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Födelsedagar vecka 46:

13/11 Melvin Anthony (28)
15/11 Mike Mentzer (49)
16/11 Gerard Dente (33)
18/11 Charles Glass (50)
18/11 Mike Quinn (39)


Söndag 19 november

Svensk artikel Yahoo!: Sunneborn tar sats över OS i Aten: 18 november

"En friidrottsprofil tar ny sats. Längdstjärnan Mattias Sunneborn har bestämt sig för att satsa i ytterligare fyra år - över OS i Aten. Han berättade om sitt beslut på lördagen i samband med en inspelning av TV4-programmet "Gladiatorerna" i Borlänge."

Svensk artikel 24Timmar.se: Stark och smidig är rätta receptet: 18 november

"Till vardags kämpar Fredrik Edlund mot bränder och för människoliv. I helgen bytte han motståndare. Fredrik är uttagen till tv-showen Gladiatorerna. - Min fördel är att jag är både stark och snabb, säger brandmannen från Timrå."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Hård kurs mod konkurser: 18 november

"Tro. Håb. Og ærlighed. Dyder der har fået et skud for boven i sportslig sammenhæng indenfor både ishockey og håndbold på det seneste.

Min mærkesag er, at der nu må ske et holdningsskifte i dansk idrætt. Økonomifolkene skal have magten i klubberne. Fremtidens struktur er, at alle foreninger skal gøres til forretninger med uvildig revision. Som det har været de seneste år, har viljen oversteget evnerne. Ambitionsniveauet har været større, end livremmen kunne holde til. Kun halvdelen af de danske eliteklubber har, så vidt jeg kan vurdere det, en sund økonomi i dag."

Svensk artikel Kristianstadsbladet: Friskis & Svettis bygger ut: 8 november

"Friskis & Svettis spränger bokstavligt talat alla väggar. Redan tre år efter nybygget ute på Björkhem har man blivit så trångbodda att de 1200 kvadratmeterna inte längre räcker till. 360 nya kvadratmeter skall bland annat ge en helt ny separat gympahall."

Svensk artikel corren.se: Nu rör hela Ödehög på sig: 7 november

"Någonting håller på att hända. Allt fler kvinnor i Ödeshög har börjat röra på sig. Allt oftare syns framför allt kvinnor gå i rask takt i grupp eller själva. Då är det ingen vanlig promenad det handlar om -- det är motion och fettförbränning."

Svensk artikel corren.se: Campushallen invigs i dag - En institution för fysisk praktik: 18 oktober

"I dag invigs Campushallen på universitetsområdet. Men en och annan svettdroppe har redan landat på gympasalsgolvet. I ett par veckor har studenter kunnat träna i hallen."

Svensk artikel 24 Timmar: Eyrabadet bygger ut: 23 oktober

"Eyrabadet har blivit alltmer populärt bland örebroarna. Under 1990-talet har man ökat antalet besök från 180.000 besökare år 1993 till över 400.000 år 1999.

Nu har verksamheten expanderat så till den milda grad att det nu måste till insatser för att minska trångboddheten. Särskilt trångt är det på Nautilus där örebroare bränner fett och bygger muskler i sällan skådad omfattning."

Svensk artikel Hallandsposten: Konkurrens ger billigare morgonbad: 26 oktober

"Det kommunalt ägda Sannarpsbadet i Halmstad sänker sina priser på morgnarna. Men sänkningen beror inte på välvilja mot morgonbadarna utan sker av konkurrensskäl.

Om mindre än en månad öppnar Nautilus i gamla simhallen. Förutom styrketräning finns också en simbassäng att tillgå. Och det har Halmstads kommun noterat."

Svensk artikel Kristianstadsbladet: Trängsel bland undanflykterna: 25 oktober

"Faror lurar överallt. Vissa faror är det tillåtet att varna för. "Kör försiktigt!" får man säga. Att många riskerar att dö av för mycket fet mat och för lite motion får man inte tala allvarligt om."Ät mindre fett! får man inte säga till sina vänner. Motionera mer! får man inte heller säga till såna man känner. Vikten tillhör avdelningen personlig integritet. Förr, när utseendet inte var så viktigt, var snacket friare."

Svensk artikel SVD: Svettigt värre när polispiketernas fälttävlan avgjordes: 26 oktober

"Muskler, macho och mycket svett. Mörkklädda och topphemliga figurer sågs fira sig ner för Essingebron i Stockholm i går förmiddag.

Piketgrupper från Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö kallas förvisso samman då och då vid stora händelser eller demonstrationer. Men den här gången var det - lek - på programmet. Den årliga fälttävlan för piketer."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Ny forskning: Styrketräning är bäst mot nackont: 25 oktober

"Nackont och värkande skuldror bekämpas bäst med styrketräning. Forskare förespråkar nu snabbare och aggressivare träning, skriver Göteborgs-Posten."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Sjuåringar har börjat banta: 19 november

"Barn börjar banta redan i sjuårsåldern, visar ny forskning. Det ökar risken för ätstörningar. – Skolan måste uppmärksamma elever i riskzonen, säger Klara Halvarsson vid Uppsala universitet."

Engelsk artikel NCAA: Bannlysning av proteinpulver!?: 14 augusti


  • Amino acids
  • Creatine/creatine-containing compounds
  • Ginseng
  • Glycerol
  • HMB
  • Melatonin
  • Protein powders (if it contains more than 30 percent of calories from protein)
  • Tribulus

Engelsk artikel UniSci: How Proteins Governing Muscle Development Are Controlled: 20 mars

"Sedentary white rabbits have given UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas researchers a glimpse of the molecular changes that alter the structure and function of muscles following exercise training. This knowledge may lead to drugs that would benefit people with muscle-degenerative diseases or sports injuries."

Engelsk artikel Freya: Issue #2 online: 16 november

  • Tonia Williams : In the name of feminity...
  • News and Gossip
  • Sheila Burgess : Rock'n Roll woman
  • Beate Draebing : Story of an exceptional career
  • The Portfolio : a selection of the best pictures
  • Lori Karl : Little big woman
  • Christine Envall : The australian Wonder
  • Close up : Michelle Falsetta
  • Zoom in : The Miss Olympia 2000

Engelsk artikel UniSci: Vitamin A Lack Impairs Learning, But It's Reversible: 8 november

"Removing Vitamin A from the diets of mice diminishes chemical changes in the brain considered the hallmarks of learning and memory. When vitamin A is added back to their diets, the impairment is reversed."

Engelsk artikel IHT: Tracing Paths to Addiction: 16 november

"As the war on drugs has marched into the scientist's lab, researchers have devised a paradigm that may help explain why some people get hooked after a single "taste" of an illegal drug while others can use it for years and quit when they choose. Once thought of as weak willed people who lacked the moral strength to "just say no" to drugs, addicts are now viewed as victims of genes that make them susceptible to the powerful pull of mind-altering substances."

Svensk artikel Dagens Industri: Här hittar du Spa för...: 18 november

Svensk artikel Dagens Industri: Spa - hälsosam lyx: 18 november

"Du blir inpackad i gröt, lera eller tång, knådad och skrubbad. Det är dyrt, gott och ofta lyxigt. Och hälsosamt. På spa kan du få en rejäl energiinjektion inför vintern. Det finns bara en svårighet: att slappna av."

[Till toppen av sidan]


 Dagens B&K-länkare:
Fredrik Alvelöv


Lördag 18 november

Engelsk artikel Male Health:

"The definitive site for men who want to know more about their health."

Engelsk artikel Schwarzenegger: Filmklipp från världspremiären på The 6th Day:

"Arnold's new mind-bending thriller THE 6TH DAY premiered November 13th at the Mann National Theater in Westwood and Schwarzenegger had the capacity crowd seeing "double"!

After seeing their favorite star walk the press line and disappear into the theater with his wife Maria, "Schwarzen-fans" lining the streets were pleasantly surprised to see Arnold arrive a second time!"

Engelsk artikel CNN: Fun, entertaining 'The 6th Day' a clone of earlier action flicks: 17 november

"When it comes to movie muscle, Arnold Schwarzenegger is still in the game. "The 6th Day" is a fast-action, well-paced, clever sci-fi thriller that should go far toward erasing the bad aftertaste caused by last year's "End Of Days."

Engelsk artikel GMA.Movies.com: Schwarzenegger Sees Double: 17 november

"Arnold Schwarzenegger is back. But this time, there are two of him."

Engelsk artikel ABCNews.com: Gender-Bending Terminator: 17 november

"Arnold Schwarzenegger is revealing a big twist about Terminator 3: This time around, the assassination machine from the future will be a female."

Engelsk artikel canoe.ca: Terminator in "T3" a woman?: 16 november

"The New York Post reports that Arnold Schwarzenegger has been telling people that his nemesis in the planned third "Terminator" movie will be a female.

"She can disappear, she can mold into someone else, and she is sometimes just an energy," Schwarzenegger told The Post."

Engelsk artikel ABCNews.com: Perfectly Skinny: 17 november

"Nobody’s perfect, but anorexics think they should be, according to a new study that confirms what many eating disorder experts have long suspected."

Engelsk artikel Low-Carb Luxury: An Online Guide to Low-Carbohydrate Diet Resources:

"A comprehensive online guide to resources for the low-carbohydrate dieter. For those on the Atkins' Diet, Protein Power, The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, The Zone, or other low-carb eating plans, we offer helpful information, links, recipes and more - all in one convenient place!"

Engelsk artikel The Exercise Group: The Navy SEAL abdominal workout:

"Outlined by author Mark De Lisle in The Navy SEAL Workout, the program consists of exercises for enhancing range of motion, as well as developing strength and muscularity in the upper and lower body. There is also a section on activities geared toward improving cardiovascular conditioning.

Many of the exercises are functionally based: Unlike conventional movements, the skills they enhance are specific to normal activities of daily living that aren't performed in a completely controlled fashion. Regular application of these types of exercises improves balance and coordination and presents a significant challenge that can make the training program that much more interesting."

Engelsk artikel 24 Hours Fitness: De-Bunking the Myth:

"Fit and fat. It sounds too good to be true. The idea is that it doesn’t matter how fat you are, after all, so long as your vital signs are healthy. The concept has been touted in a Newsweek cover story (April 21, 1997), and it’s being promoted in the book Big Fat Lies by University of Virginia professor Glenn Gaesser."

Engelsk artikel 24 Hours Fitness: Compound or Isolate?

"Ask two personal trainers whether working several muscle groups during an exercise is better than only one, and you’re likely to start a debate or a fight. To avoid the latter, keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer. Most fitness experts suggest a routine that incorporates both."

Svensk artikel Dagens Handel: Blodtryckssänkande mjölk lanseras i Finland: 17 november

"Valio i Finland har börjat sälja en mjölk som sänker blodtrycket. Evolus heter den och ska vara det första europeiska funktionella mjölkprodukten."

[Till toppen av sidan]


 Dagens B&K-länkare:
Fansida om Kim Justin


Fredag 17 november

Danska artikel NetDoktor: 

"Dansk Atletik Forbund er klar med et nyt tiltag, hvor atletikudøvere på topplan skal have taget specielle blodprøver med henblik på at skabe et grundlag for systematiske kosttilskud.

Dansk Atletik Forbunds landstræner, Lars Nielsen, oplyser: "De her kosttilskud bliver noget, som vi står inde for er fuldt lovlige. Vi skal ikke til at efterligne noget fra Amerika, hvor man ikke er sikker på, hvad der er i kosttilskuddene. Hvis vi kan give atleterne optimale betingelser inden for de tilladte rammer, så prøver de det af og begynder ikke at eksperimentere med andre ting og sager".

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Ny metod: Bröstlyft med spruta: 15 november

"En spruta i vardera bröst. Sen är bullarna som nya. Om två år beräknas bröstförstoringen i injektionsform finnas på marknaden. Efter maximalt två år försvinner effekten eftersom ämnet undan för undan plockas upp av kroppen.

Macrolane, som ämnet heter, tillverkas av hyaluronsyra, ett kroppseget ämne som binder vatten. Hyaluronsyra-preparat används i dag till läppförstoring och rynkutjämning i ansiktet."

Svensk artikel DoktorOnline:

"Fråga doktorn eller deltag i diskussioner om hälsa och livskvalitet. Här träffar du landets främsta läkare, barnmorskor och annan vårdpersonal. På doktoronline.se får du stöd och hjälp."

Fitness Fréttir: Bilder från Dam-VM Bodybuilding, Fitness 

Engelsk artikel ACE: Size Doesn’t Matter as Much as it Should: 

"If the low-fat craze of the ‘90s taught us anything, it’s that calories do count and that you can’t eat massive quantities of low-fat foods and still stay slim. Even so, nearly 80 percent of Americans believe that what they eat is more important than how much they eat, according to a survey of 1,000 adults conducted on behalf of the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)."

Engelsk artikel UniSci: Testosterone Precursors Don't Help, Could Hurt: Study: 13 november

"Androstenedione is being marketed as a safe and natural dietary alternative to hormonal enhancement, promising better sexual performance, reduced body fat levels and increased muscle mass.

But such testosterone precursors don't help the body better adapt to resistance training when consumed in dosages recommended by manufacturers, according to an article in today's issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, a member of the JAMA family of journals."

Danska artikel Fødevaredirektoratet: Hvad gør vi med mælkefedtet?:

"Der fokuseres i disse år meget på de positive budskaber i ernæringsoplysningen. Spis mere frugt og grønt, mere af de stivelsesrige fødevarer og sæt fisk på menuen noget oftere. Efter 90ernes kampagner for at begrænse indtaget af fedt har dette element været tonet lidt ned på det seneste.

Det må imidlertid ikke glemmes, at på fedtfronten er der stadig et godt stykke vej at gå, før vi kan være tilfredse. Enkle beregninger vil vise, at den danske befolkning årligt spiser mindst 40.000 tons mere mælkefedt end hvad godt er."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Seniors Prefer Taking Supplements to Changing Diet: 31 augusti

"A survey from the American Institute for Cancer Research reveals that Americans are less likely to adopt healthier diets as they get older; instead, they rely more on vitamins and supplements to lower cancer risk."

Engelsk artikel Healthwell Exchange: Phytochemicals: Nutrients Whose Time Has Come: Juli

"So-called "super foods" offer the promise of preventing cancer, decreasing heart attacks and improving brain function. Some of the more notable products with health claims now on store shelves include potato chips that enhance memory, new-age drinks that improve your love life, a candy bar that reduces hot flashes, a cookie that helps you bulk up and lean out, and margarine that cuts cholesterol."

Engelsk artikel Center for the Advancement of Health: 'Happy' Brains in Healthy Bodies: September 1998

"Happiness is health-generating. Pessimism goes hand in hand with an impaired immune system, illness, shorter life, and increased medical expenditures. Scientists now can trace traffic along the nerve circuits in our brains and have begun to show how and where connections between attitudes and health take place."

Engelsk artikel Gatorade Sports Science Institute: Strength Training for Young Athletes:

"In young athletes, strength training may contribute to enhanced performance by reducing injury rates for contact sports and by reducing recovery time from injury. There is no scientific evidence that strength training directly causes improvement in sports performance during childhood."

Engelsk artikel Nutrition Action: Ten Tips for Staying Lean: Juli 1999

"What’s the best way to stay lean? There are no magic bullets, despite the bold (or merely sneaky) claims on weight-loss supplements. Until researchers know more, here are some new (and some old) strategies that may give you a fighting chance to win the battle of the bulge."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Drug-free Olympics places distant second in race for profits: 14 september

"Drug use in Olympic sport has been epidemic since the 1960s," according to Dr. Charles Yesalis, an expert in performance-enhancing drugs from Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

What has changed over the years are the drugs of choice and the methods athletes use to thwart drug tests. What has not changed, according to Yesalis, is the blind eye Olympic officials have cast toward the problem. In an interview with Reuters Health, he called the "anti-doping" efforts for the Sydney Games "public-relations fluff."

Kraftsport- und Fitness-Museum:

"Besuchen Sie Deutschlands erstes Kraftsport- & Fitness-Museum im Internet! Hier erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über die Geschichte des Kraft- und Trainingssports."

Engelsk artikel ACE: Forget New Math… This is New P.E.: 

"It isn’t all bad news when it comes to physical education in schools. According to a recent article in USA Today, P.E. departments across the country are embracing a more liberal approach to getting kids active.

These changes reflect a new emphasis on participation over competition. While sports will continue to be a mainstay of P.E. programs, it has been suggested that only about 10 percent of kids are natural athletes who thrive on competition."

Engelsk artikel MSNBC: Keeping trim after quitting smoking: 15 november

"Many smokers realize the damage tobacco causes and the huge health benefits that quitting can reap. Others are prevented from trying to quit by the fear of gaining weight or failing. But healthy habits can make a difference in overcoming those potential problems."

Engelsk artikel American Muscle: Interview with Survivor winner Richard Hatch: 14 november

"By a close margin of 4-3, Hatch was voted the grand prize winner of the CBS hit TV show "SURVIVOR," a reality TV show shot from the Malaysian island of Pulau Tiga.

To see Richard Hatch now you would never have guessed that at one time in his life he was overweight and that he has lost more than 150 pounds in the past 2 years."

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Dagens B&K-länkare:
Fansida om Kim Justin


Torsdag 16 november

Danska artikel Dansk Styrkeløft Forbund: Danska Rekord i Styrkelyft

Engelsk artikel MSNBC: Weekend warriors risk heart ills: 13 november

"Weekend warriors beware: Exercising like crazy on Saturday to make up for a couch-potato week may be hazardous to your health. Though exercise is widely considered heart-smart, a large new study confirms that physical activity among fairly sedentary people can trigger heart attacks. And, should such a medical emergency occur at the gym, a second study warns that health clubs may not be prepared to deal with them."

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Sjanseløs uten kosttilskudd: 15 november

"Monica Valen hevder toppsyklister må bruke kosttilskudd for å hevde seg i toppen. - Jeg ville vært sjanseløs uten, sier Valen til Telemarksavisa."

Telemarksavisa: Sjanseløs uten kosttilskudd: 14 oktober

Monica Valen har benyttet Multipower - kosttilskuddet Johann Olav Koss og Anja Andersen hadde lite til overs for i mandagens TV-debatt på NRK - i mange år. - Jeg ville vært sjanseløs uten, sier syklisten. - Ligg unna kosttilskuddene, Monica, og spis vanlig norsk mat, sier leder i Telemark Idrettskrets, Kjell-Gunnar Dahle.

Svensk artikel Hallands Nyheter: Kristian charmade tjejerna på krogen: 16 november

"Kristian Fors är "Herr Silikon, Varberg". Det låter inte som en utmärkelse, men snart 20-årige Kristian Fors, har gått igenom en verklig eklut.

Det var en kvinnlig kollega på gymmet i Varberg som frågade Kristian Fors om hon fick anmäla honom till tävlingen "Herr Silikon". - Jag tvekade, jag ser ju inte ut som den värsta muskelmodell och inte visste jag vad tävlingen gick ut på, säger Kristian."

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Tjener fett på vitaminer og mineraler: 16 november

"Produsenter av vitaminer, mineraler og kosttilskudd håver inn i Norge. Markedet har økt med 27 prosent i forhold til samme tid i fjor. Bransjerådet for naturmidler regner med at vi vil kjøpe alternativ helsebot for 2 milliarder i år."

Svensk artikel DN: Pensionsvalet - Fonder sägs vara dopade: 16 november

"Åtminstone en av fonderna i pensionsvalet kan vara "dopad". Fondbolagets vd förnekar dopningen, men medger att sådant förekommit förr i branschen - trots att Finansinspektionen aldrig funnit ett enda fall."

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Liker ikke annonser som dette: 16 november

"I en helsides annonse i siste utgave av bladet Skisport bruker Skiforbundet Bjørn Dæhlie som reklamefigur for vitamin- og mineraltilskuddet Victell. - Annonsen burde ikke stått på trykk, mener Norges antidopingsjef Rune Andersen. Og Bjørn Dæhlie er selv også skeptisk."

Engelsk artikel Frequently Asked Questions for the Lowcarb Diet and Exercise List:

1.1: What's the purpose of this list?

"The lowcarb-list is a forum for discussion and support of low carbohydrate diets and/or eating plans that have a goal of hormone control or manipulation. The discussion includes but is not limited to Atkins, Carbohydrate Addicts Diet (CAD), Protein Power, the Zone, Iso Calorie Diet, Anabolic Diet, and BodyOpus diets. Discussions about diets such as Scarsdale or Stillman that are basically low calorie and not just low carb probably should be somewhere else."

"The primary subtopic is how to exercise effectively on these diets when your liver is out of glycogen. However, the use of these diet programs to control epilepsy, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and other medical conditions is also on topic. If you have one of these conditions, you should check with your medical professional before acting on any information posted on the list."

Engelsk artikel UniSci: Anthropologist Sees WWF Wrestling Bouts As Passion Plays: 26 juli

"Truth wears body oil, justice sports bulging pecs and The American Way is a struggle against oppressive individuals who manipulate society for their own gain, says a University of Florida researcher who has studied the country's infatuation with professional wrestling.

Audiences know that productions of the World Wrestling Federation, known as the WWF, are sports entertainment, not athletic competitions, and come in droves to experience the events as passion plays that re-enact their personal and social struggles, said Aaron Feigenbaum, who did the research for his doctoral dissertation in anthropology at UF."

Engelsk artikel Online Fitness Systems: Interactive Anatomy Chart

Engelsk artikel Online Fitness Systems: Exercise Library

Engelsk artikel Randy J. Terry: Women of Fitness:

"Randy J. Terry is an internationally known visual artist, whose artistic style has been described as "intense fine art."

Engelsk artikel New Scientist: Magic bullet: 9 november

"A new "hitchhiker" drug can kill the pain caused by cancer, nerve damage or major surgery without the side effects of conventional treatments.

The technique harnesses a nerve's own transport system to deliver painkillers to the spine. The drugs only go where they are needed, rather than flooding the whole body."

Engelsk artikel Untitled Document: Bulemic Barbie:

"The latest addition to Mattel's best-selling fashion doll range has caused near-riots in toy stores as children and collectors alike rush to pick up their very own Bulimic Barbie."

Engelsk artikel Manfred Hoerbl Audio/Video

Engelsk artikel Yahoo!: Body Image No Problem for Young Amish: 15 november

"What they give up by rejecting the trappings of modern-day life, they make up for in a positive body image. Young members of the Old Order Amish, a religious community living separate from the industrialized world, have fewer body image problems than their modernized counterparts, study findings suggest."

Engelsk artikel Reuters Health: Tea may benefit blood vessels: 13 november

"Drinking a cup of tea makes blood vessels work better within 2 hours, dilating the arteries and improving blood flow, according to Massachusetts researchers." (Via MetaMuscle)

Engelsk artikel Female Physique Page

Engelsk artikel Bryndis Olafsdottir - The Real Strongwoman

International strongwoman competition in Loosdorf, Austria 15 August 2000.

Engelsk artikel Morphinman's Video Vault - The TV station you wish your cable system carried!:

"This site showcases female muscle and feats of strength (real and otherwise) from the small screen, mostly the lesser known clips. There will be a mix of vidcaps of real female bodybuilders, TV shows and cartoons."

Engelsk artikel Family Doctor: Rotator Cuff Exercises:

"The exercises described on the next two pages are to help you strengthen the muscles in your shoulder (especially the rotator cuff muscles). These exercises should not cause you pain. If the exercise hurts, stop exercising. Start again with a lighter weight."

Engelsk artikel TennisOne: Periodization Training for Tennis - Part 10:

"The rotator cuff muscles are so important in tennis that they get their own special series of exercises in our training program. The rotators are key to the serve, but also to groundstrokes. They are often an area of injury to both high level and recreation players. These exercises are designed to improve your strokes and reduce your chance of getting a rotator cuff injury."

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Onsdag 15 november

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Världsrekord - inga problem: 15 november

"Sandra Lönn, 26, och Janne Sjögren, 36, är ett av två Gävlepar som åker till Reno, USA, för att ställa upp i marklyft- och bänkpress-VM i helgen. Sandra har bara hållit på med styrkelyft sporadiskt i tre år - ändå är hon stor favorit till segern. - Världsrekordet i bänkpress är 105 kilo, Sandra ska gå in på 107, säger Janne som är Sandras sambo och tränare."

Svensk artikel Corren.se: Yvonne Lin: Tänk på hela människan: 15 november

"För mycket kroppsfixering och för lite tanke på hela människan.

Det har blivit följden av 80-talets gympingvåg. Hon som säger det heter Yvonne Lin och hon borde veta. Det var nämligen hon som i början av 80-talet introducerade aerobics i Sverige.

Nu driver hon ett företag som säljer ledarutbildningar och sysslar med friskvård. Istället för fitness tycker hon att vi borde prata om wellness, som mera ser till hela människan."

Svensk artikel ComputerSweden: Öppna landskap - chefen är utan eget rum hos EHPT: 15 november

"På samma plan finns ett gym i vilket det pågår en febril verksamhet. En ung kvinna sitter på en motionscykel och läser en tidning medan svettpärlorna tränger fram i pannan. Bredvid henne skymtar några unga män som ser till att hålla sina kroppar i trim. I rummet intill ägnar sig några personer åt avslappningsövningar.

Men det är inte faktumet att det går att träna eller genomföra avslappningsövningar på arbetsplatsen som utmärker kontoret. Det är det öppna landskapet som kännetecknar EHPT:s kontor. Några kontorsdörrar finns inte här. De tillhör det förgångna och hör inte hemma på EHPT, menar Nicolas Ehrling, som är företagets vice vd."

Svensk artikel Elfsborgs Läns Allehanda: Häger utmanar gladiatorerna: 14 november

"I dag börjar inspelningen av tv-programmet Gladiatorerna. Leder programmet gör Gunde Svan och Agneta Sjödin. Utmanar gladiatorerna gör Jonas Häger."

Danska artikel Politiken: Michael Laudrup slår sig på helsekost: 15 november

"Hvis fodboldlandsholdet i aften leverer en vitaminfattig indsats i venskabskampen mod Tyskland i parken, står løsningen lige for. Politiken kan nemlig afsløre, at landsholdets vicetræner Michael Laudrup og landsholdets læge Mogens Kreutzfeldt i dybeste hemmelighed har skudt penge i et ambitiøst dansk forskningsprojekt, der har resulteret i udviklingen af en 'supervitaminpille'.

»Vi havde først tænkt os at gå ud med det her om to-tre uger, men det er korrekt, at vi har taget verdenspatent på en vitaminpille, der indeholder fiskeolie i pulverform. En sådan pille er ikke set før, og den vil efter vores mening have et meget stort potentiale, fordi den så at sige koger de mange piller, folk skal tage i dag, ned til en enkelt 'supervitaminpille'«, siger Kern Lystryp, der sammen med Leif Knudsen udgør Sportscom Danmarks direktion."

Engelsk artikel Active.com: Crunch exercises can strengthen your abdominal muscles, which will strengthen your running:

"I don't agree that distance running weakens the abdominal area, but I do believe it's a good idea for runners to supplement their running with some abdominal strength work. Strong stomach muscles improve your posture and help keep your back healthy."

Danska artikel DrugDebate.com - Uafhængig medicindebat gennem ekspert- og borgerdialog

Danska artikel SportsPoint: Træning i skoven eller parken:

"Hvorfor ikke kombinere en løbetur i skoven eller i den offentlige park, med lidt styrketræning og træning af koordinationen. Få legen som element ind i træningen og udfordre samtidig kroppen på en alsidig måde."

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 Dagens B&K-länkare:
Nettstedet Trening


Tisdag 14 november

Engelsk artikel Century Training:

Åttaårige kroppsbyggaren Richard Sandrak på tapeten igen...

"The greatest need for the body is pure oxygen! Approximately 96% of our nutritional need comes from the oxygen taken in through the lungs; only 4% comes from the food we eat! The way to put additional "good oxygen" into the body and blood stream without the breathing process is to ingest OXG Athletic and Normal Dietary Supplement."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Fat-storing gene may trigger obesity: 13 november

"A thrifty gene that helped cavemen survive food shortages appears to be a common underlying trigger of both obesity and diabetes, researchers reported Monday."

Engelsk artikel Musclemaster: Xtreme Figurines Products:

Ni som besökte B&K:s monter på Scandinavian Fitness Expo kunde se exempel på dessa figurer.

When you are seriously into, we mean serious than you have to own this! What inspiration! This "X-TREME FIGURINE" has been intricately sculpted and exquisitely hand painted. Just look at the detail. If you know one of those hardbodies or a fitness fanatics who takes his sport seriously then you know what you must do. "DARE TO BE DIFFERENT"

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Andro may not help older athletes: 13 november

"Men who are past their prime muscle-building years can't count on androstenedione to help them build muscle, researchers say. And the scientists say the supplement raises the risk of health problems."

Engelsk artikel Peakhealth.net: Lose Fat Without Aerobics: 12 november

"While aerobics do have their place in an exercise program, there may actually be a better way to train when the goal is decreasing bodyfat. Strength training, specifically with higher repetitions and short rest intervals can be more effective in the quest to shed bodyfat. Outlined in this article is a sample workout that when performed with the appropriate intensity and an effective diet, can help shed bodyfat in record time." (Via MetaMuscle)

Engelsk artikel BBC News: Mental health: you are what you eat: 14 november

"Mental health can be significantly improved by a simple change in diet, according to one leading charity."

Danska artikel DBBF:

  • Standardposeringer
  • Et veloverstået BM 2000 og meget andet nyt...

Engelsk artikel Guinness World Records:

  • Fewest Mr. Olympia contestants
  • Most films made by a bodybuilder
  • Longest time between Mr. Olympia titles
  • Strongest muscle
  • Largest known protein
  • Strangest diet
  • Tallest true giant and also known as the world’s strongest man

Engelsk artikel MacAskill.com: Giant Angus MacAskill:

"The 1981 Guinness Book of World Records lists him as the tallest natural giant and the strongest man who ever lived. One gnarly dude."

Engelsk artikel Hacker Network rewrites Terminator 2

Engelsk artikel BBC News: Middle age 'too late' to get healthy: 13 november

"Women need to start living a healthy lifestyle long before the menopause to avoid the risk of heart disease, researchers warn."

Engelsk artikel Peakhealth.net: Hybrid Workouts: Better Results in Less Time: 5 november

"Hybrid exercises, sometimes called complexes, consist of sets of several different exercises performed together in one giant set. They can be performed using barbells, dumbbells or a weight plates.

Hybrids are an effective tool for anyone looking to improve their level of conditioning or increase strength. They are also an excellent workout to perform when you are limited for time, which most of us are during the holiday season. Hybrids, therefore give you no excuse to miss your workout."

Engelsk artikel Stuff: NZ fitness programmes get China physical: 12 november

"China is the home of t'ai chi, while Les Mills appeals because of its slick and fast-paced fitness programmes. But east has met west and the west is happy to spread the word.

Just four years old, Les Mills International (LMI) programmes grace the stages of 5000 gyms in 40 countries across five continents, taught by 30,000 instructors. China is the latest convert."

Engelsk artikel Cinema Confidential: Interview: Arnold Schwarzenegger of "The 6th Day":

"Obviously, Jim Cameron [the director of "Terminator"] has said that he didn't want to do a T3 and I thought you weren't going to do it without him, so what's happened?

Arnold: Changed my mind."

Engelsk artikel Peakhealth.net: Research Review: HMB Reduces Muscle Damage: 5 november

"Based on the results of this research, supplementing with 3 grams of HMB per day can be of benefit to anyone who lifts weights. Future research will provide more information regarding any other benefits HMB may have for athletes. Count on peakhealth to be the first to provide you with that information."

Engelsk artikel Canoe.ca: Arnie still in action: 12 november

"Schwarzenegger has always been a realist.

"I'm not fooling myself. As we get older, things begin wearing out. The thing I notice most about my body these days is that my regenerative powers are decreasing.

"It takes me longer to bounce back from an injury. But I do bounce back and that is all that's really important. Right now I'm a long way from the point where I'll have to retire."

Svensk artikel Kaffe - en studie i svart:

"Kaffe - En Studie I Svart är en helt igenom vetenskaplig rapport om livets dryck: Kaffe. Rapporten spänner från inledande grunder i kaffets historia och biologi till kaffets kemi och koffeinets biologiska funktion på människokroppen. På vägen delar de två teknisterna, vilka sedermera erhöll titeln Chalmers-teknologer, generöst med sig av ovärderliga kafferecept, pedagogiska bilder och analyser av olika kaffesorters koffeininnehåll."

Engelsk artikel NPC News On-line: 2000 NPC National Bodybuilding & Fitness Championship:

"The NPC National Championships is the final IFBB Pro qualifier of the season. The Top 2 in each Fitness Height Class, plus every weight class winner from both the Women's Bodybuilding & the Men's Bodybuilding get the opportunity to turn professional. (Check back later in the week for hundreds of photos!)"

Engelsk artikel Steel Ballet: Special Olympics Powerlifting:

"Special Olympics Powerlifting Athletes compete in a variety of lifts including clean and jerk, bench press, squat, and deadlift.

These Men and Women Athletes train vigorously for several competitions throughout the year. Hard work and consistent training enable these athletes to make spectacular lifts!"

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Psyksjuk av acnemedicin: 13 november

"Ångest, värk och aggressiva attacker. Acnemedlet gav dem svåra biverkningar. Tomas, 25, och Anders, 22, är inte ensamma. Hittills har 274 svenskar drabbats av problem efter behandling med Roaccutan."

Engelsk artikel EurekAlert: Beware the frozen vegetable ice pack to ease pain: 2 oktober

"Reaching for that bag of frozen vegetables to ease bruising and inflammation could end up giving you frostbite, if left on for longer than 30 minutes. A case study reported in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that this type of home remedy should be applied with caution." (Via SciCentral)

Engelsk artikel New Scientist: Sinister side of sunscreens: 7 oktober

"Sun-lovers beware: sunscreens could be toxic. A chemical commonly used in sun lotions to protect against ultraviolet radiation kills animal cells, Norwegian scientists have discovered. And it may become more deadly after a few hours out in the Sun." (Via SciCentral)

Engelsk artikel HealthScout: Bad Backs Can Heal Themselves: 4 november

"Before you reach for that bottle of muscle relaxants to battle your back pain, listen to the advice of one expert: Wait. It will get better. And just 15 minutes of stretches and exercise each day will keep the pain away in the first place."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Perfectionists Abound in Anorexia Nervosa Population: 10 november

"A new international, multicenter study has confirmed that perfectionism is inherent in individuals with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa. The study of 322 females from the United States and Europe represents the largest to date to examine the role of perfectionism in anorexia nervosa. Results are published in the November 2000 American Journal of Psychiatry.

The study linked the disorder subtypes -- extreme food restriction, purging, and binge eating plus purging -- with specific dimensions of perfectionism, such as concern over mistakes, personal standards, parental expectations, parental criticism, doubts about actions, and organization. The findings show that an obsessive strive for perfection exists in all subtypes."

Engelsk artikel Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: Effect of commuter cycling on physical performance of male and female employees: Februari

"The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of commuter cycling on physical performance. Eighty-seven male and 35 female employees volunteered to cycle regularly to their work. 

Conclusion: Commuter cycling can yield much the same improvement in physical performance as specific training programs."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: New Diet Reduces Pig Odor: 10 november

"To the pig farmer, it's the smell of money. To those that happen to live downwind, it's just the smell - the smell they would rather do without.

When people list complaints about hog confinement operations, odor is usually near the top. However, according to swine nutritionist Gary Allee, there's a way to let everyone breathe a little easier.

Like all animals, pigs need certain amounts of essential amino acids - the building blocks that make up proteins - to grow at their potential," Allee said. "But when formulating a corn/soy diet to provide all of the essential amino acids, large excesses of some amino acids accumulate. The excess is not used by the pig, but rather, it is excreted and becomes the primary nitrogen-containing compound from which microorganisms produce odor."

To remedy this problem, Allee has formulated a diet that uses synthetic amino acids. This allows producers to lower the percentage of crude protein in the pigs' diet, reducing the amount of excessive amino acids that lead to odor."

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Måndag 13 november

Engelsk artikel NetDoktor: 'Couch potato' lifestyle fears: 13 november

"The alarming rise of the ‘couch potato’ lifestyle has fuelled fears about the health of children and the increasing risk of heart disease. A less active lifestyle over the last 20 years has led to twice as many children suffering repeated headaches.

The figure has risen from one in six children to one in three. The number of children classified as obese has also trebled. Meanwhile, nearly twice as many young women and one third of young men suffer long-term illness compared with 25 years ago."

Svensk artikel Metro: Första bakslaget för nya Heron City: 13 november

"Heron City, det planerade nöjes- och upplevelsecentret i Kungens kurva, har råkat ut för sitt första bakslag. Det sydafrikanska bolaget Healthland, som skulle driva ett stort gym i centret, har inställt betalningarna och hoppat av projektet."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Når maten ikke strekker til: 13 november

"Vi stoler ikke på maten vår. For å være sikker på å få i oss nok vitaminer, mineraler og alt annet kroppen trenger, kjøper vi kosttilskudd for milliarder av kroner her til lands. Og vi kjøper stadig mer.

For de fleste av oss er risikoen ved kosttilskudd liten - et omstridt spørsmål er om effekten er like liten. For toppidrettsutøvere kan et useriøst kosttilskudd være katastrofalt. Thomas Alsgaard lever pillefritt."

Danska artikel Politiken: EU vil gøre os sundere: 13 november

"EUs borgere er for fede. De spiser for lidt fisk, frugt og grønt, og de dyrker for lidt motion. Derfor dør flere hundrede tusinde EU-borgere for tidligt på grund af hjertesygdomme og kræft, og den usunde levevis koster årligt sundhedssektoren i EU flere hundrede milliarder kroner.Det er nogle af konklusionerne i en rapport, som et udvalg af eksperter fra hele EU har lavet for Frankrig, der i øjeblikket har EUs formandskab."

Danska artikel Politiken: Mange har sukkersyge uden at vide det: 13 november

"Sukkersyge er nu så udbredt i Danmark, at 10,6 pct. af de 35-årige danske kvinder har forstadier til type 2 sukkersyge. 6,5 pct. af de yngre mænd har disse forstadier. De chokerende tal fremgår af de foreløbige resultater af en undersøgelse blandt knap 7.000 35-60-årige mænd og kvinder fra Københavns Amt.

Og hvad værre er: De fleste af dem ved det ikke. Sammenlagt har omkring 36 pct. af mænd og kvinder på 49 år og derover enten type 2 diabetes eller forstadier til sygdommen. Det skriver Berlingske Tidende."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Fiskfoderkomponent tros kunna bota magsår: 13 november

"Vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund prövas antioxidanten och laxfärgämnet astaxantin mot magsårsbakterien Heliobacter pyroli. Astaxantin framställs ur alger och används i laxfoder för att färga fiskköttet rött. Det är en kraftig antioxidant och skyddar kroppen mot fria radikaler – något som bildas i kroppen vid kroniska infektioner, bland annat vid magsår."

Engelsk artikel Linear Software - Body Tracker

Engelsk artikel Fitness Wear Athletic Cloth Tees for Bodybuilding, Powerlifting and Weightlifting

Engelsk artikel Powerpins, for Automated Descending Sets

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