a buck for retirement."

Learning The Olympic Lifts Part 3: The competition lifts and main assistance exercises:
"Olympic lifting (also known as weightlifting - in a single word) is so named because it is the lifting sport represented in the Olympic games. In North America it is probably the lesser known of all the activities involving lifting weights.

When the average Joe (and even athletes alike) thinks of weightlifting they think either of powerlifting, strongmen competitions or bodybuilding (not to say Richard Simmons and those pink weights!). This is quite the opposite of several European and Asian countries where Olympic lifting is the number one lifting sport."

The Dead Pool 2001:
"This Dead Pool takes a look at some Internet writers and other personalities whose time just might be up!"

Svensk artikel Riksidrottsförbundet: Vad gäller för idrott som vill bli medlem i RF?: 7 december 2000

"Den 18-20 maj hålls RF-stämman i Gävle. Då ska det bland annat bestämmas om någon ny idrott ska bli medlem i RF. Men för att överhuvudtaget kunna ansöka om medlemsskap krävs att vissa fastlagda kriterier är uppfyllda."

USDA: New nutrition.gov website provides diet, nutrition information: 11 januari

"Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman today unveiled a new website, www.nutrition.gov, that provides easy access to federal government information on nutrition."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Drömmen om ett sexpack: 14 januari

"Den senaste tidens träningshysteri bland tjejer har nu även drabbat killarna. Nya rön visar att träning kan leda till missbruk. I en nyutgiven bok beskrivs den manliga kroppsfixeringen – adoniskomplexet."

PubMed: Strength training. Single versus multiple sets: Augusti 1998

"Perhaps the most controversial element of any strength training programme is the number of sets required to increase muscular strength and hypertrophy. There is a prevalent belief that at least 3 sets of each exercise are required to elicit optimal increases in strength and hypertrophy.

However, there is little scientific evidence, and no theoretical physiological basis, to suggest that a greater volume of exercise elicits greater increases in strength or hypertrophy. This information may represent an important practical application of time-efficient, low-volume exercise."

PubMed: Single versus multiple sets in long-term recreational weightlifters: Januari 2000

"Both groups significantly improved muscular fitness and body composition as a result of the 13 wk of training. The results show that one-set programs are still effective even after a year of training and that increasing training volume over 13 wk does not lead to significantly greater improvements in fitness for adult recreational weight lifters."

The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: Comparison of 1 Day and 3 Days Per Week of Equal-Volume Resistance Training in Experienced Subjects:

"The findings suggest that a higher frequency of resistance training, even when volume is held constant, produces superior gains in 1RM. However, training only 1 day per week was an effective means of increasing strength, even in experienced recreational weight trainers.

From a dose-response perspective, with the total volume of exercise held constant, spreading the training frequency to 3 doses per week produced superior results."

ENN: Scientists examine diets of pigs: 8 januari

"Pigs gobbling potato chips could result in better-tasting pork chops and sows savoring yogurt could lead to a reduction of salmonella in pork."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Kalle har styrketränat sen han var 15: 14 januari

"Kalle Lundgren, 20, jobbar som personlig tränare på nJoy i centrala Stockholm. När han var 15 år gammal började han styrketräna på allvar: – Jag tränar för att bli snygg."

Svensk artikel SVD: Genen gör att julskinkan krymper: 14 januari

"Ny svensk forskning visar att majoriteten av slaktsvinen bär på en gen som gör att glykogen lagras i grisens muskler och skinkan krymper vid tillagning."

BBC News: Hair health test 'worthless': 2 januari

"Experts have dismissed health tests on hair widely used in the US as "unreliable" and "worthless"."

Svensk artikel SVD: Plåtmagen vet vad vi mår bra av: 14 januari

"Den konstgjorda magen Tim kan tala om vad som händer i magen när vi äter olika livsmedel. Den används för att studera vilka livsmedel vi bäst kan tillgodogöra oss och hur olika mediciner tas upp av kroppen."

Mayoclinic: Study probes athletes' use of strength-training supplement: 18 december 2000

"Younger athletes who use creatine usually get information about the strength-training supplement from friends and don't know or don't adhere to recommended doses.

These are the findings of a study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, an internationally distributed, peer-reviewed medical journal."

Penn State University: Food Restriction Linked To Lower Self Esteem Among Overweight 5-yr-old Girls: 8 januari

"A Penn State study has found that parents’ degree of concern about their daughter’s weight and their adoption of restrictions on certain foods were associated with lower self esteem among overweight girls as young as 5 years of age."

Nutrition.org: The Journal of Nutrition: January 2001, Volume 131 Number 1

Metabolic Evidence for Adaptation to a High Protein Diet in Rats:
"This study provides confirmation that specific biochemical and molecular adaptive processes of the splanchnic area are involved in the response to variations in the protein content of the diet."

High Glycemic Index Starch Promotes Hypersecretion of Insulin and Higher Body Fat in Rats without Affecting Insulin Sensitivity:
"The findings suggest that hypersecretion of insulin without IR may be one mechanism for increased fat deposition in rats fed high GI diets."

Skip La Cour: Are You REALLY Working Hard Enough To Meet Your Bodybuilding Goals?: 13 januari

"Find Out By Getting Skip La Cour's "Working Hard" Exercise in his INSTANT BOOK! Format ABSOLUTELY FREE!"

The Telegraph: Rower dies after collapsing in gym: 12 januari

"A woman studying for the priesthood has collapsed and died while exercising in her university gym."

Clarence Bass: High Protein Oatmeal (Bill Pearl’s Champion’s Choice):

"The finest oatmeal (providing 40 grams complex carbohydrates, 4 grams fat (saturated .5 g) and 8 grams dietary fiber, fortified with a proprietary blend of four proteins (whey, soy, wheat and milk), which provides 25 grams of high-quality protein per serving

We generally don’t emphasize supplements, preferring to rely on smart training and a balanced diet of whole foods, but we think this product from our friends Bill and Judy Pearl has real value. Oatmeal fortified with protein makes sense, especially as a post-workout meal. It can also be prepared at home and taken to work as a delicious and nutritious lunch or mid-day snack."

ChickClick: Lazy Girl Fitness Guide:

"Are you an all-around athlete? A certified couch potato? No matter. Deep down, we're all a bunch of lazy daisies.

Laziness becomes the ultimate excuse. It can keep you from setting goals for getting in shape—much less achieving them."

Athletic Insight: The Relationship Between Athletics, Hispanics, and Aggression:

"This paper reviews the literature on the subject of aggression and the role of athletics among the Hispanic population. The concept of machismo has been associated with Hispanic males and implies that there is a greater likelihood of aggression among Hispanics than any other ethnic group of athletes. However, aggression is best predicted by SES, not ethnicity."

Sportscience: Anabolic steroids: side effects:

"Anabolic steroids (AS) are effective in enhancing athletic performance. The trade off, however, is the occurrence of adverse side effects which can jeopardize health. Since AS have effects on several organ systems, a myriad of side effects can be found."

Sports Illustrated: Unflagging: 14 augusti 2000

"Five-time gold medalist Jenny Thompson, 27, plans to undress her younger rivals in Sydney and become the most decorated U.S. woman Olympian ever." (Via SportsJones)

Sports Illustrated: Topless Thompson: empowering or enraging?: 16 augusti 2000

"Sports Illustrated senior writer Jack McCallum touches on a Hot Button issue each Monday on CNNSI.com. After you read Jack's take, give us yours. And see what other users had to say." (Via SportsJones)

Athletic Insight: Aggression Among Athletes: An Asian versus American Comparison:

" Using questionnaire data from Asia and the U.S., the author suggests that Asian athletes tend to be more perfectionistic, more work oriented, receive more family support, are more family oriented and tend to be less aggressive and less angry. Conversely, the American athlete appears to be more aggressive, less work-oriented, often complains more about practice, have looser family ties, and are less guilty about defeating opponents."

Sportscience: Aging and exercise:

"Exercise training cannot restore tissue that has already been destroyed, but it can protect the individual against a number of the chronic diseases of old age. More importantly, it maximizes residual function. In some instances, biological age is reduced by as much as 20 years. Life expectancy is increased, partial and total disability are delayed, and there are major gains in quality-adjusted life expectancy. Exercise is thus a very important component of healthy living for the senior citizen."

EndurePlus: Poverty makes preparation even harder: 18 augusti 2000

"Unlike other athletes preparing for the Olympic Games in Sydney, Vicente Chura has more to worry about than beating his personal best. The Peruvian long-distance runner wonders where his next meal is coming from and how much more pavement pounding his battered trainers can withstand."

EndurePlus: Energy Bars Dangerous?: 16 augusti 2000

"In 1996 alone, consumers spent more than $6.5 billion on dietary supplements, including vitamins and energy bars, according to Packaged Facts Inc., a market-research firm in New York City."

HealthCentral: Weight training injuries on the rise in US: 15 augusti 2000

"The number of Americans who want to look buff has grown by leaps and bounds--but the downside to the quest for fitness is that more and more people are getting injured, study findings suggest."

HealthScout: Protein may prevent fat formation, says study: 10 augusti 2000

"A protein called Wnt controls fat formation by reining in two factors found in the nucleus of immature fat cells, say researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Researchers believe that the findings, in today's issue of the journal Science, could in the future lead to ways to control weight."

MSNBC: Tapping the power of the placebo: 6 augusti 2000

"It looked like a medical miracle, and in a sense it was one. Before undergoing experimental brain surgery for her advanced Parkinson’s disease, the patient was so stiff she could barely take a step. A month or two later a TV news magazine filmed the same woman striding easily across the room. The miraculous part is that her operation was a sham."

Fitnesslink: Cheetah Speed: Free Weights or Machines?: 11 januari

"Stronger muscles move faster than weaker muscles. But should you hoist machine weights or free weights to improve your running and cycling speed?"

The New York Times: One-Armed Bandits and 2 Tired Legs: Burning Fat (and Cash) at the Casino: 7 januari

"Christened in November, Tropicana's 10 Pedal `N Play machines are a marked contrast to the casino's 3,700 other one-armed bandits, which encourage all manner of unhealthy behavior, with built-in ashtrays and drink holders, although some feature vibrating massage chairs.

Tropicana's vice president for slot operations, George Mancuso, calls the machines a trend-setting marriage of America's affairs with fitness and gambling. "People walk away feeling good about themselves," he said, "although they're happier when they win." (via SurfJones)

Svensk artikel Smittskyddsinstitutet: Influensarapport v 1: 

"Begynnande influensa aktivitet i Sverige. Spridda lokala utbrott i Europa. Influensa A dominerar och flertalet isolat liknar A/New Caledonia/H1N1 som ingår i det rekommenderade vaccinet.

Läs mer om influensa samt allmänt förebyggande åtgärder."

Shawn Ray: Basic Training & Bodybuilding Routine: 12 januari

"Whether your beginning to train for general fitness or start up a bodybuilding routine there are a few approaches that may be of help to your program. I am going to share a few tips that I follow when I begin my assault to remain one of the worlds best!"

peoplenews: Kate Winslet recruits celebrity trainer: 12 januari

"Matt Roberts, who trains a host of stars, including Sting and Spice Girl Mel C, is offering Winslet his specialist advice. He said: 'Her regime would have to include a variety of resistance-training exercises, with some sessions using heavy weights and some using light weights. She should do one session a week that's heavy-weighted, two that are lightweight and then in the aerobic training, if she wants to lose body fat, she needs some good interval training."

Danska artikel Danske Fysioterapeuter:

Effekten af passiv udspænding på forsinket muskelømhed og andre skadelige følger af excentrisk muskelarbejde:
"Det var derfor formålet med dette studie at undersøge, om passiv udspænding af m.quadriceps ville påvirke DOMS, maksimal muskelstyrke, plasma-CK koncentrationen og PCr/Pi ratioen signifikant."

Isokinetisk excentrisk muskelarbejde som model til at påføre og reproducere patofysiologiske forandringer i relation til muskelømhed:
"Det var derfor formålet med dette studie at undersøge, om et veldefineret excentrisk muskelarbejde, medførende DOMS, kan anvendes som model til at undersøge den fysiologiske effekt af fysioterapi til muskelskader."

En forklaring på ændring af fleksibiliteten i human skeletmuskulatur:
"Udspænding af muskler med henblik på at forøge bevægelighed anvendes ofte i forskellige behandlingsammenhænge og ved forskellige fritidsaktiviteter."

Danska artikel Krop & Fysik - fysioterapeuternes temablad:

"Et sundhedsmagasin med bl.a. ergonomi, øvelser, forebyggelse og behandling. Bladet er skrevet til den almindelige borger af fagpersoner og specialister."

Hjælp din skulder:
"Årsagen til skuldersmerterne er tit svær at finde, men ofte kan du med fordel mindske dit problem ved hjælp af nogle simple øvelser."

Et liv blandt skader:
"Jan Heintze er en mand, der nu burde lide af muskelproblemer og fibersprængninger på grund af det fænomen, vi kalder gammelmands-fibre, men han er stort set aldrig skadet, siger Eskild Bram Chrestensen. Han forklarer det ved, at Jan Heintzes muskelfibre har en struktur, som gør, at han åbenbart kan blive ved uden, at kroppen mærkes af det. En struktur, som mange talenter sikkert misunder Jan Heintze.

Mange unge og talentfulde spillere når slet ikke at komme på landsholdsniveau, fordi deres muskler ikke er egnede til det. De falder fra langt tidligere på grund af skader, og fordi klubberne helst ikke skriver kontrakter med spillere, som har hyppige muskelskader, siger Eskild Bram Chrestensen."

Danska artikel Kulturministeriet: Hvidbog: Doping i Danmark:

"Hvidbogen er udarbejdet af et udvalg, som kulturministeren nedsatte den 1. februar 1999 med henblik på at skabe en samlet indsigt i baggrunden for, omfanget af og konsekvenserne af dopingmisbruget inden for idræt i Danmark."

Danska artikel Team Danmark: Træneren skal forstå, hvad jeg vil - trænerrollen i forhold til børn og eliteidræt: Juni 1999

"Det gælder om at være god til noget og om at skabe sit liv: Det moderne menneske er i stor udstrækning selv i stand at skulle skabe og vælge sin tilværelse. Det gælder også for børn og især for idrætsbørn. Børnene er kompetente væsener, der er bevidste om, hvad der skal til for, at de kan blive dygtige i idrætten og herigennem skabe deres fremtidige livsprojekt. Og her er ikke mindst træneren vigtig."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Du är starkare än du tror: 10 januari

"OK. Genomsnitts-kvinnan är inte riktigt lika stark som genomsnittsmannen. Men vad betyder det, egentligen? I en befolkning som tränar allt mindre och blir allt fetare. Nä. Börja lyft, tjejer. Det har aldrig varit lättare att slå dem."

Upside Today: Weight loss big on the Web: 11 januari

"With thousands of Americans looking to make good on their New Year's resolutions to trim the fat (a common resolution for New Economy business too), eDiets.com should expect a healthy first quarter to follow."

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Fiskfettsyror och hjärnan: 12 januari

"När jag var liten fick jag ofta höra att man blir intelligent av att äta fisk. De senaste åren har det kommit en rad intressanta rapporter om omega 3-fettsyran dokosahexaensyrans (DHA; 22:6 omega-3) stora betydelse i hjärnan och näthinnan. I flera kommande artiklar kommer jag att skriva om det stöd som finns för detta."

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Inga feta danska soldater på internationella uppdrag: 11 januari

Ondskefulla? Lustig översättning från den danska orginalartikeln...

"Danska soldater ska i framtiden förbjudas att åka ut på internationella uppdrag om deras vikt överstiger en bestämd gräns, skriver morgontidningen Jyllands-Posten.

-Vi gör det för personens eget bästa och inte för att vara ondskefulla, säger stabsläkaren Erik Darré vid Försvarets Sundhetstjänst."

Google Web Directory: Ask an Expert on Medicine and Health

Fitnesslink: Aggressive Men Are Healthy Men: 11 januari

"A team of researchers at Penn State has released the results of a study, published in the August issue of Psychosomatic Medicine, which has concluded that men who are moderately aggressive have stronger immune systems than their passive counterparts. And, no, this conclusion is not related to testosterone."

Yahoo! Finance: Freelander to boost U.S. presence for Land Rover: 9 januari

Kommer det någonsin att finnas någon annan skådespelare som förknippas så intimt med muskler som Arnold? I think not. Arnold is an Icon.

"Ford Explorers are geared more toward on-road use whereas Land Rover has promoted the use of the Freelanders in rugged terrains and other off-road recreational purposes, said Rob Meyers, sales and marketing manager at Land Rover. As Dover put it, if consumers could think of the Land Rover as a person, then the person ought to be muscular actor Arnold Schwarzenegger."

Yahoo! Finance: Arnold Schwarzenegger to Be Honored at World Sports Awards on January 16th: 10 januari

"Film star Arnold Schwarzenegger will be receiving a special honor for his athletic accomplishments and his philanthropic work at the 2nd Annual World Sports Awards. The event will be held at the Royal Albert Hall in London on January 16. Schwarzenegger, who won his first Mr. Universe title at age 20, helped elevate the relatively unknown sport of bodybuilding to Olympic competition.

A thirteen-time world champion in bodybuilding, Schwarzenegger also devotes an enormous amount of his time to organizations such as Inner-City Games and Special Olympics, using athletics as a means to help others accomplish goals."

Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose: The Amazing Paranormal Weightlifting Claims of Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose:

"Spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy claims that in 1987, he lifted with one arm, in an overhead lift, an incredible weight of 7063.75 pounds (the official world record for a two-armed overhead lift is about 600 pounds).

This page provides a summary of the material that is on internet about his lifts, and it examines the views of Sri Chinmoy's supporters and those who are skeptical of the lifts."


Johan Oldenmark - föreläsare, tränare, gladiator

Tack för tipset, Sofia - Plexus Power Site!

The Sport Journal: Volume 4 number 1: 12 januari

"The United States Sports Academy provides traditional and innovative professional growth opportunities in higher education that are sports-specific for students with diverse needs through a variety of programs dedicated to the betterment of sport throughout the world."

Barry's Power Page:

"Details of my 19 year training history, using many styles: Arnold, various High Intensity Training (HIT) methods - Mentzer, Jones, Darden - and (by far the most successful) various Periodization methods. The most succesful bodybuilding methods - for a "hardgainer"' like myself - from my 19 years of experimentation with many training styles."

Nadia Alterio-Lemmon:

"Bodybuilder, Model, Women's Advocate, Writer and wife of celebrity nutritionist, Don Lemmon of donlemmon.com. While her site will feature a photo gallery, this site is directed towards educational issues in the many areas she specializes in. Health is the priority, information and guidance are the keys!"

Danska artikel SportsPoint:

"Siden for alle der har interesse indenfor idræt. Her finder du undervisere, artikler, uddannelsesoversigt, kursusoversigt, inspiration, webshop og meget mere! Spørg eksperterne, læs forskningsreferater og find vej til idrætsfaglig litteratur."

Danska artikel Fitness Danmark:

"Alt om Instruktørskolens fitness og aerobicinstruktør uddannelse."

Danska artikel Motion-online:

"Sidste nyt fra forskningen om træning, kosttilskud og doping samt træningsprogrammer, øvelser, udstyr og links. Af forskere, der selv træner!"

Danska artikel Greenland Bodybuilding:

"Informationer om Mike Mentzers HIT træning og andre interesser og billeder fra Grønland og koncerter."

Danska artikel Helse:

"Aktuel orientering om sundhed og helbred"

Danska artikel SportsPoint:

"Siden for alle der har interesse indenfor idræt. Her finder du undervisere, artikler, uddannelsesoversigt, kursusoversigt, inspiration, webshop og meget mere! Spørg eksperterne, læs forskningsreferater og find vej til idrætsfaglig litteratur."

Danska artikel Fitness Links:

"Side med over 200 links med alt inden for fitness, motion og bodybuilding."

Danska artikel Net-Fit:

"Software til sport og online salg at kosttilskud."

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Big Bench Mag

Fredag 12 januari

Dagens Artiklar : Webbplatser

Dags för lite förändringar som syftar till att göra webbloggen något mer överskådlig: Varje dags poster delas upp i två huvudgrupper, länkar till artiklar och länkar till webbplatser.


Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Profiler med hälsotips:

Sussi Gustafsson:
"Fitnesstävlande, instruktör, nyskapare inom fitness och aerobics, inspiratör och energiknippe. Föreläsare, personlig tränare, utbildare. Sussi Gustafsson är fitnesslivsstilen personifierad. Varifrån hämtar hon sin energi?!"

Brad Bose:
"För mig handlar inte hälsa om att leva en fitnesslivsstil. Snarare är det ett inre, intelligent beslut att ta hand om mig själv på ett sätt som ger mig energi och styrka att göra allt det jag vill göra i livet.” Det anser Brad Bose, personlig tränare, föreläsare, författare och utbildare."

Camilla Porsman:
"Motgångar är inte "stoppskyltar" eller skäl att ge upp, de är möjligheter att växa och bli bättre. Det tycker Camilla Porsman."

Camilla is one smart cookie - listen to her!

Monika Björn:
"Monika Björn är Sveriges främsta spinningproffs och en efterfrågad instruktör och inspiratör världen över. Mellan resorna hinner hon med att leda klasser i hemstaden Göteborg, träna själv och umgås med vänner. Här avslöjar hon sina bästa knep för balans i tillvaron."

The Orange Country Register: It's 'January bulge' time at the gym: 8 januari

"To tell you the truth, I'm most annoyed by the parking lot in January and February," she said Sunday as she worked her upper body on a Body Track machine.

"It really becomes a lot tougher to find a spot. But," she said with a laugh, "it gets easier again in March." (Via Fark)

Outside Magazine: Back to basics: Februari 2000

"As millions pile on protein and cut back carbs, here's some sage dietary advice: Don't."

MSNBC: Supplement blamed for U.S. deaths: 10 januari

"People who use a dietary supplement found in some body-building products are risking death, researchers report in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine."

Healthwell Exchange: All For Protein, Protein For All?: 

"Millions of Americans have bought into these high-protein plans. In the wake of their popularity, however, people are confused about how much protein they really need.

And many mainstream health and nutrition experts remain wary of these diets. They worry about the health hazards of eating a high-protein diet (which often translates into high-fat) for an extended period of time."

HealthScout: Binge Drinking Common Among College Athletes: 10 januari

Boston Herald: College athletes prone to binge drink says study: 9 januari

"College athletes - especially women - binge drink more than other students, according to a follow-up study released today."

BBC News: Sprinters' protein 'treats heart failure': 10 januari

"A protein that helps athletes run faster may also help to treat a common type of progressive heart failure, say researchers. The protein, called parvalbumin, helps skeletal muscle fibres in the arms and legs contract and relax rapidly and efficiently."

Priorities for Health: Does Eating High-Glycemic-Index Foods Lead to Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease?

Danska artikel Run4Fun: Aktive bader sig syge: 11 januari

"For mange bade og forkert anvendelse af sæbe er skyld i at mange aktive idrætsudøvere plages af hudgener. Og det er et helseproblem, der bør tages alvorligt."

Danska artikel Run4Fun: Blodsukker giver dig kickstart: 12 januari

"Har du lagt mærke til at et hårdt træningspas kan løfte humøret adskillige grader, og at du tænker klarere og får mere energi? Det er blodsukkeret, der har talt."

Nutricise: Exercise in Half the Time: 10 januari

"What can you do when you have no time to exercise? Everything! Cut your routine in half with these four time-sparing, muscle-toning moves."

CNN: Federal study of diets concludes: Eat less: 10 januari

"The main thing in weight loss is calories in versus calories out," said Judith Stern, professor of nutrition and internal medicine at the University of California-Davis, who reviewed the report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. "People go on fad diets and think, 'This one will be different,' but it never is and their weight rebounds and they move on to the next fad diet."

SF Gate: Freshness labels are a manufacturers' free-for-all: 10 januari

Svenska 'Bäst före'-datum betyder i alla fall bäst före... Eller?

"With just a couple of exceptions, no laws regulate package dates - variously referred to as sell-by dates, pull dates, expiration dates or quality dates. That most dates appear at all is entirely up to the manufacturer or the grocer. The federal government only requires expiration dates on infant formula and some baby food."

HealthScout: Sports Provide Healthy Outlet for Fans: 11 januari

"To outsiders, some sports fans may look like a bunch of outrageously dressed kooks who scream, yell and generally behave oddly. But to therapists, they look like people who have discovered a healthy release for their anger and frustration."

AskMen.com: Power Drinks & Bars: Do They Really Work?: 23 november 2000

Gatorade, NutriBar, Snackwells, PowerAde, Red Bull, SoBe, etc... had enough yet? Well, that's just the beginning. There are hundreds of different brands of sports drinks and bars being marketed around the world nowadays, and athletes are blindly using them without considering their exact health benefits and drawbacks.

Los Angeles Times: Researchers Warn That Chemical Muscle Builder Can Be Deadly: 11 januari

"Nutritional supplements containing the industrial solvent 1,4-butanediol are both addictive and deadly, according to Minnesota researchers. The chemical is currently viewed as a "safe" alternative to gamma-hydroxybutyrate, a purported aid to muscle building and weight loss that has been banned because of its dangers."

Healthwell Exchange: Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals - Is the science there?: Juli 2000

"It is clear that food and pharmaceutical companies are committed to the study and development of functional foods and other nutraceuticals. They also have demonstrated that a sound scientific base for the efficacy of these products combined with good marketing leads to acceptance by consumers for various types of products. The future certainly looks bright for these categories."

Yahoo! News: Hormone May Shed Light on Eating Disorders: 10 januari

"Japanese scientists are a step closer to understanding how a hormone tells the brain when to eat. Their findings may help researchers understand eating disorders."

AskMen.com: Are Canned Foods Good For You?: 4 januari

"Many households nowadays depend on quick meals to get through the day, especially bachelors and families in which both parents work. A great alternative (that's right, "great") is eating foods that come in a can.

The canning process itself preserves the food, sealing in the freshness, flavor, as well as the nutrients. No preservatives are needed."

HealthCentral: Americans in denial about weight and risks of obesity: 10 januari

"The number of overweight Americans has ballooned to epidemic proportions, health experts agree, yet most adults do not see their weight as a health problem, results of a recent survey reveal."

Priorities for Health: The Road to Dietary Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions:

"Over and over, virtually inescapably, the "food police" exhort us to keep so-called junk food away from children in order to steer them toward healthy dietary habits. Recent research findings, however, suggest that attempts at policing youngsters' food choices may boomerang."

Svensk artikel www.musarm.org - webbplatsen för dig som är intresserad av arbetsmiljön vid datorn:

"Det viktigaste rådet: Om du misstänker att du fått musarm bör du snarast kontakta läkare eller sjukgymnast! Informationskällor som www.musarm.org kan hjälpa dig på olika sätt, men kan aldrig ersätta en professionell bedömning av just dina symptom.

Fråga: Jag har fått gamnacke. Vad ska jag göra?"

Nutrition Action Healthletter: Ten Tips for Staying Lean: Juli 1999

"What’s the best way to stay lean? There are no magic bullets, despite the bold (or merely sneaky) claims on weight-loss supplements. But there are some fascinating possibilities on the horizon.

Tips for losing and gaining weight by modifying your diet. Includes table of calorie densities for various foods."

Nutrition Science News: The Protein Connection: Januari

"Rather than following a high-protein or low-protein diet, maintaining protein balance in the body through proper eating and supplementation is the key to healthy structural and functional processes."

Yahoo! News: Beefy Male Centerfolds Mirror Muscle Obsession: 10 januari

"The average male centerfold model in Playgirl magazine has beefed up his biceps and developed a body shield of rippling muscle, a recent study reports.

This transformation is troubling and may reflect increased use of anabolic steroids in order to attain what society views as an ideal male body, Dr. Richard Leit, a psychologist who conducted the study while a doctoral candidate at American University in Washington, DC, told Reuters Health."

Science News: Some river pollution spawns body-altering steroids: 6 januari

"Howell's group reports finding trace contamination of the lower Fenholloway with androstenedione. The Fenholloway's andro doesn't come out of any bottle but arises from the biotransformation of pollutants.

It also represents the first environmental androgen - a pollutant that functions like a male sex hormone - ever discovered in nature, says John A. McLachlan, a toxicologist who pioneered studies on environmental hormones."

Healthwell Exchange: The Protein Connection: Januari

"Unfortunately, the confusion about protein needs escalates even further when you enter the realm of sports nutrition. Bodybuilders and strength-training athletes are often advised to consume in excess of 300 g protein daily in order to build and maintain muscle.

Yet the American Dietetic Association (ADA) adamantly insists that these active individuals require no more protein than their sedentary counterparts.1 The question is, how much protein is enough?"

scrum.com: Fitness for rugby union:

"The modern game of rugby is one of the most demanding sports around in terms of the physical fitness levels needed to play at the highest levels.

Every player needs to be able to work at high intensities with small rest breaks for 80 minutes. Top level players will run between 4 000 and 6 000 m in a game, much of it at high intensities. Every player needs to be powerful in the tackle, be agile enough to avoid contact where necessary, and explosive enough to break a defensive line."

abcnews.com: Study finds some places just make it asy to be obese: 10 januari

"According to a study released today, there are some cities where it’s easier to be thin and some where everything — from climate and geography to local laws and restaurant fare — just conspires to make you overweight."

Cyberpump: Chin-Ups and Their Variants: 8 januari

"Of all of the upper body movements, these are among the hardest to do. They are hard because they require the use of a large amount of muscle to move a major amount of weight - your bodyweight plus whatever weight you attach to yourself - over a large range of motion."

Science News: Common pollutants undermine masculinity: 3 april 1999

"Some widespread pesticides and chemicals in plastics can induce reproductive impairment in males, according to seven new animal studies. These compounds wreak their havoc by blocking the action of male sex hormones as they program sexual development."

Science News: Excreted Drugs: Something Looks Fishy: 17 juni

"Doctors recommend drinking plenty of water to replenish lost fluids and wash away wastes. Just where do the excreted wastes go? At least a few, including hormones and heart drugs, end up in streams—and eventually someone else's drinking water, a new study finds."

The Nando Times: Fad diets flawed, upcoming USDA report says: 10 januari

"Most popular diets help people drop pounds initially, but only traditional moderate-fat, high-carbohydrate regimens seem to keep dieters slim, the first major review of popular diets by the federal government says."

abcnews.com: Sipping Solvents for Fun: 10 januari

"Sipping industrial solvents may not be everyone's idea of a good time, but apparently the practice is on the rise, as a calorie-and-hangover-free-alcohol substitute gains favor at parties around the country."

Politiken.dk: Skolemad forebygger spiseforstyrrelser: 11 januari

"Stadig flere børn i skolealderen er enten meget tynde eller har et problem med overvægt. Gruppen af børn og unge, der har et normalt forhold til måltider og fysisk aktivitet, bliver stadig mindre. Det kom frem på en konference i går, arrangeret af Sundhedsstyrelsen om emnet forebyggelse af spiseforstyrrelser."

Ascribe: Web-Based Program to Promote Physical Activity in California's Workforce: 8 januari

"The California Health Promotion Collaborative, representing health and human resource professionals throughout California, has launched a new website. The site, located at www.ca-takeaction.com, aims to promote physical activity among California's workforce."

MSNBC: Evading germs at the gym: 9 januari

"How can you guard against infections at the gym? Should you exercise when you’re sick? Smart Fitness answers your queries." (Via GymTrack News)

Personal Fitness Professional: Pilatespalooza!: 10 januari

"Brace yourself - or at least strengthen and balance yourself - for an explosion of courses in the trendy Pilates method of body conditioning."

Personal Fitness Professional: Pumping Iron was 1990s Top Exercise: 9 januari

"The most popular form of exercise in the US in during the 1990s was a decidedly retro activity: Working out with free weights. The Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association reports that 42.8 million Americans worked with barbells or dumbbells in 1999, compared to 26.7 million in 1990. Women more than doubled their iron-pumping from 8.3 million at the start of the decade to 19.4 million by 1999."

Los Angeles Times: Study Says Men Help Men Exercise: 7 januari

"For college men, exercise works on the buddy system: If their friends exercise, they do, a study says. This was not true for women, who relied more on support from their families. And a researcher thinks college women do less exercise than men do because the female buddy system isn't as strong as the men's."

The New York Times: The State of Weight: Many Are Too Fat for the Calipers: 9 januari

"Forging ahead on a path of seemingly endless weight gain, Americans have passed a singular milestone: nearly 25% of women in their 50's have so much body fat that it cannot be measured, at least not in the traditional way, which employs a device called a skinfold caliper to measure the layer of fat just beneath the skin."

Cinema Confidential: "Collateral Damage" Delayed; "T3" Trashed?: 9 januari

"There are whispers going around that "Terminator 3" or "T3" will be shelved indefinitely, due to the poor performance Arnold has given at the box-office with "The 6th Day" and "End of Days". The upcoming actors' strike is also a factor.

If you're a fan of the Terminator series like me, you know that there just HAS to be another one. Cross your fingers for Arnie...we need T3!"

oakland: Arnold vs Hanks: 10 januari

"www.boxofficeguru.com readers were asked who was the biggest box office star of the 1990s. Of 2,764 responses, 28% selected Tom Hanks, 20% said Arnold Schwarzenegger, 19% voted for Tom Cruise, 16% picked Jim Carrey, 9% opted for Julia Roberts, and 8% went with Robin Williams."

firstpath.com: Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of Catching a Cold?: 8 januari

"Can regular exercise help keep your immune system in good shape? Researchers are just now supplying some answers to this new and exciting question. Fitness enthusiasts have frequently reported that they experience less sickness than their sedentary peers."

The Journal: Student dies after collapsing in gym:

"A superfit university student has died after collapsing as she worked out in her college gym. A fellow student ran for help after Claire Burton-Page, 24, lost consciousness in the fitness room at St John's College, Durham University, where she regularly trained." (Via GymTrack News)

Ananova: Only traditional diets seem to work says US government: 10 januari

"This basically tells you that you can lose weight on any of the diets, if you keep your calories down," Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman told the Washington Post. "The trick is how you maintain that weight loss." (Via GymTrack News)

Denver Post: Concussion risk higher in women athletes: 9 januari

"An increase in weight room training and the evolution of a more physical women's game have resulted in a marked increase in concussions in women's athletics." (Via SurfJones)

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Ny Sifo-undersökning visar att svensken äter allt mindre fisk: 11 januari

"En färsk Sifo-undersökning visar att endast fem procent av svenskarna äter fisk så pass regelbundet att de får i sig tillräckliga mängder av de livsnödvändiga omega-3 fettsyrorna som finns i fisken. Detta är sannolikt en bidragande orsak till den höga förekomsten av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Vil ikke undertegne kontrakt med forbundet: 10 januari

"Flere utøvere nekter å undertegne en sponsoravtale med Norges Friidretts-forbund. I morgen går fristen ut for John Ertzgaard & co."

The Beacon Journal: Minister promotes exercising of spirits: 10 januari

"Memo to all newly resolved January exercisers offering prayers to the workout gods as you grunt through the latest abs-of-stone routine: A sit-up will not get you into heaven.

However, in the class of a local minister, the exercise just might help you become physically as well as spiritually fit."


Underground Online: "You Idiot!" Schwarzenegger Prank Calls:

"They showed up in our mailbox, tantalizingly labeled "Schwarzenegger Pranks." And, sure enough, they featured the voice of the Austrian muscleman berating Hooters waitresses, hotel receptionists and other innocent civilians. The resulting calls are hilarious and surreal, and we're proud to share them."

The hockey diaries - adventures of a geek on skates: 10 januari

Now we're talking weblogs! SportJones selected this online diary as one of the 'Best Sports Writing on the Web' links. Start your own weblog - why dontcha? See, just tell it like it is...

"Last night after writing up my entry I went to the gym for the first time in, god, probably three months. I go to one of those sucky 24-hour corporate ripoff gyms that's packed full of neon and people in thong leotards."

Svensk artikel Cint: Betygsätt ditt gym!

"Det är nyttigt att motionera, det vet vi alla. Det finns dock ett stort och varierat utbud av olika träningsformer, även på gymmen. Kvalitén på olika gym kan dock variera och här kan du ge dina synpunkter på vad som är bra och dåligt."

Svensk artikel Avigsidan: Färska avigheter:

"I en annons försöker Intersport kränga en studsmatta:
"Regelbundet hoppande stävjer hjärta och cirkulation."

SportScience Discussion Forum:

"This is a forum for questions or opinions on the study and understanding of physical performance. Suitable topics:

Coaching, diets, drugs, ergogenic aids, equipment, extreme environments, field tests, health, history, injury, mechanisms, nutrition, overtraining, physiological tests, sociology, statistics, supplements, teaching, training... and anything else related to the science of sport or physical activity."

Cyberpump: New Pump: 11 januari

"Welcome to the home of Pump, Cyberpump!'s very own monthly cartoon strip."

SportsSpecific.com - The Online Community for Sports Training and Athletic Conditioning:

"If you are a coach, athlete, or trainer: you have come to the right place. Unlike other websites, we are not computers and there are no memberships to join! Each training area is maintained by real live professional trainers!"

Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine

www.samson-power.com: Whit Baskin:

"On December 16, 2000, in the night, Whit Baskin, strongman, powerlifter and great friend to many was in a severe car accident. He is currently in Intensive Care in a coma with severe head injuries.

Bill Holland has set up a fund for Whit Baskin and his family: "Now he needs our help. His insurance is falling short and he and his family can use a little financial support."

BodyTrends.com: SlamMan - Computerized Boxing Workout Partner:

"SlamMan is a whole new way of working out that begins with having fun. The SlamMan Workout is one of the most creative and adaptable workouts you'll ever do because boxing is a spontaneous, exhilarating sport that always feels new and different. Forget boring, repetitions exercise machines! With SlamMan, you can make up your own boxing combinations as you go."

Chris Cormier: January News:

"Chris has a new training partner that you may have heard of - IFBB Pro Craig Titus. You can see them here posing after a work-out at Gold's Gym in Venice. They are training hard for their upcoming shows.

Chris says that Craig is keeping him in line with the cardio. Chris also mentioned that he weighed himself at 280 pounds! Stay tuned for more news on this duos workouts! I cannot help but think of the song Ebony and Ivory when I see these two together!"

Classic Bodybuilders of the Golden Era:

"The Classic Bodybuilders pages contain many photos of bodybuilders from the golden era of bodybuilding."

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Iompao's Tribute

MuscleCentral.com: 2 januari

"The photo gallery has been updated with beautiful photos from Desiree Ellis's website. You'll also find photos from Robert Reiff, an awesome fitness and bodybuilding photographer. All photos have been posted with permission of course."

FitTeen! Fitness for Teens of all ages!

Lets Live Online:

"As America's oldest natural health consumer magazine, Let's Live has been sharing the latest on nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs, nutritional supplements, alternative/complementary therapies, homeopathy, fitness and health products since 1933."

Natural Olympia.com - John Hansen

Dominique Dardé, Melissa Hall, Diane Jardim, Tanja Baumann, Joey Bull - Miss Fitness UK, Silvie Chiavuzzo, Inna Uit, Charlene Rink


"The Site of the European Spinning Instructor, the original indoor cycling workout, on the Internet. If it ain't Johnny G, it ain't Spinning!"

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Julie's Power and Muscle

Torsdag 11 januari

If you like this weblog - think you can find it within you to nominate  it for the bloggies? best topical weblog sounds about right... :-)

Scott Adams, Dilbert cartoonist, writes the following in 'The Dilbert Future: Thriving on Stupidity in the 21st Century':

"Television is our biggest threat as a species, but not because of the sex and violence. It's because Hollywood pipes an endless stream of impossibly attractive people into our consiousness.

It's awfully hard to get naked in front of someone who has just watched Body Shaping on ESPN ... especially if your partner points the remote control at you an starts clicking it desperately. Nobody needs that."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Kosttillskott för människor kan innebära smittorisk: 10 januari

"Enligt den österrikiske professorn i idrottsmedicin, Hans Holdaus, kan kosttillskottsprodukter för idrottsmän med koncentrerade äggviteämnen innehålla BSE-smitta. Enligt en artikel i den tyska apotekartidningen framställs de animaliska äggviteämnena i pulverform på precis samma sätt som djurfoder, det vill säga ur ben, senor och andra rester från nötdjur. I Tyskland finns inget krav på att den här typen av kosttillskott måste innehållsdeklareras."

• Ripped Magazine: Is your city going to have the next free gym?: 28 november 2000

"Can you imagine a city that provides a complete gym for every individual who lives there for only $10 per year? This place I speak of truly exists in northeast Texas. I just got back from visiting my parents in Addison."

• weightlossresources.co.uk - 3 day free trial:

"At last an online nutrition database for UK users. You can keep a food diary tracking calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre, keep an exercise diary and set a goal to lose or maintain weight. Reports on weight, body fat percentage and nutrition."

• StrengthTek:

The new company gem? It's the company gym:
"Group fitness is just one of the many activities provided at Northern Telecom Ltd.'s impressive fitness club. At 20,000 square feet, it's the largest corporate gym in the Ottawa area. Smaller activity centres are at other Nortel locations."

The Financial Rewards of Employee Fitness:
"One very interesting comment that we at Strength Tek receive during our conversations with prospective clients, about fitness and wellness programs is the cost. "It sounds like a great program, but we cannot afford it at this time." In this time of competitive recruiting between companies for talented employees, our response is "You cannot afford not to invest in your employees wellness"."

• Fitness Supermodels:

"I decided to make this site because like the average guy I enjoy looking at fitness models! I also want this site to be useful to all fitness models lovers so I have added a comprehensive links to all offical fitness models/competitors sites."

• UHA Sport:

"UHA Sport is the first, proven, hair removal product that's scientifically formulated using all-natural plant enzymes. Perfect for bodybuilders, cyclists, swimmers, beach go-ers and others wanting to eliminate unwanted body or facial hair without the pain or hassle of using electrolysis or tweezers."

• NPC Active Wear: bodybuilding, fitness, exercise, weightlifting clothing

• MrTrainer - Your Own Personal Trainer on Video or cd-rom

• DietSmart:

"Intelligent, healthy weight loss from DietSmart, the leading provider of custom diet and fitness programs online. The Dietsmart team has trained celebrities from Meg Ryan to Denzel Washington. We'll put them to work for you."

• Kinetic Trainer:

"Kurt Manufacturing Company's cycling trainer converts road, mountain, BMX, tandems and recumbent bikes to a high performance, indoor exerciser. Simply attach your bike and begin pedaling."

• Web Fitness Tools:

"We have developed several fitness tools for individuals and fitness sites. Fitness Log, Calorie Calculator, Class Schedule Builder..."

• Colette Nelson:

"My web site will take you on an a personal journey of my life as a nationally ranked bodybuilder, trainer, and nutritionist. Currently, I have my own personal training business as well as nutritional practice called Body Creations out of New York City."

• Tamilee Webb - The Spirit of Fitness:

"Personal advice from America's Most Trusted Fitness Instructor. Videos, books, gear, customized personal training and nutrition consultations."

• Building Better Bodies:

"Building Better Bodies with Cindy Darmer, Exercises and fitness tips to help you lose weight and tone up."

• Ms Fitness USA & World Champions 2001! The Fitness Twins Natalie and Adria

• Sherry Gideons:

"...it doesn’t take a miracle to make a lifestyle change. It takes hard work and allowing yourself to be human. It takes knowing that you are able and willing to make the changes that are possible."

• Angel Teves Official Website:

"Find out cool facts, view pictures online through her gallery, and everything else about Angel Teves."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Solariestrålning granskas i Göteborg: 10 januari

"I den första kommuntäckande undersökningen av strålningen på solarier har Miljöförvaltningen i Göteborg fått i uppdrag av Statens Strålskyddsinstitut (SSI) att undersöka kommunens solinrättningar. Undersökningen ska ligga till grund för en rapport om vilka stråldoser besökarna utsätter sig för."

• Manila Bulletin: 'Leg Cramps': 10 januari

"Low levels of certain minerals known as electrolytes - magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium - have long been linked to leg cramps. Certain drugs, such as diuretics (water pills) for high blood pressure, have also been cited as a cause of leg cramps."

TrishStratus.com - Stratusfaction Guaranteed, Dayana Cadeau, Nina Abramova, Madonna Grimes, Kerry Quinn, Angel Friend, Julie Shipley, Clifta Coulter, Gayle Moher

• Diet Riot:

"Diet Riot weight loss is the final link to diet freedom. A humorous non diet approach to permanent weight loss."

• Active Trainer Online:

"The ActiveTrainer.Com resource is here to help users reach their fitness goals and provide information, inspiration and hand-holding to make and change your lives."

• Dave Draper:

The secret is there is no secret:
"To be effective, exercise must be consistent. This is the first and foremost precept of physical conditioning. If there's a secret, it's consistency."

Why not superset?:
This style of training is called supersetting, where two or more exercises that complement each other are performed one after another to enhance our output. This multi-set training not only condenses our workout time, but increases our productivity considerably.

• PumpIron.com - Fitness & Bodybuilding TV Schedules:

Musclemania World Tour expansion adds new shows!

"With the growing popularity of natural bodybuilding, the 2001 Musclemania World Tour will expand into new territories: Musclemania International (Rimini, Italy), Hungary (Budapest), and Germany (Stuttgart) are just some of the new worldwide events being held. The exciting World Tour schedule will be posted at musclemania.com beginning January 15."

• Business 2.0: Sports Stars Not Immune to Dot-Com Gloom: 8 januari

"MVP.com, the online sporting goods retailer, makes another round of layoffs."

• New Jersey Online: USDA study: Most popular diets fail to help people keep weight off: 10 januari

"Most popular diets help people drop pounds initially, but only traditional moderate-fat, high-carbohydrate regimens seem to keep dieters slim, according to the first major review of popular diets by the federal government."

• MSNBC: New dietary guidelines issued: 9 januari

"Carotene-rich fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli provide the body with only half as much vitamin A as previously thought, but are still excellent sources of the nutrient, according to new government dietary guidelines released Tuesday."

• Workouts That Work:

"Q: Will it really work?

A: I guarantee that it will!! Now remember, I am not promising a "Quick fix in only ten minutes a day" type of thing, this is hard work by necessity! Your body will not adapt unless you subject it to workloads above and beyond what it is used to. But stick with it, and you WILL be rewarded."

Svensk artikel Bodystore - Ditt hälsoapotek på nätet:

"Varuhus för Kroppsvård, Hälsokost och Kraftsport till lågpris! Kroppsvård & Hygien - för kvinnor & män. Utvalda kvalitetsprodukter för ditt välbefinnande! Träna och må Bra - kosttillskott för den aktive som ger maximal effekt!"

• Netrition: Too much vitamin A dangerous; report sets nutrient guidelines: 9 januari

"Don't pop too many vitamin A supplements, because large amounts, particularly megadoses available from health-food stores, can be dangerous, the U.S. government says in guidelines that update how much of certain nutrients should be consumed for good health."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Echinova marknadsfört med Echinagard-studie: 10 januari

"GRANSKNINGSÄRENDEN: Naturläkemedlet Echinova (Recip) marknadsförs på indikationen ”lindring av förkylningssymtom”. Företaget har bland annat använt en referens till en artikel som behandlade ett annat naturläkemedel (Echinagard) som innehåller samma aktiva substans, pressaft från röd solhatt, Echinacea purpurea."

Svensk artikel Citygymet: Bilder på Magnus Johansson ifrån SM Showlifting: 9 januari

• Netrition: An Expert Talks About Supplements: 8 januari

"To find out which supplements healthy adult consumers might consider taking, we consulted Dr. Gregory Plotnikoff, medical director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Spirituality and Healing and a widely known expert in nutritional supplements and alternative medicine. He is also a specialist in internal medicine and pediatrics."

• StrengthNet Entertainment, LLC:

"StrengthNet is the mark of model excellence. Our website, strengthnet.com, is the place to find the hottest fitness and bodybuilding models."

Svensk artikel SVD: Dotcomdöd hotar hälsa på nätet: 10 januari

"Massdöd hotar bland tiotusentals sajter erbjuder hälsoinformation på nätet, enligt en analys."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Dålig prognos för hälsosajter: 10 januari

Två konsulter inom Boston Consulting Group, ett internationellt konsultföretag, förutspår att hälsoinformation på Internet kan gå en dyster framtid till mötes. Denna form av hälsoinformation har bildligt talat exploderat i omfattning på ett par år. Mer än 15 000 hälsosajter finns i dag, enbart i Sverige finns ett fyrtiotal.

• Muscle Research Online Magazine - It's New! It's Free!: Issue #4 - January 8, 2001:

"Muscle Research is an online magazine dedicated to giving you the information you need to build your best body ever. The bi-monthly magazine contains relevant, useful information in the areas of nutrition, exercise, and health."

• The Valkyries - A Hard Woman is Good to Find:

"The Valkyries are all women who dare to approach this physical absolute, rejecting the notion that femininity is compromised by muscularity and might. In their best moments, they show with dazzling clarity, what every woman should be seeking to become, and every man should be...seeking.

The t-shirt designs all tastefully depict the Physically-Advanced Woman as proud, powerful, elegant, independent in mind and body. If you're a woman, perhaps you aspire to this, you're working toward it, you're proud of it...and you want to tell the world!"

• BodyBuildingLive.com - Live coverage bodybuilding on the net

• Natural Fitness Lifestyle Magazine:

"Australian fitness magazine, resource and e-commerce centre, covering health, fitness, training and photography by leading exponents in this field."

• Back-Bull.com:

"The Back Bull is a patented sports and industrial lumbar support system designed by a chiropractor that works with standard weightlifting and industrial-type back belts."

• Minna Lessig:

"Minna is Editor-In-Chief for Women's Fitness International Magazine. The 29-year-old Miami resident won first place in both the 1997 Ms. Fitness USA Competition and NPC National Fitness Championships - Pro Qualifier."

• Physique-Show.com - Search Engine:

"Physique-Show is a Search-Engine reflecting Female and Male Bodybuilding, Wrestling, Fighting, Weightlifting, Fitness, Pictures and Videos. Diet, Nutrition and Health Information."

• The Body Gourmet: Jim Shiebler:

"Official site of the world's leading expert in healthy, delicious gourmet cooking. Info on gourmet cooking, natural bodybuilding, nutrition, total fitness, and martial arts. Jim is a classically trained gourmet chef, certified nutritionist and committed lifetime natural bodybuilder who has appeared in numerous TV programs."

• Home Gym Warehouse: Bodybuilding Book Reviews

• Humanetics Corporation - The Science of Supplement:

"Humanetics Corporation provides proprietary solutions to consumer health and aging concerns by applying a disciplined, scientific approach to commercialize innovative and unique dietary supplements:

  • 7-Keto - A revolutionary breakthrough that unlocks the power of DHEA as the ultimate anti-aging supplement.
  • Inzitol - Patented natural support for healthy glucose metabolism.
  • MicroLactin - Innovative technology involves sophisticated processes that enhance the expression of powerful "micronutrients" found naturally in cows' milk."

Svensk artikel Athletic Store Örebro:

"I början av 2000 öppnade Athletic store portarna för Örebros stora skara av tränande på alla olika nivåer och idrotter. Athletic Store är Örebros första riktiga träningsbutik med ett stort sortiment av kosttillskott för alla sorters sporter och för allmänt välmående."

Lista över mat - Antal kcal/100 g

Svensk artikel Natural Power:

"Vår övertygelse är att producera functional foods inom området idrott och diet."

• Otomix Online:

"The Next Level In Body Building, Fitness Apparel and Martial Arts Wear."

• Great Lakes Fitness Guide: Video Clips of professional Fitness and Bodybuilding competitors

• Mike Francois, CPT, IFBB Pro:

"Fitness Consultant. Tips, workout logs, customized programs, Ask Mike section. Clients include professional athletes, executives and bodybuilders."

2001 NPC Mike Francois Classic

Link to articles featuring Mike:
"Muscle & Fitness Online is part of Northern Light's Special Collection, a unique combination of premium data representing over 6,200 journals, books, magazines, databases and newswires not easily found on the World Wide Web. Not only is most of the data completely unavailable on the Internet, the collection and breadth of information offered in one place is unique to Northern Light."

• The Nadia Alterio-Lemmon Show!

"Find out how to take care of yourself and how to lose fat fast! Valuable info for both men and women, male and female models, athletes, bodybuilders, weightlifters, exercise & fitness buffs, or anyone who wants to look and feel great plus restore their health."

Danska artikel Politiken: Forfattere frikendt for pølsekritik: 9 januari

"Maskinudbenet kød må godt kaldes 'en tyktflydende, glinsende, let slimet og grødet substans, som end ikke med lidt god vilje kan kaldes menneskeføde'.

Det fastslog Københavns Byret tirsdag, da retten frifandt forfatterne til bogen 'Hvad deklarationen ikke fortæller' i en sag om pølser. Fødevarefirmaet Robert Damkjær havde stævnet forfatterne Orla Zinck og Gert Almgreen-Hansen, fordi de i bogen beskriver maskinudbening af kød i ovenstående vendinger."

• Stretching.com:

"Publications/products on stretching, strength training, exercise and fitness. Books, videos, poster, exercise prescription pads, bodytools, CamelBak, Maxit athleticwear, and the Back Revolution (an inversion traction device)."

• Victoria's Body Shoppe:

"Dancer, Author, Motivational Speaker and Star of Victoria's Body Shoppe, Victoria Johnson offers FREE Health and Fitness Advice and the Motivation you need to help you achieve your goals!"

• The Official Ken Patera Web Site:

"This site is for my fans as well as for myself. I wanted a forum for my fans to reach me and keep up with what I am doing now as well as learn more about my past. I also want to share my knowledge and experience with the lifting world. The Internet was the obvious forum for these goals."

• The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: Comparison of 1 Day and 3 Days Per Week of Equal-Volume Resistance Training in Experienced Subjects:

"The findings suggest that a higher frequency of resistance training, even when volume is held constant, produces superior gains in 1RM.

However, training only 1 day per week was an effective means of increasing strength, even in experienced recreational weight trainers. From a dose-response perspective, with the total volume of exercise held constant, spreading the training frequency to 3 doses per week produced superior results."

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Gym Equipment Of Sweden

Onsdag 10 januari

• MetaMuscle: Is Gym Staff Obligated to Help The Overtrained?: 9 januari

What's your opinion? Visit the above link to discuss this issue.

Kalin Harvey writes: "We all know (clears throat) other people who have trained way too much, spending hours a day at the gym, every day of the week. Does the staff have a right to approach them? Is it a violation of their right to privacy if they feel they are just paying for access to the equipment?"

National Post Online: Maybe we should talk: 9 januari

"What do you do if you're a health club professional and you see someone who is working out a little too much? Is it any of your business?" (Via MetaMuscle)

• HealthCentral: In New Orleans, Tuesday's Not The Only Thing That's Fat: 8 januari

"According to Men's Fitness magazine's February issue, the fittest city in America is San Diego, with San Francisco and Honolulu in a tie for second place, followed by Seattle - all West Coast cities.

The fattest cities are Houston, Detroit, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Columbus, Ohio."

• Huge Nasser El Sonbaty - IFBB Pro - Bodybuilder:

Q: How educated is Nasser El Sonbaty?
N: I attended the University of Augsburg in Germany and have a Masters Degree in History, Political Science and Sociology.

All New Video: Nasser On The Way Part II - Quick Time Video Clips:
Watch People's Champion Nasser El Sonbaty prepare for the 2000 Mr. Olympia contest. In the most in-depth coverage ever of a bodybuilder's contest countdown, see Nasser as he starts his prep in June at a massive 320 pounds and follow him as he sculpts his physique to the 277 contest ready pounds he displayed at the Olympia.

• SteelFitness: Interview with Fitness Competitor Caroline Nash: 9 januari

• HealthCentral: Parents shape body image, self-esteem of children: 8 januari

"These days, it is not unusual for girls as young as age 10 to try to emulate the look of glamorous fashion models and wispy television stars - a trend that may be linked to eating disorders among young children.

But according to two studies in the January issue of Pediatrics, the media is not the only influence on the eating habits of today's youth. Parents may play a more significant role than both the media and peers in the way young children view themselves and their bodies, researchers report."

• Yahoo! Finance: Warning: Sitting Can Be a Health Hazard: 12 december

"Are you one of the millions of Americans who resolved to start a fitness program this year? If you think the reason to exercise is to tighten your abs and streamline your waistline, you're missing the main point."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Dyra vitaminråd till trötta: 23 mars 2000

"Årligen äter vi vitaminer och naturläkemedel för stora summor. Detta trots att vi inte lider av vitaminbrist. För att orka mer borde vi i stället för att köpa naturläkemedel äta bättre, motionera mera och ta det lite lugnare."

• American Council on Exercise: 

Workout Watchdog: Diet Peddles Seven-Day ‘Vacation’ from Lifestyle Habits:

"It is discouraging that there is one more product on the market that has the potential to raise someone’s hopes only to have them dashed when the water weight returns and normal eating patterns resume."

The 9 Truths about Weight Loss The No-tricks, No-nonsense Plan for Lifelong Weight Control:

When the American Council on Exercise endorses something, you know it is scientifically sound and top of the line.

"The 9 Truths about Weight Loss (endorsed by the American Council on Exercise) provides a complete weight-loss program rather than the more simplistic approach of just zeroing in on very low-fat eating. The 9 Truths about Weight Loss is the first book to set forth, with unassailable authority, all of the truths about successful weight control."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Utsidan blir alltmer avgörande: 29 december 1999

"Framtiden kommer att bli ännu mer utseende- och kroppsfixerad. Det vi sett hittills av ungdomsdyrkan och skönhetsfixering är rena viskningen mot vad som väntar under 2000-talet."

• Yahoo! Finance: Stock Focus: Companies With Profit Power: 7 december 2000

"Fitness clubs are a sweaty business, but Bally Total Fitness Holding is a better operator than most. This firm, spun off from Bally Entertainment in 1996, is the largest operator of fitness centers in the U.S."

• HealthCentral: Patients keen, docs leery of online medical access: 8 januari

"Results of an industry-sponsored survey reveal that a majority of consumers already using the Internet would like the ability to access their doctors online to make basic medical services including nurse consultation and lab test results more convenient.

But doctors in a companion focus group remained skeptical that online interactions with patients could be effective without cutting into already-short office time with patients."

• cbcnews.com: Couch Potato Kids Eat More Junk: 8 januari

"Children in families that habitually watch television during meals eat fewer fruits and vegetables than those that don't, and consume more pizza, snack food and caffeine-laced soft drinks, U.S. researchers reported Monday."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Nyttiga drinkar kan smaka gott: 4 mars 1999

"Nyttigt, gott och lättblandat. Vitamindrinkarna är på snabb frammarsch. Numera säljs de på kaføer och lite varstans. För dagen åker till Kydingeholm, några mil utanför Alunda, till kursgården med hälsa på schemat."

• ScienceDaily: Cattle Genes May Throw Light On Human Obesity: 8 januari

"Australian scientists have located four genes involved in fat deposition in cattle that may offer new understanding of the problem of human obesity due to diet. Researchers at Australia's CSIRO Livestock Industries think that how cattle deposit fat may help understand the process of fat buildup in individual humans."

• House of Payne Powerlifting and Strength Sports:

Bill Kazmaier:
"Bill Kazmaier is simply the greatest strength athlete of all time. In his prime he was untouchable. I believe, given his recent physical condition, that he could compete today on a very high level. I have never seen anyone who could come close to him when it comes to raw power. I have put together a few links. Hope you Kaz fans will enjoy them!"

Interview with Jamie Harris: (tack för tipset, Henrik!)
House: Any funny stories that have happened to you in powerlifting?

Harris: One time after a meet in Bradford PA, Terry Grimwood and myself got drunk at a local bar with the rest of the powerlifters. Grimmy passed out, so I had to carry him on my back from the bar to the hotel. I couldn't walk myself, so it must have been a scene.

• The Australian: Homer makes kids fat: nutritionists: 9 januari

"The poor eating habits of television characters in popular shows such as The Simpsons, Friends and ER are encouraging children to become fat, according to nutritionists.

A study of 63 episodes of the Simpsons found only 20 per cent of health-related messages were "positive" or recommended by health professionals."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Mycket gympa på industriprogrammet i Gimo: 26 mars 2000

"När nya industriprogrammet på Bruksgymnasiet i Gimo drar igång till hösten har antalet lektioner i idrott och hälsa ökat från 80 till 300 timmar. En markant satsning på hälsa och motion som placerar industriprogrammet i en särställning bland övriga gymnasieutbildningar."

• Natural Muscle Magazine: Local fitness girls don't reach for the stars— they reach for the .... GALAXY competition: Juni 2000

"Galaxy is a contest designed for today's women because it establishes and defines a role model for fit women everywhere. It is the most popular fitness event in the world. Since its inception in 1993 over 30,000 men and women have inquired how to be part of this competition, which forged an industry with explosive growth and demand. Galaxy is about beauty, athleticism, and strength. It promotes respectability and credibility, and has gained acceptance by women worldwide."

• StrongestMan.com - Serving the sport of strength athletics:

"Strongestman.com has been updated to cover WSM 2000. Along with the results and television schedule, we have feedback on the competition from Phil Pfister and Brian Schoonveld. Plus, we have an interview with Janne Virtanen - the World's Strongest Man.

In addition, we have a feature on Heinz Ollesch and an updated news section with upcoming contest information.

Coming soon is more commentary on WSM 2000 from Martin Muhr, Svend Karlsen and Johnny Perry, and a talk with Rick "Grizzly" Brown."

• BodyTrends.com for Health, Fitness, and Exercise Equipment:

"Find thousands of health, fitness and exercise products. Offering related fitness articles and advice."

• Best Form Fitness Gear - Body Alive, Pitbull, Otomix, Hotskins, T. Micheal Catalogs

• Martin Muhr - Strongman

• The Bodybuilding Network

• The Fitness Site: Body types and training:

"Below are the 5 body types that people come in. Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph are the foundation to each body type. However, since we all have varying degrees of each, you simply select the body type which most closely represents yours. Each body type has it's own characteristic traits which respond better to the right training and eating program."

• Lubbock Online: Get in shape with help from a personal trainer: 4 januari

"Rippel, 24, and Young, 22, agree that another role of the personal trainer is to provide their clients with motivation.

''It depends on the person,'' Young said. ''I cater to my clients' needs, depending on if I think they need to be pushed a little harder or eased up on. I'm not as hard core as a drill sergeant, but I'm not a softy either.''

• Natural Muscle Magazine:

"Natural Muscle is a monthly magazine dedicated to drug free bodybuilding and fitness, covering natural bodybuilding, weightlifting, weight training, supplements, fitness, and health related issues."

• Stretching and Flexibility - Everything you never wanted to know

• Priscilla's Powerlifting Site:

"This site has been created for two purposes: So that my friends can check up on me and see what I am doing with my obsession and to encourage other women interested in Powerlifting."

• Truly Huge: Free e-book - Bodybuilding and Fitness Supplement Guide 2000:

"Download our FREE book that takes the confusion out of bodybuilding and fitness supplementation. Learn which supplements can help you to reach your goals faster and which ones are just "hype" and "BS"."

• Masters Weightlifting:

"About masters (age 35 and older) weightlifting in the USA. You can locate schedules of upcoming competitions, results of past competitions, qualifying totals, world and American records, weightlifting publications, membership requirements, and locations of other related sites on the web."

• Definition of Fitness:

"My name is Sarah Rippel, and I am a Personal Trainer and fitness competitor. I have created this website to help answer your fitness questions and help you reach your goals faster! Stay a while, read my articles and Fitness Q & A, and BE HEALTHY!"

• HowStuffWorks: How Nicotine Works:

"Nicotine, like caffeine, is a drug used by millions of people. Learn how nicotine affects the human body and why it is so addictive!"

• Atozfitness: Atozfitness's All Natural Ask the Pro's BBS:

"While there are many chat groups and discussion boards throughout the internet, this board is simply to aid in providing answers to questions you have on Fitness, Nutrition and Supplements. All questions are to be answered solely by any one of the Panel Experts."

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Tisdag 9 januari

• IFBB: 2000 IFBB Congress Report

"First time ONLINE Congress Report - over 100 pages & 300 photographs of the 54th IFBB World Men's Amateur Bodybuilding Championships & International Congress.

The IFBB recognizes that the Congress Report, in print format, is distributed only to a select group of officials in our 172 National Federations. By publishing online, we dramatically increase our exposure and the news of our yearly activities is circulated to a much wider audience."

President's Report:
"We are now taking the unprecedented action of completing a plan to work towards gaining official status as a demonstration sport at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. What an appropriate stage, given that the Greek Olympians were the first true bodybuilders.

It is important for our members to understand that the official recognition granted to the IFBB under Rule 29 of the Olympic Charter is not the final word of the IOC. We continue to work towards receiving the highest possible respect from the IOC by operating in accordance with its principles."

• Ain't it cool news: COLLATERAL DAMAGE report and pics from Austria!: 18 december 2000

"Austrian Newspaper Die Neue Krone had an exclusive first-look article on Arnold Schwarzeneggers new movie Collateral Damage last Sunday."

• Dennis James - IFBB Pro Bodybuilder

• Better Bodies by Bethany, Inc.:

"Greetings from a new I.F.B.B. professional fitness athlete! The physique transition from bodybuilding to fitness was tough! I went from 190 lbs. to a contest weight of 138 lbs.! I had to rearrange all of my precontest diet thinking as well as change my style of training."

• DVD Debate: Terminator: Special Edition Region 2 Review: 21 december 2000

"As we revealed yesterday, we've been lucky enough to come across a copy of next years 2 disc special edition of the original Terminator. We've taken a good look at the discs and present our findings. Are we talking Total Recall here or Jingle All The Way? Find out in our worldwide exclusive review."

• King Kamali:

"Welcome to the new home of the "TERMINATOR", King Kamali, where muscle, hip-hop, and dance become one!"

• csindy.com: Thou Shalt Not Overeat: 4 januari

"Resolve to quit overeating in 2001? Diet books are filled with theories on why we overindulge, and how we can cure the urge to overeat."

• The Age: Taiwan men to pull Boeing B747 plane with their penises: 8 januari

"Twenty Taiwan men will fly to the United States in March to set a world record for pulling a Boeing B747 passenger jet with their penises, the organiser of the planned event said today.

"We have received invitation from the Guinness Book of World Records museum in the US to perform in Los Angeles," said Tu Chin-sheng, who teaches "penis-hanging art", a Chinese martial arts style."

• AFPA - American Fitness Professionals & Associates:

Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy vs. Hyperplasia: Has the debate been settled?:
"If you look at a good marathon runner's physique and compared him/her to a bodybuilder it becomes obvious that training specificity has a profound effect. We know that this muscle mass increase is due primarily to fiber hypertrophy; that is the growth of individual fibers, but are their situations where muscles also respond by increasing fiber number?"

• Heelys - Shoes that roll:

"These stealth-like shoes put a new spin on alternative sidewalk sports with a high-tech wheel housed in the heel of a powerful, lightweight skate shoe.

Walk, run and transition to a roll. Arrive at your destination, pop the wheel out of the heel and put it in your pocket."

• IHRSA: ICON Health & Fitness expands commercial fitness innovation: 28 december

"ICON Health & Fitness announced today it will continue its expansion into the commercial fitness market by acquiring Ground Zero Design, an innovative manufacturer of commercial strength training equipment, for an undisclosed purchase price."

• Zone Home Optimum Health Online Community:

"Unlike other sites where some self-appointed "expert" is trying to shove their idea of The Truth right down your throat, here you are on your own, but never alone. You can discuss any diet or exercise plan and even personal or medical issues and get feedback from real people who have actually "been there, done that."

You can agree or disagree with anyone without worrying about stepping on official toes. You will be amazed at how much great information, inspiration, humor, and insight is available in the archives of our candid and open discussions. We've kept everything online since August 1996!"

• LE Magazine: When the heat is on... The weights comes off: December 1998

"A new study on the "thermogenic" heat-producing effect of ephedrine with caffeine offers hope for many overweight people."

• LE Magazine: Preparing for Flu Season with Echinacea: December 1998

"The healing properties of echinacea, the purple coneflower, are becoming better known as people turn increasingly to natural remedies to fight colds, the flu and other infectious diseases. But the history of echinacea goes far back."

• NYPost: U.S. boys cave in to steroids' allure: 16 augusti 2000

"Nearly 40 percent of American boys 12 and over have experimented with or plan to use anabolic steroids or supplements to pump up their bodies and boost their athletic performance, a new study found."

• InteliHealth: Weight Training Can Have Dangers: 14 augusti 2000

"As more people weight train, more get hurt - especially baby boomers and older people who are trying to keep from showing their age, a study finds.

The weight training is fine, but people ought to learn to do it right, said researcher Chester S. Jones of the University of Arkansas, who reviewed federal injury data over 20 years."

• Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention: Men and Eating Disorders: The Latest Facts:

"Gymnasts, runners, body builders, rowers, wrestlers, jockeys, dancers, and swimmers are particularly vulnerable to eating disorders because their sports necessitate weight restriction (Andersen, Bartlett, Morgan, & Brownell, 1995). It is important to note, however, that weight loss in an attempt to improve athletic success differs from an eating disorder when the central psychopathology is absent."

• LE Magazine: Exercise - A Radical Proposition: September 1998

"The annual meeting of the American Aging Association examined how exercise, as good as it may be for us, carries a downside in the excessive production of free radicals. Here's what that might mean for middle-aged and older adults.

• LE Magazine: A Man Too Busy to Age: Februari 1999

"Richard D'Alberti has filled a lifetime with new challenges, good health. "Who says I'm 70?" asks the former marathon runner, now turned weight lifter, and Toronto resident. "When you're shrugging 320 to 340 pounds you don't think like that. I figure I'm about 29." Which is a good thing, because his girlfriend, Nancy, is 28."

• LE Magazine: Counterfeit Supplements: September 1999

"So the question begs, What can the consumer do to protect against fraud? The answer is, not much. Anyone who has access to the Web can check out Medline to help verify the accuracy of a health claim a company is making. This becomes difficult when deceitful companies come up with fancy trade names for their products that do not reveal what the supposed "breakthrough" ingredient really is."

• LE Magazine: Coping With Parkinson's: Juni 1999

"As a professional body building cinching titles in the 1960s, Larry Powers never imagined there would be a day when walking or putting on a shirt would be an exhausting physical activity. But that was before he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease nine years ago at age 50.

"I realize that I am disabled," says the 6-foot, 205-pound former Mr. America and recent recipient of a National Gym Association award for his pioneering contribution, dedication, life achievements and excellence in character in the field of health and fitness training. "I can't walk distances and I have to rest a lot, but I don't let this get me down.""

• LE Magazine: A Conversation with Will Brink: Maj 1999

"As the primary writer of this publication's articles on whey protein, Brink has become a recognized, well published expert on the subject. He maintains frequent contact with numerous scientists and medical doctors who research whey protein, and has become personally involved in conducting primary research on whey protein and athletes.

• LE Magazine: Unlocking the Secrets to Health & Fitness: Whey protein: Oktober 1998

"Protein is the building block of life. Essential to a balanced diet and strong muscles, both serious athletes and serious life extensionists use protein to enhance their health and performance."

• MSNBC: Anti-aging supplements: Do they work?: 7 januari

"There are literally thousands of vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies on the market — all of them promising to stop the hands of time and even help reverse aging. But is there any truth to their claims? Nutritionist Elizabeth Somer, author of “Age-Proofing Your Body,” sheds some light on the subject."

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Muscles of Dee Kay

Måndag 8 januari

• Oakland: Wednesday, January 7, 1981: 7 januari

"Exactly 20 years ago Arnold began principal photography of Conan the Barbarian in Segovia.

First film's accident nearly ended the production when one of the dogs (playing the wolves), trained to attack an animal skin Arnold was wearing on Conan set, became over-eager and knocked the actor off a ten-foot cliff into a briar patch.

The crew was aware that finding a stunt double to match Arnold was all but impossible. But like Conan, Arnold is tough; his physical conditioning saved him from nothing more than a bruised and scratched back."

• Caltanet.it: Videointervista esclusiva ad Arnold Schwarzenegger:

Italian interview with Arnold.

• Coming Attractions: Collateral Damage:

Arnold next film project...

• CNN: Programs hope to battle military obesity, retain troops: 5 januari

"America's armed forces are supposed to be a fit crowd.

So fit, in fact, that the military kicks out its members who become obese. Every year, some three to five thousand service members are fired because they're overweight."

• Yahoo! News: Blame Dad for Kids' Constant Dieting: 6 januari

"It's dads, not mothers or the media, who seem to cause young kids to diet."

• Ananova: TV shows bad for health, says Irish politician: 7 januari

"An Irish politician is calling on parents to exercise more control over their children's TV habits - to stop the youngsters becoming overweight.

Mr Brady says: "A study of The Simpsons found that 50% of references to food involved fats, sweets and alcohol.

"The Simpson clan was also criticised for mindless snacking, high alcohol consumption, the use of food as a bribe or reward and equating weight loss with starvation." (Via GymTrack News)

• The Daily News Journal: Health club business booming: New Year's resolutions one of reasons: 7 januari

"Many people make New Year's resolutions to lose weight and develop healthier lifestyles. And four local fitness centers are seeing an increase in new members this month."

• SunTimes: Gym favorite's back: 8 januari

"Remember the thrill of whipping that big rubber ball across the gym floor and the satisfying smack of knocking an opponent out of a game of dodgeball?

Remember the exhilaration of successfully evading a well-hurled projectile? A group of Schaumburg Park District employees hope those memories will get adults back into the gym to revisit the game they played as youths."

• This is London: Winslet: I must diet to get work: 8 januari

"Kate Winslet has put herself on the first diet of her life saying that unless she sheds weight, she will not get another acting job."

• LE Magazine: Whey Protein Power: Mars 1998

"Surprising success in the prevention and treatment of cancer is making whey protein a popular supplement. New reports also confirm that whey boosts cellular glutathione and immune function."

• LE Magazine: Calorie Restriction - Eat Less, Eat Better, Live Longer: Februari 1998

"Scientists have discovered an almost certain method to achieve a very substantial retardation of the aging process, to delay aging of the brain, skin and muscle, and to live longer, healthier and younger.

It involves calorie restriction, the so-called CR diet, one of the most extensively studied of all gerontologic phenomena, and we now have good clues as to how it works."

• LE Magazine: Can Calorie Restriction Work in Humans?: Juni 1998

"Ben Best is betting that eating a low-calorie, nutrient-rich diet will slow his rate of aging and enable him to live longer. Here, he tells why and how he is conducting this experiment on himself."

Imposing Self-Restraint:
"I am not afraid to experience hunger," he notes. "If a person wants to seriously restrict calories, then will power and a willingness to experience feelings of hunger must eventually enter the picture. It is remarkable to me how absolutely unwilling people can be to allow themselves to feel even the slightest amount of hunger.

I think it is a discomfort that a person can learn to live with, like the necessity of getting up in the morning to go to work, or engaging in exertions required for exercise. Learning to accept various levels of hunger is like building a muscle. It takes practice."

• LE Magazine: Calorie Restriction In Monkeys: Juli 1998

"Here, we explore first-ever calorie-restriction experimentation on some of the closest relatives to humans, and what leading scientists in the field-the authors of this report-are finding, and hope to find, about calorie restriction's impact on mankind."

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Svensken är dålig på att äta fisk: 8 januari

"En färsk Sifo-undersökning visar att endast fem procent av befolkningen äter tillräckligt mycket fisk för att få i sig tillräckliga mängder av de livsnödvändiga omega-3 fettsyrorna som finns i fisken.

Fisk har alltid utgjort en betydande del i människans kost, men vår moderna kosthållning innehåller en allt mindre andel av dessa viktiga ämnen. Det är inte omöjligt att detta är en bidragande orsak till den höga förekomsten av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar i dagens samhälle."

• Nando Times: College men exercise more because of peer support, study says: 7 januari

"Exercise works on the buddy system for many college men: If their friends exercise, they do, a study says.

This was not true for women, who relied more on support from their families. And a researcher thinks college women exercise less than men do because the female buddy system isn't as strong as the men's."

Svensk artikel Computer Sweden: IT-branschen är en tickande hälsobomb: 8 januari

"Stillasittande jobb, dålig kost och långa arbetstider kommer att slå tillbaka mot folk i IT-branschen. - De riskerar att få hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, fetma, stressymptom och sämre livskvalitet, säger Per Gärdsell, chefsöverläkare i Malmö."

• IronMind: The Samuelssons and the Silver Screen...: 6 januari

"World's Strongest Man winner Magnus Samuelsson and his brother Torbjorn will be in Los Angeles next week. Besides pursuing some strongman-related business, the Samuelsson brothers will be exploring possible movie opportunities."

• Hardgainer: Free issue of Hardgainer:

"Never seen a sample copy of HARDGAINER? Curious to check out our "bastion of no-nonsense drug-free training" magazine? Here's your chance - download a free sample issue now."

Danska artikel NetDoktor.dk: Reklamer: 8 januari

"To tredjedele af de fødevarereklamer, der vises på TV2, er for usunde produkter. Det viser en undersøgelse Forbrugerinformationen har lavet over de viste reklamer på TV2 fra marts 2000 til september 2000. Det er især morgenmadsprodukter med højt sukker og fedtindhold, der kan vildlede forbrugerne, da de reklamerer med at give energi og overskud."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: ”Folkhälsan måste gå före jordbruket”: 8 januari

"Michael Sjöström, hälsoforskare vid Karolinska institutet i Solna, gläds åt statsministerns uttalande om köttätande. - Folkhälsan måste få gå före vissa gruppers ekonomiska intressen, säger han."

Danska artikel NetDoktor.dk: Motion: 8 januari

"Løbemotion er en ideel træningsform, hvis meningen er at forbedre sin kondi og tabe sig. Hvis man derimod ønsker at øge sin muskelmasse er det andre discipliner, man skal vælge; styrketræning eller en anden idræt, der er præget af eksplosive og kraftprægede aktiviteter."

Svensk artikel Svenska Tyngdlyftningsförbundet: 8 januari

"STF:s hemsida har nu bl.a. aktuella inbjudningar, rankinglistor och kalender. Den närmaste tidens händelser:

  • 20-21 jan. - Copenhagen Weightlifting Cup
  • 3-4 feb. - B-SM, Landskrona
  • 24-25 feb. - SM, Farsta, Stockholm
  • 9-11 mars - Allsvenska serier, första omgången
  • mars - Elittränarutbildning, Bosön"

• NAASO: The North American Association for the Study of Obesity:

"The North American Association for the Study of Obesity is an interdisciplinary society whose purpose is to develop, extend and disseminate knowledge in the field of obesity."

People Continue to Set Unrealistic Expectations For Weight Loss, Study Finds: 1 november
A study suggests that patients continue to set weight loss goals that are unattainable, even when counseled, resulting in disappointment and perceptions of failure. The finding demonstrates the need for increased education among patients and physicians about how to redefine success by setting expectations focused on health benefits rather than appearance.

New research examines effectiveness and weight loss maintenance of the low carbohydrate diet: 30 oktober
Clinical studies show that most obese people who are able to achieve successful long-term weight loss eat a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet. However, a low-carbohydrate, high-protein/fat diet can also help people lose weight.

• LE Magazine: Glutamine: The Essential "Non- Essential" Amino Acid: September 1999

"Glutamine is classified as a "non-essential amino acid." This label may mislead some people into believing that we don't need it. But, in essence, "non-essential" means only that the body can synthesize this amino acid. It does not mean "unimportant."

In fact, glutamine is of crucial importance; we are lucky that we do not have to depend totally on dietary sources. It seems that every cell in the body uses glutamine. Some tissue types, however, depend on glutamine much more than others."

• Fightraining:

Have a look at this guys living room... Have you seen anything like this before? 

"How to make thick handle bars. How to make a rolling thick handle. Coming soon... more links, pictures of grappling, how to make a grappling dummy, how to make and improvise weight equipment, video, and much more."

• USA Weightlifting:

"USA Weightlifting is the National Governing Body for Olympic weightlifting in the United States. USAW is a member of the United States Olympic Committee and a member of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF). The organization conducts a variety of programs that will ultimately develop Olympic, World Championship and Pan American Games' winners on the junior and senior level."

• Russian Martial Art:

"Your Official Internet Gateway to Health, Martial Art, and Physical Culture."

• Primordial Power:

"The Primordial Power mission is to provide facts and information related to serious drug-free strength training. Whether we are using barrels, sandbags, grip-training devices or raw iron, the one constant is the belief that only through hard work and heavy weights can a man become brutally strong.

I'll try and provide honest advice from real strength trainers, strongmen and the garage gym gorrillas. We are the men who look to the legends of the past in our quest to become stronger."

• The Weightlifting Page:

"I have been competing and coaching since 1967, and I have been receiving a number of requests for information about weightlifting, diet and throwing events. I have placed them in this file for convenience. Thank you for visiting."

• Hardgainer: Bare, Basic & Best: The Hardgainer's Home Gym: 7 januari

"But for any home-gym devotee, only three things really matter. And they are: 1. Safety. 2. Safety. 3. Safety.

Safety and simplicity. If you keep those two words high on your list of priorities, and repeat them like a mantra, then success will surely find you."

• Manolakis's Hardcore Drug Free Bodybuilding Site:

"Note that I'm writing about the way I see bodybuilding and the way I train. I'm not responsible about anything that can happen to you by following my advice. At this point I must state that I have tested under a period of 8 years everything I write about without any injury (and with very good results :-)."

• Defcon One Bodybuilding Health and Fitness: Free Bodybuilding Stuff!

• Viable Herbal Solutions: Detailed Descriptions of Many Herbs:

"This web page is provided as a comprehensive reference of herbal descriptions, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nutrients, and more."

• International Health News:

"International Health News provides subscribers with useful, authoritative on-line information about the latest research in health, nutrition and medicine. We review over 50 of the world's most respected medical and scientific journals every month and bring you concise, understandable and timely summaries of the most important discoveries."

• Boiler Home Gym:

"This site is dedicated to hard training, abbreviated training, power training, and strongman training. It is not for pumpers, toners, bunnies, or people who like fancy chrome-covered gym equipment. If you toil away in your own boiler room, and constantly strive to throw on some more weight, read on. You will enjoy yourself..."

• Combat Wrestling:

"Matt Furey Teaches You How To Destroy Your Competition With Superior Conditioning and Superior Technique"

• Omega Force Strength Team:

"Christian Strongmen With An Attitude For Christ."

• powerandstrength.com:

"The East Coast source for Power Lifting and Strongman Competitions."

Svensk artikel Fitnessguiden:

"Anslagstavlan: Vill du köpa eller sälja begagnad utrustning eller en fitnessanläggning. Söker du personal eller jobb i branschen. Här kommer du kunna läsa annonser och annonsera."

• Mike's Power Page:

"Mike's Power Page is the free resource for practical weight training information. Boasting a sharp new look, easier navigational structure, and fresh information, Mike's Power Page presents sound strength training information for the natural athlete."

• Matt Furey:

"Matt Furey's newest book, COMBAT CONDITIONING for Fitness, Combat Sports, Wrestling, martial arts, jujitsu and health."

• SUMOPAGES - weight training, strength training, armwrestling:

"SumoPages is a website devoted to strength training."

• The Medical Reporter:

"Timely and concise health articles by MDs and medical writer Joel R. Cooper."

• The Warrior Poet's Natural Body Building

• Weight Training & Bodybuilding Guide:

"Welcome to my attempt at a comprehensive weight training course. You should find everything you need to know about slimming, healthy eating, weight training, bodybuilding, general exercise, diet, training routines and more in the following pages."

• MedLean.com:

"Step inside and discover why healthy hormone levels are necessary if you want to look and feel your best. Take AndroQUIZ, our hormone health survey. Assess your levels of testosterone with AndroCHECK, our at-home hormone test kit."

• Fish and Fish Oil:

"Summaries of the latest research concerning the health benefits of fish and fish oil."

• Look Smart Drug Search:

"This link is brought to you by Alta Vista and displays the beginning of a comprehensive list of prescription drugs. No, not how to obtain them but just about anything else you'd like to know about them. Factual, legitimate data."

• Mike's Calorie And Fat Gram Chart For 1000 Foods:

"I'm posting my modified version of the standard foods Calorie and Fat Gram Chart to help you in your weight loss / health journey. One chart has foods sorted Alphabetically. Other editions include foods sorted by Grams of Fat, Cholesterol, Protein content, and finally a new chart which focuses on Carbohydrate content, so we can see at a glance the foods we should be eating. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is the source of all the nutritional information posted in my charts."

• 1001 Things to do with TUNA (when no ones looking!!!)

• Rainer's Weight Training and Fitness:

"I built this FREE info. website to help motivate myself and others to have fun while training hard! Not everyone is going to win Mr. Olympia, but we can all look good at the pool!"

• Dorian Yates: Dorian Yates Charitable Gym:

"Amit had a dream of opening a gym in his hometown of Rewari (near Delhi) and asked my permission to name the gym The Dorian Yates Charitable Gym, all profits going to charities. I thought this was a fantastic idea and gave my consent.

In September 1999 I made a visit to the gym in India along with my wife Debbie, my friends and business partners Kerry and Janet Kayes."

• natural-bodybuilding.net:

"This is the site for all who are interested in building an impressive muscular physique the real way: training with bone braking intensity, resting the right duration, eating and drinking the right stuff, and all DRUG-FREE!"

• Bony Joe's Weight Pit:

"Bony Joe's Weight Pit was designed to share what I've learned through my years in the iron game with everyone else. You get a lot of advice from so-called gurus who could hardly lift more than my mother (she benches 70 pounds for 3 sets of 10, by the way)."

• safe-usa - Taking Lifting and Conditioning to a New Level

StrengthPro Software:
"The result of years of work with high school and college strength coaches in their quest for the ability to generate quality, accurate, individualized workouts for mass quantities of athletes quickly and efficiently. It comes with the option of entry level workouts up to very advanced workouts or totally custom designed workouts by the coach. You must have Microsoft Excel and Access to run Strength Pro. FREE 14 Day Trail download of StrengthPro Software."

• Weightlifter's Warehouse Fitness Products:

"Since 1977, Weightlifter's Warehouse has been a favorite source for strength and fitness products. Weightlifter's Warehouse offers a complete line of bodybuilding, weightlifting, cardio, boxing, and exercise equipment for home, school, and organizational use."

• Atomic Athletic:

"Welcome to Atomic Athletic! We're proud to bring you the finest strength-building equipment from all over this world. Each link on the left is jam-packed with tried and true, personally tested strength equipment, supplies and products to keep you on top of the game."

Books and Videos:
See an mpeg of Frank Civatone's 440 lbs. Barbell Hack Lift! Also check out the new mpeg of Dana Florence toying with a 275 lbs. Atomic Ball.

• IRONHORSE - Piedmont Design Associates:

"Piedmont Design Associates is the World's Leading Supplier of Fractional Plates and Eclectic Lifting Paraphernalia."

• Jackals Gym:

"Jackal's Gym is the training home of the IPF Superheavyweight World Powerlifting Champion Brad Gillingham, USA Strongman Champion Karl Gillingham, and upcoming strongman and grip specialist Wade Gillingham."

Mastiff Strongman Equipment:
"Mastiff Equipment is designed and made by the World's best Strength Athletes. We know what you need and demand from your equipment."

• Aussiepower:

"Introducing strongman shows and strength athletes from Australia and Pacific regions."

• Salon: Fatlash: 16 januari 1997

"The anti-diet revolution is poised to sweep the nation, but are we really ready for a brave, plump new world?"

• dietfraud.com - Your Diet and Weight Loss Fraud Headquarters

• Search Yahoo for Androstenedione news

• Search Media Awareness Project for "Androstenedione"

• reporter-news.com: For baseball players, other athletes, creatine monhydrate has powerful lure: 14 mars 1998

• dietfraud.com: Oral Creatine Supplementation - Separating Fact From Hype:

"Many athletes - especially those participating in sports that emphasize strength - are taking oral creatine. Creatine supplements appear to enhance performance in repeated short bursts of stationary cycling and weight lifting, but the data on running, swimming, and single cycle sprints are not convincing of an ergogenic effect."

• Canoe.ca: Young athletes try creatine; adults hold their breath: 11 december

"Kids who want to grow strong these days sometimes turn to creatine. The strength training supplement, popular among pro and college athletes, has filtered down to the high school set. This unsettles adults, who doubt the young athletes understand what creatine does and don't know how many teens are involved."

• Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association: Creatine: A Review of Efficacy and Safety:

"While creatine may enhance the performance of high-intensity, short-duration exercise, it is not useful in endurance sports. Because commercially marketed creatine products do not meet the same quality control standards of pharmaceuticals, there is always a concern of impurities or doses higher or lower than those on the labeling. Consumers should balance the quality of information supporting the use of creatine with the known and theoretical risks of using the product, including possible renal dysfunction."

• The Media Awareness Project:

"A worldwide network dedicated to drug policy reform. We inform public opinion and promote balanced media coverage."

• PharmInfoNet:

"Up-to-date and accurate drug and pharmaceutical information and articles, browsable by generic or trade name."

• Food and Drug Administration:

"Home Page for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Efedrin NM Pharma:

"Efedrin är ett naturligt förekommande ämne som dels verkar direkt på luftrörens och blodkärlens muskelreceptorer samt stimulerar kroppens egen frisättning av noradrenalin (som även det verkar på dessa receptorer). Effekten blir att luftrören vidgar sig och slemhinnesvullnaden går ned."

• Drug InfoNet:

"Your one-stop WWW site for all your healthcare informational needs. We provide both information and links to areas on the web concerning healthcare and pharmaceutical-related topics. This free service is brought to you to improve your education as consumers and healthcare professionals."

• New York Times: Dietary Supplements May Test Consumers' Health: 22 september 1998

"Growing numbers of Americans are stepping daily into a potential minefield of substances loosely referred to as dietary supplements, many of which have little or nothing to do with the components of foods people normally consume. And increasingly these pill poppers are getting into trouble, suffering toxic reactions to deliberate or accidental components of these products or sacrificing the chance to be helped by conventional medicine."

• Parker & Waichman: Some Brands of Dietary Supplement 5HTP Tainted, Study Finds:

"Samples of six brands of a popular dietary supplement have been found to be tainted with a chemical contaminant, raising concerns about the product's safety, researchers report in a study published today."

• Supplement Watch

• TIME: The Low-Carb Diet Craze: 1 november 1999

"Fad diets come and go, but this one is exploding. Can you really lose weight by feasting on beef, eggs and bacon? And should you?"

Danska artikel GetBig: ABCDE DIÆTEN - over 5 kilo muskelmasse på 10 uger!:

"Den første artikel om kost skal selvfølgelig omhandle den utrolig populære ABCDE diæt, som er opfundet af en svensk forsker ved navn Torbjørn Åkerfelt, der studerer medicin på Uppsala universitet.

Det er ikke bare en forsker, som har siddet i sit lille lukkede laboratorie og fundet på nogle principper. Torbjørn er selv en meget seriøs bodybuilder hvilket hans 120 kilo med kun 8% kropsfedt vidst er et godt bevis på, når man tænker på at han er en klar steroide modstander."

• T-mag.com: ABCDE Diet - The next generation:

"A few years back, a magazine I used to work for published something called the ABCDE, or Anabolic Burst Cycling of Diet and Exercise, program (hey, I had nothing to do with the name)."

• Welcome to Mr Fitta Health Club:

"To all our friends in Sweden, thank you all for the emails about our name. We are aware of what "FITTA" means in Swedish. However, in England it is another way of writing "FITTER" which comes from "To Get Fit", as in healthy."

Svensk artikel Pettra

Svensk artikel Läkemedelsverket - Observanda!

• Fot For Business - Resources for the athletic business traveler

• TravelingFit.com:

"Traveling Fit will become your one-stop essential source for comprehensive information about fitness facilities, hotels, healthy restaurants, and outdoor exercise areas throughout the United States.

From custom designed Travel Corporate Wellness Programs to Internet Data Passports, CD Software, and quarterly guidebooks, Traveling Fit has a solution for you! No more excuses -- it's time to take control and stay fit on the road!"

• Healthsurfing: Fun and easy access top the list, say personal trainers: 4 juli

"The right gear, the right attitude, and a little variety are most essential for exercising, according to a survey of 36,000 certified fitness professionals by the American Council on Exercise. Most of the top picks are inexpensive, even free."

• Healthsurfing: Latest quick fixes are based on water loss, not fat loss: 3 november

"3-day diet ads promise a loss in weight of up to 10 pounds but don’t divulge that the loss is in water, not fat."

• Healthsurfing: Shaky balance board aims to strengthen midsection: 1 november

"Those suffering chronic injuries may want to jump aboard the latest workout. It's a board that moves three-dimensionally. Fighting for balance can help strengthen abdominal, chest, and back muscles, say physiologists. The device reflects today's emphasis on "core" (mid-body) training."

• Healthsurfing: A brief session may be enough: 16 oktober

"A new report on stretching indicates most sports and fitness participants can increase range of motion with just one 30 second stretch for each muscle group. A physical therapist, commenting on the report, says slow and steady movement is the key to maximizing stretch and minimizing injury."

• Healthsurfing: Weightlifting at home or alone can be dangerous: 6 oktober

"Health clubs, exercise equipment manufacturers, and video producers view home workouts as a growing trend among busy families and market products accordingly. Working out at home may be convenient, but it also comes with risks. A 20 year study of weight training trends finds 40 percent of injuries happen in home gyms."

• Healthsurfing: "Boost" herb can be dangerous, say nutritionists: 1 september

"They were originally designed for athletes, but these days, energy bars are a popular pick-me-up for all kinds of busy people - including those who skip lunch. But some power-packed snacks may give you less - and more - than you bargained for, with herbal supplements that can be dangerous for some."

• Healthsurfing: Junk food "true you" study draws criticism: 25 augusti

"A study of food and personality suggests that you really may be what you choose to eat from snack food store shelves. Food researchers launched a study of personality types and favorite junk foods and came up with some connections that may be more correct than crazy."

• Healthsurfing: Study suggests harder exercise saves time: 21 augusti

"The US Centers for Disease Control reports that 60 percent of adults don’t exercise enough. Time limitations due to other demands are mostly to blame, report the inactive. But a group representing fitness professionals reports that disciplined scheduling and a concentrated workout can help time-strapped people get in shape."

• Healthsurfing: Study shows people don’t know how much they eat: 16 augusti

"New research by the American Institute for Cancer Research shows that consumers are unaware that restaurant portions are growing. As “super-sized” marketing pitches - more food at an alluring price - increasingly become part of fast food and conventional restaurant sales efforts, eaters are also become super-sized."

• Healthsurfing: Drink lots of water in any form, dieticians urge: 1 augusti

"There’s yet another new way to get the recommended eight glasses of water a day. “Designer” waters, also marketed as fitness waters, contain fruity flavors, vitamins, and minerals. But this latest wave of water products - some advertised with inspiring sports performances - may not deliver as much health-in-a-bottle nutrition the manufacturers would like you to think."

• Healthsurfing: Fitness enhances sexual health, studies show: 27 juli

"Exercise is well documented as a means of losing weight and maintaining muscle mass. New research suggests that physical fitness can also benefit one’s sexual health."

• GetWellNicole.com - The Official Nicole Bass Command Center: 5 januari

"Nicole's levels have dropped drastically for the better and she's been put back on fluids. Tomorrow they'll try a smaller portion of solid food and it could be that she'll be out in a week. The cyst on her pancreas is shrinking so with luck she may not even have to have surgery but it's too soon to call.

A big thanks to the Howard Stern crew who endorsed the site today, and to everyone who's visited. Nicole went on Stern this morning and was feeling weak but has progressed through the day to a much better mood. She even shut up some women who were yelling at a nurse. Go Nicole! Keep those prayers coming and remember, everything you do helps."

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