Biotechnology and the Food Industry
Calorie Control Council
CookingLight Online
Diet Supplements Revealed
Epicurious Foods
Har du någonsin köpt fel sorts tonfisk?
Nutri-Facts is your free source for nutrition information on almost six thousand different foods. We have taken the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 13 and put it into a format that the average Joe could use.
Office of Dietary Supplements
Salt Institute
Sam Guino Cooks
Soup of the evening
The Body Gourmet
The Cook's Thesaurus
The Cook's Thesaurus is a culinary encyclopedia that covers thousands of cooking ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.
The Glycemic Index samt GI lists
Tuft University - Nutrition Navigator
Udo Erasmus
Författaren till boken Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill förklarar hur hälsan beror på kosten, vitaminer och naturlig olja. har lagt ut en intervju med Udo.
Will Brink
Hemsida för den välkända nutrionist-/fitnesskribenten samt bodybuildinggurun Will Brink.
Vitamin C Foundation
"When an old and distinguished person speaks to you, listen to him carefully and with respect -- but do not believe him. Never put your trust in anything but your own intellect. Your elder, no matter whether he has gray hair or has lost his hair, no matter whether he is a Nobel Laureate, may be wrong. The world progresses, year by year, century by century, as the members of younger generations find out what was wrong among the things that their elders said. So you must always be skeptical -- always think for yourself."
Linus Pauling on December 10, 1954 (in Sweden to receive his first Nobel Prize speaking to a group of university students.)
Yngvie's Homepage - The Heavy Duty Porridge
I asked myself if there where any alternatives to gainers. The alternative should have the same nutritional value as a gainer, content fibers, taste better, be easy to prepare and cheaper than all gainers.
A porridge alone will not contain all the nutrients a gainer has, in particular it lacks vitamin A, E and C. As I understood, the porridges must be added some very well chosen complements. I succeded and after a lot of work these receipts came trough.