» URB - uk.rec.bobybuilding - Beacuse Size Matters!
"News, views and advice on all aspects of bodybuilding and fitness. URB is a newsgroup (NG) where individuals interested in weight training & fitness can come and discuss topics of mutual interest. At URB we conduct ourselves in a civil manner and do not appreciate trolls or unnecessary flaming."
» Move To Get Fit!
Do you know the #1 reason most people don't stick with an exercise program? According to Dr. James Rippe, "They don't take their current physical condition into account. They start exercising too hard and then simply give up."
» Räkna ut din basala metabolism:
Med denna applet räknar du ut din basala energiåtgång i kilokalorier vid vila samt vid aktivitet.
Gå till denna sida för att konvertera från kilo till pounds.
» eFit: Morphover:
"As more and more studies reveal that positive visualization can be the key to achieving your goals, it makes sense for you to check out how a diet and fitness plan could change your look-and your life-before you even get started. You no longer need to imagine what you'd look like if you lost 15 pounds or trimmed your waist.
With eFit's MorphOver™ you simply send us a current digital photo of yourself, and we work on digitally slimming your contours. Just a few weeks later you receive a photo showing how the healthy new version of your body might look. You can post it on your fridge to boost your willpower or by your exercise machine for motivation on those sleepy mornings, or make it your computer's on-screen wallpaper so you'll have a constant reminder of your potential."
» Härnösands Tidning: Messing mötte fransk kollega: 7 juli 2000
"Gemensamma krav på klubbar som skriver kontrakt med unga spelare och enighet kring doping. Det är frågor som Frankrike som ordförandeland i EU vill driva.
Idrottsminister Ulrica Messing har fått tjuvkika på dagordningen."
» The Essential Fatty Acids:
"These pages to a lesser degree includes the importance of all 50 essential elements required for good health, and to a greater degree emphasizes two of them: the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
Those of us who live in North America have learned a great deal about the other 48 elements and the diligent among us are getting them into our nutrition program. But the two essential fatty acids have been largely ignored by the food, food supplement, and vitamin companies, and are just now beginning to come into their own.
Interestingly enough, the essential fatty acids are two of the most important of all the essential elements, ranking right up there with protein, as protein and the EFAs work hand-in-hand with each other.
Much of the information found on these Web Pages comes from Udo Erasmus' book, Fats that Heal Fats that Kill. His book has taught me great things. Indeed, Mr. Erasmus is largely responsible for North America's increased awareness of Essential Fatty Acids and is one of the recognized authorities on the subject."
» eFit: Räkna ut ditt One Rep Max - maxlyft:
» Yahoo!: Calculate target heart rate:
"To get the greatest health benefits from your workout, you must elevate your heartbeat rate to a certain level - your target heart rate. Exercising at your target heart rate will help to improve cardiovascular health, reduce body fat and boost endurance."
» Yahoo!: Genes may protect some against high-fat diet: 6 juli 2000
"The mystery behind how some people live to 100 after a life of burgers and fries may now be a bit clearer. In experiments with mice, researchers found that genetic factors may help determine whether heart arteries become clogged on a high-fat diet."
» Yahoo!: Shoulder surgery helps overall health: 6 juli 2000
"People's feelings about their health seem to weigh heavily and literally on their shoulders. Researchers at the University of Toronto have found that surgery for rotator cuff injuries improves not only shoulder symptoms, but also patients' perceptions of their overall health."
» FoxNews: Food Trends Play Role in Obesity Epidemic: 5 juli 2000
"Increased availability of convenience foods, changes in food preparation, and eating out more often are factors that appear to be contributing to the obesity epidemic among Americans, say researchers."
» Mind over Matter: The brain's response to steroids:
"Hi, my name's Sara Bellum. Welcome to my magazine series exploring the brain's response to drugs. In this issue, we'll investigate the fascinating facts about anabolic steroids. Some of this information was only recently discovered by leading scientists."
» Junior-VM i tyngdlyftning (1-9/7 i Prag) kan följas på Internet.
» Ladda hem flygbladet för Båstad Fitness & Outdoor Camp i PDF-format. Kräver PDF-läsare.
» Alm & Careplan AB:
"Vi har över 20 års samlad erfarenhet från branschen och kan erbjuda allt från begagnade hemmaprodukter till kommersiella anläggningar. Genom oss kan du köpa-byta-sälja-renovera eller serva din maskinpark. I vårt sortiment ingår konditions- och styrketräningsmaskiner från bl a:
Airmachine, Alpine, Cardionics, Casall, Climbmax, Competition Line, Cybex, David, Eleiko, Ergofit, Kebo Care, Monark, Nautilus, Nordic, Panatta, Powerjog, Rodby, Saba, Stairmaster, Startrack, STI, World Class, Techno, Tunturi mm."
» Redaktionens svar på inkomna frågor i juni online.
» You might be a bodybuilder if....
- You grunt when you are not in the bathroom.
- Any meal in your day involves a blender.
- You spend more on bills for the gym and supplements than on your wife or girlfriend.
- You intimidate more than five other men a day.
- You can't wear a sleeved t-shirt.
- You can't fit in a xxx-large t-shirt.
- The WWF calls you once a week for a job opportunity.
- You eat more than 4 square meals a day.
- You intimidate more than five other women a day.
Disclaimer: This information is intended for entertainment purposes only! It is not intended to degrade any athlete or bodybuilder in the world.
Written by: Jeremy Huddleston
» Aftonbladet Hälsa: Rör på dig och rädda ryggen: 27 november 1999
"Ta smärtstillande medel. Och rör dig så mycket som möjligt. Det är det bästa sättet att hantera ryggont, enligt en rapport som presenteras på Läkarstämman i veckan. Sängläge vid akut ryggvärk och ischias är fel."
» peakhealth.net: Interview with strength coach Charles Poliquin: 28 february 2000
"In this interview, strength coach John Alveno discusses the nutritional strategies that strength coach Charles Poliquin uses with his clients.
» Interview with Charles Poliquin - Part II: 26 mars 2000
"In part two of his interview with strength coach Charles Poliquin, John Alvino discusses which supplements to take after a workout, the benefits of fish oil, and more."
» BBC News: Doctors call for better male HRT: 21 juni 2000
"Improving male hormone replacement therapy could improve the health of thousands of men, according to experts.
"It is generally recognised that testosterone replacement therapy may be of value in the alleviation of some of the symptoms associated with aging males."
» EurekAlert: Honey - Natures's sweetener may increase recuperation after workouts: 22 juni 2000
"A research study presented today at the annual National Strength and Conditioning Association meeting suggests that combining honey with a protein supplement may boost post-workout recuperation and favor better blood sugar maintenance after exercise.
Protein supplements are widely used to increase one's intake of dietary protein. Protein need increases among individuals engaged in intense activities such as weight training, running, step aerobics and many competitive sports. Previous studies have shown that a combination of carbohydrates and protein supplement has been shown in to boost muscle energy recuperation and may favor better response to training."
» About Nutrition: Brain works differently in fat and thin people: 28 juni 2000
"Scientists have mapped the area of the brain involved in eating and have shown for the first time how it reacts to food and how long it takes to convey a feeling of fullness.
The researchers used a sophisticated brain-imaging technique to show that 10 minutes is about the time it takes between feeling pleasantly satisfied and uncomfortably gorged. But in obese people it takes longer."
» DN: Dopingutredning i Australien stoppas: 6 juli 2000
"Planerna på att utreda diskuskastaren Werner Reiterers uttalanden om utbredd doping i Australien stoppades plötsligt på torsdagen - mindre än ett dygn efter att ordföranden i Australiens olympiska kommitté (AOC), John Coates, lovade att uppgifterna skulle blixtutredas."
» senastenytt.com: Nya inspelningar av "Gladiatorerna":
"I början av nästa år kommer en ny omgång i TV4:s muskelstinna lek "Gladiatorerna". Några större förändringar kommer inte att göras, möjligen kan någon ny gren läggas till kampen."
» Gefle Dagblad: Armbrytnings-EM till Gävle nästa år?
"I söndags var det final i EM, och Sverige lyckades över förväntan...? Nej, det handlar inte om fotboll utan armbrytning.
- Det är tur att det finns EM där man slipper skämmas för den svenska insatsen, sa ett av Sveriges tunga namn, Rolf Harju.
Och svenskarna kan vara nöjda med insatsen. En sammanlagd fjärdeplats i lag och många fina individuella prestationer."
» Sussi Gustafsson var med i februarinumret av Slitz expo
» Booksy.com: Fysica Motion & Rehab Bokningssida:
En smidig lösning för att slippa mängder av telefonsamtal för bokningar på pass:
"Fysica använder sig av en kombination av internetbokning och drop-in. De har valt att hälften av platserna på pass är bokbara medan andra hälften är drop-in. Fysica har dessutom valt att enbart tillåta bokningar via Internet eller alternativt att kunden själv bokar på en internetansluten dator i gymet.
På detta sätt slipper personalen belastas med ideliga telefonsamtal angående bokningar och avbokningar samtidigt som man tillgodoser allas behov. Internetvana kunder kan boka där de i vanliga fall använder Internet. Kunder utan internetvana eller tillgång till Internet kan antingen boka på bokningsdatorn i gymet eller använda drop-inplatser."
» Nordic Gym har släppt sin nya sida om kosttillskott - www.kost.nordicgym.se.
» Aftonbladet Hälsa: Nisse är hälsan själv: 19 februari 2000
Tidningsbudet från Sandviken förbättrar din vardag med kost- och träningsråd i mängder.
» Magnus Samuelsson uppmärksammas även utomlands:

Magnus råkar bryta av Nathan Jones arm på två ställen under WSM 95. Aj liksom...
Magnus låg 1999 på åttonde plats på WSM All Time Rankings - vad blir det efter i år månntro?
Magnus Samuelsson - Švédský silák toho denne sní tolik, co jiný za týden - jaha?
Biografi www.strongestman.com
Biografi 1 wpse.com
Biografi 2 wpse.com
World Strength Legends
Och inom Sverige:
Bilder från en uppvisning i Linköping
Corren.se intervjuar efter Sydafrikabesöket (Riktas undergång)
» Isländsk sida om Bodybuilding, Fitness och Styrka sponsrad av MuscleTech
» Svend Karlsen #1, #2, #3, #4
» About Nutrition: Nutritionally Analyzed Recipes
» Yahoo!: Aussie Olympics to probe officials: 5 juli 2000
"The Australian Olympic Committee president ordered a full-scale inquiry Wednesday into allegations that officials covered up widespread doping by the nation's athletes.
The claim in a book by Olympic discus thrower Werner Reiterer that a majority of Australian athletes use performance-enhancing substances contradicts the country's official hard line against drugs in sport and come embarrassingly close to the start of the Sydney Olympics Sept. 15."
» netrition.com: The Adonis complex: 4 juli 2000
"Psychologists say Hollywood's great-looking bods are giving American men an inferiority complex. They claim insecure men are running in record numbers to the gym, where they're developing a self-destructive obsession with looking good.
"Millions of men are suffering shame, self-doubt and embarrassment because of this damaging emphasis on body image," says Dr. Harrison Pope, psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
"They are obsessed with their bodies."
» About Nutrition: Ethics in dietary supplementation:
"It is no secret that selling dietary supplements can be profitable. The potential earnings for manufacturers, sales reps and home-based businesses is overwhelming.
In a failing health care system that continually takes profits away from practitioners, health care providers (chiropractors, medical doctors, nutritionists, nurses, dietitians and veterinarians) find that selling dietary supplements can be a potentially profitable monetary supplement."
» Scitec Nutrition > Länkar
» News in Science: Mighty Mouse made in lab: 4 juli 2000
Forskare har skapat supermöss genom att slå ut ett tillväxtkontrollerande protein. Jättemössen ser normala ut vid födseln men går snabbt om vanliga möss i storlek. Muskler, ben och organ ökar tills de är upp till 30-40% större än vanliga möss.
» Robert Peterson: Sweden's Strongest Man 2000:
Återigen har Robert Peterson varit på plats och fotat Sveriges Starkaste Man, samt lagt upp en fullödig rapport från de olika grenarna på sin hemsida. Solid work!
"After a successful 1999 SSM competition the 2000 SSM was held at the same place as last year but now a couple of months earlier (10th and 11th of June) due to the WSM which is in August this year. The amusementpark Gröna Lund in Stockholm guaranties a big crowd and Swedish television TV3 taped it all."
» DN Galan: DN Galan Community: Mini Poll: 5 juli 2000
En omröstning om proffs ska få använda... Kreatin!?
"Should professional athletes be allowed to use creatine in order to perform better?
Yes: 62 % No: 38 % (Total votes:29)"
» DN Galan: DN Galan Community: Doped athletes - compete under your own flag!
"Doped athletes - If you don´t accept the rules of the IAAF, you can still compete with your friends. However, you have to do so under the flag of the track and field federation for athletes using drugs!" Many of the track and field athletes that recently have tested positive in doping tests always believe (or claim they believe) they are innocent.
I have a solution to their problems: start a federation without any rules regarding performance enhancing drugs. Nobody can stop you from competing in track and field. However, you may not be welcome to do so in the IAAF family."
» Regeringskansliet: Trojkamöte för idrottsministrar i Paris: 4 juli 2000
"Idrottsminister Ulrica Messing träffar sina kollegor från Portugal och Frankrike på onsdag den 5 juli i Paris.
På dagordningen står det franska EU-ordförandeskapsprogrammet, kampen mot dopning och arbetet med placeringen av World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) och idrottens sociala roll."
» Vision: Gladiatorerna tillbaka nästa år: 5 juli 2000
"TV4 har bestämt sig för att spela in en ny omgång av tittarfavoriten Gladiatorerna. Programledare är naturligtvis Gunde Svan och Agneta Sjödin."
» Aftonbladet Hälsa: Fixa beach -99 med D-Flex: 1 juli 1999
"Han kan trimma den mest ovilliga kropp och har fått folk att köa för det. Nu hjälper han dig att komma i sommarform med fem enkla övningar. – De är tillräckligt tuffa för att snabbt ge resultat, säger David D-Flex Seisay."
» Aftonbladet: Öl bygger inte vackra kroppar tycker Konsumentverket: 4 juli 2000

Foto: Stena Line |
"Öl byggde denna vackra kropp” får man inte skriva. I alla fall inte om man är ett färjerederi med linjer mellan Sverige och Danmark. Det anser Konsumentverket som nu vill stoppa Stena Lines reklam.
I Göteborgsområdet kör företaget en annonskampanj där en vältränad man med tajt tröja bär på några stora kassar innehållande olika alkoholdrycker."
» Nyhetsbrevet Nutrition News Focus:
"Now when nutrition news gets confusing, there IS a place to go to get the real story.
- When a big nutrition story is breaking, we'll help you read between the lines and understand its REAL meaning.
- You'll learn clear, concise definitions of the scientific terminology in the nutrition news. You'll learn how to spot the mumbo-jumbo.
- We'll send you up-to-the-minute information on what's really known about the many foods and supplements.
» Recipe Calc 3.0:
"Recipe Calc 3.0 lets you easily analyze your recipes, meals, or daily intake for nutritional value. It calculates calories, calories from fat, percent of calories from fat, fat grams, saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, fiber, sodium, and protein.
Then displays the information in the familiar Nutrition Facts label format that is now on every food product in America. Included is a database of over three thousand of the most common ingredients. The user can also easily add ingredients to the database."
» CIF - Centrum för idrottsforskning:
"CIF är en statlig organisation med Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm som huvudman. CIF:s uppdrag är att initiera, samordna och stödja forskning inom idrottens område."
» Nutrition Facts:
"Nutrition Facts is free Windows 95/98 or NT software containing detailed nutritional information on over 6200 foods. The food list is also fully searchable."
» PrimaLivet: Akuta idrottsskador kräver snabb behandling: 26 juni 2000
"Idrotten är vår i särklass största folkrörelse. I en stor vetenskaplig undersökning konstaterades att hälften av alla unga vuxna, en tredjedel av alla medelålders och en fjärdedel av alla äldre motionerar regelbundet. Många blir tyvärr också skadade av sitt idrottande. Läs om mekanismerna bakom en akut skada och varför det gör ont och svullnar."
» Stockholms Studenters IF - Instruktörsutbildning:
"Utbildning av instruktörer, är en viktig del av SSIF:s verksamhet. Under vt 2000 har SSIF anordnat instruktörsutbildningar på högskolenivå i aerobics och styrketräning."
» MSNBC: Garlic - Superfood or super hype?:
"Garlic aficionados love it for its flavor, but what about reports of garlic’s health benefits? Researchers say there is now good evidence that garlic offers help in preventing heart disease and cancer. But whether those same effects can be derived from supplements remains to be seen."
» Stressforum.com:
"StressFORUM är en icke-kommersiell mötesplats för alla som på ett eller annat sätt kommer i kontakt med stress och utbrändhet."
» Christine McDougall: Elite Athlete Newsletter:
"Elite Athlete newsletter covers all aspects of your performance in the sporting arena. It includes:
- Interviews from world class athletes and outstanding performers
- Wisdom and wit
- Staying fit and healthy
- Information about up and coming seminars, teleconferences, interviews
- Books
- Stories to inspire you
» Jan Tana: Lista över deltagare i Jan Tana Classic 2000 (Pro Fitness & Bodybuilding)
Masters Mr Olympia (+40/50/60 år) går samtidigt som Jan Tana Classic, kommer Gary Strydom att tävla? "We have been notified by Gary Strydom that he is very serious about competing for this great title!"
» Aftonbladet: 30 procent smalare – på bara en vecka: 4 juli 2000
"Forskare i USA kan ha funnit bantningens mirakelpiller. De har tagit fram ett medel som inom loppet av en vecka minskat kroppsvikten med 30 procent.
C 75, som medlet kallas, har testats på möss och leder till kraftigt minskad aptit. De möss som fått medlet åt bara en tiondel av sin normala kost. De gick också ned 45 procent mer i vikt än normala möss som inte fick någon mat alls."
» NetDoktor: Hård träning kan ge ryggskador: 4 juli 2000
"Ungdomar i puberteten som idrottar mycket kan få ryggskador som aldrig går att läka om träningspassen är för hårda.
En 15-16-åring bör ha en allsidig träning och undvika de extra tyngderna på stången. Unga människor måste vara försiktiga så att de inte tar i för mycket när de tränar. Men för den skull ska de inte sluta idrotta, att träna är bra för hälsan,” säger Olof Lundin, läkare vid Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset i Göteborg."
» netrition.com: Reducing dietary fat may decrease important nutrients:
"Nearly all major nutrition and health groups urge Americans to cut back on that great dietary evil: fat. Unfortunately, doing so may lead to low intakes of two important nutrients: lecithin and its primary component, choline."
» TV4: Stena Lines spritreklam olaglig: 4 juli 2000
"Stena Lines reklam för nya införselregler för alkohol strider mot alkoholreklamförbudet.
Genom bilder på en kroppsbyggare som bär en tung påse och har budskapet "öl byggde denna vackra kropp" på tröjan ska resenärerna lockas att resa med färjorna. I annonserna informeras också om hur mycket öl och vin resenärerna nu får bära med sig hem."
» Docmeister's Site of Fitness Beauties
» Antidopingnytt Från Riksidrottsförbundets Antidopinggrupp:
- Ny "röd lista" över dopingklassade läkemedel
- Ny reviderad dopinglista gäller från och med 1 juli
- Nya dispensregler i Sverige
- Metoder att analysera EPO är publicerade
- Analyser på EPO redan i Tour de France
- Blir det EPO-tester till OS?
» Science Spectra: Aspirin: The Second Generation:
"One of the most widely used classes of medication today are the non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their prolonged use, however, can lead to serious, even fatal, side effects. Merck Frosst Canada’s scientists J.-P. Falgueyret, J.Y. Gauthier and P.J. Roy describe how a recent discovery has led to the development of new antiinflammatories that will be less damaging over prolonged use."
» EurekAlert: Weight training helps to maintain good health, study finds: 22 maj 2000
"People interested in maintaining good health should consider adding weight training to their exercise regimen, according to a new Ohio University study.
The research, published in a recent issue of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, counters other studies and news reports that have given weight lifting a bad name, said anatomist Robert Staron, lead researcher on the project."
» BBC News: Vegetables on prescription: 29 april 2000
"Farmers of the future could be growing vegetables such as carrots and watercress for doctors' prescriptions.
Eating your greens has always been thought to be an essential part of staying healthy - they provide roughage, vitamins and minerals.
However, scientists at the Institute for Food Research in Norwich have investigated further - they have unravelled the specific properties of certain vegetables in preventing cancer."
» The Vegetarian Bodybuilder:
"Welcome. My name is Steve Holt and this is my bodybuilding page. I was born and raised in Canada, and I have been a vegetarian for nearly 20 years. I began to seriously train as a bodybuilder some three years ago, when I was well into my forties. Recently I completed my first series of bodybuilding competitions."
» I helgen kom det första nyhetsbrevet från www.strongestman.com ut. Webbplatsen är sedan ett tag tillbaks i ny regi, uppdateras ofta och har ett nytt utseende:
"Dear fans, competitors and organizers of strength competitions,
Greetings from "www.strongestman.com"! This is the first of what will be a regular newsletter to update you on the great sport of strength competitions.
To those of you who have not seen the website before or haven't visited in a while, check it out. The site has been reformatted and features the following new content:
- A story about Whit Baskin's training.
- A provocative interview with Isaac Nesser - owner of the world's largest chest and arms.
- A "News" Section to keep you informed of what's going on.
- A monthly poll about various aspects of the sport.
- A new survey designed to help us better serve you.
For all you COMPETITORS out there, we want to hear from you. This site is a forum for you as well as the fans. So, if you want us to post any pictures, information or anything, just let us know. Take advantage of our access to your fans!!
For all the ORGANIZERS, keep us informed about your contests and we will promote them as best we can."
» På onsdag är det dags för säsongsfinalen av Muscle Beach, avsnittet heter "The Plumber and the Postman":
"Have you ever loved someone, but not be able to win their love? And then you've watched them date others including, well, their contractor, their gardener ... heck, even their tow truck driver! (Well, maybe you haven't.) But Jim has.
In the season finale, Jim is ready to make his move - to another gym?
Is Jim giving up on Kerry and leaving the Muscle Beach gym? And why are a hot plumber, postal inspector, and seismologist all to blaim! Catch the shocking season finale cliffhanger of "Muscle Beach".
"Muscle Beach" stars Jim Morrow, Ryan Moriarty, Kerry Kimble, Kristen Davidson, and former Mr. Switzerland Didi Beyeler. The show aires for free on TelevisionInternet.com.
» Suzanna McGees nyhetsbrev för juli är online:
"Happy July 4th to you all! The new July issue is out. Besides viewing new seductive pictures of Lioness, in this issue you can read about:
- One busy day from Lioness' life
- Messed Up Your Diet Today?
- Selecting the Right Proteins
- How To Successfully Sabotage That Great Idea Of Yours
- Muscle Growth and Fat Loss by Stimulating the Beta-Agonist System
- Hardgainers... Are you there?
- On a Funny Linguistic Note
» peakhealth.net: Research review: pre and post-workout nutrition: 8 maj 2000
"Eating the wrong food, especially before and after a workout can significantly slow or prevent one's progress."
» Yahoo!: Cyclists warned: Sport's future still endangered by doping: 30 juni 2000
"The net is closing around doping,'' race director Jean-Marie Leblanc said Friday. "We will apply sanctions where needed, even if it is in a few weeks.
» Healthology: Stretching and Flexibility
"Flexibility and stretching comprise what can essentially be recognized as the cornerstone of injury prevention, muscle recovery, and increased mobility for exercise enthusiasts (as well as couch potatoes).
Many individuals do not realize the importance of properly executed flexibility/stretching programs, and many others do not know the correct and most effective way to perform these exercises."
» UniSci: Eating less seems to fend off brain diseases: 27 juni 2000
"The study's findings, Weindruch notes, add to mounting evidence that a reduced-calorie diet, the only known method of slowing aging in several species of animals, not only extends life, but confers health benefits that contribute significantly to a better quality of life in old age."
2000: Kvartal 1 | 000401-000518
1999: Webbnytt 1999