B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 52 2000
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Födelsedagar vecka 52

• 27/12 Vince Comerford (49)
• 30/12 Bill Kazmeier (47)
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Söndag 31 december

Svensk artikel Per Andersson - Din Personliga Tränare:

"På den här siten kan du hitta information om mig som personlig tränare och mitt liv som bodybuilder (1996 SM i bodybuilding 1:a). Du hittar även länkar till mitt gym Westcoast fitness center och min gästbok som det är trevligt om ni sätter era spår i."

Engelsk artikel American Body Building: Chris Cormier! I Will Win The Ironman!: 30 december

"Chris Cormier is training hard these days. After he dropped out of the Mr. Olympia due to illness, lots of rumors came out, including that Chris was on drugs, that Chris was not in shape, and so on.

What about Flex Wheeler? Well, rumor on the street is that Flex will not be competing in any pro shows this year, except perhaps the Mr. Olympia, due to health reasons.

What about Paul Dillett? Word on the street is speculating that Paul cannot leave the state of Nevada due to legal proceedings, is training at Gold's Gym Of Vegas, but will not compete in the contests!"

Engelsk artikel Shawn Ray: I Come in Peace:

"I felt the need to write a reflective piece on the stench of a wholesome sport that is rotting with chemical war fare and leaving a stink in the air of bad judging, swollen body parts and emergency visits to the hospital for some of the sports elite competitors."

Engelsk artikel MUSCLEHEDZ: January's Screensaver/Calendar Is Now Available: 30 december

"Once again, there are two versions to choose from: A long version and a short version. The long version features a 40-second animation called, "The Brotherhood Of Iron," which is based on a cartoon I did back in 1995.

P.S. Don't forget that you can send free New Year's e-cards containing MUSCLEHEDZ and CHEAP SEATS (my other cartoon series) cartoons from - www.toonoftheweek.com."

Engelsk artikel Pro-Trainer Online:

"Pro-Trainer Online is a powrful fitness and personal training magazine addressing the concerns and challenges of the certified fitness professional. Trainers are taught the most current info on strength training, flexibility, bodybuilding, nutrition, fat loss, and lifestyle."

Past Issues:

  • Deadlift: The Forgotten Exercise
  • How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated
  • Depression and the Bodybuilder
  • Conditioning Your Mind
  • Five Tips to Improve Your Training Efficiency
  • Romanian Deadlifts: Training the Other Half of Your Leg
  • Are You Mentally Strong Enough to be a Successful Athlete?
  • Rest and Recovery: The Overlooked Aspect of Training Success Part 1
  • Rest and Recovery Part 2: Minimizing Fatigue, Overreaching and Overtraining
  • I may not know diddley... But I know squat! A primer for beginners int the squat
  • I Know Squat - Part 2: Proper Squatting Technique
  • STAND AND DELIVER! The Lost Art and Science of Weight Training
  • Supplement Update: Ribose

Charles Poliquin Seminar Experience:
One of the most important things you can do to ensure your success in the gym and/or as a fitness professional is to constantly further your education.

Engelsk artikel Exercise Physiology: The Methods and Mechanisms Underlying Performance:

"This page is the jumping off point for an ever-growing section on the physiological basis for endurance performance and training. Many exercise physiologists started out as athletes whose desire for better performance drove them to explore how the human machine worked."

Engelsk artikel UniSci: Zeroing In On The Genes Responsible for Human Obesity: 19 december

"Medical College of Wisconsin researchers have discovered an area on the human chromosome-3 that may hold the key to understanding the genetic basis for obesity and its related health problems of diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease."

Engelsk artikel The Journal of Physiology: Caffeine ingestion does not alter carbohydrate or fat metabolism in human skeletal muscle during exercise: December

"These findings indicate that caffeine ingestion stimulated the sympathetic nervous system but did not alter the carbohydrate or fat metabolism in the monitored leg. Other tissues must have been involved in the changes in circulating potassium, fatty acids, glucose and lactate."

Engelsk artikel Body Results: Train Today for Tomorrow's Challenges:

"The place for you to get up-to-date, interesting, and factual tips about outdoor conditioning. Frequent subscribers include members of the Seattle Mountaineers, Lake Union Crew rowers, and multi-sport endurance athletes who love the outdoors and want to be physically ready for their seasonal adventures."

Engelsk artikel G&R Video:

"Exercise videos at affordable prices. We carry a wide variety of videos - kickboxing, step, aerobics, yoga and more! Up to 30% off retail."

Engelsk artikel Collapsible Workout Bench:

"Tired of running off to the gym to work-out? Want to be able to do a gym-quality weight workout at home?"

Engelsk artikel CNN: Stress puts a strain on the body's immune system: 27 december

"The body's immune system is a true fighter -- protecting people from disease by keeping viruses and bacteria from taking over and ruining our health.

But one thing the immune system can't always fight is stress. Studies have shown that a stress-ridden immune system operates on a weakened level, making the body more vulnerable to cold viruses and other diseases."

Experts: A healthy brain doesn't need too much stress:

"Stress is a normal part of taking a test or dealing with traffic on your way to work. But too much stress, doctors say, can have detrimental effects on your health and wreak havoc with normal brain function."

Norsk artikel FLEX GYM:

"2. september startet jeg, Lena Mathisen (tidliger Norgesmester i Fitness, 6.plass VM) og min samboer Tommy Østhus, FLEX GYM i Trondheim, Norge.

Vi er det eneste gymet i Trondheim for de som er spesielt interesserte i trening, og vi har per i dag ca. 80 medlemmer, derav flere norske mestere i fitness og bodybuilding."

Engelsk artikel PubList.com, The Internet Directory of Publications:

"Search our database of over 150,000 magazines, journals, newsletters, & other periodicals. Find FREE in-depth information on familiar and hard-to-find publications from around the world, representing thousands of topics."

Engelsk artikel T-Mag.com: Coach of coaches: An interview with Ian King

"T: I'm going to go through a list of categories and you tell us what you see as the major pitfall or mistake the average person is making. Here we go: Diet.

Ian: Inconsistency! Nutrition is very simple. How many years have you been reading that you should eat every two to three hours? It's been said for a couple of decades! But how often do people do it? You don't have to be a rocket scientist in nutrition. If you just do this one thing, eat every two to three hours, you're going to be a hit."

Engelsk artikel Harvard Women's Health Watch: At Year’s End: Diet, Glycemic Index, and the Food Pyramid: December

"New evidence suggests that the official guidelines governing our food decisions are too simplistic and may need some tweaking when it comes to fats and carbohydrates."

Engelsk artikel Harvard Health Letter: Flavonoids, the Next New Thing?: December

"First came vitamins and minerals, then a flurry of interest in the carotenoids like lycopene and betacarotene. Now flavonoids are cropping up in the nutrition literature as the “magic bullet” ingredient that explains why a food might protect you against heart disease, cancer, and other woes."

Engelsk artikel HealthWatch: New Year's Resolutions: Why It's So Hard to Change:

"It's that time of year, and the vows to exercise, quit smoking, or drop pounds once again swirl in your mind. Well, shed the guilt: You've got company. Research shows the average person makes the same resolution 3 years in a row before finding success."

Engelsk artikel Strength Quest Video Journal:

"A quarterly video magazine featuring the best video clips from coast to coast with powerful lifts, pulls, throws, flips and more. Covering Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Strongman/woman and Highland Games."

Engelsk artikel SPORTQuest Sport Search Engine and Directory:

"SIRC is the world's leading bibliographic database producer of sport, fitness, and sports medicine information."

Engelsk artikel Opportunities in Physical Education and Related Areas (OPERA):

"The following are job announcements posted to the internet by institutions in higher education. Athletics, Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Fitness, Health, Sport Management."

Engelsk artikel National Wellness Institute: Nutrition Facts:

"Nutrition Facts is an excellent informational program that provides the user with a veritable cornucopia of food and nutrient data. All information (and, believe me, there is a lot of it with over 6,000 food items represented) is based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Nutrient Data Laboratory Database.

The program, which is easy to install, contains a simple yet elegant user interface and a lightening quick search engine."

Engelsk artikel Canoe.ca: Atlanta '96 Olympic Photo Gallery

Engelsk artikel Sporting Images:

"A comprehensive digital library of sporting photos from local, national and international sporting events - over 50,000 images available for advertising, promotional or editorial purposes."

Engelsk artikel NetDoktor: Cigarettes are like a best friend: 30 december

"Giving up smoking can be as difficult as killing your best friend, according to a new study. An Australian research team has found that the emotional bond between an addict and their cigarettes is so strong that quitting can require a supreme act of willpower. The team said that programmes to help people kick the habit should take such strong emotional pressures into account."

Engelsk artikel Shawn Ray will do a live chat on Wednesday January 10, 2001 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern / 7:30 p.m. Pacific time

Engelsk artikel kuro5hin.org: How do you identify media bias?

"Personally, I think the media is bent mostly towards human folly and laziness. So what tools do you use to decide what to think? Is it all just opinion? Nothing but a mirror of our own biases? Or can you show us the way to the truth?"

Engelsk artikel EurekAlert: Scientists identify molecular 'planner' that helps brain reorganize: 27 december

Scientists have used a molecule to help re-wire the brain as an animal is forced to learn from new experiences. The study marks the first time scientists have been able to pinpoint a specific molecule that assists the brain to reorganize in the face of new experiences.

"These studies demonstrate that giving the brain a workout definitely has an impact on brain structure at the molecular level," says first author Andrew Brooks, Ph.D., "Using your brain is a good thing."

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Builtmore Productions

Lördag 30 december

Engelsk artikel Camworld: RANTS: More About WebLogs: 5 november 1999

"Weblogs, however, are designed for an audience. They have a voice. They have a personality. Simply put, they are an interactive extension of who you are.

And if you don't have a weblog, then consider building one for your specific industry, specialty, or occupation. The world is in need of more specialized weblogs."

Svensk artikel SKKF: SM i bodybuilding flyttat: 22 december

"SKKF:s styrelse har beslutat att flytta SM i Bodybuilding 2001 till den 21-22 April. Orsaken till datumändringen är att IFBB har förlagt EM för herrar till den 4-7 maj. EM avhålls i Baku (Azerbajian)."

Engelsk artikel NFL Draft 2000: Norwegian drafted to Buffalo Bills: 25 april

Dagens födelsedagsbarn, Bill Kazmeier, skulle i sin krafts dagar kunnat cheatcurla nedanstående vikt lika många gånger: American Strength Legends: "He could cheat curl 315 pounds for fifteen reps." Det var bättre förr...

"Former Drammen Scorpion Leif Olve Dolonen Larsen was drafted in the 6th round with the 194th pick of the NFL year 2000 Draft, by the Buffalo Bills.

A rare physical talent, Larsen impressed NFL scouts and coaches alike when he crushed the NFL combine record in benchpress, lifting 225 pounds an unequaled 45 times."

Stress equals cortisol. Cortisol bad. Humor relieves stress. Humor good. Thus some sportsrelated humor for your viewing pleasure:

Svensk artikel Spray: Veckans Internetskämt: OS-special, Sportmissar, Sportgrodor

Engelsk artikel AdCritic.com:

"AdCritic.com was created for those who find advertising more than just an annoyance between TV shows. Advertising is a part of every culture. With 96% of households with TVs, and only 92% with running water, it's no wonder. Here is where you will find practically any ad you have seen on TV. At least that is the goal."

  • Fox Sports - India:
    Two guys with really big bats start swinging at the crowd.
  • Fox Sports - Turkey:
    A man does an interesting swan dive.
  • Fox Sports - China:
    This guy can catch a tree. Really, watch this and you can see a guy catch a tree.
  • Fox Sports - Russia:
    Two guys have a big slap fest.
  • Fox Sports - South Africa:
    Two words: Bike Rodeo.
  • Fox Sports: Baseball Locker Room
  • Fox Sports: If Only Bowling were More like Hockey
  • Fox Sports: Modano's A Giver:
    Mike Modano's Neighbor speaks out about how giving Mike is.
  • NYSE: Center Of The Sports World:
    Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw try to find out where the center of the sports world is.
  • Acclaim: Break:
    Dave Mirra has broken his entire body to bring you his Freestyle BMX game.
  • ESPN: Big Buddy:
    Sport Center guys give back to the community.
  • Fox: My Ears Are Bleeding:
    Only Fox can make bass fishing seem exciting.
  • Fox Sports: Horse Catchers Mask Cam:
    Fox equates baseball to getting... well, watch.
  • Fox: Helmet Slam:
    Fox Sports guys get Terry to listen in on the conversation. Ouch.
  • FX Network: Funeral:
    Dearly beloved, lap dance football sports sex girls.
  • Victoria's Secret: ABC Sports: Football:
    ABC Sports gets the Victoria's Secret ladies for their football promo.
  • Washington Sports Clubs: Penis:
    Pete Nisserman should exercise so he can pronounce his name right.
  • Washington Sports Clubs: Mugger:
    Being in shape really helps in the mugging business.
  • Quokka Sports: Everest Race:
    It's a race up Everest.
  • TXU Electric: Sports Fanatic:
    How many TVs does it take to watch all the games you want to watch at once?
  • Charles Schwab: Early Retirement:
    A few famous sports figures retire early.
  • EA Sports: Kickimus Maximus Buttimus:
    These new games Kickimus some Maximus Buttimus.

Engelsk artikel Digitallaugther:

Single.jpg, fat_modem.gif, ironman.jpg, knee.jpg, a_good_man.jpg, brottning.jpg, punt.jpg, gewichthefferprobleem.jpg, soccer.jpg, sports_fotboll3.jpg, sports_fotboll2.jpg, basketball.jpg

Engelsk artikel AST Sports Science: How to Lose Body Fat and Keep it Off:

"In this article I provide you breifly with the most universally accepted information on effective fat loss from experts all over the world. As well as some of the quickest, most effective strategies for shedding body fat. It's all backed by research, so let's jump right in."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Haste Makes Waist: 29 december

"If you're considering New Year's resolutions that involve trimming down or shaping up, experts say you might want to take your time.

If you're hoping to lose weight or begin an exercise regimen after Jan. 1, the word is that moving too fast can cause more harm than good. Think through your goals, they say."

Engelsk artikel Paralympic Powerlifting Benchpress World Records

Engelsk artikel UpComingMovies.com: Invincible:

Mer om filmen Jouko Ahola är med i.

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Court Sports Can Mean Trouble for Feet And Ankles: 29 december

"When winter drives sports enthusiasts indoors - and toward court sports like basketball, racquetball and tennis - the risk for foot and ankle injuries climbs, according to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS)."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness:

  • Protein Power Sale on Eiselt's Protec
  • The Casall Sportswear catalogue 2001, download as pdf (4,2MB)

Engelsk artikel IronMag.com: New Store Online:

"Ironmag Merchandise. Help us keep Ironmag free. Nu ligger Ironmags lilla nätbutik online. Sponsra tidningen och köp en t-shirt idag!"

Engelsk artikel The Foot & Ankle Web Index:

"Your gateway to our multi-faceted podiatry web service."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Breast Implant Websites May Be Biased: 29 december

"Women seeking information about breast implants may want to think twice before relying on the Internet as an accurate source of information."

Engelsk artikel Yes They're Fake! - Cosmetic Surgery & Product Report!:

Detta är en av de bättre webbplatserna för ärlig information om platikkirurgi.

"This site contains a collection of information, photographs and links pertaining to Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery for the face and body.

You should know as much as you possibly can before undergoing any type of surgery. Preparedness is a powerful thing. Most doctors and nurses are trying to get your business and will tell you what you want to hear. Here, I tell it like it is..."

Cosmetic Surgery & Other Interests - FOR MEN:

"I'm writing this section of the site for Marianne because she wants all the information possible on the subject and that includes procedures and products for us males. Like Marianne I try to keep up to date on everything out there that is being done for human improvement including, but definitely not limited to, aesthetics."

Engelsk artikel Natural Athlete Strength Association: Men's & Women's World Bench Press Records

Fredrik Age och andra nordiska kroppsbyggare har också gjort reklam för öl... Fast då var det ett öl utan tillsatser...

Engelsk artikel The Norway Post: Beer commercial sparks controversy: 29 december

"Norway's alpine star, Lasse Kjuus, finds himself at the centre of a heated debate, after taking part in a television commercial promoting a well-known Danish brewery."

Norsk artikel Fædrelandsvennen: Vurderer reaksjon mot Kjus: 29 december

"Norges Skiforbund skal nå se nærmere på Lasse Kjus sin medvirkning i en reklame for det danske bryggeriet Carlsberg."

Engelsk artikel Supertraining: Squats and Heel Blocks by Mel C. Siff: 29 december

Som alltid när det gäller Mel C Siff välskrivet med gedigna råd baserade på erfarenhet. Här får du råd om hur du ökar djupet på dina knäböj. Du behöver bli medlem på listan Supertraining för att läsa meddelandet.

Engelsk artikel IGN DVD: The Ten Best on the Market: 21 december

Du har väl en DVD-spelare? Top 10 bland av de bästa DVD-filmerna fram till och med december 2000. Arnold ligger tvåa :-) (Via /usr/bin/girl)

Engelsk artikel Natural Athlete Strength Association: Powerlifiting Rulebook

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Här är Sveriges 38 största legendarer: 29 december

"Sportbladets Henrik Bengts har gjort en unik kartläggning av Sveriges 38 nu levande största idrottshjältar. De gångna veckorna har de svarat på våra frågor, avslöjat höjdpunkter och bottennapp i karriären och om hur livet blivit när rampljuset släckts. Sista frågan: Vad tycker du om pengarnas inverkan på idrotten?"

Stellan Bengtsson, 48 år, Steninge, bordtennis:
– Mindre idrotter, som pingisen, skulle få mer uppmärksamhet med fler tv-kanaler och större utbud.

Frank Andersson, 44 år, Halmstad, brottning
– Jag tjänade förhållandevis bra, man var ju lite kontroversiell och annorlunda. Det tyckte sponsorerna om. – Med de pengar som finns inom idrotten nu tappar utövarna fotfästet. Dopningen blir genvägen.

Ricky Bruch, 54 år, Blentarp, diskus
– Jag tror att för mycket pengar i för tidig ålder tar död på motivationen. Okej, jag tjänade en hel del, ibland femsiffriga belopp, men så har jag spenderat mycket också.

Engelsk artikel Top Powerlifting Sites

Engelsk artikel Barrett L. Dorko P.T. - The Clinician's Manual: A Big Mistake:

"Physical therapy, like any other discipline, has its share of dearly held beliefs. Perhaps none is stronger than the notion that static and dynamic postures are directly related to muscular strength.

This is not true."

Engelsk artikel Physical Therapist Online

Engelsk artikel Physical Therapy - The Web Space

Svensk artikel Spray: Tävla om biljetter till Idrottsgalan:

"50 Spraymedlemmar vinner två VIP-biljetter var till den högtidliga Idrottsgalan som direktsänds i SVT den 22:a januari. Under förra året valdes Björn Borg till tidernas största idrottspersonlighet i Sverige och nu är det dags för tidernas idrottsögonblick. Vinner du är du och din vän välkomna till Sprays VIP-lounge innan galan för att mingla med oss och eventuellt kommer även några idrottsstjärnor förbi och säger hej."

Engelsk artikel Kelly Sports Video Production:

"We spend our days traveling around, shooting special events of almost every kind. You'll find within our pages, videos offered such as: Powerlifting, Strongman/woman Contests, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Karate, Bodybuilding. If it isn't listed here, it's probably coming soon.

Favorite Action Pictures Directory contains links to picture pages. The images are taken off of the videos that we shoot as we travel."

Engelsk artikel Strongwomen: Burning calories is not an exact science: Oktober

"You're not alone if you've been wondering about the accuracy of calorie counters that are built into treadmills, stationary bikes and other cardiovascular machines.

More often than not, the machines will overestimate by as much as 30 percent, though an overestimation of 10 percent to 15 percent is more likely. To correct for the inaccuracies, try the following tips."

Engelsk artikel 100% RAW (Redeemed Among the World):

"Redeemed Among the World, Inc. hosts "100% RAW" powerlifting competitions on the Eastern Coast of the United States with competitors ranging in age from 5-80. At our events you must lift raw and drug-free.

The proceeds from each event are donated to American Leprosy Missions and to benefit those less fortunate."

Engelsk artikel Strongwomen: Selecting a Fitness Video:

"Choosing the right exercise video - one that you can do but that will be challenging enough and one that you will enjoy - can really be difficult. The following guidelines should help to make that process easier."

Engelsk artikel About Bodybuilding: Gargantuan Arms - Do you want to have arms of steel?:

"The big secret is to pump the triceps with the toughest moves you can take. These often-overlooked muscles make up 2/3 of your arm, so you will be working them hard."

Engelsk artikel About Bodybuilding: The Ten Biggest Fat Loss Lies:

"If you've ever walked into a health food store and asked for information about supplements...
If you have ever read any one of the many popular bodybuilding or fitness magazines...
If you've ever read the latest best-selling diet book...
If you have ever watched late night TV and listened to a diet or fitness guru preach about an amazing new diet, exercise machine or supplement...
If you have ever surfed the web for information about diet, nutrition or training...
If you have ever done ANY of these things, then chances are... YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO, MY FRIEND!"

Engelsk artikel UniSci: Optical tweezers show details of how our muscles work: 19 december

"Plundering a physicists' toolkit to make use of a laser-based device known as "optical tweezers," biologists have discovered the details of how our muscles work and how components are transported within individual cells."

Engelsk artikel Nutricise: Take This Job and Love It:

"Want to spend your days honing and toning other people's muscles? Here's what you need to do to land a job as a personal trainer."

Engelsk artikel Infinity Fitness: FREE programs or training logs:

"Instant access to all our FREE printable Training Programs and Training/Nutrition Logs for men and women!"

Engelsk artikel Nutricise: What to Look for in a Health Club:

"Most gyms look pretty good when you're an outsider, so how can you be sure you're choosing the right one? According to Fred Kronk, the director of health and fitness at Fitness Formula in Chicago, there are 10 questions you should ask when you're considering signing up."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Latin America Holds Fool's Day: 28 december

"The daily Reforma, one of Mexico's most respected newspapers, ran headlines saying Mexico's Olympic gold medal-winning female weightlifter, Soraya Jimenez, will become a lingerie model.

Jimenez is known more for her athletic prowess than for her figure."

Engelsk artikel Nutricise: Be Your Own Personal Trainer!:

"Good personal trainers do more than just teach you about exercise: They make sure that every visit you make to the gym counts, monitor your goals, keep your workouts at a steady pace and offer that last bit of motivation to fuel your progress when you begin to run on fumes.

Getting this kind of support doesn't have to cost you; you can get a few of the perks of a personal trainer just by doing these four things for yourself."

Engelsk artikel Strength Online: Articles by Louie Simmons and Dave Tate:

"Louie Simmons is world renowned as the "tinkerer" of powerlifting. Louie is always looking for new (and old) ways to make people stronger. His methods are unorthodox, to be sure, but he gets results. If you ever experience a sticking point in your training, be sure to check out Louie's writings. He just might help you achieve some new personal records."

Engelsk artikel Louie Simmons Page:

"Here are some excellent links to help understand Louie Simmons' Westside Barbell Club Training Systems."

Svensk artikel Fredrik Age - The Swedemeisters gästbok har ändrat format.

Engelsk artikel WebMD: Creatine Use Spreads to High School Athletes: 28 december

"High school athletes and their parents may believe that because it's available in almost any health food store, it's okay to use the dietary supplement creatine. In fact, researchers from the Mayo Clinic found that almost 1 in 10 high school athletes are using this strength-enhancing substance."

Engelsk artikel Food Ingredients Online: Nutrition for the aged: 28 december

"As the U.S. population ages, product developers will increasingly be called upon to create products that meet their special dietary needs."

Engelsk artikel JunkScience: Organic, Schmorganic: 29 december

"Organic foods are now an official, "USDA-approved" scam.

"Let me be clear about one other thing," Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman said in announcing the new rules. "The organic label is a marketing tool. It is not a statement about food safety. Nor is 'organic' a value judgment about nutrition or quality."

For once, an honest assessment of a government initiative."

Engelsk artikel The Oregonian: Blind teen uplifts family, friends pound by pound: 25 december

"Lisa Garcia, who set a world record in weightlifting, couldn't even lift the bar when she first started training."

Engelsk artikel The Age: Not all aspire to be a sporting legend: 27 december

"Some schoolboys avoid competitive sport (cricket, football and athletics) because they find it a turn-off or a bore, a national study has found. Many preferred non-competitive activities such as skateboarding, surfing, rock climbing and mountain biking."

Engelsk artikel USA Today: Alert on supplements: 28 december

"Athletes around the globe are finding out the hard way what thousands of others aren't learning fast enough: Popular diet supplements can risk your health, or your career."

Engelsk artikel latimes.com: Fiscal Fitness and Health Club Contracts: 28 december

"Sometimes, a firm's competitors are a good source on what a company is or isn't doing. This was the case after I wrote two columns about Bally Total Fitness, the nation's largest health club.

"A dirty little secret in the health club business is that most people do not stick with their exercise program despite the best intentions," he wrote. "A significant percentage never return after the first few weeks..."

Engelsk artikel Washingtonpost: Finding the Health Club That's Fit for You: 28 december

"If you want to tip the scales in your favor when trying to make the best choice, muscle up first with the kind of information that rarely is volunteered by health club staffs - and make sure to ask the right questions of club membership representatives. Here are some pointers:"

[Till toppen av sidan]


Dagens B&K-länkare

Maxx Bodybuilding

Fredag 29 december

Engelsk artikel Star-Telegram.com: Ex-Arlington police officer enjoys bodybuilding career: 26 december

Ronnie är inte heltidsanställd polis längre...

"Ronnie Coleman needed more flex time, so he quit his day job.

The three-time Mr. Olympia ended his 12-year police career two months ago and gave up his annual $46,000 Arlington police salary for a six-digit income as a full-time bodybuilder. Coleman said he makes nearly $500,000 a year in prize winnings, endorsements and appearance fees. He also sells workout videos."

Engelsk artikel IMDB: Arnie Wants Intellectual Roles: 22 december

"Arnold Schwarzenegger has turned his back on his tough guy image - to make "more intellectual" movies. The Austrian muscleman, who shot to fame in blood and guts films like Terminator, The (1984) and Total Recall (1990), is desperate to revamp his image with more intelligent roles.

He says, "In the 1980s men were not very secure and were happy to see a man with muscles. Now no-one is interested in that." And Arnie has a definite plan about how to recreate himself - he's planning a project with neurotic film-maker Woody Allen. He adds, "We are talking about the script at the moment."

Engelsk artikel AskMen.com: Misconceptions Of Bodybuilding: 28 december

Can working out for twenty minutes a day make a difference? Do any "lose weight quick" products actually work? Find out here.

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: 9 Ways to Get Sexier Muscles: 20 december

"If you think weightlifting is painful and boring, try thinking of it as sex for your muscles. Done with sensitivity and care, weightlifting can be one of the most intensely sensual and pleasurable experiences you can have with your clothes on."

Danska artikel Run4Fun: Er du kontrolfreak?:

"For mennesker i dag er kontrol et tegn på styrke. Personlig succes består i at have styr på det hele. Afhængighed af andre ses som et svaghedstegn. Men selvom vi allesammen er gode til noget, så er ingen af os gode til alting. Vi har også brug for at kunne give slip og tage imod det, de andre tilbyder os. For vores egen og for de andres skyld."

Engelsk artikel Bill Dobbins: What you really need to know about anabolic steroids:

"Most of what you read in the media about anabolic drugs is inaccurate or exaggerated. Following are the simple facts.

DISCLAIMER: This article discusses the nature and effects of anabolic steroids. It does not advocate the use of these substances but is presented for educational purposes only."

Engelsk artikel Women's Sports Channel: Gabby's New Pose: December

"The images in Playboy are consistent with what I've been doing all along," Reece says. "It's not like I became a bimbo all of the sudden. I'm not wearing pink lingerie with tons of makeup and staring into the camera in a come-hither way. It's more about the women's body depicted in an athletic manner." (Via SurfJones)

Engelsk artikel The Rusty Iron Bodybuilding Page: MFW Pullup Challenge 2000: Elzi Volk och John M Williams

Danska artikel Aktuelt: Spis dig fra sygdomme: 28 december

"Fødevareindustrien glæder sig til at kunne reklamere med, at frugt og grønt nedsætter risikoen for kræft, at fisk nedsætter risikoen for hjertedød, og at calcium er godt for knoglerne."

Engelsk artikel Time: A New-Age Drink War Starts As Soda Flops: 18 december

"Pepsi's purchase of Gatorade and SoBe takes the marketing battle with Coke to a hot new segment."

Engelsk artikel AskMen.com: Ab Machines That Really Work: 15 juni

"We will review four of the most popular abdominal machines available on the market. Here is an honest and fair rating on how effective the machines really are in building stomach muscles and on their overall value."

Engelsk artikel CNN: Fat-free store has gourmet goodies without girth: 28 december

"Andrea Halperin, a 35-year-old with a flair for marketing and art history, has opened F3 Fat Free Foods, a two-story Manhattan market and mail order business that sells an innovative selection of fat-free foods ranging from marble cheesecake to red bell pepper and ancho chili jam. There are even special sections devoted to sugar- and salt-free diets."

Engelsk artikel Max Planck Society: Why are insecurities and risks often erroneously calculated?: 27 december

"Research at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development shows that, to avoid leading to false conclusions, statistical information needs to be communicated better and in a more comprehensible fashion."

Engelsk artikel Guardian: Give me a Big Mac - but hold the beef: 28 december

"In India, where the cow is venerated, most people do not eat beef, but McDonald's still has plans to conquer the subcontinent. Luke Harding on the rise of the Maharaja Mac." (Via LinkMachineGo)

Engelsk artikel The Merck Manual Home Edition:

"Welcome to your source for complete and comprehensive medical information. Health-care professionals have turned to The Merck Manual for more than a century. Now this information is available to you, in easy-to-understand English."

Danska artikel Run4Fun: Danske dopingprøver analyseres i Norge: 28 december

"Anti Doping Danmark har underskrevet en samarbejdsaftale med Hormonlaboratoriet, Aker Universitetssygehus, Oslo, om analyse af dopingprøver frem til 2004."

Engelsk artikel Desktop Collector Wallpaper: Terminator 800x600 or 1024x768

Danska artikel Run4Fun: Fedt nok?: 29 december

"Julen er lagt bag os, og traditionen tro er det nærmest umuligt at åbne en avis uden at blive konfronteret med udsagn om at vi er godt på vej til at begå kollektivt selvmord med kniv og gaffel. Fedtet er den store skurk, lyder det velkendte budskab.

Men Ib Erik Jensen, der er læge og inkarneret løber, er skeptisk overfor mediernes fedthysteri."

Engelsk artikel PsycPort: Physical Activity Can Help Delay, Prevent Many Diseases of Aging: 27 december

"Are people just failing to take responsibility for their own health or are there other factors woven into the decision-making process that place one's own health and exercise regimen at the lowest of priorities?"

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Kids Say Sports, Hobbies Help Them Avoid Drugs: 28 december

"When asked what anti-drug efforts work, American children point to family ties, sports and hobbies as their personal "anti-drugs", according to survey findings released by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy."

Engelsk artikel Just Move: Survey: Canadians think diet lacking: 26 december

Blame Canada...

"Only one in three Canadians think that their current diet was balanced and healthy, with one in four admitting their diet needs improvement, according to results of a recent survey."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: FDA to study safety of dietary supplements: 27 december

"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has contracted the National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine (IOM) to help it develop a protocol for reviewing the safety of dietary supplements, the agency announced in a letter to dietary supplement manufacturers."

Engelsk artikel Sportsscience: Limits to performance: Maj/augusti

"In the last 50 years, improvements per decade have been approximately: sprinting, 1%; distance running, 1.5%; jumping, 2-3%; pole vaulting, 5%; swimming, 5%; skiing, 10%. According to Stephen, the increases show no sign of leveling off, even for sprinting. Introduction of drug testing appears to have made no difference [for the males, but it may have stopped females getting faster]."

Engelsk artikel Healthsurfing: Bulk beware: "Muscle boost" ingredients fail to add muscle: 28 december

"Two newly published studies indicate “Andro”, which refers to androstenediol and androstenedione, - and, therefore, products containing them for muscle boosting purposes -, are ineffective over the long term."

Engelsk artikel Sportsscience: The Gender Gap: Elite Women Are Running Further Behind: Maj/juni 1997

"The world's fastest women are now getting slower, while the men keep getting faster. That's the outcome of our analysis of top running performances of the last 40 years. Reduced use of anabolic steroids may be the reason women runners are no longer becoming like men."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! Business News: RiceX Quadruples Production Output: 20 december

"RiceX(TM) Solubles is a highly nutritious powdered emulsion of Stabilized Rice Bran and Germ, non-chemically treated to remove the insoluble fiber. It has numerous applications for meal replacements, supplements, natural food drinks and dietary supplements and for power and bodybuilding products."

Engelsk artikel Bomis Babe Report: Poll: Who Should Play the Next Female Terminator?

Engelsk artikel My Prime Time: Toddler Weightlifting: One More Way to Get in Shape:

"Who needs a big strong man around the house (unless of course it's you) when you can hoist your own 40-pound water jugs, haul boxes of books, or move the armchair to the other side of the room."

European Female Bodybuilding, Valérie Creux, The Amazon of Berry, Agnès Auger, Maryse Manios, La Perle du Nord, Wonderwoman Female Bodybuilder, Butch's House of Female Wrestling

Engelsk artikel SportsGirls.net - The largest photo collection of female athletes in the world:

"Sports picture gallery showcasing female sports celebrities, plus current sports headlines."

Engelsk artikel HealthSurfing.com: Incorporationg soy: Meat substitute gains respect as high cholesterol buster: 28 december

"Soy is now officially recommended by the American Heart Association for daily consumption by those needing to lower their cholesterol."

Danska artikel Aktuelt: Vitaminer i chokolade og chips: 28 december

"Chokolade og chips skal kunne gøres lige så sunde som gulerødder og æbler, foreslår EU. Forbrugerrådet frygter for folkesundheden."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Fedtenergiprocent: 28 december

"Det er ikke tilstrækkeligt at bruge udregninger af fedtenergiprocent til at bedømme kostens sundhed. Det understreger Lone Viggers, ernæringsansvarlig i Hjerteforeningen, idet hun kritiserer det fokus, der er sat på fedtenergiprocenten. Den giver ikke et dækkende billede af sundheden i den samlede kost, mener hun."

Engelsk artikel P.S. Workshop: IronWarrior Training Log:

"More than just sets & reps, IronWarrior records and calculates all those other variables crucial to the Weight Game, such as calorie intake, nutrient ratios, recovery variables, protein/bodyweight ratios, supplements, body weight & body part measurements, splits, rest intervals, and more."

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Lou Ferrigno
The Ultimate Hercules

Torsdag 28 december

Engelsk artikel The Times: Body scanner captures the bigger picture: 26 december

A body scanner that shows exactly where you are losing weight - or gaining it - has been developed by scientists at Nottingham Trent University. The ShapeCatcher machine, which has begun trials at David Lloyd fitness centre in Nottingham, could help people to become fitter by showing them the physical results of their workouts. Computer Clothing Research is a business that specialises in measuring people with pinpoint accuracy."

Engelsk artikel PopPolitics.com: Female Athletes Fight Anonymity: 19 december

"Another commercial is dead on about the disparity in pay that still exists between female and male athletes. "Why are sisters makin' less when they're bustin' their butts to the max?" she asks. "Are they playin' any less hard than the fellas? Is their blood any less red? Women receive less. They deserve more. The more the better."

Engelsk artikel Geek Gourmet - a Compendium of Geek-Inspired Recipes:

"Recipes which have been chosen for inclusion in this guide are ones which are not only tasty, healthy, and filling, but should prepare with a minimum of time and effort; resulting in as little clean-up as possible.

Indeed, one of the questions the gnulix guy asks himself when considering a recipe contribution for inclusion is, "Would I bother preparing this, or would I just head over to McDonald's and grab a Happy Meal instead?".

Engelsk artikel Workout Wizard: Nutrition Wizard: 27 december

"The long awaited Daily Meal Planner has finally arrived at our sister site the Nutrition Wizard. The meal planner will allow you to easily create an effective diet based on your fitness goals."

Engelsk artikel SmartFitness mailinglist:

"SMART Fitness is dedicated to fitness & quality of life management for special needs populations, including the disabled, mobility impaired, older adults, athletes with injured lower limbs and those with neuromuscular disorders."

Engelsk artikel Encyclopedia Britannica: Exercise:

"Exercise; the training of the body to improve its function and enhance its fitness."

Engelsk artikel Sportscience News: Bodybuilding as an Olympic sport?: Mars/april 1998

"At the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics, bodybuilding received provisional status by the International Olympic Committee. The sport has two years to overcome prejudices and misconceptions and receive confirmation of acceptance as a demonstration sport in the Summer Olympics."

Engelsk artikel Fitness America Pageant

Engelsk artikel OUTDOORSmagic: Trekking Poles 'Work': 26 december

"Hiking poles really do 'reduce exertion levels and increase balance' according to a story on the Outside magazine web site. Apparently scientists at the University of Massachusetts studied ten hikers wearing heavy packs on an inclined treadmill and discovered that..."

Engelsk artikel The Times: Why I have a pressing engagement at the gym: 6 mars

"Ultrafit magazine has long been faithful to the push-up in its annual multidiscipline challenge and I remember being introduced little more than a year ago to Corporal Paul Dean, a Royal Marine who holds the world record of 2,056 press-ups in one hour, training at the rate of 500 a day."

Engelsk artikel The Atlanta Journal-Consitution: Bronze star: Weightlifting medal creates a celebrity in Savannah's Cheryl Haworth: 25 december

"At the Olympics, Haworth raised 275 pounds in the snatch, a lift in one uninterrupted motion, and 308 in the clean-and-jerk, a two-step lift. The sum nestled her safely in third place behind Meiyuan Ding of China and Agata Wrobel of Poland. In one quadrennium, she had inflated the national standard by more than 20 percent.

With an eye toward the 2004 Games, the Chinese coach pointed to Haworth and held up an index finger, signaling No. 1. She accepts the burden." (Via SurfJones)

Engelsk artikel SMART Database:

Homer (Upon finding out he's been admitted to college): (Singing) I am so smart! I am so smart! SMRT! SMRT! I mean, SMART!

"Access over 32,000 journal entries from more than 170 of the most important sports medicine and science."

Engelsk artikel Active for Life

Engelsk artikel Health & Fitness Magazine:

"Health & Fitness is essential reading for everyone who leads an active lifestyle. It offers up-to-the-minute news and features on the latest research and trends in sport and fitness, health and nutrition."

Engelsk artikel IMDb daily poll for 10 November 2000 - Best Mars/Martian movie?

Engelsk artikel The Times: Diet - a carefully controlled eating plan helped Stephanie Cook to win Olympic gold: 24 oktober

"Gareth Zeal, a nutritionist, confirms that there is an increase of around 30 per cent in the incidence of viral infections experienced by athletes. Part of the reason that Cook’s health was below par was that she was not getting adequate nutrition for the job she was doing, he explains."

Engelsk artikel New York Daily News Online: WWF Boss Wrestles With His Past: 27 december

"Vince McMahon bellows and snarls like the brawlers who've made him a fortune. But the World Wrestling Federation honcho has apparently been hiding a secret pain: childhood sexual abuse."

Engelsk artikel The Times: Fitness: Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder or the mind?: 25 november

"A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has suggested that those who do have a poor body image can find the supportive social climate of the gym and pumping iron addictive."

Engelsk artikel HydroSport: the wrist water bottle:

"Wrist Water Bottles That Keep Your Hands Free While Exercising!"

Engelsk artikel The Times: Alternative energy drinks - the juice of the killer hornet: 21 november

"Japanese sports scientists claim that a drink containing the juice of the killer hornet can improve human endurance.

In two separate trials, published in the Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, - one on swimming mice and one on students who cycled on indoor bikes - those who had taken the drink performed almost twice as well as those who had not."

Charlie tipsar om FitnessBeauties.com samt Doris Dany, bikini and fitness centerfold.

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Onsdag 27 december

Svensk artikel Strongman-tävlingar på Eurosport, tack till Robert P.

"Eurosport sänder ikväll den 27:e kl 01:00 GP från Finland och i övermorgon kl 01:00 från Rumänien."

Norsk artikel Forbrukerombudet: Markedsrådet forbyr treningssentre å kreve dopingtest av medlemmer: 22 december

"Markedsrådet forbyr Norges Treningssenterforbund å ha vilkår i sin standard treningskontrakt som forbundet anbefaler sine medlemmer, der treningssenteret forbeholder seg rett til å dopingteste samtlige medlemmer.

Markedsrådet fastsetter at Norges Treningssenterforbund skal betale 100 000 kroner i tvangsgebyr dersom forbundet ikke endrer dette punktet i standardkontrakten innen fire uker fra avsigelsen av vedtaket (20.12.00). Forbrukerombudet har dermed fått medhold i sitt standpunkt."

Svensk artikel DN: Entusiaster ger aldrig upp: 27 december

"Resan genom idrotts-Sverige går vidare. I dag hyllar Torbjörn Petersson tyngdlyftarna i Vilhelmina - som genomfört en verklig bragd."

Svensk artikel DN: Julmaten problem för många: 27 december

"Omkring 100.000 svenskar beräknas ha allvarliga ätstörningar och ytterligare ett par hundra tusen personer har mindre ätstörningar. För dem och andra öppnade i helgen en hemsida om matproblem, Ätstörningsjouren."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Bitre piller for store gutter: 27 december

"Domino er ingen olympisk øvelse. Men det ble i høyeste grad en etter-olympisk gren i Norge. Og det er ikke sikkert at de siste brikkene har falt ennå."

Engelsk artikel Star Tribune: Six months after bodybuilder's death, parents still seeking answers: 23 december

"Irene Sherlin prepared for her first bodybuilding competition as if her life depended on it."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Image är (nästan) allt: 26 december

"Det blir allt mer och allt större pengar inom idrotten. En idrott som i dag i hög grad styrs av agenter, sponsorer, medierådgivare och stylister. En idrottsstjärna som vill lysa riktigt starkt, locka många sponsorer och synas i medierna, måste bygga en image."

Engelsk artikel Star Tribune: Nubain use growing: 24 december

"The prescription painkiller Nubain began showing up in gyms about 15 years ago and quickly became popular among bodybuilders and weightlifters because it masks pain during training sessions, allowing for longer and harder workouts."

Engelsk artikel Star Tribune: Obituary: Jerry Jones, 52, bodybuilder, power lifter: 31 augusti

"Jerry Jones, a New Hope bodybuilding event promoter who was a world power-lift champion, died Tuesday while exercising in a gym in Plymouth. He was 52. The exact cause of death has not been determined, said Susan Jones, his ex-wife."

Engelsk artikel CNN: Super Dave: Man remarkably fit despite his weight: 26 december

"Dave Alexander's overweight body doesn't stop him from being an ironman.

The 5-foot-8, 260-pounder estimates he has finished 276 triathlons since 1983, causing his doctor to marvel at this remarkable combination of fitness and admitted obesity."

Engelsk artikel Don Lemmon intervjuar April Hunter (Wrestling Diva, Model, Actress!), Bill Dobbins, Devin DeVasquez (Playboy Playmate) och Mike Demeter

Engelsk artikel Baptist Online: 10 Reasons Why Diets Can Fail:

"The road on the way to successful dieting is filled with pitfalls, ruts and misleading paths. In order to reach your destination, which may be weight loss, weight maintenance or just a better approach to food, you should be aware of the biggest mistakes of dieting and why people can fail."

Engelsk artikel Office of Dietary Supplements:

"The ODS supports research and disseminates research results in the area of dietary supplements. The ODS also provides advice to other Federal agencies regarding research results related to dietary supplements."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Testosterone Implants Effective Contraception for Men: 26 december

"Implants that continuously release testosterone suppress sperm production to levels adequate for contraception in approximately 70% of men, researchers report."

Engelsk artikel Sportsdoctor.com: Exercise and Your Breasts:

"Let's face it: a woman's breasts were not made with running and jumping in mind. That's not to say that women weren't meant to exercise, but that our breasts need a little extra protection when we do." (Via The Breast Chronicles)

Engelsk artikel PrimaVi: Osäkra resultat med bantningspiller: 19 december

"Att kunna äta som man vill men ändå vara smal är en av den moderna människans högsta drömmar. Därför överöses marknaden av piller och preparat som ska göra det möjligt. Många går att köpa via Internet. Men efter en larmrapport om höjd risk för hjärnblödning görs nu kosttillskottet Dynamin om. Och hur verksamma är egentligen de andra produkterna?"

Engelsk artikel PrimaVi: Eight tips to make you angry and fat:

"Magazines and other sources of health information are full of good advice about staying slim and healthy. For a change we can now present the opposite - eight tips guaranteed to make you angry, fat and unwell. The main tip is to eat the wrong things at the wrong time and above all to avoid anything resembling exercise."

Engelsk artikel memepool:

"Only NotMilk.com would misquote the same New York Times article that mentioned the site."
to Wackos

Från New York Times:

"The colorful NotMilk site delights in describing milk as a glass of "pus with hormones and glue." Its creator, Robert Cohen, who calls himself the Not Milk Man, keeps a list of diseases on the site that he believes are caused by milk."

Från NotMilk.com:

"Every sip of cow's milk contains 59 different bioactive hormones, according to endocrinologist Clark Grosvenor. In her lifetime, a woman will produce the equivalent of only one-half tablespoon of estrogen. Hormones work on a nanomolecular level, which means that it takes only a billionth of a gram to produce a powerful biological effect When little girls eat cheese and ice cream, they ingest concentrated amounts of these powerful steroid hormones."

CNN: Got milk? Put it in Aguilera's dressing room: 26 december

"What a Girl Wants" singer Christina Aguilera knows exactly what to ask for.

The pop star makes sure concert promoters will stock her dressing room with her favorite dairy products."

Engelsk artikel CNN: Researchers look to pedal power for astronauts' health: 25 december

Samma rapport som tidigare, men CNN har bilder.

"Astronauts may soon be able to participate in a Tour de Space of sorts. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, have developed an exercise bicycle to be used in the zero-gravity environment of space."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Changing Diet Can Help Autoimmune Disease: 26 december

"Getting rid of bread, cutting down on fats and adding fish oil to your diet could help control diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or multiple sclerosis, where the body's immune system fights its own tissues, researchers suggest."

Engelsk artikel Baptist Online: The 'Gorgeous Abs' Phenomenon:

"People who think they are going to buy an ‘ab machine’ and suddenly have a ‘washboard’ stomach are misinformed. If you want your abdominal (ab) muscles to appear, you will need to lose total body fat.

Most of the models who promote the benefits of abdominal exercise on TV have between 6 % to 10 % body fat - which is a result of good genes, light eating and/or serious aerobic exercise."

Engelsk artikel MSNBC: The lowdown on beta-carotene: 22 december

"A new Harvard University study sheds light on the confusion over whether beta-carotene really offers any protection against lung cancer.

It suggests that eating enough of the fruits and vegetables that supply a whole range of carotenoids may provide the protection we initially attributed to beta-carotene alone."

Engelsk artikel Baptist Online: Shape Up Your State Of Mind:

"Many of the positive rewards of regular physical activity are not outwardly apparent. The mental and emotional benefits gained both during and after exercise are more than meets the eye."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Antioxidant May Protect Against Asthma: 26 december

"Lycopene, a natural antioxidant found in many ripe fruits including tomatoes, seems to reduce the risk of exercise-induced asthma in some patients, Israeli researchers report in the December issue of Allergy."

Engelsk artikel MSNBC: Coca-Cola to expand product base, market milk beverages to children: 26 december

"Got Coke? Starting early next year, Coca-Cola Co., the world’s largest soft-drink maker, will go dairy.

Enter "Project Mother." Coke has been talking with nutritionists and pediatricians to find the perfect beverage blend that would have to marry taste and nutrition."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Can We Trust FDA Advisers?: 18 december

"No sports fans would accept an umpire who had a financial stake in an outcome of a game. Isn't it time these FDA "referees" were held to the same standard?"

Engelsk artikel Active and Ageless

Engelsk artikel WebMDHealth: An Exercise Prescription for Older People: 

"Exercise helps protect against heart disease - that point has now been proven time and again. However, older people often have questions about whether regular physical activity is appropriate for them - and how to go about beginning an exercise program"

Engelsk artikel WebMDHealth: Fighting Cancer With Exercise: 3 april

"Cancer patients are much too weak to think about exercising, right? Not always. For some, activity may be just what the doctor ordered."

Engelsk artikel American Senior Fitness Association:

"The American Senior Fitness Association (SFA) provides training, certification, professional resources, and member support for fitness professionals who serve older adults."

Engelsk artikel WebMDHealth: How Workouts Work: Study Explains How Exercise Changes Muscles: 23 mars

"How does the body make the legs of a weight lifter strong and those of a marathon runner more enduring? A new study sheds light on a mysterious protein that seems to be involved in converting "strength" muscles - muscles that are built for short bursts of power but are easily fatigued - to "endurance" muscles, which are more fatigue-resistant and designed for prolonged activity."

Engelsk artikel Baptist Online: Why Workouts Work:

"A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday. It strengthens the body, relaxes the mind and toughens the spirit. When you work out regularly, your problems diminish and your confidence soars."

Engelsk artikel Hearts of Iron:

"Hearts of Iron is dedicated to providing the discerning body builder or fitness enthusiast with the highest quality jewelry and accessories. All pieces are related to the sport of weight lifting and are all original designs of Hearts of Iron."

Engelsk artikel IRONMAXX Bodybuilding Gear

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Tisdag 26 december

Svensk artikel Yngves hemsida - Gröt istället för gainers:

"Eftersom jag tränar själv och är intresserad av nutrition, frågade jag mig om det fanns något näringsmässigt likvärdigt alternativ till gainers och MRPs, som innehöll tillräckligt med fibrer, smakade godare, gick snabbt att tillaga, samt var billigare än alla näringsdrycker. Det uppslag som till slut lyckades var gröt och så blev detta kompendium klart, efter mycket arbete."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Physical Inactivity and Poor Diet to Blame for Obesity: 23 december

"Americans are getting fatter. A registered dietitian and associate state nutrition specialist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, says physical inactivity is largely to blame, but food choices and eating behaviors are important too."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Exercise Alone Won't Reduce Effects of Aging: 23 december

"Aging is a fact of life and many people try to combat aging through exercise. But, according to a sports conditioning expert, exercise alone only works in about 12 percent of people."

Engelsk artikel Just Move: Exercise may strengthen immunity in older folks: 22 december

"Regular exercise may help elderly people fight off infection by boosting their immune systems, new research suggests."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: – Det är tråkigt att idrottare klär av sig: 25 december

"Hon är norskan som blev svenska. Den lilla pigga tjejen med den oböjliga viljan. Föredömet för många idrottstjejer. Under hennes karriär kom prestationen i centrum. – Nu handlar det mer om personen. Idrottarna har blivit som filmstjärnor eller sexobjekt, säger Annichen Kringstad."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Ny artikelserie: Idrottens stjärnor och deras herrar: 25 december

"Idrotten är en underhållningsindustri. Den omsätter miljarder och styrs av sponsorer, agenter, mediarådgivare och stylister. Expressens Jennifer Wegerup granskar miljardkarusellen och idrottsvärldens dolda makthavare. Start i dag."

Engelsk artikel Just Move: Potential antioxidant benefits of beer touted: 22 december

"Beer may not be considered a health food, but it is rich in the nutrients that help make fruit and vegetables good for you. Three new lab and animal studies presented this month at the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies in Honolulu confirm that beer - especially darker brew - contains plenty of antioxidants."

Engelsk artikel USA Today: Why the NFL rules Popularity soars for the violent certainty of 'contact ballet': 

"No single American sports event is bigger than the NFL's championship game. Among the top 100 all-time TV audiences are 29 Super Bowls (18 in the top 25). The Academy Awards tops out at 38th. Baseball's best finish is 56th." (Via SurfJones)

Engelsk artikel HowStuffWorks: How Alcohol Works:

"Even though you have seen the physical and behavioral changes, you might wonder exactly how alcohol works on the body to produce those effects. What is alcohol? How does the body process it? How does the chemistry of alcohol work on the chemistry of the brain? In this edition of How Stuff Works, we will examine all the ways in which alcohol affects the human body."

Engelsk artikel SportsJones: The Boxer's Heart: How I Fell in Love with the Ring:

"Boxing and intelligent self-reflection fight from the same corner in Kate Sekules’s new memoir, The Boxer’s Heart. Sekules (sounds like Hercules) trains at Brooklyn’s famous Gleason’s Gym. The rings there serve as home turf for her pro career and for her exploration of the ways anger, gender, and calculated violence affect her as an athlete and a woman."

Engelsk artikel Nutri-Facts.com:

"Nutri-Facts is your free source for nutrition information on almost six thousand different foods. We have taken the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 13 and put it into a format that the average Joe could use. In fact, the format is much the same as what you see on the "Nutrition Facts" label that is shown on almost all food packages in your local supermarket."

Engelsk artikel Charles Poliquin:

"Official Website of World Renowned Olympic Strength Coach - Charles Poliquin."

Engelsk artikel The Washington Post: Dietary Supplement Makers Flex Muscle: 25 december

"$15 billion industry fends off attempts to regulate Ephedra over health risks."

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Jouko Ahola

Måndag 25 december

Engelsk artikel Werner Herzog: Invincible:

"Set in pre-war Germany, it is the true story of a Jewish blacksmith from Eastern Poland, Zishe Breitbart, who, to the dismay of the rising Nazis, creates a sensation in the Varieté world of Berlin in the early thirties as the strongest man of his time. He meets a tragic end, as he believes it is his mission to defend his people as the New Samson. An international cast is lead by Finnish strongman Jouko Ahola as Zishe Breitbart and Tim Roth in the role of Hannussen.

Post Production takes place in San Francisco and London with delivery around March 2001."

Engelsk artikel Dave Draper: 'Twas the night before Christmas: 24 december

"'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Gym
Not a spin bike was moving, not even a rim
The plates were all racked on the plate trees with care,
In hopes that St.IronaClaus soon would be there"

Engelsk artikel Global Power 2000:

"A complete records page for Canadian Strongmen. It has the best times, weights, distances and reps on almost every event that has taken place in Canada."

Engelsk artikel powerlifting.com:

"powerlifting.com provides anyone involved or interested in Powerlifting with an easy to navigate directory of online Powerlifting resources, ranging from rules and regulations to events and competition results.

Lend your support to the Cyclops Campaign for making Powerlifting an Olympic sport."

Engelsk artikel Robert O. Smith Freelance: Robert O.'s Power page:

"The major portion is POWERLIFTING CARTOONS and animations that I do for various publications and sites - but in the coming months we'll feature interviews and profiles about other lifters."

Engelsk artikel International Powerlifting Federation:

"Download screensaver with pictures of the World benchpress 2000."

Engelsk artikel 1st Place Nutrition.com:

"My name is Lance Peterson and my company (1st Place Nutrition.com) would like to sponsor the athletes and fans of strongman, weightlifting, powerlifting, and the like.

What we are willing to offer is a free website with webhosting space, www.yourwebsite.com. We are also willing to give you some basic help in setting up your site (logos, coding, etc). Note, if you are a competitor or expert we will provide premium support in all aspects of site design for free. Fan pages are also welcome!

Anyone interested can contact me at [email protected] or give me a call at 877-422-1297 (ask for Lance). Thank you very much for your time, Lance Peterson."

Engelsk artikel American Powerlifting Association: Interview with female drug free champion Elaine "Scraps" Grimwood:

"What has been your greatest accomplishment in the sport?

So far it's been setting the all-time national squat record of 320 lbs. in the 97 lb. weight class in Oct 2000. I'm also proud of my other lifts at that same meet (310 lbs. in the deadlift and 145 lbs.in the bench)."

Engelsk artikel McShane Enterprises: Positive Thoughts for Whit Baskin and Family:

"On December 16, 2000, in the night, Whit Baskin, strongman, powerlifter and great friend to many was in a severe car accident. He is currently in Intensive Care in a coma with severe head injuries. The next few days will be the most critical, so please keep Whit and his family in your thoughts and prayers. To this end, feel free to leave a message, a prayer or a thought for them."

Engelsk artikel GetWellNicole.com:

"You may know Nicole Bass from her time as a premier professional bodybuilder or as a professional wrestler, kicking more than a little bit of ass. She is a strong-willed athlete and a good person, but now she's very very ill."

Engelsk artikel Bermant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery: Gynecomastia patient photographs of men with breasts:

"Pictures of male breast tissue reduction surgery for gynecomastia. Men with breasts often are embarassed by this condition."

Engelsk artikel Acne, Scars, Stretch Marks? Abate IT ® Naturally:

"Treatment for acne, scarring & scar tissues. Naturally occurring protein substance acts as topical antibiotic and triggers cell regeneration. Abates adult and teen pimples, scars, zits, burn skin, age spots, sun damage, skin discoloration, stretch marks, wrinkles & blemishes."

Engelsk artikel Little Hercules

Engelsk artikel Travis Lyndon - Ontario's Strongest Man

Engelsk artikel Eddy Van Hamersveld

Engelsk artikel Health Weight Training and Bodybuilding (385 links)

Engelsk artikel Canadian Federation of Strength Athletes (CFSA)

Engelsk artikel Edinburgh University Weightlifting Club

Engelsk artikel The Society for the Remembrance and Restoration of the Two Hands Overhead Press with Barbell

Engelsk artikel Ontario Federation of Strength Athletes

Engelsk artikel SportSurf.net

Engelsk artikel Alex's American Weightlifting Site

Engelsk artikel The Sunday Times: Get reel: 24 december

"Can't force yourself into the fitness groove? Movie therapy could get you off the couch and into the gym, says Kate Rew." (Via GymTrack News)

Engelsk artikel The Sunday Times: Get your motor running: 24 december

If you are one of the estimated 1.5m adults in Britain who feel tired all the time, hope is at hand. Scientists believe they have identified a substance that, when taken in supplement form, can boost energy production in every cell of the body. (Via GymTrack News)

Engelsk artikel Sandow - Historic Photographs of Early Bodybuilders: Sandow - The Motion Pictures:

"Click here to see a restored film of Sandow posing. According to the American Film Institute, this motion picture was filmed in September, 1896. In this complete film, Sandow performs his amazing standing back flip...without touching his hands to the floor! From the Library of Congress."

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