News Online: Har du problem med synen när du sportar? 29 september 2000
Pressmeddelande: "Att motionera på såväl fritidsnivå som elitnivå kan vara jobbigt när man använder glasögon. Och är man på sportsemester kan det kan även upplevas som krångligt att använda kontaktlinser, som måste tas ut ur ögat och göras rena varje kväll.
Vill man slippa dessa problem finns det ett nytt bra alternativ. Nu finns det nämligen kontaktlinser som du kan använda dygnet runt i 30 dagar, utan att dagligen behöva ta ut dem för rengöring. Linsen heter Focus Night and Day och tillverkas av Ciba Vision."
Health Quackery:
"Do you believe you can get "the figure-toning wonders of 3,000 sit-ups without moving an inch..."? Or that you can "... eat as much as you want of your favorite foods and still lose a pound a day or more..." by popping a grapefruit pill that "melts" fat? Or that, "moon dust" - at $100 for three ounces - will cure arthritis?
These advertised claims are bunk. The moon dust is common sand; barium chloride is a chemical used to develop photographs. All the claims were promoted as miracles. All are examples of health quackery.
Everyone wants to be thinner, or healthier, or pain-free. And quacks make a lot of money by trading on such human desires. They peddle products that promise magic cures. But the only magic is the disappearing act your money pulls when it's wasted on worthless items."
The Whole FN's Show Forums: En ny look for Kim Chizevsky, numer fitnesstävlande:
"As many of you may know current Ms. Olympia Kim Chizevsky has announced her retirement from bodybuilding and will try her hand at fitness competion. Hard to believe huh? Well unlike other female bodybuilders who's tried this at least she was a cheerleader before. And as we all know fitness comtetitors do a lot of cheerleading like stuff."
HealthCentral: Asthma common among Olympic athletes: 20 september 2000
"More than one in five US athletes who took part in the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, indicated a history of asthma or use of asthma medication, researchers report in the August issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology." Varannan har smärtor: 29 september 2000
"Ont i nacke och axlar? Protesterar ryggen med molande värk? Säger lederna ifrån? Svarar du ja på dessa frågor är du i gott sällskap. Hälften av alla östgötar har ont i kroppen." Need a few more pounds? Bulk up the healthy way:
"Many runners could use a few extra pounds, either because of their warp-speed metabolism, high mileage, or both.
For those of you who would like to gain weight — and maybe some strength besides — here's the best approach." Pump iron out of the pool to get strong and lean:
"Weight training is a vital part of any swimmer's conditioning, and while the notion of spending valuable free time away from the pool and in the weight room is a disconcerting one for serious pool junkies, it is nevertheless essential in building strength and preventing injury."
SVD: Elitidrottare på gränsen till nervsammanbrott: 10 september 2000
"Flera elitidrottsmän kan drivas så hårt av att prestera att de inte ens orkar se åt sina medaljer, enligt norska OS-lagets psykiater som just nu är på plats i Sydney. Finn Skårderud heter han och hemma i Norge har hans bok Oro sålt 75 000 exemplar på ett par år. I november gav Natur och Kultur ut detta filosofiska, reflekterande, halvlitterära och fallbeskrivande verk på svenska.
Undertiteln "en resa i det moderna självet" syftar på vad Finn Skårderud ser som terapeut, forskare vid Statens senter for barne- og ungdomspsykiatri och knuten till hälsoavdelningen på Toppidrettsentret i Oslo: individer med kontrollbehov, prestationskrav och skamkänslor över att inte förverkliga sig tillräckligt mycket."
HealthCentral: Beans jumping with antioxidant goodness: 27 september 2000
"Beans, beans--they're good for the heart. Now, scientists understand why. According to research from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the skin of beans contains the same heart healthy compounds found in many fruits, vegetables and red wine. These compounds, known as flavonoids, are antioxidants that protect against chronic disease and the effects of aging."
HealthCentral: TV may be hazardous to a child's health: 27 september 2000
"Plopping your tot in front of the TV may seem like a good way to get some relief, but according to a growing body of research, it could cause more problems in the long run. Studies have shown that using the TV as a babysitter can lead to violence, substance abuse and obesity."
Coaching Science Abstracts:
"This site is not intended for use in countries whose athletes use or are subjected to use performance-enhancing drugs."
Det lämnar kvar Vatikanstaten... Om ens det.
Hardgainer: Download a free issue of Hardgainer:
"Never seen a sample copy of HARDGAINER? Curious to check out our "bastion of no-nonsense drug-free training" magazine? Here's your chance--download a free sample issue now."
MSNBC: Women face more sports injuries: 19 september 2000
"In many sports, women are at much higher risk of injury than men, especially knee injuries. But research shows special training can help female athletes put less pressure on their ligaments."
MSNBC: Why superathletes are a step ahead: 11 september 2000
"So you want to win an Olympic gold medal? Presuming you’ve already been born, it may be too late. But even if you were smart and chose your parents well, it’s still no sure thing that the genetic gifts they gave you will turn into a trip to the medal stand."
CNN: Body fat better health measure than weight: 29 augusti 2000
"Measuring body fat is a more accurate way of telling if someone is unhealthily overweight than considering weight alone, experts said Monday."
WebMD: With Regular Exercise, You May Never Need Viagra: 30 augusti 2000
"The popular drug Viagra has improved the lives of millions, but regular exercise could make it obsolete, according to a report in the journal Urology."
MSNBC: Heart attacks strike the young, too: 29 augusti 2000
"When I was a teenager, my father had a heart attack. He was only 42. The common medical wisdom at the time suggested that he was far too young to be stricken by such a condition. But as it turns out, even very young men — of the same age I was when my dad fell victim — are at risk of suffering early heart damage as well, recent studies show."
WebMD: Older Olympians Can Serve as Inspiration for the Rest of Us - It's Never Too Late to Start Exercising, Experts Say: 15 september 2000
"It's not quite the Senior Olympics, but the current crop of Olympians seems decidedly more mature than competitors of the past. Gymnast John Roethlisberger is 30; swimmer Dara Torres is 33; rowers Bob Kaenler and Carol Skricki are 36 and 38, respectively; and archer Adrianne Dykmen is 46 -- positively ancient by Olympic standards."
Falu Kuriren: Suk - vilken tjej: 14 oktober 1999
"I drygt ett halvår har Suk Fredriksson hållit på med styrkelyft. Redan i november får hon dra på sig den blågula landslagsdressen och representera Sverige i EM, som går i Frankrike. - Jag har knappt fattat själv vad jag ställt till med, säger hon och skrattar."
Falu Kuriren: Landslagsdebuterar vid 39 års ålder: 3 september 1997
"På lördag gör 39-åriga Karin Kriström från Tandsjöborg debut i det svenska styrkelyftslandslaget vid nordiska mästerskapen i Solna. Hon tävlar i 52-kilosklassen och har 297,5 kilo som totalresultat, trots att hon tränat styrkelyft i bara drygt ett år."
Falu Kuriren: En stor stark i Limhagen: 18 april 2000
"Han äter som tre normalpersoner tillsammans. Tio timmar i veckan tränar han i gymet. En ofta grym träning som många gånger smärtar.
I slutet av april hoppas Per Mattsson, Limhagen, att kunna ställa upp i första kvalomgången till mästerskapet om Sveriges starkaste man."
Aftenposten: Nordmenn trimmer Medel-Svensson: 15 september 1997
"Norske investeringer skal få svensker i bedre trivselsform. S.A.T.S. satser stort og optimistisk i Sverige."
Aftenposten: Dahle kjemper for ren idrett: 9 juli 1999
"Alle vet at det foregår noe, men doping er et tabuområde i terrengsykling."
Aftenposten: Slår et slag for å øke de unges fysiske form
"Dersom Norge skal ha toppidrettsutøvere om ti år, må ungdommen bli i bedre fysisk form."
Stavanger Aftenblad: Mind Body Soul: 18 januari 2000
"Overskrift over våre tilbøyeligheter ved inngangen til det nye århundret har trendforskerne lånt fra USA: Mind, body and soul."
Stavanger Aftenblad: Testosteron gjør stressede kvinner syke: 27 maj 2000
"Hver tredje friske kvinne i Sverige har et så høyt nivå av det mannlige kjønnshormonet testosteron at de risikerer å bli syke. Årsaken er stress, viser en ny svensk undersøkelse."
Stavanger Aftenblad: Forbudt slankepulver selges i Norge: 24 mars 2000
"Slankepulver av merket Herbalife inneholder gen-modifisert soya. Pulveret er ikke søkt godkjent, og er derfor forbudt for salg i Norge."
Newswise: Limits of Muscle Strength in Weighlifting Champions: 27 september 2000
"What factors limit human strength and growth in male and female weightlifters? In a new study of the World Weightlifing Federation champions of 1993-l997, researchers found certain results transcending gender lines."
Newswise: Weight Training May Improve Strength, Health of Older Men: 28 september 2000
"Men over 60 may be able to increase their strength by as much as 80 percent by performing intense weight training exercises, according to physiologists involved in studies of the health benefits of weight lifting. The researchers also have found that older men gain strength at the same rate as men in their 20s."
Newswise: Voices in the Head not to be Ignored: 27 september 2000
Exempel på dubbeltydig rubrik...
Newswise: Are There Ideal Sizes for Some Athletics?: 27 september 2000
"After 25 years of investigating the records of world class athletes, a physiologist-physician presents his conclusions."
HealthCentral: Osteoporosis drug also works in men: 31 augusti 2000
"A drug used to treat osteoporosis in women works just as well in men who have the brittle-bone disease, a study found.
Men account for 20 percent of the 10 million people with osteoporosis, but there are no osteoporosis drugs approved for general use in men."