B&K - Diskussionsforum

B&K:s nya diskussionsforum

DCForum har flertalet funktioner som saknades i det förra: bland annat login med användarnamn och lösenord, separata konferenser/forum, fler än en moderator, arkivering av gamla meddelanden, backup (doh!), och många fler (läs mer om DCForum här).

Innan vi alla har bekantat oss med forumet hoppas jag att ni har överseende med mindre buggar och (eventuella) missöden. Tveka inte att kontakta mig på .

Läs gärna de vanligaste frågorna om DCForum (FAQs). NB, alla funktioner som beskrivs är inte påslagna.

Med vänliga hälsningar, Magnus Branzén

Gå till B&K:s nya forum genom nedanstående länk:


Alla kan läsa de meddelanden som postas i de olika konferenserna/forumen. Men för att kunna posta ett meddelande måste du först skaffa ett konto och logga in med användarnamn och lösenord. Glöm inte att logga ut efter du är färdig (klicka på Logout).

Skaffa ett konto:

Klicka på länken 'Please Register' (uppe till höger) för att registrera ditt användarnamn och få ett lösenord. Ett konto gör att du kan skriva och svara på inlägg samt kontakta andra medlemmar via e-post. Du kan också ändra i eller radera dina egna inlägg (inom en tidsram på 60 minuter). Registrerade medlemmar kan också prenumerera på ett forum och bli uppdaterade via e-post vid nya inlägg.

Efter det att du har registrerat dig väntar du en kort stund på ett e-postmeddelande vid namn 'Information för B&K:s forum' som skickas till din brevlåda med ett systemgenererat lösenord. Gå sedan tillbaks till forumet och använd det nya lösenordet för att logga in. Du kan enkelt byta lösenord genom att ändra i menyn vid namn 'User' .

Här följer en översikt gjord av en annan användare av DCForum (på väg att översättas/anpassas...):

How to use this board

Purpose of this board:

This board is primarily for academic and scientific discussions on entomology. Please post your research requests, information on your on-going research, research results, links to abstracts on entomology, employment posts, announcements and news of interest to entomologists, collecting data, field notes, tips, photos, etc. Commercial posts are welcome but are restricted to the 'Items for Sale/Wanted' forum in the 'General' conference.


  • Dedicated conferences for each major order of class Insecta plus a variety of other entomology sub topics - all under one roof
  • New forums may be created upon request to Admin.
  • Contact other users directly via e-mail
  • Advanced search engine
  • Sort messages according to date, author, topic, etc.
  • Subscribe to any number of forums (via your User Menu) and receive e-mails notifying you of new topics posted in those forums
  • When posting a message: option to be notified when another user replies to your post
  • Change your password via User Menu dialog
  • Post images or URLs within the body of a message

Hierarchy and Navigation:

The hierarchy of Entomology Discussion Groups looks like this: Home > Conferences > Forums

Use these hierarchy links above the column headers to navigate backward or forward:

  • Home - Takes the user back to the splash page of www.entomon.net. Sponsor banners can be seen here. Please visit our sponsors and say 'Hi!' from Entomon.net.
  • Conferences - This link takes you to the first page (also called the 'Lobby') at the beginning of the board. All Conferences are displayed here. A Conference is a group of discussion Forums.
  • Forums - A specialized discussion group within a conference.
  • Topic - A message posted within a Forum. A topic is the first message that begins a 'thread'.
  • Messages - Replies to a topic or replies to another reply. 

'Lobby': If you get lost, click on 'Lobby' icon or the 'Conferences' link to go back to the beginning of the discussion board. Some times a 'Go back' link will be visible at the top of a page. (Avoid using the Back button on your browser to navigate within this board.)

'Help': Click on the 'Help' icon to read Frequently Asked Questions for more information on the mechanics of this board.

'Protected' forums: All messages on this board may be read by anyone. However, all forums are 'protected'. A protected forum requires that your are logged in before you can to post or reply to messages or send an e-mail to another user.

Change your password: Users are initially issued a system-generated password. You may change your password by logging on to the board and clicking on the User icon.

Editing messages: You can only edit a post within the first 60 minutes of posting it - and, of course, you must be logged in. This time limit is a safety device to keep the threads orderly. To edit a post you must first re-open your message by clicking on the caption. Then you will see an 'Edit' command towards the bottom of the screen. (But after 60 minutes this command will not be visible.) If your 60 minutes period has passed and you need to make a change to a message, you will have to notify Admin. But even I as Admin cannot edit your message. The only recourse is for me to delete it altogether (along with any replies) and for you to repost it in its revised form. Keep this in mind when you prepare your messages. 

Subscribe to a forum: After logging on, use the User Menu dialog box to subscribe to forums. You will be periodically notified of any new posts in the forums you subscribe to.

Posting images:

In your message, you may post a link to a .jpg or .gif image (up to 50 K in size) that resides on the Internet. Simply type in the FULL URL to the image, starting with http://, in the body of your message where you want the image to appear. DO NOT USE BRACKETS, TAGS, OR QUOTATION MARKS IN YOUR URL.

Suggesting a Conference or Forum:

This board is very extensive but I haven't covered every possible insect order, or entomology subtopic. If you would like to have a conference or forum added for your specific interest or niche, please make a request to admin@entomon.net or make a suggestion in the 'Feedback' forum in the General Conference. Thank you, - Clark Thompson, Administrator

Sidan skapad 2000-11-04 | Senast uppdaterad den 07 november 2000 av