Göteborgs-Posten: Ekonomism på gym?: 8 oktober 2000
"Samtidens verkliga behållning är i stället Gunn Engelstruds artikel om den nutida gymkulturen. Vilka funktioner fyller egentligen den fysiska träning allt fler börjat underkasta sig?
Engelstrud menar bland annat att övergången från frisksportande (springa i skogen, gå på tur etc) till motion på gym signalerar att ingen er villige til å foreta seg noe i dag, dersom det ikke inngår i en kontinuerlig resultat- og kvalitetsproduksjon.
Kort sagt att gymkulturen innebär att en i grunden ekonomistisk prestationskultur koloniserar även vår privata sfär. Vårt välbefinnande underkastas numera en strikt produktionskontroll: den egna minskade vikten jämförs med den ökade vikten på skivstängerna.
Det är en fascinerande tanke och jag vill gärna läsa mer, för att med tungt huvud sedan gå till min egen träningslokal. Visserligen mår jag fysiskt bra av att lyfta skrot, men kanske är det ideologiskt förkastligt."
Netdoktor.no: Unngå havregryn:
"Norske forskere advarer nå mot å spise havregryn daglig. Norsk havre er utsatt for en giftig sopp som kan gi alvorlige bivirkninger, som svekkelse av immunforsvaret eller kreft. Soppen forsvinner ikke ved oppvarming, og det hjelper derfor ikke å koke for eksempel havregrøt." (Stavanger Aftenblad, 6. oktober, seksjon 3, s. 33, NTB)
Stavanger Aftenblad: Mariann og Ib søker det perfekte: 26 september 2000
"Solbrune, sterke kropper. Muskler. Mye muskler og minimalt med tøy. Det er tid for Fitness Atlethic."
The Cable/Bar Guy: Windmills Illustrated:
Du utför väl väderkvarnar som en del i din träning?
"I do the windmills on a flat bench with dumbells (works like a swimming back stroke). I injured my shoulder so badly 4 years ago that I stopped doing full snatches and have done only power snatches since then. The windmills have helped me rebuild/maintain my shoulders.
If you haven't tried windmills, you can't possibly know how hard they are. They are great for stretching the shoulders and building strength in all muscle groups of the shoulders and arms. If I were a body builder, I would do them all the time because they work so effectively."
FLEX: FLEX Weekly Update: Chat with Ronnie Coleman: 7 oktober 2000
"Have a question you’ve always wanted to ask Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman? Here’s your chance to rap with the man himself. FLEX online will host its first-ever chat with Ronnie this coming Thursday, October 12 at 8 PM eastern daylight time, 5 PM western daylight time.
By the way, Ronnie was photographed by Chris Lund recently and reports from Chris and others in attendance is that Ronnie is in unbelievable shape, improved from his previous Mr. Olympia incarnations. Of course, Thursday you can ask him yourself if he thinks he’s in his best shape ever."
MindTools: Sport Psychology:
Council for Responsible Nutrition: Dietary Supplements and the Olympics: 27 september 2000
"This week, it has been claimed that shot-putter C.J. Hunter has tested positive for nandrolone four times in recent months. He insists he did not knowingly use nandrolone, and a nutritionist who works with him has speculated that the substance may have been in the iron and calcium supplements he was taking.
Apparently the assumption is either that nandrolone was put there by the manufacturer, but not labeled, or that someone deliberately put nandrolone tablets in with the dietary supplements, to sabotage the athlete."
Citizens for Health: Dietary Supplement Issues: Ephedra:
"Citizens For Health is a nonprofit, grassroots, consumer advocacy group that champions public policies empowering individuals to make informed health choices."
Ephedra Education Council - The Facts on Ephedra:
"Welcome to a Web site that provides factual information about Ephedra, an herb that has a long history of being used both safely and responsibly. Today, over three billion servings of dietary supplements containing Ephedra are safely consumed annually. These supplements are integral to the weight loss programs and healthy lifestyles of millions of Americans."
Meat Bodybuilding: 2000 SKKF Scandinavian Grand Prix "photoreport": 7 oktober 2000
"Bilder från Scandinavian Grand Prix finns nu online."
Mycket fräsch finsk sajt om bodybuilding, fitness och allmän träning.
paoloroberto.com: Paolo Roberto vann på KO efter 50 sekunder i första ronden: 7 oktober 2000
"Hans motståndare denna gång var Edwin Murillo från Panama. Jag är nöjd med matchen, jag slog mitt hårdaste kroppsslag någonsin, rakt mot killen lever, det hade bra verkan och kille kommer att ha ont länge. Nu kommer jag åka hem och vila upp mig, jag hoppas få gå en match till innan jag ska fightas om titeln. Senare i veckan kommer en chat att genomföras med Paolo Roberto. Surfa in på www.paoloroberto.com för mer information."
Life Extension Foundation: Male hormone modulation therapy:
"As men age past year 40, hormonal changes occur that perceptibly inhibit physical, sexual, and cognitive function. The outward appearance of a typical middle aged male shows increased abdominal fat and shrinkage of muscle mass, a hallmark effect of hormone imbalance.
The most significant hormone imbalance in aging men is a decrease in free testosterone, while estrogen levels remain the same or increase precipitously. As men grow older, they suffer through a variety of mechanisms from the dual effects of having too little testosterone and excess estrogen.
The result is a testosterone-estrogen imbalance that directly causes many of the debilitating health problems associated with normal aging."
Brink Zone: New Lactoferrin article:
"Hello all. As most of you know, whey protein is one of my personal interests and specialties. In particular, some of the subfractions in whey have been found to have wide array of potential uses to both athletes and people interested in general health and longevity.
Of particular importance, lactoferrin may be one of the most important sub fractions in whey and may have a wide variety of uses. I have recently written an article on this most promising of peptides. It was published in the Oct. 2000 issue of the Life Extension Magazine."
Bodybuilding - Suite101.com: 3 oktober 2000
Matt Danielson, utflyttad svensk arbetandes som PT i Kalifornien, har hand om en engelskspråkig bodybuildingsajt:
Sneak Preview: LearnBodybuilding.com:
"Ladies and Gentlemen: Learn Bodybuilding.com is now live!
The main thought behind this site is to capture the fundamentals of bodybuilding in a simple, logical approach. There is sample training programs from Beginner to Advanced, with detailed instructions and descriptions of a plethora of exercises, divided by muscle group and body part. This is made to “snap-in-place” into the training programs."
Fractionalplates.com: Ironhorse™ Atlas™ (Pat Pend) Grip machine™:
I det stora landet i väst finns det många advokater. Därför kallar företaget Ironhorse företaget IronMinds Captains of Crush för 'standard of strength' grippers och sin variant på The Gerard Trap Bar för The Shrug Bar™. Förvirrande...
"Grip enthusiasts everywhere consider the hand gripper a 'standard of strength' (SOS™). Reasonably calibrated, SOS™ grippers have provided measurable benchmarks. One problem with SOS™ training is, you can either close it or you can't.
PDA has been working toward a premier grip machine for years. The mission has been to provide an effective, efficient, affordable, superior, infinitely adjustable, variable resistance platform for working up to the next SOS™. We even got down to looking at cams. Coincidentally and concurrently, Joe D'Agostino developed the Atlas™ (Pat Pend)."
peakhealth.net: How to Choose a Meal Replacement Drink: 6 oktober 2000
"Have you ever found yourself in a health food store or vitamin shop surrounded by the many different products wondering which one is for you? Click here to learn how to select the best meal replacement powder for you."
gymamerica.com: Hangover Helpers:
"You probably already know the one surefire way to avoid a hangover. But if teetotalism isn't for you, Fred Freitag, D.O., assistant director of the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago, offers this game plan for having your cocktail and drinking it, too." (Via MetaMuscle)
DN: Explosivt snask sätter fart på soppan: 7 oktober 2000
"Pop! De guldgula majskornen förvandlas till vita molnpuffar, ett trolleri som människan känt till i 5.000 år. Men popcorn gör sig lika bra i biomörkret som på matbordet."
Östra Småland: - Kommunen måste säga upp avtalet med gymmet: 6 oktober 2000
"Bengt och Yvonne Ahlsén från Studio Yami samt Claus Leidecker från Företagarna anser att kommunen omgående måste säga upp avtalet med Jönköpingsföretaget som driver gym i simhallen. - Vi vet att politikerna värnar om småföretagarna och hoppas dom ger tjänstemännen tydliga signaler, säger Yvonne Ahlsén."
Barometern: - Vi ska rätta till det här: 6 oktober 2000
"- Vår inriktning är solklar. Vi ska rätta till det här. Det lovar barn- och fritidsnämndens ordförande Peter Wretlund apropå Studio Yamis irritation över kommunens avtal med gymmet i simhallen. Peter Wretlund tillägger att han inte kan tala om hur man ska lösa problemen förrän nämnden fått alla detaljer. - Vi får inte slarva med det här."
Barometern: Efter fem raka SM-guld är det snart dags för ungdomarna att ta över: 7 oktober 2000
"A-laget är det bästa i Sverige och har varit det fem år på raken. Men samtidigt har Kalmar Atletklubb haft förtvivlat svårt att locka ungdomar. Ett problem som börjar försvinna."
Gästriklands Tidning: Ny trenddrog ännu inte ett problem i Gästrikland:
"Den nya innedrogen GBL, som först upptäcktes i Härnösand, har ännu inte nått Gästrikland. GBL är ett känt avfettnings- och rengöringsmedel inom industrin, och dessutom verkbart som GHB i den mänskliga kroppen."
HealthCentral: Sweet feet: University of California chemist creates odor-free socks: 6 oktober 2000
"After a 10-mile run, University of California, Davis cross-country runners conducted some unusual research -- they sniffed their socks. Fortunately, the socks were developed to eliminate foot odor -- and they worked."
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise:
Besök sajten innan 2001 och läs de vetenskapliga artiklarna i sin helhet:
"The American College of Sports Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins are pleased to announce the addition of full text content to Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® web site. Beginning in October 2000, all content printed in the 2000 volume of the Journal will also be posted, in its entirety, on this web site.
Content is freely accessible to all web site visitors during the initial free trial period through December 2000. Content is posted in both HTML and PDF format and is fully searchable. At the close of the initial free trial period, access to full text will be restricted to current subscribers only."
IronOnline: IronOnline Recipe Archive:
"This is your gateway to the "Recipes of IronOnline" - an archive of email discussion group recipe posts that we hope many of our visitors will find interesting and useful. As you're glancing through these posts - and as the list expands - why don't you considering signing on to be a part of this enjoyable group of weight training enthusiasts?"
WPW Online Magazine Issue 4:
"Today we are releasing Issue 4 of the WPW Online Magazine. This issue features photos and articles from the 1997 British Columbia Championships and the 1999 Canadian Championships. The WPW Online Magazine continues to be an excellent value with 263 images for $19.95."