IronMind: Virtanen wins WSM today: 12 augusti 2000
Finland, Norge och Sverige i topp.
"Continuing his hot streak on the professional strongman circuit, Finland's Janne Virtanen won the WSM contest today. Karlsen was second, Samuelsson was third, Pudzianowski was fourth and Pfister was fifth."
IGN Movies: And On the 6th Day, We Flew You to LA: 11 augusti 2000
IGN Movies har en tävling där du kan vinna en resa till premiären på The 6th Day i LA. Visserligen bara öppen för de som är bosatta i USA, men sådant går att lösa om du är tillräckligt motiverad ;-) Via The Arnold Fan.
SportIndex: Fördelen med att motionera varje dag är att man dör friskare
Yttermera slår till med en sportsajtparodi:
"Min son, när du deltar i ett sportevenemang handlar det inte om att vinna eller förlora... Det handlar om hur full du blir." Homer Simpson
- Icke-idrottarens ideologi
- Skäl att inte idrotta
BodyChangers - Physique Transformation: Ordinary People. Extraordinary Results:
"This site is dedicated to those people who are looking to make a dramatic change in their lives through physique transformation, and all the benefits that come with it! Anyone who has undergone a physique transformation program knows that there is MUCH more that happens than just a physical change - and just what kind of pride and sense of accomplishment reaching that goal can create!"
Michal J Wallace som tipsar om ovanstående webbplats har gått med i BodyChangers - följ hans framgång online på sabren 2.0 (upgrade in progress).
Supertraining at Weights damage youngsters? 12 augusti 2000
"While squatting or deadlifting a load of 275lbs may seem to impose huge loads on the joints of a youngster that figure can easily be doubled during running and jumping. In other words, if we are to base our judgment on the basis of magnitude of force imposed on the body, then we ought to ban all running and jumping from schools."
HissyFit: Workout, or worked over?: 14 juni 2000
"I went to the local health club yesterday. I had a guest pass and thought I might try it out. I called, made an appointment with the friendly receptionist, packed a bag, and headed over. First, I had to fill out a form -- name, address, reasons for being there, etc. No problem. As I filled that out, the not-so-helpful-in-person receptionist paged someone to give me a tour."
Calories we burn whilst having sex!
"If you like exercise, you will like this site. If you loathe to exercise, you will love this site!"
Forbes Global: "Faster, Faster": 3 april 2000
"In 1954 Roger Bannister accomplished the impossible: running the mile in under four minutes. Refusing to acknowledge limits is what drives entrepreneurs in all walks of life.
What was it about four minutes, anyway?
The world record then was four minutes, 1.4 seconds [held by Sweden's Gunder Hägg]. It had been stuck there for nine years, since 1945. It didn't seem logical to me, as a physiologist/doctor, that if you could run a mile in four minutes, one and a bit seconds, you couldn't break four minutes.
But it had become a psychological as well as a physical barrier. In fact, [the Australian] John Landy, having done four minutes, two seconds three times, is reported to have commented, "It's like a wall." I couldn't see the psychological side."
Bill Dobbins: USA complete scoresheets
"Bodybuilding and fitness, as well as a commentary on the new guidelines... Featuring a revealing direct quote from one of the judges."
CNN Sverige: Sojaprodukter kan förebygga sjukdomar: 9 augusti 2000
"Livsmedel som innehåller sojabönor kan förebygga hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, hämma utvecklingen av cancer i bröst och prostata samt förebygga benskörhet. Det visar en rad amerikanska studier.
Forskningsresultaten är så entydiga att den amerikanske motsvarigheten till Livsmedelsverket, Food and drug administration, har beslutat att sojaprodukter ska få marknadsföras som hälsosamma för hjärtat."
IronMind: WSM Finals: Day 3: 10 augusti 2000
"Finland's Janne Virtanen increased his lead today in the WSM contest, ending the day with 50 points total. Remaining points are as follows: Samuelsson, 45; Karlsen, 44; Pudzianowski, 42; Pfister, 37; Muhr; 34; Badenhorst, 31; Vagadal, 22." Arnold stoppar sin egen reklamfilm: 12 augusti 2000
"Filmstjärnan Arnold Schwarzenegger har tvingat en webbsajt att sluta erbjuda en av hans reklamfilmer för nedladdning."
Samma historia på Yahoo! News.
Magnus kommentar: Reklamfilmen som nämns i artikeln är inte från i år - den har åtminstone några år på nacken. Gold's Gym owners seek to tone down musclebound image: 22 maj 2000
"The corporate roster at Gold's Gym is gearing up for a workout as its management team prepares for a marketing message and the rollout of a daring Web initiative.
In the face of fast-growing competitors, Gold's management knows it needs to broaden its image beyond the Venice Beach muscle depot from which it evolved. Market research shows consumers still want to get fit, but more of them prefer a trim, healthy look to the bodybuilder physique in the Gold's logo."
För närvarande verkar de fortfarande bygga om på sin webbplats, Men du kan ta en titt på webbkameran från Gold's Gym, Venice, Kalifornien som Discovery har satt upp.
DN: Protein styr fettcell: 11 augusti 2000
"Fetmaepidemin sprider sig som en löpeld i västvärlden och idag lider en halv miljon av de tidigare så resliga och slanka svenskarna av hälsofarlig övervikt. Nu har en grupp amerikanska forskare funnit det protein som ligger bakom bildningen av fettceller i kroppen.
- Vi tror att fettceller till största delen bildas i slutskedet av graviditeten och under individens första år. Men självklart kan antalet öka även hos vuxna som äter för mycket, säger Ormond MacDougald, assisterande professor i fysiologi vid Michigan Medical School i Michigan, ledare för studien som idag publiceras i tidskriften Science."
Tack till Stefan för tipset!
CDC: New Surgeon General's Report Provides Strategies for Halving U.S. Smoking Rates by Year 2010:
"Surgeon General David Satcher announced today that smoking rates among teens and adults could be cut in half within the decade if the nation would fully implement anti-smoking programs using effective approaches that are already available."
Yahoo! News: Exercise Without Calorie Counting Helps Weight Loss: 18 juli 2000
"In a new study, exercising without dieting was shown to be as effective for modest weight loss as dieting without exercising."
Arbetarbladet: Seppo masserar med finsk teknik:
"Hans speciella tumteknik har hjälpt såväl skolfröknar som idrottsmän att få bättre ryggar. Dessutom är han tvåfaldig världsmästare i styrkelyft och siktar på att bli det en tredje gång."
Arbetarbladet: Vann på doping: 8 juni 1998
"Jessica Rosén, 18, elitsimmerska i Gävle Simsällskap, kom att intressera sig för doping i samband med att kinesiska simmare dopade sig under VM i Australien. När hon fick chansen att delta i en riksomfattande uppsatstävling för gymnasister valde hon att skriva om doping. Och det gjorde hon så framgångsrikt, att hennes uppsats korades till den bästa i Gävle!"
Yahoo! News: Yoga Shown to Slow Heart Disease: 13 juli 2000
"Yoga can help slow atherosclerosis--the build-up of fatty deposits on the lining of arteries--in patients with severe coronary artery disease, according to a report from Delhi, India."
The Washington Post: Medicine balls are making a comeback: 4 juli 2000
"Plucked from the musty, sweat-stained annals of exercise history, the medicine ball is rolling back into our lives. Long viewed by many professional sports trainers, boxers and other serious athletes as an ideal tool for building strength and flexibility, the medicine ball is now seen as part of the move toward "functional fitness," exercise designed to help your body do stuff, not just look good."
BizJournals: Wellness programs: Companies win, employees lose (pounds): 24 juli 2000
"A wellness program is a meaningful investment in a company's greatest resource, its employees. And it can bring some pretty dramatic results. For example, the loss of a total of 1,300 pounds by 240 BP Amoco employees last year was one result of the company's wellness program."
Arbetarbladet: Gym och bad är inte bra:
"Nu rekommenderar statens nyinrättade konkurrensråd att kommuner inte bör driva gym-verksamhet i anslutning till sina simhallar. Något som rör det kommunala gymmet på Fjärran Höjder-badet i Gävle."
FitnessLink: Top Racers Rely on Razor's Edge to Shave Time
"Shaving for the contest? Learn the best way to do it from swimmers..."
Arbetarbladet: Emma Ihrlund, 24: "Kroppen är mitt verktyg"
"Sysselsättning: Har eget friskvårdsföretag men jobbar nu nästan enbart på Mix Gym. Är instruktör i aerobics, step, salsa, boxing, flex it, spinning och ska snart - puh - börja med power yoga. Utbildar också andra instruktörer."
WebMD: Take Two Crunches and Call Me in the Morning: 15 juni 2000
"Doctors may soon prescribe exercise just as they prescribe medication, according to presenters at an upcoming conference on sports and health sponsored by the Royal College of General Practitioners in London."
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