Nummer tre av B&K Newsletter! Nummer 3, 25 oktober 2000
[1] Scandinavian Fitness Expo 2000
[2] Snabba nyheter i musklernas värld
[3] Tävlingsresultat
[4] Larry Scott om Mr Olympia 2000
[5] Seminarium och evenemang runtom i Sverige
[6] Allmän information
[1] Scandinavian Fitness Expo 2000
Hej kära nyhetsbrevsprenumerant!
I helgen, 27-29 oktober, avhålls Scandinavian Fitness Expo 2000. Samtliga prenumeranter på B&K Sports Magazine får ett komplett programblad på köpet. Och det behövs, ty aldrig tidigare har det hänt så mycket dessa tre dagar. Just nu går reklamen i fem radiokanaler, på storbildstavlor, i T-banan, dagspress samt i specialpress.
B&K Classic Body Show ser ut att bli en riktig rysare! Den som är där får se. (Och jisses vad vi sålt biljetter på förhand!). Alla kommer att få se något unikt och speciellt. Det kan jag lova. Biljetter finns fortfarande att köpa i entrén till expot fram till 15:00 på lördag, då det är Showtime!
Swedish Pro Fitness avhålls på söndagen 15:00. De tre damer som kvalar från fredagens evenemang ställs mot detta fantastiska startfält: Vinnaren av Fitness Olympia förra helgen: Susie Curry, samt övriga finalister: Stacy Simons, Jennifer Worth och Timea Majorova. Missa inte det! Och ni svenska tjejer som är med, We love ya! Biljetter hittar du vid entrén till expot.
Läs mer om Scandinavian Fitness Expo på
[2] Snabba nyheter i musklernas värld
Linda Ekwall och Jonas Andersson heter de två nya gladiatorerna, vilka ni får se i TV-rutan kommande säsong. Den förste känner du till, men den andra? Jo, det är B&K:s kock! Numer Gladiatorkock.
Richard Karlsson, den fd svenska mästaren i bodybuilding, klass -90 kilo, har fått en dotter.
Roger "Atlas" Zapfes hemsida kommer ut i dagarna:
Ylva Eriksson, en av de fitnessprofiler som var inbjuden till Swedish Pro Fitness-kvalet är gravid och för tillfället inte riktigt i tävlingsform. Efter bebisens födelse i februari kommer Ylva att helt säkert att försöka ta sig tillbaka till fitnesscenen igen.
Astrid Näslund, den trevlige fitnessprofilen som varit med sedan den första Ms Fitness Sweden på Skara Sommarland 1994, är på gång igen efter en tids frånvaro från hela branschen. Nu planerar hon att satsa vidare igen. Men då helt på Athletic Finess. We want you back, Astrid!
Linda Liedstrand, tränandes på Delta Gym i Stockholm, en av B&K:s kunniga frågeskribenter, kommer framöver att kunna hjälpa tävlande med att sy personliga tävlingsdräkter, med mera.
Hört under Athletic Fitness i Stavanger för någon vecka sedan; "Denna kille hade en djurisk fysik: axlar breda som en snok, bicce som hälsenan på en talgoxe och slät som en säl".
Paulo Roberto kommer att förlägga sin boxningsträning till Casalls monter under Scandinavian Fitness Expo kommande helg. Kring 15:00 drar han på sig handskarna.
Lena Johannesen, den norska fitnessdamen med idag världens bästa fysik (jo, det har hon. Ty hon vinner i regel symmetrironden!) kommer inte till helgens proffsfitnesstävling. Hon har ej fått sitt green card helt klart - och vågar helt enkelt inte ge sig iväg från USA. Här några rader från henne efter Fitness Olympia;
"Tilbake fra Vegas. Det ble en 9. plass.....hmmmmm. Fikk forste sammenlikning i bikini, men endte upp pa en 6. i symetrien enda??? Blev nest sist og sist i de tva uppvisnings rondene.
Jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg skal si om dette, men uten gymnastikk ser det happlost ut. Jeg kom inn med en fett% pa 5.8, men var enda en av de "softaste" av fitness tjeierna???? Og dom seier at "nu ser vi etter en mer kvinnlig og softere fysikk", men domningen er en helt annan!!!! Alldeles frustrerande! Annars sa var det et bra show og Coleman var storre enn nonsinn (+20 extra pound fan i fjor!) Kevin Levrone looked AWESOME, best ever! Flex look great, but a tiny soft in his hamstrings. He has the most appealing physique, but he is probably not "freaky" and big enough to outplace Coleman. Shawn was at his best ever I guess - full, hard, elegant without any weaknesses. Great poser as well! Lee Priest was Incredible!!! His best ever! So much muscles on that small frame, VERY HARD and defined. Finally he got the place he deserved (kunne plaserad seg en plats hogare) (ooops, gikk over i engelska her en bit - men det gar vel bra). Jag tycker Dexter Jackson var den mest bortdömda. Han sag Skit bra ut - rock hard and great symmetry."
Till sist: Mina högljudda protester mot SKKF det senaste halvåret har bara haft ett enda syfte: att allt ska bli bättre! Jag har ansett mycket vara fel - och i slutänden tror jag att många förstår varför jag fört en tuff debatt. Jag ser fram mot dramats slut, som jag hoppas ska bli lyckligt. För alla.
Vi ses i helgen! Eder

[3] Tävlingsresultat
Belgian Federation Cup; Föregående helg avhölls en tuff bodybuildingtävling i Belgien. Tre svenskar bland de sex första, vad sägs om det? Mer info i presspytt i B&K nummer 12/2000.
- Thomas Scheu, Tyskland, 5 poäng
- Gabriel Oyemade, Sverige, 10 poäng
- Steven Segers, Belgien, 15 poäng
- Peder Eliasson, Sverige, 24 poäng
- Daniele Giammattei, Italien, 26 poäng
- Fredrik Age, Sverige, 27 poäng
Totalt deltog 16 personer i denna tävling.
China Grand Prix; Denna, världens mest publiktäta starke-man- tävling, vanns av den omåttligt populäre bonden från Kisa, Magnus Samuelsson. Grattis!
- Magnus Samuelsson
- Hugo Girard
- Janne Virtanen
- Svend Karlsen
- Martin Muhr
- Darek (Polen)
- Peter Baltus
- Derek Boyer
- Whit Baskin
- Regin Vagadal
- Torfi Olafson
Magnus Samuelsson i all ära; men klarar han detta? Två grabbar från Taiwan har skrivit världshistoria i kraftprestation (?) genom att dra en 11 ton tung lastbil 30 cm. Med sina penisar! Den stora publiken trodde inte sina ögon då dessa experter på Chi Kung genomförde bedriften. De avslutade dagen genom att hänga 200 kilo i, du vet vad, såsom en liten avec...
Just penisstyrkan är ett moment som faktiskt ingår i denna något udda form av martial arts. Nästa gång de har bjudit in till rekordförsök ska de dra ett flygplan.
"Our method is a good way of strengthening a man's sexual performance", menar rekordduon.
Hmmm; kanske man ska ut och träna med bilen, bara för att göra damen där hemma lycklig(are)?
[4] Larry Scott om Mr Olympia 2000
Here's the way I saw the Olympia held at the Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas Resort in the year 2000. I recorded this as I sat watching the show.
Chris Dickerson sang the National Anthem. I was backstage, didn't know who was singing. I just knew he was terrific. The audience gave him a tremendous round of applause. Then Kevin Levrone said that's Chris Dickerson. We all gave him our congratulations.
Several past Mr. Olympias acted as co MC's. In attendance were in order of appearance as MCs: Larry Scott, Sergio Olivia, Chris Dickerson, Samir Bannout, and Dorian Yates. I introduced the first contestant Kevin Levrone... Kevin looked cut, sliced up better than I had ever seen him look. He was ready this year.
Shawn Ray looked about the same... always ready, in great shape but nothing different. He always looks smaller than the big guys but gets better as the show goes on because of his demeanour and his quality physique.
The next contestant was Dexter Jackson, black male. Excellent proportions, lacking a little in his calves. Great overall proportions. Moves very well in his posing routine. 2nd Olympia contest he had been in.
Next was Ronnie Coleman, biggest guy here. Sliced as he has always been. Put on 20 lbs since last year. I went back stage put my hand on his shoulders. His traps were the size of a loaf of bread. He is just incredible. You have to stand next to him to appreciate the magnificent size of this guy. Genuine nice personality.
Next was Lee Priest, 5'4" 225. Posing routine, fluid, beautiful to watch. Imagination in his posing. Exceptional arms and legs. Trunk a little too long but best arms at the show. Neck is too thin. Exceptional forearms. Posing the best. Incredible back double back shot and back spread. More impressive in his posing display than in the pre-judging.
Next was Nasser El Sonbaty. Looks pretty much the same as other years. Looks a little smaller than the other guys. Posing is quite static. Kind of hard to follow Lee Priest however. Nasser a little flat also. Doesn't seem to quite have it this year. First couple of poses... had to urge the audience to give more applause. Probably going to be struggling to make it in the top 5. Wrong poses for his body. Might be an off year for Nasser.
Next... Orville Burke... first time in the Olympia. Black male, wide shoulders, weak calves. Magnificent back. Excellent thighs, average poser. Doesn't seem to have the grace of the others. Little disproportionate. A bit of protruding abdomen.
Jay Cutler. big blond white male. just a little smooth. Posing a little blocky. Almost like mandatory poses. Not much rhythm. Overall body is huge or he wouldn't be in this. Show. Need to drop some body fat.
Oleg Zhur: best lines of anyone in the show. Doesn't have the size to win but has the beautiful lines of Francis Benfatto. Wonderful abdominals and beautiful arched rib cage. Little smooth in the upper body. Doesn't have the looks of Francis but his body standing straight on and slightly flexed is beautiful.
Markus Ruhl: This guy is absolutely huge. Bigger than Ronnie Coleman. Blond from Germany. They say 275, looks bigger than that. His thighs from the side are hard to believe. Terrific upper back double biceps is incredible. Not as good as Ronnie's but really big. Front double biceps is like a caricature of a bodybuilder. He is that big!
Flex Wheeler: A little flat. His lines are real good but his attitude puts you off a bit because he's so arrogant. He looks like he needs another 10 lbs in contrast to the guys just ahead of him. I just hear Sergio (sitting next to me): "Yeah he needs another 10 lbs." Standing next to the other guys his lines are so good he looks better than he does standing out here by himself. Lines are excellent, small waist. Good abs always evident. Good intercostals and serratus. Does a full split in his routines. The audience gasps. His back is his best feature. Really sliced up. Just looks a bit small, has to ask the audience for more applause. I've seen him look better. He took second last year he may not do that this year.
Dennis James: black man, good proportions, calves a little small. A little shorter than the other guys. Interesting posing routine. More imaginative than anything we've seen so far. A robotic posing presentation. Adds interest for the audience.
Gunter Schlierkammp: 290 lb German. Great head, good head of hair. His structure is so big he needs even more mass in order to look huge proportionately. Hard to believe he would need more size coming in at 290 but Gunter is a big big man. Good stage presence. Massive thighs. Terrific smile. Imaginative posing routine for a man so big. Perhaps too imaginative. Should use Dorian's posing routine. Doesn't have that bloated abdominal.
Placing: Top 7
Markus Ruhl: given 7th place and the audience booed heartily. I agreed. I thought he should have beaten Nasser and maybe even Lee Priest. I guess it's hard to nudge out the regulars unless you stun everyone.
Top six left.
Note: Kevin stood next to Ronnie and actually pointing to Ronnie's abs then pointing to his own abs. Pointing out to everyone that he had a better abdominal section than Ronnie. And he does. Ronnie has that big HGH look but Kevin is trimmer in the waist. At least this year anyway. I've seen Kevin look as bloated.
Sixth place Lee Priest.
Fifth Place Nasser El Sonbaty.
Shawn Ray 4th Place
Flex Wheeler 3rd place
Kevin Levrone 2nd place and he deserved it. He thought he was going to beat Ronnie. NO way. I asked the judges before the decision was made if the choice was difficult this year. They said "not for first place it isn't."
Ronnie Coleman Mr. Olympia 2000. 3rd year in row. Upon announcing the 2nd place winner, Ronnie laid down on stage for a full 6 minutes. Kevin tried to reach down and congratulate him but Ronnie was still supine. After Kevin had walked off and everyone was just simply waiting for Ronnie, he still stayed on the floor. It made me wonder. Gratitude is wonderful, but...?
Larry Scott, Larry Scott & Associates,
[5] Seminarium och evenemang runtom i Sverige
14/11 Seminarium 13:00 med Anders Graneheim
Öråns Sportklubb
Storgatan 28
921 31 Lycksele
Kent Johansson, 0950-123 25
Endast för medlemmar
Känner du till ett evenemang som du vill tipsa om; maila oss:
[6] Allmän information
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