B&KArtiklar - Sökes: Översättare till Sandows webbplats

Sökes: Översättare till Sandows webbplats

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Sandow - Historic Photographs of Early Bodybuilders

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Christian Anderson, , webmaster för Sandow - Historic Photographs of Early Bodybuilders undrar om det finns några vänliga själar som har lust att översätta följande engelska introduktionstext till hans webbplats till de olika nordiska språken (finska, norska, danska, urdu, isländska, osv). Gymråttan, alias Magnus Branzén, tar hand om den svenska översättningen...

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"Highlighted in this exhibition of restored Victorian muscle champion photographs, is perhaps the most famous bodybuilder of his day, Eugen Sandow. Born Friederich Wilhelm Mueller on April 2, 1867, he began his career as a sideshow "strongman". Sandow decided it wasn't enough to simply demonstrate his strength, he made the display of his muscular physique the feature of a stage show. Florenz Ziegfeld eventually produced an act entitled "Sandow's Trocadero Vaudevilles" for major theatres. Sandow built his musculature to the porportions of classical Greek and Roman sculpture...even imitating their poses. At the Chicago World's Fair he even stood inside a black velvet-lined booth, posing with white powder covering his body, so that he would appear as a marble statue, a living sculpture. He was highly educated, articulate, a sharp businessman, and a gentleman. Though born in Prussia (now Germany), he lived in England most of his life, but toured the world over. Sandow was also among the first to advocate a government Ministry of Health, sanitary inspectors, family allowances, free meals for underprivileged children, compulsory physical education in schools, and pre-natal examinations for pregnant women...extraordinary concepts for the time. In his personal life, the person he was closest to was not his wife, Blanche Brookes Sandow, but rather his long time companion, Martinus Sieveking, a composer and concert pianist. The handsome Sieveking built a fine physique of his own and a photograph of him may be seen on this site, as well. Sadly, Sandow died in 1925 in London, as a result of a burst blood vessel in his brain, most probably brought on from lifting an automobile from a ditch after an accident. Today the Mr. Olympia contest, the ultimate prize in bodybuilding, presents a bronze statue of Sandow as it's trophy, a fitting tribute to the first modern bodybuilder. It is to the memory of Eugen Sandow, world famous in his day, that this website of Victorian bodybuilding photography is fondly dedicated."




Skapad 2001-02-04 | Uppdaterad den 05 februari 2001 av