
"Metamuscle is designed so that you decide what is important enough to be covered. You post the comments, you decide which of these comments are actually worth reading - and you benefit from the knowledge of everybody else.
If you're reading this, you've already taken full control of your body, or are about to. Create an account - and take control of your mind. Read on - get bigger. Post stories - get ripped. Ask the Metamuscle community for advice - become stronger
Reading this site regularly will give you more muscle. It will reduce fat deposits. It will naturally make you become more intelligent. You will become better looking."
Vitargo: Energi- och sportdrycker
American Society of Exercise Physiologists: The Passionate Pursuit of Professionalism - A Critical Analysis: 10 oktober 2000
Ett lååångt dokument, men väl värt att läsa för er som funderar på att arbeta professionellt med atleter. Är en titel den enda vägen till framgång i ditt framtida yrke - eller finns det annat att väga in?
"Think for a minute about your non-PhD colleagues and their salaries. You no doubt know of some with high salaries and, of course, others with low salaries. Why? What is the cause? The answer isn’t a simple one. Most situations like this are complex; many factors are present.
We may have failed to recognize the presence of another factor, like professionalism. This factor, like credentials, could be the true causal agent in realizing better salaries across the board for all non-PhD exercise physiologists. Obviously, this is not a statement of fact. “I could be wrong."
Seminarium på gång runtom i landet:
Anders Graneheim
14/10 13.00
Arla gym/Badhuset
Gudlavägen/Bildersgatan 5
Mats Johansson, 0620-68 25 45
Kostnad: medlemmar 50:-, icke medlemmar 100:-
14/11 13.00
Öråns Sportklubb
Storgatan 28
921 31 Lycksele
Kent Johansson, 0950-123 25
Endast för medlemmar
Johan " Plexus " Oldenmark
15/10 16.30
Plexus signerar 15.30-16.30
Hälsostudion Eslövs Motionscenter
Västergatan 54 / Karlsrobadet
241 31 Eslöv
Lasse, 041-31 79 00
Kostnad: gratis, icke medlemmar 150:-
Scitec Nutrition: The Guinness World Record of Squat Shattered!:
Gymråttan kommenterar: Jag tror att det bara i Sverige finns flertalet manliga elitidrottare i exempelvis slalom, fotboll och andra konditionskrävande idrotter som kan göra om nedanstående. Stenmark hade väl tagit 100-kilosstången och joggat uppför en slalombacke. Jag har sett Vladimir Smirnov reppa extremt långsamma stående enbensvadpressar på samma vikter som de flesta andra tränar på.
Min gymnastiklärare på gymnasiet berättade om att han och hans kamrat på Idrottshögskolan tävlade i knäböj med 50 kilo. Han gjorde 50, sedan gjorde hans kamrat 51, sedan gjorde min lärare 100, hans kamrat 101, 200, 201, 500, 501, 1000, 1001... Det tog visst ett par timmar.
Det är tämligen logiskt att muskulösa kroppsbyggare/styrkelyftare inte är de repsstarkaste atleterna: mer muskler (volym/vikt) = mer att syresätta = sämre uthållighet.
"Z. Molnar, one of the test subjects of the recent MyoMax™ Study, riding high on the gains he made, set a new world record of squatting by doing 170 reps with 220 lbs (100 kg) at a bodyweight of 165 lbs.
The previous record of 138 repetitions was held by a 220-pound lifter. To be 55 pounds lighter and to do 32 more reps is an amazing feat of strength and courage. This awesome performance took 9 minutes. The execution of the reps was perfect; the flow of the performance was uninterrupted, without pause."
Aftonbladet: Richard är 8 år – och dopad?: 7 oktober 2000
"Richard Sandrak är åtta år – men har muskler som en vuxen man. Hård träning och diet skapade musklerna, säger pappan. Men svenska experter på barnmedicin tvivlar. – Sådana här muskler kräver manligt könshormon och det har inte barn normalt i den här åldern, säger professor Martin Ritzén."
Nasser El Sonbaty ser slät ut bredvid Richard...
Team Rookie:
"Dagbok: 2000-09-09 kl:16.30 Idag har det inte hänt så jävla mycket."
Aftenposten: "Norge graver sin egen grav", mener trimbransjen - 20 prosent dyrere å trene: 5 oktober 2000
"Regjeringens forslag om moms på treningstjenester opprører trimbransjen. Nå kan det blir mer enn 20 prosent dyrere å drive trening. - Norge graver sin egen grav, mener SATS."
Politiken.dk: Vi dør af dovenskab: 8 oktober 2000
"To ud af tre danskere får ikke nok motion, og dovenskab har nu overhalet rygning som den største trussel mod folkesundheden herhjemme. Derfor skal danskerne nu have at vide, at de lever længere, hvis de cykler på arbejde, tager trappen i stedet for elevatoren eller går sig et par gode lange ture i løbet af ugen."
Upsala Nya Tidning: Mer motion enda chansen att hejda övervikt: 9 oktober 2000
"Runt 2,5 miljoner svenskar är överviktiga eller feta. Mest ökar övervikten bland unga kvinnor. För att dämpa utvecklingen menar Livsmedelsverket att vi svenskar måste vara mera aktiva och tänka på vad vi äter. Och då handlar det inte enbart om att jogga eller gympa ett par gånger i veckan. För att få bukt med övervikten måste vi också gå minst en timme varje dag."
Politiken.dk: Tema Doping:
"Midlerne skifter, nye metoder kommer til, men målet er det samme: Hurtigere, højere, længere og en stor pose penge. Den med det bedste medicinskab vinder."
Teen Sport Achievements:
"Young bodybuilders from the different parts of world can to compete at our site. This site contains data-base of sportsmen's photos. You can see teens bodybuilders sport achievement and their progress. Look our history...
At addition sportachievement.com presents Omsk Federation of Body Building. Main part of young competitors from this Federation. You can see the best sportsmen from Omsk Federation of Body Building at this site."
University of New Hampshire: Over-Eating Makes it Harder to Burn up Fat through Exercise: 4 oktober 2000
"If you think you can eat whatever you want and then work-off the extra calories at the gym, you're in for an unpleasant surprise. Research by a University of New Hampshire nutritional biochemist shows that overindulgence actually makes it harder to burn fat through exercise." (Via SciCentral)
Ascribe: Low-Glycemic Diet More Effective Than Low-Fat Diet in Inducing Weight Loss in Children, Study Indicates: 14 september 2000
"Despite a reduction in dietary fat intake over the last 30 years, more Americans than ever before are overweight or obese. Excessive body weight is arguably the most prevalent -- and preventable -- medical problem in the United States today, affecting approximately 25 percent of children and more than 50 percent of adults." (Via SciCentral)
University of Carolina: UNC doctors say tattoo craze leads to more removals, health warnings: 29 augusti 2000
"Almost half of Americans sporting tattoos are changing their minds, according to some estimates, most often because they change romantic partners whose names are emblazoned on their bodies. Increasingly, they seek out plastic surgeons and dermatologists who specialize in tattoo removal." (Via SciCentral)
American Academy of Dermatology: New Treatment Could Help Women Win the Battle Against Excessive Facial Hair: 4 augusti 2000
"Whether they tweeze, wax or use over-the-counter depilatories, women with excessive facial hair spend a great deal of time and money searching for the best way to keep facial hair from growing back. But as these women soon find out, the hair always grows back.
Now, a new topical cream could offer long-term relief for millions of women who suffer with the physical and psychological effects of excessive facial hair." (Via SciCentral)
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: Considering body mass differences, who are the world’s strongest women?: Januari 2000
"Allometric modeling (AM) has been used to determine the world’s strongest body mass-adjusted man. Recently, however, AM was shown to demonstrate body mass bias in elite Olympic weightlifting performance. A second order polynomial (2OP) provided a better fit than AM with no body mass bias for men and women.
The purpose of this study was to apply both AM and 2OP models to women’s world powerlifting records (more a function of pure strength and less power than Olympic lifts) to determine the optimal model approach as well as the strongest body mass-adjusted woman in each event."
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: Single versus multiple sets in long-term recreational weightlifters: Januari 2000
"The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of increasing training volume from one set to three sets on muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition in adult recreational weight lifters."
Ascribe: Human Body Has No Limits and Every Sports Record Can Be Broken: 11 juli 2000
"Roger Bannister's sub-four-minute mile, Bob Beamon's historic long jump, Mark McGwire's amazing 70 homers. All are records that set new standards of human performance.
As we enter a new millennium, one frequently asked question is: What are the limits of the human body? Is there a point in which it is physically impossible to do something?
"One thing we've all learned in the last 30 years or so is that just about anything is humanly possible and every record can be broken," believes Dr. Jack Wilmore, head of the Department of Health and Kinesiology at Texas A&M University and author of The Physiology of Sport and Exercise, part of which examines the limits of the human body."
Ascribe: Invention Leads to Odor-Free Sports Socks: 3 oktober 2000
"Locker rooms and student dorms everywhere could soon be a little more fragrant, thanks to an invention by University of California, Davis, textile chemist Gang Sun: odorless sports socks. The same technology could be used to make everything from odor-free diapers to hospital gowns that repel bacteria and viruses.
"Textiles make great media for growing bacteria," says Sun. Bacteria and yeasts in clothing break down perspiration, which has little odor by itself, and cause the all-too-familiar rank smell.
Sun himself says he wore the socks for a couple of days, with no obvious smell. After use, the socks need only a machine wash with household chlorine bleach to recharge the bacteria-killing capacity, says Sun." (Via SciCentral)
Nature.com: chemistry : Muscular molecules: 20 september 2000
"Engineers dreaming of making machines as small as molecules will be heartened by a report in the journal Angewandte Chemie of a 'molecular muscle': an assembly of two molecules capable of stretching and contracting when prompted by chemical signals." (Via SciCentral)